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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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14 hours ago, plurie said:

And Chad and Andre - uncles.

And Jett, Johnny, Sydney and Thomas, cousins.

Brandon is Nicole and Taylor's brother.  It was believed that their father was abusive Paul Mendez.  It was because of his abuse that they all changed their last name to Walker, their mother Fay's maiden name.  It was later revealed that Brandon was Abe's son. Brandon was married to Sami for a little while.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

And Jett, Johnny, Sydney and Thomas, cousins.

Brandon is Nicole and Taylor's brother.  It was believed that their father was abusive Paul Mendez.  It was because of his abuse that they all changed their last name to Walker, their mother Fay's maiden name.  It was later revealed that Brandon was Abe's son. Brandon was married to Sami for a little while.

Also Jonah as his uncle.  Would love for them to bring Jonah and Wendy back to the show.  Why not build the Carver's back up.  Bring back Jonah, Wendy, and Wendy's son back to the show.  Have Jett,Celeste and Brandon move back to town.  We're already getting Lani back.

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So, I just got around to watching Thursday's ep- where Abe gets shot.  I hear all this talk of "budget" issues. Well,  they can save money by trimming their "day players".  And I'm speaking specifically of the ones playing cops.  There were a ton of them in the Square and in the Pub. Shouldn't they be out patrolling the streets, where there is "looting and vigilantism"? 

And for all those cops in the Square, Clyde was able to walk on by, disguised only in a hat. And he set up in a nearby building, and got a shot off. And escaped.

And how are the average citizens of Salem so scared if they know that Orpheus and Co are targeting specific people ? I think they'd all be like " too bad for the Johnson/Blacks, but I've got my life to live, ya know?"

and do we still not know yet how Orpheus was captured, and managed to be kept locked up for THIRTY years without escaping? Andre escaped , more than once I believe, and you're saying Orpheus can't? And WHAT was he convicted of that got him thirty years, when Andre is still walking around free ? (Never mind Victor) 

And, I also watched parts of episodes I missed last week - like Theo's meltdown when the lights went out. I felt really bad for him when Lucas and Adrienne were panicking and banging on the door and yelling at him, because that may only serve to WORSEN his episode. Thankfully, he pulled himself together, with no help from the others. And they didn't seem too concerned about him either. I have a special needs son myself, and I found myself yelling at the tv "shut the f up and calm down- he's going to sense your panic , and it won't help!"

Speaking of Lucas..id really like to see some scenes with him and his only remaining child, Allie. Apparently, being AWOL from our screens is built into the DNA. 

Edited by neuromom
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I thought he was playing repair man at the Inn...


and do we still not know yet how Orpheus was captured, and managed to be kept locked up for THIRTY years without escaping? Andre escaped , more than once I believe, and you're saying Orpheus can't? And WHAT was he convicted of that got him thirty years, when Andre is still walking around free ?


^^^^ My biggest gripe thus far. If you're going to reverse someone's death create an explanation!! 

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 2
10 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Also Jonah as his uncle.  Would love for them to bring Jonah and Wendy back to the show.  Why not build the Carver's back up.  Bring back Jonah, Wendy, and Wendy's son back to the show.  Have Jett,Celeste and Brandon move back to town.  We're already getting Lani back.

The Carvers deserved to be built up and not the Hernandez via Rafe..Abe has paid his dues on the show, unlike Rafe..He deserves to have his own family  as a patriarch and dealing with them and not just act as a supporting player to everybody else....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 8

I'd love to see members of the extended Carver family back on screen, especially Celeste and Brandon.

The show is tons better than it was just over the summer and I'm really enjoying Orpheus.  However, looting is an indicator of deep and serious societal problems.  If the three Darryls were the catalyst, then Salem has much bigger issues than the escapees!  What have the three of them done to make the whole town scared, anyway?  It seems like their clumsy efforts have been directed at a very small number of people.

  • Love 8
37 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I'd love to see members of the extended Carver family back on screen, especially Celeste and Brandon.

The show is tons better than it was just over the summer and I'm really enjoying Orpheus.  However, looting is an indicator of deep and serious societal problems.  If the three Darryls were the catalyst, then Salem has much bigger issues than the escapees!  What have the three of them done to make the whole town scared, anyway?  It seems like their clumsy efforts have been directed at a very small number of people.

I think that if they had caused violence and death indiscriminately  around Salem..Their ominous presence would be terrifying to the town...It is not like these three criminals were serial killers, they targeted specific people, not the whole town, of Salem.... I think that if you are a Brady or a Horton, you should be scared...However, if you are an average Joe minding your own business, you should be fine...lol

I do think Orpheus is the scariest out of the three, he is just cool under pressure and does not give a damn..Whereas, Xander are Clyde are more impulsive and emotional...Their pride will be bring them down....Orpheus should get away, after all is said and done, to torment his victims in the future...I am hoping that Will being alive will be his ace in the hole.....He has Will somewhere, via his children..That is how he got away the last time, he had proof that Marlena was indeed alive, months after she was believed to be dead....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Kitty Redstone said:

I'd love to see members of the extended Carver family back on screen, especially Celeste and Brandon.

The show is tons better than it was just over the summer and I'm really enjoying Orpheus.  However, looting is an indicator of deep and serious societal problems.  If the three Darryls were the catalyst, then Salem has much bigger issues than the escapees!  What have the three of them done to make the whole town scared, anyway?  It seems like their clumsy efforts have been directed at a very small number of people.

I don't even understand why the entire town is on lockdown or whatever. (Are they on lockdown? It doesn't seem like it.). Only a handful of people are actually in danger so it would've been much more effective to keep those people isolated somewhere/get them out of town until the convicts have been caught.

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I don't understand, either.  It would make sense to have some kind of wide-scale safety procedures if the escapees were going around terrorizing innocent people.  But it doesn't seem like that what's happening (I've been watching while working, so my attention has been divided).  If everyone is on lockdown to protect a handful of dumbass people who didn't have the sense to get out of town when they became the targets of a small crew of escaped psychopaths, then that right there is bullshit.  I would certainly be tempted to start a riot or something.  Hmmm.  Perhaps this explains the looting.  99% of the town is pissed off that their lives were upended for something they had nothing to do with.

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For most people, a power outage would not be an incentive to go loot places. You would stay home and wait for the power to come back. A few teens may do stupid shenanigans, but they would do it anyway. The tow. Would not be on lockdown unless there was some serious danger. They would just be three mugshots on the news.

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Or did Chloe visit a sperm bank

I don't know why I didn't think of this, but why wouldn't she just say so, unless she is indeed playing games to make Deimos jealous or whatever? It's not beyond her, but..no really, why?? And I guess sperm bank isn't the answer either, because how is Phillip showing up as the father?

This plot point is going to be dumber than ANYTHING on GH, isn't it? Congrats, Days. You outstupided the competition.

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Cosgrove is a gem. That last scene was creepy and sad and desperate and everything it could be and more. They are such fools for writing him into multiple corners and throwing him under the bus over and over. It's going to be a long time before they find someone who has anything close to chemistry with Hope.

Is anyone else tired of Steve and Kayla? It feels like a year of unending misery for them. Maybe I just need some Theresa on my screen again...

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Team Aiden, Team Aiden....I know that I should be rooting for Hope, but, I find her repulsive....I cannot stand her, ever since, she got with that dullard Rafe....I find it to be amazing, that the women on this show are used as props, to make the writers' pets who are usually males, palatable....I want Hope to suffer and face the consequences for something..The show always gives her out, she was brainwashed, a chip was put in her brain or she was drugged via the nightime Hope sage..The ultimate excuse for her, is constantly blaming Bo for everything, that has ever gone wrong, in her life...Bo was not perfect, but, he always did his best to try and please his fancy face..Fuck off Hope!  Go Aiden, Go!

This Deimos/Chloe/Nicole/Philip quad is annoying and unnecessary...Chloe and Nicole are being used like Hope, to prop Deimos...It needs to stop..Chloe should be mixing it up with Brady and Philip.. She should not be pregnant....I am pretty sure that she is carrying the spawn of St. Daniel, the patron saint of perverted doctors....I have accepted that Taniel will always have a presence on this show, no matter what...

Dario is another asshole, why is he still on the show....

I love Stayla and I want Joey to be rescued, not for him, but for them..

Jarlena was good with Claire, hopefully, she starts to listen to them more...

3 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Is anyone else tired of Steve and Kayla? It feels like a year of unending misery for them. Maybe I just need some Theresa on my screen again...

Welcome to the club of loving a supercouple, Kim and Shane had the title of the most tortured couple ever on the show....It was just misery after misery after misery....

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Acting tics on JPL's part aside, I was liking Phillip and Chloe's renewed friendship After what's been done to her character over the last few years and the constant abuse she gets from Kate and Prctor, it was nice to see someone treat her well. Now that's all going to hell. I even liked her brief scenes with Deimos in the cabin, but that quickly went to hell. And for what? Some stupid unnecessary baby to anchor Deimos to the show.

I wish Aidan were blackmailing Hope because he's tired of her murdering ass and Rafe's corrupt ass being smug and self righteous, NOT because he's still obsessed with getting her back. Newsflash Aidan: Hope isn't all that great these days. 

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Aiden is creepy as fuck!!!   
Sociopath.  Disturbed.  Creepy.  
And emotionally abusive -  Forcing a person to stay with you who don't love you is WRONG.   
Again,  Hope do better ratting herself out.  I get she don't want to throw Rafe and Roman under the bus,  but this is ick.   I thought she and Larry Welch was bad this tops it.   I mean KA and DC are doing a decent sell job, probably better than the mess I keep seeing with Julexis over on GH,  but man Aiden has just worn out his welcome.   

  • Love 4

Team Aiden here too. Somehow I don't think that's who the writer's wanted or expected us to cheer for, but I do give them credit for coming up with the blackmail story-line. It makes sense, well if you have to make sense out of what the previous writers did to Hope and Aiden. And Aiden did have the shady history of his wife's death, so this turn of events isn't completely out of the blue. 

I still hate that they had Hope murder Stefano, but I could see this story-line playing out if Bo was still her husband and he and Roman helped her cover up the murder. But Rafe being involved just made Hope so unlikable. Especially her falling in love with Rafe while they were covering up the murder.  So "go Aiden go". 

Philip with Chloe is the only time I've liked JPL's portrayal of the character.  He was awful with Belle. But he and Chloe kinda worked.  So of course, now Chloe is leaving.

As for the baby daddy, it really is going to be Daniel's, isn't it. And because Nicole is with Deimos and Chloe doesn't trust Deimos, she can't tell Nicole the truth. And this baby will probably be a boy and then there will be only one possible name for it.  And if it's a girl, there's always Danielle. Ugh.

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Team Aiden, Team Aiden....I know that I should be rooting for Hope, but, I find her repulsive....I cannot stand her

Minority opinion perhaps, but I ain't afraid to go against the grain: I've never liked Hope. She has by turns, annoyed me, bored me, and/or infuriated me.  I'm totally team Aiden on making her squirm-perfect princess Hope DID murder someone, after all-I just wish he didn't still want her.

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43 minutes ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Minority opinion perhaps, but I ain't afraid to go against the grain: I've never liked Hope. She has by turns, annoyed me, bored me, and/or infuriated me.  I'm totally team Aiden on making her squirm-perfect princess Hope DID murder someone, after all-I just wish he didn't still want her.

Ahhh....a kindred spirit. Im right there with you on this. Im enjoying Aiden making her squirm!

  • Love 2
6 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Team Aiden, Team Aiden....I know that I should be rooting for Hope, but, I find her repulsive....I cannot stand her, ever since, she got with that dullard Rafe....I find it to be amazing, that the women on this show are used as props, to make the writers' pets who are usually males, palatable....I want Hope to suffer and face the consequences for something..The show always gives her out, she was brainwashed, a chip was put in her brain or she was drugged via the nightime Hope sage..The ultimate excuse for her, is constantly blaming Bo for everything, that has ever gone wrong, in her life...Bo was not perfect, but, he always did his best to try and please his fancy face..Fuck off Hope!  Go Aiden, Go!

This Deimos/Chloe/Nicole/Philip quad is annoying and unnecessary...Chloe and Nicole are being used like Hope, to prop Deimos...It needs to stop..Chloe should be mixing it up with Brady and Philip.. She should not be pregnant....I am pretty sure that she is carrying the spawn of St. Daniel, the patron saint of perverted doctors....I have accepted that Taniel will always have a presence on this show, no matter what...

Dario is another asshole, why is he still on the show....

I love Stayla and I want Joey to be rescued, not for him, but for them..

Jarlena was good with Claire, hopefully, she starts to listen to them more...

Welcome to the club of loving a supercouple, Kim and Shane had the title of the most tortured couple ever on the show....It was just misery after misery after misery....

I love all of this, especially your comments  about Hope (I now hate her as much as I hate Jennifer, I think I like Kate more than them and that's saying something) and Aiden (I hate how they are treating the character and the actor, the show should be working to keep them both).  I want Hope to go down so bad at this point that I don't care what ridiculous way it happens.

The show should have held off on Chloe's return until the actress had her baby because I'm sick of her and everyone involved in this dud of a story. I don't care who the father is going to be revealed to be because everything Chloe has done has been downright stupid (don't want Deimos to know your pregnant, why not go to the small town where he lives and see him everyday; dont want to see Deimos, move in with the woman Deimos is involved with) and it makes me wonder what game she is playing.

As for Steve and Kayla, every time I see them I wonder if Kayla is teary-eyed because she is worried over Joey, or if she is secretly frightened that Orpheus will eventually realize that there is no greater punishment than returning the murdering moron back to Kayla (the show really screwed up by making Joey a premeditated murderer, I just cant get past it and it is so bad that I dont know that recasting could salvage the character).  I say send him off to some out of state school; bring back Stephanie; and think about recasting years down the road when his moronic misdeeds aren't the first thing we think of when we see Joey.

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4 hours ago, worleybird said:

I'm kinda hoping Hope will counter-blackmail Aiden with threatening to tell Chase he was the one who killed his own mother and maybe that's why he's so f'd up.

I'm also on Team Aiden, but this would be pretty awesome!  Soaps are so rote these days and this would be an interesting turn. 

Daniel Cosgrove is indeed a gem and I hope he's around for the long-term.  Aiden is a creeper but there are still people (including myself) who want him to win.  That takes talent!

Steve and Kayla definitely need something else to do besides worry about their murderous son.  I just don't care for Joey at all, so him being a hostage isn't high stakes for me.  It'd be great if his kidnapping turns into them finding out that Joey is really not their son. 

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 8
25 minutes ago, Kitty Redstone said:

Steve and Kayla definitely need something else to do besides worry about their murderous son.  I just don't care for Joey at all, so him being a hostage isn't high stakes for me.  It'd be great if his kidnapping turns into them finding out that Joey is really not their son. 

I would love for this to be the case and not just because I want their child not to be, well, Joey, because there is no way that either one, especially Kayla would stop loving Joey and considering him their son, but because I always thought that was the reveal that was being planned when they found the kidnapped Joey and Kayla thought there was something different about the way the baby looked.  I thought then, "Oh, this is why the show had the storyline that Kayla gave birth early and neither she nor Steve were able to hold the baby, so that when the reveal was made, we and they would remember it and it would make sense that Steve and Kayla could not tell that their baby had been switched out for someone else's child."

  • Love 6
26 minutes ago, Happytobehere said:

I would love for this to be the case and not just because I want their child not to be, well, Joey, because there is no way that either one, especially Kayla would stop loving Joey and considering him their son, but because I always thought that was the reveal that was being planned when they found the kidnapped Joey and Kayla thought there was something different about the way the baby looked.  I thought then, "Oh, this is why the show had the storyline that Kayla gave birth early and neither she nor Steve were able to hold the baby, so that when the reveal was made, we and they would remember it and it would make sense that Steve and Kayla could not tell that their baby had been switched out for someone else's child."

Joey will turn out to be Ava's, and Steve and Kayla will find out their REAL bouncing baby boy is......John!  I can't wait to see how they bond with their new baby.  Potty training HAS to start ASAP.

Edited by boes
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Steve and Kayla are literally the only reason I'm watching this crapfest, so I was annoyed today when they were only on today for two minutes with nothing to it.  But they need to be rescued from this pattern of worrying after Joey, and with the back and forth in their problems as the counterpoint.  It's a shame to me that they didn't play out the Fynn story... let Kayla decide with a real choice that she would rather have Steve and all his messiness, instead of constantly being browbeaten about taking him back.

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I really wanted Kayla to just burst out in a fit of anger and yell, "Why do we always have to deal with this ****? Why can't these villains stay dead already? It's always something!"

I am sick and tired of watching them be sick and tired of everything.  Steve and Kayla deserve better.  I hope Orpheus fits Joey with cement shoes and throws him off the pier.

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I'm with Team Aiden for now. Fancyface needs a come-down. No, what happened in your life isn't about Bo. You made some choices, dear. Brainwashed, turned in to Princess Gina, drugged to be Day and Night Hope. You killed Stefano and deserve a little karma. I know I'd rather be alone than with Rafe.

Chloe, what really is your point? No need to saddle you with another kid. I'm not sure I really care who the daddy is. You blipped in for a short time.

I did like Nicole tailing Deimos and getting an earful. And hauling him to apologize to Chloe.

Steve and Kayla need a nice vacation somewhere and some memory erase to forget Joey. Or Kayla needs a better, more viable option in a lifemate. Steve still has a bit of growing up to do.

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From what I'm reading here, "Team Aiden" is not such a UO!

count me in as "Team Aiden" and "Team Orpheus " (not Clyde or Xander)

i want to see the self righteous, and in some cases , hypocritical murderers, suffer! 

If the writers can find a way to keep Andre on the canvas- who is a serial killer and has "died" more than once- certainly they can find a way to keep Aiden and Orpheus around. If for no other reason than Cosgrove and Delhoyo.

Edited by neuromom
  • Love 5

Indeed. I still wish Xander was sticking around, being "forgiven" as Kate has been so many times, and permitted to have a fun, hijinx-filled romp with various characters ending up in bed with him. I feel like that would be just the tonic we need. He looks like he can play funny. Like, silly Down With Love style stuff.

Does this show ever write to anyone's strengths?!

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5 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Indeed. I still wish Xander was sticking around, being "forgiven" as Kate has been so many times, and permitted to have a fun, hijinx-filled romp with various characters ending up in bed with him. I feel like that would be just the tonic we need. He looks like he can play funny. Like, silly Down With Love style stuff.

Does this show ever write to anyone's strengths?!

Rarely. You ask for too much.

Xander is hot, but a bit misguided. Anger over being jailed for a crime you did not commit will do that to you. Too bad Deimos can't be a guardian to him.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

As for Steve and Kayla, every time I see them I wonder if Kayla is teary-eyed because she is worried over Joey, or if she is secretly frightened that Orpheus will eventually realize that there is no greater punishment than returning the murdering moron back to Kayla (the show really screwed up by making Joey a premeditated murderer, I just cant get past it and it is so bad that I dont know that recasting could salvage the character).  I say send him off to some out of state school; bring back Stephanie; and think about recasting years down the road when his moronic misdeeds aren't the first thing we think of when we see Joey.

I feel that the show could salvage his character with good writing and a recast..We have seen other characters commit heinous crimes and moved on from that..

Marlena tried to kill Stefano twice..She shot him after he kidnapped the twins and mocked her..The second time was when she poisoned him and put him in a coma....I loved it....Stefano being in a vegetative state was the best revenge and that should have been his end...

Gabi planned Nick's murder, when he was no longer a threat to her, it was self-serving and not the selfless act that the show later wrote, to mitigate her crime..You guys love her on here...I am indifferent to her...

Jo Johnson, Joey's grandmother, killed Nick Corelli out of revenge, for killing Steve..She showed no remorse for it..That scene where she confronted Nick about killing her oldest son and the guilt that Jo felt for letting her baby down..I cried when I watched that scene months ago...It gave me chills...She faked being insane to get away with it, with Jack's help...I still love Jo Johnson, she was such a tragic character, that made poor choices, in a horrible husband and made decisions that were consequential to her three children.. Jo was messed up and it is what made her so endearing..

Theresa tried to kill John twice..The first time was an emotional response..The second time, she went to the hospital to inject a drug into his IV, to kill him...I don't care for her...

Sami shot EJ in the head. He was unconscious at the time and not a threat to her..

Will tried to kill EJ and left him paralyzed...

Carly killed Lawrence....I clapped when she did that...Carly leaving Bo to get back together with Lawrence bothered me at the time..I know that Crystal Chappel was warring with the actor that played FauxBo....He was a pervert...I loved Bo and Carly version 1....Carly deserves a medal for killing Lawrence...

Ava Vitalli has done alot of crimes against the Brady family, since her arrival on the show...She killed papa Shawn, the patriarch of the Brady family..She was always going to be a threat to Joey's family..She was never going to stop, until she killed Kayla, to get Steve.....I don't agree with Joey killing her, but, it is not that out of character, if you think about the Johnson family saga as a whole...Steve as a kid, tried to kill his dad Duke and it was what pushed his mother Jo to give him and Jack up at the orphanage....

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I feel that the show could salvage his character with good writing and a recast..We have seen other characters commit heinous crimes and moved on from that..

Marlena tried to kill Stefano twice..She shot him after he kidnapped the twins and mocked her..The second time was when she poisoned him and put him in a coma....I loved it....Stefano being in a vegetative state was the best revenge and that should have been his end...

Gabi planned Nick's murder, when he was no longer a threat to her, it was self-serving and not the selfless act that the show later wrote, to mitigate her crime..You guys love her on here...I am indifferent to her...

Jo Johnson, Joey's grandmother, killed Nick Corelli out of revenge, for killing Steve..She showed no remorse for it..That scene where she confronted Nick about killing her oldest son and the guilt that Jo felt for letting her baby down..I cried when I watched that scene months ago...It gave me chills...She faked being insane to get away with it, with Jack's help...I still love Jo Johnson, she was such a tragic character, that made poor choices, in a horrible husband and made decisions that were consequential to her three children.. Jo was messed up and it is what made her so endearing..

Theresa tried to kill John twice..The first time was an emotional response..The second time, she went to the hospital to inject a drug into his IV, to kill him...I don't care for her...

Sami shot EJ in the head. He was unconscious at the time and not a threat to her..

Will tried to kill EJ and left him paralyzed...

Carly killed Lawrence....I clapped when she did that...Carly leaving Bo to get back together with Lawrence bothered me at the time..I know that Crystal Chappel was warring with the actor that played FauxBo....He was a pervert...I loved Bo and Carly version 1....Carly deserves a medal for killing Lawrence...

Ava Vitalli has done alot of crimes against the Brady family, since her arrival on the show...She killed papa Shawn, the patriarch of the Brady family..She was always going to be a threat to Joey's family..She was never going to stop, until she killed Kayla, to get Steve.....I don't agree with Joey killing her, but, it is not that out of character, if you think about the Johnson family saga as a whole...Steve as a kid, tried to kill his dad Duke and it was what pushed his mother Jo to give him and Jack up at the orphanage....

I agree with all of this except, Joey knew full well all that Ava did and he really didn't care.  He killed her after finding out that rather than sexing him up, which was his greatest desire, she only used him and wanted to get it on with his dad.  So unlike the other cases  (with the exception of Theresa, who I don't care for either), Joey was not some put upon victim out to avenge a on-going pattern of wrongs, or even someone who committed a crime in the heat of the moment, he was a monsterous brat who murdered Ava because he couldn't get what he wanted, which was her to actually be interested in him (the show might try to make us think he did it because of what the she-devil was planning to do to Kayla.  I remember the scene where Steve told Joey all that happened, and that black rage came over him upon hearing about the sexcapades, and not after hearing  plan to fram Kayla for attempted murder, IMO, Joey started plotting Ava's demise the moment he realized she had played him for a chump).  He then figure out how to cause a distraction to get the police guard away from Ava's hospital room, and he coldly smothered her after she begged for her life.  Sympathy or understanding cannot be ascribed to the actions of Joey Johnson, and I say this as someone who hated Ava and felt no sympathy for her when she got her comeuppance.  If Steve or Kayla had killed Ava, I would understand and sympathize based on what she had done and was planning to do.  Joey killed Ava because of what she did to him, the evil she did to his family, which he never to into consideration before just made it easy to justify his actions.

  • Love 2
15 hours ago, mj2000 said:

Ahhh....a kindred spirit. Im right there with you on this. Im enjoying Aiden making her squirm!

Heh. :) As lukewarm as I am about KA, she had a perfect wordless reaction when Aiden whispered to Hope that he knew. I *loved* that moment. Rafe will save the day for her though, and for that, he must suffer.

  • Love 2
3 hours ago, Happytobehere said:

I agree with all of this except, Joey knew full well all that Ava did and he really didn't care.  He killed her after finding out that rather than sexing him up, which was his greatest desire, she only used him and wanted to get it on with his dad.  So unlike the other cases  (with the exception of Theresa, who I don't care for either), Joey was not some put upon victim out to avenge a on-going pattern of wrongs, or even someone who committed a crime in the heat of the moment, he was a monsterous brat who murdered Ava because he couldn't get what he wanted, which was her to actually be interested in him (the show might try to make us think he did it because of what the she-devil was planning to do to Kayla.  I remember the scene where Steve told Joey all that happened, and that black rage came over him upon hearing about the sexcapades, and not after hearing  plan to fram Kayla for attempted murder, IMO, Joey started plotting Ava's demise the moment he realized she had played him for a chump).  He then figure out how to cause a distraction to get the police guard away from Ava's hospital room, and he coldly smothered her after she begged for her life.  Sympathy or understanding cannot be ascribed to the actions of Joey Johnson, and I say this as someone who hated Ava and felt no sympathy for her when she got her comeuppance.  If Steve or Kayla had killed Ava, I would understand and sympathize based on what she had done and was planning to do.  Joey killed Ava because of what she did to him, the evil she did to his family, which he never to into consideration before just made it easy to justify his actions.

I agree with you..I was looking for a way to save the character.. Josh Griffith should have built Joey's growing disillusionment with Ava..He should have had scenes with Ava treating him like crap or even overheard Ava cackling with glee at the thought of making Kayla's life a living hell...He should have found that creepy shrine that Ava dedicated to her sick obsession with Steve...It would have in some ways, mitigated what he did.. Ava should have died, during her original reign of terror.  Despite Joey being a legacy character, he was still a new character to the audience....Turning him a killer was not the way to go..JJ was such a fascinating character, when he was messy and dealing with his father's legacy.....Once he became another worshiper of the holy orange one, I lost interest in him, real fast....

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WHY is Gabi wearing these outfits if the city is in chaos? Are bras on lockdown too?

Ha - so Brady's impromptu raid has screwed over the company? What a leader.

I have no clue why Chad is giving Andre a chance. Andre was threatening him over the Stefano murder mystery... Chad knows Andre is scum. What's the incentive??

And again, why backstab Sonny? In one day, he's basically betrayed his own intentions....

I had to laugh at Theresa's weak defense of Brady.

Edited by DisneyBoy
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  On what planet would Andre be accepted in any kind of "reputable" business? Has his history is in this town been wiped clean? He is a serial killer, who used to live a calling card, next to his victims' dead bodies....Chad is losing his brain cells, by getting involved with Andre and Kate....They are going to screw him over..Kate aligning herself with Andre is weird, even for her..I assume that she will be servicing him, in the bedroom real soon....Kate is the welcome mat of Salem...

Dena, nobody cares about the  Dimeras vs. Kiriakis war, that is to come, please stop! if it was Stefano against Victor, it would be one thing..The Kiriakis clan is so stupid now.. Brady is an idiot as usual....What a joke! 

Dario is annoying, why is he still on the show?

I miss the villains...They are the only good thing on this show...

I saw the spark between Justin and Adrienne today....They need to be on more and Lucas needs a woman that only has eyes for him..

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3 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

I agree with you..I was looking for a way to save the character.. Josh Griffith should have built Joey's growing disillusionment with Ava..He should have had scenes with Ava treating him like crap or even overheard Ava cackling with glee at the thought of making Kayla's life a living hell...He should have found that creepy shrine that Ava dedicated to her sick obsession with Steve...It would have in some ways, mitigated what he did.. Ava should have died, during her original reign of terror.  Despite Joey being a legacy character, he was still a new character to the audience....Turning him a killer was not the way to go..JJ was such a fascinating character, when he was messy and dealing with his father's legacy.....Once he became another worshiper of the holy orange one, I lost interest in him, real fast....

Joey was motivated to go after her at that moment because Steve told him how she was targeting his mother... but I agree, they didn't build it up enough so it made sense.  I thought it would have worked better if TB had chosen to play the storyline more as Ava toying with Joey all along... and in that last scene in the hospital room, if the dialogue had her taunting him into the act.  She's a great actress but some of the choices never made sense to me.

5 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Heh. :) As lukewarm as I am about KA, she had a perfect wordless reaction when Aiden whispered to Hope that he knew. I *loved* that moment. Rafe will save the day for her though, and for that, he must suffer.

I must agree. You know Rafe will save her with his cape flying ala Taniel. If only the con trio would take him. It's a nice dream.

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The family wars again? Recycling should be kept to environmental factors.

We all realize that Brady isn't exactly the sharpest tool in the shed, but I found it refreshing that Theresa burst in with her little speech. Most women would feel a little intimidated walking into a room full of Kiriakis men.

Did Failure kidnap Chad's conscience and take it to the hospital? He's doing everything for plot point baby he says. I don't think that plot point baby  (assuming he has a shred of good character inside him) would approve of his father stabbing a friend in the back in the name of the almighty dollar. Being a honest, hardworking father is an honorable legacy to leave a child. 

And apparently nobody has noticed the very standout of Salem, Jeremiah, snooping around town. If he can go around town undetected, it should leave little doubt as to why the con trio hasn't been apprehended.

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It's bad enough that Chad is trysting Kate, but now he's welcoming Andre back into the fold too? The serial killer who brainwashed him? AND he's now stabbing Sonny in the back again? I can't. What is this?

I don't take Sonny seriously as one of the big boy Kiriakis'. Sorry. This transformation has happened way too fast.

This Kiriakis vs Dimeria round 2322 is tried. How about the writers do their job and come up with something new.

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Man, I hate when they put little Theresa into a corner.  That is so obnoxious.

Before they leave town, could the Three Amigos please take out Andre?  And where did he get this money he's handing over to Chad?

So the Kiriakis family is still running illegal business?  And why isn't Victor involved in this big business powwow?

If Eve was so worried about Theresa, Brady and Tate, why didn't she come to Salem to check up on them?

Good for Gabi being proactive. And haha! for Dario's thug ratting him out. And good for Gabi for taking on Dario.

Philip could just tell Deimos that Chloe is going to New York to visit with her parents.

Geez, Wally Kurth is doing his best Captain Kirk impression.  Sonny. Could. use. your. help. right. now. Lucas. could. come. too.

Hooray for Theresa.

Sonny is pretty naïve. And of course Chad stabs him in the back.

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