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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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I've lurked on this forum since TWoP was shut down and have never had the courage to post, but want to tell Boes to please keep snarking no matter what! You are one of the big reasons I lurk because some of your comments have had me in tears from laughing so hard.  There is a way to watch the show the day it's aired, but I'm not sure if I should say here because what if those tyrants read these boards and then start cracking down elsewhere? The videos are on a very public site, but I guess TIIC over at Days don't pay much attention to it.


Should I just spill where to find them, or send a private message?


Welcome from lurkdom!  And if you're PM-ing the link, could you PM me too.  Sometimes I miss a show and never end up watching as it doesn't show up on Global's site until 3 PM ET the next day and by then I've already watched the next day's episode.


You could always put a pair of bunny ears on your tv  so the local channels will come in.


I don't have cable either, but I have a newer tv with a digital converter, therefore the cheap bunny ears gives me the local stations.


BOES, don't go! Yes, like Kitty said, day-old snark is better than no snark from Boes. I just lost a good work friend to another firm and that's hard enough : )


I agree. The only bad thing would be that you, Boes, risk getting spoiled about things that you won't see till the next day. 

  • Love 4

Seg 5

Ava texts Steve that she claims she's leaving. Steve doesn't believe it.

Jennifer sneaking pills, trying to play dumb with the kids about cooking. She goes to bed with pills in hand.

Ciara thinks Chase started the fire since he asked.

Hope is getting all firey with Rafe about stopping Andre.

  • Love 1

Seg 6

Marlena cries again she knows John will put himself in danger eventually.

Kayla what you doing...you don't know Steve stuck his wood in Ava.

Ciara believes Chase started the fire just to play hero.

Hope is rising that eyebrow. Andre is still watching and giggling. Hope finds the hidden camera under the lamp. (Thank god)

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Final Segment

Steve hasn't told Kayla, Joey makes a sandwich. Ava is coming back to Salem

Chase is being dramatic and leaves.

Andre left before the house went in foreclose (or better yet run away before Hope stopped by).

Hope says the fire is only the beginning.

Good show! Vets got played heavy today. So if you like vets today is the day to watch.

  • Love 1

I'm tired of Chase always running off every time someone makes him mad.


My instinct is to flee from conflict as well, but sometimes you have to stand your ground!  At least he finally told Ciara it wasn't right to judge him for his father's sins, but yes, he lessened the impact by taking off again.  I wish they'd let Chase have some smarts and a spine. 



Various sites on FB are reporting Days has been renewed for another year.


Yay!  I was hoping for a multi-year renewal but am happy with this.

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 5

The thing is about Jennifer's storyline it's not bad or uncommon of someone being dependent after a serious accident.

The problem is the story is so fast paced and with the timeline being extremely off, it doesn't make it quite believable. I would had liked something gradual before she became an addict. I mean I don't know a person who gets this bad unless they have been addict before or their tolerance is severely low.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 5

Ava reminds me of a piece of seaweed.  She's just drab, limp and lifeless.  She's not scary in the least and is more like a gnat that you just can't swat away.  I'm so disappointed they're doing this to Steve and Kayla.  Days fans don't seem happy about it judging by the various Facebook Days pages that I read, so why did they start this? They had to know it was going to be unpopular.


Jennifer makes me tired just watching her.  She's good at portraying pain, that's for sure.


PS - Has anyone ever noticed that Andre sounds slightly like a demented Winnie the Pooh?

Edited by Polaris
  • Love 10

What did Hope mouth to Andre's camera? That was actually a good scene. And Andre looked scared shitless.

Steve should just come clean with Kayla about that black-eyed demon. He should know by now that Kayla is too smart, and Joey too dumb, to keep his hideous deed a secret.

I loved the Hope and Kayla scenes today that's for sure.

  • Love 5

Does Victor actually want a family? Or just have people he can yell at and tell them what to do? I guess I'm tired of watching him kick people out of his life. Philip is a dummy no doubt but he wouldn't let him explain either.

Chase, one of these days no one is going to run after your bratty ass. That's how you end up making friends with Andre. I know it sucks that Ciara thought you may have started the fire but quit running.

I feel like the only consistent familial relationship Days is good with is Hope and Jennifer. I am thankful for that. Hope has too much going on to pay attention to Jen's pill popping so I do wonder who is going to notice first.

  • Love 6

I feel like the only consistent familial relationship Days is good with is Hope and Jennifer. I am thankful for that. Hope has too much going on to pay attention to Jen's pill popping so I do wonder who is going to notice first.

Hope did say she looked tired today. Hope should know what an addict looks like since she was one before.

Kayla though just needs to stick Ava in the neck with a shot of cyanide. Have a good fight scene between the two and she puts her out of her misery.


  • Love 4

I LOVED Ride of the Valkyrie playing as flames started to shoot straight up out of the backpack. However, I am as tired as Jennifer about: anything Ava, John finding out about his family (I FFd these two storylines), Hope in vengeance mode, Andre doing just about anything, and this was just today.

Also, yesterday didn't we see Rafe finally pack it in and leave the station? Today he is back at his desk. Continuity should be your friend.

  • Love 4

Hey y'all, thanks so much for the kind words.  I was pretty bummed about getting out of sync with the posting because truth is, these boards and all of you keep me watching even more than the show.  And thanks to one of you I've been given a way to watch daily and not on delay so it's all good.  

I was in town today, got back late and watched both yesterday and today's show and only have time for a few random visuals that keep rattling around in my head like pebbles in a can....


Victor's tie - that loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong red one that went from his neck, bloused out around his waist, which was right under his pecs, and then trailed to the floor like Phillip's tongue.


And Phillip...that face.  J P Lumpaleer has gotten even more twitchy since OLTL, hasn't he?  He's doing the O thing with his mouth, stretching like he's dislocating his jaw to swallow a goat whole, and his voice is....squeaking again.  The guy makes me itch just looking at him.  

I will say he and Belle are a perfect match.   Never thought I'd think that Brandon Beemer was too good for ANYONE, but not only is Belle supremely annoying in an Uber Abigail way, Brandon Beemer has gotten seriously good.  What an absolute, but very pleasant, surprise.  I wasn't thrilled when I heard he was coming back but man was I wrong.


When Ava had her meltdown and started trashing the hotel room she seemed like an informercial on "When Roombas Attack".  


They should take Joey to the vet and either have him put down or at the very least, neutered.  Kid is too dumb to live or at least reproduce.


Enough, Chad, with the fairy tales about Abigail, unless you want to tell the one about you tell the one about Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down thy hair and it's Abigail letting the hero of the tale crawl up to her from the hairs that sprout from her chin.  


When we saw Ava looking at herself in the mirror before she booked her broom for Salem, did it remind any of you of this the way it did me?




Oh!  Kayla is looking VERY good these days, isn't she?

Edited by boes
  • Love 14

It was a nice filler ep and special for Valentine's Day. I did enjoy Ciara's bit as being a meta shout-out to us, what with the whole going through puberty overnight and, "it seems like just yesterday that we were in fourth grade."


The benefit of an ep like this is that people who record to watch later can ff through the characters they don't like and will be done with them for the rest of the hour.

  • Love 2

Seg 1

Alice/Tom photo and more Horton pics with Doug/Julie.

Nicole answers door with attitude from the flower man. The letter is from Daniel. *rolleyes* Groundhog Day continues. Nicole cries again. Then we jump to Nicole is now at Daniel's grave ans ghost Daniel is there. Now she's back at her apartment again and still hearing Daniel say her name. She faints. She wakes. Daniel is glowing. He knows he's dead. He swears she's a life force but she's lost. Even Ghost Daniel wants to know how many times she's been to his grave. He wants her to let go. (YES LET GO NICOLE. LET HIM GO. BEST ADVICE EVER FROM DANIEL). But he says his heart will always beat for her. They kissing. She pulls away. She weaks up from her dream.

Holy mother but today's show highlighted why Abby is so inherently unlikeable.  In Theresa;s dream, she was worried about losing Brady to Nicole and that she is somehow not good enough for him.  In Ab's dream, she considers herself a prize and that Chad isn't good enough for her.  And yet, Abby is considered the heroine.


I actually love Theresa and Brady and I think their romance has been developed rather well--it was unconventional because of all of the horrible things Theresa had to overcome to show just how much she's changed and it works--at least to me :):)


I liked seeing all of the older photos and my goodness but Maggie was very beautiful back in the day.  She's still an attractive older lady but that photo of Maggie and Mickey was just lovely. 

  • Love 5

Seg 2

Mickey and Maggie picture. Julie says they were happy til the end. (Really? What about the illegitimate child Sarah Horton that wasn't his)

Thrady scene. Theresa is the maid. Brady is some handsome rich boy. Victor believes Brady/Nicole belong together. Nicole wants her fired. (Ok is this scene straight out of Maid in Manhattan. I could be wrong though). Theresa wakes up and she's crying to Brady. He says he's right there for her. They kiss.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

Seg 4

Julie wants to go another cruise. Doug doesn't get it. She has gotten a chill.

Ava's dream. The old school 1940s film noir plays in the background. Steve breaks in Ava's room. Ava wants him to kill Kayla. LOLLL.. Kayla is ripping Ava a new one as she comes home. Kayla has a gun and shoots Ava. Stayla kissing. They weak up together. Clearly this is Ava's nightmare. Good dream for Stayla.

  • Love 3

Seg 5

Ciara is at Horton Square and some Regaee music is playing. She's narrating her life. Theo brings her a heart shaped pizza. Chase is in the park, Ciara admits he scares her and she likes he admires her darkness. She's at Horton Square and doesn't know which guy she likes. (I can't believe they have step siblings in a triangle. Gross Higley gross).

  • Love 2

Final Segment

Julie and Doug leaves Club TBD. They kiss. Crabs are getting flowers. Rope are together roaming through Horton Square. Stayla are together with lattes. Thrady is kissing. Ciara and Theo are hanging together. Nicole cries abd Daniel's voice again.

This was ok... They could had taken out the one of the potential couples and added Jarlena scenes. Not even a huge fan of theirs but still.

  • Love 4

Doug and Julie were tolerable. Sweet, even.


I didn't mind the return of Daniel Jonas.  For one thing, this should be it.  And for another, it gave AZ the opportunity to shine again.  She is hands-down the best actor on this show, IMO.  At the end when she walked in to the square ... damn.  Her tears get me every time!


My take on the Abigail/Chad dream is that the real Chad is being held captive and Pod!Chad - or Chad-uh, to use Abby's pronunciation - is the one that wants to marry Abigail.  It's the only way his wanting to be with such a boring, self-involved twit who wears ugly Hammer pants makes any sense.


I don't care about Ava or her dreams.  She's disgusting and a complete waste of screen time.  While I'd like her killed off,  I don't want Kayla to be the one to do it.


I'll be alone in the wilderness and say that Ciara's dream was the most interesting.  It's easy for me to relate to her dilemma.  Do you be who people want you to be or say fuck it and give in to your wild side?  Also, VJ is very cute and has Hope's eyebrow pop down pat.  And she's getting better.  I'm hoping

her being torn means that the spoiler that was posted in another thread is not true. TPTB better not have that happen!


Rafe's dream was predictable.  White hat saves the day blah blah blah

Edited by Kitty Redstone
  • Love 5

Did Shawn Christian leave the show of his own accord or was he asked to go? Because the way they are squeezing every single last drop out of the character makes me think they wanted him to renew.  Daniel is truly the most stubborn variety of soap scum.  Nothing gets rid of him! Those whispery "Nicoles" sent chills down my spine, and not in a good way.


I can't say I enjoyed any of it and wondered if NBC is going to regret their decision to renew after seeing today's dreck.  It reminded me of when a sitcom is past its prime and they feature dream sequences.  You know it's circling the drain then.


On a positive note, Julie (Susan Seaforth Hayes) is a really beautiful woman, and I can't believe her husband is 90 years old.  

  • Love 6

If the flower delivery was the guy's first start, why are his feet hurting already?


Daniel's ghost repeating "Nicole" over and over again was really getting annoying.


Love Jen Lilley's red hair.


Julie's dress is ridiculous.


"A love like ours ... comes once in a lifetime."  Oh, puke. Abigail's dream was really weird.


Predictable that Ava's romantic dream would involve murder.


"Overnight puberty happened."  "It seems like yesterday we were in the fourth grade." LOL.  That's for sure.


"Flight of the Valkyries" again? Is that Andre's new theme song? And Rafe dreams about Hope dying?  How romantic.


Interesting that Ciera ended up with Theo.


Is the memorial finally gone from the Square?

Edited by Rick Kitchen
  • Love 5

Wow, the romance today was just.....stupefying.


I know - and appreciate (I really do, in a way) that Doug and Julie were perhaps the first supercouple of daytime, that they embody the history of the show in a way that is only rivaled by Maggie at this stage.  And they're a long term couple in real life.  And I do very much appreciate that Show showcases them sometimes and that....oh hell, Julie is okay but Doug just squicks me out and always has.  I wouldn't trust him as far as he could throw that ukele of his.  His sweetness, his romance, his whole affect just makes me want to get out the handiwipes and make sure my wallet hasn't been lifted.

Julie, it's not too late, even now.  Put him on a cruise that never touches land and NEVER LOOK BACK.


I'm in a minority of maybe two, from what I read on here, but I also liked Ciarra's spot today.  The actress is growing on me and I enjoyed the shoutout to the audience, the wink wink that the characters were suddenly sorased.  I think the actress is growing into the role and for mey at least, she has a certain rough charm.  It's not as developed as, say, Claire's is, or even Theo's but she's getting there.


Abigail .... to be fair there isn't anything she could do at this point that I wouldn't find annoying but today, her self-satisfied squeaks in her dream sequence, and then, of course, her being the hero of the story.  Nothing new.  Billy Flynn is a stronger man than I.


Nicole was great, as usual.  I hope that this IS IT for Tan the Dan Man and I admit I did perk up when he said "I can't rejoin the living. Let me go", and nodded, very enthusiastically.  Yeah, Nicole, LET HIM GO.  Throw out all his old crap, too.  Donate his closetful of tanning spray to Fynn and give all his butt firming cream to Maggie.  Let Parker keep his dentures to play with.  PLEASE, Show, PLEASE remember that YOU SAID he can't rejoin the living.  YOU SAID IT.  Don't bring him back at some point in the future and think we'll have forgotten your promise because WE WON'T.


How nice for Rafe to finally have a fantasy that actually has other people in it.  Usually, when he's - oh, let's stick with the euphemism, "fantasizing", shall we? - he's just picturing himself, running through a sun dappled meadow filed with wildflowers, in slow motion towards the only person he's really loved...himself.  


And Show ended with Dougie putting me into sugar shock.  


Addie didn't die, she faked it to get the hell away from him.

  • Love 8

Chad 2 can stay. Yes to the pre-nup, Princess Abs. Except for your Ireland land that you may be inheriting, you don't seem to have any assets. They aren't hugely romantic, but do save time when it comes to a divorce. Given that people today don't usually marry at 18 and have nothing, it's in your best interest to have one. Asking Chad to tear up the document is stupid.


Hope, dear, when you are in the DiMera dungeon, your glittery jewelry (especially the long necklaces that your actress will be hawking on various shopping channels) could have been used to outwit and choke your captor.


If love is like a box of chocolates, this episode reminded me of one where someone has licked each chocolate to see if they weren't the caramel ones.

  • Love 4

I liked what they did with the show yesterday -- especially after so much darkness, it was nice to see them have a lighter touch. Well, I wouldn't say Nicole was light, but you know what I mean. I do hope we see Nicole start to come out of her fugue state of grief soon, although I must say superficially that she looks so pretty without the heavy makeup and bandage dresses. Was there an anvil when Dan said "my heart beats only for you" or something? You know, seeing as how it's in Brady's chest at the moment? 


Ava's dream -- oh, if only, right? Yes, I wouldn't want Kayla accused of outright murder, but it was very satisfying watching her do it! And I had to laugh -- thinking about the poster upthread who said she was like seaweed (lol!) -- when she fell to the floor it sounded exactly like that. There's nothing to the woman, so it was mainly her stupid flowy dress that made the sound when she fell. Be gone, you witch. 


There is something to be said for Bad Chad in his black and leather. Yessiree. Flynn is a great actor -- those baby blues can radiate love and longing just as well as steely evil. 


Ciara! I'm beginning to love her, so I'll pull up a seat.

That spoiler better be a twisted rumor is all I can say. 


Brady and Theresa are very sweet -- kudos to Jenn Lilley for taking that awful character and turning her into a sweet and loving woman. And their happiness now is surely the death knell of their relationship. 


Could have used a little JJ and Gabi fantasy for Valentine's day : ) 

  • Love 5

It takes a pretty good actor to play two characters with different personalities at the same time and be convincing. Most soap actors, IMO, are more one note and can't pull it off. Of course, David Canary (RIP- SOBBING STILL) was the master at it. He made Adam and Stewart even look different in the same scenes. I was surprised how well Billy Flynn pulled it off. He made Good Chad seem a like a simpering, lovestruck fool- but cute- and Bad Chad was sleazy and kind of hot in a gross way. lol. Even the way he kissed Abigail as Bad Chad was different and more lascivious. And, admittedly, a little hot. I think he's got a way to go but he's pretty good and probably will get even better.  Peter Bergman was a great nice guy as Cliff on AMC, who made me sick he was so sweet, and wonderful as not so nice Jack on Y&R, who is fabulous! So I look forward to being able to see Flynn in a variety of roles as he progresses. 


Stephen Nicholls was great as sad, weak Steve in the dream, as that's not the actual character. Kayla was fabulous there and it was good fun, for me, anyway. I always see Kayla as being pretty strong even though she doesn't always act that way all the time.I enjoy them doing just about anything.


I FF'd through the rest. I hope to one day like Hope again because, well, she's Hope. But I'm sick that I'm rooting for Andre to nail her and Rafe to the wall. That's just big bowls of wrong. I fear I may have only liked her when she was with Peter Reckell, who hits me in a massive soft spot. I'm being patient as she and Rafe seem so sleazy to me right now, I've decided she just doesn't exist and FF'd through her regularly.


I also loved how Jen was so out of it on Thursday when Hope woke her up. That was classic! I was laughing so hard. She's such a pill popping freak and it's so out of character, it's great! She hasn't shown interesting layers in years. It's about time.


I binge watch, so it all bleeds together to me. Sorry if I'm backtracking. 

Edited by Roxy
  • Love 7
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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