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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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I actually liked today.  It felt a little old school with drama at the hospital and believable teen romance.  Finn has obviously never had a conversation with Joey, because then he would know for certain that the little murderer is not half as smart as Kayla. 

Haven't watched Monday's episode yet so maybe this has already been answered ... but is it true that Aiden was switched right after he proposed to Hope, or is he lying about that?  And has he even asked about Chase yet?  I don't even remember where Chase is at the moment.

  • Love 3

I actually liked today.  It felt a little old school with drama at the hospital and believable teen romance.  Finn has obviously never had a conversation with Joey, because then he would know for certain that the little murderer is not half as smart as Kayla. 

Haven't watched Monday's episode yet so maybe this has already been answered ... but is it true that Aiden was switched right after he proposed to Hope, or is he lying about that?  And has he even asked about Chase yet?  I don't even remember where Chase is at the moment.

  • Love 2

I actually liked today.  It felt a little old school with drama at the hospital and believable teen romance.  Finn has obviously never had a conversation with Joey, because then he would know for certain that the little murderer is not half as smart as Kayla. 

Haven't watched Monday's episode yet so maybe this has already been answered ... but is it true that Aiden was switched right after he proposed to Hope, or is he lying about that?  And has he even asked about Chase yet?  I don't even remember where Chase is at the moment.

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Wouldn't the patients be quarantined to a separate floor or area? I do agree with wearing the Hazmat type suits to lesson exposure to the contagion.

How surprising (not) that John's 'father's' IV bags are still around! Was anything in them or will the CDC or whomever be analyzing nothing? JJ, you may mean well, but you just don't go around exposing yourself to contagious people. Had no idea that Mama H was a nurse.

Don't think Aiden the New or the Original or the Clone or the Dopperaiden is coming clean.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:46 AM, Kitty Redstone said:

I actually liked today.  It felt a little old school with drama at the hospital and believable teen romance.  Finn has obviously never had a conversation with Joey, because then he would know for certain that the little murderer is not half as smart as Kayla. 

Haven't watched Monday's episode yet so maybe this has already been answered ... but is it true that Aiden was switched right after he proposed to Hope, or is he lying about that?  And has he even asked about Chase yet?  I don't even remember where Chase is at the moment.



He's lying about when he was switched.  The flashbacks showed him being switched shortly after the wedding, back at the house.  I think he's lying to lesson the truth that he had agreed to kill her and then found out much later he couldn't go through with it. 

He was shown to have found out what Chase did while he was locked up, listening to a radio broadcast that talked about Chase's arrest for rape.

I liked today's show too, and the inconsistencies to how it might play out in reality I'm okay with.  JJ is the STAR!!

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Thank you, boes!  I thought that's what the flashback showed.  But this story is so convoluted, and it wasn't clear whether he was lying about his lying or being truthful about his lying.  I swear, sometimes I feel like Austin that time he was gaslighted by Abigail.  You know things aren't fitting together right but aren't quite sure whether you should care or not.

Chase will always be what could have been.  I still don't understand why they trashed the character the way they did.

JJ is awesome.  Hopefully TIIC will begin to pay more attention to him and Gabi, and in a good way and not the shitty way they do other couples on this show.

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  On 5/12/2016 at 12:03 AM, lilly6 said:

Whew! For a minute there today I thought my beloved Sparkle might be a goner. 


It did feel that way, didn't it. Today was the first time I ever found myself really liking the Paul character.  I've never really hated him before, but the Sonny/Will/Paul triangle was such a horrible story, I never really liked him either. 

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  On 5/12/2016 at 10:11 AM, buffynut said:

It did feel that way, didn't it. Today was the first time I ever found myself really liking the Paul character.  I've never really hated him before, but the Sonny/Will/Paul triangle was such a horrible story, I never really liked him either. 


I have no use for Paul and he does not fit as John's son. The show made a mistake in not bringing  Jarlena's 1986 baby back to the show. It would not be inconceivable for Stefano to have taken their baby and raised him as his son.. EJ could have been that son...Jarlena trying to connect with their child that has been raised to hate them could have been a fascinating storyline and could have been a good way to delve into Marlena's missing years..Paul could have been either Tony's son or Peter's son....Better yet, he could have been a standalone character with no ties to anybody on the show..Both Marlena and Victor began as standalone characters and they are now both legacies with descendants on the show...

Edited by Apprentice79
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As grateful as I am for not having to endure KM's Abby on a daily basis, I hate that this storyline puts her smack dab at the center of everyone's cooing over her and acting like she's super-special, when she isn't.  I do like that Chad and Jenn have such a meaty story to play because MR and BF are more then capable of delivering, I just hate that Abs is at the center of the drama.

Jade and the two actors who are playing her dad and aunt are very talented but Joey's still not quite cutting it and I have a feeling that his new cult/Manson family plot's just going to highlight his lack of depth.

I liked the moments between Claire and Steve--she was torn between loyalty to her cousin and the reality that he could be in real trouble--well played, young lady :)

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Worst outbreak episode ever!  It was soooo bad I enjoyed every minute of the cheesiness of it all.  Running around with no protective gear knowing they were dealing with something contagious and then as an afterthought putting on gear for some, not for others.  Letting people sneak into rooms, what a clusterf*ck!

And on another note they better find a way to redeem my Aiden...permanently.  They already have him lying...not happy.

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LMAO Sparkle infected Salem with a virus. This is hilarious. 

Plot Point Baby is so smart. He knows a freak when he sees one. 

So let me get this straight - Kate/Nicole/Theresa relaunched Basic Black and then Nicole and Theresa left less than six months later. They form DJ Wear while Kate is apparently running Basic Black by herself offscreen. Now less than six months later Nicole has left DJ Wear, a company named after her dead fiance, to work at Basic Black, w.hich Kate has given to a man she barely knows because reasons. Did Kate even sale BB to Deimos or did she just give it to him in return for becoming CEO of Titan? This is so stupid. Nicole and Kate are both probably going to end up flat on their ass and unemployed. 

Jade parents are garbage. 

So Jen has decided to get it together and has been going to meeting off screen. Of course. I wonder what else is happening off screen.

  • Love 8

I hate to say it but that was so romantic with Deimos playing the piano for Nicole/Helena. No "box lunch" for Victor. lol Now Jade has gotten Joey into some kind of cult. Patch to the rescue! BF killed his scenes today. The phantom crying baby drove Abigail nuts (moreso than she already is). The crying baby tape is not good on this show.

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I enjoyed today's episode.  Nice mix of characters. Even Summer wasn't too bad.

It was nice to see Jennifer again. She is spending much too much time off screen or on the cutting room floor.  I presume the Horton Square / Lucas incident was the scenes that got cut a couple weeks ago. Would have been nice if we the viewers could have seen it.

I really like Jade.  For the teen that dropped into Joey's life from nowhere, I find her the most natural acting of all the teens.  I think someone posted this before, but I also think she would have been a great Ciara.

  • Love 5
  On 5/11/2016 at 12:42 AM, TigerLynx said:



For some reason, the forum is putting my last message into the inbox, including the quote that I was replying to, so now there's an empty quote box up there because I can't get rid of it.

Kate Mansi does a good job looking crazy, I'll give her that. So apparently the hospital has the same grounds as the Salem park.

Apparently Fynn is a lab expert, too?

Has Real Andrews always had a Southern accent?  i don't remember it from General Hospital.  Plus, he's from Canada.  Hal is a piece of work.

Jade's aunt is a real hippy dippy, isn't she?

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So in addition to everything else going on in her life, Kayla now has the Fu Man Chu Virus.  I thought the show would use Joey running away as a catalyst to bring Steve and Kayla together.  Are the writers serious about this split.

Fynn using the words Joey and smart in the same sentence is the joke of the week.

Jade and Joey are living in a hippy dippy cult.  It's too bad the actress who plays Jade has been saddled with Joey and a storyline that hints at emotional instability because she and the actor who plays Theo are the best of the teen set.  

Wonder why Jade's dad seems non-plussed about her disappearance? Is running away common place with her whenever life doesn't go her way?  Is she the family nightmare?

I'm still liking Deimos.  Only in Salem can Victor be perceived as the victim in this.  

Still no Sarah or Melissa,  but the never-ending Vortex of suck that is Summer's Eve remains Johnny on the spot.  

Billy Flynn is really shining in Abby's exit story.  He even makes me like Jennifer again.

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Kayla's plots seem strange, like she has too much going on.  If she was going to have a health crisis, wouldn't one have been enough?  And then it seems like she should be involved with Steve and the pursuit of their idiot offspring, but she really isn't because she is in the virus story.  It just doesn't seem to flow at all.  

Edited by Revlonred
  • Love 5
  On 5/12/2016 at 6:39 PM, LeftPhalange said:

So Jen has decided to get it together and has been going to meeting off screen. Of course. I wonder what else is happening off screen.


Most of the good stuff? Aww....that was kinda mean, wasn't it...but kinda true,too....

Edited by RedRockRosie
  • Love 7

The commune looks too tame. Nothing creepy or sinister - so far. More like a cheap yoga camp. Maybe it'll go a bit darker and more Manson. Joey, aka village idiot, get out now. You're not the brightest bulb, but this place in the California desert would set off my inner 'danger Will Robinson' and bring up 'Hotel California' on the iPod shuffle and I'd get outta there. Like now. The 'do what you have to do' would set off a bunch of inner alarms. It's not a spa vacation and you have no idea where you are or who your girlfriend's friends/relatives are. Too pliable, too easy.

I enjoyed Deimos and the piano. He is still interesting and I don't hate him.

Chad probably should not have ticked off his mother-in-law. He is certainly in a financial position to hire a night nanny and have a break.

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Taggert!! So happy to see you, though of course they have to tie you to one of my least favorite characters at the moment. I FFd all the Joe(y) Jade stuff, so they have fallen into a cult? I think VI does actually know how to play the piano, so that was him playing for realz.

Edited by annabel
  • Love 4

Oh, I too loved the piano. Mainly because my sister used to play and our piano was right next to a screened porch -- as a result, I played often in the backyard while she practiced so that I had a nice musical backdrop. The piece he played, was it Clare du Lune? It was one of my sister's standards, so it made me very wistful. I guess Nicole is going all in on this plan, eh? Does anyone think she's actually developing any feelings for Deimos?

I think KM's done a great job with the windup of her storyline. But I hope -- and I guess -- that's the last we see of her for a while. I was never a hater, but once I know someone's leaving it's hard for me to hang in for a long goodbye. I just hope Billy Flynn remains on a front burner - he's one of the reasons I watch the show now.

That cult thing is ridiculous. I kept trying to read the platitudes written in pastel chalk on the walls -- like a young tween's clubhouse -- but never could quite make them out. I hope it doesn't take Patch long to retrieve Joey, and I wonder if Jade will just stay behind.

Fynn's okay, I guess, but his character is so reminiscent of Daniel that I'm ready to dislike him at any moment. #stayawayfromkay

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  On 5/13/2016 at 1:53 PM, Lastwaltz said:


That cult thing is ridiculous. I kept trying to read the platitudes written in pastel chalk on the walls -- like a young tween's clubhouse -- but never could quite make them out. I hope it doesn't take Patch long to retrieve Joey, and I wonder if Jade will just stay behind.



It looked like they wandered into a Spencer's Gifts store! It would not have been costly to make that place look slightly realistic.  The show doesn't even try.  Tween clubhouse, lol 

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  On 5/12/2016 at 8:53 PM, buffynut said:

I really like Jade.  For the teen that dropped into Joey's life from nowhere, I find her the most natural acting of all the teens.  I think someone posted this before, but I also think she would have been a great Ciara.


That was me :)  I think the actress has the right sense of sassiness that was pure teenaged Hope--VJ is trying hard but she seems bogged down by the angst.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 3:09 PM, kitmerlot1213 said:

That was me :)  I think the actress has the right sense of sassiness that was pure teenaged Hope--VJ is trying hard but she seems bogged down by the angst.


I agree completely..I personally feel that VJ was hired for her resemblance to Kristian Alfonso....I think that raping Ciara was a mistake..She should have been the Sami to her cousin Allie..I loved that the show had set up a rivalry between them as children..Allie should have been brought back as a teen instead of Claire...Plus, Lucas needs his only kid in town...It would be a hoot if she had an intense dislike to Paul out of loyalty to her brother Will....Someone needs to mourn him on the show..It is obvious that Sami, Kate and Marlena when she is not obsessing over her precious Jawn, do not give a damn...

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VI and AZ have great chemistry.  The piano playing was so good and felt like old school soap - a longer scene with quiet pauses and feelings conveyed through facial expressions rather than stilted exposition.  More, please!  Really, I'm just loving Nicole and Deimos together and hope the writers do an awesome slow burn with them.

I'm also liking the friction between Chad and Jen.  BF and MR are very good together as in-laws. 

It was nice to see Real Andrews again.  He was on GH many years ago but, like so many others, was sacrificed for the horrible MB.

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I liked certain scenes today:  I liked Gabi and her mom being so determined to help Ari and to get her fever down, I liked Chad's worry about his son and that he was still being a good friend to Ciara and I liked all of Hope's scenes, especially with Andre and then Aidan.  The actors were believable with their fear and worry and I applaud everyone of them.

But then I look at KM's scenes and I'm left cold and maybe that's because I hate how Abby's losing her sanity was shown.  It would have been damn riveting if she just continued to see Ben in her mind only or if she was convinced one of Chad's guards was Ben and she knocked him unconscious but in her actual actions, she was way too cold-blooded in how she went about setting Ben on fire.  She lied to Chad and manipulated the situation in order to be alone with the person she wanted to kill--that doesn't show me someone driven to their actions out of fear, but rather an evil person intent on doing harm.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 5:12 PM, Kitty Redstone said:

VI and AZ have great chemistry.  The piano playing was so good and felt like old school soap - a longer scene with quiet pauses and feelings conveyed through facial expressions rather than stilted exposition.  More, please!  Really, I'm just loving Nicole and Deimos together and hope the writers do an awesome slow burn with them.

I'm also liking the friction between Chad and Jen.  BF and MR are very good together as in-laws. 

It was nice to see Real Andrews again.  He was on GH many years ago but, like so many others, was sacrificed for the horrible MB.


 I wanted Taggert to bring Sonny down for good..I wished that Deimos was brought in as the son of Ernesto Toscano. His vendetta against the Kiriakis family would have had more gravitas. Plus, it would have been rooted in history in that awesome cruise of deception storyline years back when Jack and Jennifer finally made love in that cave..Yes! That storyline was great from the start culminating in Hope's "death". Bope saying goodbye to one another knowing what was to come with a grinning Ernesto enjoying their pain...The show used to be so good..What the hell happened! 

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2
  On 5/13/2016 at 5:55 PM, Revlonred said:

Again with the weird disconnected family comments...Caroline giving good wishes for Gabi and Arianna to Rafe.  She is Arianna's...great, great grandmother, right?  She sounded like she was just making polite conversation and sending well wishes.  Is the problem that pretty much everyone is related?


Exactly, with losing Will so soon in such a disgusting way, you would think that all of the Bradys would rally around Ari to be there for her...Caroline should be hysterical, given that she lost her son Bo, Great-grandson Will last year and Eric is in prison...This show is just awful with the family connections and history...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 7

This episode was a big yawn for me. 

Days found some coin to make a jailhouse pixie glass room set.   I was wondering when this show would show more of the jailhouse.   

I did like how Hope was sticking to her guns about Aiden.   Aiden still in denial of his deeds and still trying to gaslight Hope with his Casanova Brown straight shooter talk.   Loved when she said "Bo died in my arms and he didn't have to be paid to love me"  Yes mama yes.  Aiden really pissed me off when he said,  "Chase wasn't in his right mind when he raped Ciara" Ummm dude that tends to happen with all rapists,  they are never in their right mind.  

Even if something remotely happens between Ciara/Chad,  it's not exciting me for some reason.   Maybe because the show taken Ciara from one extreme to another extreme to another extreme since the SORASING.   Plus I can't get over how much terrible kisser this VJ is.   I'm just counting down the days of Abifail finally leaving the show.   I think KM has done a decent job playing mentality unhinged though.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 6:25 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Exactly, with losing Will so soon in such a disgusting way, you would think that all of the Bradys would rally around Ari to be there for her...Caroline should be hysterical, given that she lost her son Bo, Great-grandson Will last year and Eric is in prison...This show is just awful with the family connections and history...


And Days used to be the best at family connections and history!

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  On 5/13/2016 at 7:37 PM, Revlonred said:

And Days used to be the best at family connections and history!


Exactly! I was rewatching a few weeks ago on youtube on Kim's return from LA to Salem when Shane was paralyzed, Kim had poignant scenes with her parents, her brothers and spoke about her mending her sister relationship with Kayla..She spoke about her children and spoke about her niece Stefanie and her time in LA.. It was perfect..We have yet to have a scene between Steve and Adrienne....They were not even at the Chabbie wedding to represent their brother Jack...It is truly shameful how the show ignores the relationships on the show..

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If Rafe can't get through to Gabi or his mother on the hospital switchboard, he can't call them on their cell phones?

DeadAiden is not a twin, huh?

When did Abigail ever comfort Thomas when he was crying?  The only way to stop his crying has always been to take him away from her.

Why is the Chief Administrator of the hospital wearing scrubs?

Is Andre in prison? Has he had a trial?

Where did Adriana get the ingredients for that poultice?

Why are all my comments questions?

  • Love 5

I would think that some hospitals do not allow cell phones to be used. Or to be used only in public areas.

Mama H, in nurse mode, should have some idea that you can't use alternative medicines unless you are probably in hospice or palliative care.  Whatever potion she concocted could have severe consequences to other patients - allergies, etc. and the hospital could face being sued. Fevers break on their own and baby Ari's fever subsiding could be just that - potion or no potion involved.

Hopefully, Abs will not be around much longer. Perhaps the mental institution has a real policy of no family visits for 30 days or whatever, depending on patient circumstance. Maybe Abs is just tired of Chad now that she's his wife. The thrill is gone. Work on yourself, do the treatments and come back a new woman.

Ciara, Chad is not a great choice for a new boyfriend.

Aiden/NewandImprovedAiden, or whoever he is. Your son sexually assaulted his step-sister. He was in his right mind. Yes, he was grieving his father and his circumstance, but he wasn't 'out of his mind'. Chase was not in any sort of position of power, felt entitled, was weak and took steps to get what he wanted. Ciara told him she had no romantic interest in him. Maybe things may have changed eventually, but he was her step-brother. As an attorney, Aiden would have a clue that rape is a crime of power. Maybe Chase did kill his mother, maybe Aiden did it to pay off previous gambling debts.

Caroline seemed to be talking to keep her teeth in her mouth. Maybe it was just the sound on my television.

  • Love 3
  On 5/13/2016 at 5:13 PM, Apprentice79 said:

 I wanted Taggert to bring Sonny down for good..I wished that Deimos was brought in as the son of Ernesto Toscano. His vendetta against the Kiriakis family would have had more gravitas. Plus, it would have been rooted in history in that awesome cruise of deception storyline years back when Jack and Jennifer finally made love in that cave..Yes! That storyline was great from the start culminating in Hope's "death". Bope saying goodbye to one another knowing what was to come with a grinning Ernesto enjoying their pain...The show used to be so good..What the hell happened! 


That would have been sweet! Stories like the Cruise of Deception just do not exist anymore. In that one story, several characters' storylines were tied in. In addition to Jack and Jenn, there was the "death" of Hope, Ernesto's revenge against Victor, the big reveal that Isabella was Victor's daughter etc. Demios as Victor's brother just doesnt work for me. 

  18 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:
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  On 5/14/2016 at 4:31 AM, Frozendiva said:

I would think that some hospitals do not allow cell phones to be used. Or to be used only in public areas.

Mama H, in nurse mode, should have some idea that you can't use alternative medicines unless you are probably in hospice or palliative care.  Whatever potion she concocted could have severe consequences to other patients - allergies, etc. and the hospital could face being sued. Fevers break on their own and baby Ari's fever subsiding could be just that - potion or no potion involved.

Hopefully, Abs will not be around much longer. Perhaps the mental institution has a real policy of no family visits for 30 days or whatever, depending on patient circumstance. Maybe Abs is just tired of Chad now that she's his wife. The thrill is gone. Work on yourself, do the treatments and come back a new woman.

Ciara, Chad is not a great choice for a new boyfriend.

Aiden/NewandImprovedAiden, or whoever he is. Your son sexually assaulted his step-sister. He was in his right mind. Yes, he was grieving his father and his circumstance, but he wasn't 'out of his mind'. Chase was not in any sort of position of power, felt entitled, was weak and took steps to get what he wanted. Ciara told him she had no romantic interest in him. Maybe things may have changed eventually, but he was her step-brother. As an attorney, Aiden would have a clue that rape is a crime of power. Maybe Chase did kill his mother, maybe Aiden did it to pay off previous gambling debts.

Caroline seemed to be talking to keep her teeth in her mouth. Maybe it was just the sound on my television.


In Salem, logic does not apply. We know the real cell phone policy. Nothing surprises me from a facility were numerous crimes have taken place due to a serious lack of security. Plus, Failure was employed there....go figure.

Speaking of Failure, you are probably right that she is bored. She needs to have a fling with a married/taken man to fill her void. I guess she hasnt found her latest victim....I mean new man yet.

As for this Aiden mess, I hate it with a fire of a thousand suns. I was a avid Haiden fan before he crossed to the dark side and was trying to kill Hope. If this is an attempt to redeem his character, its not working! If a double had to be brought on, why couldnt this double have taken over months prior to the wedding when it was revealed that Aiden was supposed to kill Hope?  That way, the real Aiden would have been a victim the whole "murder plotting" time. That would have redeemed him. The mess with Chase is another story.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 8:44 PM, Petunia13 said:

It's pretty hard to resist Billy Flynn's piercing blue intense, yet puppy doglike eyes & full lips. 


You can say that again : ) It was crushing to see Chad being cut off like that -- those two had about 30 seconds of actual happiness, dammit. I was wondering how typical it is for a psych hospital to advocate that a patient cut ties with her family but realized of course there are conditions that warrant that kind of extreme measure. But none that I could think of apply here.

I thought it was funny that Jennifer wasn't pulled into work as the PR director of a hospital now quarantined due to a strange virus : ) And by the way, just once I'd like to see some of these women in regular clothes -- you can't sell me on the notion that none of these gals own a pair of yoga pants. Hope comes home from a dinner date and changes into a collared shirt, jeans, and heels instead of her pajamas? These are the things that distract me, lol.

Edited by Lastwaltz
thought of more to say
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  On 5/14/2016 at 4:01 PM, annabel said:

I remember once on AMC Greenlee was depressed and hanging out at home in a tshirt and leggings and fluffy slippers, it was so refreshing.


Well since it was Greelee, I would have preferred she was hanging out a window 10 stories up, holding on to Ryass's thong, begging for help nobody would give her.  THAT would have been refreshing.

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Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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