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First Looks: The Locked One

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Did you hear Kim tell Eileen that she apologized to her and Eileen shot back that Kim had NOT apologized at all! Kim just shot her daggers and said she did not like her, she doesn't like Eileen's hair, face, doesn't like anything about her! Kim needs to be in a padded room for a long, long time IMO!

I woke my whole household screaming at my tv 10 minutes ago when I heard Kim tell Eileen she had apologized! So glad Eileen can think on her feet and immediately with no preamble shot back that she in fact had not apologized. Way to go Kim, can't prove your point because you've been too intoxicated for the past 30 years to remember what you say from one moment to the next so you go on a personal attack.


I was mortified for Kyle, so embarrassing to be related to someone like Kim...an ugly woman with an ugly dark soul.


Does anyone follow her on social media, I'd be interested to see what responses she gets on Twitter for example of her behavior this season.

  • Love 9

That just goes to show us how much Kim is hated and despised.  LisaR is looked on with compassion and respect but Kim a piece of crap.

The only benefit for being three hours behind is reading what you folks all write.  Surely, Kim could not have been that bad-OMG there are no words-what the hell is wrong with her?


You don't keep attacking.  No one at that table believes Kim has been sober for three years and to say that about Kathy and Kyle-how does ferret face work her way out of this one?  What a waste of molecules.

  • Love 9

Hmmm, maybe Lisa Rinna has a mental illness? Or she's menopausal? Or has a hernia? Or her husband cheated on her 10 years ago? Or Kim cheated on her 2nd husband and this was a trigger? Or it's all Kyles fault? Or maybe she accidentally threw it? Those are great excuses that seem to work for Brandi and Kim all the time with no problem, right?


You go Lisa Rinna. I hope you smash every last piece of china in that restaurant.

No...LisaR will do anything for a paycheck... :D

  • Love 3

Love your post.


It's good Kyle ran because LisaR may have harmed her with the broken glass. 


Your right, if it's cheating rumors Kyle may have told Kim about it as a piece of gossip years ago.  LisaR took Kim's threats of exposing the secret about "trouble at home with Harry" very seriously. 

Looks like Kim caused LisaR to have 100% pain in that restaurant, lol :D

Why are you saying Kyle said anything negative about Lisa and Harry?  That is just wrong.  Kim is just throwing Brandi type BS out there.  This is absolutely not about Kyle.


Here is my theory Kim you are a hopeless addict-tell people you need their support not the condemnation.  Don't ever attack.

  • Love 6

Smackster-I think Yolanda probably spilled the beans about Harry's three years of sobriety.

All three girls went to a wonderful private school.  Kim just dropped out when she was 16-look at her IMDB she did not have that many acting gigs.

Even if she didn't have the opportunity to go to normal schools so what? Everyone has things in their past that have caused them pain have scarred them in some way but there comes a time when you grow the fuck up, take stock in your life and take control of your behavior. If every adult in our society let all the drama in their childhood dictate their behavior as an adult God help us all, not a one of us would still be around to tell the tales.


I saw LisaR try to apologize for butting in, if thats how her concern was seen and Kim pounced on her. She can't even accept an apology gracefully.

  • Love 13

Ya'll, I'm worried.  I'm going to be on vacation Tuesday and have no idea if I'll have access to Bravo!  I think I need an intervention.


In other news, after watching the First Look twice, Eileen remains my favorite.  I did giggle when she said in her best soap opera voice, "How DARE you!"


ETA I think this is the most quiet Brandi has been all season.  I don't think she said a single word at that table.  And to give her credit (damn, it hurts to even type that), she did try to get Kim to sit back down when she was going at Lisa.

Edited by Neeners
  • Love 13

The only benefit for being three hours behind is reading what you folks all write.  Surely, Kim could not have been that bad-OMG there are no words-what the hell is wrong with her?


You don't keep attacking.  No one at that table believes Kim has been sober for three years and to say that about Kathy and Kyle-how does ferret face work her way out of this one?  What a waste of molecules.

No doubt the sisters face a hell of their own...it's now oozing out onto the other cast members and causing insanity.  How LisaR thinks she's a nice girl helping Kim is getting sketchy after seeing this play out.  No means "no" IMO.

  • Love 5

Ya'll, I'm worried.  I'm going to be on vacation Tuesday and have no idea if I'll have access to Bravo!  I think I need an intervention.


In other news, after watching the First Look twice, Eileen remains my favorite.  I did giggle when she said in her best soap opera voice, "How DARE you!"


I loved the "you're a sick and vicious human being," said with full-on grimace, absolute disgust, and utter contempt.  


If this is the first look, and according to Kyle's interview even more shit goes down in Amsterdam, I can't wait to see what the rest of the episode holds.  

  • Love 14

In other news, after watching the First Look twice, Eileen remains my favorite.  I did giggle when she said in her best soap opera voice, "How DARE you!"

You're right - that was SO soap opera-ish! It was great. I love Eileen. And poor 12-year-old Kim's response? "I just don't like you. Or....your face!" WTF? Your face?! Maybe she was drunk.

  • Love 11

Kim said it to Eileen. My mouth literally dropped, because it was so uncalled for IMO. She was lashing out at everyone; LisaR, Eileen, Kyle. Lisa V looked down and so did Brandi. They were definitely afraid to get involved and be screamed at by Kim. Just amazing. Brandi was so unusually quiet. 


Since Kim rarely apologizes, I'm really curious to see the fallout. I would never hang out with her again if I were any of those three women. Well I guess Kyle has to, but I would take a long break.

I don't get the feeling that LisaV and Brandi are afraid of Kim they just know what is coming and why deal with it if you don't have to? We've seen LisaV in past seasons just humor Kim ex: Kim's over the top reaction to LisaV not coming to her daughter's graduation party but still being in town. I mean for that small a slight Lisa spent a season apologizing to Kim why deal with her if you dont have to except in the most cursory social situations?

  • Love 10

On one of the extra scenes from the last episode, the ladies were on the bus & Lisa R. was flabbergasted to see a naked man walking down the street. Kim made a snarky comment to Yolanda about Lisa not having seen a penis in a long time or something of that nature. I am 99% certain she's implying that HH has cheated on Lisa R.

Kyle is no angel; however the way Kim treats her, on occasion, reminds me of the influence I see by abusive parents over their children. I really wish Kyle would cut her loose....remember Kathy's the better sister anyways. Let Kathy have her.

  • Love 17


No one at that table believes Kim has been sober for three years


OMG no kidding. The looks on the other women's faces when Kim kept saying 'if I wasn't sober all this time all my friends (sweeps arms around and points at the rest of the cast) and family would have talked to me.' It looked like all of them wanted to turn invisible because NOT ONE OF THEM BELIEVES SHE'S BEEN SOBER/DRUG FREE FOR 3 YEARS! Shut up Kim!


Kim hates Eileen for absolutely no reason other than Eileen won't put up with her shit and she's a successful actress who has been working since she was in her early 20's.


I noticed Kim also refused to answer Lisa R's question about who told Kim who was talking about her!


And finally, I don't think Lisa R should have broken that glass - it is very dangerous but sometimes you don't know what can set you off. I am very slow to anger. I mean i can be irritated or annoyed, but truly angry? It doesn't happen often. One time my brother and I were arguing during a road trip and he called me a cunt. I swear to you I saw red and I punch him in the head. I have never punched anyone before or since and I've never been in a physical confrontation but that? I lost it.


Lisa R lost it. She said on that Watch What Happens show that she regrets nothing from the whole season and that she owns all of it. That's more than Kim will ever do.


Brandi sitting there trying to look innocent? Ugggh. Why can't this show just lose Kim and Brandi?

  • Love 16

Why are you saying Kyle said anything negative about Lisa and Harry?  That is just wrong.  Kim is just throwing Brandi type BS out there.  This is absolutely not about Kyle.


Here is my theory Kim you are a hopeless addict-tell people you need their support not the condemnation.  Don't ever attack.

Lol, someone posted it up as a possible scenario and I agreed it could have happened.  


It's over...the reunion is being edited and soon the cast can enjoy spending the money they worked so hard for. If Kim believes she's fine there's nothing to do.  Unless she becomes a danger to herself or others. 

I'll have to watch it again, because I thought I heard Brandi tell Kim to stop, and even to try to gently pull her away.

Say what!  Let us know if it's true, lol.

  • Love 1

I woke my whole household screaming at my tv 10 minutes ago when I heard Kim tell Eileen she had apologized! So glad Eileen can think on her feet and immediately with no preamble shot back that she in fact had not apologized. Way to go Kim, can't prove your point because you've been too intoxicated for the past 30 years to remember what you say from one moment to the next so you go on a personal attack.


I was mortified for Kyle, so embarrassing to be related to someone like Kim...an ugly woman with an ugly dark soul.


Does anyone follow her on social media, I'd be interested to see what responses she gets on Twitter for example of her behavior this season.

She has gone silent since the 19th, right before the reunion filmed and has stayed silent, including no blog for this weeks episode.


I don't get the feeling that LisaV and Brandi are afraid of Kim they just know what is coming and why deal with it if you don't have to? We've seen LisaV in past seasons just humor Kim ex: Kim's over the top reaction to LisaV not coming to her daughter's graduation party but still being in town. I mean for that small a slight Lisa spent a season apologizing to Kim why deal with her if you dont have to except in the most cursory social situations?

Lisa paid dearly last season for daring to ask Kim about taking a sleeping pill in Paris 2 seasons ago. Kim forgets no slight, even if it was unintended.

  • Love 7


She says it quietly,  not screaming like Kim, Lipsa, and Eileen


I didn't hear Eileen scream one time. She said what she wanted to say to Kim's ridiculous attacks and claims - she did not shout or scream. Brandi saying something quietly is a minor miracle.


And Brandi allegedly trying to get Kim to stop is hilarious to me considering she's actually the one who outed Kim's issues on camera!

Edited by hypnotoad
  • Love 17

Kyle needn't have worried about Brandi's influence on Kim...no one can stop her, not even Brandi, lol.

Well, to be honest, Brandi is the one winding Kim up! She is the one telling Kim that Lisa spoke to the other HWs, the only one! Of course, she forgot to mention that she has also been doing the very same thing and she is the one revealing Kim's dirty laundry to them, not Lisa! LOL

  • Love 5

By the way, I'd strongly suggest that anyone running into Kim Richards over the weekend not inquire about her sobriety, or if she has a sober coach or attends meetings.  As she says it's none of your beeswax.  And if you do make the mistake of going there...do not apologize just run like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction from her. 


Warning: Do not invite Kim, Brandi or LisaR to your home for a family event over the weekend.  You never know when sparks will fly and your deepest darkest secrets will be revealed. 

Well, to be honest, Brandi is the one winding Kim up! She is the one telling Kim that Lisa spoke to the other HWs, the only one! Of course, she forgot to mention that she has also been doing the very same thing and she is the one revealing Kim's dirty laundry to them, not Lisa! LOL

I was just kidding LOL!

  • Love 6

By the way, I'd strongly suggest that anyone running into Kim Richards over the weekend not inquire about her sobriety, or if she has a sober coach or attends meetings.  As she says it's none of your beeswax.  And if you do make the mistake of going there...do not apologize just run like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction from her. 


Warning: Do not invite Kim, Brandi or LisaR to your home for a family event over the weekend.  You never know when sparks will fly and your deepest darkest secrets will be revealed. 

I was just kidding LOL!

I think your safe with Lisa R as long as your not drunk/high and aggressive or go after/attack Harry! The other 2, lock your doors, turn off all your lights and do not, I repeat, do not answer the door or the phone! LOL

  • Love 6

By the way, I'd strongly suggest that anyone running into Kim Richards over the weekend not inquire about her sobriety, or if she has a sober coach or attends meetings.  As she says it's none of your beeswax.  And if you do make the mistake of going there...do not apologize just run like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction from her. 


Warning: Do not invite Kim, Brandi or LisaR to your home for a family event over the weekend.  You never know when sparks will fly and your deepest darkest secrets will be revealed. 

I was just kidding LOL!


If I saw her on the street, I would do precisely what you advised not to do.


I would like nothing better than to poke the crazy that is Kim Richards.


My inner child is about age 10, so I figure that would put Kim and I on even playing field intellectually.


Then I could tell her something really insulting, like "Why don't you eat a piece of bread???" or "Why don't you blow up your lips some more???"


Fuckin' Kim.  I just want to shove her pill bottle up her ass and pull it out her throat.


And I'm nonviolent.  Seriously.  She brings out the beast (thank you, Kim!) in me.  

  • Love 9

I am in such a pissy mood. First off I realize I missed the First Look, and then Zoeysmom tells me not to get horny for the Tulips in Holland.


And I, missed the first look by going to Kroger to buy tulips.  (3 bunches for $10, yo.  Score.)  I'd be in a pissy mood but...tulips on da table! 


Why are you saying Kyle said anything negative about Lisa and Harry?  That is just wrong. .


I wholeheartedly disagree.  I'm sure if Lisa R was dumb enough to share confidential information with Kyle, it's already been shared with Faye Resnick, Kathy and Kim.  Kyle is totally that gal.  And if Faye Resnick knows, the Kardashians know and if they know... 

  • Love 5

Well, I just watched First Look and, OMG, holy crap and WOW!  It was ugly and I can't wait to see the full episode. I just want to grab Kim by the hair and slap the beejeebers out of her. Shouldn't they all be just a little bit ashamed of themselves acting like American assholes in a foreign country in a classy restaurant? Good to know that money doesn't buy class. Sorry, I keep editing because I'm watching it for a second time and see more every time. Now as I watch LisaR talking about her sister dying of a drug overdose and the camera shows Kim coldly staring and not really giving a flying fig about Lisa's past traumatic experience, I see a sociopath who lacks any empathy at all. She's such a damaged, sick person.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 9
Even if she didn't have the opportunity to go to normal schools so what?



This tends to always be my reaction to that sort of thing. I'm sure Kim had some really dark things in her childhood with that mother, but her time in the spotlight doesn't seem like any sort of terrible thing keeping her away from childhood. It just wasn't a very ordinary childhood, but she's said before she really enjoyed working. Her jobs followed all the child labor laws and she would have tutors on set. Sitting in social studies class isn't fundamentally more fun than filming a scene in a Disney movie.


WTF with Lisa Rinna and that glass? I hate it on these shows where people seem to just lose it over nothing. I have no idea what Kim was going to say or if it was really so bad, but watching it it seemed like Kim was just doing the usual vicious "I know what you don't want to get out!" and LisaR went into some big performative rage to show how loyal she is about her husband. Smashing glasses? Even I flinched hoping a piece didn't fly at me.


My favorite thing, still, is Kim, while bragging about how she's been sober for 3 years (and if she'd had a problem her family would have spoken to her so they, too, could get the kind of treatment LisaR is getting because it's always worked so well when they confront her!) says that she took one pill "for pain" that just "didn't agree with her."


Didn't agree with her, like a too spicy meatball.


Funny because it looked like the pill agreed with her just fine. It got her high as a kite which was probably where she wanted to be, or else why would someone take that pill? The woman's got plenty of experience with pills. What else would one expect when popping a late-stage cancer level pain level pill that wasn't even prescribed to you? What, she thought it was like taking two Advils instead of one? Even in her rants she's laying out all the lies everybody has to pretend to agree with if they want to keep speaking to her (and who would want to keep speaking to her)?


Loved Eileen pointing out that contrary to Kim's self-righteous angry claims, she never apologized to Eileen--apparently because she doesn't like her face. It's just so perfectly Kim to yell at someone about some great thing Kim did for them that never happened like she expects the other person to just go with it or in that moment believes it's true.

  • Love 19

Eileen's friend, Lynn, is the same one she went paddle boarding with.  If you recall, Eileen drove to Lynn's house which is RIGHT on the beach.  They walked down the steps to the sand, picked up their paddle boards and took off from there.  Now, that house to me has the potential to be the best.  Yo's interior and exterior is my favorite but you have to go down her very long driveway and backtrack to cross the PCH to walk on the beach.  I don't know the beaches in Malibu - are houses directly on the beach sought after or is a house like Yo's in the hills just above the beach more desirable?


Maybe Lynn is being groomed to be Kim or Brandi's replacement?  A girl can hope.


I'm not a fan of Yolanda's house, and that's the #1 reason.  I would love to have a house right on the beach, and it makes no sense to me to be so close but not really.  Views are nice, but I would be much happier with a smaller house that was in closer proximity to the actual beach.   I guess not everyone feels as I do, but I want to be on the beach and enjoying the views there, not looking at it from high above and having to do all that shlepping if I want to put my toes in the sand or swim in the ocean.

  • Love 7

If I saw her on the street, I would do precisely what you advised not to do.


I would like nothing better than to poke the crazy that is Kim Richards.


My inner child is about age 10, so I figure that would put Kim and I on even playing field intellectually.


Then I could tell her something really insulting, like "Why don't you eat a piece of bread???" or "Why don't you blow up your lips some more???"


Fuckin' Kim.  I just want to shove her pill bottle up her ass and pull it out her throat.


And I'm nonviolent.  Seriously.  She brings out the beast (thank you, Kim!) in me.  

No, no, no don't feed into her crazy!  Run away and save yourself for another day.  You never know what these cast members are capable of! :D She might send Brandi after you and include a chapter about you in her next book, "The Real/Imagined Lawsuits Against Me."


  • Love 4

I'm not a fan of Yolanda's house, and that's the #1 reason.  I would love to have a house right on the beach, and it makes no sense to me to be so close but not really.  


I love her house but it would have to be on the beach.  And not in Malibu. Too congested with traffic and people.  Picky little princess, aren't I?

  • Love 7

I love her house but it would have to be on the beach.  And not in Malibu. Too congested with traffic and people.  Picky little princess, aren't I?


Well, if you are, then I am too!


But honestly, I would be happy with a small house as long as I could open my door and be steps away from the beach.  There's little else about where I live that matters to me.  It would be heaven, and much more desirable to me than simply views from high above.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 4

So, any truth about Harry, you know had to come from Brandi telling Kim.  This is what Brandi does.  And you know that 'truth' has been distorted  and spun into something that is actually not fact.


Now I fully understand why Brandi and Kim have a kinship.  They're two of a kind.  Why?  I'll leave it at that.


As ugly as it was, and it was very, very ugly, Lisa's reaction was over the top.  Throwing the wine glass?  That's freaking dangerous.  I love Eileen's reaction....calm and to the point.  A perfect verbal left hook.


Message to Kyle:  Walk away.  You owe your sister nothing.  She's sucker punching you.  Let Kathy take care of her.  You owe her nothing anymore.  And I do understand why Kyle ran away.  Too many emotions:  Anger, hurt, guilt.  It was overwhelming. 


Kim is one angry, mean, unhappy bitch.  And now America has gotten to see it.  You lose Kim.

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 20

Not an audible peep out of Brandi throughout this entire fracas?


Girlfriend must have smoked some good shit at the coffee house.


Remaining calm and keeping her mouth shut was a very good look for her in the first look.  


Now, her motivation for remaining silent is up for speculation, and, of course, there's no telling what might happen in the rest of this episode.  


Looking forward to Tuesday...Between the VPR season finale Monday night and this shitstorm Tuesday night, I'm counting down the hours.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 9

Kyle looked ridiculous fleeing out the door.  Do grown up women actually do that?


I don't think Kyle looked ridiculous.  Yes, grown women actually do that.  I find it preferable to putting your hands on someone, or shattering a glass in people's faces.  Personally, I completely shut down in these situations - even if I'm strictly an observer.  You would think I was a horribly abused child raised in a violent household.  That's simply how I respond and I've never been able to change it.  It's a fight or flight response.

  • Love 11

Forgot to add, we learn that Lisa R had a sister who died of an overdose.  Wow.  It gives an even better insight into Lisa's response to Kim in all this.


I know that there are going to be posters who are going to say that's even more of a reason why Lisa shouldn't drink at all.  However, I believe that something doesn't have to be your 'destiny'.  Many behaviors that are believed to be somewhat genetic doesn't always have to be negative.  If you are aware of them and understand them, you can turn them into a positive.  You can use 'addictive' traits into something positive just as easily as something negative.  It's not easy to explain but I, myself, have done this as well as other people I have known. 

  • Love 11

Here are my theories about what's going on with Harry.


Something ain't right with him, imo.  He's aged remarkably fast in the past couple years.  Watch any interview he's done lately and he seems depressed. Almost robotic.  Maybe he's on some medication for something.  Seriously.  He's not the same guy he was.  And I don't think it has to do with him not drinking.


Maybe the secret is that he's gay?  I didn't hear Kim's comment about Lisa not getting any, but it's plausible.  He did a movie back in the 80s where he played a gay man and he says that it killed his movie career.  I believe he said he's never done another major film since.  Maybe the near wreckage of his career and doing that movie stirred up something....emotional?...I dunno. 


Last theory....his narcotics convictions.  Seems to me he admitted to what happened as a pre-emptive strike.  I think there's more to the story. When you listen to him tell it, it sounds like he's leaving out big details.  It happened so long ago and before he got famous, information is scarce.


But what I really think Kim knows is that there's something going on with him emotionally/mentally.  Whether it's an addiction or a depression or both.  He's a Yale grad and highly intelligent people are sometimes wired different.  He could be the type of person who is a big worrier.  An over thinker.  The light has gone out of his eyes, imo.  Watch an interview and see if you agree.  Lots of theories and unless someone spills the beans, we'll never know.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 6

I love that picture of Yo, above.  It looks like she's wondering what the hell she's doing there with those crazy vimmen. 


What IS she doing there?  I'm not her number one fan but I feel bad that her excitement to show the Hos (and us) her country turned into a shitstorm.  I hope she doesn't come back next season.  She needs to take care of herself and change her phone number so none of these lunatics can call her again. Who needs 'em.  I wonder what My Love will say after he sees this episode. 

  • Love 6

I got to give it to Lisa R, Kim, and Eileen. That psycho beast Kim is indefensible. No franchise has anyone as bad as her. Sure you have your Nenes, your Teresas, Vickis, etc. But they all tend to have something about them that people either really liked or wanted to find out more about. Kim is not likeable or interesting IMO. Lisa R is crying and talking about losing family to addiction, she once AGAIN apologizes to that disgusting creature and Kim can't say ok. She is so gross. The way she hatefully and smugly looked at Lisa R while she was crying...just wow. No empathy at all.

And that shit she was pulling with Kyle about Kathy and Brandi? Just gross. Kyle needs to cut off contact with her. That relationship is never going to be healthy.

Please get Kim off the show. She doesn't belong. She is a gross person and I don't want to see what lows she'll sink to next.

I hate Brandi and while she may be egging Kim on, Kim is perfectly capable of being a soulless loon without her. I thought the first game night was an isolated incident at first. I was wrong. This is who Kim is. An ugly person who doesn't care about anyone around her and becomes angry when she sees happiness in others.

I do wonder if some of her extreme anger right now is for being pissed she can't be high while on the trip.

Who at that table bought that load of crap about Kim being clean for 3 years? <crickets>

Edited by Brooke0707
  • Love 15
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