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On 6/2/2018 at 6:22 PM, MargeGunderson said:

she’s a pretty happy cat, and frankly peeing outside of the box does not seem to bother her one bit. This is just really hard because it’s not clear cut. I don’t want to feel like I’m making this decision for the wrong reason. 

  She sounds like she is a cherished member of your family and is a pretty happy cat.  As difficult as it is, I think you'll know when it is time and it does not sound like it is yet.

  • Love 4

Any ideas on how long it typically takes cats to get used to each other?

Things seemed to be going decently - a lot of posturing in the periodic skirmishes.  Hissing, growling, puffed up hair (but just about halfway), some batting at each other but without claws.  I've been letting the cats interact in sessions - I did not want Cat TBD to have to be constantly on guard.  So I either site swap and/or just close a bedroom door on one of them.

Sir Robin has dropped all pretense of posturing - he's just nosy now and wants to find out more about TBD.  He's more likely to be the one to back down but also the one to quickly come back - it seems mostly out of curiosity.

But when I went to bed last night and Sir Robin and Kook come with me, so my son could open his bedroom door to let TBD roam the household without having to deal with them, she came to my door and did a couple of soft meows.  Not a mean one - kind of one that could be "I want to come in too" or just a general announcement that she was close by.  Neither Sir Robin nor Kook reacted or were upset by it.

  • Love 4

@DeLurker It sounds like it won't take much longer at all for everybody to just be used to the new three pet scenario.  I would assume at some point the two cats will need to decide how they rank in the social hierarchy, but from what you described, that should go relatively smoothly. 

11 hours ago, Jean-Beth said:

Apparently she looks like a pillow to S'mores.

Yep. She cuddled up right next to the little one. It was a very easy introduction.

  • Love 5

@DeLurker  Apparently you chose the right cat. Congratulations. Sounds like a done deal. 

Why is it as soon as I wash my sweaters to put away for the season Big Boy senses there’s fresh laundry to go lay on ? Drats  like I’m going to spend another few hours hand washing and drying before I leave them on the bed while I switch the next load. 



Edited by Mindthinkr
  • Love 9

I tried to do the slow introduction when I brought Snip home, but she wasn't having any of that.  After the third time she climbed over two baby gates stacked one on top of the other (that room doesn't have an actual door), I said "OK, just don't kill each other, please" and went to work figuring it's a two-bedroom apartment and there are more places for cats to be than there are cats to be in them.  There was some hissing periodically for about three days and ever since then, they've been using each other as pillows.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

@DeLurker  Apparently you chose the right cat. Congratulations. Sounds like a done deal. 

Why is it as soon as I wash my sweaters to put away for the season Big Boy senses there’s fresh laundry to go lay on ? Drats  like I’m going to spend another few hours hand washing and drying before I leave them on the bed while I switch the next load. 



What does it say about me that my reaction to this post was how irresponsible and lazy I felt after seeing it?  Washing sweaters for the season!  Now agreeing to hand wash!  Not saying “eh it’s dark, Big Boy is dark, no biggie”. 

Can you come stay with me for a weekend and help me sort my life out?

  • Love 8
35 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

I will be a very pampered cat in my next life.

I'm shooting to be Bosawk's pet - Ali always seems to be having a good time!

In the Continuing Tales of Catty Face and Cat TBD ~

In the early part of last night, the two were having their hiss and yowl off.  Both of them were taking part.  It would go on for a few minutes, quiet down for 15 or so, start back up, wash/rinse/repeat.  After a while, Catty Face came downstairs to hang out with me until I was ready to go to bed.

We go upstairs, he comes into my room like usual, noses around the sink while I brush my teeth, etc...when I go to bed he saunters out the door and heads towards my son's door.  A minute later, yowling erupts.  This time it is lasting longer than normal so I go in to break it up.

I walk in and see Catty Face laying on his back, paws in the air, rolling side to side - he's having a great time.  TBD is under the bed and still yowling her head off at this nutter who does not get how things are supposed to be settled in cat world.

This afternoon, the same thing is happening.  Catty Face is in the room looking out the window; TBD is yowling at him from the other side of the room.

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

I first had an inkling when you posted Ella being soooo happy being outside on the leash. Then the warm and fuzzy ones with your other cat.  Now I know for sure that if @bilgistic were to become a cat, she would be Ella. 

As in, don't try to figure either of them out. haha

To be fair, Ella suffers from Resting Grumpy Face. She had just finished yawning and was still waking up from her mid-morning nap. She takes after me in that neither of us wake up in a particularly happy mood most of the time.

  • Love 6
7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

To be fair, Ella suffers from Resting Grumpy Face. She had just finished yawning and was still waking up from her mid-morning nap. She takes after me in that neither of us wake up in a particularly happy mood most of the time.

Me too. 

A new, and unexpected, chapter in the Tales of TBD.  Last night I put Catty Face in my room and closed the door so my son could get TBD bring her downstairs.  He sat her down on the couch between us and things settled down nicely.  Until Kook decided to come nose around getting TBD hissy.  I told him to sit and went back to petting TBD.  A few minutes of this and Kook starts to make funny noises - something between a whisper bark and a whine.  He NEVER has whined - I did not even know he could!  So I sat on the floor with Kook to give him reassuring attention.  Eventually he went into the dining room where the kids were doing something and I went back up with TBD.  Then he came back and TBD went on high alert again.

On the upside of his jealous heart, he willingly came when it was time to brush his teeth.  He usually practices the philosophy of passive resistance when it comes time for teeth brushing and baths, but if it meant I was giving him exclusive attention over TBD, he was all in.

  • Love 10
19 hours ago, riley702 said:

Finnegan is going through a growth spurt and thinks he's gonna die of starvation! LOL He was so tiny when we got him and he's gonna be a BIG boy! And he's so sweet and funny. He's a joy. Right now he's eating like teenager with a hollow leg.Finnegan.thumb.jpg.987c9104985a5b64e55366d115aabc3a.jpg

Thought I'd add a picture of his first day with us.


That little puffball was so freaking cute! And now he's a beautiful boy! Tell him I love him.

  • Love 8

He and Pearl were so damned sick. We were actually told he was a girl, and me and my SIL, Paula, have had cats our entire lives, and this is the only one we ever got wrong. After he started putting away the groceries, he... developed. And he had worms so bad. Medicine, groceries including as much KMR as they would drink, and all 3 (including bonus kitty Wren, a Siamese) started growing like crazy. Pearl and a sibling were much smaller than the rest of their litter, and her brother died within a day. Pearl has always been feisty - that had to help. She also adores people - when she sees you approach, she lights up and runs to you. Wren is quieter, but very affectionate as well. We got one from each pregnant mama, and all 3 have great personalities.

Edited by riley702
commas are good
  • Love 8

I am terrified.  Shlamey may have cancer.  I have called the vet a couple of times the last visit after the tooth extraction because she was still having a lot of long strings of drool and though it looked clear, her fur was showing rust color where she wiped it.  She said because of her age she was healing slowly.  And she's developed a bald spot on her chin and I couldn't tell if it was really swollen or just looked it because it was bare.  I called again yesterday and they made an appointment for this morning.

She said the wound has closed and it may be there is some infection trapped under it that needs a stronger/different antibiotic.  But she also said she was very worried, and I could see it in her face, because the chin is swollen but some parts of it are hard. And she has lost weight since then.  She is eating, though I have noticed not as much at one time, but she does eat more often during the day. She said the xrays at the time of the extraction showed what looked like infection only but this maybe be cancer.  She gave her antibiotics today and Thursday she will have the biopsy.  That means going under twice in a little over a month at 18 years old which scares the Dr and me both.

She said I did everything right and that I called several times and that what I described and what she saw when I brought her in that last time looked like slow healing due to age.  I trust her very much and I do not think she missed anything or mistreated Shlamey at all.  I think if it is cancer, the tooth was the beginning or coincidental. 

This is going to be a long week waiting until next Thursday and then waiting for the results.

I am just so scared and trying not to be upset because Shlamey picks up on and reacts to my emotions like you wouldn't believe but I just need it to be next Friday or Monday after that so I know what we are looking at.

The Dr. said if it is cancer, then it depends on what kind.  Some are treatable and some, well, they are not.

  • Love 10

Thank you all for your good thoughts and encouragement with Shlamey's upcoming biopsy!  I asked this morning when I took Shana for her fluid therapy how long it would take to get the results and she said about 5 business days.  They actually send it to UGA for the testing, so, that makes me feel good because from what I understand they have an excellent veterinary program there.  I am doing my darnedest not to google feline mouth cancer.  For now I am trying to focus on her getting through the biopsy and the anesthesia and not worry (too much) about the results yet. 

Good news is Shana gained weight this week.  She had lost the last two weeks and they said last week if she didn't gain this week we'd have to have an exam and tests to see why.

And trust me, these two are the very definition of spoiled!  Especially now that the Dr said both of them can have a much as they want to eat because Shana will ask for more treats as she is chewing one.  :)  

  • Love 6

Catsby and Calypso started expressing an interest in going outside a few days ago. I made the necessary preparations; buying some flea (& everything else) drops, making sure the driveway gates are closed to keep dogs out, etc. I discovered that both of the cats dislike the flea drops intensely. I had to do the roll-em-up-in-a-blanket trick with Catsby to apply the drops because he kept running away, and he's too strong to manage with one hand while I apply drops with the other. Calypso didn't run; she just batted my hand away when I got near her with the drops. She hits hard! She's a pretty muscular cat, probably from all the exercise she's been getting in the house. Anyway, I eventually managed to apply the stuff.

Outdoor fun! Catsby mostly sticks pretty close to the kitchen deck during his excursions. He seems to like the warm areas where the sun shines on the deck...until it gets hot outside, and he moves to the shade. Calypso, on the other hand, is all over the yard. And she likes to run. I expect to see her climbing some trees soon too.

In more indoors-oriented news: Both the cats chase flies. Catsby seems particularly obsessed with them, and will chase them until he catches them, no matter how long it takes.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, Sandman87 said:

Catsby and Calypso started expressing an interest in going outside a few days ago. I made the necessary preparations; buying some flea (& everything else) drops, making sure the driveway gates are closed to keep dogs out, etc. I discovered that both of the cats dislike the flea drops intensely. I had to do the roll-em-up-in-a-blanket trick with Catsby to apply the drops because he kept running away, and he's too strong to manage with one hand while I apply drops with the other. Calypso didn't run; she just batted my hand away when I got near her with the drops. She hits hard! She's a pretty muscular cat, probably from all the exercise she's been getting in the house. Anyway, I eventually managed to apply the stuff.

Do they give you that "Oh, my god -- who farted?!" look when you crack open the vial? Two cats I've lived with could smell the stuff from across the room and would take off running in the opposite direction ASAP. Whatever is in Frontline and Advantage would make the most perfect cat repellents in the world.

  • Love 4

Did something new for the kittens-- my mother and I moved their "hotel" (cage) and "bathroom" (litter box) to a shadier area of the porch, and moved the "restaurant" (food bowl and automatic waterer) outside to the left. The reason this is is because it is said that a cat's "bathroom" should not be at the same place as its "restaurant," being as it doesn't like to combine those two areas (that's just what I've heard). 

Edited by bmasters9
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, bmasters9 said:

Did something new for the kittens-- my mother and I moved their "hotel" (cage) and "bathroom" (litter box) to a shadier area of the porch, and moved the "restaurant" (food bowl and automatic waterer) outside to the left. The reason this is is because it is said that a cat's "bathroom" should not be at the same place as its "restaurant," being as it doesn't like to combine those two areas (that's just what I've heard). 

"Don't shit where you eat" is pretty much a universal rule - at least, for mammals.  Some of my dirty birds just can't seem to help themselves.   ;-)

  • Love 4
11 hours ago, CoderLady said:

Do they give you that "Oh, my god -- who farted?!" look when you crack open the vial? Two cats I've lived with could smell the stuff from across the room and would take off running in the opposite direction ASAP. Whatever is in Frontline and Advantage would make the most perfect cat repellents in the world.

My girls react the same way with Revolution. It smells like nothing to me, but horribly offensive to them.

  • Love 2
34 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

For the first time ever, last night while I watched Westworld, my sweet little girl laid on my chest and belly and snoozed a little like Bilgisticat always used to. It was a tender little bonding time.

She felt sorry  for you having to watch the shitshow that Westworld has become.  My Babalu kitty will not enjoy Sunday evenings until Game of Thrones comes back.  He has standards ...

  • Love 4

The cat decided to hide under my bed before I went to sleep last night, and then at 3:30 decided it was a good time to wake up and demand to be let out of the room. Neo the dog chose to smack me in the eye after dinner last night because I stopped petting his needy little butt. 

So over coffee this morning I explained to all of the pets that they're are plenty more where they came from. (Except Danny! Danny was informed that he's awesome, and can't be replaced.) But Luna was informed that there are plenty more like her at the humane society who won't pee in the sink and could be here by Saturday. Neo, plenty more where he came from. I could have him replaced by the end of the month. I told him I'll need a little extra time to pick out a dog, to ensure I don't get another Neo. While I was at it, I told Peanut (the baby guinea pig) that she better watch it, because I could have her replacement on board within three hours. 

Honestly, none of them seemed very concerned. Danny did wag his tail when I talked to him, because he's a good boy. 

  • Love 12

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