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3 hours ago, Talky Tina said:


I seem to have had a post disappear.  I hope it wasn't in the wrong place or inappropriate for the forum. 

I hope I didn't break a rule.  The post was just talking about my animals and asking for suggestions on a breed that would enjoy running in the woods with me.  I do tend to run (type) at the mouth when it comes to my animals so maybe it was too long.    I posted it right after Ratgirlagogo's post. 


You probably didn't do anything wrong.  It may have been around the same time as the board hiccup a couple of days ago.  Posts disappear frequently when that happens.

Anyway, you're looking for a running dog?  I would recommend a Dalmatian, Border Collie, Brittany Spaniel, or a Greyhound.  What other dogs/animals do you have?

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Thank you @Demented Daisy. I really thought my post was too long and had been deleted.  I appreciate your response. 

I have a shepherd/chow mix, a Newfoundland and a chihuahua mix. They're all senior dogs, I adopted the Chihuahua and Newfoundland within the past year,  they are very bonded and I wanted them to be together.   I have had the shepherd since he was a pup.  I also have cats and some outside animals.     My shepherd used to run with me when I lived in the city but is too old now.  I run about 2 or 3 miles 4 days a week and it gets boring running by myself. I want to find a dog who enjoys running in the woods, I don't want to have to force a dog into it. 

I was actually thinking about a greyhound, I also pondered a border collie but I have goats and chickens and am worried a BC would try to herd them.  I just want a dog who will get excited when it's time to run. When my shepherd was younger all I had to do was say the word "run" and he would go insane with excitement he would also get excited when I got m running shoes out.    We had great times running together. 

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@Talky Tina - Think the first thing I would think about in looking at a running partner is the terrain and climate.  A dog with a longer coat may require more post-run care and brushing out to get rid of dirt, check for ticks, etc...my instinct would be a lab or lab mix (but I am biased).  Short coat, high energy, good temperament , all terrain, most climates, highly trainable and loyal to their person.  Heck, you could probably market your runs and people would pay you to take their dogs on a good run!

And we are excited about adding a dog to the family, although now the first and most important concern is he/she cat friendly?  I've been looking at rescues and shelters so expected to get a mature dog, but I tripped upon a puppy that might be a good fit so that lead to the discussion about neutering.  Since I plan on going the rescue or shelter route, I figured that was not going to even be a discussion.

@Demented Daisy-  The reason given was very vague and basically it was that studies have shown that neutering/spaying too early cuts off some of the hormones necessary for fully growth and development and increases the likelihood of problems like hip dysplasia (sp?) and ligament tears (she used another word - maybe cruciate?).

I only asked the very basic question because my mind was focused on the dog temperament and understanding what she thought were the necessary components of the owner/household to be a good fit for the pup.  I did google it and found some supporting articles for it and some academic studies that seem to document the idea, but other articles questioning the validity of those same studies (sample size, breed specific testing so relevance in applying to dog breeds not in sample, etc...).  So I got in over my head pretty quick.


Newfoundland and a chihuahua mix.

I read this as a Newfoundland and chihuahua mix!!!  I had a fit of giggles thinking what that might look like!

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LMAO!!  I hope in that case the Newfoundland would be the female, otherwise OUCH!!  I should probably reword that.  Thanks so much for your suggestions. I've been thinking a lab would be best as well, I already have two long haired dogs that need to go to a groomer a lot.   I want a smooth coat this time.  I'm in Oregon so the only weather I really have to worry about is the rain, but I actually enjoy running in the rain. 

I have to say how cute my Newfie and my Chihuahua are together.  They were brought into the shelter together and they are bonded like no animals I've seen before. One will whine if the other is out of their site.  When they first came home with me  Jake (Newf)  was asleep but I couldn't find Charlotte (chihuahua) anywhere. I looked and looked and Jake  lifted his head and Charlotte was asleep under his big ole head  between his front paws. They sleep like that all the time.  They are so sweet together. It is absolutely hilarious when they play together.   I've never seen animals so bonded with each other. 

Edited by Talky Tina
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I need to see a picture of Jake and Charlotte! Have you posted one before and I am just missing it?

I flove Newfoundlands, although I have never lived anywhere it would be remotely kind to own one.

Over the summer, Sir Robin figured out that cat's hiss to intimidate and when fighting (by watching my Mom's cat).  When we came home and were playing with one of his toys, I thought he was having an asthma attack!  Sir Robin fails Hissing 101.

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Over the summer, Sir Robin figured out that cat's hiss to intimidate and when fighting (by watching my Mom's cat).  When we came home and were playing with one of his toys, I thought he was having an asthma attack!  Sir Robin fails Hissing 101.

That sounds like my Ella cat. She was the sweetest thing w/ four paws when I first brought her home from the shelter. Then (a few months later, after she was settled in) I fostered a set of hissy spitter kittens. She tried to mother them and they weren't having it and hissed constantly. So she started imitating them and began hissing at everything just because she could (even when she was begging to be petted). Except it didn't come naturally to her, so only a mild and week hiss sound came out. It was so cute. Once she got used to the fact that she had the ability to hiss, she stopped and I don't think she's done it since.

This is her walking outside on her leash....she used to love it, now not so much.


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Beautiful kitty @AgentRXS,  she looks a lot like one of my cats.  I've never tried a leash on a cat, is it hard to get them used to it? 

It looks like I'm getting a couple of llamas. I've always loved them and have always thought they're such beautiful animals so when the opportunity popped up, I grabbed it.  One of the people in my town has them but he's getting too old to properly care for them and he offered them to me.  I have helped him out at his ranch before and he knew how much I loved his llamas.  They're really sweet, social animals.   My cousin and his husband are contractors and they're building me a stable and enclosures for them.  I can't wait! 

@DeLurker, I'll post some pictures of Jake and Charlotte later on tonight.  Charlotte is about the size of Jake's head and could eat her in one bite but they are best buddies.  And Charlotte is definitely the boss in their relationship. 

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@Talky Tina It depends on the cat. Ella was pretty open to leash walking at one time, but once she saw other strays in the neighborhood free-roaming, she started putting up a protest. Now she goes out to only sit on the porch for a few minutes and comes right back in.

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It's been 6 months now since my Big Guy died. He had the sheer nerve to die on a leap day, so I'll only be able to figure out when to observe the anniversary every four years. I had a certain reluctance to change the litter box in that first week because his poop was in it. Mom's cat has proven to be a successful therapist (therapurrist?), so I'm all right now.

His friends the rabbits have been appearing in the yard recently. He always went out on the deck to watch them when when they were around, and one time I watched him hopping along behind one of them.

I found a picture of him that I haven't posted yet. I don't know how he managed to dig up my old CoC supplements. Be afraid, be very afraid:


"In his house at R'lyeh Kitty-thulhu waits dreaming."

12 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

This is her walking outside on her leash....she used to love it, now not so much.

Maybe she grew up enough to be embarrassed by the pink polka-dot vest?

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7 hours ago, Sandman87 said:

(therapurrist?), so I'm all right now.

His friends the rabbits have been appearing in the yard recently. He always went out on the deck to watch them when when they were around, and one time I watched him hopping along behind one of them.

So stealing therapurrist!

Big Guy looks so sweet.  And I say he decided to wait until Leap Day because that is a unique and memorable day - just like he was.

Do you have any video of your cabbit?  I would so love to see that.

Our dog when I was a kid was funny.  If no one was around, she'd just hang out in the yards with the birds.  If someone came out, she went through a big show of chasing them off and barking at them.

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13 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Big Guy looks so sweet.  And I say he decided to wait until Leap Day because that is a unique and memorable day - just like he was.

Yeah, he was a pussycat (pun intended). All 19 pounds of him. He liked having his belly scratched, which is unique in the cats I've known.

13 hours ago, DeLurker said:

Do you have any video of your cabbit?  I would so love to see that.

Unfortunately not.

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@Sandman87, Trixie the Brat Cat is the only cat I've ever had who likes her belly petted.  My old orange girl Punkin would take a finger off your hands if you even thought about touching her belly. 

I had something odd happen recently. Murphy my schnauzer is a total riad dog, he LOVES going in the truck and is unhappy if my husband type person goes on a job without him. He recently returned to work and Murphy refused to go with him,  before if we just said the word truck he would start dancing and getting excited.  This time when he was getting ready to leave, he said "let's go in the truck" and Murphy jumped on my lap and  refused to go.  I thought he'd be upset about being left but he's been great.   I don't know why there's been the change but I'd kinda like to think that Murphy knew I needed him at home and wanted to be with me. 

@Talky Tina, I need to see Jake and Charlotte pictures too and I would love to see llama pictures, they're one of my dream animals, I've always wanted one. 

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So I haven't been feeling well lately, and my cat Diamond (who is usually somewhat bitchy) has been suprisingly loving and supportive, so I decided to buy some catnip for her (she LOVES it). The weird thing about Ella is that  she doesn't react to it/have any interest in it  until she sees Diamond "getting high" so then she goes back to it, and starts mimicking Diamond's behavior (rolling around, meowing for no reason, random running throughout the house). Its kind of funny to watch. I can tell Ella isn't really "high", she just wants Diamond to think she is. I notice she seems to care a lot about what other cats think of her. I guess she doesn't want to be seen as a nerdy cat or something LOL.

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@Bastet, I haven't seen a Riley update, how is she doing? 

Very well, thank you.  I'll do a proper update later this weekend, but speaking of belly rubs -- she's put on some of the weight she needed to, so now when she flops over and presents her belly to me, there's actually something to rub.  That tummy makes me so happy.

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On Friday, September 02, 2016 at 4:42 AM, DeLurker said:

Our dog when I was a kid was funny.  If no one was around, she'd just hang out in the yards with the birds.  If someone came out, she went through a big show of chasing them off and barking at them.

18 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

So I haven't been feeling well lately, and my cat Diamond (who is usually somewhat bitchy) has been suprisingly loving and supportive, so I decided to buy some catnip for her (she LOVES it). The weird thing about Ella is that  she doesn't react to it/have any interest in it  until she sees Diamond "getting high" so then she goes back to it, and starts mimicking Diamond's behavior (rolling around, meowing for no reason, random running throughout the house). Its kind of funny to watch. I can tell Ella isn't really "high", she just wants Diamond to think she is.

There you have it: Dogs and cats are a bunch of phonies.

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I added a new dog to the household yesterday!   I drove a ridiculous distance to go see him, because he came up on one on my searches on Petfinders.  He's a Great Pyrenees and some kind of white German Shepherd mix.  He weighs 54 lbs now and still has some growing to do.  Plus, he looks like he is wearing guyliner on both eyes, top and bottom.

Name to be determined - he came with one but I have a hard time saying it.

He walks well on a leash, has not barked at all, is fairly indifferent to the cat, not wild about getting a bath but very fond of being towel dried after.  He looks like he has some skin irritations in a couple of spots, so when I take him to the vet early next week I'll see what can be done.

I brought my daughter and nephew with me to see him to make sure I had a voice of reason with me.  We went and met him, spent some time with him, went to lunch to talk it over and came back to finalize the adoption.


New Dog.jpg

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Catching up on the week…

Welcome back @Maharincess!

@Talky Tina, reading your post about all of your animals made me think of the guy who built a replica of Noah’s Ark. It sounds like you have the contents! I want a picture of your Newfie and Chihuahua.

Re: hissing. For the first time ever, girl cat did not hiss at the boy when he came back from the vet! Apparently the new vet’s office doesn’t smell as bad? Maybe it’s the lack of dog smells, since the new vet is a cats-only practice.

@Sandman87 I love the image of your Big Guy hopping along with his rabbit buddies. My beloved fluffy cat use to like to lie in the shade of a lilac tree while a cardinal perched about 3 inches above her head announcing her presence to all. Like the cardinal was the guy who blew the horn when Her Majesty appeared. I saw her take down large birds but she never tried to get that cardinal.

Re: belly rubs. During his final illness, my tuxedo boy would get in my lap a few times a day and roll over so I could give him long belly rubs. He was an enormous cat so there was a lot of belly to rub.

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

If you were a Lost fan, you could name him Nestor for Nestor Carbonell.  (He's been in other things, that's just the one I know him from).

Thank you!  I was trying to think of his name yesterday when we were driving home with our new guy, but I was completely drawing a blank!  And it was making me a bit nutty that I couldn't remember.

He's still getting used to the new environment and people, but he's getting there.  The cat is keeping a close eye on him to make sure he's not getting too much attention as he, the cat, has seniority.

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Doggy Update - he now has a name: Kokuma which is Japanese for baby/child bear.  It works for me since I know sometimes I will call him Ko (child) or Kuma (bear).  My daughter and I took him for a walk earlier and got to an area where we could test him off leash* and he did great.  When we got to the wooded area, Kokuma and I took a break and my daughter went a little further ahead to check out water levels and the new rope swing someone put out there.  Kokuma was okay at first, but then he was getting anxious when she was too far away so I let him off leash to see what he would do.  He ran straight to her and stayed until she was coming back.  He looked pretty happy bounding through the slightly wooded area.

*Great Pyrenees are known to be wanderers but hopefully he won't be one.

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Kokuma finally worked up the nerve to come upstairs last night to sleep.  He has yet to work up the nerve to come down.  Silly silly dog.  Here he is on the landing contemplating the descent.


Edited by DeLurker
Don't know how to make the picture smaller!
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In the Macc home, the countdown has begun to the arrival of a new cat.  When we lost Carl, I put an indefinite hold on replacing him, which was negotiated to my daughter's birthday in early October. That bought me a few months, which seemed reasonable.  (Negotiated by HER, by the way. Freaking kid.)  

I was hoping for an adult cat, but we may end up with a kitten. A kitten might deal better with growing into a home that has a couple of dogs and guinea pigs than an adult cat with pre-existing feelings about dogs and rodents.

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Kittens are a time bomb waiting to explode for me - I see the cute little faces and convince myself that I can adopt all of them.

But this year's pet acquisitions have gone really well - I went on instinct or a feeling, not sound judgement.  In both cases, things worked out beautifully but I don't think I want to press my luck.

Kokuma's vet visit went ok - he has ear infections and some beginning signs of some kind of scabies (I forgot the term the good doctor used).  He's been super itchy and a couple of spots on his front legs are beginning to be a bit raw.  So the doctor treated him with a topical for fleas and mites, gave me an ear wash and ointment for treatment 2x day, and a special shampoo to help with the skin (every other day starting tomorrow).

Well, the doctor didn't "give" me those things, but she did wave the exam fee since I adopted him and used a sample of the topical for me, plus had the office staff give me a discount on the other charges.

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Kokuma's vet visit went ok - he has ear infections and some beginning signs of some kind of scabies (I forgot the term the good doctor used).  He's been super itchy and a couple of spots on his front legs are beginning to be a bit raw.  So the doctor treated him with a topical for fleas and mites, gave me an ear wash and ointment for treatment 2x day, and a special shampoo to help with the skin (every other day starting tomorrow).

Was it demodex mange? If so, oatmeal shampoos are supposed to be helpful....

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I don't remember the name she used - my mind just went "Awww, poor baby!".  I got medicated shampoo from her, but in the future I'll be looking for one with oatmeal.  If you have a brand recommendation, please say so.

Also, anyone got a recommendation on a good handheld vacuum for getting pet hair off couches and for the car?  My regular vacuum does fine on the carpets, but the handheld attachment is worthless.

In other news, Kokuma braved the stairs and came up to sleep in my bedroom last night.  He came down this morning with some hesitation, but I think he's conquered that fear.  Funny thing is, I knew the woman who I bought this house from and her dog would never go upstairs either.  I was thinking that it was haunted somehow and only the dogs knew.

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3 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Also, anyone got a recommendation on a good handheld vacuum for getting pet hair off couches and for the car?  My regular vacuum does fine on the carpets, but the handheld attachment is worthless.

Looking forward to anybody with a good answer to this question.  At the moment, my solution is to only obtain maroon colored pets going forward.

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Over a lifetime with a couple of Hoovers, a Shark, and a Dyson, I've given up trying to use a vacuum to get fur off upholstery.  I don't know what brand it is, but there's this thing that looks like an oversized yellow sponge, and that's what I use; works great.

Congratulations on the new addition, DeLurker.  And congrats to Kokuma, conquering the haunted stairs.

Edited by Bastet
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10 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I don't remember the name she used - my mind just went "Awww, poor baby!".  I got medicated shampoo from her, but in the future I'll be looking for one with oatmeal.  If you have a brand recommendation, please say so.

Also, anyone got a recommendation on a good handheld vacuum for getting pet hair off couches and for the car?  My regular vacuum does fine on the carpets, but the handheld attachment is worthless.

In other news, Kokuma braved the stairs and came up to sleep in my bedroom last night.  He came down this morning with some hesitation, but I think he's conquered that fear.  Funny thing is, I knew the woman who I bought this house from and her dog would never go upstairs either.  I was thinking that it was haunted somehow and only the dogs knew.

I always believe the horse who won't cross a bridge and the dog who won't go somewhere. Because you never know. 

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On 9/9/2016 at 7:16 PM, harrie said:

I always believe the horse who won't cross a bridge and the dog who won't go somewhere. Because you never know.

The former owner's dog won't go up or down any stairs anywhere, but my SIL joked about the dogs knowing something we don't. 

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"Feed me." "You just ate." Feed me." "There's still food in your bowls." "Feed me feed me feed me." "All right, look, you can have some dry food." 10 minutes later. "Feed me." "Oh, come on!" Next half hour restless prowling and then "Feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me." "Oh, for fuck's sake! Here!" Cat eats about a teaspoon and finally goes to his closet throne and sleeps.

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Just now, ABay said:

"Feed me." "You just ate." Feed me." "There's still food in your bowls." "Feed me feed me feed me." "All right, look, you can have some dry food." 10 minutes later. "Feed me." "Oh, come on!" Next half hour restless prowling and then "Feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me feed me." "Oh, for fuck's sake! Here!" Cat eats about a teaspoon and finally goes to his closet throne and sleeps.

Yes! They really know how to act like they are being starved to death when in reality it's only been a few hours since they ate previously.

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On 9/9/2016 at 9:42 AM, DeLurker said:

In other news, Kokuma braved the stairs and came up to sleep in my bedroom last night.  He came down this morning with some hesitation, but I think he's conquered that fear.

My neighbor back home on Long Island had a Springer Spaniel who wouldn't go down stairs - in their case, the house was a single story, so she never needed to go up or down more than one or two steps in and out of the house.  He had a basement workshop, and sometimes we would be down there, and she would sit at the top of the stairs and whine until we came back up.  One day he had her over our place - we had a poodle at the time, and the two got to playing and the poodle ran upstairs, with the Springer following.  My friend had to go up and carry her down...

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Springer Spaniels are decent sized dogs aren't they?  Not yuge, but 50ish lbs?

Kokuma would be in big trouble if he needed me to carry him - he's only 50 lbs now and it isn't happening.  I can carry my 10 lbs cat though - impressive, huh?

Last night I got to watch Sir Robin intimidate Kokuma coming up the stairs.  The cat stopped halfway up, sat down and dared the dog to pass him.  There was a staring contest, some soft whining, some soft growling, and finally a dejected pooch heading back to the first floor landing.  The two repeated this several times before the cat decided he wanted to go to sleep and abandoned the stairs.

The two are pretty funny together - Kokuma mostly ignores the cat, but Sir Robin vacillates wildly on the dog.  Sometimes he ignores him, sometimes he intimidates him (just cause he can and because he has household seniority), sometimes he tries to buddy up to the dog, and sometimes he just looks at Kokuma with utter disdain for not being more felinesque (this normally happens when the dog makes quite loud snurfling noises as he grooms himself and when he decides to bark.

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11 hours ago, DeLurker said:

...sometimes he intimidates him...

Heh. My Big Guy used to do that to the neighbors' retrievers. He'd walk over the the wire livestock fence between our properties when they were barking, then they'd shy away a few feet and then start barking again.

Found an envelope of pictures of the Big Guy and Mom's Cat from about 12 years ago. I'll have to see about getting them digitized, especially the one where he's basically taking up all of a 7 foot couch.

And speaking of cat pictures: Cats take over a London subway station.

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When I was growing up we had a cat named Stinky and the next door neighbor had a dog named Max - kind of beagley pooch.  Max had a dog house and used it a lot.  Sometimes when he was in it, Stinky would get on the roof and just dangle a paw down - poor Max would be stuck inside in fear of what the cat might do.  Other times, Stinky would get in Max's house and Max would bark and pace back and forth telling him to get out, but the cat wasn't going to budge until he was good and ready.

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I have posted pics and stories about my dog, Lilly, here a few times. I just got back the results of her DNA testing, and it was somewhat interesting. She's a mix of mixes pretty far back (which I somewhat suspected), so a large portion of her is still a mystery - 37.5%. The groupings that have the strongest likelihood, in order, are terrier, sporting, and companion. Then, she is 25% yorkie, 25% wire-haired dachshund, and 12.5% beagle. The beagle part was a shock. I have included a few pictures of her as a reference.

 2f9960c3-6f04-4ae6-8a7c-c8abcf4a1ae4_zps 4e467d40-4341-4c86-be40-4c513e9e0180_zps 49c012b9-9f93-4813-af68-13dcd82a9182_zps

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