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Beth: You're going to miss me when I'm gone...

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I was surprised when Nicotero said it'd been 17 days since Beth died—but it helped explain how limping Noah could outrun Tyreese. And it would've been ridiculous for Carol to go on an away team so soon after being run over by a car. I'd lost all trust in Tyreese long ago, so I pegged him as a red shirt.

I loved when Beth's singing cut immediately to Judith crying. But jumping ahead does nothing to put to rest the crazy theories that Beth's not really dead.

  • Love 2

Nope, 17 days... right about now Beth should have already clawed her way up out of the ground, and should be right on schedule to be found by Morgan, who will be the first lucky person to be amazed to find out that she is, in fact, The Chosen One--the first human who is not affected by the Zombie Virus--and that she was only using 1/10th of her brain anyway, so is fine with the 90% that is currently missing.*


(*All these events were pulled from fan theories found in the wild on the internet, although the bit about the brain is mostly sarcasm--most wild theories on that score seem to be more of the 'it was just a flesh wound' variety)

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 5

Nope, 17 days... right about now Beth should have already clawed her way up out of the ground, and should be right on schedule to be found by Morgan, who will be the first lucky person to be amazed to find out that she is, in fact, The Chosen One--the first human who is not affected by the Zombie Virus--and that she was only using 1/10th of her brain anyway, so is fine with the 90% that is currently missing.*


(*All these events were pulled from fan theories found in the wild on the internet, although the bit about the brain is mostly sarcasm--most wild theories on that score seem to be more of the 'it was just a flesh wound' variety)

Whaaaaaaaaa? There are people out there who think that Beth was buried alive? I may have nominees to add to another thread about people who'd make good zombie fodder.

  • Love 3

Oh yeah, there's people out there that are convinced that Beth still lives, despite having left most of her brains on the hospital's floor, Rick's face, Daryl's vest, etc.  The theories range from her being in a coma and coming to after she was buried, and digging her way out, to the gang having to leave her body behind because they were overwhelmed by a herd.  Any roads, after coming out of her coma without medical help, most theories have her either being found by Morgan and joining him on his journey to Washington D.C., or her finding her way there by herself (no explanation as to how she knew to go that way).  She'll have amnesia until Daryl's golden peen inserts itself into her virginal vagina.


It's really quite entertaining to read these theories, if you're into bodice ripper romance.

  • Love 4

After such a crappy death, I'm glad for the character and Emily Kinney that Beth got one more episode, but I laughed when I thought of this thread title. How can we miss you if you won't go away!?!

My exact reaction on seeing her in the latest episode!


...most wild theories on that score seem to be more of the 'it was just a flesh wound' variety)

A flesh exit wound on the opposite side of her head from the point-blank gun muzzle?!?

  • Love 2

FFS, are they allergic to putting this info in the show?  *grumbles*



Yes, adding a line like, "It took us 17 days to get this far." would have caused violent allergic reactions from the actors, rendering them unable to do appropirate accents.


"We've made it 500 miles."


That's a big clue right there that some time has elapsed since Beth's death (along with the flashbacks of Maggie crying by the side of the road and the group surrounding a car with guns).  They're not going to go 500 miles in one day, and the best walkie-talkies have a range of 30 miles and that's only in ideal conditions.  


Carol's group is only about 10 miles behind Rick.


Rick: "How far out?"

Noah: "Five miles.

Rick (into the walkie-talkie): "Hey, Carol."

Carol's voice: "I'm here."

Rick: "We're halfway there. Just wanted to check the range."


The show isn't going to spell everything out.  


I'd imagine the headshot survival rate goes down considerably when it's from a police issue pistol square in front of your face so close the muzzle flash probably sets your Frankenstein stitches alight like sparklers...


Pretty much.  A gunshot wound to the brain has a 95% mortality rate.  Most of those who do survive have permanent paralysis, disfigurement, brain damage, or are vegetables. and that's in conditions with modern medical infrastructure up and running.  In the ZA survival would be pretty close to zero.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 7

"We've made it 500 miles."


That's a big clue right there that some time has elapsed since Beth's death (along with the flashabacks of Maggie crying by the side of the road and the group surrounding a car with guns).  They're not going to go 500 miles in one day, and the best walkie-talkies have a range of 30 miles and that's only in ideal conditions.  


They made it clear that they hadn't just left for Noah's home from the hospital but 500 miles in a vehicle isn't that massive a distance. I would never have come to the conclusion that it had been over two weeks since Beth's death. What the fuck have they been doing? I suppose they may do what they've done in the past when the group is split up...perhaps the next ep will either cover the missing time or cover the same time as this ep but following Carol, Daryl, Maggie etc.



her virginal vagina.


Did we ever get confirmation that Beth was actually a virgin? Didn't she have a boyfriend on the farm? I also seem to recall that she had a boyfriend in the prison too. Great, now I'm amusing myself with thoughts of innocent looking Beth being this insatiable sexual beast. :D

  • Love 3

They made it clear that they hadn't just left for Noah's home from the hospital but 500 miles in a vehicle isn't that massive a distance. I would never have come to the conclusion that it had been over two weeks since Beth's death.

These are people who stopped by a waterfall of a stream with a prison compound not more than a half-mile on the other side, and didn't find that prison until after they circled the area for 7 months.

Even though the prison would be on the map.

The map they kept looking at.

  • Love 7

500 miles in a car wouldn't be a massive distance under ideal conditions.  BUT when there are wrecked cars on the road, zombies to look out for, dangerous living people to look out for, Carol being injured and needing a place to rest for a while, food and water and shelter to find every day and every night, cars breaking down and running out of gas and having to search for new ones, doing part or even most of the trip on foot, and having to stop or take detours for a zillion other reasons...500 miles quickly becomes a massive distance under those circumstances.  17 days to go 500 miles (29 miles per day) is not unreasonable, it's quite good, actually.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 5


Now that we've seen GhostBeth, I for one have finally reconciled myself to her death, though ;)


Except I have also seen "Team Delusional" (as they call themselves) state that she was only there because Tyrese thought she was dead. So there's still a chance!


17 days is such a random amount of time that I have to assume it means something, but also knowing this show it may not amount to anything. 500 miles is not a long distance in real life world, but having to take backroads, go around traffic jams, avoid herds, gathering supplies, syphoning gas. Given they may not have gotten out of Atlanta until day 1 or 2, it equals out to around 35 miles a day. 


Ok GreyBunny  and I share a mind.

Edited by weightyghost
  • Love 4

These are the same people who estimated they would need seven hours to drive the 50 miles from the vet college back to the prison.  I would imagine without gas stations or conveniently spaced out drive-throughs, it takes a lot longer to get anywhere.  If the roads from Georgia to Virginia are anything like all the other roads we've seen in Georgia, there's also a traffic snarl full of corpses to navigate around every so many miles.

  • Love 1

These are the same people who estimated they would need seven hours to drive the 50 miles from the vet college back to the prison.  I would imagine without gas stations or conveniently spaced out drive-throughs, it takes a lot longer to get anywhere.  If the roads from Georgia to Virginia are anything like all the other roads we've seen in Georgia, there's also a traffic snarl full of corpses to navigate around every so many miles.

Don't forget, as Tyreese said, they "lost a whole night" when Daryl got the car buried to the axles in corpses and they ran, and did a murder, and ran some more, and then did whatever till the morning when they rinsed out their delicates in the muddy creek and started looking for a car, and hacked at kudzu, almost got killed by walkers, stole a battery, & etc. How much extra time did that add to the itinerary?

  • Love 2

I suspect/hope we'll get Maggie flashing back to Beth's burial and also some answers to what some of the other flashbacks Tyreese had were about ie when he flashed to them all running from/to something because Daryl was with them during that and it can't be a Terminus flashback because Tyreese was babysitting Martin and Judith.  I have theories but they verge on spoilers so taking that to that thread!

  • Love 1

So everyone is saying otherwise, but are we sure the funeral at the beginning wasn't Beth's and the one at the end was Tyrese's? Or at least the digging? I know the beginning was all flash-forward stuff, but until I came here I thought the show was bookended with two funerals, showcasing the irony of Father Gabriel saying the same words again so soon.

Nicotero made some comment on TTD about how the funeral at the beginning was intended to be a misdirect to make you think it was Beth's funeral, ostensibly to throw everyone off the track that it actually for Tyreese.  He seemed very pleased with his own cleverness.  But then he can remain completely oblivious to the reality that all he did was further stir up the death deniers, who are convinced that if Beth was really and most sincerely dead we'd have seen an official state funeral for her.

  • Love 2

So everyone is saying otherwise, but are we sure the funeral at the beginning wasn't Beth's and the one at the end was Tyrese's? Or at least the digging? I know the beginning was all flash-forward stuff, but until I came here I thought the show was bookended with two funerals, showcasing the irony of Father Gabriel saying the same words again so soon.


I confess that I assumed the grave was always Tyreese's since the location looked the same to me at the beginning and end of the episode. I presume they buried Beth quickly near the hospital, and if they drove 500 miles to get to Noah's home, I can't think they would have driven BACK 500 miles just to bury Tyreese beside Beth.


Since they put Tyreese's little hat on a stick and Daryl had put a Cherokee rose at Carol's "grave" in a prior season, I wonder what little memento they would have wanted to leave on Beth's grave?

Edited by NoWillToResist
  • Love 1

See, the scissors would be symbolic of her death, not her life, so I was thinking a lock of her hair or some personal item (e.g. her yellow cardigan).


If they had a spare guitar, that would make the most sense though IMO.


Maybe they could find some old CD or cassette tape and just use that to symbolize her musical contributions to the group...

Edited by NoWillToResist

That DC spoon.  You know, for that place Beth is never going to go to.


Or just cremate her and put the ashes in a bottle of moonshine.  She can ferment for eternity. 


Oh yeah, there's people out there that are convinced that Beth still lives, despite having left most of her brains on the hospital's floor, Rick's face, Daryl's vest, etc.  The theories range from her being in a coma and coming to after she was buried, and digging her way out, to the gang having to leave her body behind because they were overwhelmed by a herd.  Any roads, after coming out of her coma without medical help, most theories have her either being found by Morgan and joining him on his journey to Washington D.C., or her finding her way there by herself (no explanation as to how she knew to go that way).  She'll have amnesia until Daryl's golden peen inserts itself into her virginal vagina.

It's really quite entertaining to read these theories, if you're into bodice ripper romance.


The latest is that the whole thing is a giant hallucination by Noah and once he wakes up the timeline resets back to Slabtown.  Beth didn't die, she successfully escaped with Noah and she went...somewhere.  Oh and Tyreese is dead, but because he was bitten at Terminus (even though he was never there).  The laughs just keep on coming.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 3

That DC spoon.  You know, for that place Beth is never going to go to.


Or just cremate her and put the ashes in a bottle of moonshine.  She can ferment for eternity. 



The latest is that the whole thing is a giant hallucination by Noah and once he wakes up the timeline resets back to Slabtown.  Beth didn't die, she successfully escaped with Noah and she went...somewhere.  Oh and Tyreese is dead, but because he was bitten at Terminus (even though he was never there).  The laughs just keep on coming.

Are we watching St. Walking Dallaswhere now?

I was going to reply in the episode thread for "Them" but this is really a Beth bitch, so I'm posting it here. Daryl, no matter how many times you say it, Beth was NOT TOUGH! And Carol saying Beth saved Daryl's life? And hers, too? Okay, maybe Beth did buy Carol more time to heal, but how would Carol know that? She was unconscious! And when the hell did Beth save Daryl's life? When? When she dragged his ass all over zombieland looking for hootch? When she sprained her ankle so he had to lug her around on his back? This shit is getting irritating.

Edited by PunkyMouse
  • Love 9

I agree. Stop putting her on an undeserved pedestal. No matter how many times they say it, I won't miss her because of those supposed characteristics. I just thought about it, and the only somewhat nostalgic emotion I get surrounding her death is because she was from Season 2 (some of my favorite episodes). She existed when the show was at its peak (or one of its peaks, for me). So, it's "sad" that a remnant from those days is gone. Other than that, I got nuthin'.

Edited by mandolin
  • Love 7

I mentioned it in the episode thread, but Beth is starting to look like a martyr - at least that's the impression I'm getting.  Why didn't they sit around and say, "what the fuck did she mean when she said, 'I get it'?  Why did she risk our lives by attacking that woman?"  I feel like they think they all survived because of Beth's sacrifice, rather than realizing she almost triggered a blood bath.  When plans go south, it's only natural to deconstruct and figure out what went wrong.

  • Love 12

I was going to reply in the episode thread for "Them" but this is really a Beth bitch, so I'm posting it here. Daryl, no matter how many times you say it, Beth was NOT TOUGH! And Carol saying Beth saved Daryl's life? And hers, too? Okay, maybe Beth did buy Carol more time to heal, but how would Carol know that? She was unconscious! And when the hell did Beth save Daryl's life? When? When she dragged his ass all over zombieland looking for hootch? When she sprained her ankle so he had to lug her around on his back? This shit is getting irritating.


Well, IIRC, we started to see Carol wake up/move in the hospital but we didn't see her again until she and Beth were collected by our gang, so I think there was time for those two to have a chat. I think it would have been nice to see them bond over their apparent mutual affection for - and tolerance of - Daryl (and his emotional constipation). Can you imagine the stories they could have shared? Hee!


As far as saving Daryl...I can only think he means spiritually/emotionally. Dude was a zombie after the prison fell. She pulled him out of his catatonic state, made him cry and 'choose life' or whatever. At least, that's how I read that comment.


I'm just glad that the much ballyhooed 5:10 ep came and went with no miraculous resurrection.


Can anyone clarify whether Rick said "you lost something" or "you lost someone" to Daryl? I couldn't make it out...

I mentioned it in the episode thread, but Beth is starting to look like a martyr - at least that's the impression I'm getting.  Why didn't they sit around and say, "what the fuck did she mean when she said, 'I get it'?  Why did she risk our lives by attacking that woman?"  I feel like they think they all survived because of Beth's sacrifice, rather than realizing she almost triggered a blood bath.  When plans go south, it's only natural to deconstruct and figure out what went wrong.


Is it possible that they didn't see her stab Dawn? Perhaps Beth's head and body may have blocked most of them from seeing it. To those who missed the stabbing, it's possible that it just looked like Dawn didn't like Beth's sass and blew her head off. I doubt anyone bothered to look twice at Dawn's body to see if BETH had drawn first blood...

  • Love 5

Rick said, "You lost something."


They wouldn't have missed the scissors stab.  Beth pulled her hand back and made a clear stabbing motion, plus the scissors were still stuck in Dawn's vest after Beth dropped to the floor.


I feel like they think they all survived because of Beth's sacrifice, rather than realizing she almost triggered a blood bath.


No kidding.  Beth was the one who was the first to act with physical violence, Dawn was just defending herself even though the gun went off accidentally, then Daryl murdered her.  

I'm tired of all the truth and light crap that the show is trying to shove down my throat in association with Beth.  She wasn't any beacon of hope, she brought out the worst in Daryl - he acted stupid and reckless and sometimes mean when she was around and she was stupid and reckless and snotty in her own right.  Carol, Judith, and Rick are the ones who bring out the best in Daryl (compassion, empathy, sense of family).


Daryl, no matter how many times you say it, Beth was NOT TOUGH!


Agreed.  The show needs to stop trying to convince me she's tough.  She wasn't tough, she was impulsive and stupid.

Edited by GreyBunny
  • Love 10

And Carol saying Beth saved Daryl's life?


Even if Beth had "saved" Daryl, how would Carol even know that?


And when the hell did Beth save Daryl's life? When? When she dragged his ass all over zombieland looking for hootch? When she sprained her ankle so he had to lug her around on his back? This shit is getting irritating.


Yes, and wanting to burn down the only shelter around,  drawing every zombie in the county towards them with the huge blaze, and Daryl being stupid enough to go along with it. He's twice her age and should have had more sense.

  • Love 9

Yes, and wanting to burn down the only shelter around,  drawing every zombie in the county towards them with the huge blaze, and Daryl being stupid enough to go along with it. He's twice her age and should have had more sense.

Actually, though, that wasn't a bad idea:

  • Set a fire big enough to draw every shambling rambling rotter in the county.
  • While the walkers do their thang and walk TO (and into) the blazing inferno - you walk AWAY from it.

Actually, I think the writers cultivated Beth to the penultimate level of achievement of which the character was capable - babysitting.

Months of babysitting Judith had carefully honed Beth for the most critically important challenge of a lifetime - babysitting Carol until CDB could come and rescue Carol's ass.

Once the Grady Bunch returned Carol, the mission around which Beth's entire existence was centered had been completed. The rest of Beth's life from that moment on would be anticlimax- a never-ending downhill spiral of stories around the campfire which Beth would start with, "Hey, remember that time at Grady...", to which everybody else would immediately reply, "yes, Beth, we KNOW...." Plus - Beth drinks now. Depending on the local available supply of moonshine, the story would be told with an ever-increasing degree of slur.

In that sense, the writers were merciful; they punched Beth's ticket while she was on top, and saved her that long downhill slide into irrelevance and oblivion.

'Twas a mercy killing, really.


  • Love 6

Even if Beth had "saved" Daryl, how would Carol even know that?

Yes, and wanting to burn down the only shelter around, drawing every zombie in the county towards them with the huge blaze, and Daryl being stupid enough to go along with it. He's twice her age and should have had more sense.

But he was obviously blinded by her blonde perfection and her skin glowing with the golden lights of hope and life and goodness and all that is wonderful in this world. I mean, what man stands a chance against that?

Actually, though, that wasn't a bad idea:

  • Set a fire big enough to draw every shambling rambling rotter in the county.
  • While the walkers do their thang and walk TO (and into) the blazing inferno - you walk AWAY from it.

Actually, I think the writers cultivated Beth to the penultimate level of achievement of which the character was capable - babysitting.

Months of babysitting Judith had carefully honed Beth for the most critically important challenge of a lifetime - babysitting Carol until CDB could come and rescue Carol's ass.

Once the Grady Bunch returned Carol, the mission around which Beth's entire existence was centered had been completed. The rest of Beth's life from that moment on would be anticlimax- a never-ending downhill spiral of stories around the campfire which Beth would start with, "Hey, remember that time at Grady...", to which everybody else would immediately reply, "yes, Beth, we KNOW...." Plus - Beth drinks now. Depending on the local available supply of moonshine, the story would be told with an ever-increasing degree of slur.

In that sense, the writers were merciful; they punched Beth's ticket while she was on top, and saved her that long downhill slide into irrelevance and oblivion.

'Twas a mercy killing, really.


She'd start leavin' off the letters before the g's?

  • Love 7

Actually, though, that wasn't a bad idea:

  • Set a fire big enough to draw every shambling rambling rotter in the county.
  • While the walkers do their thang and walk TO (and into) the blazing inferno - you walk AWAY from it.



But the shack burns on all sides, attracting walkers from the full 360 degree perimeter. There was no safe "side" which would be guaranteed walker-free. The light/noise would have attracted them from all angles, with them at its epicenter. They could have easily found themselves trapped within a circle of walkers.



Actually, I think the writers cultivated Beth to the penultimate level of achievement of which the character was capable - babysitting.

Months of babysitting Judith had carefully honed Beth for the most critically important challenge of a lifetime - babysitting Carol until CDB could come and rescue Carol's ass.


Heh. I legitimately thought you were going to say that babysitting Judith prepared Beth for babysitting Daryl after the prison fell. :)


Not that I want more time spent on Daryl being a fucking downer, but I don't really understand why he's Mr Catatonic again. I feel like the narrative is elevating Beth's place/importance in their group now that she's dead and I really don't understand why. 


I truly do not understand why she was Heaven's chauffeur for Tyreese; he barely knew her. Everyone else's presence made sense to me except Beth's. Christ, did he ever even talk to her?

  • Love 5

I thought Tyreese felt partly responsible for Beth's death—due to his hostage exchange plan.


Which again, conveniently ignores that Tyreese's plan worked: the cops were successfully exchanged for Carol and Beth. Hell, Noah might have even come out of it all unscathed had Beth not decided to make Dawn into a pincushion. It is very annoying how the characters and the show are completely ignoring that Beth caused her own death. So now we get everyone all 'woe is me' over Beth and not a single person has mentioned that Beth wasn't some innocent victim of Dawn's evil. Beth was accidentally shot in the head after she stupidly (and pointlessly) physically assaulted an armed woman.


I find it especially bothersome that it's ok to say that Tyreese's stupidity got him killed - to his sister no less! - but no one has said that of Beth even though, IMO, it's equally true.

Edited by NoWillToResist
  • Love 12

Thank you! I couldn't agree more and this has been really bugging me. Beth is a sainted golden child of light who has left a trail of bottomless grief because of evil people who preyed on her, and Tyrese deserved what he got. I'd extend it even more to say that Maggie is presented as sympathetic in her grief and Sasha isn't.

Edited by BrokenRemote
  • Love 5

But the shack burns on all sides, attracting walkers from the full 360 degree perimeter. There was no safe "side" which would be guaranteed walker-free. The light/noise would have attracted them from all angles, with them at its epicenter. They could have easily found themselves trapped within a circle of walkers.


Plus, the smoking walkers then attacked Carol, Tyreese, and the girls.  Dumb idea Beth!

  • Love 4

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