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S04.E04: Micro

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To prove that girls aren't shallow, Jess goes out on a date with a guy whose shortcomings fall way below the belt. Meanwhile, Winston and Cece pit Schmidt and Coach against each other, while convincing them they could be male models.

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I feel like if Lamorne Morris isn't one of our biggest movie stars in a few years than there is no justice :)


Also, "Depression Era Garbage Man" hahaha.


I'm basically hysterical at the last few minutes of this episode, Schmidt's crying being like a ghost singing "Hey Ya"?  Much better than whatever other episodes happened this season which I already forget.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I think this was my favorite so far. Winston's realization that he has a Sesame Street problem, Jess's wonky knee,  "What's a porno magazine?', 'Aw, an anteater is being born', Coach holding in calling Nick a depression era garbage man for 2 years! Loved it.  

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Classic Cece and Winston mess around...

I would like for there to be many more of these. The looks those two were giving each other while they were planning the whole thing (WITH THEIR MINDS!) were amazing. 


Lamorne Morris is just perfection. 


Was micro-peen the guy who played Aquaman in the back-door pilot on Smallville. (Heh. That's a weird sentence). 

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I loved Schmidt and Coach egging each other on about how attractive they both are. It cracked me up that when Jess asked the guys if they thought they were all perfect, they both said yes. In college, I had a similar conversation about how if you ask most girls what they would change about themselves, even the prettiest girls have a long list. But if you ask most guys what they would change about themselves, even guys who are short, unattractive, have bad hair, etc. say that they're fine the way they are. It says a lot about norms for men vs. women which is a much longer discussion for another time.


Winston and Cece pranking Schmidt and Coach was hilarious. I loved when Coach was doing modeling poses as Schmidt came up with that ridiculous first day of school scenario followed by the piggyback pictures.

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I wasn't feeling this ep. Not much worked for me.


I think my favorite part was Winston's line, "It's like shooting candy into the baby." I also thought a lot of what the douchbag said was funny, including "sco-ro" and "for true."


I didn't understand something Jess said. It was when Schmidt and Coach were fighting -- "He's making fun of you because he feels sensitive about his [something]."


Also, I need to set my recording for a minute earlier.

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I wasn't feeling this ep. Not much worked for me.



me neither. I liked Cece and Winston but the rest was kind of meh. So far I'm really disappointed in the season. I feel like they just did a story about Jess dating someone awful to prove she wasn't shallow and/or wanted a deeper relationship- the guy from the phone ap? The theme seemed similar. 

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I'm enjoying this season much more than last season, that's for sure. I loved CeCe and Winston messing with Schmidt and Coach, but honestly? Either one of those guys could be male models. And I thought Schmidt actually looked pretty hot on that billboard. He looked great in some of the photos in his portfolio too. The poses he and Coach were doing in the photo shoot were hysterical but let's be real, both of these actors are very attractive when they're not being goofy. 


Micro penis guy was pretty funny too. I don't even want to think about what's on Butt Chat.

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Some hilarious moments this episode, mostly in the "b-plot" with the classic CeCe and Winston mess around. And a lot of out of control one liners.


But with Jess' plot I couldn't get past the feeling that they were trying to make some feel good point about everyone having flaws and accepting each other despite them. This rarely works in sitcoms, and pisses me off when it comes unexpectedly. Yet it never quite came to fruition which just made it even worse for me. 


(E.g., in Last Man Standing, they're always trying to present some sort of political or societal statement, so at least you know what you're getting into.)


Jess has been my least favorite part of this season so far. I'm glad they're doing the old Friends style "let's pair up different characters each week and see what happens." This week it was CeCe and Winston and it was brilliant. (Despite knowing that previous season's Winston would not have been able to pull that off on Coach and Schmidt.)


"My eyes are bigger than my stomache."


"Boobs are a direct indicator of personality." Which explains Winston's preference.


Jess's "do you think Ass Chat is socially conscious?" 


The "hatch the bird" was... uncomfortable.


Oh, and the early cut to the three guys checking out Jess's wonky knee was perfect.

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Did they ever explain what was written on Schmidt's billboard?


Something like, "I'm a model." But it wasn't explained on the show, someone posted it to comments on another board last night. 

Edited by BoogieBurns
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I think this was my favorite so far. 

Mine too. I think the show is handling the Nick/Jess break up well and it's nice to see them naturally moving on from their relationship and allowing different characters to interact in new ways. I don't remember Winston and CeCe ever really spending time together so that felt fresh and fun for me. 



@Ms Blue Jay

I feel like if Lamorne Morris isn't one of our biggest movie stars in a few years than there is no justice :)

I totally agree. Even when he's not doing a lot I can't help but watch him. I thought Damon Wayans Jr. was excellent this episode as well, especially his "fix it" when he was talking to Winston and CeCe at the end. 

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I agree that Winston is easily the best part of the show and that comes from someone mildly obsessed with Nick and Jake Johnson. I loved his reaction when Coach said it was a classic Winston and Cece mess around.

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I just found it really funny that Paula Cole's "Where Have All the Cowboys Gone?" was playing at the bar.

I forget how much money Winston said he spent on the jukebox, but it cracked me up that he announced they would be getting a block of Paula Cole thanks to him. I was hoping they would all get really drunk and sing the Dawson's Creek theme song together.

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Winston said he spent $5.


I liked the Winston - CeCe team and Coach and Schmidt were so committed.  If that was the B story it should have been the A.


I liked where they started with Jess and the guys superficial boob chat, but was at a loss as to why it would be funny once the micro penis story got going.

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