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On 3/26/2017 at 9:29 AM, Thadeeeyus said:

Anyone remember Nick Spangler (Nick and Starr), winner of Season 13?  I went to see the national touring production of American in Paris last weekend and Nick played Henri, one of the male leads.  I thought he was excellent in the role.  Surprisingly good. 

My daughter did children's theater with Nick and Starr.  I think he took over one of the roles in Book of Mormon on Broadway at one point.

Their family owns a big chain of mortuaries in the Bay Area

Found this on Facebook: "Top 10 Shocking Amazing Race Moments" from MsMojo.

I skipped through this because there were a lot of painful moments with unpleasant people. Before you ask: no, Colin and the Broken Ox didn't make it, which might make it void altogether. On the up side, the list-makers avoided the scene in TAR5 where Charla got a nasty zap from a fence.

Potentially unpopular take: I was okay with TAR29. Really. Even with the premise, the winners, and London & Logan making next to no impact on the season, I didn't hate it outright. My measuring stick is TAR6 for how it shook out, TAR8 for sticking mostly to the States and the friggin' Weavers, and TAR11 for casting a team that wasn't really dating that wound up getting the undeserved win. Also, I had no issue with TAR24. I mean, I get why Dave & Conner would get hate (well, maybe just Dave), but better than winning than the Big Brother team and the Fortunate Angels (or whatever they called themselves).

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I agree. In the pre-race media interviews, Phil even said it starts a little slow, but picks up considerably, and I kind of agree. The Brazil leg and even the Tanzania legs were a bit boring for me, but once they hit Europe it became a pretty good season. Becca and Floyd are the only super obvious candidates for another All Stars season if we ever see one.  I may not care much for the winners, but there's been far worse winners in the show's run. 

Really the past 2 seasons have turned out much better than I expected. Season 28 you hear 'social media season' and I was assuming 11 Joey and Megans, which was way off base, and I actually loved the cast. Season 29 I was expecting an even worse version of season 26, but that was also proven wrong, since there was no incessant pestering about sparks flying. That said, still hoping for a return to original TAR for number 30.

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5 hours ago, NutMeg said:

I only saw a couple of episodes of the Hippies season, why are they perceived so negatively? Did they act Ugly Americans? insult well-loved contestants? I'm really curious, because the little I saw of them, they seemed innocuous enough and good racers, so what did I miss? 

I liked them *shrug* and was glad they won.  IIRC they were saved twice by non-elim legs (though they did well overall), which didn't endear them to people either.

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"Kevin and Drew"??? [/hadtocomment]

I don't know . . . I was thinking that Elise & Bert might have had a plan for how the genders would be split should there be an all-star season, and that BJ & Tyler might not have fit into the slot that Eric & Danielle were awkwardly shoved into. I will concede that the "Hippies" probably would have qualified for "Second Chances" had Eric not choked in the end. I mean, they did have all those adoring fans.

Just now, Netfoot said:

I seem to remember reading somewhere that Phil commented that the Hippies were ruled out as possible invitees right at the very beginning.

Nice. So even Elise, Bert and/or Phil were tired of their "antics." Then again, they had won, so of course they wouldn't be considered. Perhaps no past winners were meant to come back, and the producers stuck in Uchenna & Joyce near the end of the process.

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Every year, it gets to this date, and every year, I forget to acknowledge it.

I know it's random, but today, November 4, is the eleventh anniversary of the TAR12 premiere, which I only bring up because to this day, I watch it on occasion to enjoy the craziest, most awesome, most deserved first elimination ever (or at least until TAR14 and possibly even TAR20 came along): Ari & Staella's donkey-inflicted boot in Ireland!

Sadly, YouTube has no vids with which to reminisce over that glorious bit of comeuppance they got.:(

Edited by Star Aristille
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That was awesome, right? I remember the ending at TARCon, where it was fucking freezing in Manhattan because it was January. Then we saw the NFC Championship in Green Bay, which is the best place in the world to play football at night. Waaaaaaaay colder than what we went through. Giants beat the Packers that night, then shocked the world (or at least the parts that follow the NFL) by upsetting the previously-undefeated Patriots in Super Bowl XLII.

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On 6/2/2017 at 1:57 AM, Lantern7 said:

Potentially unpopular take: I was okay with TAR29. Really. Even with the premise, the winners, and London & Logan making next to no impact on the season, I didn't hate it outright. My measuring stick is TAR6 for how it shook out, TAR8 for sticking mostly to the States and the friggin' Weavers, and TAR11 for casting a team that wasn't really dating that wound up getting the undeserved win. Also, I had no issue with TAR24. I mean, I get why Dave & Conner would get hate (well, maybe just Dave), but better than winning than the Big Brother team and the Fortunate Angels (or whatever they called themselves).

I am just watching the season with the Weavers. What horrible people! I imagine that their late husband-Father handled most of the household affairs because those that remain are ignorant, rude, selfish, whiny assholed. Nothing Christian about them.  

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21 hours ago, spankydoll said:

I am just watching the season with the Weavers. What horrible people! I imagine that their late husband-Father handled most of the household affairs because those that remain are ignorant, rude, selfish, whiny assholed. Nothing Christian about them.  

Just going from memory, but it seems like the Family Edition could have been good (probably not great but at least good) if they had just made a few changes. First off casting teams of full grown and nearly full grown adults and having them race against teams of parents with small children was terrible, just pick an age range. Fix that (maybe make it 2 adults and 2 kids under 12) ditch the Weavers and add a few more flights instead of so much RV driving and you would have a season that wouldn't have been so memorably bad.

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The Weavers were awful and I agree that the season would have been better if they had selected a specific age and stuck to it. Trying to create tasks and a route that could be tolerated by pretweens, teenagers and adults was next to impossible.

I would not mind an Amazing Race set in the US. There is so much to do and see and learn that it could be pretty fun to watch. Just call it the American Amazing Race or something similar. God knows that there are more then enough cultural differences in the country that it need not be boring.

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From the Media thread:

3 hours ago, TheRabbi said:

A good read. I would imagine we are probably due for a returnee season of some kind if we are renewed. And I'm actually ok with that! There's plenty of good options to pick from seasons 25-30. I just hope there's no more 3rd or 4th timers (though I'd be ok with Mark and Bopper getting a proper second chance). I would prefer two a year of course, but one is certainly better than zero.


1 hour ago, Hyral said:

Better Mallory - an actual finalist - than either of those losers.


21 minutes ago, TheRabbi said:

Mark and Bopper are among the highest rated fan favorites of any season ever...so you might have trouble getting people to agree with that assessment. 

Gotta go with @TheRabbi on this. Bopper & Mark were a good team, and they were very likable. They earned a berth in Unfinished Business, but Bopper couldn't run due to sickness, and Mark didn't gel well with subsitute Mallory. The two memories that immediately come to mind for me: Mark almost dying boiling alive while doing Bollywood dancing, and Bopper getting his head shaved for a Fast Forward that turned out not to have gotten them into the finale. Also, we have a grown man who answers to "Bopper." That's sweet . . . for me, anyway.

On 26/1/2018 at 2:12 AM, Lantern7 said:

Gotta go with @TheRabbi on this. Bopper & Mark were a good team, and they were very likable. They earned a berth in Unfinished Business, but Bopper couldn't run due to sickness, and Mark didn't gel well with subsitute Mallory. The two memories that immediately come to mind for me: Mark almost dying boiling alive while doing Bollywood dancing, and Bopper getting his head shaved for a Fast Forward that turned out not to have gotten them into the finale. Also, we have a grown man who answers to "Bopper." That's sweet . . . for me, anyway.

Nah, I've been a fan of the show from Season 1, Mark & Bopper isn't even my favourite Kentucky Team. That honor belongs to Gary & Mallory. They have the same kind of dynamic as Mark & Bopper as a team but are superior in every other aspect.

Edited by Marlin
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I am currently watching season 28 featuring the social media stars. This has to be the most clueless group of contestants ever. Poor critical thinking skills , very limited knowledge of geography and foreign cultures and an expectation that they are entitled to receive help and assistance from everyone on the planet is tiresome.  

The show needs a season that prohibits using Google in any manner. 

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I kept meaning to check on the Paralympics, since NBC is covering it. Well, on their extended sports cable networks, but it's better than nothing. Anyway, Amy Purdy got a silver medal in Snowboard Cross and a bronze in Banked Slalom. Both were for boarders with "Lower Limb 1 Impaired." I know, Amy made a far greater impact in Dancing With The Stars, but I still consider her a Racer.

Once again: how fucked up was it that the woman who lost both of her legs would only run two legs in TAR21?

I recently watched Season 25, since it was won by an all-female team that wasn't particularly athletic (i.e. a team that could give me hope that I could win The Amazing Race, too). In general, I enjoyed it. I was surprised by how much I didn't hate the dentists (Misti and Jim). Jim looks like an asshole and his opening interviews made him seem like he'd be a hypercompetitive nightmare, but actually, I didn't have a problem with him or the way he and Misti ran the race. They worked well together and while Jim clearly got frustrated at points, he coped without lashing out at Misti. In general, I got the impression he's spent most of his life being a big fish in a small pond, which isn't a crime.

The teams I liked the most were the scientists and Adam and Bethany. I'm a sucker for teams who seem to enjoy the race and get along with their partners. I really couldn't stand the wrestlers. I think Robbie might have been okay, but I thought Brooke was awful and didn't want Robbie to win because it meant she would too. The minute they faced any adversity, she'd start whining loudly. I also had no patience for her annoyance that the scientists were saved after coming in last before the final leg—she and Robbie had literally just been saved by a non-elimination leg themselves. Honestly, if anyone were going to complain, it should have been Adam and Bethany, since they were the only team in the final four who had never come in last.

Also, the wrestlers were weirdly bitchy about the scientists, declaring things like, "Wrestlers always beat scientists." Maybe in muscle mass and general athleticism, but in terms of general life outcomes, I think scientists have the edge by a fairly wide margin. But maybe I'm too emotionally invested to be objective, since I'm a scientist myself. I suppose if you see the race as a chiefly physical competition (and a surprising number of people do), it's frustrating to have such an unathletic team keep up with you.

The mother/daughter team (Shelley and Nici) were uncomfortable to watch and I was glad when they were finally eliminated. I also didn't like the cyclists (Kym and Alli) as much as I felt I should have. I just wasn't as impressed with Kym as she seemed to be with herself (I think she and Jim were probably more alike in that respect than either of them would care to admit). They were also pretty terrible to each other whenever they started to fall behind (which, admittedly, wasn't often; I will give them that they were a strong team)—Kym would get really bossy and Alli would get really passive-aggressive. This happened with the detour-switching in Morocco and the surfing fast-forward that ultimately cost them the game in Singapore. I was also put off by them when they declared the other teams "square" for staying in the train station and not partying with them outside a nightclub in Oxford. Doing their own thing is fine—I don't see why it was necessary for them to comment on how other people chose to spend that down time.

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