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Wait, since when was Maul tall?  I thought he was 5'6" in the movie? Shorter than Obi Wan / Ian McGregor for sure.  Did they give him extra long legs in CW?


According to their Wookieepedia pages, Maul is 1.75m (or 5'9'') and Obi Wan was 1.82m (or 6'0'')


In either regards you're right, Maul is not exceptionally tall, I don't think his cybernetics made him significantly taller.

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I thought that Maul was towering over Ezra in this episode once he revealed himself and that he was at least on equal height with Kanan, who that wiki entry says is 6'3.



That has never bothered me. Especially since a Jedi always has to hold back because the movies even the new one proved anger and aggression tends to win mosts fights.  I'm still more mad about Hondo and the space pirates captureing Anakin, Obi-Wan and Dooku.


Well, the Maul bros and Ventress also outclassed Dooku by the end of the series, and he's a Sith Lord who had no reason to hold back. I thought they also had Ashoka looking more impressive than Anakin and Obi Wan late in the series. IMO Clone Wars loved propping up their "cool" characters by making the established movie characters (who are reputed to be among the greatest Jedi ever) look weak.


Also, I disagree about the movies showing anger and aggression winning most fights, particularly when it comes to Ben. Obi Wan defeated Maul by letting go of his anger after giving in to it nearly got him killed. He defeats the newly turned Darth Vader by staying in control while Anakin's Sith aggression and anger get him sliced to bits. As an old man he allows Vader to kill him so Luke and the others can escape.


Meanwhile, in Clone Wars Obi Wan defeats Maul as a Padawan, then spends the next 10+ years becoming an experienced Jedi Master and gaining loads of real world combat experience and Jedi training. Maul, meanwhile, spends that time hiding alone in exile, doing nothing but sitting around losing his memory and being angry, yet, somehow, Maul is now vastly superior to Obi Wan and is able to easily defeat him when he shows back up. I guess that in Clone Wars and Rebels skill and training is no match for being really angry and looking like a cool half robot devil man!

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Obi Wan defeated Maul by letting go of his anger after giving in to it nearly got him killed. He defeats the newly turned Darth Vader by staying in control while Anakin's Sith aggression and anger get him sliced to bits.


Obi-Wan was saved by a some weird thing jutting out of the side of a pit I still don't understand. He then had time to figure out how to defeat Maul(who had grown overconfident and let his guard down). Maul beat Qui-Gon, a Jedi with way more experience than Obi-Wan had in the Clone Wars. Obi-Wan also defeated Anakin after a very long duel where he was on the defensive until he saw an opportunity to goad Anakin into a stupid move. The Jedi win against a Dark Side wielder if they live long enough to find a tactical advantage. Yoda battled Palpatine and it was a stalemate.


IMO Clone Wars loved propping up their "cool" characters by making the established movie characters (who are reputed to be among the greatest Jedi ever) look weak.


They've never had that reputation in the movies as the "greatest". Anakin was "The Chosen One" a prophesy which turned out to be he threw someone in a pit when they were distracted slowly killing his son and Obi-Wan's nickname was "The Negotiator".

Edited by VCRTracking
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As someone who only saw the films, and not the Clone Wars series, the reappearance of Darth Maul was a bit confusing . Apart from that a very solid entry - this series does Vader very well.

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I was super shocked Asoka cracked Vader's mask. That was intense. There's no way she's dead though.


Maul shouldn't have come back in the clone wars and he shouldn't have come back now. He's a stupid character because he basically fulfills plot. He was insane with spider legs at one point and then he got robot legs and was super sith. Whatever. Maul existed solely to debut the double blade and kill Qui Jon and to be killed by Kenobi so we know Kenobi would be strong enough to chop down Anakin. That's it. He served his purpose. Then, he gets away again, of course. 


I don't think Maul lasts one round against Vader and he knows it. Blind Kanan beat him. How old is Maul? 


If we're bringing back people I would have way more preferred to see Ventress hissing at everyone.


I liked Asoka saying she "was no Jedi." I guess the "I'm not leaving you this time" obviously means she's carrying a huge amount of guilt for leaving Anakin and feels responsible for Vader. It's not your fault. They screwed you over.


I'm kind of over *only* dark side or light side. It's too binary.


In hindsight, I'm thinking Vader isn't really wanting to actually kill Asoka or Ezra. Lining them up as apprentices would be the smarter move. 

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I liked Asoka saying she "was no Jedi." I guess the "I'm not leaving you this time" obviously means she's carrying a huge amount of guilt for leaving Anakin and feels responsible for Vader. It's not your fault. They screwed you over.

This could be how they let her live. If she is "no jedi" she may not fall under Yoda's "there is another" limitation.

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Maul shouldn't have come back in the clone wars and he shouldn't have come back now. He's a stupid character because he basically fulfills plot. He was insane with spider legs at one point and then he got robot legs and was super sith. Whatever. Maul existed solely to debut the double blade and kill Qui Jon and to be killed by Kenobi so we know Kenobi would be strong enough to chop down Anakin. That's it. He served his purpose. Then, he gets away again, of course.


There was a line that got cut out that I wished had been in where Ezra asks Maul about Vader "Who is he?" and Maul responds "What I should have been." I like the idea of Maul had been trained for this great purpose by Sidious and was part of this grand plan and because of Obi-Wan missed out on it and was thrown away by his former master who no longer needed him and was very bitter about it. The parade passed him by. Ventress had that feeling of abandonment and resentment too but she was able to move past it and be her own person.


I love that when Kanan went blind he held his lightsaber in the reverse grip like Zatoichi, the blind swordsman from the hugely  popular Japanese film series from the 60s. It was confirmed as a deliberate homage.


This is from an interview Dave Filoni did last year around the time of the Season 1 finale and it helps set up the Ahsoka/Vader confrontation:


StarWars.com: When I was watching Vader in the last episode, I thought about how you really see a different version of him in each Star Wars movie. Do you have an idea of where Vader is at mentally during Rebels?

Dave Filoni: Oh, yeah. You have to. I’ve always believed that Vader has no repentant bone in his body until he realizes his son is alive. Luke is the opportunity that triggers everything that occurs. His awareness of Luke being alive forces him to remember his past in a way that’s uncomfortable for him. It forces him to remember Padmé. It forces him down a path of, “Maybe my son will join me, and together we can rule the galaxy.” Luke really has to get him past that thought, which kind of culminates in that scene on the bridge on Endor, when Vader says, “It’s too late for me.” That realization only happens because of Luke.

Up until that point, I think he’s a destroyer. He’s an incredibly angry, hate-filled destroyer. He hates himself. He hates what happened. He hates all his former friends because he thinks they betrayed him. Anakin Skywalker thinks that he never switched sides. He thinks he’s still fighting the good fight. He thinks Obi-Wan betrayed him. He thinks Padmé betrayed him and that led to her, and their child’s, death. He thinks the Jedi were staging a coup against the Republic. He thinks the Republic was weak, and that’s why it became corrupt and fell apart despite Palpatine’s attempts to save it. Overall, he internally hates himself for everything that occurred because he thinks that he wasn’t strong enough to make things right.

He’s consumed by these ideas and is pretty much trapped. He has no option aside from embracing his new persona — Darth Vader. What we encounter in Rebels now is just a wall of anger and hate — everything that the dark side manifests.

It’s interesting to look at how he might relate to Ahsoka now. She is a living memory of who he was. Even worse, she knew the good person he was.

StarWars.com: He doesn’t want a memory of that.

Dave Filoni: He doesn’t want to be reminded of this and, in a lot of ways, he probably thinks that whole relationship was a failure because she walked away.

StarWars.com: Do you think he’s, in a twisted way, angry at her now?

Dave Filoni: Yeah. I think in the way you indirectly get angry at people when you don’t agree with their decisions, or when you let someone walk away and later something bad happens. You think, “Where were you?” You would blame anyone but yourself.

StarWars.com: So, he would have no feeling upon seeing her of, “Oh, great, you’re alive.”

Dave Filoni: No, I don’t think he would think it’s great at all.

StarWars.com: He obviously cared for her very much.

Dave Filoni: Of course, but now she and Obi-Wan Kenobi are Public Enemy Number One and Two for him. It’s personal. It begs the question: What do they know about each other? What do they know about what happened?





Edited by VCRTracking
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I like the idea of Maul had been trained for this great purpose by Sidious and was part of this grand plan and because of Obi-Wan missed out on it and was thrown away by his former master who no longer needed him and was very bitter about it.


Yeah, that's great, but I think that ship has sailed by this point. Although, I got that impression without the extra dialogue. He's kind of like Krycek on the X Files now. He pops up whenever plot needs it, and has his own agenda and switched sides to suit himself. Ok, but we've got bigger problems, Maul, with your man-pain. 


I never bought that Kenobi/Anakin couldn't do away with him in the Clone Wars series. Savage was nothing more than a dumb ox who swung a saber like a drunken pirate and essentially no force skill comparatively. They should have lasted 10 minutes tops. Especially since a lesser trained Kenobi took out Maul on his own. 


Plus, he's a coward for not facing Vader. If that's what you should have been, then bring Palpatine the severed head of Vader, and you'll be back in. Not to mention he got beat by *blind* Kanan. Yeah, you "should have been," but you weren't good enough. So, you're not. 


That's why Ventress would have been better imo. She has moved on and probably really doesn't GAF what the Empire and rebels are up to. Since she's more of a contemporary of Asoka it would have been a nice counterpoint with Asoka still feeling guilt about "leaving" Anakin, and Ventress being all, "girl, please. They threw me out too. Let's get out of here and open that B&B we always talk about."

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I never bought that Kenobi/Anakin couldn't do away with him in the Clone Wars series. Savage was nothing more than a dumb ox who swung a saber like a drunken pirate and essentially no force skill comparatively. They should have lasted 10 minutes tops. Especially since a lesser trained Kenobi took out Maul on his own.


Kenobi didn't really outmatch Maul in combat in TPM. He only beat him when the opportunity presented itself that Kenobi could outthink him just like he did with Anakin on Mustafar. When Maul killed Satine right in front of Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan could have killed him in a rage but didn't which shows the difference between Obi-Wan and Anakin who would have definitely done it if Maul killed Padme.

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Yes, so Kenobi is/was a better dualist than Maul. Kenobi and Anakin together should have beaten him. Only beating someone because you outthink them is still beating them. There's no guarantees with a rematch, but now your partner is the strongest force user of all time? Come on. Not to mention Maul was wackadoo at the time. 


Maul also loses to a blind Kanan. There's no way Kanan is stronger than him. Did Kanan outthink him? Sure. Maul still lost and got thrown off the cliff. 


Even when Kenobi was "in disguise" and Anakin was still relatively a good guy, he still beat him *without a lightsaber*. 


Maul always survives because Plot. That's really it. At least Ventress had some character growth. Asoka has a ton of growth. Maul is just creeping around whining, and when an opportunity presents itself, he still screws up. Big shot thinks he should have Vader's position? Go ahead and take it then. 


I'm not a fan of only Jedi=good and Sith=bad. Maul clearly said that "darth" doesn't apply to him anymore, so he probably doesn't consider himself a Sith as much as Asoka doesn't consider herself a Jedi. It would be interesting to me if Maul was putting forth a different approach to mastering the force. "It's ok to be angry, just don't let it rule you." Or, "hey, you all are fighting all these storm troopers and how many times have you fought these Inquisitors? It's ok to choke a bitch once and a while."

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Obi-Wan was saved by a some weird thing jutting out of the side of a pit I still don't understand.


Obi Wan only needed to be saved by a weird thing jutting out because he let himself get angry and attacked aggressively after Qui Gon was killed, which left him vulnerable. Once he had a chance to collect himself and clear his mind of anger he was able to defeat Maul. Maul was only "off guard" because he was acting with anger and aggression, pacing back and forth in front in front of the pit, swiping at Obi Wan with his saber.


And I don't think that Obi Wan "goaded" Anakin in to anything, he saw what Anakin was going to do, knew that it was stupid and would leave him vulnerable and tried talk his friend out of forcing him to kill him. Anakin/Vader was too aggressive and overconfident and


In the movies being angry and aggressive is just as likely to get you killed in a fight as it is to give you an edge. Yoda says that the dark side isn't stronger, just quicker and easier, and I think the films play this out. Jedi and Sith are usually pretty equal, once you account for natural variance in experience/skill between individuals. in Clone Wars being angry makes you a near unstoppable killing machine, even if you have almost no training/experience (like Savage).

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Sam Witwer did another amazing job as Maul. I was impressed with how he did the voice old and weak before turning it up to the Maul voice, which conveys a lot in the character's fury. Witwer is awesome in whatever he does and I'd love to see him in one of the next Star Wars movies.

That was Witwer? I spent the first few minutes trying to figure out who the Old Master was (sorry didn't watch Clone Wars, thought Darth Maul died in Episode 1).

I kept thinking of ways they could bring Witwer's Starkiller character onto the show. I'm glad Darth Maul survived especially now that I know Witwer did the voice.

Loved this episode, it was fantastic. I was utterly worried for Ahsoka as soon as she faced off with Vadar. I really thought they were going to kill her off. I'm glad she was revealed alive at the end and that she realized it was Anakin (we even got that spark of lightside still in Vadar).

Was there some symbolism to the white bird flying from the temple?

Loved the whole episode especially Kanan ending up blind. That was tragic but highly foreshadowed.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Loved this episode, it was fantastic. I was utterly worried for Ahsoka as soon as she faced off with Vadar. I really thought they were going to kill her off. I'm glad she was revealed alive at the end and that she realized it was Anakin (we even got that spark of lightside still in Vadar).


I saw Ahsoka fell down to her knees.  They left it ambiguous, but I was 99% sure she was dead.  Vader walked away from the wreck afterall. 

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No way he killed her. If she's that good that he didn't wipe the floor with her in 5 seconds, there's way way more upside for Vader to lure to the dark side as his apprentice to overthrow Palpatine. Vader should know "she's no jedi", so he could be thinking, well, I have an even easier time since she already has some underlying anger about how she was treated back then. The sales pitch is quite easy: Hey, join me again, we can take over and you can do things the right way fix how you were treated. You already said you didn't want to leave me again, and there's so much more I can teach you now.


I doubt she go for it, but it would be a great story to see her tempted. Additionally, she has super intel on the rebellion, so all that aside, he'd want to keep her alive for questioning. 


That's also dependent on when the planet started falling apart too. The ground could have ripped open between them of stuff falling from the ceiling, where they both had to just get out of there. 


I finally saw the movie! 

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I saw Ahsoka fell down to her knees. They left it ambiguous, but I was 99% sure she was dead. Vader walked away from the wreck afterall.

I just talked to my comic book guy and he thought she was dead too. Now, I'm wondering if I misunderstood to just imagined it. I deleted the episode but, this is what I thought I saw.

Ezra/Kannon get back to base and everything thinks Ashoka is dead.

Darth Maul escapes in his ship

We see Vadar beaten up sort of limping away from the temple. There's and overhead shot of a white bird (thing) flying off the temple.

From this point the camera flys over to what looks (to me) like Ashoka walking down temple stairs. Did I imagine that?

I wish i didn't delete the episode so i could check. I read some articles online and the EPs talked about it being nebulous and leaving it to our imaginations so I'm really confused.

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That's what I saw, too. In fact, originally I didn't see Ahshoka in the shadows of the stairs, and I asked my kids, "Do you think Ahsoka survived." And my daughter made us go back so she could prove that yes, Ahsoka is alive. So unless that's supposed to Ahsoka's spirit going to join Yoda, she's alive. It's my feeling, though, that's she's going into hiding and won't be involved like she was.

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That's what I saw, too. In fact, originally I didn't see Ahshoka in the shadows of the stairs, and I asked my kids, "Do you think Ahsoka survived." And my daughter made us go back so she could prove that yes, Ahsoka is alive. So unless that's supposed to Ahsoka's spirit going to join Yoda, she's alive. It's my feeling, though, that's she's going into hiding and won't be involved like she was.

Oh good, I'm not crazy...well not about this :-)
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We see Vadar beaten up sort of limping away from the temple. There's and overhead shot of a white bird (thing) flying off the temple.

From this point the camera flys over to what looks (to me) like Ashoka walking down temple stairs. Did I imagine that?


I saw Ahsoka's hair (back facing temple entrance / audience) dropped from standing to kneeling position.  Plus, Vader had all the reasons to kill her and he said she would die.  Both Vader and Ahsoka were stuck in a locked room and Vader was not the type to leave things unfinished.

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This is the first time they've met face to face since she left Anakin at the academy in the Clone Wars. She's clearly more powerful now (not close to Vader), but he's got way more incentive to try and turn her as his apprentice and take out Palpatine. As far as Vader knows, all the other (not) Jedi are dead, or they're Kenobi and he's not going anywhere near him anytime soon.


It's a no-lose situation. He knows he can kill her at anytime, so why not try to turn her? If it gets to the point where she's definitely not giving in, then kill her. I already made the argument that the sales pitch to her is rather easy. She's got *no* love for the Jedi and probably harbors some anger still. 


It's fairly consistent too. When he first meets Luke one on one, he could have killed him too, but he tried to convert him as well. 

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If there were still a whole bunch of jedi/force users still around, then ok. I'm not buying it since there's basically 8 of them now in the entire galaxy. Vader didn't kill Ezra either.

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If there were still a whole bunch of jedi/force users still around, then ok. I'm not buying it since there's basically 8 of them now in the entire galaxy. Vader didn't kill Ezra either.

Ezra was not stuck in the weapon control room with Vader as the door closed, Ahsoka was.  Had Ahsoka not force pushed Ezra out, he would have been killed too.

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That's a huge leap. I mean, we're all experienced tv watchers. Based on that alone, this is the classic 'hero barely escapes when faced with certain death.' I think my fanwank is a wank, but it's a reasonable one. You have to have a decently powerful "jedi" on the rebel side. 

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I saw Ahsoka's hair (back facing temple entrance / audience) dropped from standing to kneeling position. Plus, Vader had all the reasons to kill her and he said she would die. Both Vader and Ahsoka were stuck in a locked room and Vader was not the type to leave things unfinished.

I guess that's the difference, I didn't see her drop to her knees, I saw her walking down stairs. As of now it doesn't seems as though there's a right or wrong answer. The Producers want her status to be nebulous, until they reveal her fate in S3. Edited by Morrigan2575
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Ok, I basically spent the past two months watching all six seasons of the Clone Wars and catching up on Rebels so I could be caught and see what happened with the Vader/Ahsoka confrontation and I was not disappointed! Probably the best episode of Rebels to date and definitely one of my favorites.

Sam Witwer was excellent as Maul, once again, and I actually felt myself being lulled into a false sense of security, thinking that maybe Maul had changed after the events during the Clone Wars. NOPE! I thought they did a really nice job of building that suspense up until he finally did reveal his true colors.

Matt Lanter coming back to voice Anakin was awesome too, especially combined with JEJ as Vader. As the kids say, it gave me the feels.

Things I am a little annoyed by: Maul survives yet again. I mean, I do kind of like that he's acting as an agent of chaos now, instead of being a Sith, but how many times does this guy have to die or almost die to actually stay dead? Also, I felt Kanan's confrontation with Maul after he was blinded was a little too easy, though I guess I can hand-wave it (Force-wave it?) by saying that Kanan's blindness made it mandatory for him to trust in the Force, giving him the edge, but it seemed a bit too easy. That sequence was beautifully done, though. Lastly, I am annoyed that Ahsoka's fate is once again nebulous and we don't know if she died or is alive/wounded/whatever now. I grew to love Ahsoka as the Clone Wars went on and was thrilled when she showed up in Rebels again, but I am also pretty firmly in the camp that a showdown between Vader and Ahsoka was going to result in Ahsoka's death, and I think not showing that (if she is indeed dead, which she may not be) is an epic cop-out by Filoni. I know she is well loved (I love her too) but I think not showing her death is a disservice. Her story deserves an end, even if it is a sad one. But because we didn't see a body, I am hoping she's still alive and I'll be pretty pissed if she dies off screen.

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She's alive, for those reasons. Plus, she's the only non-movie character to span both shows. TV storywise, there's too much invested in her to kill her off at this point. This show has established her as critical to the formation of the rebel alliance. One could argue that Ahsoka is more important to the rebels and her feud with Vader isn't as important. Taking Vader out doesn't crumble the Empire at all. 

I get what they're doing with Maul. Having a dark sider who is just out for himself isn't a bad idea. I'd rather they created new character for that purpose. Maul is weak and a coward. He's always beaten way too easy, so I just can't buy he's going to be able to do much of anything at all. 

A new character who is trying to amass sith artifacts and carve out his own slice now that there's no jedi to stop them is more interesting. 

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Saw this about Ahsoka. (I still think she lived, but I can see how it was left open). After watching that last part in the finale again, it seemed to me she was alive but leaving, so the question is going where. But...I'd also like to see a confrontation between Rex and Vader. Just because

In fact, my son and husband brought up that a character in Rogue One is from the Clone Wars Series, so I'm thinking we might have a rewatch in the Toast house soon.

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I am soooooooooo excited for the new season-- I sure wish they would release the premiere date!

There is also a clip of Maul returning (slightly spoilery if you want to avoid all that):

They also had footage during the panel of Sabine and Ezra and some other Mandalorians but that doesn't appear to have made it on any official channels as yet so I won't link it to be on the safe side.

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I finally watched this months late.  I think Ahsoka was walking down the steps but the weird bird thing served no purpose unless it was supposed to indicate spirit so i'm confused.  I do think it is possible that she escaped precisely because the Temple collapsed.  She may have been separated from Vader.

Was anyone else struck by how similar Maul's opening lines to Ezra were with Yoda's opening lines to Luke? Both indicated they didn't mean them harm and wanted to know why they were there.  The words seemed very alike to me?

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Noooooooooo! Not the Phantom!

Damn, Ezra hasn't just gotten better now, he's gotten scary.

Nice intro to Grand Admiral Thrawn in the series.

Like that the design of Governor Pryce is clearly based on Irina Spalko from Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

Tom Baker as the Bendu was awesome.

"Bendu", "Ahsla"(Light Side) and "Bogan"(Dark Side) were all concepts from George Lucas' early drafts of the first Star Wars. Glad they're being used now.

I got really excited hearing the name "General Dodonna" which means I'm a bigger nerd than I thought.

Edited by VCRTracking
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1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:

Damn, Ezra hasn't just gotten better now, he's gotten scary.

Yes.  Which is good because the Jedi would be damn scary -- even when they are the good guys.  

1 hour ago, VCRTracking said:

Tom Baker as the Bendu was awesome.

I KNEW I recognized the voice!  

I'm not a huge Star Wars nerd, so I'm always behind on the trivia of who's who and the geeky joy of having minor characters show up.  What I really love about this series is that you don't HAVE to be that deeply involved in the universe to enjoy the show.  It's well written and allows the "casual" fan to be invested without feeling that they are missing something!

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I thought this was a great premiere. Ezra was actually pretty disturbing, between the walker and wanting to eliminate all the witnesses... Yikes. Even though he seems more repentant at the end of the episode in regard to using the Sith holocron, I hope he's still walking the thin line a little bit; it'll be boring if he just flips back. 

I noticed the voice of the Sith holocron is the same voice actress who played Asajj Ventress in The Clone Wars; I wonder if that has any actual purpose or if they just wanted evil dark side lady voice. 

Freaking loved Tom Baker as the Bendu-- I hope we see more of him! 

I'm almost cried when they lost the Phantom. Noooooooo! 

11 hours ago, VCRTracking said:

I got really excited hearing the name "General Dodonna" which means I'm a bigger nerd than I thought.

 I got really excited too! #nerdalert 

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