Keywestclubkid 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago (edited) 1 hour ago, Yours Truly said: I mean why is this a hall monitor on how to be petty or how to fight back? So let's get Dorit but do it without the "distasteful" money angle? Who cares?? Sutton has decided to be a bitch to Dorit cause Dorit deserves it. I find it funny that it can be agreed that Dorit deserves it but then want to scrutinize and micromanage how someone gives it back? It's so weird to me. Do I like the choice of insult. Nah, not really but it doesn't negate the need for the insult to be slung and that's really the issue here. I don't like low blows or vicious nastiness and I dot eyeroll corny lame comebacks but at the end of the day Sutton deserves to push back on Dorit's ugly targeting of Sutton that's gone on for seasons. Sutton gets a pass from me. Plus she's not the most socially graceful or quick witted so that was her go to. Meh. Big deal.. my people ❤️ Literally I love they have all slung LOW blows but Sutton’s you ain’t rich is the WORST? lol Edited 22 hours ago by Keywestclubkid 6 3 Link to comment
Yours Truly 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago (edited) On 2/26/2025 at 12:26 PM, Pi237 said: It’s not that Dorit doesn’t deserve to be told off. It’s How Sutton went about it. Playing the “I’m Richer. so, I’m Better than you!” card was really slimy. Made me see her differently. Made me see her Reba side. Sutton has a legitimate gripe with Dorit, but There were a hundred other ways she could’ve burned her, but like all stereotypical rich people, she used her money. Gross. How is that any more slimier than any other insult? An insult is an insult right? It's funny how money is supposed to be off limits when fighting with each other. I mean why? To me, what's off limits are children, family tragedies and illness to name a few. I don't get what's so God awful about lording one's money LOL. I mean, I think it rates the normal amount of distaste as any other insult that's been used during any given conflict and not worthy of some new category of "Inappropriate Housewife Comebacks" LOL Edited 21 hours ago by Yours Truly 2 4 1 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago 4 minutes ago, Yours Truly said: It seems that the financial aspect of the insult is rubbing most the wrong way and maybe a bit personally. Not for nothing, Sutton went for the topic that would most likely get under Dorit's skin the most so she's not wrong to use financial status to needle her. You go for what will hit the hardest (outside of viciousness like lets say going after children which is never okay) and I don't like low blows. But honestly, a stupid throw away childish insult about how someone else's pockets doesn't compare is kinda lame and I'm only kinda mad at Sutton cause it wasn't a much better, sharper or clever comeback. I don't think it's for all that but God forbid you use your money of all things to shame someone else. Oh the horror. Here's the thing, Sutton was going for petty and insulting and maybe even shaming. Hello? since when are there perimeters when it comes to back and forth battle of insults. The whole point is to say something damaging, unfortunately Sutton chose a weak comeback but I think it's being taken waaaaayyy too seriously and too literally. I also want to add that there is some truth to it. Don't come at me with some prestigious attitude as if you're the Queen of England when you are in the presence of Real Money. Hey, Look, I know that sounds terrible but there's a part of me that understands the frustration. Dorit likes to carry on and try to minimize the status of others USING her labels and mannerism and "Better Than Tho, Look How Affluent I AM" energy and Sutton simply reminded her that she needs to hang up that act around HER because Suttons the one with the ACTUAL wallet and it isn't some kind of pretense. As distasteful as the "dick measuring" is I think Sutton decided it was finally time to hand out a reality check to Dorit. As "tacky" as it may have seemed it wasn't totally unwarranted or untrue. So there is that. This … Sutton isnt saying ALL people who don’t have money are below her or anyone that doesn’t have money isn’t good enough .. she’s pointing out Dorit is all smoke and mirrors.. she isn’t wealthy.. she pretends .. she wears all these labels and jewelry and post the life that isn’t real .. that CUT Dorit cause it’s 100% true .. 4 1 2 5 Link to comment
Yours Truly 22 hours ago Share 22 hours ago (edited) On 2/26/2025 at 12:43 PM, Keywestclubkid said: That’s fair .. I don’t put a lot of stock in who has more money or wealth in general so the comment to me is just a petty comment volleyed back from Dorit’s petty comment about her drinking water .. Dorit can’t expect someone to not get petty back it’s the nature of the game .. You can’t go low and then get mad when the person you’re antagonist against goes low too .. Dorit tried her best to make Sutton’s drinking a storyline last season and is trying it again this season .. I’d be done So would the comment seem like a jab yes because it was and Dorit deserved it .. Who knew that the worst thing anyone can be on a show about "rich housewives" with "lavish lifestyles" is to act elitist... LOL!! Make it make sense. On 2/26/2025 at 12:56 PM, Pi237 said: This is the worst thing about it. Dorit wins by pushing Sutton to go there. Know what I mean? It’s like watching a friend Finally stand up to a bully, but doing it by saying, “Oh yeah!? Well, you’re Poor!” You cringe, like Uggh you were in the right and just ruined it.! Anyway, what’s with Erika chiming in so much? Even Boz, Dorit’s new best friend, stayed out of it. I will agree with this sentiment however Sutton isn't going to lose my support over it. It just goes to show just how inept Sutton is at comebacks and yes she picked the less effective one to the audience however......... ......Let's keep in mind an insult like that WOULD be a nice jab for someone like Dorit so at the end of the day Sutton hit where it hurt however it wasn't the chess move that would have made the audience side with her. Regardless of this misstep, I'm sure it'll blow over. Fan favorites change every season anyway. LOL. Edited 21 hours ago by Yours Truly 4 1 Link to comment
Yours Truly 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago On 2/26/2025 at 1:04 PM, Chit Chat said: It's a HWs show! People fly off the handle all of the time. Dorit shouldn't have chimed in after Garcelle questioned Sutton on whether the drink had alcohol, but it was a hot button topic for her, so I get why she blurted out what she did. I'm not taking sides, as I can see fault with all of these HWs at any given moment! I just wanted to see a nice luncheon with the fancy caviar, but as always, it ended up in disaster. I like Sutton, but I don't like everything she says and does. Dorit (in the past) crossed a line with insinuating that she's an alcoholic, and Sutton crossed a line with throwing her wealth in her face. Exactly! Even, Steven... LOL I don't see what's the big whoop to be honest. 5 Link to comment
Yours Truly 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago On 2/26/2025 at 2:16 PM, Natalie68 said: It was a very tacky comment BUT Sutton used what would REALLY piss off Dorit. Dorit has been pretending to be rich all the years she has been on the show. Dorit's comment about Sutton's drinking had the potential to hurt custody of her kids and has been going on for now 2 seasons. Sutton's comment to Dorit only hurt Dorit's pride. Sutton should bring up Dorit's jacked boobs next. THIS! I think it's getting a very sour response because I think a lot of viewers took her comment personally as if Sutton was throwing her money in OUR faces as opposed to it being aimed at Dorit and her ridiculously inflated sense of position in the Elite World. No honey, I HAVE MONEY so don't come around me acting like YOU are the one that's dripping in diamonds and pearls. I think it was more about wanting Dorit to cut the act and not about Sutton touting her wealth. She was pushing back on Dorits AUDACITY to try and look down on someone who she is not even in the same league with. That has to be maddening after all this time. Dorits whole guise is being superior because of status and money and it really is a huge insult to try and wield it at someone like Sutton who actually has money and status. I only cringe because regardless of the logic surrounding it, it still won't come across well. Classic Sutton. Oh well. 6 4 3 Link to comment
Yours Truly 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago (edited) 3 hours ago, snarts said: The classist comment from Sutton was on par with body shaming & a mere small step above an antisemitic or racist insult. Worse that she's doubling down on it. Just gross IMHO. That it was said to Dorit doesn't at all negate the ugliness so listening to people use that as rationalization/justification is disheartening. Not sure why everything have to be an either/or situation? Dorit was wrong for her comment on Sutton's drinking AND Sutton was wrong for her extremely classist response (especially since the wealth was not self-made). They're both flawed. Can we get back to hating on Kyle? On par??? Wow. Definitely agree to disagree. Also, I've kinda jumped ship with all the different ways we as people aren't supposed to hurt each others feelings. My motto is basic kindness, courtesy and consideration, mindfulness and self awareness. Other than that I'm not overthinking every word that comes out of my mouth because people can be sensitive. Well no shit, but we still have to live on this earth where people are unpredictable, moody and have bad days so Buckle up Buttercup. My motto is also "Don't start none won't be none" so there's that too.... LOL. Oh and one more thing... It's a housewives show.... Kindness isn't their strong suit but so long as it doesn't reach nasty & cruel (Kyle, outing her sisters alcoholism) damagingly offensive (Rinna, asking if Dorit does coke in the bathroom) or dangerous (resulting in the cyber harassement of Garcells son) then their petty back and forth is what's really par for the course. Edited 19 hours ago by Yours Truly 5 4 1 Link to comment
SweetieDarling 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago 49 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said: This … Sutton isnt saying ALL people who don’t have money are below her or anyone that doesn’t have money isn’t good enough .. she’s pointing out Dorit is all smoke and mirrors.. she isn’t wealthy.. she pretends .. she wears all these labels and jewelry and post the life that isn’t real .. that CUT Dorit cause it’s 100% true .. I think if the comment had been made to/about someone else it would hit differently, but we are talking about Dorit the poser. We're all aware of the lawsuits and financial difficulties they've had, yet she keeps covering herself in designer labels as if money is not an issue. Dorit is a wannabe and Sutton called her out on it because she was tired of being picked on and knew that comment would hurt Dorit like Dorit's comments hurt Sutton 12 Link to comment
Yours Truly 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago (edited) 1 hour ago, Keywestclubkid said: This … Sutton isnt saying ALL people who don’t have money are below her or anyone that doesn’t have money isn’t good enough .. she’s pointing out Dorit is all smoke and mirrors.. she isn’t wealthy.. she pretends .. she wears all these labels and jewelry and post the life that isn’t real .. that CUT Dorit cause it’s 100% true .. ....annnnnddddd Dorit has the nerve to try to look down on others... This is why I can't be mad at Sutton. It's the irony that Dorit is famous for acting superior but when Sutton decides to put her in her place Sutton is the bad guy. It's pretty mindboggling actually. Sutton literally put her money where her mouth is and she's getting shit for it. Unreal.. Edited 21 hours ago by Yours Truly 8 1 1 1 Link to comment
bravofan27 21 hours ago Share 21 hours ago 1 hour ago, Sweet-tea said: Her codependence was showing. It seemed like she was looking for some dirt or problems/issues to match her problems and issues. She seems to only like people who confide in her and she can commiserate with. 2 Link to comment
Mr. Miner 20 hours ago Share 20 hours ago Dorit’s go to is “stupid c$$t” so fuck her! 5 4 3 Link to comment
dmeets 20 hours ago Share 20 hours ago 6 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said: Dorit’s go to is “stupid c$$t” so fuck her! And somehow the ball gag that Camille gave her as payback became the bigger transgression. Even though giving Erika panties was totally above board. It's a nasty word to throw out casually and with pride, especially from someone who repeatedly criticizes Sutton, Garcelle and Kyle for not being girls' girls or supportive enough to other women. I've loathed her since she and PJ tried to cast shame on Eileen for not telling LVP about her mother's death so that LVP could put on the kid gloves. The only thing I don't really like about Sutton's comment (which would bother me a lot more directed at anyone else) is that it feeds Doorit's victim mentality and earns her sympathy that she doesn't deserve. If it weren't for her young kids, I'd hope for a nasty divorce for those two. It probably will be, if she keeps telling everyone she meets that he's an alcoholic whose sponsor made him leave her. Unless they magically reconcile and it was just a storyline like the robberies. 7 1 3 Link to comment
Pi237 19 hours ago Share 19 hours ago 2 hours ago, Yours Truly said: How is that any more slimier than any other insult? An insult is an insult right? It's funny how money is supposed to be off limits when fighting with each other. I mean why? To me, what's off limits are children, family tragedies and illness to name a few. I don't get what's so God awful about lording one's money LOL. I mean, I think it rates the normal amount of distaste as any other insult that's been used during any given conflict and not worthy of some new category of "Inappropriate Housewife Comebacks" LOL Fair enough. I'm sure it possibly triggered something personal for me which is really dumb for a reality show. I agree, anything with the kids, etc are All much worse than throwing your money in the ring. So, Lets see if it works and Dorit finally leaves her alone. Or we'll just get another useless one on one 'lets start fresh.' meet-up. 1 2 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid 18 hours ago Share 18 hours ago (edited) 56 minutes ago, Pi237 said: Fair enough. I'm sure it possibly triggered something personal for me which is really dumb for a reality show. Trust me things with these women's actions sometime trigger me too .. and I have to mentally be like this isn’t directed at me take a breath or I’ll get angry (Shannon on OC) and her drinking and driving and NOW Karen (ugh) was MY hot button 100% I get it Edited 18 hours ago by Keywestclubkid 2 1 Link to comment
RealHousewife 18 hours ago Share 18 hours ago (edited) 3 hours ago, Yours Truly said: ....annnnnddddd Dorit has the nerve to try to look down on others... This is why I can't be mad at Sutton. It's the irony that Dorit is famous for acting superior but when Sutton decides to put her in her place Sutton is the bad guy. It's pretty mindboggling actually. Sutton literally put her money where her mouth is and she's getting shit for it. Unreal.. Yes, I can't see Dorit KNOWINGLY getting with a man who doesn't have $$$. I don't see her being friends with people from all walks of life. She thinks she knows the best when it comes to fashion, etiquette, etc. Her house is in foreclosure, and the Kemsleys owe other people money as well, yet she is still living lavishly. Dorit seems to think she is above living an honest, normal lifestyle. She's a lot like Erika in that way. I think the phoniness of her is what rubs Sutton, Garcelle, and Camille the wrong way. That's got to be where some of their attitudes regarding the robbery come from too. I'm not sure if Sutton truly believed it happened or that it wasn't a scheme, and that's why she seemed so heartless when she first spoke about it with Kyle. I remember feeling bad for Dorit when Camille brought up the Kemsleys owing people a lot of money. BUT, at the time I wondered if Dorit even knew! Maybe I liked Dorit for the most part at the time. I think this was prior to finding out about Dorit herself owing a lot of money for her business and prior to her saying that what PK owed prior to being married to her is not her problem. Um yeah it is Dorit, when you are spending all the money he could use to pay back what he owes. Looking back, I don't know if I could even be mad at Camille. Heck, maybe she should have been applauded. Camille probably knew before anyone else that the Kemsleys were grifters, and wasn't Camille even friends with one of the people they owed a lot of money to? I'm very protective of my friends and would be furious with anyone who took advantage of them, took their money, and then had the nerve not to pay them back but spend crazy money on clothing. Edited 18 hours ago by RealHousewife 5 2 1 Link to comment
JenE4 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago (edited) I was one of the people who took offense to Sutton’s wallet comment, so here’s where I’m coming from. Foremost, just because Dorit has also said terrible things about people doesn’t necessarily negate a tit for tat. There’s room to acknowledge that they are all terrible people. If we’re ranking an insult continuum, I don’t necessarily think it’s that bad to call someone out on their bad behavior—ie, telling someone they’re acting like a bitch when their behavior could arguably be categorized as bitchy. That’s why Sutton calling Dorit a bitch in her own home was fine by me, because she was acting bitchy toward Sutton. However, the wallet comment suddenly became classist. It wasn’t a matter of calling someone out on their behavior or actions. Rather, it was implying I’m better than you simply because I have more money than you. It was icky. I think the women at the luncheon were all appropriately shocked, as well. Granted, I’m sure living in Beverly Hills, they all think it and are comparing the Haves and the Have Nots, but you’re not supposed to say it. It’s also highly condescending to basically say there’s a caste system at play, and standing on my wallet puts me above you. And, I don’t want to break any forum rules by talking about what’s happening in America right now. But let’s just leave it at there are too many billionaires on power trips because their money thinks they “know better” than the plebeians who don’t deserve what they’re getting. Maybe if Sutton said this a year ago, eh… It just hit a little too close to home right now… Edited 17 hours ago by JenE4 2 1 1 Link to comment
RealHousewife 17 hours ago Share 17 hours ago 4 minutes ago, JenE4 said: I was one of the people who took offense to Sutton’s wallet comment, so here’s where I’m coming from. Foremost, just because Dorit has also said terrible things about people doesn’t necessarily negate a tit for tat. There’s room to acknowledge that they are all terrible people. If we’re ranking an insult continuum, I don’t necessarily think it’s that bad to call someone out on their bad behavior—ie, telling someone they’re acting like a bitch when their behavior could arguably be categorized as bitchy. That’s why Sutton calling Dorit a bitch in her own home was fine by me, because she was acting bitchy toward Sutton. However, the wallet comment suddenly became classist. It wasn’t a matter of calling someone out on their behavior or actions. Rather, it was implying I’m better than you simply because I have more money than you. It was icky. I think the women at the luncheon were all appropriately shocked, as well. Granted, I’m sure living in Beverly Hills, they all think it and are comparing the Haves and the Have Nots, but you’re not supposed to say it. It’s also highly condescending to basically say there’s a caste system at play, and standing on my wallet puts me above you. And, I don’t want to break any forum rules by talking about what’s happening in America right now. But let’s just leave it at there are too many billionaires on power trips because their money thinks they “know better” than the plebeians. Maybe if Sutton said this a year ago, eh… It just hit a little too close to home right now… I hear you Jen. I think where a lot of us are coming from is that overall, we don't think this comment makes Sutton the bad guy and Dorit the victim. Everyone including Garcelle, Sutton's best bud in the bunch, was indeed shocked. Part of it is because Sutton imo is better than the comment imo. She has more class than to bully people the way Rinna did, to threaten the way Erika did, to throw out the c word like Dorit does, etc. Is it a fair world when someone gets $300,000 a month from her ex and there are people who live paycheck to paycheck? Absolutely not, and yes there are a lot of people with way too much money and power in this country. I couldn't agree with you more there. But I'm still a Sutton fan and can see why she's sick of the phoniness and being mistreated. I never understood why some of the other women treated her like a misfit when she is more Beverly Hills than most of them, southern accent, cat sweaters, and all. Also, as much as it's great to be self-made and single life drama can be more entertaining, Housewives was initially supposed to be about actual housewives, the ladies who lunch types. So if some of the others like Kyle want to bring up Christian, it doesn't make Sutton any less of a a Real Housewife imo. She has a lot of the same things that make Kyle a great Housewife, whether you're a fan of hers or not. This isn't the real business women of Beverly Hills. Sutton just really represents what a lot of us expect to see, and what some of the others (*cough* Dorit and Erika), wish they had. 4 1 1 Link to comment
politichick 16 hours ago Share 16 hours ago 23 hours ago, BloggerAloud said: IF I was Sutton I would've told Dorit to focus on the alcoholic in her own damn house before coming for me. Sutton disapproves of the way Dorit was speaking out about PK's drinking and said the allegations could perhaps hurt her during a divorce. 1 1 Link to comment
politichick 16 hours ago Share 16 hours ago 5 hours ago, Yours Truly said: THIS! I think it's getting a very sour response because I think a lot of viewers took her comment personally as if Sutton was throwing her money in OUR faces as opposed to it being aimed at Dorit and her ridiculously inflated sense of position in the Elite World. No honey, I HAVE MONEY so don't come around me acting like YOU are the one that's dripping in diamonds and pearls. I think it was more about wanting Dorit to cut the act and not about Sutton touting her wealth. She was pushing back on Dorits AUDACITY to try and look down on someone who she is not even in the same league with. That has to be maddening after all this time. Dorits whole guise is being superior because of status and money and it really is a huge insult to try and wield it at someone like Sutton who actually has money and status. I only cringe because regardless of the logic surrounding it, it still won't come across well. Classic Sutton. Oh well. I've been amazed by how so many people have taken Sutton's wallet comment personally. Garcelle's wallet, for example, isn't as big either, but Sutton loves her to bits and is extremely proud of and has raved about how much she's accomplishing on her own. She was letting Dorit know, in the only language that Dorit can understand, that she doesn't have the resources to fight Sutton in a legal battle if it went to that. She can afford to quit the show and sue her ass for slander, and would still get to hang out and have with Garcelle, Jennifer, and the other girls she's friends with just as they do during the off season. Too bad it was so awkward and they probably can't come right out and say they're going to sue another housewife. But she made it abundantly clear that she's tired AF of Dorit coming for her and she's not taking it anymore. Dorit's constant badgering of Sutton is another example of how stupid she is because Sutton is probably the only one of the ladies who would actually help her if she and her children fell on hard times because of the divorce. She also offered to be with Dorit when she meets with an attorney and we all know that our girl knows how to get the goods. I'm not sure if this is true, but I read on reddit, I think, that Sutton borrowed money from a friend to hire the forensics attorney/accountant, so I absolutely believe she would do the same for a friend in need. I also think Dorit walked away from the table because she finds it impossible to keep her stupid mouth shut, as we saw with the rude AF meds comment, and if she continued to try to bait Sutton she might have gotten walloped with the pre-foreclosure on her house. 4 3 Link to comment
Pattycake2 13 hours ago Share 13 hours ago I think Dorit made a huge mistake this season. Her world has been crumbling for sometime and she really needs her Bravo paycheck. I think Kyle saying that they really weren’t close friends shook her and she realized that she may be expendable.When Sutton offered to help Dorit through her divorce, Dorit should have grabbed that offer and begun cozying up to Sutton. Having Boz as her ally isn’t going to secure her another season. 7 1 1 Link to comment
SemiCharmedLife 12 hours ago Share 12 hours ago On 2/25/2025 at 6:19 PM, Pi237 said: seriously. Shes stolen Teddy's crown for biggest gnat. And her blonde Ozempic look made her unrecognizable to me. Sutton's wallet flex was embarrassing. I can't stand Dorit, but telling someone you're better than them because you have more money Is gross, especially in the current economic climate where most of us are struggling financially. Money isn't a measure of your morality or worth and I'm sick of rich people acting like it is. Her stock fell hard for me tonight. That cavier looked like a turd on a potato. I'm not a fan of Sutton's comment, or any classist behavior, but after thinking about it, I believe Sutton was getting back at Dorit for her alcohol comments by outing Dorit's financial status. We all have speculated that PK and Dorit are living way above their means, but the cast always protects harsh truths for each other and rarely mention them while filming. Sutton decided that what was good for the goose, was good for the gander and decided to fight back by spilling the beans about Dorit's lack of "wallet." 4 1 Link to comment
Surrealist 12 hours ago Share 12 hours ago (edited) 4 hours ago, politichick said: Dorit's constant badgering of Sutton is another example of how stupid she is because Sutton is probably the only one of the ladies who would actually help her if she and her children fell on hard times because of the divorce. She also offered to be with Dorit when she meets with an attorney and we all know that our girl knows how to get the goods. I'm not sure if this is true, but I read on reddit, I think, that Sutton borrowed money from a friend to hire the forensics attorney/accountant, so I absolutely believe she would do the same for a friend in need. Not only that, but I remember when Sutton reached out to Erika saying she'd be happy to help her while she gets back on her feet. You know, Erika, a woman who's also been coming for Sutton since Sutton's arrival on the show (and still talks shit about in her THs). As a college educated, yet working class, white woman, I don't care what Sutton said to Dorit. Dorit's been nothing but a poseur snob who looks down on everyone else, since she started on the show. Camille had her clocked early on. She's lucky that's all Sutton said to her as far as insults go. Speaking for myself here: I don't take money comments made about others personally. It's like, whatever. Obviously it's childish, but there are far worse insults that could be made. Other people's money is their business. Sutton knew that kind of insult would get under Dorit's skin, and it worked. She called out the Kemsleys for being frauds. She's not the only one who knows about them. Edited 12 hours ago by Surrealist 7 1 1 Link to comment
princelina 11 hours ago Share 11 hours ago (edited) On 2/27/2025 at 8:58 PM, RealHousewife said: Lol no, that's what @bravofan27 said and what I think too. Bravofan nailed it with the Gretchen description. I think Dorit probably was a doormat when it came to Kyle for years because she thought it would be best to be buddies with the anchor and OG of the show. She would much rather be in Fox Force 5 than be friends with Garcelle or Sutton. Now, she probably knows it's good drama for the show to fight with Kyle. I don't think Dorit is the meanest mean girl Housewife, but no she is hardly a Stephanie Hollman sweetheart type. To be fair to Dorit - I think she did think she and Kyle were real friends; we saw quite a few scenes of them hanging out, spending Jewish holidays together, etc. and I think Kyle's denying that they were friends publicly really hurt her feelings. Add to that - as someone said earlier - she's clearly furious with everything this year; Sutton was right about that. 6 hours ago, RealHousewife said: But I'm still a Sutton fan and can see why she's sick of the phoniness and being mistreated. I never understood why some of the other women treated her like a misfit when she is more Beverly Hills than most of them, southern accent, cat sweaters, and all. As you know, RH, I'm NOT a Sutton fan, but I think the reason the others treat her like a misfit is because she makes it so easy for them. She could have told Crystal "I don't appreciate you sneering at me and insinuating I'm racist" and then coolly walked off, instead, she went the "face roller" route. I was a middle school teacher for many years, both regular and special ed, in a blue-collar suburban district where the kids were mostly kind and we did not have a bullying problem, but when a kid did get picked on I could always see why. That's who Sutton reminds me of! Edited 11 hours ago by princelina 1 3 Link to comment
RealHousewife 10 hours ago Share 10 hours ago 10 minutes ago, princelina said: To be fair to Dorit - I think she did think she and Kyle were real friends; we saw quite a few scenes of them hanging out, spending Jewish holidays together, etc. and I think Kyle's denying that they were friends publicly really hurt her feelings. Add to that - as someone said earlier - she's clearly furious with everything this year; Sutton was right about that. As you know, RH, I'm NOT a Sutton fan, but I think the reason the others treat her like a misfit is because she makes it so easy for them. She could have told Crystal "I don't appreciate you sneering at me and insinuating I'm racist" and then coolly walked off, instead, she went the "face roller" route. I was a middle school teacher for many years, both regular and special ed, in a blue-collar suburban district where the kids were mostly kind and we did not have a bullying problem, but when a kid did get picked on I could always see why. That's who Sutton reminds me of! Oh I definitely they became actual friends even if I'm suspicious of the initial motive of the friendship! Haha, bless Sutton's heart! I really think hormones were at play the face roller season. She was more even more emotional than usual. 2 Link to comment
Crazydoxielady 5 hours ago Share 5 hours ago Jennifer Tilly had a delightful themed party. I loved the flowing caftans. I loved her jewelry and ongoing good nature & wide eyed wonderment of the world. She’s been a fantastic addition. Then along comes Dorit in her Dior and sour puckered face ruining the affair. Sutton went for the low blow. It was a bad look. But Miss fake accent carcass out has had it coming for seasons now. She’s not funny. She’s mean. The jabs at Suttons drinking are deliberate. Her rudeness in not coming downstairs for Sutton when she was the host reveals in fact she is a shitty host, and all for a “Mama” chain? 🙄 Please, she deliberately left Sutton to sit alone until another cast member that Dorit could tolerate arrived. Her throwing around PK’s alcoholism will only hurt her kids. She’s looking haggard with the weight loss and I’m not happy so much time has been wasted on her this season. She will always be part of that mean girl faux fox five group & I’ll hold her to that fire, even as that group disbands/evolves. She NEEDS this show, but is missing the mark on every aspect with her seething rage that is likely hiding panic. Mau remains living his best life. He is thrilled to be single and is not going back. His IG story this week was shirtless on a mountain with a guy friend “hiking.” (Just an excuse to show off his sexy dad bod with his clavicle bandage post fracture). Kyle wanted to queer bait and he got out for good behavior. Good for him! I just wish he’d taken a dog or two with him. STORM!!! 3 1 1 Link to comment
Sweet-tea 4 hours ago Share 4 hours ago (edited) On 2/26/2025 at 11:51 AM, Keywestclubkid said: Dorit knew what she was doing .. but is now crying stop being mean when Sutton got fed up .. Dorit stop taking jabs and Sutton won’t bother you .. again watch the scene Dorit bring up her drinking water when she could have just kept her mouth shut .. she took a jab Sutton volleyed it back Dorit's true, nasty colors are coming out this season. She can't suppress her rage at PK, so she's gone full throttle on Kyle and now Sutton. Watching her I can now envision some of the ugly fights she's said she's had with PK. And for all her judgment over Sutton's (and PK's) drinking, I don't see Dorit passing up alcohol very often. Looks like Belvedere and soda (3 lemons, no carcass) is on her short list. Please stop with the Boz baby storyline. I don't really enjoy fertility storylines in geneal, let alone between a new person and her half interested boyfriend. Edited 4 hours ago by Sweet-tea 1 1 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid 2 hours ago Share 2 hours ago (edited) This is just MY opinion but, Dorit who dresses in head to toe designer is the epitome of elitist and the caste system .. if you are gonna be mad at Sutton and her wallet comment you have to also hold that energy for Dorit who lives in that system like why else be a walking billboard… no tea no shade but the class system and elitism is baked into ALL these shows .. rich ladies doing rich things living a rich life .. we don’t wanna watch Beth Ann struggle to pay a bill that’s not escapism that’s my normal Tuesday… These ladies trying to cry fowl that one of their own pointed out someone else is pretending is wrong and how dare she is kinda funny .. especially when ALL these woman at one time or another have thrown that wealth around to brag about .”birkins” or other 25k purses Ferrari’s having their own chapel etc etc . THATS their world that’s what they do we literally are being a fly on the wall .. do you really think Dorit wants to be the common man? She literally has said elittist things herself (all my help, citizen of the world bullshit) dresses head to toe in designer items the car the house everything she has presented on this show SCREAMS elitism (Hell Connecticut’s motto IS home of the elite) Sutton wasn’t calling out everyone who doesn’t have her “wallet” she was Specifically calling out ONE person DORIT who lives in the land of make-believe and smoke and mirrors now if she had the same energy all the time I’d say boo Sutton but she doesn’t .. she’s literally offered to help two woman IF they needed it …IF anything I’d want that friend someone when I was down would be like let’s get through this even to woman who have shit on her .. that’s a person with money who you want in your corner Edited 1 hour ago by Keywestclubkid 1 1 2 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz 1 hour ago Share 1 hour ago Sutton has been exceedingly compassionate and generous. With women who don’t deserve it in the least. 1 Link to comment
Keywestclubkid 1 hour ago Share 1 hour ago 17 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said: Sutton has been exceedingly compassionate and generous. With women who don’t deserve it in the least. I just think her social awkwardness (which I also have and probably why I identify with her so much) just kinda plays a role against her in making her point clear .. but yes she literally would give you anything you needed if you were down .. that’s a friend … 2 Link to comment
hoodooznoodooz 49 minutes ago Share 49 minutes ago 4 minutes ago, Keywestclubkid said: I just think her social awkwardness (which I also have, and is probably why I identify with her so much) just kinda plays a role against her in making her point clear…. But, yes, she literally would give you anything you needed if you were down... that’s a friend…. My mother is extremely compassionate. Her childhood was very, very sad. But instead of embracing an attitude similar to Erika’s, she chose to want to help those who were also suffering. When she’s at a gathering or party, if she notices someone who seems to be struggling, she will approach that person and try to make that person feel more comfortable. 2 Link to comment
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