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The Baldwins In The Media

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What a vile show.  Way to make money to pay for those legal bills after killing (accidentally, but still) a mom on that movie set.  Hilary (I refuse to say "Hilaria") seems like a real piece of work.  The promos for this show were interesting.  I saw one on Instagram where Alec asks the kids which of their parents was the sexiest.  I don't even know how to respond to that.  I did watch last night and have to applaud them for at least showing one of the nannies (Paola, I believe) because you know this daffy woman isn't wrangling all of these little kids on her own in those booty shorts she wore most of the night.  

More than anything, Alec made me sad.  He's 66, but acted much older.  I'm not sure if he is putting on a show (he has been diagnosed with PTSD following the shooting, don't you know), but it was sad to watch this once revered actor from my childhood slowly toddling around his apartment, surrounded by screaming little children, cleaning random surfaces with Clorox wipes because of his OCD.  The couch scenes were even worse, with Hilary stretching her legs out into his lap and gazing up at him while he sat there in a golf shirt and a pair of khaki shorts, dressed like my dad on Saturday mornings before he went outside to mow the backyard.  I would be absolutely horrified if I was his agent.  Part of me wants to give Hilary her props for securing that bag, but then I remember the "coocumbeer" scene from The Today Show and lose all, how you say, simpatía.


Edited by VioletNevermind
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This is such a sad business.  I was revolted at the idea, but I was always a fan of Alec's since he was on The Doctors!  In 1979.  Then Knots Landing.  He is a very flawed person but also a talented actor, and I had always enjoyed his movies and SNL appearances.  So I thought I would watch out of curiosity.  I was mostly dumbstruck watching the million kids running around the house and sitting on kitchen counters.  But then they switched over to the scene where they were introducing the breaking news segment when the shooting first occurred.  I had to turn it off at that point.  I just couldn't watch. 

One time about 20 or so years ago, I saw him wandering around a local street fair on the Upper West Side of Manhattan.  It was Father's Day and he was all alone.  This was when he had that awful estrangement mess with Ireland.  It was really sad. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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How many children do they have? I don't think anybody ever mentioned it.

This was really bad. I don't like the wife at all. Totally inappropriate to have filmed this show when they did and then air it now. However, I will say, if Alec had gone to prison I would have watched just to see the ... how many children? ... visit him behind bars.

Its only 6 episodes so I'll stick it out. Just so I can get the t-shirt that says I survived.

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Hillaria/Hllary makes Alec look like a doddering old fool who is so stupid that he ended up with all the cats in his car....The kids are like banshees! Wifies likes to sit with her legs splayed out to display herself like a fashion model...Then we get the poor me piece of his shooting of the woman...and how  they suffer through it....oh...he has ptsd...while his victim's had to suffer through much much worse...

this show bites!

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This wasn't as awful as I expected. 

Agree Hilaria is annoying AF and having seven kids 10 and under must be a nightmare.  

Alec looks like he aged 30 years since they married. The photos of them at their wedding, he was still very attractive. Obviously he's gained weight and I'm sure the nightmare of that trial and of course just the incident itself has taken it out of him. 

It was a terrible accident but I think the prosecutor went overboard on charging him. Apparently the judge agreed, thank goodness. Saying it was his fault because he had a producer credit is ridiculous. He had a producer credit on 30 Rock. That's just a negotiation tactic to get more money and have some creative control. You aren't in charge of the prop guns. 

Yes Alec has anger issues, but it seems like it's usually directed at the paparazzi, who just bait him to get the reaction. 


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Episode number two of this absurd farce that basically exists to pay Alec Baldwin’s legal bills show.  First, I’ve decided that I’m going to play Spot the Nanny every week.  Hilary goes way overboard trying to pretend that she’s raising all of these little kids on her own when she. is. not.  10-year-old Carmen said that being the oldest child means that she’s pretty much raising the younger kids along with her parents.  Hilary needs to hire one additional nanny so that her preteen daughter never feels that way.

Alec’s demeanor while talking about acting and his career was the most animated and happy he’s been so far.  Still, he looks so utterly tired.  He’s always been known for being a bit of an ass and I don’t like asses, but I do feel sorry for the 66-year-old guy, mainly because I cannot stand his phony wife and her phony accent.  That being said, he knew what he was getting into with this ridiculous woman, sitting on the interview couch with her legs wrapped up beneath her like a pretzel.  I did have to laugh when he said he wanted to “hasten this along,” referring to their exchange of anniversary gifts.  After listening to her rattle off the inscription (en español, of course) on that necklace she gave him, I can’t say I blame him.

I feel sorry for the family of the woman who was shot and killed, especially her young son.  What a slap in the face this entire thing must be for them, especially so soon after the trial.  I wasn’t aware going into this that the trial would be featured so prominently.  The discussion of Alec’s “survivor’s guilt” and the impact of the killing on his emotional health was in incredibly poor taste and should never have seen the light of day.  Judging by the preview for next week, it’s not going to get any better. 

Edited by VioletNevermind
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On 3/2/2025 at 11:03 PM, VioletNevermind said:


Alec’s demeanor while talking about acting and his career was the most animated and happy he’s been so far.  Still, he looks so utterly tired.  He’s always been known for being a bit of an ass and I don’t like asses, but I do feel sorry for the 66-year-old guy, mainly because I cannot stand his phony wife and her phony accent.  That being said, he knew what he was getting into with this ridiculous woman, sitting on the interview couch with her legs wrapped up beneath her like a pretzel.  I did have to laugh when he said he wanted to “hasten this along,” referring to their exchange of anniversary gifts.  After listening to her rattle off the inscription (en español, of course) on that necklace she gave him, I can’t say I blame him.


Either he's a better actor than I thought or he is somehow genuinely grateful for his awful wife who put him in a 3 hour car ride with pets he was allergic to last week.  It's particularly sad to see him clinging to the youngest child, who hasn't turned spoiled and feral yet.  The oldest daughter seems like a fairly good kid - its too bad they've not hired enough help to let her have a childhood.


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The show should be called Hillaria/Hillary knows best...everything !--not the Baldwins--every not in the show is given no time...the world  and the show revolves around her!...She treats the older daughter like a sister...burdening her  with adult problems...Hillary might have seven kids but I feel that after they were born...she released  her responsibility of them to the nanny's and the children  themselves..

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Who has seven kids at his age?  He’s all bloated and miserable.  Now they are playing the sympathy card.  Personally, I think they were all drinking at the time and shooting scenes.  A loaded pistol and a woman is dead.  To me Hilaria has some hell of a nerve to have all these kids, especially since he’s much older.  The guy is stuck now, and they want sympathy.  She’s a skinny little thing with fake boobs who seems to love the limelight,  while her husband looks disgusted.  Feel sorry for them?  Hell no.  She looks like one of his kids.  I loved all his movies, especially Working Girl.  A loaded pistol that should have been checked by many.  All of them were careless.  Alec Baldwin at this age should be out playing golf with friends like my husband, instead of taking care of seven kids.  Ridiculous!  Dumb Ass.

Edited by kristen111
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Well, I caved and am watching again like a dope.  lol, I just loved Hilario’s outfit when going to the Shrink.  A freakin tank top with boobs out for display.  

Of course, Alec will get off eventually, but the family of the poor woman killed will sue him civilly for plenty.  Then, she’ll probably divorce at some point and live like a Queen.  My kid works in N.Y.C. and has seen Alec daily screaming at people that bother him.  He is disliked big time.  P.s. can’t stand Mrs.Baldwins voice.  Screechy and fast.  That’s all.  Good Night.

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6 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Who has seven kids at his age?  He’s all bloated and miserable.  Now they are playing the sympathy card.  Personally, I think they were all drinking at the time and shooting scenes.  A loaded pistol and a woman is dead.  To me Hilaria has some hell of a nerve to have all these kids, especially since he’s much older.  The guy is stuck now, and they want sympathy.  She’s a skinny little thing with fake boobs who seems to love the limelight,  while her husband looks disgusted.  Feel sorry for them?  Hell no.  She looks like one of his kids.  I loved all his movies, especially Working Girl.  A loaded pistol that should have been checked by many.  All of them were careless.  Alec Baldwin at this age should be out playing golf with friends like my husband, instead of taking care of seven kids.  Ridiculous!  Dumb Ass.

FWIW Alec is known to have stopped drinking many years ago and is not known to have relapsed.  We may never know why the gun was loaded. He doesn’t need to drink in order to go around getting in fights, apparently. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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I heard he sleeps in another room by himself as he can’t stand all the noise.  I wouldn’t blame him either.  I loved him in every movie.  Hilario is super annoying.  She always has to have the floor with those legs out being she’s very fit.  They probably have a few Nannie’s.  They say he’s a big beer drinker .. even now.  I get the info from my kids.

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23 hours ago, kristen111 said:

Alec daily screaming at people

Right, he’s known for having zero patience, so I have no idea how he deals with 7 feral kids (well 6 and sweet & calm Carmen).

Oh so on last week’s episode (I think) there was a scene where the camera cuts to her and she has a moment where her eyes kinds of droop and close, she nods for a split second.  I know that look/nod.  If you know it, you know it.  She’s on opiates.  I’m 100% sure.  

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11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Right, he’s known for having zero patience, so I have no idea how he deals with 7 feral kids (well 6 and sweet & calm Carmen).

Oh so on last week’s episode (I think) there was a scene where the camera cuts to her and she has a moment where her eyes kinds of droop and close, she nods for a split second.  I know that look/nod.  If you know it, you know it.  She’s on opiates.  I’m 100% sure.  

Yeah.  He hates the Paps, and people that want his autograph.  He wants his car parked in front of his building and screams about it.  Meanwhile, you see Matt Dhillon, John Cusack, and so many stars shaking hands and giving autographs with a smile.  Hilario is young, so nothing bothers her.  He can’t take anyone bothering him.  My kid has many autographs from stars around town.  Most are very nice, not him.  I still like his movies tho, lol.  Your observation about Hilario is on point seems like. 😀

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Only watched epi 1, but am mesmerized. It's like watching a train wreck. The middle children of boys remind me of the Lost Boys from the Duggars. Those middle boys seem pretty interchangeable. Hilario (typo or not, I'm using it) is annoying AF. Did she let the baby carry the 🍕? And Alec seems like he's 86 not 66. He's like a doddering old man cleaning and organizing the kids' messes. Free Carmen! And I sure hope a nanny or life guard is assigned to watching that unfenced pool. 

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I have zero sympathy for these people (with the exception of the children, of course).  It's hard to believe that little Carmen is only 10-years-old.  She acts so much older.  You just know that she's been privy to a lot of information and many adult conversations that she had no business being a part of.  Speaking of which, Alec and Hilary's justification of why they brought her to the trial makes no sense whatsoever.  Even Carmen said, "The boys will hear you!" while her mother was encouraging her to discuss her concerns for the cameras.  At least someone is trying to use some reason here.  Too bad it's the preteen daughter who is having nightmares about being arrested as part of her father's manslaughter trial.  Pro tip for you, Hilary: You have all of those nannies because you're rich, which, in theory, can help you to shelter your children from the unpleasant nitty-gritties of adult issues.

Alec's interactions with Hilary are very interesting at times.  He is often disrespectful to her (not a criticism; I loathe her) and it's as if she doesn't even notice- or more likely, chooses to ignore it.  He interrupts her, mocks her fake accent, and openly insults her when she thinks she's enlightening him.  I guess they're both getting what they want.  He gets a younger, clearly very flexible wife to bear him children and hire their nannies to help take care of them and she gets a rich husband that she can condescend to and feel superior over.  

The scenes at the beginning of Alec and Hilary returning home from the trial made me so angry on behalf of the family of the woman who was killed.  All I can think about during those scenes, plus the ones where he's discussing his "survivor's guilt," are utterly tasteless, bordering on disgusting.  The woman's son won't get to welcome his mother home ever again.  For that reason alone, this entire show did not need to happen.  I hope the TLC paycheck is worth it.  I know I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.

One last note: I cannot wait until her psychosis related to her fake accent and the adoption of an entire culture are discussed.  I need her to justify that on camera, in detail.  I need that psychiatrist to ask the hard questions and not allow her to wiggle her way out of answering them.  It will make this insufferable show at least somewhat worth the time spent watching it.

Edited by VioletNevermind
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On 3/9/2025 at 3:36 PM, kristen111 said:

Who has seven kids at his age?  He’s all bloated and miserable.  Now they are playing the sympathy card.  Personally, I think they were all drinking at the time and shooting scenes.  A loaded pistol and a woman is dead.  To me Hilaria has some hell of a nerve to have all these kids, especially since he’s much older.  The guy is stuck now, and they want sympathy.  She’s a skinny little thing with fake boobs who seems to love the limelight,  while her husband looks disgusted.  Feel sorry for them?  Hell no.  She looks like one of his kids.  I loved all his movies, especially Working Girl.  A loaded pistol that should have been checked by many.  All of them were careless.  Alec Baldwin at this age should be out playing golf with friends like my husband, instead of taking care of seven kids.  Ridiculous!  Dumb Ass.

He’s the one who wanted all those kids. 

  • Mind Blown 3
On 3/11/2025 at 11:16 AM, VioletNevermind said:

I have zero sympathy for these people (with the exception of the children, of course).  It's hard to believe that little Carmen is only 10-years-old.  She acts so much older.  You just know that she's been privy to a lot of information and many adult conversations that she had no business being a part of.  Speaking of which, Alec and Hilary's justification of why they brought her to the trial makes no sense whatsoever.  Even Carmen said, "The boys will hear you!" while her mother was encouraging her to discuss her concerns for the cameras.  At least someone is trying to use some reason here.  Too bad it's the preteen daughter who is having nightmares about being arrested as part of her father's manslaughter trial.  Pro tip for you, Hilary: You have all of those nannies because you're rich, which, in theory, can help you to shelter your children from the unpleasant nitty-gritties of adult issues.

Alec's interactions with Hilary are very interesting at times.  He is often disrespectful to her (not a criticism; I loathe her) and it's as if she doesn't even notice- or more likely, chooses to ignore it.  He interrupts her, mocks her fake accent, and openly insults her when she thinks she's enlightening him.  I guess they're both getting what they want.  He gets a younger, clearly very flexible wife to bear him children and hire their nannies to help take care of them and she gets a rich husband that she can condescend to and feel superior over.  

The scenes at the beginning of Alec and Hilary returning home from the trial made me so angry on behalf of the family of the woman who was killed.  All I can think about during those scenes, plus the ones where he's discussing his "survivor's guilt," are utterly tasteless, bordering on disgusting.  The woman's son won't get to welcome his mother home ever again.  For that reason alone, this entire show did not need to happen.  I hope the TLC paycheck is worth it.  I know I wouldn't be able to look at myself in the mirror.

One last note: I cannot wait until her psychosis related to her fake accent and the adoption of an entire culture are discussed.  I need her to justify that on camera, in detail.  I need that psychiatrist to ask the hard questions and not allow her to wiggle her way out of answering them.  It will make this insufferable show at least somewhat worth the time spent watching it.

Something else disrespectful was the comments about doing all these things and having all these moments in case they wouldn't have the chance again. Then showing the Baldwins laughing and cavorting around.  The whole time I was watching, all I could think about was Halyna's family.


Definitely, this show should NOT have happened.

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On 3/17/2025 at 8:49 AM, kristen111 said:

I can’t stand Hilario’s squeaky voice.  Sounds like a carton character.  The solution to all this is have another baby.  I’m OUT.

Her voice is SO annoying.  When Alec says she's so strong and she could have walked away. Alec, you think she's gonna leave all this money and the homes, etc. just because of your trial?  She's not going anywhere. Girlfriend knows a good thing when she sees it. 

5 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

It is horrible and really obviously not her real voice, it’s another piece of her act.

Everything about her is so phony.  And then she yells at him at the Planet Hollywood opening because he made the unforgiveable mistake of speaking while  she was speaking. Right there shows what she's about.  

She wants to be the center of attention and he was her Golden Ticket to fame and fortune. Everyone thinks he has such a terrible temper but how he keeps it in check in that insanity is beyond me. 

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