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17 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said:

It's more fact than fragility. Unless I'm missing the first winner? 🤷‍♀️

But then can change their gender.

I have friends who have trans kids, who will be affected by this. I also have a couple of adult trans friends, one in Scotland, so she's okay. But the other one? 

8 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Except it wasn't someone from the left who went after him. It was the culmination of his own hateful, violent rhetoric and easy access to guns coming back to bite him. The same shooter who went after him in the first attempt killed a man at the same rally and he showed absolutely zero compassion for him and never spoke of him. He literally doesn't care if his own supporters die (we saw that firsthand during COVID, when so many of his supporters were getting sick and dying after attenting his maskless rallies). 

So no. Not victimized. Every president has threats against them. We've literally had four presidents in our history who were actually killed. This is, unfortunately, nothing new, and he's not some special or unique case here. 

Exactly. they were conservatives, not democrats. We didn't try to take him out. 

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2 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

People that laugh at someone calling Puerto Rico an island of garbage, then get bent out of shape when they think they’re being called garbage is the very definition of white fragility.

It was said by a comic who usually does roasts. Under pressure, he admitted it was in poor taste via his apology. I've heard worse from insult comics. 

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4 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

I'm also the most worried about RFK Jr getting a top job in the administration. Unfortunately, the amount of crunchy granola moms who seem to have drunk the anti-vax kool-aid is disturbing, and it will only get worse with RFK Jr.

And the media is covering this like it's normal.  

It's not just crunchy granola moms.  I have a former friend who was an LPN.  She quit nursing because she became anti vax during covid.  She now does Door Dash. 

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3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I do not subscribe to biological "men are inherently stronger than women" rhetoric, no. I'm also not even one who cares for sports - I'm just looking at this debate from the outside and thinking it's just beyond stupid. Every athlete has some kind of advantage that others don't - some will be stronger than others, some will run faster than others, some will jump higher than others, etc. If we're going to start getting all bent out of shape about "fairness"* only when transgener people enter the scene, you'll excuse me for calling that out for the transparent bigoted bullshit that it is.

(To say nothing of how people will bend over backwards to defend and continue to support athletes who took steroids to benefit them in a sport. If they can excuse that, but draw the line at transgender people because of "fairness", I'm gonna call BS on that.)

I think people need to get over themselves and let women, ANY women, compete against each other, and let men, ANY men, compete against each other. 

*We're also not even going to get into how the same people who complain about "participation trophy culture" suddenly now want special categories when it comes to transgender people participating in a sport. 

Bottom line, the attitude towards transgender people in sports is based in transphobia and deeply backwards and misguided ideas of what makes men and women who they are. Plain and simple. 

While strength might be subjective, why is it that most women turn to their husbands when they can't seem to open a jar of (insert noun)?

Trophy culture is a catalyst for a lot angst. It's sad to think that a huge population of kids will never know how to deal with defeat. 

8 minutes ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Is tradwife better?

It was a rhetorical question.

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20 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

I'm also the most worried about RFK Jr getting a top job in the administration. Unfortunately, the amount of crunchy granola moms who seem to have drunk the anti-vax kool-aid is disturbing, and it will only get worse with RFK Jr.

I do have to wonder how long that particular relationship will continue. Trump is fickle, and could drop RFK Jr. at any moment between now and January. Just look at how he used Chris Christie. 

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8 minutes ago, tearknee said:

Religion isn't something you are born as.

It's something you can be born into. 

4 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I can think of plenty of women who don't do that, so no, it's not "most women". You are taking a specfic scenario, one that does not apply to women on a general level, and trying to make some larger point about biology with it. That's not how it works. 

You mean like the guy who's about to become president again, who literally encouraged his supporters to storm the Capitol because he couldn't deal with the fact he lost? 

Sure wish someone had taught him how to accept defeat. 

Yes!! Crikey, he said he would only accept the results, if he thought they were fair. Which means that he stopped complaining about fraud, as soon as it looked really good for him. 

And people ask him if he will accept the results, as if "no" is an acceptable answer, if he had lost. 

4 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I do have to wonder how long that particular relationship will continue. Trump is fickle, and could drop RFK Jr. at any moment between now and January. Just look at how he used Chris Christie. 

He also campaigned with Elon Musk, instead of his VP, and made remarks about choosing a really dull running mate, so they wouldn't try to get rid of you. 

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7 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

I can think of plenty of women who don't do that, so no, it's not "most women". You are taking a specfic scenario, one that does not apply to women on a general level, and trying to make some larger point about biology with it. That's not how it works. 

You mean like the guy who's about to become president again, who literally encouraged his supporters to storm the Capitol because he couldn't deal with the fact he lost? 

Sure wish someone had taught him how to accept defeat. 

Isn't your scenario specific too? It's how people try to make a point. By trying to relate an issue to something less offensive and easier to understand. Especially when it appears there will never be a meeting of the minds. 

I'm not here to be lectured on "how it works". If that's your only point, I'd rather not continue to spin my wheels.

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Trump will use Patty and Selma Kennedy Jr. Long enough until the evil fluoride is out of water then toss him aside.

12 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Trophy culture is a catalyst for a lot angst. It's sad to think that a huge population of kids will never know how to deal with defeat. 

Trophy culture is not to be blamed on today's kids.  There are plenty of schools teaching children about growth mindsets and learning from failure.  Coddled children in this world are nothing new no matter what hacks like Jonathan Haight says. I went to grade school in the 80s/90s and spoiled brats existed then.  There was just no TikTok or Facebook to complain about them back then. 

Angst amongst today's children can be attributed to a fragile economy and their parents having enough money to make ends meet and going to school hoping they're not going to get shot up that day because the incoming administration has decided that guns have more rights than a child or a woman.

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1 minute ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Isn't your scenario specific too? It's how people try to make a point. By trying to relate an issue to something less offensive and easier to understand. Especially when it appears there will never be a meeting of the minds. 

I'm not here to be lectured on "how it works". If that's your only point, I'd rather not continue to spin my wheels.

There's never going to be a meeting of the minds on this issue, because therei s no basis in truth to the anti-transgender mindset. Transgender people are not a threat to anyone's way of life, good god. All the fearmongering around them is just that, fearmongering. And it's based in people's incredibly insecure and backwards views about how men and women "should be" and "should look". 

And yes, people do use specific examples to make broader points, but they also usually try and make sure those examples are based in, like, facts, and not based off some ridiculously outdated and offensive stereotypes about women and men. 

2 minutes ago, kittykat said:

Trophy culture is not to be blamed on today's kids.  There are plenty of schools teaching children about growth mindsets and learning from failure.  Coddled children in this world are nothing new no matter what hacks like Jonathan Haight says. I went to grade school in the 80s/90s and spoiled brats existed then.  There was just no TikTok or Facebook to complain about them back then. 

For real, that's the biggest reason the "participation trophy culture" argument has always fallen flat with me. I remember this being a thing when I was in school, too, back in the '90s, and the kids were never the ones demanding special trophies. Sure, they might've been sad when they lost a game or didn't get an award or whatever, but they cried for a bit and then they got over it.

No, it was the ADULTS who kept wanting to give out these participation trophies, because they either didn't wnat any kids to feel left out or, more commonly, they were the parents having absolute meltdowns because "How dare you say my child isn't perfect/isn't the best athlete/etc.?!?!" and raised holy hell until the school bent to their will. 

So if we're going to blame anyone for this culture, blame the adults who expect to live vicariously through their children and can't handle it when their kids don't turn out to be complete mini-mes in that way. 

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3 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

There's never going to be a meeting of the minds on this issue, because therei s no basis in truth to the anti-transgender mindset. Transgender people are not a threat to anyone's way of life, good god. All the fearmongering around them is just that, fearmongering. And it's based in people's incredibly insecure and backwards views about how men and women "should be" and "should look". 

And yes, people do use specific examples to make broader points, but they also usually try and make sure those examples are based in, like, facts, and not based off some ridiculously outdated and offensive stereotypes about women and men. 

For the record (and this is my last comment on the subject), I personally do NOT fear any segment of LGBTQ+.  My only point is how it relates to sports (which btw not a huge sports fanatic either) and how some people might feel that pitting a bio male against a bio women is completely unfair. 

IOW, it's about competition, not fear. If you can't understand that's how some people view the issue, then there's really no point in any further discussion.

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I hate it when "reality" is thrown around because "reality" means something different to each and every one of us.  Reality for me is worried that my neurofibromatosis nodules can turn malignant and I'll need further treatment, or that the treatment doesn't work.  I have a young child.  Reality is needing to protect my son from bullies at school (okay, he's not a victim right now, but any child can be a bully's victim, just as any child can become a bully), make sure he's well-fed, educated, clothed and housed.  And that even though I can afford groceries and other necessities, that I still need to make sure everything is properly budgeted and that I don't overspend on "extras."  In my 30s, I'd spend a lot on fun things for me (which was primarily clothing and shoes).  Not now.  It's his stuff.  I just cleaned out his closet because I have been lazy we still had things he grew out of two years ago!  Then I realized that he needed a few extra pieces because he was on the verge of growing out of what we CURRENTLY have.  Yep, did a spree just for him.  And because I have a sizeable investment portfolio that investment specifically in his RESP (registered education savings plan.  Basically a post-secondary plan that kids can't touch until they're 18), I'm worried that we (he?) could end up losing money, at least temporarily due to economic policy/tariffs and its impact on the global community.  School is only going to get more expensive.  Right now, we are in a good place, but who knows what will happen in 2025 (I'm a little skeptical of those who say that the markets will continue to grow through next year)?  That's my reality.  Maybe it sounds a bit privileged to some of you, but it's what I'm experiencing.  I could go on, especially when it comes to me trying to DISCOURAGE the stigmatization of mental health care in my ancestral cultural community (and trust me, they're in the dark ages compared to Anglo-Protestant Canadian society). Confucianism and filial piety are still a big deal for many. 

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10 minutes ago, Soapy Goddess said:

For the record (and this is my last comment on the subject), I personally do NOT fear any segment of LGBTQ+.  My only point is how it relates to sports (which btw not a huge sports fanatic either) and how some people might feel that pitting a bio male against a bio women is completely unfair. 

IOW, it's about competition, not fear. If you can't understand that's how some people view the issue, then there's really no point in any further discussion.

I was speaking on a general level with my "fear" comment. 

And no, I don't understand the competition element, either. The whole argument in general is going to be absurd to me no matter which angle people are coming at it from. 

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24 minutes ago, AstridM said:

Ohio here, also. I am devastated.

I'm in Iowa. Imagine how I felt about the results here after that poll from earlier in the week. I hesitated to get my hopes up too high, mind, but damn, I wanted to believe... 

We went for Obama twice. We were one of the earliest states to legalize same-sex marriage. My family was living in Colorado at that time, and I remember my dad excitedy coming home from work with a news article he'd printed out about same-sex marriage being legalized here and showing it to me. I remember feeling so proud of, and so proud to be from, my home state in that moment, and I was so quick to defend it against those who were like, "Iowa? Really?"

And now...this. 

Edited by Annber03
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3 hours ago, Palimelon said:

Interestingly enough, most of the ire seems to be directed at transgender women athletes...you rarely hear cases about transgender male athletes.

This is always something I bring up when these debates spring up on Twitter. You have people like JK Rowling constantly whining about how women are being replaced by transwomen. They seem to conveniently forget that transmen exist, too. And, in either case, it's such a small minority that I can't understand how this became such a raging issue for some people. Like that idiot Megyn Kelly said the other day, it was her main issue. Why?! How is this really affecting your life?

2 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

Because they can't win against biological males.


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22 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

A roast comedian made the garbage reference. He just spoofed the "joke" (which I agree was in very poor taste).

22 hours ago, Soapy Goddess said:

He embellished on a stupid comedian's comment. He can take a joke. We may not like it, but that's what happened.

I'm a little late as I just discovered this thread, but I just wanted to say that, regarding the above, trump calling this country a garbage can happened before the Madison Square Garden comedian's joke.  It starts at the :13 mark: 


Edited by Gemma Violet
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4 minutes ago, FilmTVGeek80 said:

Back in 2015, I had no real opinion of the bloated carcass

I’ve been aware of him since childhood.  I grew up in the nyc suburbs and my family spent a lot of time in Atlantic City and I remember when he was publicly caught cheating on Ivana with Marla Maples by the tabloids.   I actually saw him and Marla on of all things an escalator in one of his casinos that he ended up filing for bankruptcy SIX freaking times on.  And still I didn’t really have an opinion of him until the Apprentice when it quickly became obvious despite attempts by the show to show him in the best light that he was a phony, narcissistic, misogynistic, racist creep.  I naively never thought he’d be taken seriously when he first ran.  He never hides how hateful and evil he is so I have a very low opinion of anyone who votes for him. 

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27 minutes ago, Is Everyone Gone said:

One of the thing that disgusts me so much is just how RACIST the MAGAs on my FB feed are. Today one lady was saying she didn't understand why politicians cared at all about black people, as they were only 13% of the population. It just churns my stomach.

They've been emboldened. He can literally say and do whatever the fuck he wants without any real seriosu consequences, so they can, too. 

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14 hours ago, SeanBug said:


Taxes enable the government to give you money, and regulations keep companies from poisoning the water, selling food that could be contaminated, gas cheaper, etc. 


Unless you live in Flint, Michigan . . . .

9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

In 2016 an ESL coworker who did clerical work in both the college library where we worked and at the public library said she planned to vote for Trump "because I think he's funny." Another coworker took time to explain things to her, and she arrived at a different conclusion. But I suspect she is an atypical, quick-minded, openhearted exception to those who don't have the political experience to make the choices that really align with their beliefs and goals. 



I worked with a very intelligent young woman back when Obama was first running.  She was not intelligent about how she got her news, which was from her mother, who got hers from people like Rush Limbaugh.  I took it upon myself to educate her - for example, she was astonished to learn Obama was not actually a Moslem (not that she was necessarily prejudiced against that), and other oft-repeated lies.

It didn't help that her husband was an ignorant knucklehead who only supported his wife working because he couldn't hold down a job for, literally, more than a few months before being fired.

Edited by Ancaster
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I am a transplant to the Midwest but grew up in north Jersey. All my family has been hammering me for updates from my battleground state. IMO from where I sit you could see this coming miles away. My family is horrified. I’m not. I think there are large swaths of the Democratic Party which insulate themselves from the day to day of the flyover zone. It feels like coastal elitism. I think a stronger candidate would have beaten Trump. But here we are. 

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4 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

They've been emboldened. He can literally say and do whatever the fuck he wants without any real seriosu consequences, so they can, too. 

This is it. The hateful people are emboldened. 

1 minute ago, Quickbeam said:

I think a stronger candidate would have beaten Trump. But here we are. 

You mean not a woman, and black.

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