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Season 05


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23 hours ago, catrice2 said:

I love any episode that OA is not featured. He is fine for the show, just not as a focus character 

I don’t dislike OA, but he’s probably my least favorite of the main characters. He’s a tad bit self righteous at times, and some of his feature episodes with personal plots haven’t been great, I actually did like the episode this season where he dealt with the NYPD detective investigating his mugging, that was one of his better personal storylines. 

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On 10/16/2022 at 9:37 PM, Xeliou66 said:

I was very annoyed with Maggie’s douchebag boyfriend Nestor and I’m glad he didn’t last long, 

I completely disliked Nestor.  Between his sleazy-looking smile and his inability to shave properly, and a few other things, just added up to his being beyond creepy.  His beard went all the way down his neck until it met his chest hair.  I love a nicely trimmed beard, but sloppy ones turn me off.  Heck, I’d rather see Maggie with Jubal or Stuart instead of Nestor. 

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1 hour ago, KLovestoShop said:

I completely disliked Nestor.  Between his sleazy-looking smile and his inability to shave properly, and a few other things, just added up to his being beyond creepy.  His beard went all the way down his neck until it met his chest hair.  I love a nicely trimmed beard, but sloppy ones turn me off.  Heck, I’d rather see Maggie with Jubal or Stuart instead of Nestor. 

I didn't understand his need to put OA down....I understood OA's jealousy, but he tried to keep it under control...but sometimes it was like Nestor got off on needling OA.

Also it was a super red flag to me when OA brought in Maggie's favorite breakfast and she told him she already ate sushi...and he goes: I thought you hated sushi....and she doesn't deny it.

I was kind of like...wait a minute, that means she either went to restaurant she knew she wouldn't like anything on the menu, just to please Nestor...or he took her to a restaurant that she didn't like, and didn't care she didn't like it.

There was also the whole signing a lease on a new appartment that she never saw, for them to move in together, before she agreed to move in with him...

Edited by LadyChaos
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10 hours ago, KLovestoShop said:

Heck, I’d rather see Maggie with Jubal or Stuart instead of Nestor. 

With the seemingly mandatory male+female partners and no reprimands for supervisors dating subordinates, why don't they just go with an inner-office polyamory situation? :-)

Seriously, all the the characters on these police and medical procedurals are such lazy daters. No one ever seems to have a successful, stable relationship outside work.
Everyone always claims that their co-workers are "family".  (Ugh)
Everyone appears to be on the clock 24-7 ... or hanging out at a bar with co-workers after an 18-hour day at work. 

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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7 hours ago, shrewd.buddha said:

With the seemingly mandatory male+female partners and no reprimands for supervisors dating subordinates, why don't they just go with an inner-office polyamory situation? :-)

Seriously, all the the characters on these police and medical procedurals are such lazy daters. No one ever seems to have a successful, stable relationship outside work.
Everyone always claims that their co-workers are "family".  (Ugh)
Everyone appears to be on the clock 24-7 ... or hanging out at a bar with co-workers after an 18-hour day at work. 

I assume you meant this as a joke, but I am going to respond with a serious answer....I will tell you that Ive worked in both law enforcement and the medical field....and its...well....the banging in closets every shift/residency room didn't happen(to my knowledge)We'd never actually get anything done if we did... LOL...but when its hard to find other people who understand the demands of the job and the schedule, you do start to spend most of a lot of your free time with the people you work with, because they...just get the struggles...There both high stress jobs with high burnout rates. There is a a reason law enforcement allows retirement so much sooner than most other careers.

While I think them ALL being besties is ridiculous, I think catching a drink after work, being a work spouse, spending days off together, confiding in each other when things are getting to them....all completely in the realm of possible.

I also think that, given that while the numbers of women in law enforcement are growing, its still more men then women, and given that it was always a requirement(for us at least) for at least one woman to be in any case involving a woman, the men weren't even allowed to search a woman. It makes sense that all the women agents are paired up with men.

Given that its a cop drama, I don't really take issue with the relationship dynamics, as long as I like the characters. Honestly, statisticly speaking, its actually hard for a fiction show/movie to succeed without some degree romance ingrained into the storyline. And I don't mean the side characters, I mean the main characters. So I always go into an new series assuming that the show runners have a plan for at least one long term relationship/endgame coupling between two main characters, or a main character and a secondary character that is consistently present(who usually ends up being a main character). And very few shows have surprised me on that front. 

 I take a bigger issue with them playing fast and loose with the realities of working a case. I get that because its a drama, they need to create a DRAMA, but ....Im just saying, most law enforcement units don't have a full time SWAT unit, let alone the amount of squads that FBI seems to use to break down the door of 80% of their suspects...the liberal use of CI's to illegally wiretap peoples houses to get confessions or steal evidence. Breaking into businesses to steal evidence....none of that would ever be allowed in a real court room....ever. I honestly expected better of DW productions since L&O tries to stay in the realm of reasonable believability...but even though his name is on it, I doubt very much Wolf is involved in this series. 

At the end of the day though, I still like this show more than I've like most new shows that have come out the past few years.

Edited by LadyChaos
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On 10/19/2022 at 10:21 PM, Xeliou66 said:

I don’t dislike OA, but he’s probably my least favorite of the main characters. He’s a tad bit self righteous at times, and some of his feature episodes with personal plots haven’t been great, I actually did like the episode this season where he dealt with the NYPD detective investigating his mugging, that was one of his better personal storylines. 

I liked the episode and I liked the subject of it. What I didn't like was that it was OA it happened to and not Tiffany or Scola. Anyone but OA, really.

I understand why OA held back and that he had difficulties being a victim and that he probably thought that something like that shouldn't happen to him and I don't blame him for reacting the way he did. I think it was a believable reaction and that everyone was right to tell him that he wasn't to blame. But that's why I would have liked it to be one of the other characters because OA is never to blame and when he screws up, disobeys orders etc, there never are any consequences because things work out in the end. Here, someone died, but as much as I want to, it would be wrong to blame OA for it and that's what bothered me about this episode. For once, there are consequences to his actions and he can't be blamed for it, so it ended up being just another of those episodes where OA gets away with things.

While I like OA, I really dislike characters that can do whatever they want and are absolved of their wrong-doing in the end. I think Maggie provided a good balance in the earlier seasons to his righteousness and I hope it returns once she's back.

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39 minutes ago, CheshireCat said:

I liked the episode and I liked the subject of it. What I didn't like was that it was OA it happened to and not Tiffany or Scola. Anyone but OA, really.

I understand why OA held back and that he had difficulties being a victim and that he probably thought that something like that shouldn't happen to him and I don't blame him for reacting the way he did. I think it was a believable reaction and that everyone was right to tell him that he wasn't to blame. But that's why I would have liked it to be one of the other characters because OA is never to blame and when he screws up, disobeys orders etc, there never are any consequences because things work out in the end. Here, someone died, but as much as I want to, it would be wrong to blame OA for it and that's what bothered me about this episode. For once, there are consequences to his actions and he can't be blamed for it, so it ended up being just another of those episodes where OA gets away with things.

While I like OA, I really dislike characters that can do whatever they want and are absolved of their wrong-doing in the end. I think Maggie provided a good balance in the earlier seasons to his righteousness and I hope it returns once she's back.

I guess we viewers were supposed to think OA was holding back information, and we were supposed to be thinking:  
     OA! WTH??  [which I did think]
And then we were supposed to realize:   
     Ooooh. OA really couldn’t remember.  
     Just like the victim in the case.

I’m not sure if that would’ve been more clear if it had happened to a different character. 
Or maybe we needed to hear OA explicitly explain that to someone. 
Maybe he still will?

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9 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I guess we viewers were supposed to think OA was holding back information, and we were supposed to be thinking:  
     OA! WTH??  [which I did think]
And then we were supposed to realize:   
     Ooooh. OA really couldn’t remember.  
     Just like the victim in the case.

I’m not sure if that would’ve been more clear if it had happened to a different character. 
Or maybe we needed to hear OA explicitly explain that to someone. 
Maybe he still will?

I'm not sure if he was supposed to not have remembered or blocked the memory. I assumed it was the latter. 
I definitely thought he was lying when he said he didn't remember because he kept acting like/saying it wasn't a big deal, so at first, I was under the impression that he didn't want to get involved further.

Would he really not remember? Aren't agents trained to remember details in stress situations? Even if this is a completely different situation, I'm not sure how believable it is that he wouldn't remember anything but the mind can be a tricky thing.

I would have liked to see Isobel tell him to seek some counseling and not return to work until he did. Whether he wanted to get involved or not, she's responsible for his and the other agents' safety and he obviously wasn't fine.

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1 hour ago, CheshireCat said:

I'm not sure if he was supposed to not have remembered or blocked the memory. I assumed it was the latter. 
I definitely thought he was lying when he said he didn't remember because he kept acting like/saying it wasn't a big deal, so at first, I was under the impression that he didn't want to get involved further.

Yes, both OA and the other victim seemed to be lying, but then it turned out their memories were blocked by trauma.

In looking for the dialog near the end, I just realized we're discussing an episode before the previous one: https://www.thereviewgeek.com/fbi-s5e4review/
(Too bad we don't have threads?)

Anyway, OA and Maggie's replacement he was partnered with in that episode are sort of informally debriefing:

  • Thank God you got the bloody shirt from Citra, otherwise that girl would have been dead.
  • I could have gotten it earlier. If she didn't block it out. If she gave it to us earlier.
  • Hey. Hey. No. Don't say that.
  • It's the truth. If she gave NYPD the bloody shirt at the beginning, if she... If she remembered, then three other girls would be alive right now.
  • She did the best that she could. She was humiliated and traumatized and scared to tell the people that she loves what actually happened to her. OA.
  • I think she's amazing. And I don't blame her, not one minute, for what happened. Okay, she worked through her pain and her fear and her anger, and she found the courage to remember what happened to her.

All of OA's words about the victim are also about himself. Right?

1 hour ago, CheshireCat said:

I would have liked to see Isobel tell him to seek some counseling and not return to work until he did. Whether he wanted to get involved or not, she's responsible for his and the other agents' safety and he obviously wasn't fine.


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The problem is that like most shows, TPTB want a quick resolution....and that includes how they process their trauma. 

When Kristen took that knife by stepping in front of Maggie....They were all handling it poorly, but OA seemed to handle it the worst. He got super protective of Maggie to the point of it hindering their job....but at the end of the ep, they talked about how they both were affected by Kristen getting stabbed and everything is good in the next ep when Kristen comes back.....when, touching on the remark about how OA should've been taken out of the field after being mugged, the reality is that Maggie, OA, and Scola should've all been put on immediate paid leave and forced to see a therapist to see where their head was at after what happened to Kristen....and Kristen should never have been allowed back to work until she was cleared by a therapist.

Just like Jubal should've been forced to stand down when he was emotionally compromised during Rima getting shot, his son's hospital getting hacked, his sons' friend potentially being a shooter...

As a whole, I think this show handles trauma badly. At the end of the day, one or more members of the field team shoots someone in nearly every episode...and yet they are all relatively healthy, well adjusted people who don't regularly seek therapy. We only really know of two people that for sure saw therapists, Dana (whose gone) and OA(who we learn in s4 actually hadn't been attending therapy for years).

It would be nice to see a lasting trauma affect between, around, OA and Maggie in regards to what happened to her....but given what we've seen and what's been said about 507, I'm sure it will be resolved by end of the episode.

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Dick Wolf shows rarely linger on traumatic events. Olivia Benson on Law & Order: Special Victims Unit has been kidnapped and tortured annually, but a few episodes of therapy - and miraculously fine.

Alexandra Eames on Law & Order: Criminal Intent was also kidnapped and tortured while another victim was killed elsewhere in the building she was kept at. And...well, see Olivia.

It is what it is.

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I'm confused where we are in posting about this show, but last night I watched a DVR'ed  episode which featured Scola, Tiffany, and a friend of hers who was an ex-cop, who she set up as an undercover to get info about a murderous drug lord who was his cousin.  And the only thing I can really say about this episode is with a friend like Tiffany, you don't need any enemies.  

It seems that this season is really doing a number on the Team.  Tiffany has always been portrayed as an street smart agent who has a good head on her shoulders.  No more, I guess. 

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1 hour ago, 12catcrazy said:

I'm confused where we are in posting about this show, but last night I watched a DVR'ed  episode which featured Scola, Tiffany, and a friend of hers who was an ex-cop, who she set up as an undercover to get info about a murderous drug lord who was his cousin.  And the only thing I can really say about this episode is with a friend like Tiffany, you don't need any enemies.  

It seems that this season is really doing a number on the Team.  Tiffany has always been portrayed as an street smart agent who has a good head on her shoulders.  No more, I guess. 

Thats the latest ep.....Tiffany knew he was unstable, but she felt like she owed him.

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20 hours ago, LadyChaos said:

Thats the latest ep.....Tiffany knew he was unstable, but she felt like she owed him.

22 hours ago, 12catcrazy said:

I'm confused where we are in posting about this show, but last night I watched a DVR'ed  episode which featured Scola, Tiffany, and a friend of hers who was an ex-cop, who she set up as an undercover to get info about a murderous drug lord who was his cousin.  And the only thing I can really say about this episode is with a friend like Tiffany, you don't need any enemies.  

It seems that this season is really doing a number on the Team.  Tiffany has always been portrayed as an street smart agent who has a good head on her shoulders.  No more, I guess. 

This was probably the sloppiest episoide I've seen on this show...first off...any candidate for a police/FBI academy position would have a thourough backround check...and I mean thourough! They would have immediately picked up on his cousin being a major drug dealer during the first hours of a deep dive into a background check and he would have been eliminated from the pool of recruits. Very sloppy research and writing. 

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4 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

And none too soon!!!! I just didn't jibe with the blonde who took her place...first off...way too good looking for the role. I live in a neighborhood with a lot of FBI and Secret Service and trust me, none of them look like her. Missy is attractive but not bombshell attractive...believable, girl next door sort of thing. Welcome back!

I don't like Nina either, and am super excited to see Maggie back...

but that aside...I always think its funny when I see a actor playing a military/law enforcement/or the like roll and their wearing obvious lash extensions, had cosmetic surgery, hair extensions with perfect hair.....Iike I remember when back when, and none of that was happening...ever. One, didn't make enough money to afford it. Two, my hair was required to be restrained at all times if it was long enough to reach my collar. Three, minimal, natural looking makeup only. Oh..and also, no nail polish and my nails have to be less than a 1/4 cm pass the tip of my finger.

4 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

This was probably the sloppiest episoide I've seen on this show...first off...any candidate for a police/FBI academy position would have a thourough backround check...and I mean thourough! They would have immediately picked up on his cousin being a major drug dealer during the first hours of a deep dive into a background check and he would have been eliminated from the pool of recruits. Very sloppy research and writing. 

Ehh....I think if I were giving the main characters a ranking by importance I would say: Maggie/OA


Jubal and Isobel

So I think with Maggie gone, their just trying to give everyone else more character time...but it sounds like, in general, people are not widely impressed with a lot of the eps from end of s4 and beginning of s5.

  • Applause 1

So for what it's worth I just started watching this season and (trying) to catch up on past seasons through paramount+ and I cannot stand Maggie. I don't know if she gets better but she reminds me way to much of Olivia Benson from SVU. I liked the blonde girl from the first episode this season, but I only saw her that one time so maybe that was a fluke. 

49 minutes ago, callie lee 29 said:

So for what it's worth I just started watching this season and (trying) to catch up on past seasons through paramount+ and I cannot stand Maggie. I don't know if she gets better but she reminds me way to much of Olivia Benson from SVU. I liked the blonde girl from the first episode this season, but I only saw her that one time so maybe that was a fluke. 

I’m kind of in the same camp — I’m a Nina fan more than a Maggie fan.  I don’t dislike Maggie like I can’t stand Olivia Benson, but now that I have a comparison during Missy’s maternity leave, Nina is my preference.  I like the actress’ style of acting better.  I wish they could both be in the series.  

Edited by MerBearHou
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14 hours ago, Netfoot said:

Tiffany has always been portrayed as a self-important asshole who thinks because she is ex-PD, she is better than all the remainder of the team.

Oddly enough, for those who remember Hailey....she hated working with the FBI because she felt FBI feels like their better than cops....


Edited by LadyChaos
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You know, if I was an important CIA agent and vicious terrorists kidnapped my kid, I would certainly have made contact with my supervisor in a safe manner to let him know what was going on.  And that activist is going to have something to say about being sacrificed to the CRR, even though it didn't actually go through.  The US just lost a friend there.

Well, Chekhov's pregnancy didn't take long to rear its head.  Nina's out, Maggie's back in.  Kind of ironic how a real pregnancy was swapped for a TV pregnancy to maintain the story line.  Scola sure didn't look so well when he got the news.  

Mr. Dumbshit motorcycle thief should have learned to shoot with his left hand.  Taking his hand off the throttle to shoot pretty much doomed him.  

I liked Isobel after they got a picture of the occupants in the car early on:  "I want IDs on all four of the guys in the car."  "Right, Chief, running traces on all men wearing track suits in New York City right now."

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24 minutes ago, 12catcrazy said:

Well I guess that Scola is going to be a Baby Daddy (because in Dick Wolf world, nobody has abortions).   Yuck.  I just wish they'd keep to the crimes of the week and leave out all of this personal crap.   If I wanted to watch a soap opera, I'd watch a soap opera, not a cop show.  

The interviews from 3 years ago, implied this was supposed to be more about the agents and their personal lives and less about the cases.....I know DW's name is on the show, but I doubt he is actually involved other than a few random meetings here and there.

Plus, in the real world people deal with pregnancies; wanted, unexpected, or unwanted. It would be really odd if there wasn't someone dealing with a pregnancy at some point throughout the series. In fact its kinda strange that, as far as we know, the only two people in the entirety of the JOC, that has children is Jubal and Elise. Its not realistic at all...

Personally, I think they are handling Nina being pregnancy rather well. She wasn't right out of the gate, super excited. She is taking the time to think about it what she wants and even if she wants to carry it to term. I also like that, in true Scola fashion, he is keeping his emotions in check and not letting his personal wants and feelings influence Nina one way or the other. I just hope we do see him talking to someone about how he feels.

The only problem I really have is that I know, since this is a crime drama that wants to focus more on the drama...I feel like this will only go one of 3 ways.

-She decide she wants to get an abortion, but Scola will admit he wants the baby so it will cause a rift between them.

-She'll decided to carry the baby, but there will complications ...with the possibility that she might lose it.

-They'll try to play happy family, but it will end bad.

Under no circumstance will they both be on the same page whatever the outcome, the pregnancy will go smooth if thats the route they take, and their relationship will be stable, happy, and healthy.

Edited by LadyChaos
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This was an intense episode, good case, I didn’t see it coming that the mother would be a spy, and I wondered why she didn’t make contact with the CIA to let them know what happened, and instead went rogue and tried to handle it on her own. Oh well, I guess she thought she was the only one who could handle it, but as a result she’ll likely go to prison and be out of her son’s life for a while, but that’s probably for the kid’s best given that he was kidnapped due to his mother’s job.

Jubal and his room of agents didn’t get a lot of screen time here, although I did like how we saw a couple of other agents/analysts and had them get lines that normally we don’t get.

They left things really open ended with Nina, and I’m left wondering if they will resolve it. I didn’t like the reveal about Nina’s pregnancy, way too soap opera-ish for me, and I’m wondering what they will do. It would be weird to never mention Nina again, but who knows, because it doesn’t seem like Nina/Scola are staying together and it doesn’t seem like either of them want a kid, but in tv land it’s rare for characters to have abortions because of the controversy it causes, so I’m doubting the show will go that route, but I’m also kind of doubting they will have Scola become a father, so who knows where they will go. It was kind of an odd way to end Nina’s time on the show, I like Nina but I didn’t like the pregnancy revelation, and I’m left wondering if they will ever mention her again. 

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47 minutes ago, Xeliou66 said:

This was an intense episode, good case, I didn’t see it coming that the mother would be a spy, and I wondered why she didn’t make contact with the CIA to let them know what happened, and instead went rogue and tried to handle it on her own. Oh well, I guess she thought she was the only one who could handle it, but as a result she’ll likely go to prison and be out of her son’s life for a while, but that’s probably for the kid’s best given that he was kidnapped due to his mother’s job.

Jubal and his room of agents didn’t get a lot of screen time here, although I did like how we saw a couple of other agents/analysts and had them get lines that normally we don’t get.

They left things really open ended with Nina, and I’m left wondering if they will resolve it. I didn’t like the reveal about Nina’s pregnancy, way too soap opera-ish for me, and I’m wondering what they will do. It would be weird to never mention Nina again, but who knows, because it doesn’t seem like Nina/Scola are staying together and it doesn’t seem like either of them want a kid, but in tv land it’s rare for characters to have abortions because of the controversy it causes, so I’m doubting the show will go that route, but I’m also kind of doubting they will have Scola become a father, so who knows where they will go. It was kind of an odd way to end Nina’s time on the show, I like Nina but I didn’t like the pregnancy revelation, and I’m left wondering if they will ever mention her again. 

My guess is that she thought the CIA would've let her son die instead of handing over their asset.

Although I don't know this for sure, I believe Nina is supposed to be in 510.... Given that tptb have confirmed she will be around here and there, just not in a lead position anymore....I think its safe to say that her and Scola stay together and she probably decides to go through with the pregnancy, otherwise I don't know how they would keep her relevant to the plot now that MP is back in 507.

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I am one of those that doesn't see the pregnancy reveal as all that soapy. It's life. (Pardon the pun.) Real FBI folks likely have families or plan families, etc.

And since it was pointed out that Dick Wolf saw this series as more character based, I guess such a plot line was inevitable.

With Jubal's issues with his kid, I guess TPTB thought it was time to explore Scola, and this was a way to do so.

And since everyone else was already partnered up, the ways to keep Nina around seemed limited, so...here we go.

But that's just my take on the situation.

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5 minutes ago, WendyCR72 said:

I am one of those that doesn't see the pregnancy reveal as all that soapy. It's life. (Pardon the pun.) Real FBI folks likely have families or plan families, etc.

And since it was pointed out that Dick Wolf saw this series as more character based, I guess such a plot line was inevitable.

With Jubal's issues with his kid, I guess TPTB thought it was time to explore Scola, and this was a way to do so.

And since everyone else was already partnered up, the ways to keep Nina around seemed limited, so...here we go.

But that's just my take on the situation.

Agreed. Pregnancy is literally the stuff of life....we don't exist without it.....so its gonna happen....it just depends on how it goes down that makes it soapy. Scola and Nina were in a relationship, or trying to see if they could be in one so, so an unplanned pregnancy actually comes across very realistic.

Now....if they engaged in some story line where Nina forgot who she was, slept with five people while having amnesia, then got her memory back and found out she was pregnant....then I'd be like: OH COME ON!!!

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"Double Bind" Season 5 / Episode 6


The team works to save a 5-year-old kidnapping victim, but Scola has his doubts about the boy's mother and what she knows about the incident; Nina struggles to open up in her relationship with Scola

So I have my grandbaby's nanny cam app open on my phone while I am typing this, and although I cannot see him yet, I can hear him happily babbling in the bathroom. 

7 hours ago, LadyChaos said:

Personally, I think they are handling Nina being pregnancy rather well. She wasn't right out of the gate, super excited. She is taking the time to think about it what she wants and even if she wants to carry it to term. I also like that, in true Scola fashion, he is keeping his emotions in check and not letting his personal wants and feelings influence Nina one way or the other.

I thought it was the best take on an unplanned pregnancy I've seen on TV. I appreciated that she said more than once (maybe 3 times?) that she needed time to decide. 

Like most people, I want to ask why birth control didn't work, but I'm also old enough to know that sometimes it just doesn't.

Edited by shapeshifter
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I would have been fine with Missy? not coming back, but I am also fine with Nina leaving.  I focus on the case, not the people. I wish we didn't have these "glimpses" into their personal lives.   I find both actresses leave me blah, but if I had to have one I would take Nina any day over the Maggie character.  

Then again, I think there needs to be a third option. Someone who makes OA a "little" interesting. 

“Ready or Not” – Maggie returns from medical leave in time to help the team investigate two homicides: a law student on track to attend the FBI Academy and a young man with possible gang ties. Also, an inadvertent revelation from Maggie causes OA to worry that she is rushing back into the job too quickly, on the CBS Original series FBI, Tuesday, Nov. 15 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) 

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S05•E06 - Double Bind

Nina was so restless and flustered in this episode. It’s hard to watch and seemed a bit out of character. The way she blurted out to Scola about her pregnancy, nahhh. She could find a better way to share the news with him because it affects them both. If they decide to co-parent, I have a feeling she will be dictating everything. Good luck Scola with your baby mama drama!

I cannot wait for Maggie’s return next week. It’s been too long. 😘

On 11/7/2022 at 12:27 AM, Dowel Jones said:

You know, if I was an important CIA agent and vicious terrorists kidnapped my kid, I would certainly have made contact with my supervisor in a safe manner to let him know what was going on.  And that activist is going to have something to say about being sacrificed to the CRR, even though it didn't actually go through.  The US just lost a friend there.

Yeah, you would think that all the alphabet agencies would have some sort of protocol for this type of situation. She's certainly not the only operative with family.

TBH, I thought part of the reveal was going to be that one of the CRR terrorists was the father of the boy, rather than her ex-husband.

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2 hours ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

S05•E06 - Double Bind

Nina was so restless and flustered in this episode. It’s hard to watch and seemed a bit out of character. The way she blurted out to Scola about her pregnancy, nahhh. She could find a better way to share the news with him because it affects them both. If they decide to co-parent, I have a feeling she will be dictating everything. Good luck Scola with your baby mama drama!

I cannot wait for Maggie’s return next week. It’s been too long. 😘

I think her reaction was on par for her character. We've seen that she is the type that tends to be very reactive, quick to angry and quick to act rash......I can totally picture Scola being the chill parent and Nina being the emotional one.

28 minutes ago, TVForever said:

Yeah, you would think that all the alphabet agencies would have some sort of protocol for this type of situation. She's certainly not the only operative with family.

TBH, I thought part of the reveal was going to be that one of the CRR terrorists was the father of the boy, rather than her ex-husband.

One would think, but given the last CIA agent that was on the show....I don't think thats agency this show wants to flesh out too much....rogue agents works better for plots I guess?

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1 hour ago, TVForever said:

TBH, I thought part of the reveal was going to be that one of the CRR terrorists was the father of the boy, rather than her ex-husband.

Kudos to the writers for not going for that trite plot reveal. 

On 11/7/2022 at 12:27 AM, Dowel Jones said:

You know, if I was an important CIA agent and vicious terrorists kidnapped my kid, I would certainly have made contact with my supervisor in a safe manner to let him know what was going on. 

She seemed to not trust anyone but herself to resolve the situation, which is probably what made her good at her job, and probably is also why she left fieldwork after she had a child.

I'm not saying she was right or wrong, just that it made sense to me for the character.

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

Kudos to the writers for not going for that trite plot reveal. 

She seemed to not trust anyone but herself to resolve the situation, which is probably what made her good at her job, and probably is also why she left fieldwork after she had a child.

I'm not saying she was right or wrong, just that it made sense to me for the character.

I also liked that she was: I did what I had to do to save my kid, but I shouldn't get a pass for it so I'll go to prison for it and I accept that.

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I think Nina’s transfer to white collar, as opposed to a transfer elsewhere, signifies she’s planning on continuing the pregnancy.  Less likelihood of  getting shot at. 

I understood the shell-shock reaction of Scoda, but I would have preferred  to see at least a little bit of joy show through. He’s  got a right  to have an opinion, Nina has the final say.  I’d like both of them to have some  happiness in their personal life. I did like her coming back out of the elevator for a kiss and embrace.  

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