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S03.E05: Tick Tock


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That's two good episodes in a row.

I was waiting for Cressida to either overhear Eloise and Penelope, or else to figure it out herself, but I love this for her! I hope they can make this work and Cressida as Whistledown lasts beyond this episode. Maybe Penelope could pass the mantle to Cressida. Or they could work together. Perhaps Cressida could be the public face of Whistledown.

I don't like that Eloise lied to Cressida's face about Whistledown. There's a kind of love triangle going on between Cressida, Eloise, and Penelope. Eloise and Pen still love each other, and you could see that Cressida was jealous of their connection during the after-dinner word game. All season it has been clear to Cressida that Eloise is still hung up on her ex-friend, and she has to keep reminding her that her friendship with Penelope is over.

But a few things made me laugh in this episode: Lady Danbury's FILTHY look at her brother at the engagement party needs to be a meme immediately; the smart Featherington sister's crack at the stupider Featherington sister about their mother reading while pregnant with her; and Cressida 'Giant Sleeves' Cowper reacting to her future husband's line that sombre clothing is best and that as his wife she will wear grey or brown!

The actor playing Colin lacks charisma, but his acting is perfectly fine when they bother to write for him. The writers have really done him a disservice by neglecting his character. Anyway, well played Colin for standing up to Portia on Penelope's behalf. That was his most heroic moment on the show.

I haven't read the books so I don't know what the deal is with Francesca and John. I'm wondering if one or both of them is coded neurodivergent on screen.

It was wrong of Penelope to have sex with Colin before telling him the truth about her secret identity. If the show was to stick strictly to historical romance rules, he can't back out of marrying her now because they have already slept together. The only excuse I can see for her on this score is her apparent ignorance about sex. I don't think that sleeping with him first was a calculated decision on her part, or intentionally manipulative, but it's terribly unfair to him.

Edited by Kirsty
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14 minutes ago, Kirsty said:

I hope they can make this work and Cressida as Whistledown lasts beyond this episode. Maybe Penelope could pass the mantle to Cressida. Or they could work together. Perhaps Cressida could be the public face of Whistledown.

I beg to differ.

Lady Whistleton isn't only a job, it's a part of Penelope's identity. She can give it up if she choses, but she can't pass it to anybody else. Least of all to Cressida who has no talent either to observe others nor to write.

Plus, Cressida was earlier a horrible person. Although she in this season seemed to be Eloise's friend, I doubt she can be trusted.     

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OK, color me clueless with Cressida announcing that she is Whistledown.

Does she expect the Queen to pay HER the 5,000 pounds for fessing up?  I would imagine her parents will disown her, the old dude will certainly dump her and then what?  She's penniless and nobody is going to talk to her again lest she spill their secrets?

What am I missing here? Can someone explain?

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We return again just in time for even more DRAMA. I loved Colin telling off Portia for making Penelope feel so badly about herself, I do think that she cares about her daughters but its all through this really selfish judgmental lens, especially towards Penelope. 

I have to say, Penelope and Colin's first time was quite steamy, I have not been super impressed with their chemistry so far but that plus the carriage ride had a whole lot of heat! Oh Penelope, there is quite a bit more than just the heavy petting...

Lord John's whole story about the boots was cute, he just needed to build himself up a bit before talking to the future in-laws, I'm glad that it looks like the rest of the Bridgeton's seem to be on board for him and Francesca, they really are perfect together. 

Cressida's hair in that last scene was certainly...a look of a kind. No way could she survive a life without her giant 80s sleeves and increasingly giant hair. I am pretty excited to see how she keeps this charade up. I can see how people can buy that its her, she's certainly got the gossipy mean girl thing going on, but will she be able to keep it up? Will Penelope take this out or will she be pissed?

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I have to say, that big blue/green sheet in the sex scene was really distracting and kind of embarrassing. I don't need to see nudity, but if you don't want to show it...don't cut to an overhead shot showing him thrusting away so we have to see they've carefully draped themselves in a massive sheet like no one would actually do during sex. Just stick to the closeups of their faces, which are more intimate anyway.


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1 hour ago, TheOtherOne said:

I have to say, that big blue/green sheet in the sex scene was really distracting and kind of embarrassing. I don't need to see nudity, but if you don't want to show it...don't cut to an overhead shot showing him thrusting away so we have to see they've carefully draped themselves in a massive sheet like no one would actually do during sex. Just stick to the closeups of their faces, which are more intimate anyway.

I have to agree. I somewhat understand why they (or maybe it was Nicola) wanted to have a bit of cover, but I feel that a clever selection of angles would've been better. If only to avoid the 'she needs a cover because she isn't skinny' trope. Or they could've started out with the sheet and it slipping off when they got really going - that could've been really hot.
Sheet aside, it was still a well done sequence.
Nicola has a lovely pair of knockers on her and beautiful porcelain skin. I think the corset was totally wrong for the period??

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16 minutes ago, TheOtherOne said:

Hasn't it been widely covered that none of the clothes on the show are really period accurate?

I don't expect period accuracy here, but I do expect the undergarments being worn to actually match the silhouette of the overall dress.  That corset Colin takes off of Pen is not what she was wearing before the mirror scene.  

  • Like 8
13 hours ago, Orcinus orca said:

OK, color me clueless with Cressida announcing that she is Whistledown.

Does she expect the Queen to pay HER the 5,000 pounds for fessing up?  I would imagine her parents will disown her, the old dude will certainly dump her and then what?  She's penniless and nobody is going to talk to her again lest she spill their secrets?

What am I missing here? Can someone explain?

Who knows how far Cressida has thought this through...?

It may just be that she expects, as the guests have said, that Lord Oldie-but-not-a-Goodie will break off his pursuit of her because even the thought of his potential betrothed being Whistledown will forever sour him on her, even if/when it becomes that she is not actual LW. 

It may be that she just wants to be the center of attention for once. She's getting upstaged by Pen, LW, Eloise, Kate, and pretty much couldn't take it. 

I imagine that she has to realize that she's not going to get the Queen's reward because she doesn't have evidence supporting that she's LW. She also has to realize that actual LW will eventually publish something mocking her/the Queen for pursuing her identity.

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So Colin announced to his own family that he is engaged with Pen and her mother learned it from Lady Whistledon. 

The rules of this alternative world seems quite incoherent. Cressida has nothing to say when his father decides to marry her off to an older man whereas Pen doesn't need of consent of her guardian to marry, nor has Colin even a basic courtesy to speak with her mother.

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13 hours ago, janie jones said:

Cressida's reaction the the old guy wanting several children made me wonder if she, for one, knows where babies come from.

I got the impression that Cressida is well aware of where babies come from.  Her disgust/confusion stems from the number of babies Lord Greer expected them to have.  A man in his 60s wanting to beget 4 or 5 children is to put it mildly a lot.  It was also the final straw in a long list of disappointments Cressida would be facing as the wife of Lord Greer. No dancing, no fashion, no music and a husband who will in is advanced age still be making regular trips to her bedchamber for years.  

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19 minutes ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

I got the impression that Cressida is well aware of where babies come from.  Her disgust/confusion stems from the number of babies Lord Greer expected them to have.  A man in his 60s wanting to beget 4 or 5 children is to put it mildly a lot.  It was also the final straw in a long list of disappointments Cressida would be facing as the wife of Lord Greer. No dancing, no fashion, no music and a husband who will in is advanced age still be making regular trips to her bedchamber for years.  

With clearly zero interest in any of her interests, or even finding out what those interests are.

In some ways he was even worse than the old aristocrat briefly interested in marrying Marina back in season one, who at the very least wasn't telling Marina that she would not be allowed to attend parties or listen to music after their marriage. Low bar, I admit, but hey, he got over it.

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5 minutes ago, Orcinus orca said:

Men in that era generally had zero interest.  Women were property for the most part and were treated as such.

This was certainly true for some men, and women of the Regency did not enjoy the same legal rights that men did.

But documents and literature of the period do not suggest that women were always or even in general, treated as property. This isn't just Jane Austen, either - we see this with Walter Scott, Mary Shelley, John Keats, Fanny Burney, Lady Jersey, Lady Blessington, the Duke of Wellington, Lord Palmerston....I mean I could go on. Even Lord Byron, who in general treated women absolutely terribly, befriended several women and took an interest in their interests.

Not that Bridgerton is particularly interested in discussing any of the real life people of the Regency, Queen Charlotte and very brief mentions of Jane Austen aside. 

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Polin’s engagement news has been announced only to the Bridgerton family but several hours later, it’s already been published in the LW gossip sheet. Colin should’ve been able to put two and two together.

The mirror and s£x scenes are not steamy enough. Lack of seduction, foreplay and passion especially from Colin. I thought he’s a boob guy. He needs to learn a lot from Anthony. I guess the brothel ladies didn’t give him enough feedback. Geez, Penelope deserves a proper and comfy bed for her first time. Shame on you Colin Bridgerton!

Benedict has the best line… 😆 


Edited by Snazzy Daisy
  • Like 9
4 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

Polin’s engagement news has been announced only to the Bridgerton family but several hours later, it’s already been published in the LW gossip sheet. Colin should’ve been able to put two and two together.

He was in love, so he didn't think clearly.

But some other person could have done like a detective a list of Lady W's revelations. There were some where "all knew already" or "servants gossip" simply couldn't be right explanations.    

  • Like 3
4 hours ago, Snazzy Daisy said:

The mirror and s£x scenes are not steamy enough. Lack of seduction, foreplay and passion especially from Colin. I thought he’s a boob guy. He needs to learn a lot from Anthony. I guess the brothel ladies didn’t give him enough feedback.

Isn't the prostitutes' job is to satisfy the client, not to enjoy themselves? The client can't possibly knew if they just fake an orgasm to brush his ego.

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I love Colin standing up to Lady Featherington for Penelope. That was great.

I love Colin and Penelope together.

Eloise is shocked about Colin and Penelope, where have you been? Your best friend has been into Colin forever.

Cressida's claiming to be Lady Whistledown. It was obvious why although up to that point I was thinking put some arsenic in Greer's drink or smother with him a pillow. 

Happy to see Anthony and Kate back.

Edited by andromeda331
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First, the recap (of just 4 episodes) was almost as long as the episode!  

It bothers me a bit that Colin wouldn't follow protocol and go to Portia before announcing it to his family.  But that wouldn't allow for the Portia/Colin smackdown, then, would it?

I do wish Eloise had an epiphany moment, maybe when chatting with Kate, that it was clear Pen had been crushing on Colin for years.  It doesn't make sense, especially for Eloise, not to notice something like that.  Even if it was just to say "I knew you always liked him, but I just thought it was a childish crush."  Eloise is anything but clueless.

When Cressidia first told Eloise she was going to find LW, I was a bit disappointed.  I really thought she was going to anonymously point the finger at herself, because even the whiff of suspicion would drive the Old Guy away.  But then when Cressidia decided to announce herself as LW, I was happy it went that way. 

Of course, that takes away my thought that LW becomes the next Dread Pirate Roberts, with Pen passing the mantle to Eloise or someone else. 

Pen's corset...  if that wasn't period appropriate, what would have been used to get the support that Pen has in her dresses?  The girls don't stay up there on their own! 


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11 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Pen's corset...  if that wasn't period appropriate, what would have been used to get the support that Pen has in her dresses?  The girls don't stay up there on their own! 


Women in the Regency period wore short stays similar to this


They would keep the girls in their place.  Corsets as we know them did not come along until later in the 19th century when waistlines on dresses returned to a more natural place and skirts widened.  

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Salon had an article about Penelope’s costumes that I found interesting. I am sure there are others - especially dedicated fashion blogs that would likely be a better and/or more thorough source, but this is the one I read, titled "She's liberated from decoration": How "Bridgerton" freed Penelope, from her hair to her corset.

In it they discuss this corset and other outfits so perhaps be wary if you haven’t seen all the episodes. 

I did laugh at:


Those devoted to historical accuracy (probably shouldn't be watching "Bridgerton," but we digress) may notice that Penelope's disrobing is far more efficient than one would expect from the usual buttoned-up Regency attire.

Really the article should say “shouldn’t be watching Bridgerton *for the accuracy*” but whatever.


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@Ohiopirate02 Thanks for the link.  I guess I always put those in the corset category, thought they're only about 1/2 length (don't pinch in the waist).  That makes sense for the Regency dress style. 

2 hours ago, mledawn said:

Penelope's disrobing is far more efficient than one would expect from the usual buttoned-up Regency attire.

Yes!  I was thinking the same thing!  If Cressidia did end up marrying the Old Guy, he could be dead before figuring out how to get her out of her dresses!

I may be a bit of a prude here, but I didn't care for Pen and Colin having sex so soon.  They really haven't even been out on an official date yet.  (Whatever that looked like back then.)  Yeah, I know, Pen's been pining for Colin for years.  But Colin just figured his feelings out.  You think they could keep things under control for a few more weeks, or however long it took to plan weddings back then.

But it does have me thinking...  will Pen end up with the first Featherington male heir?  I can't remember if one (both?) of the sisters are pregnant, or one just thinks she is, but nothing is really confirmed yet, right?  If one is already, Pen could go into premature labor (which would almost certainly end in death of mother and/or baby back then) and have her kid first. 

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10 hours ago, chaifan said:

They really haven't even been out on an official date yet.  (Whatever that looked like back then.)  

Dating is a modern phenomenon. Courting happened mostly when other people were present. 

In any case, Pen and Colin were engaged and that couldn't be broken by a man of honor. 


Edited by Roseanna
adding a word
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16 hours ago, andromeda331 said:

Cressida's claiming to be Lady Whistledown. It was obvious why although up to that point I was thinking put some arsenic in Greer's drink or smother with him a pillow. 


Ok, something like this definitely needs to happen in future seasons :) 

I mean, think about it: Bridgerton Murders, like Midsommer Murders, just with much less realistic clothing, and plenty of arsenic.

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On 6/13/2024 at 4:48 PM, Kirsty said:

I don't like that Eloise lied to Cressida's face about Whistledown.

Eloise was entirely right to guard Pen's secret, whereas she was wrong to tell others what Colin had told her. 

The truth isn't only what is told or omitted to tell, but the crux of the matter is the aim to tell or not to tell. The truth that is told to hurt somebody is morally wrong. 

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Colin does know he might get her pregnant before the wedding, right?  The focus on sex made it harder to buy that Colin is actually in love with Penelope, since his change of heart occurred so suddenly, and only after a kiss.

In true soap opera fashion, Penelope was interrupted when she was about to tell Colin the truth.  I hope Penelope tells Colin the truth sooner rather than later.  Dragging it out could make this annoyingly frustrating to watch.

I didn't expect Cressida to announce that she herself was Lady Whistledown.  That was a nice twist.  Good points above that she really didn't think things through, though.  I do want her to get out of that old guy's clutches.

I'm glad Anthony and Kate are still on the show, but they didn't do a great job of integrating them into the story very well and seemed to have lost the depth they had as main leads.  I'm glad they are happy, though, so I have mixed feelings about this, since I know it's common to create new problems to keep characters occupied on long-running series.

On 6/13/2024 at 9:55 PM, Roseanna said:

The rules of this alternative world seems quite incoherent. Cressida has nothing to say when his father decides to marry her off to an older man whereas Pen doesn't need of consent of her guardian to marry, nor has Colin even a basic courtesy to speak with her mother.

Yes, and in the previous episode, Lord Vegetarian even asked Penelope who he should ask for permission to marry her, since there is no male relative in the picture.  

Edited by Camera One
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On 10/29/2024 at 10:09 PM, Camera One said:

Colin does know he might get her pregnant before the wedding, right?  The focus on sex made it harder to buy that Colin is actually in love with Penelope, since his change of heart occurred so suddenly, and only after a kiss.

That's where they lose me too. I don't know why he's suddenly interest in Penelope and in love. It makes no sense. Why not show us him falling in love with Penelope?

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