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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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1 hour ago, AmyFarrahFowler said:

I'll feel for her when she's signed her last MTV check.

You and me both. I'm giving this a great big "whatever" until she puts her money where her mouth is and walks away. 

I also don't understand why she's getting so butt hurt over this when it's really not that serious. At this point she's the one turning Chicken-gate into a big deal, not MTV or random people on social media. 

If anything, it just underscores how fake Chelsea can be. In one Tweet she says the show is supposed to tell her "real" story, yet in another she's pissed that MTV showed her yelling at her kid. I just think all these girls have gotten too big for their britches. I'd love for MTV to call their bluff and tell them the show's done for good.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 10
1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

You and me both. I'm giving this a great big "whatever" until she puts her money where her mouth is and walks away. 

I also don't understand why she's getting so butt hurt over this when it's really not that serious. At this point she's the one turning Chicken-gate into a big deal, not MTV or random people on social media. 


She is referring to tonight's episode. They all get to watch it before we do. I seem to remember someone saying they get a DVD the day of the airing before it comes on that night. I can't remember which cast member tweeted that, though. 

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How do their contracts work? Do they sign yearly? Two year? 

If the girls only get to see the episodes right before they air, I'm not going to blame her for not walking away yet. She didn't seem unhappy last year. With Adumb gone, the baby born, and the wedding not happening on camera - MTV has really nothing to work with. Personally, I don't mind a few cute scenes of her and the kids. But MTV is bloodthirsty for the drama, so they're trying to create it wherever they can. If she signs AFTER this season, then I'll judge her. 

  • Love 8
49 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

How do their contracts work? Do they sign yearly? Two year? 

If the girls only get to see the episodes right before they air, I'm not going to blame her for not walking away yet. She didn't seem unhappy last year. With Adumb gone, the baby born, and the wedding not happening on camera - MTV has really nothing to work with. Personally, I don't mind a few cute scenes of her and the kids. But MTV is bloodthirsty for the drama, so they're trying to create it wherever they can. If she signs AFTER this season, then I'll judge her. 

They sign before each season and as we know, they were doing that season A and season B thing. You are right. They only know what will be shown shortly before the episode airs. I remember the Real World cast saying they got tapes (lol soooo old) of their episodes a week before the airing. With technology nowadays, I will assume the cast members get their footage a day or two before. 

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She has been threatening to leave season after season, which I honestly think was for show. I think what she meant by wanting to leave was, "I have my perfect life and think I'm too good to be associated with this bunch anymore, and my husband kind of wants privacy, but I still like being a star and having everyone rave about my parenting skills, so I'm going to begrudgingly sign on for another season." I don't think she's ever been serious about leaving, but I bet she will now! I still think MTV has had enough of her constant threats to leave, and wants to push her out. It's funny how mean Randy is to jenelle, but she sounds exactly like jenelle proclaiming, "they don't show ALLLLLLL THOSE GOOD MOMENTS!!!!" (Except in Chelsea's case I believe they exist, and in Jenelle's...nah)

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I think she's done.  

It's hard to blame her for continuing to film when she knows the money is setting them up financially for the future.  However, she's realizing that Aubree will be affected by seeing these edited clips they use to create a storyline.  My guess is that Chelsea has already made it clear this is her last season and we'll start to see her be even more critical of the process as the season goes on.

The big difference I see between her complaints about editing and those of Janelle or Kail or whoever, is that Chelsea's concern is for Aubree, and the effect is might have on her seeing these episodes later.  Versus Janelle/Kail/etc, who were only concerned about how they were being perceived.  

Edited by snarts
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53 minutes ago, snarts said:

I think she's done.  

It's hard to blame her for continuing to film when she knows the money is setting them up financially for the future.  However, she's realizing that Aubree will be affected by seeing these edited clips they use to create a storyline.  My guess is that Chelsea has already made it clear this is her last season and we'll start to see her be even more critical of the process as the season goes on.

The big difference I see between her complaints about editing and those of Janelle or Kail or whoever, is that Chelsea's concern is for Aubree, and the effect is might have on her seeing these episodes later.  Versus Janelle/Kail/etc, who were only concerned about how they were being perceived.  

That is a good point. Kail and Jenelle harp on how they look, how they are perceived, it is always about them, never their kids. 


She has been threatening to leave season after season

Has she? That is news to me. I'd love to see where she has stated this. 

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Ok I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for this at all. The show has exploited her child every season, not just this one. Adam being a sucky father was the main storyline for years. She didn't mind that even though it could very well hurt and upset Aubree in the future and draw attention to her in the meantime. I don't necessarily see this as advocating for her child; Chelsea is at least partially mad about how SHE has been made to look as a mom with this storyline. Which is fine and all, but she's always taken the money, the show has never NOT been exploitative (Aubree's tantrums and family drama have all been filmed), no one forced her to sign up, and it's a reality show. The producers are just doing their expected job by editing creatively, or only showing the drama, if that's true. Everyone on earth knows that happens, and it's not her first rodeo. My reaction to her response ranges from "cry me a river with your six figure check" to a shrug. 

Edited by Lm2162
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3 hours ago, GreatKazu said:


Has she? That is news to me. I'd love to see where she has stated this. 

I'd also love to see where she said this. I remember every other one of these girls threatening to leave multiple times but have never once heard Chelsea say it. I haven't watched the past couple of seasons and only keep up with the show and the girls here but I've never seen it. 

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@Lm2162 I agree with your whole post.  Before this season and shortly after becoming a first time grandma 18 months ago, i got to thinking why chelsea and randy would want all this  on tv.   No way would i want my grandson being filmed.  

I def think this is all way more about chelsea not liking how she is coming across than protecting aubree.

aubree will see that it appears for years all her grandma, grandpa and mom did was trash talk her dad.  Yes it was a storyline, and yes adam is a jerk, but still hurtful to a daughter.   Aubree go watch tv, aubree go to your room and close the door, aubree put on your headphones so we can talk about adam.  Even when aubree said i know you are talking about my dad when mary and chelsea were spelling out A-D-A-M...they continued with it.   I mostly quit watching when chelsea, randy and his wife were laughing when adam was jailed after the court hearing.   Aubree had her headphones on in the backseat.  My heart went out to her thinking she will see this eventually.  

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@MaddyMaeboxerbabe aubree will see that it appears for years all her grandma, grandpa and mom did was trash talk her dad.

Trash talk or speak the truth? Aubree will see how her father called her a bastard and a mistake, how she wasn't worth his time, and the countless times her mother tried with all her might to ensure Adumb was given every opportunity to have his daughter for visitation and more.  I don't recall the family laughing about Adumb. There is so much Adumb has done to his daughter. Anything else pales in comparison. Even if anyone was laughing about Adumb, that is the least of Aubree's problems. She is now at the point where she knows her father has no interest in her, and that is all his doing. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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Oh, I agree wholeheartedly that Adam deserves no sympathy for how he was portrayed. That's his own fault 100%. But to be all pearl-clutchy about "oh how horrible this will be for Aubree to see later"-- yeah, if she watches TM in future years I'm pretty sure she'd be more upset that she was on TV for years for being the daughter of a teen mom, called a mistake, and never had a father...I doubt that a minor storyline several years in about her jealousy of a baby brother will even register. (Maybe Aubree will be mad that she was on TV at all before she had the choice to do so or not). Chelsea is upset about how MTV made *her* look this season. And that's fine. But she signed up for the same show, with the same motives, and knows that reality TV (especially a franchise that literally started by filming the births of teenagers!!) is inherently all about the drama and exploitative, including of children. The money comes at a price, which includes privacy and the ability to control your own narrative. She can't expect the hefty paycheck without paying it. 

Edited by Lm2162
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No one is questioning the role Chelsea plays in allowing her child to be front and center on a tv show that is geared around young mothers AND  their children.  

Simply disagreeing with what is considered trash-talk. Aubree will suffer the consequences because of she will come to the realization on her own what her father is all about. 

I truly hope Adumb comes to a realization himself and admits he has an addiction. I don't know if him being an asshole is because of the drug use or is that how he was before drug use. For Aubree's sake, I hope that happens but, I won't hold my breath. 

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Yeah, I don't think trash talking Adam is the issue. 

After watching the episode she was so upset about I understand the drama over it even less. If she hadn't posted that rant I wouldn't have thought anything of her segments at all. They were innocuous. She & Randy need to stay off Twitter. 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

Yeah, I don't think trash talking Adam is the issue. 

After watching the episode she was so upset about I understand the drama over it even less. If she hadn't posted that rant I wouldn't have thought anything of her segments at all. They were innocuous. She & Randy need to stay off Twitter. 

This. It's how I feel. I kept waiting for.. something more to happen? She made it sound like something was put together out of context. Nothing happened. She made it worse by doing a whole thing on twitter, just like in my opinion she made it worse last week when she felt she had to explain the chicken thing. Which was nothing also. 

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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No amount of money could get me to air my life for 8 years. 

Possibly the thing that set her off were the tweets about Aubree growing up to be a serial killer. 

I just want this series to go away for good, but I don't see that happening with the new installment of Teen Moms from New Jersey coming soon which is pissing off Catelynn. If it pisses her off, GOOD!

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, evilmindatwork said:


I don't even understand what she's complaining about, it's not like people are looking at those scenes and thinking, "oh, we were wrong all along, Chelsea is exactly like Jenelle." Reasonable viewers know that she's dealing with an 8 year old along with a new born and she's probably cranky and tired. It's really NBD and she's making it into the editors turning her into Cruella de Ville.

Exactly!!!!! I feel like if anyone had to guess what this season would be about, they would have thought, "hmmm. She's going to have a baby, and has a seven-year-old who has always been a somewhat spoiled only child and gotten lots of attention. Now, she's going to be very busy with this baby, and aubree won't quite understand why things are so very different, and she will probably act out. Chelsea probably won't feel normal because she'll be super tired and sleep deprived." I swear, anyone could have seen this coming from a mile away. I'm trying to figure out why Chelsea is so surprised! You'd think even clueless Mary would have tried to warn her; after all, she had two sets of kids far apart in age. I wonder if Chelsea thought her bad mood and aubree's sibling jealousy just wouldn't happen to them because she buys SO into her "perrrfect familyyyyyyyyy" fantasy, or if she is truly so dim that she never saw it coming. 

Anyway, she should realize that being shown acting human is normal, and a lot of her fans will like her more! Nobody is saying she's in any way near as bad as Jenelle or Kail, or even Leah! She hasn't even technically made a "mistake," but just been a little bitchy. There is nothing to pitch a fit over! If she ever gets a real job, she should really learn to not be tone deaf with her coworkers (something the others need to learn too). She should be self aware enough to realize that her segments aren't half as bad as what everyone else had to endure while she got the good edits, and thank her lucky stars that things like her cheating on Adam while pregnant and sleeping with him during Taylor's pregnancy were never aired. Then she needs to step away from twitter before her cast mates hate her!

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Chelsea is very into the "perfect family" image. You don't get $300k for portraying that for a few posed shots. She got on the show for being a teen mom with a deadbeat baby daddy, then struggling to get a basic education and continuing to fight with said dad. Now that her life has changed she can't expect to make the same money for being a walking version of Instagram. 

Edited by Lm2162
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20 hours ago, Christina87 said:

Anyway, she should realize that being shown acting human is normal, and a lot of her fans will like her more! Nobody is saying she's in any way near as bad as Jenelle or Kail, or even Leah! She hasn't even technically made a "mistake," but just been a little bitchy. There is nothing to pitch a fit over! If she ever gets a real job, she should really learn to not be tone deaf with her coworkers (something the others need to learn too). She should be self aware enough to realize that her segments aren't half as bad as what everyone else had to endure while she got the good edits, and thank her lucky stars that things like her cheating on Adam while pregnant and sleeping with him during Taylor's pregnancy were never aired. Then she needs to step away from twitter before her cast mates hate her!

You would think she'd have developed a fairly thick skin after being on a reality show for eight years! She gets paid $$$,$$$ so that people can talk about her life. This is a choice she's making, she doesn't have to do it. I don't want to be gossiped about by strangers therefore I don't audition for reality shows-- the pay off is that I make a lot less money than Chelsea does, but I have more privacy and control over what people say about me.


I have friends who are are 100k in debt because they went to prestigious schools. They had to work their asses off just to earn the privilege of going into debt (educational debt, I mean). These girls were handed life changing amounts of money for doing things that we socially think of as 'screw-ups.' I actually really like Chelsea because she's clearly the best human being in the bunch, but she should probably look at what her father went through in order to be a dentist, and understand that she hit the jack-pot. She's probably out earning her own father, not because she made good decisions, but because she made bad ones. A little critique is the least she can expect for banking an amount of money that people more clever and accomplished than she is won't see in their lifetimes.

If she doesn't like that she can leave MTV and get a job that she's actually qualified for-- I am fairly sure she won't make even a quarter of what she's currently earning. Being a SAHM is awesome, my own mother was one but she certainly did not earn six figures while parenting me. I am not saying that anyone has the right to abuse or harass her, or that MTV should misrepresent her. But she needs to take a chill pill and count her blessings. She lucked into this money, she is not getting paid what her actual market value is to the world. 

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@evilmindatwork you said that like a million percent perfectly. The girls are getting paid to be entertainment at this point, MTV has mostly stopped pretending it's for "educational" purposes except at reunions. Entertainment requires, at the very least, a storyline, and storylines require conflict, even if it's minor or not interpersonal conflict. Everyone's life has conflict. Pretending it doesn't is just weird.

These girls have gotten really, really entitled. Chelsea never had to support herself, so maybe that's part of it for her--she doesn't know her market value because she's never had to learn it the hard way or even the medium way. I mean, I understand none of them have (they've all been supported by MTV and/or partners), but Jenelle, Kail and Leah all watched their families struggle at least. Chelsea had the Randy ATM AND the MTV ATM.

Edited by Lm2162
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1 hour ago, Lm2162 said:

@evilmindatwork you said that like a million percent perfectly. The girls are getting paid to be entertainment at this point, MTV has mostly stopped pretending it's for "educational" purposes except at reunions. Entertainment requires, at the very least, a storyline, and storylines require conflict, even if it's minor or not interpersonal conflict. Everyone's life has conflict. Pretending it doesn't is just weird.

These girls have gotten really, really entitled. Chelsea never had to support herself, so maybe that's part of it for her--she doesn't know her market value because she's never had to learn it the hard way or even the medium way. I mean, I understand none of them have (they've all been supported by MTV and/or partners), but Jenelle, Kail and Leah all watched their families struggle at least. Chelsea had the Randy ATM AND the MTV ATM.

What I find interesting about Randy and his family is that NONE of his kids seem to have done things "his way" (white collar professional of some kind). With four kids I figure at least 1-2 would emulate him, you'd have 1 black sheep (Chelsea who just isn't the brightest) and 1 avante guard artist type. 


Chelsea may intellectually know that x amount of money is required to support her lifestyle but because she never went without - or even had to make decisions about her discretionary income (like Starbucks vs a Mani/Pedi) she just doesn't get it. 

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8 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

What I find interesting about Randy and his family is that NONE of his kids seem to have done things "his way" (white collar professional of some kind). With four kids I figure at least 1-2 would emulate him, you'd have 1 black sheep (Chelsea who just isn't the brightest) and 1 avante guard artist type. 


Chelsea may intellectually know that x amount of money is required to support her lifestyle but because she never went without - or even had to make decisions about her discretionary income (like Starbucks vs a Mani/Pedi) she just doesn't get it. 

THIS. This is why I think she will still struggle after the show...not because she is broke, but because she has never lived like the average person. I've said it before, but my dad makes a similar salary to Randy's, and I never had to even think much about what I was spending until I graduated college. I don't want to sound like a snob, and I was raised to appreciate our money and not waste it, but the point is that I grew up similarly to Chelsea. I would go regularly and buy $300 worth of clothes on a Wednesday because I was bored, while my college friends were working for gas money. I was scared to death of the lifestyle change, but when it happened, it wasn't as bad as I expected. I still have money to buy everything I need and a lot of what I want, but I think a loooooooot harder about what I buy now that my money is much more limited! Chelsea will be living on a regular salary that is split between a family of four, including a daughter who is accustomed to nice things, so I see it being harder. She also seems to have trouble denying herself (Watson pre-marriage, anyone?) so I'm not worried about her blowing her money like jenelle, but it will be hard when she realizes it's either a small vacation or a small designer handbag, not both, and no hair extensions.

i agree with you about how strange it is that none of Randy's kids have followed his path. My sister and I both went to four-year universities and are white collar professionals, though we make significantly less than our dad. Almost all of the kids (I'd say 95%) that I know who grew up similar to me went to college also, and the other 5% had a good, clear plan, went right on to community college and graduated on time with their Associate's. I just find it so strange that Randy's kids apparently must have babies before they're old enough to graduate from college. That is so atypical in most families in this income bracket!

Edited by Christina87
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@Christina87 I don't think you're a snob- I understand what you're saying 100%.

I grew up similarly to Chelsea (and you) in that regard, BUT my parents made it very clear I didn't succeed in school and choose a high paying career I would NOT continue in the lifestyle to which I was accustomed. No more bi-weekly mani/pedis for MOI. A quote from The Cosby Show (love the show don't like the man) "Your mother and I have money, YOU have nothing."

Most of the kids I went to prep-school with followed in the path of their parents, a few lived as bohemian artists types (but supported themselves) and there are always the few that don't do shit and you're like "wtf happened". 

With Randy's kids I think it's got to be a combination of unintentional sexism (had he had boy children would he have been harder on them?), demographics of their culture (and not just their family), and the fact that maybe Randy is the "bright one" and his kids just didn't follow suit?

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7 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

What I find interesting about Randy and his family is that NONE of his kids seem to have done things "his way" (white collar professional of some kind). With four kids I figure at least 1-2 would emulate him, you'd have 1 black sheep (Chelsea who just isn't the brightest) and 1 avante guard artist type. 


Chelsea may intellectually know that x amount of money is required to support her lifestyle but because she never went without - or even had to make decisions about her discretionary income (like Starbucks vs a Mani/Pedi) she just doesn't get it. 

I could be wrong, but I thought the oldest Houska sister did have a Bachelor's, I think in dentistry or something. At least I read that on her blog. Don't know if she worked in that field, it seemed like her blog was more about being a military wife and mother. I'm curious about Chelsea's other sisters, who is the artist? Sorry, lol, it is hard picture one of Randy's kids as avante guard anything, they all seem so...provincial and small town, if that makes sense.

It makes me wonder, what did Chelsea plan to do if MTV didn't come knocking? If she didn't meet Cole? Estheticians don't make that much money, and make no mistake, Chelsea likes the comfortable lifestyle she has as much as any other the other mothers.  I guess she would have Randy for financial help, but at some point he wouldn't be around. It just boggles my mind how none of the girls, form rich girl Chelsea to working poor Leah, Jenelle, or Kail ever seemed that concerned about their futures, even before their initial MTV windfalls.

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@Scarlett45 I wish my parents had been more like yours sometimes! They were all about "major in what you love, money doesn't matter," and at eighteen, I really didn't have a realistic view of the world. I love my job though, and live a wonderful and comfortable life! Sometimes though, I wish I had been encouraged more to choose a high-paying career, because docile me would have followed directions and I could have a beach house and travel abroad on a regular basis. Oh well!

i do think you're onto something with the culture of the area. Someone on this board (who I think basically just posted once or twice) said something to this effect. I think she was a restaurant manager in that area, and alllll of her teen waitresses became pregnant. I think it's just considered cool there, especially since Chelsea worked so hard to get teenage Adam to move in with and eventually marry her after high school.

The unintentional sexism might very well be a thing too. I hate to say it, but I've always felt my parents were this way! They've always seen it as the man's job to provide, and while college and a decent career was mandatory for us, I really think they would have pushed us harder if we were boys. My parents wanted straight A's in school, but they never focused on making money. However, it was all about a lucrative career with my boy cousins, and my grandmother would regularly allude to the fact that my dad was lucky to have girls, because he didn't have to worry about whether we succeeded in our careers or not. Our parents told us from the time we were little that it was okay to go to college and then be a SAHM too. They told us to be whatever we wanted, but never realistically encouraged us to aim high. I loved to write as a kid (still do) and my parents would act like being a novelist was a perfectly legit life plan. They always encouraged me in the direction of things I loved, like writing and music, while encouraging my cousins to become businessmen. I could definitely see Chelsea coming from an environment like this!

Edited by Christina87
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@HeySandyStrange thanks for the info on Chelsea's sister- I'm not familiar with the dynamics. 


I do think if MTV hadn't come along Chelsea would've started looking for a husband the same time she found Cole. Edited to Add: and I don't doubt she would've found someone decent. Yes she had a child (only 1), but she was still young, cute, no drinking/drugs or a criminal record with a pleasant enough personality. Also unlike Leah she would be faithful and know how to conduct herself in public. She may have waited a few more years but not long.


Randy loves his girls and his generous, but I could see him putting his foot down with Chelsea once Aubree was in school full time- meaning Chelsea was free to work full time (or close to it) and not have all her money go towards childcare. Cut the purse strings.

Chelsea seems like the type that would've enjoyed being a stay at home Mom at 17 or 27, so by the time Aubree started school, Chelsea was in her early 20s. Meeting a guy with a career who was looking to settle down and was a few years older than her was likely to happen- especially in their area/demographic/cultural milieu (spelling?). No way on this earth did Chelsea actually want to work a 9-5 job. 


@Christina87 I think parents do the best they can (being a parent is hard!) I definitely think culture has a lot to do with it. Growing up with black professional parents who went to college/medical school during the civil rights movement certainly effected how they viewed education and how I was raised. Seeing these lazy girls perplexes me, because I see sexism in the opposite way "black women love their sons but raise their daughters" (my Mom has no sons but it's a common phrase). I was taught women had to be TWICE AS GOOD as men to have anything, never mind if you were a woman of color or LGBT or had a "visible" disability. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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@Scarlett45 that is sooooo cool that your parents overcame so much, and still came out on top! I bet they have some really good stories, and many challenges they faced that would make you mad! I think we are shaped so much by the environment we are raised in. I know my grandmother, who grew up on a farm to a single mother, always appreciated that she learned the value of hard work early, especially during WWII when all the men were gone! When she was 90, she had beat disease after disease and was still fighting. Every doctor she had was baffled by her strength! I bet your parents are really tough too, not just physically but mentally! It takes a lot of mental fortitude to do what they did. I bet you could really relate to the Cosby show, because they did hit on some serious topics, like when the grandparents told he story about being at the march on Washington. That was one of my favorite shows, too!!! I was too young for the original run, but watched it twice every night in nick at nite for years!

i agree about parents doing the best they can too! I think my parents would have felt bad pressuring me into a job I didn't love that they went too far in the other direction! Nevertheless, I graduated with a legit degree and have a career I love. ? 

Haha bringing it back to Chelsea, I guess it's possible that Randy was just the only bright one, too. I would love to know the story of his meeting and falling in love with Mary. She is D-U-M-B. Maybe Randy's brain cells couldn't cancel out hers. ? I can't imagine how they met or what they had in common!

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@Christina87 I could see Randy meeting Mary (?) when they were both young and naive- they liked (and loved) each other but didn't really have so much in common, but stayed together for a while out of habit, duty, and raising their kids.

It's notable Chelsea is the baby and they were divorced when she started HS I think? I think Randy's current wife is probably more his speed intellectually, but we have limited information to go on. 

I think Chelsea probably always figured that she would marry a guy like her Dad which is why she held onto Adam for SO DAMN LONG although he was awful to her. Having that type of lifestyle (heteronormative marriage with biological kids, breadwinner husband and SAHM) wasn't just ONE way to happiness it was the ONLY way. 

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While Chelsea is definitely enjoying the SAHM lifestyle now, she does have a skilled trade to fall back on.  I know that she was still working at the salon early in her pregnancy and I can see her going back into it once her kids are older.  Cole works for the state or local muncipality, correct?  And we know that Randy has ensured money was socked away for Aubree's education.  Unlike many other Teen Moms, Chelsea doesn't live extravagantly and it's very likely that under Randy's tutelage, Chelsea has learned to be more financially responsible.   I'd guess that they own that house free & clear.  

In any case, I'm least worried about her when/if the Teen Mom money train comes to an end.   

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I think she'll be ok after, but she would have been on the Daddy dole a lot longer had it not been for the show. She's not insanely extravagant so she'll hold onto what she has, but I can't imagine her having fully supported herself or putting her nose to the grindstone. 

Edited by Lm2162
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I don't think the girls made all that much money for the first two or three seasons of the show, so they're all going to have to scale down their lifestyles, Chelsea included. She's only 26. I don't think she'll be able to afford 90k Range Rovers for the next forty years off of Cole's salary. Aubree's college may be taken care of, but she's still going to have to pay tuition for Watson and any future Cole-eee babies. I mean, I don't think the DeBoers will be living off Ramen noodles or anything, but they'll have to make some adjustments for sure. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, BitterApple said:

I don't think the girls made all that much money for the first two or three seasons of the show, so they're all going to have to scale down their lifestyles, Chelsea included. She's only 26. I don't think she'll be able to afford 90k Range Rovers for the next forty years off of Cole's salary. Aubree's college may be taken care of, but she's still going to have to pay tuition for Watson and any future Cole-eee babies. I mean, I don't think the DeBoers will be living off Ramen noodles or anything, but they'll have to make some adjustments for sure. 

Pretty much all of this. I do think Chelsea will have the easier transition of all the moms, but it will still be a transition for her. She's always had an upper middle class lifestyle, first from Randy and then MTV. She's never been extravagant with her money, but it's not like she was forced to live humbly either. I mean real humble, not a big, nice house, range rover, 1 or 2 expensive  designer purses, professional level pancake makeup (don't tell me that is drug store makeup she's wearing) and regular trips to get extensions. I doubt Cole makes the kind of money to keep them in that kind of lifestyle and her field isn't the highest earning, either. I don't doubt they've saved some money, but without the guarantee of more MTV checks, they will have to be more thoughtful about how they use their savings.

I'm not trying to put Chelsea down, by the way. The reality of it is that Cole and Chelsea are both from well off backgrounds and they also lucked into a windfall of easy to earn cash. Neither has had to deal with the reality of, say, clipping coupons, settling for a cheaper car over the luxury one they may want, or having to skip a Starbucks trip because they had to be conscious of money. So it would be expected that if and when that reality hits them in the face, it may take both of them more then two seconds to adjust to it. I see them fairly okay in the future overall, especially compared to the rest of the trash known as TM2.

  • Love 12
17 hours ago, Christina87 said:

THIS. This is why I think she will still struggle after the show...not because she is broke, but because she has never lived like the average person. I've said it before, but my dad makes a similar salary to Randy's, and I never had to even think much about what I was spending until I graduated college. I don't want to sound like a snob, and I was raised to appreciate our money and not waste it, but the point is that I grew up similarly to Chelsea. I would go regularly and buy $300 worth of clothes on a Wednesday because I was bored, while my college friends were working for gas money. I was scared to death of the lifestyle change, but when it happened, it wasn't as bad as I expected. I still have money to buy everything I need and a lot of what I want, but I think a loooooooot harder about what I buy now that my money is much more limited! Chelsea will be living on a regular salary that is split between a family of four, including a daughter who is accustomed to nice things, so I see it being harder. She also seems to have trouble denying herself (Watson pre-marriage, anyone?) so I'm not worried about her blowing her money like jenelle, but it will be hard when she realizes it's either a small vacation or a small designer handbag, not both, and no hair extensions.

i agree with you about how strange it is that none of Randy's kids have followed his path. My sister and I both went to four-year universities and are white collar professionals, though we make significantly less than our dad. Almost all of the kids (I'd say 95%) that I know who grew up similar to me went to college also, and the other 5% had a good, clear plan, went right on to community college and graduated on time with their Associate's. I just find it so strange that Randy's kids apparently must have babies before they're old enough to graduate from college. That is so atypical in most families in this income bracket!

It's so weird! I also grew up like Chelsea  but in California so I KNEW my lifestyle would be more modest than my parent's. I was also academically ambitious but I knew my career goals were probably not lucrative. I am an attorney so my choice to earn less money, but to have more professional fulfillment, was a very conscious choice on my part. Ironically, I had surgery and then was laid off at work, so am back at my parents so maybe I don't have as much of a right to judge the TM2 crowd as I do. But, over all, yeah, if I had ended up in Chelsea's situation both, my parents would have been hugely disappointed in me. I am surprised his academic aspirations for his daughter weren't higher. 

However, I do agree with you all that sexism definitely plays a part with regard to how kids are pushed into different careers-- I think I have a good understanding of this because I am the only girl in a family with 4 sons. My brothers were definitely more forcefully directed into high earning jobs than I was, I was encouraged to be ambitious but also told that I should do something I love. Interestingly, though, for dating purposes my parents always tried to tactfully direct me towards men in traditionally high powered careers like finance, medicine, and engineering. Not that I ever listened to them. Lol. They will be eternally disappointed that I didn't marry my bestie from high school who went Princeton and works in finance. In that way, I get the pressures on Chelsea were different, but also think it's weird that so little was expected of her. But, I guess, maybe Randy thinks Teen Mom is an achievement, he seems to enjoy the notoriety that comes with it, my folks would probably disown me for real if I went on reality tv and exposed my family to gossip and criticism. Anyway, while I am sure my family would have been at least financially supportive if I had an accidental pregnancy, I knew they wouldn't have been emotionally supportive at all. One of the reasons I have always been paranoid about birth control was because I knew that I would not be able to bear the disappointment. So, shame works! 

It's interesting though, that Chelsea, followed by Maci,  is clearly the best mom in the whole TM universe. She also had the most stable and loving set of parents, despite divorce. Obviously parenting is something you absorb through your upbringing. I am not saying that people can't learn but I feel like if Teen Mom has taught me anything, it's that I need to model good behaviors and be conscious of my parenting in early childhood. I don't currently have children but I think I've definitely figured out what NOT to do from this show, and the collective wisdom of this board haha. 

  • Love 7
On 8/30/2017 at 8:33 PM, evilmindatwork said:

I like Chelsea a lot but she needs to stop complaining about the $300k she's making while doing nothing all day. This is especially annoying to me because all Chelsea had to do to make $$$,$$$ is get knocked up and then take 5 years to earn her GED.

I don't even understand what she's complaining about, it's not like people are looking at those scenes and thinking, "oh, we were wrong all along, Chelsea is exactly like Jenelle." Reasonable viewers know that she's dealing with an 8 year old along with a new born and she's probably cranky and tired. It's really NBD and she's making it into the editors turning her into Cruella de Ville.

There are attorneys,  doctors, and other professionals who have spent countless years, time, and money educating themselves just to gain entry into their professions who can never hope to pull the money she is. I like Chelsea, she seems like a decent person, and a good mother but if she doesn't like what's happening on screen then she needs to stop filming and walk away from her easy money. 

I wish I could "like" this comment 100 times!


On 8/30/2017 at 10:21 PM, BitterApple said:

I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that Aubree bonded so quickly with Cole, and Cole just sort of slid into the household with minimal disruption. Chelsea probably naively figured it would be the same with Watson. 


Yeah she definitely thought that was going to happen, and it is kind of funny that it didn't.


3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

After MTV, she's live exclusively on the Cole ATM.

Do we know what Cole does for a living?  Have they ever said?

Also, did he come from a wealthy family?  Didn't someone here imply that?



Chelsea DeBoer on Twitter__files.jpg 

Yeah Chelsea, don't call your daughter a TURD on Twitter!

That is worse than the "editing" they did on the show!

Edited by heatherchandler
  • Love 5

I may have implied Cole came from a well off ( not necessarily wealthy) family. I based that assumption on the fact that his father seems to be an Engineer as well as a well respected Professor. So possibly Cole came from a similar upper middle class background as Chelsea. Obviously I don't know, but with a father who has those qualifications I would guess Cole's family isn't that far below Chelsea's family on the socioeconomic ladder.

  • Love 3

My impression of both of them, based on behavior and standard of living, is that they both come from comfortable upper middle class households with substantial assets acquired by professional working parents. I do not, however, get the impression that either of them comes from the type of generational wealth that would allow them to live without working. But, I could be wrong about that too. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, evilmindatwork said:

My impression of both of them, based on behavior and standard of living, is that they both come from comfortable upper middle class households with substantial assets acquired by professional working parents. I do not, however, get the impression that either of them comes from the type of generational wealth that would allow them to live without working. But, I could be wrong about that too. 

I agree. Wealthy/Rich people have their money work for them, and any "employment" is to occupy their mind and ADD to the pot. People who are well off professionals have assests and savings but they have to keep working to keep up their lifestyle. 

I think we have to remember they live in South Dakota- the cost of living is LOW. The same income would give them a 2bed condo and a Starbucks budget in a major metro area on the coasts. 

  • Love 7

I don't think she'll be able to afford 90k Range Rovers


She's always had an upper middle class lifestyle, first from Randy and then MTV. She's never been extravagant with her money, but it's not like she was forced to live humbly either. I mean real humble, not a big, nice house, range rover, 1 or 2 expensive  designer purses, professional level pancake makeup (don't tell me that is drug store makeup she's wearing) and regular trips to get extensions. 

Chelsea has never had a Range Rover.  After a couple Jeep leases, she now has a Land Rover Discovery. MSRP starts at less than $38k.

  • Love 5
23 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

It's so weird! I also grew up like Chelsea  but in California so I KNEW my lifestyle would be more modest than my parent's. I was also academically ambitious but I knew my career goals were probably not lucrative. I am an attorney so my choice to earn less money, but to have more professional fulfillment, was a very conscious choice on my part. Ironically, I had surgery and then was laid off at work, so am back at my parents so maybe I don't have as much of a right to judge the TM2 crowd as I do. But, over all, yeah, if I had ended up in Chelsea's situation both, my parents would have been hugely disappointed in me. I am surprised his academic aspirations for his daughter weren't higher. 

However, I do agree with you all that sexism definitely plays a part with regard to how kids are pushed into different careers-- I think I have a good understanding of this because I am the only girl in a family with 4 sons. My brothers were definitely more forcefully directed into high earning jobs than I was, I was encouraged to be ambitious but also told that I should do something I love. Interestingly, though, for dating purposes my parents always tried to tactfully direct me towards men in traditionally high powered careers like finance, medicine, and engineering. Not that I ever listened to them. Lol. They will be eternally disappointed that I didn't marry my bestie from high school who went Princeton and works in finance. In that way, I get the pressures on Chelsea were different, but also think it's weird that so little was expected of her. But, I guess, maybe Randy thinks Teen Mom is an achievement, he seems to enjoy the notoriety that comes with it, my folks would probably disown me for real if I went on reality tv and exposed my family to gossip and criticism. Anyway, while I am sure my family would have been at least financially supportive if I had an accidental pregnancy, I knew they wouldn't have been emotionally supportive at all. One of the reasons I have always been paranoid about birth control was because I knew that I would not be able to bear the disappointment. So, shame works! 

It's interesting though, that Chelsea, followed by Maci,  is clearly the best mom in the whole TM universe. She also had the most stable and loving set of parents, despite divorce. Obviously parenting is something you absorb through your upbringing. I am not saying that people can't learn but I feel like if Teen Mom has taught me anything, it's that I need to model good behaviors and be conscious of my parenting in early childhood. I don't currently have children but I think I've definitely figured out what NOT to do from this show, and the collective wisdom of this board haha. 

I literally could have written what you said word for word, except for location and career!!! My parents have always been very relieved when they've heard my boyfriends were lawyers, bankers, office workers etc. I have never had a broke or low-earning boyfriend, but I can't imagine they would be thrilled. They also would not have been very happy with teen pregnancy either, and would have forbidden participation on TM2! They would have given me money to live off of and required that I still finish school, but they would have been angry and it probably would have taken until the baby was born for things to be better. In any event, I think they would have been constantly reminding me, "this is what you miss out on when you have a baby!" They would have also been...less than amused if I found a decent guy and showed up to the wedding five months pregnant. I still can't comprehend that one!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 5

@evilmindatwork I think that Chelsea and Maci are both "the best" TMs because their parents actually PARENTED them. Yes they made poor choices as autonomous adults (I think of Maci and her excess drinking) but she was actually parented- given rules, boundaries and expectations by her parents. 

Not excusing their behavior but it's obvious that Catelynn & Kailyn raised themselves (and could've turned out a lot worse when you think about it), Farrah was given finacial support/advantages but the family has their emotional issues, Leah was doing exactly what Momma Dawn wanted her to be doing (minus the cheating on a hard working man), I think if Jenelle didn't suffer from mental health/drug issues she would've been more like Barb- May have made some mistakes etc but would've been a functional human being. Amber....hard to tell, I just think she's foul. 

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