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Except Chelsea (and Cole)


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On 8/15/2017 at 9:20 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I'm 47. Fucking waiting for menopause. And if it means my hairy Italian/Arabian eyebrows weaken a little (along with the alarming jaw line hair), you can't sign me up fast enough for that shit.

Thank God my son favors his less hairy Native American father.

What a beautiful ethnic mix! 

  • Love 4
57 minutes ago, poopchute said:

Oh I can understand a little bit of makeup if you're going to be on tv, sure.  But the dramatic cat eye is a little strange for a day of sitting on the couch with a newborn when you're "so tired."

Has Chelsea said she was tired or was it us coming up with the idea that she must be tired? Reading that she suffers from PMDD, it makes sense why she could be tired at times. PMDD is something I dealt with and it was horrible. I felt ugly on the outside as well as on the inside. It was one reason I would put on my make-up. It helped me feel good, even for just a little while. If I was on television, I'd be making damn sure I had on my make-up and my hair was at least decent all the time. lol 


On ‎8‎/‎15‎/‎2017 at 9:20 PM, guilfoyleatpp said:

I'm 47. Fucking waiting for menopause. And if it means my hairy Italian/Arabian eyebrows weaken a little (along with the alarming jaw line hair), you can't sign me up fast enough for that shit.

Thank God my son favors his less hairy Native American father.

I enjoy menopause. No more PMDD, non-stop bleeding for weeks, cramps that were similar to labor pains, severe mood swings, feeling tired. I sure don't miss those days. I will deal with hot flashes because it pales in comparison to what I had to endure. I feel sorry for Chelsea for having to deal with PMDD.  The mood swings were too much for me. Hey, maybe that is why she comes off irritating at times? She sure handles it better than I ever did. My poor husband. I felt bad for what he had to put up with. 

  • Love 5

I always had super easy periods, no cramps, no pms, it lasted for maybe two or three days and I barely noticed them. But, my menopause has been brutal. In the middle of winter I was sleeping under an open window, with a fan on and no blankets and I'd still wake up drenched in sweat. The hot flashes and mood swings have been fun too. I always figured since my periods were so easy, I'd breeze through menopause. Nope. 

How come men don't have to deal with this shit?! 

Oops, topic....I like Chelsea. 

@GreatKazu, I'm picturing the Pms episode from Roseanne when I read your comment. 

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6
2 hours ago, Maharincess said:

I always had super easy periods, no cramps, no pms, it lasted for maybe two or three days and I barely noticed them. But, my menopause has been brutal. In the middle of winter I was sleeping under an open window, with a fan on and no blankets and I'd still wake up drenched in sweat. The hot flashes and mood swings have been fun too. I always figured since my periods were so easy, I'd breeze through menopause. Nope. 

How come men don't have to deal with this shit?! 

Oops, topic....I like Chelsea. 

@GreatKazu, I'm picturing the Pms episode from Roseanne when I read your comment. 

That PMS episode never gets old! lol  

I know what you mean about having to sleep with the window open. I sometimes also use a fan that I have on my nightstand. My poor husband gets so cold at night. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, LunaMia said:

What a beautiful ethnic mix! 

Awww, go on! Son is melanin blessed though. Yay for that.

@GreatKazu and @Maharincess My mom started menopause when she was close to my age. Bracing self.

PPD sucks though. One of my close friends had severe PPA. So hard for her. Lots of really unpleasant images popping unbidden into her consciousness. I'm grateful that it's recognized and treated now instead of just telling new moms to "shake it off."

Whether or not Chelsea has PPD, you don't have to have a diagnosis to find the job of a new mom draining, exhausting, unrelenting, and overwhelming. PPD makes it 100x worse  And then throw in a camera crew and a bunch of bystanders judging your shit. I snark on them with everyone, but I can't imagine exposing myself to that judgement.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Has Chelsea said she was tired or was it us coming up with the idea that she must be tired? Reading that she suffers from PMDD, it makes sense why she could be tired at times. PMDD is something I dealt with and it was horrible. I felt ugly on the outside as well as on the inside. It was one reason I would put on my make-up. It helped me feel good, even for just a little while. If I was on television, I'd be making damn sure I had on my make-up and my hair was at least decent all the time. lol 


I enjoy menopause. No more PMDD, non-stop bleeding for weeks, cramps that were similar to labor pains, severe mood swings, feeling tired. I sure don't miss those days. I will deal with hot flashes because it pales in comparison to what I had to endure. I feel sorry for Chelsea for having to deal with PMDD.  The mood swings were too much for me. Hey, maybe that is why she comes off irritating at times? She sure handles it better than I ever did. My poor husband. I felt bad for what he had to put up with. 

I have PMDD too, and it sucks. The last straw was when it ruined my high school graduation day (could hardly stand up straight and felt like I was sitting on a cactus). The next Monday, I went to the gyno for the pill. Best decision EVER! Hardly have any sort of period anymore, plus years and years of protection. Chelsea should really consider that! She obviously has the full pack she bought a year ago to avoid conceiving Watson. ?

  • Love 1
34 minutes ago, Christina87 said:

I have PMDD too, and it sucks. The last straw was when it ruined my high school graduation day (could hardly stand up straight and felt like I was sitting on a cactus). The next Monday, I went to the gyno for the pill. Best decision EVER! Hardly have any sort of period anymore, plus years and years of protection. Chelsea should really consider that! She obviously has the full pack she bought a year ago to avoid conceiving Watson. ?

I sucks big time.

What worked for you doesn't always work for others. Birth control pills certainly did not work for me. Chelsea may have tried many things already. I tried every single thing the doctor offered. I had a few surgical procedures such as burning my uterine lining. Nothing worked. It stopped things temporarily, but it would start up again. I know women who tried certain drugs and it helped them. Not me. That is the problem with dealing with health issues.  Just like my back issues. I had surgery back in the late 1990s on my spine. To this day, I have back pain. People tell me to do this or that. People always wanting to share with you what worked without realizing you have done everything possible. 


2 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

40 here, and was just asking my friends yesterday if insurance would cover a hysterectomy that wasn't medically necessary! 

I had to wait almost four years before my insurance approved my surgery. The insurance company would only approve certain procedures and medications. I had to take birth control pills for four months before I finally stopped because they didn't do a damn thing for my problem. I had to keep a chart of my period and how often I bled, what was my pain level. I had to do that for six months. My doctor, who was so kind and compassionate, was so apologetic and kept telling me the damn insurance company makes women try other methods before they will pay for a hysterectomy. Finally, after other procedures failed, he sent them a letter informing them nothing to date has worked. Those 30 days of waiting for approval seemed so long! Just check with your insurance company. Every company is different. I don't want to make it seem what happened to me will happen to you or anyone else. Every case is different. 


1 hour ago, guilfoyleatpp said:


PPD sucks though. One of my close friends had severe PPA. So hard for her. Lots of really unpleasant images popping unbidden into her consciousness. I'm grateful that it's recognized and treated now instead of just telling new moms to "shake it off."

Whether or not Chelsea has PPD, you don't have to have a diagnosis to find the job of a new mom draining, exhausting, unrelenting, and overwhelming. PPD makes it 100x worse  And then throw in a camera crew and a bunch of bystanders judging your shit. I snark on them with everyone, but I can't imagine exposing myself to that judgement.

Word. Chelsea does pretty good on camera. I imagine I would have been seen as a raging bitch, like Jenelle or Kailyn if I was dealing with a newborn, a camera crew on top of dealing with PMDD. Then again, I wouldn't sign up to put my life on camera. No thank you. 

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Has Chelsea said she was tired or was it us coming up with the idea that she must be tired?

It was a tweet or a Snapchat of her with the caption "soooo tired" (or something like that) with the dramatic makeup and fright wig.

okay found it:


Edited by poopchute
  • Love 1
5 minutes ago, poopchute said:

It was a tweet or a Snapchat of her with the caption "soooo tired" (or something like that) with the dramatic makeup and fright wig.

okay found it:


lol  Her eye. 

It looks like she was just fucking around going by what she is doing with her eye there. 

I thought it was a scene on the show where she was complaining about being tired. 

On 14/08/2017 at 5:49 AM, Calm81 said:

Your post almost mimicked my life. I especially could relate to the "just have someone watch the kids so I can go to the grocery store alone" part. I, too, live 1-hour away from relatives that work or are too elderly to help often.

It's so hard to shuffle around 3 kids when two are in car seats from store to store when it could take me MINUTES to run in and out for milk and fruit. But no, it's an hour long hassle just to leave the house with kids and dealing with rude customers that will cut me in line or won't let me cross the parking lot to get into the store.

One child yanking things off of shelves while the other two beg me for every item they want to try that I forget most of my important items. By the time I'm done I'm covered in sweat and filled with anxiety lol. And some people think parenting isn't a job. I have a full time job and I come home to another full time job.

My husband and I only have date night on our wedding anniversary and Valentine's Day/birthdays because we will make the hour drive four times a year on a relatives day off from work. Which means it may not actually be the day of our birthday or anniversary but the only day a family member was off from work. Yeah, our parents are in their 70s and still have jobs after they retired from their older jobs. Too expensive for anything these days especially daycare. Our mortgage is high enough to where daycare would feel like we doubled it.

I guess I needed to vent lol. Didn't mean to hijack your post! I feel better now. ??

Hugs to you. I have been where you are. I had 4 babies in 5 years. Everything you said proves what a good mom you are?

  • Love 5

I hope Aubrey doesn't kill the ducks and chickens. She's been around animals and is old enough to understand how to treat them. At first Chelsea just laughed and told her the duck didn't want to be picked up. So she leaves the kid alone with the animals she KNEW were being treated roughly. Aubrey completely ignored her. Chelsea must've realized she'd take the heat for letting her daughter abuse animals so made her come in the house. Then refused to talk about it on camera. Too late bitch. We all saw it.

  • Love 7

Why can none of these girls own up to what happened? I mean, we would all be willing to cut Chelsea some slack. She didn't throw a mason jar at her ex's girlfriend. Whether a big or small issue, none of them can own up! I thought it was bad discipline to stand there and laughingly tell aubree to be gentle, but then suddenly get pissed. However, that still pales in comparison to stuff everyone else does on the regular. Just admit you made a mistake, Chelsea, and people will actually like you more if you're not "perfect."

  • Love 10
54 minutes ago, Mkay said:

She was starting to cry. It sounded to me like her voice was cracking and if she spoke at all, she would fall apart.  So she started to say something like "I don't wanna...." and went and got the other child to go to the hospital.  That's how I saw the scene play out. I may be wrong. 

Nah...the look she gave the producer and the open mouth deer in headlights look shows after all these years she's still to fucking stupid to do research or she's in denial. I vote for stupid.

  • Love 5

I still stand by my theory that she said this was her last season, so they brought Briana in to ease her out. Then she suddenly changed her mind, and they're pissed because they now have five girls! So now they're trying to give her a taste of the kind of editing everyone else has had to put up with to make her want to quit again!

7 hours ago, Marley said:

I guess I missed something ..it didn't seem like Aubree was being that rough with the animals. Maybe not as gentle as she should be but not horrible. 

Chelsea was acting like a bitch tho. I feel like this might be her last season.

Totally a mean girl, "I can't take anymore" eye roll. She does seem to be treating aubree like an uncool peer, and THAT is uncool!

Edited by Christina87
  • Love 5

Aubree wasn't really treating those tiny birds with much care, I was kind of surprised at the way she was shaking the baby chick at the camera since she has grown up with animals around the house her whole life. Chelsea obviously felt Aubree was being too rough as well since she had to discuss it with her multiple times.

The way Aubree handled those birds reminded me exactly of the way Adumb treated that kitten in Chelsea's kitchen back in the day.

It was also pretty obvious her antics killed one of the birds and Chelsea was just so horrified at the thought of her carefully cultivated image being tarnished she sweeps it under the rug instead. 


  • Love 5

She's been around plenty of large animals. Pigs, large dogs, whatever those animals are that Randy raises. She hasn't been around birds, ducks, chickens. Some kids don't know how to handle them at first. They don't realize what may or may not hurt them. I'm sure if my daughter had picked up a chicken or duck at 7 or 8 I'd have to correct her on how to hold it. After that she would do it the right way. 

  • Love 12

Chelsea saw Aubree shaking and throwing the animals and specifically told her she needed to handle the birds with more care then she immediately went inside and left her young child unsupervised with small animals during which time it appears she killed one of them. If Aubree indeed had no idea how to properly handle the baby fowl then it was definitely poor parenting on Chelsea's part to leave Aubree alone with them.

Either way, it was unfortunate animal death that is ultimately Chelsea's fault, again.

  • Love 4


I don't think so. 


I still stand by my theory that she said this was her last season, so they brought Briana in to ease her out. Then she suddenly changed her mind, and they're pissed because they now have five girls! So now they're trying to give her a taste of the kind of editing everyone else has had to put up with to make her want to quit again!

My theory is, Chelsea wants out and so, MTV brought in Briana for the transition. They are easing out Chelsea and Briana will take over her segments. 

Briana and the Bunch drive me crazy. 

  • Love 9

For once I'm sorry I deleted right after watching. I didn't see any serious mishandling of animals. I tend to zone out during Chelsea's segments, check my Facebook or something. I like them, but they're not super interesting right now. So I must have missed Aubree doing anything more than holding a duck too tightly, which is easy for a kid to do. Maybe some video clips will surface, because I can't really pass judgment right now. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I thought it could have gone either way. She did look, for a minute, like she didn't have any idea what he was talking about. But I also wondered if she was so fucking scared inside that she was in a state of shock almost. And just didn't want to talk about it. 

I put the closed caption on and watched again. The producer asks a question and immediately asks if she wants to talk about it. She says I don't want....I don't want to talk about it. Her voice does break while calling for Addi to get ready. I wouldn't want to sit and discuss either. My main concern would be rushing to my sick child. 

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

For once I'm sorry I deleted right after watching. I didn't see any serious mishandling of animals. I tend to zone out during Chelsea's segments, check my Facebook or something. I like them, but they're not super interesting right now. So I must have missed Aubree doing anything more than holding a duck too tightly, which is easy for a kid to do. Maybe some video clips will surface, because I can't really pass judgment right now. 

I counted the ducks in the early scene and after when Aubree and Cole were there together. They were all there.

I spent a lot of time around animals on my grandparent's ranch. I was the same with the little chicks. I handled them and squeezed them. I was around 6 years old. Like you, I didn't witness any serious mishandling of the ducklings. Nothing out of the ordinary. Certainly nothing like Adumb has done.

A 7 year old child does not have the comprehension of an adult for any situation.

The implication that any animal was killed is beyond my comprehension and I am old as dirt.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 17

Closed caption is my friend today. Haha Went to the scene when Cole gets home. Producer Mandy asks should we talk about the importance of gently handling things. Chelsea says No. I'm not going into that in front of everyone.  Cole asks Aubree did you play with the chickens today, she nods yes.  He asks if they were all there, she says yes. That's it.  That could mean she let one escape by leaving their gate open. Instead people are jumping straight into animal murder and that's not what happened. If David was there THEN I'd question it.  Ha


Edited by Mkay
  • Love 16

Ok, sure....The producer sat down and thought they needed to talk and Chelsea was upset and didn't want to talk about it all because Aubree might have annoyed a chicken by picking it up incorrectly? That's what we're all choosing to believe happened?

That makes no sense. A baby animal was obviously injured or killed due to Aubree's mishandling or else there would have been nothing to "not talk about."

I know it's hard to understand but Chelsea is not a magical princess, it is entirely possibly her or someone in her family could do something wrong.

Edited by pakalolo
  • Love 6

Aubree was a little rough but I don't think she was deliberately cruel or intending to do any of the animals harm. Chelsea seemed pissed because it obviously wasn't the first time she lectured her daughter on being gentle with the birds. After having finally seen the footage, I'm not sure why Mandy wanted Chelsea to rehash animal safety when she already went over it with Aubree five minutes earlier.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 17
3 hours ago, pakalolo said:

Ok, sure....The producer sat down and thought they needed to talk and Chelsea was upset and didn't want to talk about it all because Aubree might have annoyed a chicken by picking it up incorrectly? That's what we're all choosing to believe happened?

That makes no sense. 

It makes sense to me. The producers work with what they have and since Adumb is not on the show, Chelsea's life is not filled with drama like her counterparts. She is no longer a single parent like Leah. She is not a drug user who is bringing random dicks into her life. She is not abusive. She isn't putting fake PFAs on her ex. She has a pretty normal home life. She is not giving MTV anything that they are accustomed to - drama. MTV thought by breaking down the fourth wall they would create and stir more drama by poking and prodding. MTV likely felt the girls were not sharing enough or the drama needed to be heightened. Having a producer ask about handling a duck properly is all they had to bring up and by gosh, they were going to milk it. It sounded to me like Chelsea had discussed the issue with Cole when he arrived home and since nothing else had happened that day, that is all the producer had to work with. 

Kail tweeted a few weeks ago about production was stirring up something with Isaac somehow at the restaurant. I can't remember the details. Then, we have the producer prodding Leah for information about Ali's MS diagnosis when clearly Leah's mind is on getting to the ER, not standing around talking about her child's health problems.  Maybe the producer couldn't hear the conversation correctly since Leah was on the phone. I don't know. Just guessing. 

  • Love 11

Aubree may have been having an Elmira moment, but I don't think it was anything shocking for her age. Cole asking the leading questions when he got in, with all that tension, was awkward. I don't really care that she shut the conversation down, but I guess I'm glad that she did, for Aubree. None of the kids on this show particularly love rehashing over-and-over. 

  • Love 8

Too funny! You guys have me cracking up over the milking the duck misinterpretation. ? ? 

Loved the quote by Robert Deniro from "Meet the Parents" best movie ever.


But I agree, they were really trying to milk that duck scene, weren't they? I'd love for my home life to be so boring to where production gets super excited over the drama of my pets - when your pets are more exciting than you life is going goooooood.

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Aubree was a little rough but I don't think she was deliberately cruel or intending to do any of the animals harm. Chelsea seemed pissed because it obviously wasn't the first time she lectured her daughter on being gentle with the birds. After having finally seen the footage, I'm not sure why Mandy wanted Chelsea to rehash animal safety when she already went over it with Aubree five minutes earlier.

I think Mandi probably wanted to talk about it again because COLE was home. There is sooo little going on in their lives, they're really grasping at straws. So they're like, "Oh, Cole's home. Let's tell him about Aubree being too rough with the chicks and getting in trouble". Which.....is normally what Chelsea would do, I'm sure. But she's been on this show long enough to know how they edit and twist things.  They even do it unfairly to the girls I DON'T like. So I can see her wanting to be very careful about how this situation gets handled, lest MTV blow it up into something it was not. 

I don't see any evidence that Aubs seriously harmed or killed a chick. Knowing how emotional Chelsea can be, I think there would have been a bigger reaction, a more somber tone in the house. Plus, MTV was there! Would they not have got this footage? We saw Aubree bouncing a chick (probably mimicking the way she's seen people care for a baby HUMAN) and try to get one to fly (not nice, but not unheard of for a kid to try). Then the next day she's carrying the duck out of the pen and it's clearly making noises to show it's not happy. So Chelsea has had enough, Aubree isn't listening. So now she can't handle the animals without a grownup. They gave her a chance, and she blew it. Par for the course when raising kids. But nothing to raise your eyebrows over. 

  • Love 15

I guess I'm still stuck on the "WHY DID THEY GET CHICKENS AND DUCKS WHEN THEY HAVE A NEWBORN"  issue.  I don't get people wanting to complicate their lives like that, though I guess maybe they got them so they'd have something to film other than Chelsea sitting on the couch with the baby?    I also hope they have another place for all those chicks and ducks to live and that they only put them in that pen during the day.   That pen is not critter-safe at all.

  • Love 3

Why wouldn't MTV air it if a chicken died? They aired Jenelle clearly high on Heroin with Keiffah.  Ha They would have no shame in showing that she accidentally killed a chicken.   I'm far from a Chelsea worshipper. I've even commented on how Aubree is too old to be throwing tantrums like she does. I've been around enough young kids to know that even if you tell them ten times, they still may roughly handle an animal and they will get in trouble.  This is around the same time Chelsea tweeted about her PPD. 

5 minutes ago, NannyBails said:

I guess I'm still stuck on the "WHY DID THEY GET CHICKENS AND DUCKS WHEN THEY HAVE A NEWBORN"  issue.  I don't get people wanting to complicate their lives like that, though I guess maybe they got them so they'd have something to film other than Chelsea sitting on the couch with the baby?    I also hope they have another place for all those chicks and ducks to live and that they only put them in that pen during the day.   That pen is not critter-safe at all.

Yes. Cole built a big, nice chicken coupe. This looks like when they first got the animals home. Suddenly, Jenelle decided she needed one, too.  Hahaha

  • Love 8

Aubree is also talking to the crew while Chelsea wasn't out there.  I think that might have caused some confusion for her.  There were adults around.  I'm sure Mandi was one of them.  If Mandi hangs out at their house without cameras, I would imagine it just slipped Chelsea mind and Aubree wouldn't notice that Mandi was working at moment.  Aubree plays with the crew all the time.  This is probably why Chelsea got so upset with grilling Cole as soon he walked in.  She probably was focused on something with the baby and knew Aubree wasn't exactly unsupervised, but she forgot everyone was "at work".  We've had similar discussions about Jenelle leaving the kids with the production crew.  Jenelle acts like the crew members are babysitters instead of friends, though.

Edited by MissMel
OOPS! I thought I was in the show thread
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