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Masterchef (CA) - General Discussion

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As soon as I saw Kimberly Lee (?) and her cleavage, I knew she would be staying unless she really screwed up the cooking. I also guessed that she wouldn't be cooking bacon. It seems like all these types of shows have to have one woman dressed like a pin-up doll. And that female attorney coming back to re-cook it definitely staying. There was way too much time focused on her otherwise. 


We also had to listen to sad stories about one woman losing family in a car accident, and another whose was raised by deaf parents. I'm not sure what any of that has to do with their cooking experience, and the sob stories annoy me more than make me root for people. Including e daughters crying for him, while he was opining about how important it was for him to show his family the importance of trying for their dreams. Don't care TPTB. Show me food and cooking please.


I probably shouldn't watch so late at night, when I'm cranky enough as it is, but that said I agree with all the prior responses about Terry and Vince. Here's to a good season!

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I'm looking forward to this season! I watched the first episode, but I find audition episodes of any reality show forgettable. Let's get to the real competition!! What's the TV version of "in one ear and out the other"? In one eye and out the other?


Actually, next week's episode with the second chances might be good. Did they say it's knife skills? I can get interested in that.

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A good challenge, doing the mise en place; really tests the basic skills. Not sure how I would have done but I would certainly have prioritized. Breaking down the chicken would probably be something big but relatively straightforward, as long as you remember to cut at the joints. 


Eggs, corn, apples and peppers would probably have been my first 4, likely in that order. Then the chicken and finally the shrimp. 


And now on to the main challenges; no clue who everyone is, other than someone from Moncton made it through. Frankly, I usually watch these shows for the challenges, not the chefs. :)

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Claudio seems to have taken over as the harshest judge over Alvin.


I know.  That first season I HATED Alvin so much. Then last season he was likable.  And now this season Claudio is the one I'm starting to dislike.  I'm sure it's all the editing and they all have harsh criticisms, but I wish the show wouldn't single out one of them to be the "meanie".


As for the contestants, I don't know any of their names yet.  And don't really have a favourite or a "one to hate" yet.   I did wonder if they would keep the farmer, just to see if he could improve or not.  I like to cook, but also have no plating talent, so I would have loved to see if he could have learned better ways to plate his food.


Next Sunday, the show is on earlier due to the Oscars, so check your listings.

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I think most Canadians would agree that Timmies isn't the best of coffees. The Canadian version of the McD's "What's in the burger?" urban legend is "what does Tim's add to the coffee to make it so addictive?" (Most people swear it's nicotine).

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I like this version more than the US version only because they don't put basketcases there for drama "value". I would have loved to see how Alvin would done to the US contestants, he may be rough but I think it's because he's a stern disciplinarian when it comes to cooking.


I wish when a contestant got eliminated and the judges say to keep on cooking he/she would say, "Well of course I won't stop. If I did I would starve." Who stops cooking after being eliminated on a cooking competition?

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I really like this show but there are three things that bugged me this episode:


1. Of all the amazing seafood we have here on the West coast, BC was represented by.... vegetables.  I've lived in BC for a long time and I've never known about the amazing award winning vegetables we have here.


2. Why is Doctor Shawn the only one who gets a title?  All jobs are important, not just being a doctor.


3. I know reality shows like to cast by type, but I feel like they've made it really obvious this year.  Mary reminds me greatly of a woman who was on last season.  They've got (as already mentioned by Lilac2000) facial hair family guy.  They've got the big rough guy who actually has a delicate touch.  Young Asian man?  Check!  Older blond mom who looks a little wild?  Yep, she's there too!

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Why is Doctor Shawn the only one who gets a title?  All jobs are important, not just being a doctor.


I think they only titled him because there are 2 of them.  He is Shawn and there is another Sean.  It was probably just easier to say "Doctor Shawn" than to spell out each name. 


I don't remember what Sean's line of work is.  They may single him out with that in the future too.

Edited by Love
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Wow, Sean revealed himself to be a real shit this week.  He doesn't listen to his team or team captain.  They're not throwing you under the bus if they're right!  Then he calls Matthew cowardly for choosing to save himself?  What a bitch.  I hope he goes soon.

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Did you all know Vince has four daughters? They only edited him saying it about a dozen times.


It was also an episode full of whining. Everyone was whining about something. Of course, no one wants to go home, but we didn't need to hear the woman say she couldn't go back to bookkeeping three times, the one with celiac disease said it multiple times, and I know Sean opening the lid on the smoker was part of the storyline, but it sounded like he was begging to open the lid every ten seconds, when he probably only suggested it twice. 


It's like they don't want me to like any of the chefs. I was also a little disappointed that the elimination challenge was cupcakes. All the whining in the episode made me a whiner in my comments, I guess. ; )

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Wow, Sean revealed himself to be a real shit this week.  He doesn't listen to his team or team captain.  They're not throwing you under the bus if they're right!  Then he calls Matthew cowardly for choosing to save himself?  What a bitch.  I hope he goes soon.


Omg don't get me started on Sean. He just seems so dense.

To be fair, the editing was VERY heavy-handed (and thus suspicious) in how it implied he was just some bottomless stomach who opened the cooker simply because he was hungry. They spliced in a speech where he was talking about how it smelled, as if that was specifically driving his hunger vs. being a sign to him that they might be done. Then every shot after that when he wasn't working, they showed him eating. 


It could have been totally legit what went on, but it also could have been repositioning and selectively picking shots to fat shame him. 

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Goodbye Sean... no surprise there! Interesting, though, the judges said for both bottom dishes that the fish itself was cooked well.


I would like to try Veronica's red mullet dish. Looked awesome!

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This was the first episode I watched as there was always something I wanted to see more than the earlier shows so I'm not up on who did what before but has Mary (she's the redheaded one, right?) always been such a ditz? My lord, she's going to have a nervous breakdown!

I was glad to see Sean go as I didn't find him likeable at all. I was impressed by is it Jeremy? The Filipino guy? None of the rest of them really stood out to me.

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This was the first episode I watched as there was always something I wanted to see more than the earlier shows so I'm not up on who did what before but has Mary (she's the redheaded one, right?) always been such a ditz? My lord, she's going to have a nervous breakdown!


I was glad to see Sean go as I didn't find him likeable at all. I was impressed by is it Jeremy? The Filipino guy? None of the rest of them really stood out to me.


Mary has a quirky personality. Her level of spaz during the challenge isn't normal for her. At least it's not considered normal yet.

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Finally watched the latest episode. I loved Veronica's strategy! Giving everyone what she thought they could excel with. And it wasn't boring, because her commentary was mostly about the food and techniques, not about strategy or feelings.


The cake she won the mystery box with was so cool. I love green tea flavoured things!

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What the heck???  The latest episode (April 17) didn't show the person who went home.  They went to commercial and then Once Upon a Time started after the commercial break.  Who went home?

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I've tried to block it out of my mind, but it must be for the elimination challenge and there's a pig's head, and something with feet and 2 more images I have managed to mostly forget.   But not the voiceover which said "head, shoulders, knees and toes", so that gives an idea of what the other things were.  I'm vegetarian, so perhaps I'm just ultra sensitive, but I really don't think I'll be able to watch that.

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I've never been a big Mary lover, but I thoroughly liked her genuine joy at meeting Colonel Hatfield. I was a little sad to see Terry go but then when I tried to think of who if rather see go, I couldn't come up with anyone. Maybe Amber Lee. It's one of the reasons I love MC Canada more than the US version. I don't have anyone to hate on this one. 

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It was a shame to see Terry go home, when he's not the weakest chef there.  I think that title belongs to April Lee; every week, I hope for her to go, but she somehow squeaks through. 

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On 5/5/2016 at 11:39 PM, lynny said:

It's one of the reasons I love MC Canada more than the US version. I don't have anyone to hate on this one. 

That's the way I feel too.  

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Boy, I sure don't pay close attention to this show! While a bunch of the faces kind of looked familiar, the only alumni contestants I actually remembered were Line and Eric!

The food at Alvin's restaurant looked so amazing. I want that bibimbap.

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Shut up, April Lee.  You would absolutely save yourself, if given the chance.  I can't believe you're still there and people with talent have gone home.

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9 hours ago, Canada said:

Shut up, April Lee.  You would absolutely save yourself, if given the chance.  I can't believe you're still there and people with talent have gone home.

I totally agree and came here to post the same thing! Great minds think alike. 

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I have to give it up go Matthew for actually speaking the truth when asked about whether the winner should save himself. Of course they should!! Anyone who says or does differently is either lying or pretty dumb. April Lee. 

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