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GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket

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Sally - started several times a fashion business, and lately a design business [please don't put Daniel's apartment on your web page] so she knows "how to put things together". By putting herself in the crosshairs of TGVN by mating with both of his sons, and producing a son with one of them, and giving up another son to TGVN's daughter, a few tennis balls won't faze her. 

Nina - self employed author / screen writer who has also earned the wrath of the Newmans by stealing not one, but two of Victoria's husbands. Whoops. Still standing.

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I'm with @SweePea59 , both teams could put this together, but if I have to choose one team only:

Lily talks a good game but she's a puss at heart. And Mariah used to be a tough ass broad but she's become a simpering 'Ooo look at the baby' now that she has Aria. She lost her chutzpah IMO.

Sally is one tough bitch, she's been through it and keeps coming out ahead. And Nina, she's a trooper, she seems like a simp but she'd cut a bitch to ribbons if they harmed her baby boy Chancie.

So Sally and Nina for the win!

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Mariah and Lily are going to take this easily!

 Sally wears clothes that are so tight they are practically painted on her. Add in stilettos. There is no way she is going to be able to move fast or dodge the tennis balls. Then there’s Nina who will be freaking out at the sound of shooting, bringing back all the trauma of worrying about her sweet baby Chance and the danger he was in as a soldier and police officer. She will probably be in a fetal position.

 On the other side we have Lily, who survived PRISON, and Mariah who, (please pardon the stereotype as I am purely using it for  comedic/entertainment purposes) belongs to a group of women known for being athletic.

 No contest.

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Hard choice indeed, all 4 ladies have been through something, and are on the other side of it. Although I have to disagree that Sally was a badass on B&B. She had potential to be yes. However Bradley made her a loser/punching bag on that show. Bill almost killed her, destroyed her livelihood(something that still negatively impacts her to this day), and she never got his ass back for that. Nor did she get to slug The Forrester harpy for ruining her relationship with Thomas, & was thrown under the bus for a babynapper.

Sally hasn't fared too much better on Y&R in my eyes. Being Dummer's stepping stone to redemption that JG shat on post recast anyway, & being a doormat to GC in general. But she did get in Phylty's face when prompted, so I'll give her that. 

It sucks that Mariah & Nina aren't paired, because they're the only ones I can outright call tough. They'll both be carrying their teammates. So with that in mind, Lily is less deadweight than Sally imo. 

I really hate to vote against my girl Nina, but I gotta give this particular challenge to Lily & Mariah. 

Edited by Skarzero
Forgot about human trafficking Flo being chosen over Sally
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One Final 4 team put up a strong effort but the other team pulled away towards the end.

Sally and Nina, you fought the good fight but alas, it wasn't enough. Safe travels back to GC.

Lily and Mariah, yay for you both! You're Championship players!

Next: the Championship round of the GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket.

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At last, it’s the final round of the GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket. These are the two women who will compete in the Championship round:

The evening before the competition, the CBS producers will treat Mariah and Lily to a five-course gourmet meal prepared by the top chef of GC. During the meal, video clips will be shown of highlights of the contests they've won so far.

After their dinner the women will be taken to separate rooms to be fitted for the gowns they will wear during the finale. They will be given a choice between these dresses created by fashion designers Halston and Valentino, respectively.


<commercial break>

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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For the final competition, Lily and Mariah will be asked to make a three- to four-minute speech in response to a question they have not yet heard.

Hosts Nate Hastings and Chance Chancellor will ask these crucial questions while wearing bespoke tuxedos.

The question and answer sessions will take place in the mansion’s luxury home theater. Each theater seat will contain a dress form topped by a TV screen containing the live image of one of the previous contestants.

All 14 women who’ve already left the game will watch the mini speeches via Zoom, and they will be able to offer running commentary. Although the show will use a short broadcast delay function, the Zoomed audience will be asked to limit their use of profanity.

<another commercial break>


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So, which Championship contestant, Mariah or Lily, will able to provide the most heartfelt-sounding response to this question:

     Why should your competitor win this game?

Please vote for the woman you think will best answer this question. You may want to consider

  • who you think will look the most comfortable in her vintage designer gown,
  • who typically is well-spoken, and
  • which woman is usually able to maintain her poise under pressure.

The final voting results will be posted around this time on Monday, April 8.

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1 hour ago, MollyB said:

Mariah, as long as she gets the first Schap gown.

To clarify: both women can choose whichever gown they want, which means they might end up wearing the same gown.

ETA: Uh, I've since discovered that neither dress is a Schiaparelli. One of them is a Halston and the other is a Valentino. My Google image search skills went haywire. Sorry for the confusion.

Edited by Joimiaroxeu
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Mariah will wisely choose gown #1 [especially after a 5 course dinner]. Lily will look stunning in gown #2 [or a gunny sack]

Both ladies are well spoken, no contest.

Mariah will keep her poise under pressure. She was the one who played the part of her twin sister's ghost. Lily will not be best pleased to see Nate and will not be able to resist snapping at him. 

Mariah by a nose.

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Despite the fact that I think her hair is going to clash mightily with either of those dresses, I am casting my vote for Mariah.

She has her GC Buzz experience to fall back on, and she is charming in her awkwardness. She also has an innate sincerity to her and will have many good points to make about Lily.

Lily will be very poised and will look gorgeous. But her speech will be more business-like and will lack warmth because on the inside she will believe that she truly should be the winner.

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It's Mariah for the win.  It's especially easy because if by some chance she cannot serve, the next runner up, Lily, will fill in admirably.

Besides, Lily is going to have her hands full singlehandedly finds places to stash ButtBiscuit, Daniel and Devon's bodies if they don't STFU and stop making her look like a chump for putting up with them.

Edited by boes
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Mariah, for exactly the same reasons as Peppermint mentioned. Both dresses were designed for Lily's body type, which doesn't seem fair, so I give more weight to the two attributes not related to the luck of genetics.

Edited by Denize
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Ditto everyone else, Mariah will win this hands down. Why? Because Lily is a nasty bitch who, once she sees Natey Nate Nate at the judges table, will piss on him with her perpetual sour grapes, then go off and say, "Well, my competitor doesn't deserve to win, because I do and here's why...blah blah blah fishcakes...!" And thus she will be rightfully disqualified for not answering the question.

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Mariah. Lily would have a hard time not self promoting and wouldn't have a happy face.  Mariah will do a fine job building up Lily and sound authentic  and her face will be beaming .

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Mariah! Lily has "lost" 2 guys to 2 different women. I think she might have a pretty rough time convincing anyone that another woman should "win"....again.


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Mariah, but not because I think Lily would 100% suck at it or anything. They've never had serious beef with one another(that I can recall)even though Lily got her friend killed. Lily will give it her best shot but she's surrounded by assholes in general, one of them she's related to, and the other is hosting.....I can't blame her for being in a pissy mood.

Mariah will likely go in for a laugh that sells the whole speech. 

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What ?? Aren't we hoping for eleven more Preverts to jump online Monday morning to vote for Lily ?? Another tie-breaker would be fun to do instead of staring at the sun.

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Yeah, it looks like this one is settled but I'll leave voting open for another hour or two just in case. 

Hey surfgirl, I see you trying to vote twice all sneaky like. Good thing I read the posts 47 times and count the votes two or three times, lol. 

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She made it to the Championship round but once there, Lily apparently gave up. Perhaps she knew she was no match for the decisive winner of the GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket:

In a live broadcast held on the mansion’s vast and verdant front lawn, joint masters/mistress of ceremonies, Jeff Probst, Julie Chen Moonves, and Drew Carey announced the winner. They presented Mariah with a giant prop check for $1M and told her she could decide later whether she wanted to keep the money or donate it to charity.

Finale participants then moved to the mansion’s guest house which had been decorated like a nightclub. They were joined by Mariah and Lily’s guests: Tessa, Sharon, Nick, Devon, Abby, Summer, Audra, and Championship round co-hosts Nate and Chance.

Back in GC, most of the other contestants and their guests attended a watch party held at GCAC Jazz Lounge.

Mariah’s siblings Faith and Noah teleconferenced in with their congratulations to their big sis. Likewise, Malcolm and Moses sent their kudos to niece and big sis Lily for achieving 2nd place.

The afterparty was DJ’d by Kyle and went on for several hours after the show ended. The next day everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast buffet as they sailed back to the WI mainland on a mystery benefactor’s yacht.

<commercial break>

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Thank you to all of you who participated in this bracket.

I’ve been in awe of your thoughtful and insightful analyses of the matchups, and the reasons you gave for your votes. TPTB truly do not appreciate the wealth of Y&R knowledge and fandom represented on this forum.


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Thank YOU @Joimiaroxeu, for putting on the best March Madness Line Up to date! You truly outdid yourself with setting up each and every match, and the prevert community here owes you a debt of gratitude for giving us this distraction not only during the March Madness, but also during a time with this shit show is nearly unwatchable! So with that in mind, it is my honor to present you with this gift, in recognition of your achievements going above and beyond for our little Y&R community here:


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3 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Thank YOU @Joimiaroxeu, for putting on the best March Madness Line Up to date! You truly outdid yourself with setting up each and every match, and the prevert community here owes you a debt of gratitude for giving us this distraction not only during the March Madness, but also during a time with this shit show is nearly unwatchable! So with that in mind, it is my honor to present you with this gift, in recognition of your achievements going above and beyond for our little Y&R community here:


I plotzed

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3 hours ago, surfgirl said:

Thank YOU @Joimiaroxeu, for putting on the best March Madness Line Up to date! You truly outdid yourself with setting up each and every match, and the prevert community here owes you a debt of gratitude for giving us this distraction not only during the March Madness, but also during a time with this shit show is nearly unwatchable! So with that in mind, it is my honor to present you with this gift, in recognition of your achievements going above and beyond for our little Y&R community here:


Aw, shucks. You shouldn't have. 🫠🤗🥳

That plate must be an antique, with Heather Tom's Victoria and young Nick with blond hair. Are we sure Nick's not Jack's kid, lol? And it seemed like Nikki was considered the main Y&R character unless there were multiple versions of the plates issued with different characters in the central focus.

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Thanks so much for this diversion when it's been needed so much! I knew Mariah had the grit to do it after dealing with Stitch, and how shabbily Abby treated her once she'd birthed a baby for her and Chance. Or Devon. Whatever. Living well is the best revenge and you've  served it well, Mariah!

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19 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

Aw, shucks. You shouldn't have. 🫠🤗🥳

That plate must be an antique, with Heather Tom's Victoria and young Nick with blond hair. Are we sure Nick's not Jack's kid, lol? And it seemed like Nikki was considered the main Y&R character unless there were multiple versions of the plates issued with different characters in the central focus.

Well if you prefer something else, I can offer you these fetching finds:



Or this:


Or perhaps this will float your boat ma'am:


Orrr this beauty:


Or everyone's favorite auntie:


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Or last but certainly not least, everyone's favorite Bug:


And if any of you preverts tells us you actually bought/own one of more of these plates, I'm going to have to come to your home and then take said plates and break them into teeny tiny pieces and leave you with a broken-dish mosaic of a snow flake.

Edited by surfgirl
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I just wanted to say thank you, too, @Joimiaroxeu. I really enjoyed it. I missed one of the votes and woke up in the middle of the night and got on my phone, (I only come here on my laptop), to try to vote, but I was too late.  You did an incredible job. Bravo.

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21 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

She made it to the Championship round but once there, Lily apparently gave up. Perhaps she knew she was no match for the decisive winner of the GC Woman Most Likely to Survive 2024 Bracket:

In a live broadcast held on the mansion’s vast and verdant front lawn, joint masters/mistress of ceremonies, Jeff Probst, Julie Chen Moonves, and Drew Carey announced the winner. They presented Mariah with a giant prop check for $1M and told her she could decide later whether she wanted to keep the money or donate it to charity.

Finale participants then moved to the mansion’s guest house which had been decorated like a nightclub. They were joined by Mariah and Lily’s guests: Tessa, Sharon, Nick, Devon, Abby, Summer, Audra, and Championship round co-hosts Nate and Chance.

Back in GC, most of the other contestants and their guests attended a watch party held at GCAC Jazz Lounge.

Mariah’s siblings Faith and Noah teleconferenced in with their congratulations to their big sis. Likewise, Malcolm and Moses sent their kudos to niece and big sis Lily for achieving 2nd place.

The afterparty was DJ’d by Kyle and went on for several hours after the show ended. The next day everyone enjoyed a hearty breakfast buffet as they sailed back to the WI mainland on a mystery benefactor’s yacht.

<commercial break>

A great day for Mariah’s everywhere!

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