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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

Message added by OtterMommy

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My best friend actually had to do this. She lived in one state, her ex in another, and she got a job in a third. She was allowed to move but had to absorb the cost of getting their child to her visitation. It was 50/50 but the move made it 100% on her. (The mother). I think they were gone for about 4 months before she quit her job and moved back in order to continue the previous arrangement. It cost too much to work in that situation for my friend.

Ami I mistaken in thinking that avail was ordered to do just that when she first moved? She was responsible for all transportation for Jo's visits and she would have had to drive Isaac herself if she hadn't modified the original request (no third parties for pick ups and drop offs). Seems to me that if she tried to move to another state again, the same scenario would happen.

  • Love 1

It sounds like it was a headache.


Karl Lowry is lucky she hasn't been put on blast by a judge like that in her case. Yet.


I was put on blast by a family court judge for accepting a job in the county next to mine. Long story short was that he (my ex) was trying and somewhat succeeding to make my life hell. Kail is lucky she had a judge that didn't sweat the small stuff. She may not always be that fortunate.

  • Love 3

When I type "Kail" it keeps auto-correcting to "dependopotamus".  



And no, that is not weight-shaming. That is a slang word for certain military spouses:

The Dependopotamus is a vile creature that can be spotted throughout all branches of the US military. She is the dependent of a military man and lacks any form of self-awareness and cognitive capacity to realize what an utterly worthless sack of shit she is and marries for benefits.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 3

When I type "Kail" it keeps auto-correcting to "dependopotamus".

And no, that is not weight-shaming. That is a slang word for certain military spouses:

The Dependopotamus is a vile creature that can be spotted throughout all branches of the US military. She is the dependent of a military man and lacks any form of self-awareness and cognitive capacity to realize what an utterly worthless sack of shit she is and marries for benefits.

I grow up in a military town and never really saw those first hand till after I graduated high school.

A month or two later women just out of high school are getting married to guys just out of high school and going into the Army. Sometimes it's to someone why older.

And then once they go to basic or deployment that's when they start sleeping around and in some cases get pregnant.

Edited by FortKnox
  • Love 1

My best friend actually had to do this. She lived in one state, her ex in another, and she got a job in a third. She was allowed to move but had to absorb the cost of getting their child to her visitation. It was 50/50 but the move made it 100% on her. (The mother). I think they were gone for about 4 months before she quit her job and moved back in order to continue the previous arrangement. It cost too much to work in that situation for my friend.

Where does she live? I'm from CA so I'm trying to wrap my head around the logistics of that situation.

I think one of the reasons it was so easy for Kali to move to DE was that Joe had already moved to NJ. Sure he was still doing visitation in PA, but his job and apartment were in NJ so it would have been completely impractical for him to have more than every other weekend custody anyway. So the judge wasn't altering their arrangement at all, he only said that Kali had to drive equal time. I think at that point Joe started taking Issac back to NJ because his parents divorced (I'm guessing that impacted Joe's ability to use their house for his custody time), but in essence nothing changed about the actual custody agreement.


So the judge wasn't altering their arrangement at all, he only said that Kali had to drive equal time.

The arrangement was changed a bit. This is what it came down to, and Karl was not at all happy about it:



Isaac’s father Jo Rivera took Kailyn to court to try and prevent the move, but ultimately the judge ruled that Kailyn was allowed to take Isaac with her. However, this agreement did not come without compromise. Jo was granted an extra night of visitation a month, meaning he would have Isaac nine nights a month.

Jo had wanted ten nights a month. Karl said that wasn't going to happen. The judge ordered nine. I can't remember, but wasn't Karl ordered to drive the full route on at least one of the visitation weekends, instead of meeting at a halfway point? I think the judge did this as part of the compromise. In other words, if Kail wanted to move to Delaware, she was going to have to give up something in return to Jo.

Edited by GreatKazu

Where does she live? I'm from CA so I'm trying to wrap my head around the logistics of that situation.

I think one of the reasons it was so easy for Kali to move to DE was that Joe had already moved to NJ. Sure he was still doing visitation in PA, but his job and apartment were in NJ so it would have been completely impractical for him to have more than every other weekend custody anyway. So the judge wasn't altering their arrangement at all, he only said that Kali had to drive equal time. I think at that point Joe started taking Issac back to NJ because his parents divorced (I'm guessing that impacted Joe's ability to use their house for his custody time), but in essence nothing changed about the actual custody agreement.

She was in Georgia but the court overseeing the case was Mississippi.

The non custodial parent can usually move without permission as long as it doesn't interfere with the visitation schedule. I think that's how it worked for Jo and Kail, even though she tried to use it as an excuse why she could move without permission, as well.

The arrangement was changed a bit. This is what it came down to, and Karl was not at all happy about it:


Jo had wanted ten nights a month. Karl said that wasn't going to happen. The judge ordered nine. I can't remember, but wasn't Karl ordered to drive the full route on at least one of the visitation weekends, instead of meeting at a halfway point? I think the judge did this as part of the compromise. In other words, if Kail wanted to move to Delaware, she was going to have to give up something in return to Jo.

I seem to remember the full route was on Kail, except for halfway once a month on Isaac's return to her house. (Or possibly just halfway on the six week summer visit.)

My friend was told she had to do the whole thing since she was moving, not the father.

  • Love 1

Javi is such a bitch-made fuckboy. Just when I was starting to get on his side, he goes and throws that petty little temper tantrum. "MY HOUSE, MY RULES!" Yeah right dude, your name may be on the mortgage but we all know whose bank account the mortgage payment is drawn from.


The preview of next week's Kail scene is absurd. http://www.mtv.com/shows/teen_mom_2/teen-mom-2-season-6-ep-10-sneak-peek-no-money-mo-problems/1237847/video/#id=1737769


Why the fuck is Javi there supervising Jo and Kail's child support discussion? How is that any of his business? I love how Kailyn starts off the conversation with "Since we are obviously not going to come to an agreement." Jo's incredulous reaction was perfect. Kailyn is obviously too unreasonable and stupid to sit down with Jo and discuss the finances of the situation, and would just rather have the lawyers do the math for her. I have no idea what Jo pays in child support, but I can't believe this stupid cow is out here selling books and cashing MTV checks and then turns around and wants to hit up Jo for 3-5k a month. I'd bet that this is Kailyn's way of getting back at Jo for moving to Delaware.

  • Love 6

Javi is such a bitch-made fuckboy. Just when I was starting to get on his side, he goes and throws that petty little temper tantrum. "MY HOUSE, MY RULES!" Yeah right dude, your name may be on the mortgage but we all know whose bank account the mortgage payment is drawn from.

The preview of next week's Kail scene is absurd. http://www.mtv.com/shows/teen_mom_2/teen-mom-2-season-6-ep-10-sneak-peek-no-money-mo-problems/1237847/video/#id=1737769

Why the fuck is Javi there supervising Jo and Kail's child support discussion? How is that any of his business? I love how Kailyn starts off the conversation with "Since we are obviously not going to come to an agreement." Jo's incredulous reaction was perfect. Kailyn is obviously too unreasonable and stupid to sit down with Jo and discuss the finances of the situation, and would just rather have the lawyers do the math for her. I have no idea what Jo pays in child support, but I can't believe this stupid cow is out here selling books and cashing MTV checks and then turns around and wants to hit up Jo for 3-5k a month. I'd bet that this is Kailyn's way of getting back at Jo for moving to Delaware.

I don't usually watch the previews and i wish I hadn't! Kail is a bitch. I don't think I have ever called someone that. So degrading towards jo...what YOU pay barely puts a dent in Isaac's costs. Then she says schooling, his activities, health insurance and dental insurance. WTH...Javi's benefits cover the last two! So Is Isaac in private school? Isaac is 5...how many expensive activities is he involved in? Jo is not soley responsible for isaac's costs. Kail's income is greater than his! If jo pays 3k...kail should be paying quite a bit more...are issac's costs really close to 8 to 10k a month!?! I know the support includes food/shelter/clothing too but come on! Greedy greedy greedy. Javi looked like he was enjoying himself too much. I thought jo came across as a saint! :). I wanted to smack her thru my Tv!

  • Love 4

I have very little experience with how child support works, so I was hoping someone could give me some insight. Will Jo having another baby affect his child support payments? I would think that they would go down, because that's another child to pay for. At least I would expect it to be unaffected.

Here in WA, child support is calculated using a worksheet that goes by each parent's income and comes up with a number based on the incomes. The extras like sports, out of pocket medical expenses, etc are done on a percentage basis. When my friend got a divorce, she made a little more money than her ex so she was responsible for 55% of the extra expenses and he was responsible for 45%. You can petition for a modification if there is a significant change in your living situation, like if you lose your job or start earning lower wages and can't make the ordered support payments or, on the other hand, if the party making the support payments has a significant increase in income. Having another child doesn't change what you pay to support the child/children you had with someone else. 

  • Love 4

Just saw the preview. As I've said, I don't know much about custody battles or child support. But my understanding of what she said was that if a judge raised Jo's payment, but Jo couldn't cover it, the state would. So true to grifter form, she's looking to bleed Jo AND the state of Delaware? (Please don't take my word for it, I'm just looking for confirmation!)

She was just such a beast in that sit down. I loved when she huffed about how they were already arguing. I went back and counted the times Jo spoke up until then.

He said "that's--" before he was cut off by Kail,

"it doesn't make a dent?" Repeating what she just said in a skeptical question form, and

"so what are you trying to do?" Basically asking what the goal of this meeting was.

Which of those is an argument? Unless he said something truly offensive during those mumbled hellos. What I really learned from this is that in Kailyn's mind, they were already arguing before she sat down, because she sees everything as a potential argument. She's like Cersei Lannister. Everyone who isn't her, or her kids is an enemy to her. As far as Javi sitting there smugly, counting the pennies he's going to get from Jo to spend on more miniature bikes and toy story action figures, I'd advise you to learn a lesson from Jermy Lynn and lawyer up, bitch.

  • Love 4

Just saw the preview. As I've said, I don't know much about custody battles or child support. But my understanding of what she said was that if a judge raised Jo's payment, but Jo couldn't cover it, the state would. So true to grifter form, she's looking to bleed Jo AND the state of Delaware? (Please don't take my word for it, I'm just looking for confirmation!)

She was just such a beast in that sit down. I loved when she huffed about how they were already arguing. I went back and counted the times Jo spoke up until then.

He said "that's--" before he was cut off by Kail,

"it doesn't make a dent?" Repeating what she just said in a skeptical question form, and

"so what are you trying to do?" Basically asking what the goal of this meeting was.

Which of those is an argument? Unless he said something truly offensive during those mumbled hellos. What I really learned from this is that in Kailyn's mind, they were already arguing before she sat down, because she sees everything as a potential argument. She's like Cersei Lannister. Everyone who isn't her, or her kids is an enemy to her. As far as Javi sitting there smugly, counting the pennies he's going to get from Jo to spend on more miniature bikes and toy story action figures, I'd advise you to learn a lesson from Jermy Lynn and lawyer up, bitch.

What I think kail was saying is that she wants the child support to go thru the state so IF jo pays late or IF he fails to pay the state will come after him and she doesnt have to do anything. Both Javi and kail said it was easier that way.

My now ex husband paid the state directly and once they received the money my stepson's mom got the support. No way does a state pay on their own. And they don't get involved in late payments.

Kail is into making everything a battle.

  • Love 3

What I think kail was saying is that she wants the child support to go thru the state so IF jo pays late or IF he fails to pay the state will come after him and she doesnt have to do anything. Both Javi and kail said it was easier that way.

My now ex husband paid the state directly and once they received the money my stepson's mom got the support. No way does a state pay on their own. And they don't get involved in late payments.

Kail is into making everything a battle.

That makes much more sense. Thank you!

  • Love 1

My child support knowledge is pretty limited, but?

Let's say dad makes 100k a year (for simplicity) every state has a formula based on cost of living, ability to earn, etc.

Some states do an income share where both parent's incomes (or earning ability, in the case of remarried moms who now want to stay home) are calculculated. Others only use the income of the obligor.

So, dad makes $100k child support is 17% for 1 child, 25% for 2, etc (different states have different %'s) paid to the same mother.

So let's say Jo is paying Kail $17k - and he and Vee break up and she goes after him for child support, as well, his AVAILABLE income for VEE's support would only be $83k.

I think it's unfair that subsequent children receive substantially less, but the court sees it as "the other child was here first".

However, I see Kail's situation as PARTICULARLY suspect. Jo uproots his family, moves to a different state, buys a house and has the NERVE to have another baby? Clearly Isaac's expenses have increased and Kail needs more money. Right now.

Some states require that all support be paid THROUGH them (no paying the other parent directly) because they keep track of the payments and also use that info for federal help of the agency (look how much we've collected!!! When in reality it's just dads like Jo who pay voluntarily).

Poor Vee.

  • Love 4

What I think kail was saying is that she wants the child support to go thru the state so IF jo pays late or IF he fails to pay the state will come after him and she doesnt have to do anything. Both Javi and kail said it was easier that way.

My now ex husband paid the state directly and once they received the money my stepson's mom got the support. No way does a state pay on their own. And they don't get involved in late payments.

Kail is into making everything a battle.

I think the state should definitely garnish his wages rather than him paying Kail directly. Not because I think Jo is dishonest but because I KNOW Kail is dishonest.

What I question is whether or not he is actually earning substantially more or if this is just yet another tactic of Kail to "get back at" Jo.

  • Love 8

I think the state should definitely garnish his wages rather than him paying Kail directly. Not because I think Jo is dishonest but because I KNOW Kail is dishonest.

What I question is whether or not he is actually earning substantially more or if this is just yet another tactic of Kail to "get back at" Jo.

I actually think this may (god I hope) backfire on her.

He's probably making LESS. Delaware has a much lower cost of living than Northern NJ - so salaries will be less.

I don't know if he's still working in the family business, but he may have had to let that go since they may not have contracts in DE or maybe they're considering expanding their business to DE, in which case his income would be lower while they build the business.

Judges NORMALLY don't accept voluntary income reductions but I think Jo has a strong case since he moved to be closer to the son that his ex moved to a different state.

I still don't understand why KAIL wasn't responsible for either ALL of the driving or at the very least ALL of the travel expenses for Jo's visitation since she's the one who made the move.

  • Love 2

I could have sworn that Kail was responsible for the travel expenses but I guess I was wrong?

Anywho, this may very well backfire on her because it was only like three years ago that she went to the court for another increase. Judges tend to frown on folks running to court over every ten cent raise the other parent gets. It clogs up the system for an amount that makes little difference in the well being of the child. Also, how is she going to explain her moving into a more expensive house in just a year if she is so strapped for cash?

  • Love 6

I was thinking about Kailyn's psychotic display at the soccer game, and I think it might be part of her warped perception of being a "good mother" ie, the opposite of her mother.

Boozy Suzi was probably too drunk to give half a shit about Kailyn's grades or activities (if she bothered to register her for any). Therefore, I think Kail is going to be a completely crazed tiger mom, that thinks she's pushing her kids to excellence, when she's really just signing them up for too much crap, and bitching when they don't meet her impossible standards.

  • Love 5

I was thinking about Kailyn's psychotic display at the soccer game, and I think it might be part of her warped perception of being a "good mother" ie, the opposite of her mother.

Boozy Suzi was probably too drunk to give half a shit about Kailyn's grades or activities (if she bothered to register her for any). Therefore, I think Kail is going to be a completely crazed tiger mom, that thinks she's pushing her kids to excellence, when she's really just signing them up for too much crap, and bitching when they don't meet her impossible standards.

I think it is that and the fact that she wants to be praised for Isaac's accomplishments and think people will say she is a bad mother for his "failures."
  • Love 5

I think it is that and the fact that she wants to be praised for Isaac's accomplishments and think people will say she is a bad mother for his "failures."

I agree. I know we can nitpick at things they do, but I don't think anyone would really attack Kail if she just laughed it off that her kid was more interested in kicking dirt or spinning in circles than soccer. I actually thought it was sweet the way Jo was like, "yeah, my kid's not gonna be an athlete. Maybe he'll be more of a scholar." I wouldn't advocate saying that in front of the kid, but I think it's fine to say it to your spouse. But I agree that Kail thinks her kids accomplishments/"failures" are a direct reflection on herself.

  • Love 11

I agree that Jo is better off going through the courts and the State. Kail is a snake, I wouldn't make any informal agreements or payments with her.

Jo may be better off going throug the courts, because I read that in Delaware, both parents incomes are considered in calculating support. Kail's income, as well as any fringe benefits due to her being a military wife, may be considered in the support calculation.

Also, in some states a deduction ( small amount) from gross income is allowed from the non- custodial parent' s income if there are more children born. Therefore, if he goes to the courts after his and Vee's child is born, a small deduction would be made. Jo should get an attorney, imo.

  • Love 4

I could've sworn that I heard Jo say that he hopes Kail doesn't want him to have nothing left after child support since she would want him to live also in a normal way. So he probably is not wanting to go to court since he thinks it will set him back more then if he settles it with Kail. She said something like that his childsupport doesn't even cover partly the school tution of Isaac (he goes to a private school??). I have no idea how child support works either but Kail can be a bitch all she wants but I doubt the state will just shower her with child support just cause. If Jo is paying sufficiently for his son his child support will be in the same numbers he is paying now so I am not really worried about that. I do think he probably knows it was coming already. He is not (like years ago) surprised about the subject. And probably knew it would need to increase? He just doesn't want alot of mess but I think with someone like Kail it is much better for everything to be official. I think Jo is more of 'we will do this together' but he is also being real naive since he has a girlfriend who is pregnant and she is feisty so I doubt she will not nag him too when her kid is born and she needs stuff. It is better to just settle it in court. That way he doesn't have to go back and forth with Kail and Vee.


I really had to laugh as was Jo when he said to her 'no one is arguing' and she just stopped and realized what a foolio she was being (for that one second). She really already was in a fight without anyone knowing. Just her and herself. She really is her worst enemy.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 2

I have a feeling Kail already talked to her attorney and asked her to crunch the numbers on what she would likely get if she asked for an increase in support. She wouldn't mention this to Jo without first checking to see if she can even acquire more money.


I know Jo has an attorney. He likely doesn't want to continue paying attorney fees, which can be costly. I don't think Jo would simply go with a verbal agreement. I think what he would do is, Kail and Jo come up with an acceptable agreement, the attorneys go over it, both sides sign it, and that agreement will remain with their respective attorneys to keep in their files. There are these types of agreements in divorce cases as well.



Jo may be better off going throug the courts, because I read that in Delaware, both parents incomes are considered in calculating support.

What state was their case filed in the last time they calculated support? I remember last season Kail was upset because her attorney had filed in the wrong venue. The attorney had to file a motion to have the case heard in the proper venue. What that ended up being, I don't remember.



I have to laugh at the above comment about Kail would have the extra money if she didn't spend her money on hotel rooms, going on vacations, and buying scarves. So true!!! lol

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 4

Well she can stay at home and even not go out at all and pay for everything. Does that mean that the other parent doesn't have to pay for anything since she can afford it? I doubt the child support calculations go by that. The costs of the child are what needs to be shared.

Right - but why are ISAAC's expenses only higher now that Jo has bought a house, Vee is pregnant AND Kail is moving into a new house?

  • Love 10

I really had to laugh as was Jo when he said to her 'no one is arguing' and she just stopped and realized what a foolio she was being (for that one second). She really already was in a fight without anyone knowing. Just her and herself. She really is her worst enemy.

Kail was killing me. Jo acknowledged it was in Isaac's best interest to keep the custody arrangement as it is for the time being. He acknowledged that the child support order hadn't been evaluated for a couple of years. He stated that he would pay a reasonable amount more. Kail is getting everything she wants and she's STILL being combative and unhappy. I seriously believe Kail just doesn't know how to relax and be normal. She's always in fight mode.

  • Love 9

Right - but why are ISAAC's expenses only higher now that Jo has bought a house, Vee is pregnant AND Kail is moving into a new house?

I am not defending her and I don't know have the answers to that. I am just saying that her going out etc has nothing to do with if Isaac's expenses are shared or not. If his expenses are shared fairly by the states laws etc then she will probably get nothing more then she is already getting so all is well. It just seems to me that Jo was not that shocked that it was being brought up and was already asking about how much more he was going to pay. Jo is no pushover so I would not think he would talk that way if he was not prepared for it for whatever reason.

Kail was killing me. Jo acknowledged it was in Isaac's best interest to keep the custody arrangement as it is for the time being. He acknowledged that the child support order hadn't been evaluated for a couple of years. He stated that he would pay a reasonable amount more. Kail is getting everything she wants and she's STILL being combative and unhappy. I seriously believe Kail just doesn't know how to relax and be normal. She's always in fight mode.

Hahahha oh my. Exactly! It is really strange if she is not seeing that when she watches it back. Even Javi was smirking at Jo when Jo pointed it out. It was just really ridiculous.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 3

Right - but why are ISAAC's expenses only higher now that Jo has bought a house, Vee is pregnant AND Kail is moving into a new house?

Exactly. Isaac's expenses are suddenly an issue. The issue before that was, Jo is moving into the neighborhood! Kail probably thinks if Jo has the extra money for a "fixer upper" and all the expenses that come with owning a home, and having a baby, she is entitled to that extra cash first. We saw this happen to Cory when Leah told him suddenly she needed more money for the girlses. Ha!


Bottom line, the income and expenses of both parents are generally calculated using a formula that the judge will go by to determine who pays what when it comes to the extra expenses. Health insurance is also considered a factor in child support. Jo likely has Isaac on his health insurance. That would be a credit to Jo in the calculation support.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 6

Funny how Isaac's expenses didn't come up before Jo decided to move. Also, her saying "doesn't make a dent" implies that she and Javi are having issues making ends meet and yet she has a Mercedes, two SUVs and bought two houses within two years with each being costlier than the other. Like I said before, I have zero problem with child support increases but I question HER wanting one based on her actions. She isn't trustworthy.

  • Love 4

Lets just say for the sake of argument that Isaac's cost of living are 750 a month. Now his costs are a 1000 a month. Kail can spend all she wants on ridiculously material stuff she doesn't need. That extra 250 still needs to be payed by her AND Jo. Not by her alone. That is how it is in my country. I have no idea if the US is the same.

Edited by TM2

Lets just say for the sake of argument that Isaac's cost of living are 750 a month. Now his costs are a 1000 a month. Kail can spend all she wants on ridiculously material stuff she doesn't need. That extra 250 still needs to be payed by her AND Jo. Not by her alone. That is how it is in my country. I have no idea if the US is the same.

Well that isn't how child support works. It is by the parents' income and not alleged expenses. If that were the case, the Jo could just say that Isaac would be fine at a public school and boom no need for a child support increase.

  • Love 3

Well that isn't how child support works. It is by the parents' income and not alleged expenses. If that were the case, the Jo could just say that Isaac would be fine at a public school and boom no need for a child support increase.

That can well be the case but in that case Jo can also just stop working and have nothing and just say he doesn't have anything to pay. I think the calculations are much more accurate then just how much one parent spends on material things.

Edited by TM2
  • Love 1

That can well be the case but in that case Jo can also just stop working and have nothing and just say he doesn't have anything to pay. I think the calculations are much more accurate then just how much one parent spends on material things.

Of course he could. That is what deadbeat dads do. Actually, they get jobs that pay under the table. Luckily for Kail, he is honest unlike she is.

  • Love 6

Of course he could. That is what deadbeat dads do. Actually, they get jobs that pay under the table. Luckily for Kail, he is honest unlike she is.

Well even though she is a opportunist. I still think that she is going to court because she knows she will get a increase. And if her cars and house buying come into play then Jo has nothing to fear. If he does owe her then he will pay up. The court probably look at this in a factual way so no harm done.

  • Love 1

Well even though she is a opportunist. I still think that she is going to court because she knows she will get a increase. And if her cars and house buying come into play then Jo has nothing to fear. If he does owe her then he will pay up. The court probably look at this in a factual way so no harm done.

No, she is going to court because she THINKS she will get an increase just like she THOUGHT she could pin Jo on assault charges when she was the one who did the assaulting.

  • Love 6
Message added by OtterMommy

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