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S28:E04: Week 4


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Disparity in maturity between the 23-year-old Lea and Sydney and the 29/30+ Maria and Madina is really evident. This is like my high schooler getting all caught up in drama defending her friends with warring friend groups. Sydney didn’t even do all that for Madina. She used the “old” comment as an excuse to jump on Maria and then turned it around about how Maria disrespected her by existing in the house. It stopped being about Madina as soon as it started.

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Is Lea who Sydney said Maria told to stfu?  Wonder if Joey asked. If Jenn’s not being groomed for next lead, Maria is being set up for us. So far, only 1 person is really taking Sydney’s side, Medina is not good at explaining herself. She could stop all of this with a well placed, I can fight my own battles, or a “I didn’t ask Sydney today of that.”  
I think Maria may have gone in to this for followers, but she has found she really likes Joey and she wasnt prepared for that. I believe she is just blunt, and the precious princesses, or young ones can’t handle it

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Somewhere in an alternate universe, Joey picked Sydney and sent Maria home.  Then, just as she was basking in the glow of self-righteous validation, her head exploded when she heard Maria's name being sung from the "heavens."

Seriously though, I wonder what song they would have sung if Maria wasn't picked? 

I get that Maria is off-putting because she is confident and dresses provocatively but she is in no way a mean girl or a bully.

Lea and Sydney on the other hand are manipulative mean girls.


Edited by leocadia
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Maybe I'm a fuddy duddy but i was dumbstruck by the flying sausages whacking the women in their faces. Could they be any more crass and vulgar? It was humiliating and tasteless. And I was appalled.

I know times have changed but when I was a single 20 something in the 80s there was not a prevailing message of getting married and having kids. Its like we've gone backwards or social media has pushed this agenda. I mean you lived together maybe. Had kids maybe, or not. Now there seems to be so much conformity and groupthink. Yes obviously people got married and had children but it seemed more organic and less contrived. I see a lot of messaging in our entertainment and social media that I wouldn't have expected 20, 30 years ago. We haven't come a long way, baby.

Joey is cute and it will be fun to see where this all goes.

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2 hours ago, LakeGal said:

Lea is the bully.  She had that little smirk when she knew she was hurting Maria and she was crying.  I hope both Sydney and Lea are proud of themselves when they watch this show.  Did they not think Joey would get to see the show?

I think most participants are on this show for the exposure and chance to be on multiple versions of the show (as part of 'Bachelor Nation'...).  Therefore, it doesn't really matter what the lead thinks when watching the show-they just want to stay on it long enough to secure their ambitions.  

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14 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

I think most participants are on this show for the exposure and chance to be on multiple versions of the show (as part of 'Bachelor Nation'...).  Therefore, it doesn't really matter what the lead thinks when watching the show-they just want to stay on it long enough to secure their ambitions.  

But it could impact how they are perceived on BiP by the other contestants.  I think Maria would be popular, but Sydney isn’t the fun kind of crazy.  

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I’m thankful Joey made the right move sending Sydney home. He doesn’t have (at least I don’t think so) the info we audience members have. If he’s seeing this for the first time as it airs, it has to be validating to see his gut instinct was correct.

And now Lea’s gone crazy. 😝

Edited by MissPriss
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Sydney’s probably pissed she went out too early to have a shot at Bachelorette.   She is probably crying on her buddy Ashley I’s shoulder about the unfair editing.   And now Lea’s too mean to get the part.  It will be interesting to see who makes it to f4, because they generally have the inside track.  

And pleasantly surprised by Madina.  She can be sorr6 her friend left but be happy for the one who stayed.  And she shut down Leavfor trying to tell her how she should feel.  Good for her.  

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Glad Sydney is gone, what a manipulative bitch. "Joey, it was awful! (sob) First, Maria tied me down to the dining room table and then she threatened to rip off my toenails one by one. She has been torturing me since the day we got here and I just need you to know that she might rip off YOUR toenails. And that is my truth." Also, in my experience people who feel the need to repeatedly clarify something is their "truth" are habitual liars. 

I thought Lea seemed sweet with how she handled the whole date card situation but it turns out she's just as stank as Sydney and uses made up words like "perspectivize". 

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53 minutes ago, Ivana Tinkle said:

Glad Sydney is gone, what a manipulative bitch. "Joey, it was awful! (sob) First, Maria tied me down to the dining room table and then she threatened to rip off my toenails one by one. She has been torturing me since the day we got here and I just need you to know that she might rip off YOUR toenails. And that is my truth." Also, in my experience people who feel the need to repeatedly clarify something is their "truth" are habitual liars. 

I thought Lea seemed sweet with how she handled the whole date card situation but it turns out she's just as stank as Sydney and uses made up words like "perspectivize". 

Couldn't agree more with all of this!! I also thought Sydney looked unwell throughout the date--she literally made herself sick over this! Her dinner dress didn't flatter her and made me wish she had actually eaten her dinner.

Apparently "perspectivize" is a real word, and I think this makes me like Lea even less!!

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1 hour ago, Alexander Pope said:

Apparently "perspectivize" is a real word, and I think this makes me like Lea even less!!

You know, whenever I see stuff like this it makes me wonder if so many people misused a word that the people over at Webster's were finally just like "Oh for fuck's sake FINE, we'll add 'perspectivize' to the damn dictionary." (Although my computer doesn't like this word and keeps telling me to use perspectivism instead.)

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Imagine if Sydney was the one chosen and the Opera singer still started singing Ava Maria, she would feel like the heavens themselves were casting judgement upon her. Obviously the show knew that he was picking Maria, because what else could he do. Even if he said that it was because he had more of a connection with Maria, I bet that he could sense bullshit coming off of Sidney, she was clearly the instigator who kept taking shots at Maria with her sour face, he seemed to lighten up the second she was gone. Sydney is such a bratty mean girl, I'm sure she is already already painting herself as the victim of "evil" Maria all over social media, even though we have not seen a single one of these supposed bullying incidents she is going on about. 

Seriously, if this is the worst thing to ever happen to Sydney and the most cruelty she has ever dealt with, she has lived a very peaceful happy life and has no reason to be such a gaslighting asshole. Such drama, the amount of times she called Maria "evil" or "the devil" oh yeah Sidney sure. Its Stalin, Hitler, and...MARIA! Histories greatest monsters! 

Poor Maria, she really was just trying to be chill and keep her head down, but then Lea apparently picked up the mean girl baton and started going after her too. I'm disappointed, she quickly went from one of my favorites to another petty mean girl. 

Malta sure is pretty.

Edited by tennisgurl
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Just started watching.  Lexi is an uptalker. In her voice overs, every statement is a question. Make it stop! 

The sausages.  How dumb. The girls said they stunk and were gagging.  Do better, show. 

ETA: No, Sydney, Maria doesn’t suck. YOU suck. 

And being serenaded with Ave Maria by a live opera singer?  Gave me chills. Love it. 

Edited by Meowwww
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On 2/13/2024 at 2:59 AM, DEL901 said:

Is Lea a stealth mean girl?

She can´t keep it in any longer. She has a massive dark side for sure. Sidney was mean but also out of her mind with paranoia and delusions. I think that gives her a bit of an excuse for the way she behaved but Lea was happy to keep the lies and issues going for no reason and she genuinely smiled when Maria started crying out of frustration. She got enjoyment out of watching someone else get hurt.

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Maria left kind of quick.  I wonder if he will call her back?  I don’t think Joey looks too thrilled with the remaining two.  Maybe he won’t pick anyone?  It doesn’t look like he’s head over heels.  Daisy is cute, but looks and acts child- like.  Kelsey is very giddy jumping around .  Whatever.

Edited by kristen111
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Am watching a few episodes with Maria which I missed.  From day one in her life, I honk they told her how beautiful she was and is.  Her long hair is her crowning glory, she thinks.  She wears no jewelry .. no embellishments to distract her beauty.  No earrings, necklaces, etc.  In my opinion, she is not beautiful, maybe attractive.  She over did it with Joey.  She was too sure of herself and turned him off in the end.  A real handful.  Her Father did her no favors putting her on a pedestal.  She came on too strong.




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