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S03.E03: He Sees Dead People


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On 2/28/2024 at 2:34 PM, chaifan said:

Andrew Leeds had a recurring role in Bones as some creepy murdery guy, and ever since them I just have a hard time with him in light fluffy roles. 

I mostly know him from Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist (I watched Bones but I don't really remember much of that storyline), so I don't have a darker image of him in my head. But I forgot his was on this before. 

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I agree with Nigel.  You don't get married planning for divorce.  

All else aside, I think "where are the ghosts?" would have been a ridiculous thing to say right after falling down the stairs.  Sure, they probably would have all run in, but someone's absence probably isn't the first thing you think of after falling down the stairs.  



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Just now, phalange said:

Quote of the episode goes either to Hetty for “your wife is community property” or Nancy for “nice ankle, you whore.

I burst out lauging at Nancy's "whore" line :D. I also loved Isaac's, "Oh, my god, it's like a sadness duel and they were both shot dead." XD. There were a lot of really good one-liners and zingers this episode.

I agreed with Nigel's take on the whole prenup stance, too. And I'm so glad that he and Isaac resolved that as they did - and with Hetty's help and support besides. That end talk between Isaac and Nigel was genuinely sweet...awkward side discussion about Sam's eventual death aside :p. 


I love Jay making cake samples and having to announce it in every room just to be sure the ghosts heard him. I’d say that Isaac should know better than to take marriage advice from Hetty, but they’re so alike that she’s probably the only one he’d take advice from anyway. 

She's also his best friend and, as far as we know, he thought she and Nigel resolved their little rivalry from last season, so he would naturally just assume she had his best interests at heart here in general. 

I would've liked to see what cake Isaac and Nigel ultimately decided upon. Maybe we'll find out when the wedding happens :D. 

I also really liked the conversation between Hetty and Sasappis this episode, with him helping her to see how different her life could've been had she followed her heart. Hell, in her case, not only would her life have been different, but so would that of everyone else who came after her, probably. That flashback to her past, her conversation with her dad..poor Hetty :(. Her outfit in that scene was something, too :D. 

I get Eric wanting to impress Bela, but..yeah, lying about having the power to see ghosts...no. Just no. I do think he does genuinely like Bela, but I also won't be surprised if that relationship kinda drifts apart after a while, 'cause that's a pretty hefty lie to tell, given these particular circumstances. 

I do love how it led to the reveal of how Sam and Jay first met, though. That was cute :). 

I liked this episode, it was fun and weird and goofy. And there were some genuinelly sweet moments as well. 

  • Like 16

Another well written episode.  Eric took Bela all the way to Minnesota to be with the ghost of Prince?  Now that is one way to woo your lady.  A weird way but funny as hell.  They will have a fun relationship down the years even if a bit more dull and truthful one.

And yeah you tell her, Nancy.  Hetty showing an ankle.  Oh the scandal!

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13 minutes ago, phalange said:

Quote of the episode goes either to Hetty for “your wife is community property” or Nancy for “nice ankle, you whore.

Those were laugh-out-loud.  There was a lot of funny stuff in this episode.  I also loved Thor's running commentary throughout.

I think Hetty's advice to Isaac was well-intentioned, but of course her perspective is rather skewed based on the fact that she was burned in her own life.  And maybe it was a little premature for Nigel to refer to "our money," though I think it shows how eager he is for him and Isaac to be a single unit--you know, what's mine is yours and what's yours is mine.  I was afraid this was going to cause a temporary estrangement between them--I had a sense that his feelings were hurt--and was glad Hetty helped make things right at the end.

That shot of Jay in a silent, empty room talking about laying out cakes was a good reminder of Jay's experience. Although I know he can't see or hear the ghosts, I do sometimes forget what it's like for him because, of course, we can see and hear them.  Actually, I think it would be creepy to be alone in that house with them.  I suspect I'd become paranoid wondering what they were doing and saying with no way of finding out.

  • Like 16
17 minutes ago, Skooma said:

Another well written episode.  Eric took Bela all the way to Minnesota to be with the ghost of Prince?  Now that is one way to woo your lady.  A weird way but funny as hell.  They will have a fun relationship down the years even if a bit more dull and truthful one.

And yeah you tell her, Nancy.  Hetty showing an ankle.  Oh the scandal!

Yeah, I don’t know about Bela and Eric’s relationship.  It sounded like she needed him to see ghosts or be that French biker for her to be into it.  Or he felt like she did, at least.  He will have to work hard and come up with something else to keep it going.  And how would he know before going to  Minnesota that Prince would still be hanging out here as a ghost?  Bela is smarter than buying this.

I saw this painting once at the Reina Sofia Museum, a female artist painted herself wearing a red dress.  Her father disowned her.  There wasn’t even an ankle showing, just a red dress.  But this was Francoist Spain, super conservative.  A woman wearing anything other than a black dress was scandalous, apparently.

36 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

That end talk between Isaac and Nigel was genuinely sweet...awkward side discussion about Sam's eventual death aside :p. 

Right?  She easily has a good 60 years left, no need to panic or anything, but still, awkward.  And I don’t really understand why Isaac keeps thinking about the 10K as “his money” - he can’t spend any of this without Sam, he has no control over it whatsoever.  

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My favorite one-liner is easily Nancy's "you whore".  That's why I like having Nancy around.  She's fabulous.  In small doses.  Trevor and Alberta come in a close second, though.

A fun episode all around.  I give the show an A for effort on de-aging Hettie, but it just ended up looking a little creepy.  I think they shouldn't have had such close in shots, kept her across the room, and it would have been better.

I'll admit, I thought Eric was going to seriously knock himself out on the stairs and then for real be able to see ghosts.  I'm glad they didn't go there, though.


  • Like 12

Well we've solved they mystery of whether there's a portrait of Hetty. Although given her father's reaction to it, it's amazing it survived. The flashbacks were great, it's so funny when we see the ghosts in different costumes. And I wonder if there was any CGI involved in making Hetty look younger or if it was just makeup. Lots of rouge, that's for sure. 

It was simultaneously funny and sobering hearing the ghosts talk about Sam's "impending" death. I mean yeah, Nigel and Isaac have been there around 250 years, and Hetty over 125. They're right that from their perspective she's just a blip on the timeline. 

Nice callback to Sam's prank prom date, Pierre LaCroix. Alberta has a good memory. 

I loved Eric's reaction when he saw Sam came back. "Oh crap."

  • Like 14
Just now, shura said:

And I don’t really understand why Isaac keeps thinking about the 10K as “his money” - he can’t spend any of this without Sam, he has no control over it whatsoever.  

I mean, to be fair, this is Isaac we're talking about...:p.

But yeah, I would definitely like to see a moment in a future episode with Sam and Isaac having some kind of disagreement over the money situation. I could see Sam being torn between wanting to give in to Isaac's wishes, 'cause that's just how she is with the ghosts and she would LOVE to go all out for this wedding for Isaac and Nigel, and also trying to put her foot down and put a limit on everything. 

Either that, or she'll be just as willing to indulge as he would be...and then they wind up disagreeing on, like, what kind of decorations to have or something :p. 

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4 minutes ago, chaifan said:

I'll admit, I thought Eric was going to seriously knock himself out on the stairs and then for real be able to see ghosts.  I'm glad they didn't go there, though.

Oh, I wondered that too. 

5 minutes ago, chaifan said:

My favorite one-liner is easily Nancy's "you whore".  That's why I like having Nancy around.  She's fabulous.  In small doses.

Yeah as they were walking through the basement I wondered where the cholera ghosts were. I agree Nancy is great as a recurring character who just pops up now and then.

  • Like 13
2 minutes ago, shura said:

Right?  She easily has a good 60 years left, no need to panic or anything, but still, awkward.  And I don’t really understand why Isaac keeps thinking about the 10K as “his money” - he can’t spend any of this without Sam, he has no control over it whatsoever.  

I rather liked the fact that, for once, it was Sam who was disgruntled by the ghosts instead of Jay.  Good point about the money, but then, when you think of it, the whole wedding thing is bogus anyway--no marriage licenses for dead people as far as I'm aware.  Poor Jay's making wedding cakes and then throwing them out.  But in terms of the money, Isaac's got Sam's number: he knows he can blackmail her emotionally to spend it as he wishes.

  • Like 7

This was another good episode. I loved the ghosts telling on Eric they are protective of Sam and her gift. Bela was actually nicer in this episode than the Christmas one. Jay shouldn't throw out food he should get an on-line store until the restaurant is built. I felt sorry for Hetty women really were under their father's control. I thought the story of how Sam and Jay met was cute and not stalking.

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10 hours ago, iMonrey said:

And I wonder if there was any CGI involved in making Hetty look younger or if it was just makeup. Lots of rouge, that's for sure. 

If it wasn't CGI, it looked like her face was pulled back too tight.  Can't they do that temporarily with tape?  Seems like I've seen that discussed somewhere.  Her bottom lip was really thin in her younger self, so that's what made me think they pulled her cheeks back.  It was probably CGI though. 

13 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I do love how it led to the reveal of how Sam and Jay first met, though. That was cute :). 

I love how Jay just rolls with every new thing that pops up. Even though he's the one out of the loop because he can't see the ghosts, but he still tries to be involved and please them by baking cakes for a ghost wedding, and buying a car so Sass and Jessica can be together.

And yes, I also love the cake bit and how he makes his announcement in all the rooms.

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14 hours ago, Katy M said:

I agree with Nigel.  You don't get married planning for divorce.

With many couples living into old age, I think planning for a possibly peaceful — even loving — marriage dissolution could become the norm. It wouldn't mean every married couple would use that option. 
I wonder if the writers thought of this concept when writing the dialog for Isaac and Nigel discussing the pitfalls of using legal contracts designed for a few decades and applying them to eternity.
IMO, the writers totally knocked this plot point out of the park with Nigel and Isaac acknowledging that the money could lose all value for them if/when Sam died. I do think that perspective on money is lacking in most real life financial planning discussions.

12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

It was simultaneously funny and sobering hearing the ghosts talk about Sam's "impending" death. I mean yeah, Nigel and Isaac have been there around 250 years, and Hetty over 125. They're right that from their perspective she's just a blip on the timeline

13 hours ago, Annber03 said:

That end talk between Isaac and Nigel was genuinely sweet...awkward side discussion about Sam's eventual death aside

The show is predicated on a concept of eternal "life" for some of the ghosts, which is a pretty big elephant in the room that deserves an occasional glance.

But, yeah, it is heavy, and Rose skillfully portrayed that in her reactions to their discussion.




14 hours ago, Katy M said:

All else aside, I think "where are the ghosts?" would have been a ridiculous thing to say right after falling down the stairs.  Sure, they probably would have all run in, but someone's absence probably isn't the first thing you think of after falling down the stairs. 

ridiculous = comedy




12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I wonder if there was any CGI involved in making Hetty look younger or if it was just makeup. Lots of rouge, that's for sure. 

The awkwardness of young Hetty's hand movements (as well as the porcelain-doll face) reminded me of the CGI used to de-age Beau Bridges for a flashback for Lessons in Chemistry last year. I guess some AI is beginning to be used in the de-aging, and there aren't any experts yet in the TV industry???




12 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Nice callback to Sam's prank prom date, Pierre LaCroix. Alberta has a good memory. 

Fortunately the Ghost writers have "good memories" too — something sorely lacking in many long-running TV shows, which is often rightfully called out by fans.


Edited by shapeshifter
  • Like 12

Yeah, I think young Hetty would have worked better if they just changed her hairdo without that heavy makeup. That was just bad. 

We're a forgiving bunch knowing they can't really change the actress's face but we can suspend belief if they didn't try so hard. 

I'm not sure why they didn't hire a younger actress which would show us how it was like being a young woman of a rich family living under her father's thumb and the pressure of choosing love or money. She can run a household but there were hardly outside work for women in those days. Even "respectable" work like teachers or lady's companions are for single or older women (I think).

The fate of Hetty's mother is played off as a joke, but it was all too real for women who didn't toe the line.

Edited by Snow Apple
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I would like to see Isaac and Nigel use some of their money to do something nice for Sam and Jay.

I am for pre-nups. I regard them the way I regard vows. You are making it clear what you promise each other, and that you are not going to hurt each other, no matter what. They don't have to be unloving any more than buying insurance is unloving. Considering that half of marriages end in divorce, it's not delusional to consider just what you are embarking on, and what you think it means. We have so many acrimonious divorces, I think, partly because people go into the marriage without thinking about what it means, and just on a wave of romantic fantasy.

I had an amicable divorce, even without a pre-nup, so it's possible. And it's also possible to have a hateful break up even if you do have a pre-nup. But I think that it does help to be serious about understanding what you each are agreeing to, and why, and not just be in an optimistic fog driven by the honeymoon phase of a relationship.

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37 minutes ago, Snow Apple said:

The fate of Hetty's mother is played off as a joke, but it was all too real for women who didn't toe the line.

I forgot about that. Involuntarily committed to an asylum for hysteria. Hetty is lucky not to have suffered the same fate.

I can't remember, who exactly suggested the prenup? Was it Hetty? Because it seems unlikely she would even know what one was let alone approve. It's far too modern a concept for her.

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You can really tell that they're working to hide Rose's pregnancy, not only is she gone for half the episode but that plaid blazer just screamed "hide my belly"! That was a fun episode, I liked seeing Bela again, although I'm not sure how much staying power she and her boyfriend are going to have. He told a pretty huge lie to keep their relationship going and Bela is apparently more attracted to the imaginary French ghost she made up than him, so it doesn't seem like its going in the healthiest direction. 

I loved Jay making a ton of cakes for Nigel and Isaac and walking around announcing it, he's such a great guy. Plus I always love the reminders that when Jay talks to the ghosts it looks like he's talking with an empty room. I really want to see some of the dreams that he and Sass are sharing, I bet they're a lot of crazy fun. 

I can see why pre-nups can be beneficial, sometimes paperwork like that can keep things from getting ugly down the line, but it doesn't seem to have much of a purpose here, considering that they're ghosts and cant actually use money unless Sam spends it, and that Isaac and Nigel have been into each other for a few hundred years, I doubt they'll fall apart too quickly. It was also all clearly Hetty projecting her own experiences after choosing money over artists and scandalous ankles. All of them pissing Sam off by talking about how quickly she's going to die was great. Do more cocaine Sam! 

Lots of great one liners, its hard to choose a favorite, although Nancy's "whore" has to be very high up there.

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

You can really tell that they're working to hide Rose's pregnancy, not only is she gone for half the episode but that plaid blazer just screamed "hide my belly"!

Sam mentioned how her friend's bachelorette party will be moved to the Spring, so that'll be a good excuse for Rose to possibly be absent for a few episodes.  Not sure how her pregnancy is timed with a future hiatus of the show. 

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Definitely worth a second watch, missed some great lines, like Thor not really understanding what a bachelorette party is and calling after Sam to "bring back head of bachelorette." Then saying she was off "Drinking blood of vanquished bachelorette Stacy."

Also got a kick out of Hetty telling her father she was at the "pedestrianism" and him reminding her "In just a few weeks I’ll be able to read the results for myself in the newspaper." Is that how long it took for the news to be reported or is that how long it takes for the newspaper to reach their house?

Jay has an easy out because "Anytime you find questionable internet activity it’s the ghosts."

I didn't get it the first time when Hetty told Pete "Your wife is community property." She was referring to Carol for cheating on him rather than making a comment on wives in general.

Another classic Hetty-ism: "No one has more to lose than the rich. Yet no one ever looks out for us."

When Sam came back home and walked into the room, she stepped around the ghosts, even though they were not visible in the shot. Nice attention to detail. 

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Just now, Johannah said:

Since they weren't going to call in a lawyer for the prenup, why didn't Isaac just quietly go to Sam and remind her that the money was his and she shouldn't let anyone else spend it, even Nigel.  Nothing is enforceable anyway unless Sam decides it is.

I guess Isaac didn't really have a clear concept of personal finances?

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This was a great episode, very funny, but I don't see much of a future for Bella and Eric, and not just because he lied for an extended period of time to her, but because she needed him to pretend to be someone else (the hot motorcycle neighbor) to be into him. That is not a healthy relationship. 

I am very happy that Isaac and Nigel's conflict was resolved. I really, really don't want the show to find some contrived reason to split them up in order to keep up some "will they/won't they" kind of thing. Those two have waited long enough to be together. I want them to get their happily ever after. 

Poor Alberta. Solving her murder didn't even make Jay's list of things that happened. :( 

Hetty's de-aging was... weird. I couldn't actually tell if it was extremely heavy make up (her face looked as white as Margot Robbie in Mary Queen of Scots) or CGI effects. Thing is, Rebecca Wisocky has this great rich, silky voice that doesn't read "young" to me, so seeing them trying to make her look younger but still sounding like current Hetty was more distracting than if they hadn't de-aged her and just styled her hair and makeup "younger". I mean, between the year title card, the change of clothes and the fact she was talking to her father we knew this was a younger version of Hetty. 

Still, this season is getting better with each episode. I wasn't that thrilled with The Owl, but this and the last ep reminded me why I fell in love with this show. 

And this is an example of how to use Nancy. She's best when she's just walking past in the background dropping a snide comment as she passes. 

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

Definitely worth a second watch, missed some great lines, like Thor not really understanding what a bachelorette party is and calling after Sam to "bring back head of bachelorette." Then saying she was off "Drinking blood of vanquished bachelorette Stacy."

I rewatched the episode earlier and seriously, some of the lines the characters had to say this episode were amazing. And not exactly easy ones to rattle off much of the time, either - I wonder how many takes they had to do with some of their lines, 'cause they were so rapid-fire and tongue-twister-y. 

I also loved the running thing of everyone commenting on the sheer absurdity of Eric trying to electrocute himself to allow Trevor to possess him :p. Each new retelling/description of that night just highlighted the insanity of that whole plotline even more and it was hilarious. 

10 minutes ago, Mabinogia said:

I am very happy that Isaac and Nigel's conflict was resolved. I really, really don't want the show to find some contrived reason to split them up in order to keep up some "will they/won't they" kind of thing. Those two have waited long enough to be together. I want them to get their happily ever after. 

Same :). I've no problem with them continuing to have their occasional spats about silly, ridiculous things, 'cause their conflict is a lot of fun in that setting. And I've no problem with them having some bumps in the road as they continue planning their wedding, too, 'cause, again, it makes for interesting storylines and I like what it's revealing about them and their relationship with each other. Especially if they get to resolve those issues the way they did in this episode. 

But yeah, I too want them to go on and get married and have a long and happy afterlife together :D. They deserve it. 

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46 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

Especially if they get to resolve those issues the way they did in this episode. 

Things would've been fine if Hetty hadn't put her 2 cents in about the money!  I liked Isaac and Nigel's excitement about going to smell the cakes.  Didn't Isaac say that he hopes Nigel will come around to the carrot cake?  Their rapport is so sweet.  

  • Like 4
1 hour ago, Johannah said:

Since they weren't going to call in a lawyer for the prenup, why didn't Isaac just quietly go to Sam and remind her that the money was his and she shouldn't let anyone else spend it, even Nigel.  Nothing is enforceable anyway unless Sam decides it is.

isaac didn’t want to start the marriage with a lie. Isaac getting the money was Nigel’s idea. 

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Don’t throw the cakes out, Jay! Find somewhere to sell them, or give them as gifts/bribes to the neighbors. Maybe June and Allie like cake!

Also, I’m thinking there should be wind chimes or something in every room that Trevor can poke for some rudimentary conversations with Jay - one jingle for yes, two for no. Could make for a fun gag.

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1 minute ago, Maelstrom said:

I’m thinking there should be wind chimes or something in every room that Trevor can poke for some rudimentary conversations with Jay - one jingle for yes, two for no. Could make for a fun gag.

I love this idea. If Trevor wasn't Jay's ghost nemesis, they would probably be doing something similar already. 

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I watched this episode on a friend's tv.  Very new, very large, very hi-def.  In my completely non-expert opinion, Young Hetty was CGI'd.  She was almost blurry at certain points, almost looked live animation at one point, too.  As I said earlier, it would have worked better if they didn't have her in the foreground, where it was really obvious.  When she came in and was in the back of the room, it was a lot more realistic. 

I felt the same way about Beau Bridges in Lessons in Chemistry, as someone remarked above.  His de-aging scene also had a live animation look to it, made him look almost like a cartoon character.

Rose's pregnancy:  I like that the show isn't going to extreme measures to hide it.  They're doing a bit here and there, but for right now at least, it's nice that she isn't relegated to hiding behind the welcome desk.  I did notice in the first scene that when she was in the background, everyone on the couch was in the foreground, and I think it was Jay's head that was very well placed blocking a full view of her. 

I think there are a lot of ways this show can cover for her pregnancy as she is further along.  They could have an episode where she is in bed sick the entire time.  There's the front desk, as I mentioned, that is a convenient height to hide behind.  They could do a dream sequence, where she's pregnant in one of Jay & Sass's shared dreams, and everyone "sees" her as pregnant for the rest of the episode.  She could be writing an article for the paper (does she still do that???) about pregnancy discrimination, and wears a fake bump for a day.  She could be a pregnant nun for Halloween.  If someone was paying me, I'm sure I could come up with more possibilities. 

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7 hours ago, Chit Chat said:

Sam mentioned how her friend's bachelorette party will be moved to the Spring, so that'll be a good excuse for Rose to possibly be absent for a few episodes.  Not sure how her pregnancy is timed with a future hiatus of the show. 

Yeah the way it started out with her leaving to be with old girl friends sounds so much like one of the best British episodes where that happen with Mike home with the robbers and the ghosts trying to get his attention.  So maybe that template might happen in "the spring" of this show.

5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Another classic Hetty-ism: "No one has more to lose than the rich. Yet no one ever looks out for us."

Thanks for reminding me.  That line was delivered perfectly and had me really laughing.

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