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S11.E11: My Big Fat Dental Adventure

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Let's just call a spade, A SPADE.  Shitney is a huge horse's ass!  Glenn is just now realizing this.

They ALL need to realize that EVERYBODY"S on VACATION!! That means: You get a vacay! You get a vacay! YOU get a vacay!

Just let everyone have their own great vacation!  Meet up for dinner.  Meet up for SOME things you want to do together (like? you decide.)

Somebody forgot to tell Shitney this. And THESE people are family, not her barnacles like she's normally with on these dumbass trips.

Edited by goofygirl
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Didn't Jamie make a side comment when Whitney was giving all the orders/rules at the train station to the effect that "This isn't going to last long"? I have a feeling the Alabama side of the family is going to be doing their own things early in the trip. And they should, they are all adults and should do what they want, then meet up with Whit at various meals or joint things they want to do together. I'm sure they didn't plan to be joined at the hip to Whitney on their first trip to Europe. I'm betting they have totally different things in mind that they want to do!

And WTF?? they are supposed to Meow??? Grow up Twit!

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Finally caught up with this....I think the greater problem here is that ever since Babs died, Whitney has been in a power struggle to assume what she thinks was Babs's place in the family as "head matriarch".  She saw Babs as being in control of Glenn but the truth is Whitney has absolutely no clue that the dynamics between a married couple are different than between parent and child.  She doesn't recognize, respect or care about any of that - she wants to be in control of him, period.  In Glenn's eyes she is always going to be the child and so not able to tell him what to do.  Spouses have different dynamics.  Babs was not "in control" of Glenn the way Whitney wants to be in control of him.  Glenn respected Babs and catered to her because he loved her as a spouse.  Shitney has absolutely NO understanding of the difference.  I doubt she is capable of that kind of love.

But even as this is going on she is pushing for control of him even more because of feeling threatened in her position with her father by the new family.  It is making her push all the more to control Glenn to force him not to "abandon" her in favor of the new family.  I don't know where her fear comes from, to be honest.  I don't know what reason she would have for fear of abandonment by her father even if he found new relatives.  She just doesn't like to share the spotlight with anyone.  I think she knows deep down how Glenn might see them as a breath of fresh air next to her and she's afraid of losing him.  But I think she is responsible for alienating him with her own insufferable nature.  If he pulls away from her she can only blame herself at this point.  She is being her own worst enemy here.

Also her calling herself the "CEO of the family" started after Babs's death because she never would have gotten away with that when she was alive.  Her mother would have put a quick end to that, I'm sure.  She saw her mother as that CEO, but Babs was not an immature baby trying to push her will upon everyone.  She had a quiet, earned and confident position of leadership and people respected her, even Whitney.   Whitney only wishes she could be in that position now, but she first of all CAN'T as Glenn's child assume that role plus her immaturity makes her attempts to assume it toxic and insufferable.  The more she pushes, the more toxic and insufferable she gets.  The more Glenn resists, the more she pushes and declares herself the Queen Bee of everyone.  It's heading for a breaking point.

The latest attempt to control Glenn has been over who he takes to the printing facility.  I think she and Glenn and may have had words off screen about this and that's what we feel is missing.  I can see her attempting to manipulate her leverage with TLC to get them to force him into taking her over the other choices.  She will tell them that it's HER show about HER so she is the one that should make the decision and be the one to go.  Because after all, the queen bee has to be the center of attention at all times.  And she may be holding that over Glenn's head, which may be at least one reason he is reaching a breaking point with her.  If she can't push her will on him she will attempt to use TLC to make it happen. 

I think Glenn has been as quiet as possible on camera to save face and not air dirty laundry so that's why we haven't seen him blow up at her to this point.  But it may get so bad that he will.  I feel sorry for him but I have always wondered just how much responsibility he had in her turning out the way she did.  I don't want to blame him, but I know my own father, who in many ways was a lot like Glenn, would NEVER have let me get away with that kind of behavior.  He would have told me where to go a long time ago.   But then again I NEVER would have tried to assume that kind of control over him and I never would have been so insecure as to think I would ever lose his love and attention to anyone else.  My father even had a girlfriend after my mom's death.  Can you imagine how threatened the Twit would act if Glenn did that?  She would be even MORE pushy about trying to get his love and attention and probably try to sabotage the relationship.

With my Dad, it was only at the end of his life in his 90s when he started to show a lack of judgment and loss of memory that I stepped in to supervise his medical care, bill paying, etc., and even then he resisted despite needing the help because in his mind I was his child not his spouse or mother.   I had to tread lightly.  Twit is not doing that, though.  She is outright trying to control his life when he is perfectly capable of managing it himself.  Her fear of losing him is so strong that she wants to keep a tight leash on him.  My father made his own choices whether I liked them or not.  Even in his later years when I thought he was showing a lack of judgment I still had to defer to his choices.  If he made any I didn't like, I could complain about them but it was his life and as long as he was not diagnosed with dementia or Alzheimer's he was free to do as he wished.

As far as the Alabama family goes, they are just along for the ride.  I think they may be aware of and ignoring Twit's toxic behavior and even her veiled insults in exchange for their 15 minutes of fame and the free trips paid for by TLC.  I think their relationship with Glenn is genuine, though.  Twit's insults of them are of course because she is threatened by them, especially the women.  She is always trying to assert her superiority over them.  It's incredibly transparent and pathetic, not to mention insulting.  How she doesn't see how this looks to the world is just dumbfounding at this point.  How her own father can't just tell the truth to her face is dumbfounding too.  I'm hoping that we're seeing him getting to that point soon as she pushes him to the edge.  But like I said, if that were MY father, she NEVER would have been allowed to act that way in the first place so at this advanced point she never would have tried.  I still wonder what role Glenn had over the years in helping to create this monster.

At this point, from my point of view, she needs therapy in a BIG way or else she is going to end up very unhappy in her later years as she alienates everyone in her life.  Of course people like her rarely think they need therapy.

Edited by Yeah No
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I feel for Whitney having her Dad be so angry with her. That always feels awful when you want their approval. So, I hope they work it out, but her insecurities are definitely driving her obnoxious behavior and control issues. I agree, therapy would do her wonders.

Babs wasn’t above making some cruel remarks about Whitney. I wonder if her Dad always sided with her when her mom would get that way. I know everyone worships Babs, but I saw a side there at times/where she wanted to be Queen Bee and the prettiest etc makes me wonder if she was competitive with Whitney when she was young and thin. 

her teeth look great. Jealous of their whiteness lol 

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I think Whitney probably needed a spanking or two in her time that she didn't receive, but she's also a loud, show-offy type of personality and IMO having "her own show" for all these years hasn't helped things.  I would assume that if Glen were to tell her she's coming across as an ass he'd do it off camera, and she wouldn't believe him anyway!

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On 11/14/2023 at 1:35 PM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I don't know about you all, but I am clearly excited for Glenn to finally give old Twit a nice verbal beat-down. 

Oh my glob yes--I saw that scene in the previews, and I haven't been able to wipe the grin off my face since then.

I've been away for a while, but I hope everyone remembers that I am the poster who yammered on and on about her beaver teeth--and she did finally get them filed down!  I'm not surprised she's in braces, though--it's all the thing, with purely cosmetic ones available online if you can't afford/don't need the real thing.

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On 11/14/2023 at 11:11 PM, Gramto6 said:

I think it was more like Whitney made him move in with her. She "had" to clear out her mom's things (with no input from Glen) and get Hunter to clean out the downstairs bedroom that he had been staying in while in Greensboro, because she felt Glen needed to use the downstairs bedroom. When Babs was alive, Twit tried to force them to move downstairs and they refused. Now that she is the "boss" she wants him downstairs.


She so needs to get over herself!

She has no idea of what her dad is going through with the loss of Babs.  She thinks he is going to get over it and finish grieving and do things on his bucket list.  That is, "his" bucket list--Glen has no bucket list.

She showed no sensitivity at all in clearing out her mother's belongings with even talking it over with her father.  I suspect (well, and he said so) he would have liked to have her clothes in the closet, for now anyway, so he could see them, smell them, cry into them.  She just won't leave him alone because she doesn't want him to what--wallow in his grief?--jeebus she's awful.

So she's lost 100 lbs, and she looks better for it, but she's still dressing and behaving inappropriately.  Her jealousy over her cute niece is palpable--her life now seems to be devoted to demonstrating (to Daddy?  to everyone?) that she is Better.

And somebody remind me:  Does Whit live in North Caroliner or South Caroliner?

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On 11/15/2023 at 10:33 AM, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I always find her annoying, but in this episode I wanted Hunter to "Push Mamma from the Train" She is an absolute control freak on this trip and looks absolutely stupid with her tour guide flag and barking orders at everyone. I think she pissed Glenn off early on with the suitcase stuff and she does continue to infantize him. It would be in his best interest to either move back to his old house or find a smaller place far away from her. 

I agree with everything you say, but Glenn will never *not* allow her to use him--i.e. he'll never move away--because "Daddy, if you go, I might lose my tv show whine whine whine" and Glenn knows that without that income who's going to take care of her?  She's unfit/unemployable for any real job.  She is the most unlikeable person on TV (and I'm including political figures here) and nobody wants to spend time around her unless they're being paid to do so.  Glenn's got a big fat fabulous monkey on his back.  I don't know whether he'd be smarter to escape her clutches and resign himself to writing her a check every month, or to hang in there and be humiliated weekly.  Another thing is, he's got to see how unappealing she is, not necessarily physically, but emotionally, psychologically, spiritually--she's never going to attract a partner unless it's some guy willing to whore himself out in order to be on tv.

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28 minutes ago, Pi237 said:

This isn’t season 1. Glenn is well aware of the benefits of this show. I can’t let him off the hook as some unassuming elder care patient. He wants the reality tv bennies just as much as the rest. He’s known Whit her whole life. He knows how she gets. So, My sympathy for him has short reign. 

Yeah, unfortunately Glenn has trapped himself in this situation.  I wonder if he has been wondering lately if the trade-off is worth it.  I can't feel too sorry for him because of it.

I wonder, though, what Glenn's primary motivation is in all of this.  I watched the "Extra Fabulous" episode from last week's episode and it aired a segment that didn't appear on the original episode where Whit and Buddy get in Glenn's late '60s/early '70s Jaguar XKE, a 2 seater sports car model I know and have loved since I was a kid.  They were supposedly seeing if it might work for Buddy's wedding car, although the two of them jammed in it so tight I don't think it passed the test.  Whitney mentioned how she used to take rides in it when she was young, meaning that Glenn's had it for at least a couple of decades or more. 

Now the point of my mentioning this is that there is no way you can own and maintain a car like that in the beautiful condition it is for decades if you don't have a lot of money and a place to store it.  Given the house he and Bab's had, his career, and that car they would have had to be at least upper middle class.  I would love to be able to own one of those classic cars but they are temperamental and need a lot of upkeep, which costs a pretty penny.  And people that collect them usually want more than one.  I don't know if that's the only one Glenn has but knowing what I know about people that collect classic cars, they certainly can't be hurting for money.

Ironically, the trip I just took to Florida with the connection in Charlotte, NC was to visit an old client of my husband's who is mega rich and owns 3 classic Jaguars (and several other vintage classic cars).  He and his wife took me out for a spin in one of their XKE's and it was a bucket list worthy thrill for me.  They also took us to a vintage car museum/repair shop where they purchase/sell and maintain their collection.  Must be nice to be rich!

I know there has been speculation on here that Glenn continued to work for as long as he did because perhaps he needed the money.  I never believed that.  He's just one of those people whose career and generating income is their main focus in life.  That could be one reason the Twit has "daddy issues" too.  If he was a workaholic and she didn't feel the level of attention from him she craved while growing up it would help to explain why she's acting the way she is right now.

The question remains, though, what Glenn is getting out of the show right now.  If he doesn't need the  money then what is it?  I think he just can't turn down a way to make more money even though he doesn't need it and will even put up with his daughter's toxic crap because of that compulsion. My husband's mega-rich client is retired from his primary career but he still has a few irons in the fire to generate income even though he's not just in the 1%, but maybe even the .1%!!!  Also I think Glenn might be working off some guilt over his workaholism possibly helping to create the monster that is his daughter.  She is certainly attempting to guilt him over his relationship with his "new/old" daughter and it may be working on him to some extent. 

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1 minute ago, princelina said:

I think people just like being "famous" and on tv!  (See the inscription on Babs' tombstone:  "America's mom" or something like that 🙄)

Yeah, maybe at first but why is he doing it now?  Maybe he's under contract or he's operating out of guilt or both.  I don't see him as that much of a famewhore that he would need this right now only for that reason.  I feel like he's doing this now out of obligation and/or guilt.  I just feel it.  Maybe Whitney is actually manipulating and guilting him already into doing the show because let's face it, without him and his new family right now there would be nothing left to film.  

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6 minutes ago, Yeah No said:

Yeah, maybe at first but why is he doing it now?  Maybe he's under contract or he's operating out of guilt or both.  I don't see him as that much of a famewhore that he would need this right now only for that reason.  I feel like he's doing this now out of obligation and/or guilt.  I just feel it.  Maybe Whitney is actually manipulating and guilting him already into doing the show because let's face it, without him and his new family right now there would be nothing left to film.  

I think he likes it.  That's why he went along with having Babs' funeral on tv, for instance.  I wouldn't call it "famewhoring" in his case, but it's become a part of their lives and he seems to enjoy the trips, the THs, etc. 

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14 minutes ago, princelina said:

I think he likes it.  That's why he went along with having Babs' funeral on tv, for instance.  I wouldn't call it "famewhoring" in his case, but it's become a part of their lives and he seems to enjoy the trips, the THs, etc. 

Yeah, he liked it and would like it as long as Whitney isn't making it toxic for him like she is now.  Which is why I'm wondering if he's now wondering if it's all worth it.  My question is why is he still going along with doing the show when he doesn't need the $$ OR the abuse he's taking from his daughter.  The fame and trips can't be worth putting up with that kind of toxicity and bad image on TV.  It looks to me like that causes him a lot of anxiety and that's one reason I can't imagine he's still happy to make the trade-off.  He's been doing it a long time but that could also mean he might be more ready to walk away from it, especially because of the constant reminders of Babs.  When he was with Babs and Whitney "knew her place" it had to be much easier for him to love doing the show for the trips and TV fame.  It was easy money and the associated perks.  I think he's been trying to ignore Whitney but she is making it impossible for him to ignore her and it looks from the previews that he may actually finally blow up at her.

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14 hours ago, Mothra said:

Oh my glob yes--I saw that scene in the previews, and I haven't been able to wipe the grin off my face since then.

I've been away for a while, but I hope everyone remembers that I am the poster who yammered on and on about her beaver teeth--and she did finally get them filed down!  I'm not surprised she's in braces, though--it's all the thing, with purely cosmetic ones available online if you can't afford/don't need the real thing.

Right and I remember her conversation with Heather where Heather was doing Invisalign and Whitney said she didn't want the hassle to take them out when she has her drinks like her soders and 800 calorie mocha coffee crap. Lazy slob

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Whitney reminds me of my maternal grandmother.  While my grandmother wasn't obese and whipping off her top in public, she did need to be the center of everyone's universe and have her way at all times.  If she didn't get her way, she made sure to punish everyone involved.  One thing I saw her do several times is needle someone privately for a long time until everything built up, then do something relatively minor in front of a lot of people and her target would invariably lose it at her.  That's exactly what Whitney did to Glenn and predictably some on this thread think he is the bad guy for losing his patience with her.  She had been picking on his glasses, his packing, his clothes, and on and on and finally when she mocked Angie's accent, he had enough and told her to knock it off.  Then she gave him an eye roll and he scolded her.  I don't feel bad for either of them.  He has permitted her behavior for far too long and she got the result she was after.  

I did have to wonder about Lennie.  He brought her all that junk food after she got her braces off, then he seemed way to into watching her eat it.  I was uncomfortable watching that.

I hope everyone got some enjoyment out of this trip, but Whit seems to need to create drama on every trip.  In Hawaii it was the stupid <8K on flat ground, in Alaska she was obsessing over Buddy, her weird telling Chase on a Paris street corner that her body knew he was the one because she got her period which understandably freaked him out, her repulsive behavior on all the trips in 2020 including her freak out over not being ready for Chase's baby to be born, and finally spending the entire trip in Maine whining about George Glass the French version.  She really can't function as an adult.

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On 11/17/2023 at 1:33 PM, Pi237 said:

Babs wasn’t above making some cruel remarks about Whitney. I wonder if her Dad always sided with her when her mom would get that way.

Glenn did not always side with Whit. I remember one episode when Glenn was in Whit's kitchen criticizing what she was eating and he was being cruel. He and Whit had it out. He was definitely not silent when it came to her weight. Both her parents could be quite critical with her. 

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1 hour ago, Dibs said:

Anyone else think Whitney is acting absolutely manic (in the medical sense)?  It's almost like she's on speed, causing her usual obnoxious traits and characteristics to ramp up several levels.  Does Ozempic cause manic behavior?

I haven’t read anything that suggests it does; in fact, I think fatigue is a pretty common side effect.

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3 hours ago, Dibs said:

Anyone else think Whitney is acting absolutely manic (in the medical sense)?  It's almost like she's on speed, causing her usual obnoxious traits and characteristics to ramp up several levels.  Does Ozempic cause manic behavior?

I can see what you're saying - I've attributed it to her nervousness about impressing the new relatives.

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8 hours ago, princelina said:

I can see what you're saying - I've attributed it to her nervousness about impressing the new relatives.

It started before the new relatives showed up (at least as a story line); it was right after Babs died.  I attributed it to her relief at not having to take care of an invalid parent - she was terrified Babs wouldn't get into "Abbotsworld," and although she now micromanages Glenn, he doesn't really need help - and her glee at being the HBIC (as well as CEO) of the family.  But it keeps increasing, and she really does seem out of control!

Edited by Dibs
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8 hours ago, Dibs said:

It started before the new relatives showed up (at least as a story line); it was right after Babs died.  I attributed it to her relief at not having to take care of an invalid parent - she was terrified Babs wouldn't get into "Abbotsworld," and although she now micromanages Glenn, he doesn't really need help - and her glee at being the HBIC (as well as CEO) of the family.  But it keeps increasing, and she really does seem out of control!

Probably all of the above, and I'll even give her the benefit of the doubt that she's dealing with grief but prefers to portray it differently, by being the bossy CEO.

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1 hour ago, princelina said:

Probably all of the above, and I'll even give her the benefit of the doubt that she's dealing with grief but prefers to portray it differently, by being the bossy CEO.

Yes, in fact I think I mentioned something similar in this thread or the episode before this. That she was channeling her grief to being the CEO instead of towards actually grieving her mom.

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2 hours ago, princelina said:

Probably all of the above, and I'll even give her the benefit of the doubt that she's dealing with grief but prefers to portray it differently, by being the bossy CEO.

Hadn't thought about her dealing with grief this way, but it makes all kinds of sense, and it would help explain her fixation with getting her father over his mourning.  All of this bluster might be a frantic attempt not to think about her mother's death--she hasn't once that I've seen said anything like "Mom would have loved this trip," or even "I miss Mom so much."

I think you're onto something--plus we know from preview that she goes to the ER. The stress of keeping her own grief at bay maybe got to be too much?

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1 hour ago, Gramto6 said:

Yes, in fact I think I mentioned something similar in this thread or the episode before this. That she was channeling her grief to being the CEO instead of towards actually grieving her mom.

Could be. A lot of people feel the loss of a loved one as a loss of control. Whitney couldn't control her mother's illness or death so she is grabbing onto whatever she thinks she can control?

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6 hours ago, Mothra said:

Hadn't thought about her dealing with grief this way, but it makes all kinds of sense, and it would help explain her fixation with getting her father over his mourning.  All of this bluster might be a frantic attempt not to think about her mother's death--she hasn't once that I've seen said anything like "Mom would have loved this trip," or even "I miss Mom so much."

I think you're onto something--plus we know from preview that she goes to the ER. The stress of keeping her own grief at bay maybe got to be too much?

I agree with these theories and I think stress is the operative word there and why she is so manic.  The death of someone that close creates a lot of stress and she may be trying to avoid facing her own grief by becoming controlling of Glenn.  I think it's also feeding into old Daddy issues in her being afraid of losing him to the new family. 

My mother died 10 days after I got a new job after having recently moved to a new area.  My stress was through the roof and I threw myself into that job like no tomorrow.  Then about 2 months later we had September 11th and my grief was channeled into that situation.  It actually helped me process my own grief as I glued myself to the TV news and mourned that situation right along with the rest of the country and the world.  Plus as a NY-er, my Mom worked only a couple of blocks from the WTC for many years, so the constant focus on that area actually helped me to experience my grief over my Mom at the same time.  

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On 11/17/2023 at 9:43 PM, Mothra said:

So she's lost 100 lbs, and she looks better for it, but she's still dressing and behaving inappropriately.  

She's been mentioning the 100 lbs, but it's a little misleading. She is in fact down 100 pounds, but that's from her previous absolute high of, I think, 380, which was from some time ago. If you recall, back when she scolded Buddy for not noticing that she had lost 40 pounds, she explained that she had been at 350, which is what we'd been seeing her at for quite some time. That would put her at 310. We know she got under 300, cause that's what enabled her to participate in the flying. I don't know what she's at now, but it's not like she lost 100 pounds from the 350 that she had held steady at, so she's reaching waaay back to come up with 100. It's kind of classic Whitney, in that there's some of truth in it, but it's a revisionist way of presenting what she did. (Yes, it's still a good accomplishment, though.) And given that she has said nothing about an increased workout regimen, or a great eating plan -- which she definitely would have if that were the case -- it seems like it has to be Ozempic. I just wish she would come clean about it!

On 11/17/2023 at 9:55 PM, Mothra said:

Another thing is, he's got to see how unappealing she is, not necessarily physically, but emotionally, psychologically, spiritually--she's never going to attract a partner unless it's some guy willing to whore himself out in order to be on tv.

And that's what frustrates me about all her real-life sycophantic HAES defenders...they stubbornly insist that those of us who find her unappealing absolutely must be fat-shamers, and that's the only explanation possible, with no recognition or consideration that her personality is so grating, off-putting, and toxic.

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43 minutes ago, princelina said:

That or she'll try some adventure she has no reason to think she'd be successful at 😄

Or she had a "reaction" to Glenn choosing Angie to accompany him to see the die cutter.  A.k.a., a temper tantrum.  Whitney and/or TLC has always chosen inappropriate (for her size) "adventures" for her to go on, so that's nothing new; it makes for good TV.


Edited by Dibs
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On 11/14/2023 at 8:44 PM, Gramto6 said:

@VioletNevermind so true. She is so disrespectful of her dad! It does look like Glen is finally getting tired of her being the CEO of the family. I think Hunter is over her too. "Whitney is ruining this trip and this is only day one!"

Oh geeze! She lifts up her skirt and blows cool air on her hoo ha!! Yikes!

She is disrespectful and rude to the entire world.

She perpetuates that stereotype that morbidly obese people are loud and obnoxious, rude and inconsiderate.

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