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28 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

So because David didn’t bother to get a ring size this means she likely will have to have it resized.  Which I wonder if people even do for an $80 ring.

If it's too big, yes. You can buy a little plastic thing to put inside the ring to make it smaller for like $1.50 at Claires. Or go super old school and wrap tape around the band.

  • Like 3
14 hours ago, MrBuhBye said:

I wonder what percentage of grooms buy the ring without asking the size first (or asking a relative or friend who might know).

My husband, who is the sweetest man on the planet, took a ring from my jewelry box and traced it on a post-it note. He took that to the jeweler and they sized the ring from there. It was perfect but they would have resized it if needed.

Most of my friends who have been engaged have had to resize the rings. I think that is the most common scenario.

  • Like 8

Late but my thoughts on the preview.

(non) sex tourist Riley.  Did anyone notice that his story changed about his ex? Wasn't it told at the beginning that he came home and found the dude in the closet. Now he said, he went to visit her and found the dude in the closet. I am thinking he surprised some girl who he was dating (he was thinking they were exclusive) unannounced at her house and found the dude at the house.

Why wouldn't David go out with Amiee? I know she was unavailable but still....

  • Useful 1
15 minutes ago, Fable said:

While David and Sheila seem a good match, I have to admit it annoyed me that David was a bit upset that she hadn't learned to sign.  First, she has made some strides in signing, even though English is not her first language, all while taking care of a child and elderly parents.  Why in the world can't David also make an effort to try and pick up on lip reading?  It works two ways.  Am I right?  

I don't know anything about lip-reading, but I'm willing to give David the benefit of the doubt that it's very difficult for someone who has never spoken or heard speech.  The entire concept of vocalizing words is foreign to him.  Having said that, sure, the way he framed being frustrated at her for not having put in *more* effort at ASL, particularly given that she seemed to have a fairly high comprehension already, and was comfortable enough with the alphabet to spell out words did seem somewhat dickish.

On 8/25/2023 at 8:10 PM, MrBuhBye said:

Christian invites a stranger to Thanksgiving;

Inviting random strangers to join you for thanksgiving seems very odd.  I do think Cleo's onto something about Christian being very insecure and seeking female validation constantly.

  • Like 6
34 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

Inviting random strangers to join you for thanksgiving seems very odd.  I do think Cleo's onto something about Christian being very insecure and seeking female validation constantly.

Yup - inviting a random stranger to someone else's house, no less. I thought it was an asshole move and more evidence that Christian is insecure and craves attention from everyone, all the time - especially women.

I think it's ridiculous that Cleo's friend is coming though. Invite more people or have it just be the two of them but three is so awkward, especially since Cleo's friend is not fond of Christian.

  • Like 14
43 minutes ago, anoninrva said:

I don't know anything about lip-reading, but I'm willing to give David the benefit of the doubt that it's very difficult for someone who has never spoken or heard speech.

Yes, I get that.  All I was trying to say was that it must also be difficult for Sheila to translate her language into English and then try sign,  I think it would take a lot of work for both of them.  

  • Like 13
7 hours ago, greekmom said:

Why wouldn't David go out with Amiee? I know she was unavailable but still....

In a way with the camera crew on him he is relatively safe and Filipinos, especially those working in customer service are fluent enough in English that his text communications shouldn't be much more difficult than in his hometown.

And most of these 90 day qualifying trip or trips you are on a time clock to get back to work and the mother's death messed up the schedule

Amanda and Razvan

Those of you who said it was too soon after Jason's death for Amanda to pursue a relationship were, in hindsight, correct. But we can't turn back the clock. Their hearts are involved. I hope they're both able to treat each other with patience and grace as I think they really do love each other.

Gino and Jasmine

Oh Gino. I wish your mind worked a little bit faster. When Jasmine shrieked "Get out of my house!" I thought you would calmly remind her that because you're paying the rent, it's your house. And follow with asking whether she needs help packing up her things, or can she handle it herself?

This woman is an extremely manipulative narcissist, Gino. You cannot change her. What you can do is spend some of the money she demands you spend on her on a therapist for yourself instead. If you don't figure out why you're so willing to accept being emotionally and verbally abused by her soon, you're going to end up both broke and alone. She'll spend all your hard-earned money and when it's gone she'll leave — with her sights already fixed on her next mark. 

Christian and Cleo

Inviting someone you just met in a bar to a dinner hosted by you and your girlfriend without discussing it with your girlfriend first is wrong, Christian. This isn't one of the more obscure etiquette rules, either.

That the guest you invited is a woman bumps this to the very top of the inappropriateness scale, AKA the "What the Hell Were You THINKING?" scale. 

Cleo has you pegged. I agree with what she said about the situation: you do seem to constantly seek attention and validation from other women. 


You're going to be hard pressed to find a woman who accepts that behavior.

Riley and Violet

I suspect communication issues are what causes most of the disagreements between these two.

Riley doesn't seem to take the fact English is a second language for Violet into account when they're talking. Simplifying what he says along with encouraging Violet to ask him to clarify anything she doesn't understand could go a long way.

I think Violet misunderstands a good deal of what Riley says, but Violet may be too proud to stop him while he's speaking to ask him to repeat, rephrase, or explain something he just said. So she just lets him continue to speak, and at the end reacts not to what he actually said or meant, but what she thinks he said or meant. 

Meisha and Nicola

At least these two don't get involved in screaming matches.

Nicola doesn't seem to understand his own family's beliefs. Just think: there was no reason for him to have spent the last six years being wary of introducing Meisha to his family!  

I wonder if Meisha has noticed how controlling he can be. The cut she got on her leg when they were fishing didn't look very serious to me; if there was a valid reason for Nicola being upset about it (i.e., knowledge of flesh-eating bacteria in the Mediterranean Sea), why didn't he explain it and immediately take her to the ER?

But he didn't; instead he said he'd never take her fishing again. So presumably there are no serious health risks associated with going into the Mediterranean with a small, open cut.

Is insisting they'll never do an activity again how he's going to react when the activity they're doing together doesn't pan out the way he thinks it should?

I can't imagine Meisha being okay with that long-term.

David and Sheila

They're a sweet couple, IMO.

I'm glad David put some pressure on Sheila to learn ASL. David can't learn to communicate verbally, but Sheila can learn ASL. 

It's good she knows how to sign the alphabet and several simple words. But having to use their phones and translation apps to communicate all the time would get really old, really fast. 

I hope when David returns home he insists she use ASL when they video chat because Sheila will learn much more quickly the more opportunities she has to use ASL. 

TwirlyGirly: out! 😉

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2 hours ago, Fable said:

 Why in the world can't David also make an effort to try and pick up on lip reading?  It works two ways.  Am I right?  

According to ASL 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗳ined:

"[Lip reading] is a very difficult skill to master. For starters, 60% of the English language is simply not visible on the lips, which places one attempting to lip read at a significant disadvantage before they have even begun!  If that wasn’t challenging enough, there are several other things to contend with. If you consider the variety in human faces, you have a good idea of what must be overcome… such as fat or thin lips, mustaches and beards or other facial quirks or features. Then of course there are variations in speech, from something as simple as mumbling to more elaborate complications like foreign language speakers. Other obvious issues include the level of lighting in the room, distance from the speaker, how quickly they speak and the extent of their vocabulary."

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I have some thoughts on the David engagement ring. My first thought is that everyone is going now go to the Phillpines to get an engagement ring at 80 bucks.

My second thought is that he spent way too much on costume jewelry.

I'm not sure about Jasmine's butterfly clips but maybe I'm behind a trend. Jasmine does not seem to understand that Gino is cheap. Everytime she wants to buy/have something it's going to be power play. To have to scream, yell, get hysterical to get your point across is not good.


  • Like 5

Oh, boy:

Gino and Jasmine: You said it, Gino: Jasmine is psychotic.  This is your life if she is your wife, and it will be hell on earth.  And last week you wanted to have a baby??  

If Jasmine's name is on the lease, then it is her house.  But Gino, pack and leave.  No more.  She says she wants to *^^( her ex?  Tell her to have at it, and let him pay.  You look like a stooge.

I always thought through everything, Larissa had a funny and charming side (sometimes).  Same with Anfisa.  Jasmine's just horrible. 

Cleo and Christian: Did anyone see Christian's face light up when he was talking about the American woman he met in London (oh wow!)?  He's finding Cleo's needs too much work, and has to face the uncomfortable fact that she is biologically a man.  Cleo is right:  He needs female attention like a drug.  I hope American Woman found the invite to be really "off" and does not come.  Even Mr. Traveler wouldn't invite someone we knew to our home for Thanksgiving without an OK from me. 

Riley and Violet: I'm here to tell you that when a man says he doesn't trust women, or anything about earning trust, this is one angry mofo and you have to get out.  When something goes wrong, it will be your fault, because all women are bitches out to get him.  The looming over, and shouting down, I know, are short steps to a shove or slap.  I have a feeling many of us have had a Riley in our lives.  Maybe that's why there's such a reaction of loathing to him, including from me.

Amanda and Razman: Razman speaks English as a second language, but it's great compared to Amanda's "like" every other damn word.  I think now she feels stuck:  Uncomfortably aware that she was really just using his attentions to ease the pain of grief, then slept with him more to prove his friend wrong and make things "work", and now can't really back out of meeting his family as was planned.  Before the friend, she was doing all she could not to sleep with him or have any closeness; now he's pulling back and she's clinging!  Which is it?  

I think Amanda's used to her looks attracting men who would then provide for and protect her.  She's never grown up.  Razman isn't just a pretty boy, he's wanting a real partner, and Amanda can't do that.

Meisha and Nicole: How in the world did lumpy Nicola have brothers with signs of life, humor, and charm, which all managed to evade one sibling?  Meisha's got him exactly pegged.  Much to my surprise, Mama was grateful to be shedding her grandpa of a son and he's the one with the issues. 

Meisha, if you saddle yourself with him, you will become a "can opener", trying to pry out his emotions and trying to  make him into something he is not, such as a loving, funny, fun man.  For all your faith, you're not reading the signs God is putting up for you.

David and Sheila: These two are the only redeeming relationship this cycle, and that's even when I wasn't thrilled with David.  I hope it goes well for them.

  • Like 12
1 hour ago, Fable said:

All I was trying to say was that it must also be difficult for Sheila to translate her language into English and then try sign,  I think it would take a lot of work for both of them.  

Sheila doesn't have to translate Filipino to English, then English to ASL, because ASL isn't English. As a matter of fact, learning ASL doesn't require any knowledge of the English language.

According to Rocket Languages:

"ASL and English aren’t related. While many ASL-signers might know English as a byproduct of growing up in a predominantly English-speaking country, ASL has its own grammar, vocabulary, idioms and word order."

ASL does use a few English loan words, hence the reason there are ASL signs for each letter in the English alphabet. 

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Two highlights for me

#1 When Christian bragged about not having a drink in 72 hours followed by “I’m not much of a drinker but I’m on vacation and there’s not much going on…” Dude, you’re in London! Get out and explore! (Something besides a pub crawl)

#2 When Razvan gave Amanda the cold shoulder when she tried to make up with him. She grabbed his hand a couple of times, then kissed his hand and finally tried to nuzzle his neck and he just sat there ignoring her! I loved seeing her get a dose of her own medicine 

Edited by magemaud
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Gino, run. Now is the time. You need to go home and work on yourself. Find out why you aren't able to speak up for yourself and why you let Jasmine walk all over you. This time you apparently had had enough and did have a little bit of courage to talk back to her. But it wasn't enough. I see a pattern of your giving in but if you have any respect for yourself, leave.

Stop lethargically sitting on the bed after an argument and moping; get up, pack your things and leave. Let her be evicted for not paying the rent and don't feel bad about it. She's a manipulator and a mentally unstable woman and you can't fix her. Realize it and thank your lucky stars you didn't marry her.

This woman is just as abusive as Angela.  Two unstable peas in a pod.



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14 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

Riley and Violet: I'm here to tell you that when a man says he doesn't trust women, or anything about earning trust, this is one angry mofo and you have to get out.<snip>

That's also true of women who say they don't trust men, too, right?

My life experience thus far has been I've met far more women who don't trust men than men who don't trust women. YMMV, of course.

I don't think anyone who mistrusts the opposite sex should put the burden of having to prove they're worthy of trust on everyone they date after previous partners have been untrustworthy. People who do that are punishing potential relationship partners for the behavior of past relationship partners. 

From what I've observed in relationships my friends have had with partners who proved untrustworthy, there were clear signs from the beginning of those relationships they shouldn't trust those men, but they chose to ignore those signs.

So is the problem that men shouldn't be trusted? Or are there some men who shouldn't be trusted, and women who ignored obvious signs men they wanted so badly were untrustworthy — but got involved with them anyway? 

14 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

<snip> If Jasmine's name is on the lease, then it is her house.  But Gino, pack and leave.  No more.  She says she wants to *^^( her ex?  Tell her to have at it, and let him pay.  You look like a stooge.<snip>

I've done a bit of research, and learned there are quite a number of fully furnished apartments in Panama that can be rented on a month-to-month basis. I suspect that's the type of place Jasmine lives in. It makes sense, because neither Gino nor Jasmine know when* Jasmine's K-1 visa application will be approved.  

If her apartment is a month-to-month rental, and Gino doesn't want to continue to pay for it, then if Jasmine can't come up with the rent on her own she'll have to vacate it.

Oh well. 

*If ever 

Edited by TwirlyGirly
I thought I'd italicized the word "some" in the 5th paragraph, but just discovered I didn't. Have corrected it now.
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I need some memes from Drago. 

Christian I thought he was actually showing Cleo he was actually looking out for her. He looked like he was getting more comfortable. Doing the little things Making her feel special. 

Cosplay the store owner. Then Chris goes back to assehole and decides he’s gonna talk to a girl and get her phone number. Like he feels like he has to go talk to a girl to feel like a man. Just like I said. Girls at the bar now this random girl. Btw wanna have thanksgiving with us??? 

Lol why she look like Statler Statler is in England she wasn’t in this episode did he just run into Statler Chris a fool. That chick was like you getting at me and you got a chick. Im getting so pissed. 

Cleo is sprung on this dude. 

David just do it with Sheila. Yay yay David showered before fucking. They must have been reading our posts. 

Nicolas mom is the coolest new character on 90 day fiancé she gets me hyped. She’s awesome. She’s like she don’t care marry my son. I go America. She was hilarious. She stole the show. 


Riley he got Violet back. Btw I hired a P.I. To investigate yo ass. Not that there’s anything wrong with that? Right? Cool. Now back to lunch. Lol. 


Fuck Jasmine she’s a bitch. This bitch goes from pay my bills. Pay my place. I need a place to that’s why I fucked him. His dicks bigger and he can fuck. Fuck you.!!!!!! 

okay so Gino at least you know you don’t have to give this bitch a dime. There’s a reason you better make her sign that prenup. This bitch is as dirty as a rat in New York City. 

head for the hills. She really showed her ass. Wha wha crocodile tears. Give her her pacifier. 

Edited by Craigcodybazhate
  • Like 7
1 hour ago, Breedom said:

Gino, run. Now is the time. You need to go home and work on yourself. Find out why you aren't able to speak up for yourself and why you let Jasmine walk all over you. This time you apparently had had enough and did have a little bit of courage to talk back to her. But it wasn't enough. I see a pattern of your giving in but if you have any respect for yourself, leave.

Stop lethargically sitting on the bed after an argument and moping; get up, pack your things and leave. Let her be evicted for not paying the rent and don't feel bad about it. She's a manipulator and a mentally unstable woman and you can't fix her. Realize it and thank your lucky stars you didn't marry her.

This woman is just as abusive as Angela.  Two unstable peas in a pod.



Breedom the Goat is in Da House. We must listen. 

lol Chris looked like Ben Stillers character in Startsky and Hutch when he was coked up. When he was drinking with Cleo. 

Chris is just attracted to trans women like the Cosplay clerk. She was obviously flirting with Chris. And Chris liked it. Transwomen aren’t just gonna flirt to flirt. A trans woman  would know if a guy is into them. Chris lit up in that Cosplay store. 

David don’t give Sheila crap for not learning sign language. She has alot of shit going on. David is a good dude though. Glad he’s stepping up. The hotel is a great gesture. 

Jasmine that’s a dirty dirty woman. How can you say those things after asking for money??? Is she fucking him now? 

Razvan is full of shit. He knows he’d be smashing Amanda the minute those cameras went off. He ain’t fooling nobody. 

4 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Yup - inviting a random stranger to someone else's house, no less. I thought it was an asshole move and more evidence that Christian is insecure and craves attention from everyone, all the time - especially women.

I think it's ridiculous that Cleo's friend is coming though. Invite more people or have it just be the two of them but three is so awkward, especially since Cleo's friend is not fond of Christian.

Cleo’s friend needs to come for support. Who knows what Chris will do. They pick each other up. Nothing wrong with that. Maybe there’s not a lot of friends that Cleo helps. 

5 hours ago, Fable said:

While David and Sheila seem a good match, I have to admit it annoyed me that David was a bit upset that she hadn't learned to sign.  First, she has made some strides in signing, even though English is not her first language, all while taking care of a child and elderly parents.  Why in the world can't David also make an effort to try and pick up on lip reading?  It works two ways.  Am I right?  

Spot on. 

3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

[Lip reading] is a very difficult skill to master.

I know, I know.  But she still has to translate what David is saying and then form a response in ASL.  I can only imagine reading lips is hard if one hasn't learned it early in life.  I just wish David would put in the same effort to communicate that he wants from Sheila.  

  • Like 7

Riley trying to gaslight Violet into thinking everyone in USA sics PI's on their love interests made me see red. First, he insists on extracting an apology from her about writing to his dad, which was bad enough. I have a feeling the reason she was so adamant that she did nothing wrong was that in her culture, that's normal. But Riley can pound rocks.

Christian inviting that total stranger to their dinner was so rude, as was the fact he chatted up this woman in the first place.

Amanda, Aw, poor thing. You sat there practically with a smirk on your face while Razvan told you how hurt he was that you ripped him to shreds. Then when he recovers enough to realize he doesn't have to show up for this sort of treatment anymore, you suddenly decide to be conciliatory. Sucks to be you. I hope he dumps your sorry self.


Edited by renatae
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15 hours ago, greekmom said:

Late but my thoughts on the preview.

(non) sex tourist Riley.  Did anyone notice that his story changed about his ex? Wasn't it told at the beginning that he came home and found the dude in the closet. Now he said, he went to visit her and found the dude in the closet. I am thinking he surprised some girl who he was dating (he was thinking they were exclusive) unannounced at her house and found the dude at the house.

Why wouldn't David go out with Amiee? I know she was unavailable but still....

I hate to defend Riley, but it was always that he went to her house and found another guy (his friend) in bed with her. 

With the truth being somewhat in the middle, I can believe they were dating, she was keeping her options open and Riley was crossing boundaries by going to her house unannounced. It wasn’t HIS house. 

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7 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Gino and Jasmine

Oh Gino. I wish your mind worked a little bit faster. When Jasmine shrieked "Get out of my house!" I thought you would calmly remind her that because you're paying the rent, it's your house. And follow with asking whether she needs help packing up her things, or can she handle it herself?

If Jasmine's name is on the lease then screw you Gino. He can't do anything except cut the funds.

6 hours ago, AR Traveler said:

Oh, boy:

Gino and Jasmine: You said it, Gino: Jasmine is psychotic.  This is your life if she is your wife, and it will be hell on earth.  And last week you wanted to have a baby??  

If Jasmine's name is on the lease, then it is her house.  But Gino, pack and leave.  No more.  She says she wants to *^^( her ex?  Tell her to have at it, and let him pay.  You look like a stooge.

I always thought through everything, Larissa had a funny and charming side (sometimes).  Same with Anfisa.  Jasmine's just horrible. 


I am not a Jasmine fan but Gino is disgusting. He runs after women out of his lane that are just Sugar girls. Honestly, if she takes him for all he has and then some, good on her. Just she needs to stop on the plastic surgery. 

7 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

According to ASL 𝗗𝗲𝗮𝗳ined:

"[Lip reading] is a very difficult skill to master. For starters, 60% of the English language is simply not visible on the lips, which places one attempting to lip read at a significant disadvantage before they have even begun!  If that wasn’t challenging enough, there are several other things to contend with. If you consider the variety in human faces, you have a good idea of what must be overcome… such as fat or thin lips, mustaches and beards or other facial quirks or features. Then of course there are variations in speech, from something as simple as mumbling to more elaborate complications like foreign language speakers. Other obvious issues include the level of lighting in the room, distance from the speaker, how quickly they speak and the extent of their vocabulary."

That's why in Switched at Birth they use to call Daphne magical for being able to read lips so well. 

Regarding Christian - who invites randos to dinner at someone else's home and what randos in their right mind would go? How do you know they are not an ax murder (either party)???  

I am still hoping that David and Sheila work out. She really needs to step up her game with ASL.  Instead of turning the phones off from texting, maybe he can help her translate what she wants to say by showing her the signs?

Meisha has to be punking us.  She wants to get back on tv right??  I bet mom was doing the happy dance that the free loader will no longer be her problem.

I actually felt bad for Razvan. Whatever his intention was for the US i think he does really care for Amanda.  

6 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I hate to defend Riley, but it was always that he went to her house and found another guy (his friend) in bed with her. 

With the truth being somewhat in the middle, I can believe they were dating, she was keeping her options open and Riley was crossing boundaries by going to her house unannounced. It wasn’t HIS house. 

ok. I remember the story a bit different.  Thanks for clearing it up.

But agree with you, i don't think they were exclusive. 

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4 hours ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

Razvan is full of shit. He knows he’d be smashing Amanda the minute those cameras went off. He ain’t fooling nobody. 

They had some off-camera exchange (somehow?!) that sounded pretty intense, with her comparing him to Jason, who was, if I recall, the (adult) manager of the Hooters that (underage) Amanda worked at when they met?  That's a whole other can of worms, but it sounds like she had a Jasimine-esque tirade and really hurt his feelings.  He was visibly disengaged in that last scene.  I don't think that was for the cameras.

Mrs. Anon and I were debating why the audio was so bad in that car scene with them.  Is it possible they turned off a microphone but didn't realize there was another one running?  We don't normally get all the road noise when couples are talking in a car.  They do that constantly with couples like Danielle and Yohan.  I don't remember being so aware that a couple was even in a car during one of those segments.

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6 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

That's also true of women who say they don't trust men, too, right?

My life experience thus far has been I've met far more women who don't trust men than men who don't trust women. YMMV, of course.

I don't think anyone who mistrusts the opposite sex should put the burden of having to prove they're worthy of trust on everyone they date after previous partners have been untrustworthy. People who do that are punishing potential relationship partners for the behavior of past relationship partners. 

From what I've observed in relationships my friends have had with partners who proved untrustworthy, there were clear signs from the beginning of those relationships they shouldn't trust those men, but they chose to ignore those signs.

So is the problem that men shouldn't be trusted? Or are there some men who shouldn't be trusted, and women who ignored obvious signs men they wanted so badly were untrustworthy — but got involved with them anyway? 

I've done a bit of research, and learned there are quite a number of fully furnished apartments in Panama that can be rented on a month-to-month basis. I suspect that's the type of place Jasmine lives in. It makes sense, because neither Gino nor Jasmine know when* Jasmine's K-1 visa application will be approved.  

If her apartment is a month-to-month rental, and Gino doesn't want to continue to pay for it, then if Jasmine can't come up with the rent on her own she'll have to vacate it.

Oh well. 

*If ever 

Oh that's certainly true.  Lack of trust is at the root of the Jasmines and Angelas of this very show.  I was referring to the Riley-like browbeating that I've experienced.

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8 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

Nicola doesn't seem to understand his own family's beliefs. Just think: there was no reason for him to have spent the last six years being wary of introducing Meisha to his family! 

I have been leaning towards the idea that Nicola was hoping his family would blow a gasket so that he could remove himself from this relationship in the most fucking passively aggressive way possible. 

As others have pointed out, HE is more likely the one who is uncomfortable with her background because, god forbid she's not a virgin!!

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We saw a lot of 'true selves' emerge this episode.  Amanda just cannot accept that she might be the one who is dumped (and that Razvan won't just roll over and accept every rude thing she throws at him) and is desperate to now get him back.  She is so transparent-I really hope he doesn't fall for it.

Riley is so condescending to Violet.  No, it's not common/accepted that all Americans hire PIs to check out potentials.  And the way he asked if she was stating just her "feelings" or asking a question.  Violet, send him home and just stop communicating with him.

Chris and his 'what are the chances I would meet another American in London...' comment was just too much.  Yeah, what are the chances?  I certainly hope they paid for the use of the costumes even though they only tried them on in the store.  Why waste someone's time like that and I would imagine the costumes have to be cleaned as being tried on.  It was a beautiful shop.  Oh, and haven't had a drink for 72 hours?  Give that man a medal...

Nicola is so transparent in his 'it's our tradition, they won't accept you' in that he's the one who doesn't want to move forward with Meisha.  He is probably afraid that she will demand that he get a job while his mom is just happy to get him out of the house.  He is all 'I'm the care-giver for my mom' while she cooks an amazing dinner for the family and probably cleans the house.  He doesn't do anything (IMO) for his mom and she just wants her apartment for herself.  Meisha will put expectations on him and he doesn't want them.

I am rooting for David and Sheila.  I think they both are still developing their communication process and they will continue to improve.  It looked like a beautiful resort.

Oh, and I always fast-forward Jasmine and Gino so have nothing to say except I wish they weren't on the show-just go away.

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7 hours ago, renatae said:

Amanda, Aw, poor thing. You sat there practically with a smirk on your face while Razvan told you how hurt he was that you ripped him to shreds. Then when he recovers enough to realize he doesn't have to show up for this sort of treatment anymore, you suddenly decide to be conciliatory. Sucks to be you. I hope he dumps your sorry self.

Yup. That icy cold, very detached persona she has along with that never ending smirk makes me cringe. Razvan said something shut down in him - finally - but he'll take this confused girl back, hopeful that things can be salvaged. They won't be.

Her comparing him to Jason tells me she is so not ready for any relationship. Will she ever be? I think she doesn't have the maturity to have a fulfilling relationship; who knows what her marriage was really like. She acts like a little girl. I can't believe she has two kids. I'd give her about ten years to come to terms with her husband's death, mature into a stable and independent woman and get to a place where she's not constantly identifying herself as a "widow with young children." I know it's devastating. She seems to be afraid to be without a man, that's why she's begging Razvan now to stay - after ripping him apart.

Run, Razvan. Go find someone else. Realign your life without this girl who probably had stuff to work on way before meeting you.

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2 hours ago, Stuckathome said:

LOL, you know even if he weren't a virgin, he will be awful in bed---he knows she is more experienced and WILL mentally at least compare him to past lovers.  

Which is exactly why he won’t sleep with her. It’s less about religious principles and more about his own injured pride because she has more experience. 

Why does Meisha look at Nicola like he’s some complicated, mysterious mathematical puzzle she needs to solve? It’s simple: some people are very different in person than they are online. Meisha does not have anything “invested” in that “relationship”. She barely knows him. She needs to just leave. He’s not the one.

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18 minutes ago, Mrs. Landingham said:

Why does Meisha look at Nicola like he’s some complicated, mysterious mathematical puzzle she needs to solve? It’s simple: some people are very different in person than they are online. Meisha does not have anything “invested” in that “relationship”. She barely knows him. She needs to just leave. He’s not the one.

In her mind she has invested the last 7 years chatting with him. I agree, really that isn't anything and she needs to walk and chalk this up to experience. As for the first part----it seems to me that there are some women who are just like this with men. When they see the red flags instead of running, they try to figure out what caused the flag in the first place, or how they can get him to drop the flag and change. Or they are convinced that THEY are the one, the special woman who will unlock this "complicated" mess of a man. Nope. He i just a spoiled asshole. Nothing deep there. Move on, you can do soooo much better. 

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BTW  A big thank you  to the poster several episodes back who mentioned that the name Nicola makes them think of R I C O L A and that they were singing his name to that tune!! Guess what I have been doing ever since then?!?! Every single time.  LMAO

Did they ever say if any of Nicola's (see there it is again!) brothers were married? If not, I can only imagine how happy his mother must be to think perhaps she is getting rid of one of them. I'm surprised that she didn't ask if Meisha had any available divorced friends !

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I'd like to clarify and expand upon what I meant when I wrote "ASL isn't English" in an earlier post, if I may:

Many people think ASL is a type of shorthand for spoken English language words and phrases using "signs", which consist primarily of hand motions.

It is not. 

ASL is a complete language on its own, separate from and unrelated to, English — just like any other language, such as Russian, Dutch, Greek, Aramaic, etc. 

We don't think a native French speaker has to learn English in order to learn Russian, right?

It's the same thing: someone whose native language is Filipino doesn't have to learn English to learn ASL. 

ASL combines hand signals with facial expressions and body language to communicate its unique vocabulary, grammar, word order, etc.

Yes, ASL includes some English loan words, but so do other languages. And English includes many loan words from other languages, too; one example is a word with which all of us who follow any of the "90 Day" forums should be acutely aware: "fiancé"! 

Here's a fun and interesting article I found about loan words from other languages that are part of the English language:

Something Borrowed – English Words With Foreign Origins

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51 minutes ago, Scarlett45 said:

I think Sheila probably didn’t invest more time in learning ASL because she was able to text with David and until he actually booked the ticket, she may not have felt he was coming and there was a real future with him. 

When he arrived and her mother died she maybe thought “oh shit, this is a real way to a better life”. 

I would go with as long as the guy didn't turn out to be a Big Ed that both were going in planning on being engaged before David flies home to start the petition 

Amanda wants Razvan to be a janitor. I think the whole thing is doable. Razvan can be an actor and pursue his show business and he can be a waiter at a restaurant. A lot of actors are waiters while waiting on booking getting on a show. She’s way out of line.


also he can do some social media stuff. His stuff is a pride thing. He can’t be a guy asking for a thing and he doesn’t want to ask her for anything. He wants to make his own money. 

I remember meeting a woman in Norway she was like the Paris Hilton of Norway big celebrity in America nobody would know her. 

I think Razvan is real big in Romania. So him thinking about cleaning toilets. He just can’t do it. And Amanda’s thing is always what are you going to do to support them. It’s always cleaning toilets. It doesn’t have to just be that. 

Amdrei drove uber and now we know he got career better but we know how he got that lol. 

But other guys on this show have worked and got jobs. Some of y’all don’t remember Devar from season one. So there’s definitely ways guys can come here and work. 

Amanda’s using excuses. 

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5 minutes ago, Craigcodybazhate said:

Amanda wants Razvan to be a janitor. I think the whole thing is doable. Razvan can be an actor and pursue his show business and he can be a waiter at a restaurant. A lot of actors are waiters while waiting on booking getting on a show. She’s way out of line.


also he can do some social media stuff. His stuff is a pride thing. He can’t be a guy asking for a thing and he doesn’t want to ask her for anything. He wants to make his own money. 

I remember meeting a woman in Norway she was like the Paris Hilton of Norway big celebrity in America nobody would know her. 

I think Razvan is real big in Romania. So him thinking about cleaning toilets. He just can’t do it. And Amanda’s thing is always what are you going to do to support them. It’s always cleaning toilets. It doesn’t have to just be that. 

Amdrei drove uber and now we know he got career better but we know how he got that lol. 

But other guys on this show have worked and got jobs. Some of y’all don’t remember Devar from season one. So there’s definitely ways guys can come here and work. 

Amanda’s using excuses. 

Amanda doesn’t want him. Not even for fun. And because she’s emotionally immature, she won’t TELL HIM “it’s been really nice to meet you and you’ve shown me a lovely time, but I’m not ready for a relationship.”

It’s always HIS fault. Razvan has been nothing but a gentleman to her. He can do way better, I’m sure there are plenty of attractive young USC women without kids who’d love to date him. 

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15 minutes ago, cynicat said:

The fact that Nicola is such a pill makes Meisha look normal.  She's got her own issues, so that's going to limit her choices.  That being said, she can definitely do better, but that's a really low bar.  😉

I don't really know if these participants are able to do better, because if they could, wouldn't they?  I get that some of these participants are chasing fame (looking at you Meisha, Chris, and Cleo), but I also think a lot of the participants have tried to find better and think that the ones they have found (for this show) are as good as it's going to get.

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