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S02.E10: The Last Supper Part One: Appetizer

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16 hours ago, bluegirl147 said:

Aidan is realizing what he is doing even though it's bringing him happiness is causing his child to hurt.  No matter what happens I do not expect things to be wrapped up with a pretty little bow. 

Wyatt is 14, not four. Aiden didn't leave him home alone to go to NYC.   And he didn't cause his child to hurt, Wyatt was pissed at his mom and decided to act out, probably to get his Dad's attention.  Is Aiden just supposed to stay home and stand by in case Wyatt gets mad at his mom and leaves?  Is the mom never supposed to have a life in case Wyatt gets mad at his Dad?    (Is Charlotte supposed to not work because her teenage kids might need something?)

Wyatt will be grown and gone in four years and Aiden throwing away a relationship over that seems excessive.  Of course he is upset and worried but, "I should have been there" moves the blame to himself instead of where it belongs - on Wyatt.  If I was in Aiden's place, I would be shook up and upset but I wouldn't blame myself for not being home or finding some happiness away from my kids. 

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1 hour ago, greekmom said:

He's going from MBFGW3 to this. Bad acting in one to bad acting in another.

The last thing I saw him act in that I liked was the series "Northern Exposure". 


As Chris the DJ, he was perfect for that weird & wonderful town.  Though Marilyn was my favorite character.  She was a terrific knitter and had snark to spare. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 8:39 PM, violet and green said:

I just don't know what planet the "writers" of this show are on.

One that is a gazillion miles away from Earth, rendering it impossible for them to know how to write about real-life women in their 50s.

I fantasize about some day watching this series in a broken-down movie theater at midnight, a la Rocky Horror Picture Show. Viewers will dress up like the characters, get drunk on Cosmos in go-cups and scream out the worst dialogue.

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54 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

The last thing I saw him act in that I liked was the series "Northern Exposure". 


As Chris the DJ, he was perfect for that weird & wonderful town.  Though Marilyn was my favorite character.  She was a terrific knitter and had snark to spare. 

Chris in the Morning is why I love JC, and always will. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 11:10 PM, NotMySekrit2Tell said:

But the scene didn't work. It came off both unpleasant and half-assed. Obviously, the comedy being funnier would have counted for a lot by itself. The way we should have been feeling as viewers is "This is brutal for Miranda to sit through, but I have to admit, if I were in a club watching this and didn't know who the other person in the relationship was, I'd be rolling on the floor."

My reaction to Che's set?


On 8/18/2023 at 9:13 AM, bluegirl147 said:

Miranda used to have a vibrator (the one Magda tried to replace with a Jesus figurine if I remember correctly) in her nightstand drawer. She knows what to do with a clitoris.

Miranda: It's my clitoris, not the sphinx.

Carrie: I think you just found the title of your autobiography.

  • LOL 5

This is about time! I've begun to wonder about the growing chants  of  Miranda still deserved ALL of it!


19 hours ago, BellyLaughter said:

If Miranda ever talks to Che again after that cruel set she gets everything she deserves.  And for Che to turn around when they are caught out and make it all about “poor old Che” who know one understands is some high level narcissism …


15 hours ago, AllyB said:

when the relationship ended, Che had 'clueless old confused straight lady' material to twist into a comedy set.

Che was totally indignant and angry that Miranda had the nerve to  be hurt! It was Che's perfect right to be a jerk in the name of self expression. It was Miranda's damn fault for showing up to support and hearing it!

When exactly did discovering you have the freedom    to not twist  yourself in knots trying to conform to society's expectations  equate to being so callous  you don't  consider  the  vulnerabilities  of others unless   they're literally  tiny helpless kittens dumped in the city streets of New York??????


What if Miranda was the stand up comic and talked about Che's issues, insecurities and N.B. status... using only Che's own words? I can't begin to  imagine the  outrage that would ensue.

Che walked off with Toby who thank goodness was there to offer support... and also advice to stop apologizing all over the place. Huh?😕



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9 hours ago, T Summer said:

What if Miranda was the stand up comic and talked about Che's issues, insecurities and N.B. status... using only Che's own words? I can't begin to  imagine the  outrage that would ensue.

Che walked off with Toby who thank goodness was there to offer support... and also advice to stop apologizing all over the place. Huh?😕

Miranda can complain:

  • Che's laziness
  • Their lack of empathy
  • Their flip floppiness of commitment
  • They didn't disclose they were married
  • Che's weight issues and body issues


Personally, I think Toby will grow tired of Che's bullshit and drop them. Right now Toby is a big fan of Che and doesn't see their faults. I don't think Toby will put up with either the flip flop of the commitment, the not ex husband when Toby finds out or the invite for a threesome with the not ex husband. 

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re: LTW's unexpected pregnancy


I was thinking about how usually these story lines are made to quickly resolve by being written as ending in a miscarriage. I   thought I  remembered the All In The Family spin off series Maude doing an episode where she has an abortion way back in the 70's. Apparently it was a two part episode  in 1972  and Maude was 45 years old. Wasn't it only legalized in 1972? I ran across this  page, a timeline of abortion stories in U.S. popular media. I didn't remember  the All My Children character Erica Cain had one in 1973. It's interesting.




LTW said in the episode she thought she'd moved out of babyville. How old is her character supposed to be? Why do I think 47? I believe the actress is 52.

Since a few on this board love to mention the farthest out  of  outliers... I lived in babyville for 45 years! Moved out last year. I had to laugh about how Carrie should have condoms for  guarding against STD's, if nothing else. I've  seen horrified looks on younger women's faces in the family or at the doctor's office when I tell them I had my cycle every 28 days from 13 to 58.

I'm a stepmom. Never had children.

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I'm a little late.

I don't get the point of making Lisa pregnant for one episode then miscarrying. And her reaction to it reminded me of Arlene's reaction to almost miscarrying in True Blood-she wasn't almost grinning like Arlene was, but she seemed pretty chill about it.

As a stand up comedy fan, comics do mine their personal lives for their act. And as far as Che knew, no one there except Carrie would know who they were talking about. So while I didn't find it funny, I didn't find it cruel like others did (Chris Titus' stand up about his ex is BRUTAL). I also think it's interesting how many people cheered for Steve laying into Miranda intentionally but boo Che who didn't intend for Miranda to hear those things. 

I have no idea what is going on with the Carrie/Aiden/Wyatt plot. When I watched the second movie I had no idea why the heck Aiden would kiss Carrie after the way she treated him. Now he's apologizing to her for how their relationship ended? Eh.

Drunk Charlotte with Richard Burton has been me a few times.

Seema keeps getting retreads of Samantha storylines.

I actually didn't mind the tribute to Stanny. They were always mean to him anyway so I'm glad he found peace away from them.

We got hints that Stanford was a top also, so I don't get the Anthony bottoming storyline. I agree that he shouldn't do anything he's not comfortable with but I always tell my friends to keep an open mind when it comes to sex. Sometimes you may be surprised what feels good. I even know straight guys who enjoy things in their butt from time to time. 

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6 hours ago, T Summer said:

I was thinking about how usually these story lines are made to quickly resolve by being written as ending in a miscarriage. I   thought I  remembered the All In The Family spin off series Maude doing an episode where she has an abortion way back in the 70's. Apparently it was a two part episode  in 1972  and Maude was 45 years old. Wasn't it only legalized in 1972? .

While Roe v. Wade legalized abortion on demand without excessive government restriction nationwide on January 22, 1973, New York - where Maude was set - had legalized it up to 24 weeks in 1970.

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1 minute ago, MBayGal said:

MBFGW3--apparently a series or movie with which I am completely unfamiliar.  But Chris will always be Chris in the Morning to me.  

I tried to watch the original MBFGW again when it was on cable earlier tonight. I just cannot get through that snoozefest. I can't put my finger on why but I don't find John Corbett appealing. I don't intensely dislike him or anything, I just find him so bland and boring.

The typists can tell me Carrie is all lit up with newfound excitement in her 3rd go round with Aiden. I  just am not buying it.

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Throwing away exes: is that bad? They're exes for a reason, usually. I get having to maintain relationships, of a sort, when you share kids, and definitely Miranda owes Steve more than she's currently giving but otherwise, I subscribe to Miranda's (the SATC Miranda, the one we all liked) philosophy: We didn't work out. You need to not exist. 

10 hours ago, T Summer said:


The typists can tell me Carrie is all lit up with newfound excitement in her 3rd go round with Aiden. I  just am not buying it.

Whether it's a good or bad thing, I do think Carrie is at her most Carrie-like, in this series, in her scenes with Aidan. AJLT's Carrie (and even in the second movie), Carrie seemed brittle, drawn, bitter. Of course, Big's death had a lot to do with that, and understandably so. But with Aidan, she's looser, girlier, softer, sillier. For better or worse, I guess. 

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I will never understand Carrie's fashions, that outfit she was wearing on the Coney Island boardwalk, looks like she was taking fashion advice from the Olson Twins, oversized, baggy nonsense. How is Aiden not mortified to walk around in public with her?

Please give Brady a decent haircut, I refer to him as Napolean Dynamite, it is not a stretch.



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I've hated both Miranda and Che in this, but I did feel a bit bad for Miranda. We as the audience know that relationship meant way more to Miranda than it did to Che. I've questioned since the beginning what Che saw in Miranda. So I'm sure it hurt her to hear all those things. 

And I'm also a little upset that Carrie isn't even trying to comfort Miranda. This is your friend of 30 years, you two have been through it. She didn't even bother following Miranda out of the club to see if she was ok and she's forcing her to be at the same dinner as Che. Carrie is the worst here. She's putting Che and Miranda on the same level of friendship and I'm sorry, they are not. Someone on Twitter said that Samantha would have ripped Che a new one and I agree.

I'll be in NYC in a few weeks and I need to know where the ladies where shopping after they had brunch. It looked like a cute place.

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12 hours ago, T Summer said:

The typists can tell me Carrie is all lit up with newfound excitement in her 3rd go round with Aiden. I  just am not buying it.

I think they are trying to convince themselves this storyline is a winner.  I stand by my opinion putting them back together was the easiest thing to do. You know instead of actually writing a better story. 

14 hours ago, Tattooeddancer said:

Seema keeps getting retreads of Samantha storylines.

Another example of the lazy writing.  These writers are hacks.

2 hours ago, luna1122again said:

But with Aidan, she's looser, girlier, softer, sillier. For better or worse, I guess. 

For me it's worse. Carrie could be doing anything right now.  She could travel. She could start a charity/foundation. Instead she is spending money, a lot of money. She has bought and/or sold four apartments since Big's death. And wants to play house with Aidan every other week.  This is what she always wanted.  A lot of money and a guy who had nothing better to do than to focus on her.  Too bad Aidan has a kid who needs him. 

1 hour ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I will never understand Carrie's fashions,

For every good one there are three that aren't good. They are still dressing Carrie for effect.  And that effect is look at me.

46 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

And I'm also a little upset that Carrie isn't even trying to comfort Miranda.


46 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Carrie is the worst here.

She's putting Che and Miranda on the same level of friendship and I'm sorry, they are not.

I said this earlier.   I get not wanting to get in the middle of a break up but Carrie is definitely not a ride or die friend.

47 minutes ago, MaggieG said:

Someone on Twitter said that Samantha would have ripped Che a new one and I agree.

No matter what the writers tried to get us to believe last season Samantha is 100% a ride or die friend.  


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On 8/19/2023 at 1:55 PM, pasdetrois said:

I fantasize about some day watching this series in a broken-down movie theater at midnight, a la Rocky Horror Picture Show. Viewers will dress up like the characters, get drunk on Cosmos in go-cups and scream out the worst dialogue.

I will say, seeing one of the movies (I can’t remember if it was the first or second) at a midnight show where everyone had obviously gotten tipsy beforehand made it one of the more enjoyable times I’ve had at at a movie theater.

Miranda should’ve pulled a Kathy and told Che “you can’t write about this.”  I get that every “artiste” draws on their personal life but this seems out of bounds.  Nothing that Che said was untrue, mind you, we’ve been taking Miranda to task for it this entire time, but it was just unrelenting meanness substituted for actual jokes.  Has Che ever made an actually funny joke on this show?  Weird that the writers can come up with endless jokes for Carrie, Charlotte, Miranda and Samantha and yet totally fail when tasked with jokes for the actual comedian.

Speaking of Che, it is *obscene* that Carrie wants Miranda and Che to play nice for the dinner.  Carrie, you were *there* for Miranda at her mothers funeral.  You were *there* for her when she considered abortion.  You were *there* for her at the actual birth of her child.  But, you know, you made a cool work friend that you now think is actually cool, so let’s just toss this aside?!?  

Much like Carrie, I have never been to Coney Island before, but hot dogs and clams?  And beer?  That’s a fraternity hazing ritual, not a business venture, Steve.  Like, all at the same time?  I get hot dogs *or* clams, but both?  Together?

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On 8/20/2023 at 4:04 PM, T Summer said:

re: LTW's unexpected pregnancy


I was thinking about how usually these story lines are made to quickly resolve by being written as ending in a miscarriage. I   thought I  remembered the All In The Family spin off series Maude doing an episode where she has an abortion way back in the 70's. Apparently it was a two part episode  in 1972  and Maude was 45 years old. Wasn't it only legalized in 1972? I ran across this  page, a timeline of abortion stories in U.S. popular media. I didn't remember  the All My Children character Erica Cain had one in 1973. It's interesting.



Also Mimi Rose had an abortion without first telling Adam on Girls, circa 2014-2015.

My closing thoughts on LTW and the miscarriage is I thought they were going down the path of advanced maternal age and pregnancy loss, which is something that does happen to the target demographic of the show. I thought it would develop into a bonding moment to deepen the friendship between LTW and Charlotte, since Charlotte previously experienced pregnancy loss. I'm going on the assumption that they did develop the storyline but it the scenes were cut. That's the only thing I can come up with. Unless they tell us later, we'll never really know. 

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On 8/17/2023 at 7:24 AM, Spartan Girl said:

And honestly, there wasn’t a single lie in Che’s bit.

True, but dishonestly wasn't the point. The point was betraying confidences that even the current incarnation of what was once Miranda still deserved. Che's act wasn't quite revenge porn, but to Miranda, it probably felt far too close.

But Che watching old routines when Che appears less gender fluid was the first time in the series I felt some sympathy for Che and found Che not so repellant.

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8 hours ago, luna1122again said:

Whether it's a good or bad thing, I do think Carrie is at her most Carrie-like, in this series, in her scenes with Aidan. AJLT's Carrie (and even in the second movie), Carrie seemed brittle, drawn, bitter. Of course, Big's death had a lot to do with that, and understandably so. But with Aidan, she's looser, girlier, softer, sillier. For better or worse, I guess. 

I agree that's how Carrie is coming across with Aiden lately. These acting and directing choices are to show us that things   are on track to work out for them at long last. With this and all that "Was Big a big mistake?" BS, I personally feel it's to shit on Chris Noth because of the accusations made against him... just as cutting the scenes filmed with him from S1 was. I fear that where they're going is not going to be very satisfying  for us (the audience).

Are we just supposed to forget how Carrie couldn't stay way from Big even though she was with a decent  age appropriate boyfriend with no commitment issues? I know we all remember the  difference in the way the love making scenes were portrayed. They want to do a rewrite of the whole thing and suggest Carrie and Aiden have  all this newfound intensity in  the 3rd incarnation of their relationship, and that seems highly unlikely.


A lot of Che's routine about Miranda the straight white lady centered around her being  a shitty inept sex partner. Did they forget they already showed Miranda enthusiastically pleasing Che orally (who seemed pretty pleased) and giving the strap on a try? Che took a phone call during the former!!!

It's been pointed out several times already that Che said Miranda brought her husband and son into their bed which was meant figuratively whereas Che brought a whole husband into their bed... literally!

Yet most here keep saying Che might have been mean, but  told no lies!


Che was leaning on  ways  old white ladies are stereotyped for cheap laughs... (but still didn't get any) because THAT'S ok.

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The one thing I loved about Samantha was that even if she didn't agree with your decisions, she stood by you. Remember in SATC when she stood up for Charlotte when that other woman stole that baby name?  Samantha might not agree in having kids but she has your back.  I rather have her than Carrie in my corner.

7 hours ago, MaggieG said:

She's putting Che and Miranda on the same level of friendship and I'm sorry, they are not. Someone on Twitter said that Samantha would have ripped Che a new one and I agree.

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7 hours ago, chitowngirl said:
20 hours ago, MBayGal said:

MBFGW3--apparently a series or movie with which I am completely unfamiliar.  But Corbett  will always be Chris in the Morning to me.  

My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3

Thanks!  I don't think I ever would have come up with that..   I'm not sure I knew there were two sequels.  I thought the first one was fun.  When It became a big hit, I recall hoping JC was getting a share of the profits, not just a salary.

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Aside from the fact Ithat  I  dislike like the  character Che, I find it impossible to believe that Carrie would ever be besties with Che or someone similar.  Che is completely unlike Carrie's circle in terms of class, classiness, fashion, money, etc, etc.  What are we supposed to believe those two have in common? If there is a third season and Che is back, I am done with this sloppily written mess.

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3 hours ago, greekmom said:

The one thing I loved about Samantha was that even if she didn't agree with your decisions, she stood by you. Remember in SATC when she stood up for Charlotte when that other woman stole that baby name?  Samantha might not agree in having kids but she has your back. 

My recollection was that Samantha already hated Laine, and gave her a bottle of whisky for her baby shower.  My only point being that I don't think her defense of Charlotte was at all about standing up for Charlotte. 

On 8/20/2023 at 9:50 PM, Tattooeddancer said:


Drunk Charlotte with Richard Burton has been me a few times.

I did like the reminder to her family that she was Charlotte before she was "mom" or "wife."  I think my mother only ever occasionally dropped off a forgotten lunch at school (and dad worked too far away for it to have made sense for him to return home, get our missed school item, bring it to us and go back to work).  Otherwise, we were on our own. 

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9 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

My recollection was that Samantha already hated Laine, and gave her a bottle of whisky for her baby shower.  My only point being that I don't think her defense of Charlotte was at all about standing up for Charlotte. 


This. I know it's heresy to not think Samantha was the best character ever, but I think her absence is causing her to be kind of deified. She was ready to call Lainey a bitch from the outset, Charlotte just provided her with a good reason. 

Samantha was just as flawed and fucked up as the other three, in different ways. Maybe she'd have told Che to fuck off, but she also might just love her. She was quick to dismiss Charlotte as a prude who just needed to get laid more than a time or two. My point being that while eventually she was probably always a ride or die friend, she could be mean spirited and judgemental too. 

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55 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

My point being that while eventually she was probably always a ride or die friend, she could be mean spirited and judgemental too. 

IIRC she didn't have a lot of sympathy for Miranda after Steve cheated in the first movie. But I do think she is that friend who even though she might give you a hard time she will be on your side if someone else gives you a hard time. 

57 minutes ago, luna1122again said:

She was quick to dismiss Charlotte as a prude who just needed to get laid more than a time or two

Yes but she came to appreciate Charlotte after meeting that woman in Frenemies who ended up giving a date a blow job under the table.  

10 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I did like the reminder to her family that she was Charlotte before she was "mom" or "wife."

This is something that happens to a lot of women.  We lose our identity as our person and we are seen as someone's wife and/or someone's mother.  Charlotte wanting to be Charlotte again is very realistic.  

11 hours ago, MBayGal said:

Aside from the fact Ithat  I  dislike like the  character Che, I find it impossible to believe that Carrie would ever be besties with Che or someone similar.  

I don't buy the friendship either.  Especially the fact they are having Carrie telling Miranda she needs to be civil to Che so her dinner party won't be ruined. 

14 hours ago, T Summer said:

They want to do a rewrite of the whole thing and suggest Carrie and Aiden have  all this newfound intensity in  the 3rd incarnation of their relationship, and that seems highly unlikely.

I'm sorry but I do not see passion between Carrie and Aiden.  Aiden (and if I'm being honest John Corbett) just seems so vanilla to me.  He isn't unattractive but I just do not get any sex appeal from him.  

15 hours ago, RedDelicious said:

I thought it would develop into a bonding moment to deepen the friendship between LTW and Charlotte, since Charlotte previously experienced pregnancy loss. I'm going on the assumption that they did develop the storyline but it the scenes were cut. That's the only thing I can come up with. Unless they tell us later, we'll never really know. 

I love how some of us here give the writers a lot more credit than they probably deserve.  There are more than a few way this (barely) story could have played out and it might have worked. But as it was shown it was like they needed something for Lisa and her husband to do this episode and this is what they come up with. 

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17 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Much like Carrie, I have never been to Coney Island before, but hot dogs and clams?  And beer?  That’s a fraternity hazing ritual, not a business venture, Steve.  Like, all at the same time?  I get hot dogs *or* clams, but both?  Together?

Maybe it is a fried clam sandwich situation, also how many hot dog stands are already on the boardwalk in Coney Island and of course you know that well known place Nathan's, has Steve heard of it? Seems silly to try and compete with a famous hot dog place.

Carrie wanting Miranda to come to her dinner party after seeing Che's comedy concert (lol) and seeing how crushed Miranda was is just cruel but that's our Carrie, her world ends at the tip of her nose.



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13 minutes ago, bluegirl147 said:

I'm sorry but I do not see passion between Carrie and Aiden.  Aiden (and if I'm being honest John Corbett) just seems so vanilla to me.  He isn't unattractive but I just do not get any sex appeal from him.  

I feel the same way. Mind you I think that individual who wrote two articles calling  Aiden a  dirtbag is looney tunes. John Corbett  just seems so bland and vanilla! His acting sure doesn't inspire admiration, as he's exactly the same in everything I've ever seen him in.

...but what do we know? He managed to pull Bo Derek.`So...``shrugs```

Getting back on track, I just cannot believe this is what MPK and the  typists dreamed up for Carrie's next chapter. Oh yeah, lets bring back that guy it didn't work out with twice and have her relate to him completely differently this time. Even when they first met and she was wondering why he was taking it slowly and getting to know her before bringing sex into it, she wasn't acting all giddy. Impatient? yes. Giddy and uncharacteristically light hearted? Not the way I remember it.

They could have had her remain single or get something going with Franklyn or the other guy. If they were going to make it Aiden with the added drama of 3 kids and an ex wife... what a strange choice  not to show how Carrie and his boys interacted together.

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On 8/19/2023 at 11:46 PM, T Summer said:

Che walked off with Toby who thank goodness was there to offer support... and also advice to stop apologizing all over the place. Huh?😕

Because Che needs a Toby, not a Miranda.   They need a sycophant, somebody to "guide" and "instruct" in the finer points of being a Che-approved partner.   Personal convictions and life experience isn't required.  

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5 minutes ago, SnapHappy said:

Because Che needs a Toby, not a Miranda.   They need a sycophant, somebody to "guide" and "instruct" in the finer points of being a Che-approved partner.   Personal convictions and life experience isn't required.  

That's pretty  much what Miranda WAS with Che, though. That's what we all hated about her with Che. Well, we pretty much hated everything about that pairing. 


7 minutes ago, T Summer said:

I feel the same way. Mind you I think that individual who wrote two articles calling  Aiden a  dirtbag is looney tunes. John Corbett  just seems so bland and vanilla! His acting sure doesn't inspire admiration, as he's exactly the same in everything I've ever seen him in.

...but what do we know? He managed to pull Bo Derek.`So...``shrugs```


I'm no Bo Derek, but he sure coulda pulled me, during his Chris in the Morning years. I was so swoony for him. And I think he was just great in that role, and I still think he's a perfectly fine, often funny, often sexy actor. I loved him in "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll" where he played very much the anti-Aidan: boozy, druggy, womanizing rock musician dating somebody young enough to be his daughter. And in Rebel, with Katy Sagal, as her possibly cheating 3rd husband. Anyway. Tastes clearly vary. 

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1 minute ago, luna1122again said:

I'm no Bo Derek, but he sure coulda pulled me, during his Chris in the Morning years. I was so swoony for him. And I think he was just great in that role, and I still think he's a perfectly fine, often funny, often sexy actor. I loved him in "Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll" where he played very much the anti-Aidan: boozy, druggy, womanizing rock musician dating somebody young enough to be his daughter. And in Rebel, with Katy Sagal, as her possibly cheating 3rd husband. Anyway. Tastes clearly vary. 

I'll have to check those two out. I don't even mind his corniness some people cite here, he's tall and has pleasant features... I just get zero sex appeal from the man. Maybe it's his voice?

My husband was a Northern Exposure fan so I've bought the DVD's (for him), but I never got into it.

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On 8/17/2023 at 6:45 PM, luna1122again said:

I cried over the Stanny scene, even if I don't believe for a second that he'd ever become a monk. But the grief for Willie felt palpable between SJP and MC.  

It was. I tried to rewatch this episode and it's basically the one scene that I felt like watching a second time. Their real emotions were near the surface. I thought SJP made a choice to gulp down the drink because she was near tears.

And maybe I guessed correctly.

On 8/17/2023 at 11:48 PM, TiredMe said:

for those critiquing the Stanford decision I recommend listening to the podcast on the episode. Interesting. One thing they said was Sarah Jessica made the decision to just gulp down the drink. 


On 8/18/2023 at 11:35 PM, realityplease said:

It was - the worst.  I'm embarrassed for John Corbett.  Cheesy scene, horrible acting - and while we're re-watching - what's with that lanky, long, unflattering haircut?  First, that god-awful jacket & now the hair. 

You'd think that the showrunner, writers, costumers, hair & makeup people just HATE Aiden.  (But listen to the podcast & it's clear that MPK & the writers love all of the characters & think that they're all doing a bang-up and sensitive job in  presenting them wonderfully & true to the series. They're clearly delusional!)

Almost every one (of the main characters, especially from SATC days) is coming off badly! 

On 8/19/2023 at 2:55 PM, pasdetrois said:

One that is a gazillion miles away from Earth, rendering it impossible for them to know how to write about real-life women in their 50s.

I fantasize about some day watching this series in a broken-down movie theater at midnight, a la Rocky Horror Picture Show. Viewers will dress up like the characters, get drunk on Cosmos in go-cups and scream out the worst dialogue.

Who says we're not doing that now? ;-)

Edited by RedHawk
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12 minutes ago, T Summer said:

My husband was a Northern Exposure fan so I've bought the DVD's (for him), but I never got into it.

Many years ago I got to go to Roslyn Washington (the town in Washington State where they filming the series), there was no one there filming so I missed my chance to see Chris in the Morning or anyone else.  I loved that series.

Don't get me wrong if Aiden even looked in my direction I would admit to swoon like behavior might happen but he is so bland in AJLT, he needs something interesting going on instead of some parental guilt about his misunderstood kid. What ever happened to his woodworking, he had such passion for it, why not have him make something for Carrie's new place?

How is she going to squeeze 15 people and table, chairs and a chef and staff in to her studio apartment?

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37 minutes ago, T Summer said:

I'll have to check those two out. I don't even mind his corniness some people cite here, he's tall and has pleasant features... I just get zero sex appeal from the man. Maybe it's his voice?

My husband was a Northern Exposure fan so I've bought the DVD's (for him), but I never got into it.

That show meant so much to me. I loved it, one of my top ten faves ever. And it's so funny, cuz JC's voice, as deejay Chris in the Morning, was one of the main things I swooned over! He was shaggy haired, dreamy eyed and incredibly literate and poetic. My dream guy. 


19 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Many years ago I got to go to Roslyn Washington (the town in Washington State where they filming the series), there was no one there filming so I missed my chance to see Chris in the Morning or anyone else.  I loved that series.


I would love, still, to go to Roslyn. 


25 minutes ago, RedHawk said:


It was. I tried to rewatch this episode and it's basically the one scene that I felt like watching a second time. Their real emotions were near the surface. I thought SJP the actress made a choice to gulp down the drink because she was near tears.

And maybe I guessed correctly.



I did read that it was SJP's decision to that, in the moment, it wasn't scripted. I bet you're right, that her emotions got to her and she just gulped it all down. Her little wink to Anthony seemed more SJP than Carrie, as well. 

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19 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

but hot dogs and clams?  And beer?  That’s a fraternity hazing ritual, not a business venture, Steve.  Like, all at the same time?  I get hot dogs *or* clams, but both?  Together?

It's usually hot dogs or clams. And beer. I live on the coast in New England and most places where you can get a clam basket or a clam roll, you can also get a New England style hot dog, where they butter and grill the roll. New England rolls have straight sides and are cut on the top. Delicious 🌭 Bonus points for roller dogs.

1 hour ago, T Summer said:

John Corbett  just seems so bland and vanilla! His acting sure doesn't inspire admiration, as he's exactly the same in everything I've ever seen him in.

John Corbett is literally a Nilla Wafer. Bland and vanillary. I don't dislike him at all, and I could probably use a Nilla Wafer in my life, but I totally agree. The crying in the car scene really put me off my lunch.

  • Like 3
47 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:

John Corbett is literally a Nilla Wafer. Bland and vanillary. I don't dislike him at all, and I could probably use a Nilla Wafer in my life, but I totally agree. The crying in the car scene really put me off my lunch.

John Corbett in real life, maybe not. JC as Down-Home Aidan, for sure. Every episode since he re-appeared Aidan is becoming less appealing. That whole "I just gotta chat with the neighbors in the lobby" schtick and "Country Lurch" once again in the tighty whities = YUCK! He's like a big annoying slobbery puppy.

Didn't catch who directed this episode but going with the take of JC fake dry-crying was a wrong choice. 

Why do they bother to give him teenage son problems? Just let Carrie step back and see the whole picture one day. That day long ago when he was in bed in his undies eating straight out of the bucket of KFC foretold the future.

Yes, where is his passion for woodworking? So now he's raising chickens or something? The fashionable jacket was a ruse! He's gone country and lost whatever interesting soul he had. 

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3 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

It is a nice little town about an hour from downtown Seattle, not much goes on there...you can drive back to Seattle thru Snoqualmi Falls, that is beautiful, it was featured in the show, Twin Peaks. 

What a perfect day trip! TP is one of my other top 10 shows ever. 

  • Applause 2
10 minutes ago, RedHawk said:

The fashionable jacket was a ruse!

Speaking of that jacket.



From the article:


We had over 100 jackets in that room. One of us, or John Corbett, would eliminate a jacket due to the fabric, or if it didn’t fit him well, or it wasn’t season-appropriate. There were a lot of requirements. John felt very strongly about the choice of the Belstaff. I think it was a leading man vibe. It’s a romantic jacket. The only problem with it, in my opinion, is that he was too buttoned up. But those are sometimes actor choices and you’re on the set, you’re not the fashion police. But in the end, the actor has to feel good.

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On 8/19/2023 at 9:46 PM, T Summer said:

Che was totally indignant and angry that Miranda had the nerve to  be hurt! It was Che's perfect right to be a jerk in the name of self expression. It was Miranda's damn fault for showing up to support and hearing it!

And come to think that just a few episodes ago, Che was devastated when a focus group took down their pilot. She had this dramatic whining to Miranda that all they have been building into their life - the confusion about their being, the coming out, the acceptance, etc. - was all torn down by an hour focus group discussion. You would think that someone who went through that struggle themselves, would have at least some compassion towards someone who also lived their whole life searching for some meaning and truth about herself. 

Besides, is all Che can do as a stand-up to shit on former partners (even when back as Cheryl Diaz that was already her schtick)? No wonder they bombed as a comedian - they're so one note. 

20 hours ago, Lethallyfab said:

Speaking of Che, it is *obscene* that Carrie wants Miranda and Che to play nice for the dinner.  Carrie, you were *there* for Miranda at her mothers funeral.  You were *there* for her when she considered abortion.  You were *there* for her at the actual birth of her child.  But, you know, you made a cool work friend that you now think is actually cool, so let’s just toss this aside?!?  

This is Carrie's selfishness to the core. It's all about her. It's her party, so everyone better get along. No matter that her cool new friend just shit on her friend she's had since their 20s, in public, for her total humiliation about how she just came about to understand her own sexuality in her 50s. There's no compassion of "I get it if you don't want to be there." Of frack, freaking uninvite Che - "you're my friend, but you also can't treat my friends like that. I can't have you around Miranda." 

At least Samantha would have the balls.

(Just saw the Atlantic City episode where despite it being CHARLOTTE's birthday, Carrie wanted to do everything on HER own terms. Gawd, what a godawful character.)

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3 hours ago, SnapHappy said:

Because Che needs a Toby, not a Miranda.   They need a sycophant, somebody to "guide" and "instruct" in the finer points of being a Che-approved partner.   Personal convictions and life experience isn't required.  

That's exactly what Miranda was with Che--needy, a passive puppy dog trailing after them, desperate for attention. She became a completely different (and pathetic) person around them.

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4 hours ago, luna1122again said:

That's pretty  much what Miranda WAS with Che, though. That's what we all hated about her with Che. Well, we pretty much hated everything about that pairing. 


1 hour ago, CeeBeeGee said:

That's exactly what Miranda was with Che--needy, a passive puppy dog trailing after them, desperate for attention. She became a completely different (and pathetic) person around them.

True but completely unsustainable.  At some point starting with Brady's crisis and Che's husband literally in bed with them Miranda thankfully snapped back into reality. 

As far as I'm concerned Che has served their purpose on this show.  I don't really care what happens to them from here on out, just glad Miranda got out.  Whomever said Carrie would never be friends with Che was right on and if someone isn't friends with Carrie, Charlotte or Miranda, it's time to exit stage right.  

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1 minute ago, Cosmocrush said:


True but completely unsustainable.  At some point starting with Brady's crisis and Che's husband literally in bed with them Miranda thankfully snapped back into reality. 

As far as I'm concerned Che has served their purpose on this show.  I don't really care what happens to them from here on out, just glad Miranda got out.  Whomever said Carrie would never be friends with Che was right on and if someone isn't friends with Carrie, Charlotte or Miranda, it's time to exit stage right.  

Did Miranda actually snap back to reality tho? Che broke up with her. Of course, she didn't seem to object much, so maybe. 

Several days ago I posted that my cousin had worked as legal council for J. Crew and I wondered if it was during Jenna's reign, I just heard back from him that it was not during his time there that she arrived after he left then asked me why I never hit him up for the employee discount, OMG, I missed out big time, lol.

I also learned when he was the privacy lawyer for NBC sports I could have gotten SNL tickets! I have seriously got to ask about fringe benefits!

Currently he works for Airbandb...now I am wondering about my next trip!

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Just now, luna1122again said:

Did Miranda actually snap back to reality tho? Che broke up with her. Of course, she didn't seem to object much, so maybe. 

I hope so!  Besides, if the public metaphorical punch in the face with Che's standup didn't solidify the breakup then our old Miranda is truly gone. 


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22 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

True but completely unsustainable.  At some point starting with Brady's crisis and Che's husband literally in bed with them Miranda thankfully snapped back into reality. 

Exactly.  As soon as Miranda began reasserting herself and recognizing her real emotional self inside her new sexual self, Che lost interest & went looking for a new Minion.  And Toby appears. 

It makes perfect sense that Carries wants Che at the dinner.  They're a mirror.  Che's the same self-obsessed persona as Carrie.   

Edited by SnapHappy
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