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This convo between Cory and Meme is giving me hope that they can get something put together.  They are really sweet to each other and supportive, but I fear she will walk away and still think he's being shady.

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1 hour ago, Slider said:

This convo between Cory and Meme is giving me hope that they can get something put together.  They are really sweet to each other and supportive, but I fear she will walk away and still think he's being shady.

  1. I know Meme is “in” 2 or 3 alliances - but is she “all-in” on any of them?
  2. Likewise, I know Meme has a few “got your back” arrangements with several HGs - but does she have an F2 with anybody?

Somebody oughta tell Meme her game-wise “fresh by” date is coming fast due - if it hasn’t passed her by already, that is.

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2 hours ago, HurricaneVal said:

A long while back, I was in the UK on business when their version of Big Brother was running.  The UK version was much more manipulative, Big Brother was really quite an authority figure.  As I recall, two silly female hamsters were sent to a bed-sitter isolation, where they could monitor the other hamsters still in the house, and they could play tricks on them.  That was diabolical fun.

Australian BB is the same way. They even did the same trick you describe above. It’s so much fun. If you have access to Paramount, they have two recent seasons available (but not all the preceding ones, damn it). Both seasons have some very entertaining hamsters and a BB voiceover character who really likes to screw with them. American BB needs one of those so badly.

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18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

BB Canada is more fun like that, too. Or at least the earlier seasons were. I haven't watched since season 5.

I wanted to like Canada, I really did, but I couldn't get into it because it wasn't this house. I know it's a weird hangup.

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6 minutes ago, Slider said:

I wanted to like Canada, I really did, but I couldn't get into it because it wasn't this house. I know it's a weird hangup.

I only care about this house and this format. It's the constant that keeps me coming back each year. 

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20 minutes ago, Slider said:
40 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:


I wanted to like Canada, I really did, but I couldn't get into it because it wasn't this house. I know it's a weird hangup.

I actually enjoy the BB Can house & show better than the US version after I finished all the seasons. There’s really only one season where the boys steamroll the house, the rest are really good. 

I really want to see Navy leave on Thursday, she gives nothing. And then we’re also spared the horrible showmance segments about her & Jared. I know BB will just double down and show more of Guam & Cory, but at least their banter/flirting doesn’t make me want to stab my eyes with a dull butter knife.

Edited by HelpMeRondah
Show, not a clown shoe
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Izzy might be this era's Puck. Izzy on 11! I just caught her eating on the feeds and the lip smacking noisiness would make me crazy. Skippy loves it though because he zoomed up her nose and into her molars.

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It’s funny listening to blue talk to Cirie and Felicia and complimenting Jared and the way he was raised but directing the conversation to Felicia because she thinks F is his mom. This has got to be an act right? Hope the fields family doesn’t change their minds and keep her now. I’ve been trying to stay off the feeds today because I caught her and Jared in the shower when I got back from work before feeds cut and I didn’t want to risk anything else. Also cam was predictably boring in keeping noms the same.

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33 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I caught her and Jared in the shower when I got back from work before feeds cut and I didn’t want to risk anything else.

They were showering together?!

There’s speculation that Jared was in the Top 4 for votes because he came out of the DR smiling and if he did then I will know it was rigged to keep mommy and son around because there is no way Jared got those votes legitimately lol.

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Jag and Matt currently piling fruit loops on a drowsing Aruba, BB the show that dares to ask watch what happens when house full of people is bored to death. This actually would be a funny comp. 

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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

They were showering together?!

There’s speculation that Jared was in the Top 4 for votes because he came out of the DR smiling and if he did then I will know it was rigged to keep mommy and son around because there is no way Jared got those votes legitimately lol.

It's rigged, but just the normal way. Of COURSE Cirie's kid will win an America's Vote. They knew that when they made it an America's Vote.

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Sadly I don’t know if Jared being in the top 4 means it’s rigged. The episodes have protected the ever loving shit out of him, and I feel like most voters won’t be feeds watchers, and so won’t know what a misogynist he is being. 

Edited by jsm1125
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d I feel like most voters won’t be feeds watchers

I think the general consensus by recappers was it will be mostly feed watchers voting due to the placement of the special power in the episode I also tend to think most online voting is dominated by the most passionate/invested viewers and by definition that isn't casual show watchers. 

I also see Jared working overtime to save Blue tonight which if he thinks he has a chance to be Invincible IDK I think he'd be more cocky and chill.

I think Cory our Short King maybe stopped the bleeding today, both Izzy and Jared are advocating for him, and keeping Jag which I do think is better for Cory because it keeps him closer to Jared.

Also Miss Felicia just told Jared they are voting Blue out and that she had a final 2 with Cirie, but Cirie runs her mouth too much and now she is thinking a final 2 with Jared would be better. HA!

Also Cirie and Jared are throwing down about the Jag/Blue vote and I find it hilarious the only person Cirie can't mist is her son. Ugh she is caving too him right now and saying they will keep Blue. Y'all so close to having this disgusting showmance gone. But it's Monday night and if I know Cirie she's gonna go around his dumb ass and get Blue out anyway.


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Izzy clocked that Bowie Jane is lying about her age. It was pretty amusing!

We currently have a mom/son power struggle in the storage room room over Turquoise. Ugh, blah, blah, blah. When does anyone ever cut their showmance?

Felicia spilled to Jared the plan to vote out Azure. She also spilled that she had a final two with Cirie, but she wished she had one with Jared instead…

Jared immediately spilled to Cirie & see second paragraph, we’re still there.

Edited by HelpMeRondah
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This whole argument with Cirie/Jared is giving me life. Jared not listening to her is making her insane, but also she is going to show him what he wants and what she is going to do may not always mesh. And the really hilarious bit is it's got nothing to do with game just him to continue to get laid.

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Cirie went to her favored child Izzy and wonders if they need to  bring in Cory and/or America. Izzy wants to still work on Jared. Ugh whatever as long as Blue goes, but I can't believe Izzy thinks she has any sway with Jared.

I hope they tell America, keep Jag, and America tells Cory but he still pretends he's on the outs but voting for Jag. Still hope they win the power, but they may worm their way back into Cirie's not right now group of targets.

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Damn! I missed the Cirie-Jared smackdown. I’m just seeing Izzy comforting Cirie, who is moaning that Blue is going to be his demise. All the more reason to get her out!! And then set us up for the real entertainment: tough love Cirie vs. pouty, vengeful Jared. May the best Fields win!

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3 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

It's rigged, but just the normal way. Of COURSE Cirie's kid will win an America's Vote. They knew that when they made it an America's Vote.

I gotta disagree, @Brian Cronin; IMHO this is “normal” rigging only in the sense Production is normalizing their deviations from the norm.  

(I’d written a GREAT breakdown on all the “special cases” Production has set up just for Cirie, complete with previous season parallels - if any - but I’ve written it EIGHT NINE TEN FUCKING TIMES so far, and EVERY FUCKING TIME this POS website crashes, reloads, and shits my Great American BB Novella out into the abyss.  So fuck it.)

Suffice it to say: we’ve seen some of these rigs before - but never before all in a single season, and never before all directed to the specific benefit of a single player.  The only rigs we’re missing (so far) are the Halting Hex and the Reset Button - and I wouldn’t rule out their incorporation if Cirie’s game needs saving.

So nah, this isn’t your run-of-the-mill rigging; by all appearances, the fix is in.  I’d like to hope I’m wrong, but I don’t think I am.  😕

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Skippy is a sick puppy he keeps moving away from Izzy and Cirie, and putting all four feeds on Cam/Red and/or Blue/Jared. Truly the only things no one wants to see. Predictably Red knows mess is happening but thinks Bowie ratted them out is the source of the unknown chaos. 

I haven't stayed up this late for the feeds since BB17.

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Cirie is so frustrated. Jared won’t listen to her. Why is he putting his whole game on one person? He’s making up excuses to not trust Jag. 


Swap to Jared and Blue, who are whining about how bored they are. Blue makes a comment about Felicia that makes me think she totally believes Felicia is the mystery mom. Jared complains about his job, but says he doesn’t want to find a different one because he might not get to slack off as much. (Not his words, but that was the gist.)

Swap to Red and Cameron. Red is wondering why he feels so nervous in what should be an easy week. He’s starting to mistrust Bowie. He needs to ask Cirie about that. Cameron also wants to confer with Cirie. He wants to know why Jared is always protected, and never seems worried. Something seems off. But Cirie will explain it.

7 minutes ago, Nashville said:

EVERY FUCKING TIME this POS website crashes, reloads, and shits my Great American BB Novella out into the abyss.  So fuck it.

I feel your pain. I’ve learned to write my posts into Notepad, then copy and paste them here. Stupid and annoying, but at least I don’t have to recreate crashed paragraphs.

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Ooh look on the brain on Cameron he and  Red put their Chillbilly brains together and realize Jared is hella comfortable in the house too comfortable and they think BEN MAY BE GLORY, and are dividing an conquering Ben (Cam) and Glory (Red) to check the fields stories out agains each other. Red w/o Cam is going to be like Ben w/o Glory and they will all land on how much they trust Cirie.

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I guess I'm impressed they're even vaguely close to the vicinity of the truth. 

They have all the pieces in a way I think even Cory is too close the Fields to notice. I am pretty sure they will never put it together but Jared is currently running his mouth in all kinds of bad ways for him and The Fields (Izzy, Cirie) so who knows where it all will lead if it leaks. Cirie and Izzy also fucking up by giving Miss Felicia the cold shoulder. MESS MESS MESS. Give it to me.

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Okay I really really got to bed but just so you know Jared hates the "Memes and Americas of the world". Women he hates women. If there is any justice in the world Cirie will backdore her own son out of this game and write her legend in stone, because the way this boy has embarrassed her is bananas.

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20 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

There is NO WAY that Cam and Red are actually going to figure this out, but I guess I'm impressed they're even vaguely close to the vicinity of the truth. 

I don’t know; put two halfwits together and they make a full wit. Which is more than most of the others can claim.

Jared is complaining to Izzy now. It’s not that they want Blue out, it’s that he wasn’t included in the decision. Disrespectful. Izzy understands. She wanted to bring him in from he start.

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Talking to Izzy, Jared is pushing HARD for a Blue save. He doesn’t understand why they trust Jag, when they hated him just last week. If they save him, who knows what he will do next week. On the other hand, he has a good relationship with Blue and can easily pull her in to the alliance. How is this even a question?

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Red and Matt: Red wants Blue and Honduras on the block next week. He doesn’t trust either one. They both trust Cirie a lot. She’s so honest and straightforward! Izzy, on the other hand…

Matt thinks Red is playing a great game. Between him and Cameron, he thinks people would keep Red, because Red is more personable and honest. Which is a weird thing to say to someone about their closest ally at this point, but whatever. Red thanks him.

There is more, but I’m too bored to listen. Matt is sweet, but he’s clueless. And Red is just a beard in search of a purpose. 

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9 hours ago, Slider said:

This convo between Cory and Meme is giving me hope that they can get something put together.  They are really sweet to each other and supportive, but I fear she will walk away and still think he's being shady.

Bullshit. It's not going to work. Meme is just a mannequin and you think you can get me to come back after subjecting me to Jared attempting to de-jizz the couch but it's not going to work this time.

Okay, it might. She actually spoke? She can do that?

6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

I seriously think Ryan Lochte would do a better job than Matt in this house, and we all know Lochte is basically a total imbecile. 

My favourite himbo. 😍

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Izzy and Cirie may be considering keeping Blue. (Of course.) They ran it by Meme, who was appalled. “You think she’s going to thank you for saving her?” Once again, Meme is the voice of reason.

Lots of battle back conversations. Based on the number of game days, they (mostly led by Cory) are convinced there will be two: one pre-jury and one post-. Matt is very excited about seeing Riley again. Nobody wants to see Hisam.

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8 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

BB Canada is more fun like that, too. Or at least the earlier seasons were. I haven't watched since season 5.

I highly suggest you do. There were way better seasons than the american ones. WAY better.

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Man, dudes are so fucking weird. Reilly was EXTREMELY not into Matt, like OBVIOUSLY so, and yet nearly two weeks later, the dude is still pining for her like she was his one true love. She was OBVIOUSLY not into you, dude! Stop being so fucking obsessed with her! 

Women have to put up with this weird shit ALL OF THE TIME. 

Edited by Brian Cronin
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6 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

Man, dudes are so fucking weird. Reilly was EXTREMELY not into Matt, like OBVIOUSLY so, and yet nearly two weeks later, the dude is still pining for her like she was his one true love. She was OBVIOUSLY not into you, dude! Stop being so fucking obsessed with her! 

Women have to put up with this weird of shit ALL OF THE TIME. 

Yeah, but - dude, she was HOT.  😆

But let’s not forget; that shoe fits on either foot. Remember GM and Nick?  😉

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12 minutes ago, Nashville said:

But let’s not forget; that shoe fits on either foot. Remember GM and Nick?  😉

In all honesty, while obviously GinaMarie was way CRAZIER than Matt, I think she actually functioned in the game better without Nick than Matt is without Reilly. Without Reilly, Matt is completely lost, while GinaMarie came in SECOND, ya know?

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50 minutes ago, Brian Cronin said:

 Women have to put up with this weird of shit ALL OF THE TIME. 

It's so true. Margaret Atwood: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That is so true. I don't mean to bum everyone out in a forum about a TV show, but that is seriously true. Men would not believe the way we tiptoe around their feelings, and how exhausting that is. 

Ah, Gina Marie - that's a name I've not heard in a long time. 

eta: I feel like I didn't make my point about the show: in reality shows, as in life, women spend more time than men do just trying to stay afloat. For example, does Blue just not hear "You're stupid! Just kidding" from Jared? Or is she ignoring it for gameplaying reasons? America has noticed that Cory doesn't trust her; does she ignore that for game reasons, or is she going to use it later? Some of these women are playing with the added burden of a fragile male ego on their back. The one who said "No, I'm not interested in doing that" is already gone. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
double quotes mistake
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Jag and Matt in the bathroom talking;  Blue comes in carrying a pair of shorts that she says Cameron cut down for her. She goes to try them on and Matt gets up with one hand pressed to his ear, and there's feedback coming through the microphones. He says he has "wax buildup" in his ear. Yikes. Jag asks if that hurts his ear and Matt says, not really. You can hear feedback.

Blue comes out modeling the shorts. She laughs at Cam's small waist. She imitates him just coming up to her and holding out the shorts. She's so odd. She mentions all the people going up and having a meeting together, including Matthew. Jag looks around cluelessly and says that oh, Matt's no longer there in the room with them. 

While Jag's trying to count people on his fingers, the camera switches to Cory and the Principality of Andorra. "Blue's not gonna take that," says Andorra, and we switch instantly to Izzy, Cirie, Red, Cam, and Bowie. Cirie is saying it's already happened to her "a thousand times" that she walks into a room and conversation stops. But she doesn't assume that it's alliances turning against her. "This is good," says Cam and we switch back to Andorra and Cory. 

Andorra and Cory are wondering about Blue. Does she really think she's connected with Jared after 3 weeks? Cory says she told him she wouldn't be in a showmance. Andorra says that Jag whined to her about falling asleep in the one competition he needed to win, and she thought he was funny. Cory says that if there were 6 Americas in the house, Jag would stay. 

Skippy changes cameras AGAIN, to Jared and Jag, and of course Jared's eating something loud out of a bag. Popcorn or some other snack? Jag's saying that if he stays until next week he's still going to be a target. Whether he likes it or not, he's going to be a shield for everyone else. Blue walks in wearing the shorts and I canNOT listen to Jared talk about how she can wear them better. 

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2 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

It's so true. Margaret Atwood: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That is so true. I don't mean to bum everyone out in a forum about a TV show, but that is seriously true. Men would not believe the way we tiptoe around their feelings, and how exhausting that is. 

Ah, Gina Marie - that's a name I've not heard in a long time. 

eta: I feel like I didn't make my point about the show: in reality shows, as in life, women spend more time than men do just trying to stay afloat. For example, does Blue just not hear "You're stupid! Just kidding" from Jared? Or is she ignoring it for gameplaying reasons? America has noticed that Cory doesn't trust her; does she ignore that for game reasons, or is she going to use it later? Some of these women are playing with the added burden of a fragile male ego on their back. The one who said "No, I'm not interested in doing that" is already gone. 

No, it's totally true. It's a huge, huge downside for women in these sorts of games. One of their only upsides is that that same sexism that hurts them throughout the game can theoretically help them in the Final 2, when people will vote for them over guys/other women who have "Blood on their hands." You know, dismiss them as weak throughout the game, but then like them in the end because their "weakness" kept them from being the public face of anything people would hold grudges over (a good, what, quarter of BB wins have been from scenarios like that). 

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Whhhhy is it so bright outside (in the backyard) at the big brother house when it’s only 3:45 am?? They don’t have a roof of the backyard with lights right sooo shouldn’t it be dark out? Is it not actually live?

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Judging by social media, America and Cory are very popular with viewers. Given their precarious position at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if production was currently trying to figure out how they can meddle in their favor. I don't think they expected this from their Cirie-and-son season, but they might need to change gears now.

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

In all honesty, while obviously GinaMarie was way CRAZIER than Matt, I think she actually functioned in the game better without Nick than Matt is without Reilly. Without Reilly, Matt is completely lost, while GinaMarie came in SECOND, ya know?

The funny thing is Kirsten was kind of into Matt in the beginning. 

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7 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

I seriously think Ryan Lochte would do a better job than Matt in this house, and we all know Lochte is basically a total imbecile. 

Hey--that reminds me.  When Lochte was on Celebrity BB, they provided him with one of those mini pools that circulates the water so he could keep swimming.  I think it didn't work well though.  Otherwise they could have brought it back out for Matt and whomever else wanted it!

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6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

In all honesty, while obviously GinaMarie was way CRAZIER than Matt, I think she actually functioned in the game better without Nick than Matt is without Reilly. Without Reilly, Matt is completely lost, while GinaMarie came in SECOND, ya know?

Hey, nobody ever said crazy = stupid; GM was a fucking psycho, sure, but she was a crafty fucking psycho.  In BB, street smarts beat out sanity on a surprisingly regular basis.  😂

P. S.: the GM/Zuckerman fight still ranks up there as one of my all-time BB favorites.

Edited by Nashville
Wtf did autocorrect do…?
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1 hour ago, Jillibean said:

Judging by social media, America and Cory are very popular with viewers. Given their precarious position at the moment, I wouldn't be surprised if production was currently trying to figure out how they can meddle in their favor. I don't think they expected this from their Cirie-and-son season, but they might need to change gears now.

I'm hoping for this. Production/Grodner also loves a showmance so I'm hoping that will get them to throw their lot in with Americory since Jared/Blue isn't exactly appealing to the fandom lol.

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1 hour ago, Jobiska said:

Hey--that reminds me.  When Lochte was on Celebrity BB, they provided him with one of those mini pools that circulates the water so he could keep swimming.  I think it didn't work well though.  Otherwise they could have brought it back out for Matt and whomever else wanted it!

It may not have worked well but I appreciated that Production put a camera right above it so I could perv on admire the way his back muscles moved when he was swimming. I loved that season - I don't really remember much of it and I'm pretty sure I hated everyone but swim time was great.

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Lochte was on The Traitors with Cirie and no he wasn't really better than Matt per se. 

I don't want to undermine the idea that sexism is rampant on BB but I think with Matt and Reilly pining there is some nuance in that she was the only one who actively tried to accommodate his disability, so losing both her and Kirsten off the top really hurt his game in both strategic/social ways. But apparently he also called Lichtenstein a dumb bitch with zero irony so UGH.

As far as Cirie keeping Blue goes, I think ultimately that is the best for her game if you consider how keeping Jag helps Americory more than her, aka if Americory go to him with all the Cirie dirt he may actually listen, Blue won't.

I have to say these ostensibly stupid noms have the potential to really change the game up in that it has put a new crack in Meme/Felicia from Cirie/Izzy, increased the wedge between Cirie/Izzy/Jared, and of course Blue, Red, and Cam all have information/inklings about Jared's secret. Like I think Cirie is a little bit fucked no matter who they pick. If she picks Blue, and Blue goes out and does mention Jared's mom is FELICIA, well then they gotta deal with that, also as stated it should help Americory weaponize their info to Jag/Cam/Red/Matt/Meme and fuckin' Bowie Jane.

If they vote out Jag they vote out Jag they are flip flopping and creating mistrust with Matt/Bowie/Cam/Red/Felicia/Meme. I don't see how they don't come out of this weeks vote a little injured either way.

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9 hours ago, Mediocre Gatsby said:

It's so true. Margaret Atwood: “Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them.” That is so true. I don't mean to bum everyone out in a forum about a TV show, but that is seriously true. Men would not believe the way we tiptoe around their feelings, and how exhausting that is. 

Ah, Gina Marie - that's a name I've not heard in a long time. 

eta: I feel like I didn't make my point about the show: in reality shows, as in life, women spend more time than men do just trying to stay afloat. For example, does Blue just not hear "You're stupid! Just kidding" from Jared? Or is she ignoring it for gameplaying reasons? America has noticed that Cory doesn't trust her; does she ignore that for game reasons, or is she going to use it later? Some of these women are playing with the added burden of a fragile male ego on their back. The one who said "No, I'm not interested in doing that" is already gone. 

I totally agree, with the exception of the last line.  Did I miss something? I didn't think that was the reason Reilly was voted out.  

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