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Utopia (US) Live Feed Discussion

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Production seems to be trying hard to make him into the good guy, unless they're shutting down this type of stuff so people have to watch the TV show to see what the feedsters weren't able to see or listen to.  Fox is pretty much killing this whole thing.

That would be unfortunate. After watching last night's broadcast it's clear the feed recaps are the only thing entertaining about the show.  Right now for me this program is clocking in at fourteen minutes, fifty-nine seconds on Andy Warhol's fame timer.  It's not going to take much for me to pull the plug at this point.  Standing on the neck of feedsters would be reason enough.

Edited by kib
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no one is talking about eliminating aaron?    did he increase the portion sizes to manage the feelings of the group toward him?

I am guessing he did, and got thanked for it.


some version of government needs to remove him from cooking for a while



So someone had managed to pack a corset in the initial crates for burlesque shows but no one thought to pack a ball for a year-long camp?


I also haven't seen playing cards or mp3 players.

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When the first vote occurs, will the people nominated for elimination be told they got votes?  I'm confused about that part.  From what I understand, anyone with at least two votes is a possibility, but the incoming newtopian gets to choose which of them goes - after the newtopian is elected from among two that stay with the group for a few days? 


Bri:  "Red is 'ingenuine' and those cows have a 'body index' of 3, they are NOT emancipated!"



For real?

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 2

I wish I could drive there and emancipate those poor cows!  She kept arguing with Red that the vets said "On a scale from 1-5, their body index is 3,"  and that they want them closer to 4 but "that doesn't mean they are underweight!"  Even tonight, after ragging about Red being incompetent for half an hour to Amanda, Bri still didn't use the iodine and didn't milk the cow until she was empty.  Just milked until the container was full.  When the cow knocked over the container, Bri yelled "F---in' cow!"  Yeah, that one's a real animal advocate.  She should be charged with animal endangerment.  

Edited by 4leafclover
  • Love 6

I swear, if I lived near there I'd make a nice big picket sign saying, "Free the Mootopia Two" and march back and forth in front of the camp.   I'm nervous for what's going to happen in a few days when that little one is born.  I hope Red or Hex takes on the responsibility for feeding it, because I doubt Bri will.  

Edited by ElleryAnne
  • Love 5

I wish they'd go over all of Bri's many faults. She is much worse than Red in terms of active aggressive uselessness. She just hangs out and has sex with whoever is the guy of the moment.  And she lies constantly. Talk about that, guys!!


Well, now that Bri may be back on the market there's always a chance she'll hook up with one of the other guys. Maybe that's why they're reluctant to vote her off, knowing what an incredibly easy lay she is.


Speaking of this whole voting process, I was very befuddled by the message at the end of Tuesday's broadcast indicating the audience had some kind of say in who's up for elimination. I thought it was entirely decided by the Idiotopians.

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Hex says banks are the most evil things. Rob says no, not banks. Federal government.

Ah, yes. Rob, the "patriot" who hates the very thing that his country was founded upon, that a war with the British was fought to establish. That the Stars and Stripes represent. Nice job.

Edited by In Pog Form
  • Love 4

Bri is quickly becoming my least favorite Utopian (and that's saying something since I really don't care too much for any of them). My main issue with Bri is around the animals, but also around the fact that she seems to have no morals, self awareness, or sense of decorum at all. I know she's only 20, but she is doing things on national TV that are very likely to have a serious impact on her future.


Bri maybe had a couple of months of schooling on domestic animals, but given her lack of understanding, I feel as though any 'training' she had was predominantly via some kind of online/correspondence course (I'm having a hard time justifying/understanding how she obtained even the slightest bit of knowledge given what she's shown - nothing really seems to have been 'hands on' given her treatment of the animals). On top of this, she said that she hates puppies - who hates puppies?? I have friends with severe allergies to dogs and they don't even hate puppies. Given her complete lack of knowledge, lack of interest and lack of sensitivity or care for any of the animals, I don't think that she's really had any professional vet (or even vet assistant) training. Perhaps she helped calm domestic animals at a groomer or something -  I just don't see any skill or any real care and concern for animals beyond that from her.


One of the very first statements that she made that they showed us on the first (or one of the first) TV episode was that animals should be treated just as well as humans. How is starving them (she admitted to feeding the cows less than half of what they should have been fed, despite being told by the Vets and the Farmer that they needed to eat more) as an excuse to cut costs, as well as not bothering to get up to milk them on time or in accordance with a regular schedule (which is something that, from what I’ve learned here and from other places on the web, is very important in order for the cows to be comfortable as when they are full of milk it does cause them discomfort/pain, demonstrating that she is taking care of the cows? It does appear, however, since other Utopians have started to notice this, they have been added/volunteered for this task. I hope this isn’t as much of an issue as it was when it was just Bri in charge of the barn and the animals) acceptable.


So how exactly is Bri demonstrating that she is treating the animals as well as humans? In addition to these things, she continues to milk the cows from the wrong side – even after she gets confirmation that it’s wrong. These things (in addition to about a zillion other things) that she’s failed at really show that she is most definitely not treating the animals as well as humans as she said she wanted to in one of her early opening Utopia statements.


I'm not a huge Red fan, but I love the fact that he is taking his morning 'chores' with the animals seriously and seems to value them and understand what their needs are. I was watching the feeds this morning when he absolutely ran out of the living quarters down to where Kristen was milking one of the cows and he gently reminded her that she shouldn't have started until 7:30 (or whatever time - I can't remember exactly but Kristen was basically 15 minutes to half hour early) as they did need to keep to a schedule. He wasn't rude about it at all and Kristen just said that she misunderstood and apologized. Red again told her it was alright (definitely want more of this Red as opposed to the tantrum throwing, seceding other version).


Hex is really stepping up as far as working in the barn/with the animals as well. Red and Hex should both get together and just get the group to agree to keep Bri as far away from those poor animals as possible.

Edited by Rapunzel
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How is starving them (she admitted to feeding the cows less than half of what they should have been fed, despite being told by the Vets and the Farmer that they needed to eat more)

This is made even more obnoxious because she seems to be constantly eating, and laying around. She doesn't do anything but eat, sleep, fuck, and complain.

  • Love 7

Ah, yes. Rob, the "patriot" who hates the very thing that his country was founded upon, that a war with the British was fought to establish. That the Stars and Stripes represent. Nice job.

The war with the British, in no way whatsoever, was fought for the right to establish a federal government... It was basically a union strike if you want the truth. The American laborers, whether they be owner or worker, didn't care to be looted any more by the British central government. Like many labor strikes in the past, it got bloody.

Guys, I'm becoming somewhat distraught about the cows. I am also starting to wonder if Bri may actively harm the baby cow (if it even lives after all of the mistreatment of it's mom.) She is clearly purposefully and knowingly abusing them at this point.

Edited by areca
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Those of you who do the recap of the feeds: thank you. So very, very much. I read these several times a day. I'm hit or miss on watching the show but avidly read these feeds recaps. I have to say I dislike Bri intensely. Anyone who would knowingly abuse animals has a real issue. And this woman is doing it to try to further her own agenda. She is sick. Bella has severe mental illness. I sincerely hope she is medicated (how do they get refills? I don't know of any medication a that you can get a 1 year supply. And do they have health insurance coverage? Things I wonder about.) I hope she leaves here and the people who care about her on the outside (if she has anyone) get her some help.

  • Love 5
Bri says, 'I can get rid of Bella, don't worry about that. Three days and I can break her.'  Chris doesn't want to break her. Bri is completely on board for breaking Bella.  Chris seems to be leaning toward keeping Red. Bri is working him but he doesn't seem to be convinced.  'Bella is so easy to break,' says Bri.



This girl is really vile, isn't she?  I get that they don't like Bella (and Bella unfortunately brings that on herself), and that they want her gone.  But to be willing to "break" someone - presumably to mentally stress her past her breaking point to drive her away (and that's the least damaging definition of that term I can credit Bri with), that's just abhorrent.  There's something very wrong with this girl.



So how exactly is Bri demonstrating that she is treating the animals as well as humans?



Well, she treats the animals about as well as Aaron treats some of the humans regarding food.  So maybe that's the problem - she's got the wrong role model for how to treat humans.


I just don't understand this girl.  She hates puppies so she chooses a veterinary career.  She milks the cows from the wrong side even after being told more than once that it's not good for the cows.   When she thinks the cows will cost too much to feed, she underfeeds them instead of approaching the group to discuss the costs.  It's all passive-aggressive hostility towards animals.  I don't know why she doesn't simply say that she's not really fond of them and look into doing something different with her life - both on and off the compound.  She's only 20 - she's not locked into these choices.  Maybe she should pursue a career as an artist's model.  She seems able to stay still pretty well.

  • Love 14

There's nothing about Aaron and Kristen that I trust. If he is ignoring her and she's hurt by it well I have to say you reap what you sow. Bri makes me so disgusted because what do you gain by breaking someone in all this? I mean it's not like they're competing for a million dollars or some huge prize. Instead she wants to break Bella just because she doesn't like her. Who doesn't love puppies? Only a monster doesn't like puppies. While I despise Aaron, in one day Bri has managed to surpass him on my despise-o-meter in a couple days. 

Edited by vhakra
  • Love 9

There's nothing about Aaron and Kristen that I trust. If he is ignoring her and she's hurt by it well I have to say you reap what you sow. Bri makes me so disgusted because what do you gain by breaking someone in all this? I mean it's not like they're competing for a million dollars or some huge prize. Instead she wants to break Bella just because she doesn't like her. Who doesn't love puppies? Only a monster doesn't like puppies. While I despise Aaron, in one day Bri has managed to surpass him on my despise-o-meter in a couple days. 

The despise-o-meter redlined for me on both of them. She hurts the animals. He hurts the people. They both seem to lack basic empathy. I'm not sure he sees women as people. She hates puppies. There's a point where comparing stops making sense and you just want to know what the people in casting were thinking.

  • Love 8

I don't understand the rush to get Bella out; sure she's a nutter and exhausting to deal with - however Red has the gist of it.  She's happy in the barn and painting - let her do those things (as I believe her paintings are the only steady source of income for the compound right now) and for goodness sake FEED HER.

  • Love 7

This is made even more obnoxious because she seems to be constantly eating, and laying around. She doesn't do anything but eat, sleep, fuck, and complain.

If Bri is still going to have anything to do with the animals, then I think the rest of the Utopians should treat her the way she treats the animals. If she is only giving them less than half of the food that they need or should have, then the others should do the same to her as well (unfortunately is seems Aaron has decided to starve Nikki and Bella instead - his deplorable behavior is a whole separate topic). As has been mentioned, Bri is constantly eating - including her late night kitchen raids with Chris.


How would Bri feel if she were denied access to food whenever she wanted (let alone when she actually needed it) and, when someone was kind enough to offer her something, it was less than half of what she needed. I know one of the cows is very close to giving birth and have seen comments and things on the feeds that the other cow is pregnant as well. I can't even imagine being pregnant and not being given the sustenance that I needed to sustain myself, let alone that of another. This just makes Bri's behavior with the animals all the more sadistic. It's nearly as though she has some weird form of Munchausen's by Proxy and is trying to get more attention by not tending to the animals properly and proclaiming herself as the foremost expert on anything to do with the animals.


Bri, along with a couple of the other Utopians (Aaron, Kristen, Mike etc.), seem to have sociopathic tendencies since, as others have mentioned in this Forum, they seem to have absolutely no empathy for anyone or anything else. I'm sure Production had a fair amount of insight as to how these people would behave in this situation.


Psychological, analytical, physical, etc. tests were likely only done on the Utopians, and I hope that certain tests were done on the animals in order to help determine if they had some kind of pre-existing ailment that could impact the other animals. For whatever reason, they chose to pack Utopia with a bunch of self-absorbed, delusional asshats in the hopes of making 'good TV.' It just goes beyond belief that they think watching what basically amounts to neglect and/or cruelty to animals, not to mention the group behavior of 'ganging up' on someone (or even multiple people), who clearly may have some issues, which tend to manifest themselves more in this kind of environment.

Edited by Rapunzel
  • Love 4
The calf is here and everyone is running around like crazy!  Such a cluster


It's almost like the Topes are trying to scare the calf to death -- put her back in the stall with her mother and leave them alone.


Hopefully someone has the good sense to clean up the afterbirth off the floor of the stall.

  • Love 4

They were totally out of control at first, but Red actually stepped up and tried to help.  Mama wasn't happy about being separated from her baby, baby wasn't happy either.  The other cow who is due in a couple of weeks was trying to keep the people away, but she's not vicious so she was able to be led away.


Mike is already wanting to sell the calf right away and has named it cash.  I hate him.

  • Love 7

I hate them right now.  So many of them are talking about how soon they can sell the calf.  Someone asked if the vet has been called and someone else said that's there's no need because the vets are monitoring the feeds.  They've got the calf isolated, and while talking about how cute she is, they also say things like "We'd better get that piece of broken glass out of here."  "Let's take a picture", "How soon can we sell her".  I don't care how many times they talk about how cute the calf is, but when some guy says "stupid cow" I just want them all dead.

  • Love 6

Now they've got the calf on her feet and are taking pictures.  Aaron says this is the money shot.  Mike says this is the cutest she'll ever be.  He also wants her to dance.  The calf has a swollen eye, they talk about if they should put ice on it.  They say the vets are an hour away.  Mike says that'll be another $125 bucks.  This is Mike, Aaron, Dede, and maybe maybe Hex or Bri? and Josh has joined them.  They keep talking about taking pictures with the calf.  They're wondering why they can't find the afterbirth and decide the mother ate it.  They decide the calf has been born a few hours ago.  Even when they tell each other that the calf shouldn't be around too many people so soon, they keep wanting to take pictures with her and pet her, and all the while they're worried about stepping in cow poop and how much they can sell her for.  I'm not even sure if they know if the calf is really a male or a female. 

  • Love 5

Red says that the mama hasn't delivered the afterbirth yet and won't be milked because there's too many people around.  She's needs calm.  Bella is trying to install calm, but her own way of getting people calm is to rush around and rapidly talk about how they need to be calm.


Mama wants back out into the paddock, looking for her baby.  The baby is being kept away, but I think it's still in the same paddock.  There's talk about not letting Mama and Baby meet again so they can't bond because that would be heartbreaking for them.  I thought they have already determined that the baby was born a while ago.


Now the other cow is trying to get to the Mama, and they decide to let them get together so the cows can soothe each other.

  • Love 4
Mama wants back out into the paddock, looking for her baby.  The baby is being kept away, but I think it's still in the same paddock.


Now the other cow is trying to get to the Mama, and they decide to let them get together so the cows can soothe each other.



I know they're cows, but my heart just breaks over that.

  • Love 6

They decide to keep the cows in the paddock and move the calf to the barn.  Bri is talking about how she'll just reach inside the cow and scoop the afterbirth out, and then in the same breath says that since the vets are coming she'll just let them do that.


Aaron points out that the afterbirth is being delivered, part of it's hanging out of Mama.  Somehow, even the way he says that makes me hate him.  He seems so dismissive of everyone and superior at the same time.


Mike is talking about how the calf is a 'photoshop' moment.  Did I mention I hate him?

  • Love 5


but when some guy says "stupid cow" I just want them all dead.


Chris was in the pen with the baby calf, the baby was butting its little head against the tree (probably hoping it was mama).  Chris said, "stupid cow, thinks the tree is his mama."  I hate Chris.  This whole episode is so disturbing--the calf is being bombarded with loud, obnoxious people and the mama is nowhere around.  The mama cow has been taken away and doesn't know where her baby is.  Red is trying to keep everyone calm and quiet to no avail.  I don't know if he knows what he's doing but at least he is calm and seems decisive.  Please vets, hurry up and get there and send these people away so these poor animals can have some peace and quiet.  

  • Love 7

Just found this--hope its accurate!


Fox is making a major change to the format of its ambitious reality experiment Utopia. EW has learned exclusively that soon the show’s castmates will start voting each other out—and pick new members to join their fledgling society.
The decision represents a twist in the series, which launched as a rather unique format for a broadcast network reality show in that there was no competition element, elimination ceremony, or grand prize (all ways that producers traditionally boost the stakes of a reality show). But Utopia has struggled in the ratings during its first four weeks on the air. Though producers have previously maintained that cast changes would likely happen along the way, only within the last week has the new format been decided. Fox hopes the changes will heighten the show’s on-camera action without disrupting Utopia’s central premise of showcasing a diverse group trying to build a perfect society in a remote location.
Here is specifically how the format change will work: Next week, the current cast of 15 pioneers will select two candidates for exile, plus Utopiatv.com passport members can choose a third. The Utopians will then decide which of the three candidates will be asked to pack their crate and leave. Two new potential Utopians will arrive at the camp and spend several days vying for the open spot. Then the established cast will decide which new candidate will become a full-fledged member of their society.
How often the cast will vote a cast member out has yet to be determined. Unlike CBS’ Big Brother or Survivor, the vote-out is not expected to be weekly event. The producers currently believe the cast shake-up will be held monthly, though that could change depending how viewers respond.

  • Love 3

Kristen actually sounds like she's been productive the last day or two...makes me very uneasy.



because the vote is rapidly approaching?



Mike is already wanting to sell the calf right away and has named it cash. 


one of the guests suggested selling  'naming rights'  to the calf.   great idea.


.....Aaron .....was concentrating on buddying up with Taylor.


because the vote is rapidly approaching?

  • Love 2

Maybe the twitter feeds are sending lots of angry messages, but suddenly we see Josh playing chess with Ernesto.  Josh seems focused on the game, don't know Ernesto enough to figure out if his facial expressions and nervousness is being bored or what.


Suddenly shouts from outside calls everyone.  The Mama cow fell over.  There's people saying that her entrails are coming out.  (I think this might be a prolapsed uterus.)


Someone is screaming why the vet isn't here yet.

Feeds switch, Bella is complaining to Kristen about how she's being bullied.  Has she not heard about the emergency with the cows?


Kristen is saying Bella is right, even though Bella says that if she were on the outside and people treated her that way she'd 'kick their ass'.

  • Love 3

Honey was lying down in the pasture and Red said she needs to be on her feet.  Bri and Hex argued that Honey is tired and needs to rest.  Red explained she is in the process of expelling the afterbirth and needs to be on her feet.  Red told the girls to go get strong guys to help get Honey on her feet, it is detrimental to get Honey up, her tongue is hanging out and her gums are pale.  They finally go and get Rob and Taylor and they're able to get Honey on her feet.  She immediately began looking better.  Bri admits she looked at the wrong chart and thought it was Honey who was due in February!  Ok, I'm now convinced Red knows what he is doing and if he wasn't there, Bri would have surely killed Honey and the baby (whether it was intentional or just stupidity).  Red continues to look after Honey and talks sweetly to her.  Red says it is because of Bella that they cannot feed the colostrum to the baby and because of this, he is going to vote Bella out.  I don't know what happened with Bella, apparently she wasn't listening to Red and did her own thing which could have caused major problems. 

  • Love 5
Maybe the twitter feeds are sending lots of angry messages,



I sent a couple, and I've seen a few others go by.  But most of the tweets are just laughing at the situation or commenting on the calf.  I'll admit, tweets that say nothing but "moo" are cute, but they're probably not helpful in making the showrunners do anything to protect the calf.


I did see a tweet that said the vets called and told them to have everyone leave the calf alone.  Maybe someone watching the live feeds can confirm if they've heard that?

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