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S07.14: (Don't) Let Them Eat Cake

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The housemates plan a yacht day, but Carl and Lindsay seem ready to abandon ship; a shocking DM forces Mya to reevaluate her relationship with Oliver; Craig's frustration with his long-distance relationship with Paige boils over.


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I’m beginning to think Danielle’s apartment must be painted with lead paint.

It’s the only rational explanation.

And was Mya always an Eeyore with anger issues?

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Here’s the thing. No one can ruin anything when your mindset is good. At my wedding my friends spent the entire time badmouthing my ex and his friends. His friends did the same, about me and my friends. My mom believed something that my now ex aunt told her and went off on me during the reception. The photographer had to take her aside and explain it wasn’t true. Not once did I believe my wedding was ruined. I was so blissfully happy that nothing anyone else said or did, mattered. If you watch Jersey Shore, Angelina does this. She takes happy moments and in her own head, ruins them. She blames other people, but she just can’t be happy. If 1 person out of the 10 that are there isn’t happy for you, focus on the ones that are. Instead they believe everything is ruined, because 1 person was butt hurt. Focus on each other and the meaning of the proposal, and nothing else matters. They’re too focused on what other people think and impressing everyone, that it was ruined in their own minds. 

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I’ve never liked Craig and Ciara less than I do after whatever that private date they had, drinking shots with intertwined arms in a private corner of the bar, away from the group and his long term girlfriend, talking about how they hope she’ll end up with a guy like him, all the while Ciara’s eyes moving from his eyes to his mouth and so on.

Followed by going on the boat together sans Paige.

Followed by laying together in bed in swimwear, alone, upstairs?

Totally fucking weird.

Edited by Drogo
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33 minutes ago, bosawks said:

Taking the cake is why I can’t quit this terrible show.


I’m kind of with Danielle on the hats. It gets to mocking, which isn’t even clever.

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I maintain that this show would benefit from the Real World format.  

One season, then get your cakes out of the fridge and get the fuck out. 

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Yikes Danielle. You need to get a grip. Why would Danielle be shocked they didn’t wanna come back and be around her? She’s out of her mind lol.

Robert and Danielle ugh a bunch of self important dbags.

Way to ruin someone’s moment ppl. Odd I've got friends engagements I haven’t been involved in and I wasn’t even involved in my sisters engagement. We just all came together after for a celebration after like some suckers. I’ve got a-lot of years freak outs to take care of lol.

Mya is just unpleasant ho watch she just seems like such a bitch. Were her and Oliver even a real couple.

Did I really just watch ppl push a bed together and then just lay in it. Some of these ppl need earn their pay cheque more,

Kyle seemed to wanna make it about himself of course.

I want Kyle to shave his mullet so bad!

What was with the different boats? It did look like a good time.

Yikes it was just hats. Danielle takes a stand for hats but doesn’t mind ruining someone’s engagement party lol. Weird.

Craig was next level wasted lol.

Uh oh Craig and Paige are fighting everyone better get involved with that relationship lol.

Kind of don’t blame Craig for being upset with Paige in the morning. He is a dramatic baby tho lol but he at least usually entertains me.

Lmao the ominous music as Lindsey and Carl show up

Oh god Danielle and Lindsey in the preview. The huddle around Danielle as she cries. Like yikes. I’ve had a dramatic BFF break up and it was not like that lol. I also was in my early 20s. I don’t understand what Danielle thought would happen. I am not even a Lindsey fan she’s got her issues but what does Danielle expect she went crazy at the engagement party and doesn’t even feel bad about it like one bit.

Edited by Marley
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Chris, balancing a box near his shoulder with one hand, holding something in the other hand, standing on one foot, and pushing the door closed behind him with the other foot. That deserved the camera spot it got.

Kory and Craig throwing stuff in the pool was stupid and annoying. Chris getting tired of the dialogue about the chair, and just picking it up and tossing it in the pool was everything.

For folks who've been wanting this show with a new cast, that's happening in the Martha's Vineyard version.

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Lindsay sucks so bad. I forgot about how she bullied Christina Gibson out of the house the first season.

She’s taking Carl down with her.  He’s not emotionally ready for all of this, he’s barely holding it together.  She doesn’t give a f she just wants to be married.  

I usually hate Kyle but Lindsay has me on his side.

I actually laughed for the first time ever during this show when the two idiots put on the hats and one of them says “I’m the captain now.”  That was funny.

Other than that, like @Marley mentioned, we are watching like 7-8 minutes of people pushing their beds together and then climbing in them.  This show is 89% people laying on their beds, scrolling through their phones.  Why am I watching this?  We need a new crew. And not the weirdo old people on Martha’s Vineyard.  I watched like 2 minutes. They all look 50 and I think one of them had his sweater tied around his neck.

My husband turns into a baby like Craig when he drinks, and that’s why he rarely drinks.  It’s annoying. And of course Craig is popping pills first thing in the morning.  Wake up and Adderall!  

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Paige doesn’t seem all that interested in Craig.  (Although he was pretty drunk that evening.). She lies in bed with her girlfriends all the time, shares a room with them AND him (until Carl and Lindsay’s was open), is on another boat without him, and talks bad about him to her girlfriends.   I couldn’t figure them out last night.


Edited by Thumper
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Most of them seemed to be living their own little Aesop's Fable of, "Be careful what you wish for, lest it come true", once Lindsay and Carl left.

I think even Paige would admit that she doesn't want to be the primary story driver of this show and Kyle can't do it by himself....

Edited by bosawks
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So Carl & Lindsey packed up all their stuff (including the cake) and left the house only to return, suitcases in tow, the next morning. Did production have to explain to them how contracts work?

Danielle is just an exhausting person. Does she ever have fun or is she always championing some issue?  They left the hats, just stop. That said, next week's previews show the real Lindsey.  The smirk & utter glee at which she cuts a long term friendship is telling. Justice for Christina, who told us who Lindsey was years ago. Beware Carl.

Ciara was looking at Craig like he was steak and she was starving. Paige needs to keep an eye on that.

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17 minutes ago, snarts said:

Ciara was looking at Craig like he was steak and she was starving. Paige needs to keep an eye on that.

Seriously. What was with them laying in bed together? Is Paige out of her mind? One thing is for sure, Paige doesn't give an actual fuck about Craig. Could it be any more obvious? His simpering about missing his mom's birthday was next level juvenile. He is just one of those people that doesn't need to touch one drop of alcohol, ever. Same with Kyle. You can always tell when Kyle has had too much to drink because he slurs and that's usually after only one drink. 

Both need to join the Carl sobriety club. 

10 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

Lindsay sucks so bad. I forgot about how she bullied Christina Gibson out of the house the first season.

I never forgot that. She's a horrible human being. Carl is in for a world of misery. Lindsey wants him to turn into one of those "Yes, dear, what ever you say is right" husbands. 

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Blown away by what a "mean girl" Paige is and it's crazy what a follower Amanda has become!  To watch their reactions when they found out that Carl & Lindsey had left was like watching sophomores in high school.

To set this straight...MOST of the Bravo watchers think and know the truth which is Danielle has acted the fool since Carl & Lindsey got together.  She has acted jealous and shallow AT BEST!  She has not been acting like a friend as she has shat on the relationship since day one...then gets her feelings hurt when she was not told when the proposal was going down?  NOBODY in their right mind would have told her ahead of time as she has been negative every time things were shared with her.  She has acted like a jealous high schooler and now we know why...which I suspected the entire time...Robert has been burnt on Danielle for a while and thet finally broke off that painfully obvious withering relationship!

This is TOTALLY on Danielle and not Carl or Lindsey! As far as the immature mean girl and followers behavior goes...GROW UP and look at yourselves and your relationships before passing judgement or giggling when others are hurting.  Show Lindsey a 10th of the compassion and empathy you claim to have for others...and the new move of pulling Danielle into the ring of immaturity girls is an obvious move too hate on Lindsey further! 

CONGRATS CARL AND LINDSEY! You two are obviously in love and down for each other at every turn! Just one little piece of advice for Lindsey...when you think all is well with Carl on your drinking...at least the maxed out drinking goes...take a step back and rethink whats really going on.  Even though he can claim to be ok around you drinking it would probably be best for him and YOUR RELATIONSHIP to keep it to a very minimal roar.  He has been very very supporting of you and protective of you so just be sure you are giving as much as you are getting.  The attacks on him when you are not happy gotta stop or he will burn out.   

There...so now you know Im fair about all the folks on that show and call em as eye see's em all the way around!

Oh ya...and Craig acts like a little chit disturbing bratt so pull him into the ring of immature girls cuz he is a good fit....although Paige wouldnt like it cuz she would have to spend more time with him. 

By the way...Paige will never marry Craig...ever! Now laugh at the truth in that if you want something serious to cut up on or giggle and laugh at immaturely!  That marriage will NEVER happen.

Edited by meangirlsstink
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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Seriously. What was with them laying in bed together? Is Paige out of her mind? One thing is for sure, Paige doesn't give an actual fuck about Craig. Could it be any more obvious? His simpering about missing his mom's birthday was next level juvenile. He is just one of those people that doesn't need to touch one drop of alcohol, ever. Same with Kyle. You can always tell when Kyle has had too much to drink because he slurs and that's usually after only one drink. 

Both need to join the Carl sobriety club. 

I never forgot that. She's a horrible human being. Carl is in for a world of misery. Lindsey wants him to turn into one of those "Yes, dear, what ever you say is right" husbands. 

She is also extremely jealous and needs all attention on her. I can’t imagine if she has a child, especially a female, and it’s not all about her anymore.  I watched the season where they lived in the house all summer. She was yelling at Stephen for not spending time with her or taking time for her during the work day. It wasn’t just in the evening, it was during the work day. I 100% believe that is why Carl started not doing anything for Loverboy and started to not show up. She demands attention and didn’t like that he traveled and worked a lot. 

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And Danielle sticking up for them on the "room invasion" part of the episode...saying how she still loves them???  WOW! NOBODY would ever want someone around who picks at their relationship and who is constantly saying negative things... CONSTANTLY! SHE IS JEALOUS AND HAS BEEN CUZ HER AND ROBERT ARE WITHERING ON THE VINE!!  Not a single positive thing has come from Danielle on the the two of them getting together, then moving in together and then getting engaged!  Nothing but neg neg neg so look in the mirror and D has known Lindsey for quite a while and should know better then anybody that she will blow up anybody getting into her biz in a neg way.   Not sure why this is such a shock other then its good tv i guess?

Edited by meangirlsstink
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6 minutes ago, Dsnygrl33 said:

She is also extremely jealous and needs all attention on her. I can’t imagine if she has a child, especially a female, and it’s not all about her anymore.  I watched the season where they lived in the house all summer. She was yelling at Stephen for not spending time with her or taking time for her during the work day. It wasn’t just in the evening, it was during the work day. I 100% believe that is why Carl started not doing anything for Loverboy and started to not show up. She demands attention and didn’t like that he traveled and worked a lot. 

Not sure as far as Lindsey and baby as ive seen a baby change LOTS of women! LOL!  How could they not?  Anyway,  Paige is the worst of all mean girls! LOL! Typical! Of course she acts all hurt or pissed when she gets called on it and for some strange reason a couple of the girls who i thought were above that behavior jump right in at times and its a really bad look.  Some of them cant figure out why they cant find a quality man to be "their best friend"?  Well quit acting like an immature brat along with mean girl gang and you just might meet someone.   Cracks me up how weak Craig is and has acted the fool since he got a few bucks in the bank! LOL! HILARIOUS!  Whats best though is watching him make a fool of himself talking about how he and P are perfect and blah blah blah! She will NEVER marry him!

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11 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

 We need a new crew. And not the weirdo old people on Martha’s Vineyard.  I watched like 2 minutes. They all look 50 and I think one of them had his sweater tied around his neck.

I think many people would like a new cast. I'd prefer a refocus. I'm not invested in these characters but I'm curious about what happens to them. Except for Sam and Ciara, all the current cast members are 30 or over. Four are coupled up with each other, while two are in relationships with visiting Bravolebrities. Eight of them, plus Craig and Kory, earn money outside of the show. I'd like to see less emphasis on drinking and superficial relationships and more about people in their thirties navigating all types of life events.

As I've become a weirdo old person, my juniors have seemed younger and younger, so I looked up the ages of both Summer House casts. The Vineyard people range from 26 to 37, while the current original series range is 25 to 40. The sweater guy is a stylist with some GQ worthy looks on Instagram. 


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22 minutes ago, Passing Strange said:

The sweater guy is a stylist with some GQ worthy looks on Instagram. 


That doesn’t mean much.  Full disclosure I’ve worn the sweater over the shoulder look.  I can’t get on board when men do it, unless it’s Steve Sanders on 90210.


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Man, none of these people are anyone that I would like to watch going forward.  Maybe Chris. Maybe Ciara. In a way, I think Ciara and Craig might be more suited than Paige and Craig. 

Edited by IntrovertRed
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I ALMOST feel sorry for Craig.  It’s obvious that Paige just needs him as a prop to keep her alive in the Bravo world because as we all have said, watching her lay in bed all summer is not entertaining.  She’s stringing him along until something better comes,  and not only ill she never marry him, she will never move to Charleston.  But she better watch out for Ciera - she couldn’t get Austin so she may be looking for her own way to keep working for Bravo without getting out of bed.

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Amanda looked amazing in her brown bikini. Danielle has got to be acting for the camera. I cannot believe she has such an emotional connection to both Carl and Lindsay. I don’t believe Danielle and Robert are actually dating. The audience rarely sees them cuddling and kissing together. 

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22 hours ago, bichonblitz said:
On 5/16/2023 at 1:37 AM, heatherchandler said:

Lindsay sucks so bad. I forgot about how she bullied Christina Gibson out of the house the first season.

I never forgot that. She's a horrible human being. Carl is in for a world of misery. Lindsey wants him to turn into one of those "Yes, dear, what ever you say is right" husbands. 

Exactly!!  I wish people would remember that before they start bashing Danielle for wanting the same kind of friendship she gave Linds.  L is a BULLY!  Plain and simple and Craig was right now that she has Carl she doesn't need Danielle anymore.  Her being engaged doesn't change who she is.  She's still a terrible friend!

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1 hour ago, Caseysgirl said:

I ALMOST feel sorry for Craig.  It’s obvious that Paige just needs him as a prop to keep her alive in the Bravo world because as we all have said, watching her lay in bed all summer is not entertaining.  She’s stringing him along until something better comes,  and not only ill she never marry him, she will never move to Charleston.  But she better watch out for Ciera - she couldn’t get Austin so she may be looking for her own way to keep working for Bravo without getting out of bed.

I like and dislike Paige at the same time. Paige is the type of person that can be cool with you one day and the next day she could be very hateful towards you. I began watching Summer House when Paige first appeared on the show. At that time, she was dating a guy by the name of Perry. I believed Perry dodged a bullet when he and Paige ended their relationship.

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On 5/16/2023 at 7:04 AM, Thumper said:

Paige doesn’t seem all that interested in Craig.  (Although he was pretty drunk that evening.). She lies in bed with her girlfriends all the time, shares a room with them AND him (until Carl and Lindsay’s was open), is on another boat without him, and talks bad about him to her girlfriends.   I couldn’t figure them out last night.


Paige is over Craig cuz she doesnt like whiny men.  Pretty simple but he is not the guy for her...he is a whiny, instant a-hole just add alcohol who really has some serious issues...lots of issues.    He got a bit of money and started acting like a butthead!  He doesnt have F U money and one day soon im sure someone is gonna jump right back in his chit when he flips out like he does.   Someone is gonna slap him upside his head and he is gonna whine and cry and fall down and pee his pants! I hope i get to see it cuz he needs a dose of reality for sure.  Paige will leave him sooner then later for sure. 

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16 hours ago, Caseysgirl said:

I ALMOST feel sorry for Craig.  It’s obvious that Paige just needs him as a prop to keep her alive in the Bravo world because as we all have said, watching her lay in bed all summer is not entertaining.  She’s stringing him along until something better comes,  and not only ill she never marry him, she will never move to Charleston.  But she better watch out for Ciera - she couldn’t get Austin so she may be looking for her own way to keep working for Bravo without getting out of bed.

Cierra and Craig are bound to be together and that will be a nice slap in the mean girls face! LOL!

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23 hours ago, Dirtybubble said:

I wish people would remember that before they start bashing Danielle for wanting the same kind of friendship she gave Linds.

Danielle has been bashing Lindsay, then being unhappy because Lindsay doesn't respond the way Danielle thinks she should. I keep wanting to ask if she's met Lindsay. Unlike, say, Paige, Lindsay is straight up who she is. You know what you're getting with her friendship and it's not Barb and Star. I think that Danielle's idea of the friendship is much different than the reality and now that the reality is very obvious she's falling apart. 


19 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

I've been watching, but I can't find a thread.

Thank you, I thought my search skills had failed. I hope someone will put in the required request. I can't come up with the proposed description or titles needed.

On 5/16/2023 at 2:41 PM, heatherchandler said:

That doesn’t mean much.

Heh, it wasn't intended to mean anything, just a fact.

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So why did they sneak back into the house to get all their luggage only to show up the next day without letting anyone know they were coming back.  They obviously did not go back to NY but stayed with Lindsey's friend.  Did the producers remind them of their contractual obligations?

I know Karl is in a delicate condition so that might explain his reaction to Robert's comments defending Danielle.  Robert only has Danielle's side and Karl needed to tell Robert that Danielle has been actively and very vocally, trashing his relationship with Lindsey.  Hell, she screamed in a pillow when Karl told Danielle he was ring shopping.  That right there would keep him from "including" Danielle in the actual proposal.  Danielle made very clear she was against it.  So why oh why would he include her in the actual proposal?  That scream alone demoted her to "one of the girls in the house".  Enough said.  And did Robert know all those little tidbits.  I doubt it.


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On 5/16/2023 at 10:31 AM, snarts said:

So Carl & Lindsey packed up all their stuff (including the cake) and left the house only to return, suitcases in tow, the next morning. Did production have to explain to them how contracts work?


That said, next week's previews show the real Lindsey.  The smirk & utter glee at which she cuts a long term friendship is telling. Justice for Christina, who told us who Lindsey was years ago. Beware Carl.

Well, when I saw the previews for the season finale, I have to believe that Carl and Lindsey were in fact reminded how contracts work, since they show up in those previews.  Like, show up or we are taking back your pay and canceling your contract for future seasons, not to mention possibly being sued.

Lindsey has always been an interesting character, but now she is just ugly.

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Ciara is a beautiful woman but has no luck with guys. Coming on strong to Craig was a bad look, she is clearly into him. 

Paige is over the dude, but likes being able to straddle three shows (Summer House, Winter House, Southern Charm). While she is occasionally funny, she is also usually boring.

Danielle is the worst of the worst. Get a grip lady. Its absolutely not about you. If they are moving too fast, they will spin out. Not your business, and I also would never be friends with her again.  Years ago I announced my engagement. A "friend" DM'd me that a former flame wanted to see me before I married and sent me his number. I let my fiance handle that... and have never spoke to her again. I see shades of my old friend with Danielle. Just has to butt in, and be a disruptor under the guise of being a friend.



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We have another week of the shit? What the hell?!?! How long can they drag this out? Danielle and Carl and Lindsey aren’t friends anymore. They haven’t been for a while. They’re all right and they’re all wrong but…I AM SO BORED OF THIS SHIT!!!!


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