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S25: Misti & Jim

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Boy, did Jim sulk over losing out on the chance to stick to the U-Turn plan and on getting on a flight behind Kym & Alli.


That said, they did well to just focus on playing catch-up, and it worked twofold.  Jim kept his cool after failing at the Roadblock once, and they did their Detour with minimal whining about the heat of the crab meat.  And then, they benefited from Amy & Maya completely bombing the statue search by falling for Brooke & Robbie's lie and Kym & Alli trying for the Fast Forward and losing it to Adam & Bethany.


They passed up two of the first-flight teams that way, so good for them.

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I actually think the "Save" is a cool souvenir, so I'd probably frame it.  I think all of the first two team were in a bit of shock when they realized that they had made a poor decision about flights -- they were mumbling as they went down the street, so no one else would hear they were upset.  And that was the start of a good plan for both teams to hunker down and run their own race. 


I thought that fall from the tightrope was terrifying, and when I watched it again at cbs.com, it was even more scary the second time.  If I had been either Mitzi *or* Jim, I would have had a meltdown.   

I was surprised that Misti didn't scream or react more when Jim "almost died". Of course, it could have been edited out but there really wasn't much of a reaction. I would proudly show the Express Pass just as I would show an unused Hidden Immunity Idol from Survivor. Jim & Misti are a strong team along with the Surfers. Will the scientist or the wrestlers be the spoilers?

He said something like, "I thought you checked the flights! This is ridiculous!" We only see him from behind when he talks to Bethany, but the body language is pretty clearly angry to me.  He's standing pretty close to her (who's sitting down) and animated.  Bethany and Adam took it in stride, though they take everything in stride, you know?

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Jim kept his cool after failing at the Roadblock once, and they did their Detour with minimal whining about the heat of the crab meat.

Yeah, they got points for that. To me, Jim getting upset with Bethany and Adam just shows they're not perfect. They can be a little petty and childish and Jim seems to sink into negativity sometimes (snapping at Bethany, fuming while Misti did the sandwich memory task) but I've yet to see them be really vile or do something to screw with another team. They're not my favorites but I'd be fine with it if they won.

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Sulking or hissing, really? I don't remember any of that. Sure he was unhappy about the flight snafu, but I thought his reaction was pretty chill and then it never came up again.


I started the season with a major dislike of this team and have come to appreciate that they're busting the stereotypes I put on them. Just because they're orange, have bright teeth, big muscles, and bulging eyes and want to win does not a villainous team make. Who knew?!

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Really don't get the praise they seem to be getting on the episode thread.  Sure, they were calm in spite of the flight error.  But that's because they had a feeling they'd be equalized, which they were.  In case everyone rather conveniently forgot that detail.  I actually imagine that Jim wouldn't have been as calm as he was if they'd found out otherwise.  That said, there was again some solid racing from them, and I do give Jim credit for not freaking out over the shocks.  But that's only because I saw his cockiness get shot down enough times for their work being no good.


So the fifth first-place finish, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have come to be without the bunching.  So whatever.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Regarding Jim going to medical school and dental school--he is an oral surgeon, so I believe they have to attend both.

He is an orthodontist.  Someone who puts braces on people.  I don't think he is an oral surgeon, I'm not sure if there are additional requirements for that.  He certainly doesn't seem shy about tooting his own horn, so... Here is his webpage: http://www.ramanortho.com/staff.html.   It doesn't say anything at all about him graduating from medical school.  If he had done so, there's absolutely no doubt in my mind he would put it on his bio.  If he had attended any bit of med school at all as a requirement for his dental specialty, I have no doubt he would put it in his bio.  "Dr. Raman also received training at the University of South Carolina Medical School."  Or something like that.


Misti's bio for her own practice (cosmetic dentistry) is strange.  I guess she is in the area of dentistry that is all about vanity, so maybe it is appropriate for her to tout that she was Mrs. Galaxy and was on the Amazing Race.

Good on Misti for plowing through her pain, but this team keeps making rookie mistakes with transportation.  They're lucky they recovered from picking a jeepney that went the wrong way.  They did the Detour well enough (though Jim could've at least shown some concern as to whether or not Amy was all right), but Jim missed the simple document that Robbie and Adam also missed.  Getting the dolly was a smart move, though.


Third place was deserved, but let's see how they run the final leg.

Seriously?  Don't see how they could've grown on anyone, especially after Jim's comment of kicking Amy in the shins.


But anyway, it seems that Jim got hit by his own hubris when he was so sure that he and Misti were going the right way to city hall and were the only team doing so, only to find out they'd quickly gotten lost!  And then, they did again on the way to the first Roadblock!  They did well to make up the time at the Coast Guard task, and I think that if Misti had been just a bit more careful at that final Roadblock, they would've won.


At least Misti was a good sport about the win.  Jim clearly wasn't willing to be one until he was offered the chance to be by Amy.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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Even with Jim's Type A personality, it's hard to dislike this team.  I thought their post-race interview did show some self-awareness.  It's kind of funny how Jim said he was really surprised that they would succumb to pressure.

It might be hard for you to dislike them, but I found them incredibly easy to dislike.  I wouldn't say they are among my most hated teams ever, but I had a lot of dislike for him.  Loathed his incredible overconfidence and constant touting that they were the best team.  I don't need to see or hear "today the thumb came out" ever again.  I don't need to see his bug eyes and overinflated body and the blue Tshirt that he wore every.single.day.of.the.race ever again.


I especially hated his asstastic dismissal of Maya and Amy in the airport when he told Brooke and Robbie that the fact that Amy and Maya didn't get eliminated sucked but it didn't matter because they were the "low hanging fruit" that were going to get picked off easily in the final leg.  Well, that low hanging fruit ended up on top.


I think they probably could get invited back for All Stars or Unfinished Business, but I think the Cyclists have a better story for Unfinished Business.  With Misti and Jim, their overconfidence did them in.  I guess nobody could have predicted that the final task would be a solo task, but with TAR nothing is guaranteed.  And of course when there was this cream puff task to fall out a window, Jim had to flash his man card and his bulging muscles and say that it was for him.

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Jim and Misti were not my favorites. I was initially put off by the eyes and the intensity and kept expecting some type of angry outburst but that never emerged. They were polite to the locals and got along with the other teams. Exit interviews seem to point to the Cyclist being the team that the others did not really like or get along with. I can't say I grew to support or really like Jim and Misti but I got over my initial impression and can see them as a very intense team that are very much type A personalities.


Jim was clearly joking when he talked about kicking Amy in the shin. I have no problem with that statement, he was not going to hunt her down and kick her or try and trip her. I had no problem with the low hanging fruit comment. Amy and Maya had not won any legs and Amy was hobbling pretty badly. They did not look like a team that was going to win it all. Jim and Misti are both pretty smart and educationally accomplished so I am sure that they were reasonably comfortable with their ability to keep up with similarly well educated individuals. They had a clear physical advantage and had beaten Amy and Maya in nearly every leg.


His bonus clip discussion of why he was upset to lose to Amy and Maya is kind of annoying but I can see what he was saying. Amy and Maya won the only leg that really matters but it is hard to lose that leg after winning so many others. I don't think he was mean spirited in his comments, just upset and able to clearly explain why he was upset.


So they remain not my favorites but I would have been fine if they had won. I am not sure I want to see them race again because I didn't think they were that interesting but not because I disliked them.

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Jim was clearly joking when he talked about kicking Amy in the shin. I have no problem with that statement, he was not going to hunt her down and kick her or try and trip her. I had no problem with the low hanging fruit comment. Amy and Maya had not won any legs and Amy was hobbling pretty badly. They did not look like a team that was going to win it all. Jim and Misti are both pretty smart and educationally accomplished so I am sure that they were reasonably comfortable with their ability to keep up with similarly well educated individuals. They had a clear physical advantage and had beaten Amy and Maya in nearly every leg.


Neither statement bothered me because the first was clearly (to me) a joke, and one I would have made, and the second was true. The only difference for me with the joke is that I probably would have referenced Nancy Kerrigan and Tonya Harding. I would never actually do that sort of thing, but I would make the inappropriate joke about it. I have always subscribed to the philosophy of if you can't say something nice, come sit next to me. The audience would hate me on the race.

The problem I had with him saying "kick Amy in the shin " was that Amy was the one racer who was limping and looked to be in pain when walking. AND that she is a woman. He was talking about physical violence toward a woman who was already struggling. I know he wasn't actually going to kick her, but joking like that is in very bad taste.

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I know he was trying to bond but it's weird he was joking like that with the Wrestlers, and in the previous episode, he was joking with the scientists about how their IQ is higher.  It is in somewhat bad taste to badmouth others behind their backs.  Most people do it, but it's just tough to watch on TV.  Misti's niceness balances it out, though.

Edited by Camera One
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The problem I had with him saying "kick Amy in the shin " was that Amy was the one racer who was limping and looked to be in pain when walking. AND that she is a woman. He was talking about physical violence toward a woman who was already struggling. I know he wasn't actually going to kick her, but joking like that is in very bad taste.

If he actually meant he was going to look for an opportunity to hurt Amy, I would agree with you. He wasn't going to do that. We know that because he had been shown talking and joking with pretty much all of the teams, including Amy and Maya, being polite to pretty much everyone, and never using any type of physical force against another person. So it was a joke. I will sometimes joke that I am going to smack you, throw something at you, whap people with my cast iron tea pot. I am never going to do any of those things but is it offensive to say that?


Does it matter that I am a woman and I normally make those comments to the men in my office?


I find the threat of violence to be inappropriate and wrong when it is directed towards anyone, regardless of gender, and it is a real threat. There is room, in my mind, for people to joke about whapping someone without it being offensive.

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If he actually meant he was going to look for an opportunity to hurt Amy, I would agree with you. He wasn't going to do that. We know that because he had been shown talking and joking with pretty much all of the teams, including Amy and Maya, being polite to pretty much everyone, and never using any type of physical force against another person. So it was a joke. I will sometimes joke that I am going to smack you, throw something at you, whap people with my cast iron tea pot. I am never going to do any of those things but is it offensive to say that?


Does it matter that I am a woman and I normally make those comments to the men in my office?


I find the threat of violence to be inappropriate and wrong when it is directed towards anyone, regardless of gender, and it is a real threat. There is room, in my mind, for people to joke about whapping someone without it being offensive.

Meh.  Joke or not, it was still in poor taste.  So I agree with @backformore and @blackwing on this one.

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I find the threat of violence to be inappropriate and wrong when it is directed towards anyone, regardless of gender, and it is a real threat. There is room, in my mind, for people to joke about whapping someone without it being offensive.



Agreed. It was obviously just a joke, and if Amy had heard it at the time, I'm sure she would have taken it as such. I'm not a huge fan of this team, but this isn't a big deal, IMO.

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Although Misti could have been reacting to Jim saying that on camera.  I don't think they are so bad, and they've been generally good in the bonus clips, and he hasn't really blown up at anyone except a couple of incidents of displaced anger when he followed another team's lead blindly.  


I guess my thing is that I was sure Jim would be a Colin, and he definitely wasn't.  I see him as one of those people who talks his way to victory or success or what have you - like that cop/firefighter team from LA a few seasons back that was going to "dominate".  If the first weapon of choice for intimidation is tough talk, well, it's not violent or anti-social, but it does very easily turn into a bad guy edit.  Jim and Misti were not demonized, Robbie and Brooke were not demonized, but when their words were damning we got to hear them.


Also, "Molar" and "Cuspid".  Who can't love that?

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Although Misti could have been reacting to Jim saying that on camera.  I don't think they are so bad, and they've been generally good in the bonus clips, and he hasn't really blown up at anyone except a couple of incidents of displaced anger when he followed another team's lead blindly.  


I guess my thing is that I was sure Jim would be a Colin, and he definitely wasn't.  I see him as one of those people who talks his way to victory or success or what have you - like that cop/firefighter team from LA a few seasons back that was going to "dominate".  If the first weapon of choice for intimidation is tough talk, well, it's not violent or anti-social, but it does very easily turn into a bad guy edit.  Jim and Misti were not demonized, Robbie and Brooke were not demonized, but when their words were damning we got to hear them.


Also, "Molar" and "Cuspid".  Who can't love that?

I can't.  And I don't.  So there.


Also, Misti was very much not smiling when Jim made that comment, so I'm pretty sure she thought he meant it.

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