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S01.E13: Hey, That's No Way to Say Goodbye

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(Season Finale)

John (Drake Rodger) receives a message from a mysterious stranger. Meanwhile, Carlos (Jojo Fleites), Latika (Nida Khurshid) and Ada (Demetria McKinney) work together to find answers, but time is running out. Lastly, Mary (Meg Donnelly) and John have a warm but awkward reunion. There is a lot to unpack, but they realize this isn’t the time or place. 

Original Air Date: March 7, 2023      8pm      CW 

Got to give Robbie credit, he managed to pull it all together. This episode really took the edge off that horrible series finale. This is my Supernatural series finale and now I get a little bonus episode since I can watch 15x20 instead of just the last 10 minutes. Don't really care that the series takes place in a knock off dimension as I never really connected with any of the characters, but I appreciated the Samuel hair reference and the overall respecting of canon of the old show. Looks like Jack restored all of the universes Chuck destroyed and the show does take place in a Chuckless universe. 

The show has absolutely been cancelled no matter what Robbie has been saying in interviews and he probably knows no one is picking it up considering how they ended the episode. Have to really give it up for Jensen though. I would have preferred Dean living his life in the 70's but I am still overjoyed with what he did. He completely unraveled the series finale. Instead of a 4-minute drive in the country, Dean has been traveling the multiverse, found a threat to all of it and once again saved creation. He's been hanging out with Bobby, he can visit other universes as long as he doesn't interfere and he can still be the hero. In the craziest art imitates life situation, Jensen was told Dean's fate and that he had to accept it. Jensen stayed professional but kept fighting to end the story on his own terms and by some miracle succeeded. And that is the most Dean Winchester thing Jensen has ever done. 

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34 minutes ago, Shadow42 said:

Wow what a slap in the face to Supernatural. I guess that bridge is burned forever. No reboot now.

Not at all.  It kept everything from the finale of the Mothership without any changes--Dean is still dead, Sam is still living his life out on earth, Chuck is gone and Jack is the new god.  Nothing at all is changed, except it opens possibilities for that space in between--the 50 years or so that Dean was in heaven before Sam got there; and it opens possibilities for them together afterwards.  And the options for a reset or do-over still hold, especially if Jack gets pissed off at Dean for  interfering and decides to send both Winchesters back to earth later.

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2 minutes ago, BornToDie said:

I guess I’m gonna have to watch it again before posting more because while it was great to see Dean again, I just felt…underwhelmed about it all.  

I have to admit I wasn't paying much (or any) attention to the actual story (I haven't really been keeping up with the plot).  I was mostly watching to see how the explanation would fit with SPN history, and was pretty happy about that.  And I'm a sucker for happy endings (and "peace when you're done,") so I'm glad everyone was left with free will and possibilities and no pat endings.

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I doubt this series will go beyond the one season, and I'm glad Robbie wrapped it up so that it could stand as a limited series - though there is an opening if they find a new home for it. The garbage network that the CW is turning into isn't honestly one I want anything I like to watch to be a part of. Eventually Nexstar is going to dump all original programming, except for what they can buy second hand from Canada, probably.

But Jensen did what he wanted to do - devise the perfect FIXIT! It doesn't mess with the OG series - Singer and Dabb did enough of a number on that all by themselves anyway. Frankly all the showrunners after Kripke made the series just a little bit less each time - until Dabb and Singer let the whole thing bleed out.

And yet, Jensen and Robbie kept Dabb's crappy finale intact, just improved upon it, in particular where it concerns Dean - which Jensen damn well deserved to do. The big surprise for me was in seeing Bobby and Jack again - especially Jack. I wasn't a fan of the character at all - and yet, it worked here precisely because he was part of Dabb's 'verse. And again, Robbie improved upon him, just enough.

We even heard about Chuck again - and the Akrida as his fail safe to destroy all the worlds should he cease to exist or lose his status as god makes a lot of sense, as does the fact that this whole 'verse was just one of many, because we already saw that the multiverse existed in the last season of SPN. Of course, most fans figured that out right away - it was the only thing that made sense.

And Dean, being Dean Winchester forever until eternity, couldn't help but want to save Sam and his parents. Because that is who Dean is and always was.

And kudos to Jensen and Danneel for snagging the music rights to some awesome tunes!

All in all, it was a perfect finale, especially because it fixed Dabb's hot mess.

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Jack is still a naive tool. "I wanted no meddling so mankind would be free to make its own choices." What choices could they make once they were all destroyed by Chuck`s final booby trap, you yokel?

That is the exact kind of situation an actual benevolent God should step in. Well, since the guy can`t be counted on, the multiverse has a Dean instead. 

I`m happy to get something meaningful for him one last time. And that he may have given this world`s version of his family a shot of freedom and happiness. He clearly enjoyed that. Even though he clearly also didn`t enjoy his going back to heaven. Read the room, Jack, there is no "peace when you are done" because Dean doesn`t feel done and doesn`t want that kind of peace at the moment. 

Now I still think the ending of SPN was super-badly done as in how the story was done and executed but it does recontextualize Dean`s part somewhat in terms of personal and professional legacy. Beats the hell out of the uselessly driving around. And hey, if he did it once, it opens the possibility of doing it again. 


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10 hours ago, PAForrest said:

I doubt this series will go beyond the one season, and I'm glad Robbie wrapped it up so that it could stand as a limited series - though there is an opening if they find a new home for it.

Yes, I liked the way they did this. I was reluctant to get into the series too much, because I have assumed that it will be only one season, and I didn't want to get attached to it and then just be left hanging. But this was just right and will work either way it turns out.

10 hours ago, PAForrest said:

But Jensen did what he wanted to do - devise the perfect FIXIT! It doesn't mess with the OG series

Yes! What it added to Dean's story was my favorite part, and is now part of my Supernatural canon. Those who were happy with what Dabb ultimately did to the show don't have to worry -- this didn't change that. But for me (and I know I'm not the only one), this healed a hurt from what happened in the end in a way I didn't even fully realize I needed! Thank you to those who made the show, especially Jensen!

A couple other things I liked from the episode. I especially liked that the Queen of the Akrida turned out to be human (or at least she started out that way.) This was a nice unexpected switch. But even more, I kind of loved the motivation which the show gave her. That apparently she was a hunter who was driven insane by the loss of all her loved ones, and decided that the solution was to exterminate the rest of humanity, because if all the civilians were dead, then no hunter would ever have to die protecting anyone! So completely crazy and twisted, yet so logical! I also liked that Joan was not indoctrinated or brainwashed by the Akrida, but that the reverse happened: the Akrida were inspired by her crazy crusade and chose to follow her as their queen. This was another nice twist to the story.

I also liked at the end, where Mary was telling John about how when she went through the portal, and how she saw every possible version of herself. And when John asks her if she found any of the versions appealing, she just says, "I'm going to make my own". This fits in well with the Supernatural theme of exercising your free will and refusing to be forced to submit to your destiny. 

And I loved Mary quoting from Dean's journal at the end, "Driver picks the music: shotgun shuts his cakehole"! It just makes me laugh to think of Dean recording that very important information in his journal! 😄 Did he like, write it down as number one on his "List of Rules for Driving in Baby", or what?


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Thought the wrap up for the Season/Series worked out really well. All those who theorized Heaven were right and so were all of us who kept saying AU. It really seemed the best of both options. The ending completed the story line and yet kept it open for future stories if renewed (probably not, but who knows).

Loved how all of the characters worked together in the end. 

Kind of thought they should've had Deanna appear some time.

I've seen a lot of people complaining/criticizing Dean's outfit and overall look when he met John. It is canon that Dean likes to dress up. He enjoyed his tailored 1940s suit in the episode with Chronos. He dressed up as a 1800s cowboy and a modern cowboy.  Why wouldn't he dress up to fit in, in the 70s?

As for the longer hair, Dean's hair was never actually a military buzz cut. There was even a fake ID, in the Pilot, that had Dean with hair longer than Sam's. Who knows when/why he started cutting it short again?

Also, did anyone else think that he was dressed up a little like Benny?


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13 hours ago, ahrtee said:

Not at all.  It kept everything from the finale of the Mothership without any changes--Dean is still dead, Sam is still living his life out on earth, Chuck is gone and Jack is the new god.  Nothing at all is changed, except it opens possibilities for that space in between--the 50 years or so that Dean was in heaven before Sam got there; and it opens possibilities for them together afterwards.  And the options for a reset or do-over still hold, especially if Jack gets pissed off at Dean for  interfering and decides to send both Winchesters back to earth later.

Then the series should have just cut to the chase and made it a reboot of Dean's story.  I would have been much more satisfied with an entire series of the adventures of Dean Winchester bouncing through the multiverse as opposed to trying to push the Scooby gang and the convoluted Epic Love Story that really wasn't relevant in the end.

As for a reboot of the og series to continue this story it wouldn't have nearly the impact since Dean has already been there done that. And why add Sam? There's Bobby, Dean's real parents, Castiel etc. No real need for Sam to be a part of the story at all.

I did like that Bobby was in the episode. Jim Beaver has been in every season of Supernatural it was nice to see him included even if the elephant wasn't.

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I guess I’m not one of those people that needs everything explained and rounded up nicely.  There’s way too much explaining and exposition in TV and movies today imo. We didn’t used to be so spoon fed back in the day.  In fact we were mostly left to our own devices during the early seasons in terms of the brothers’ relationship with their dad.  We got little bits here and there.  We had to figure it out for ourselves as the episodes progressed.

I guess the heat was on Jensen … you got some ‘splaining to do …. Plus it’s likely the end of the show.  So he had to come up with something. And I have to admit it worked. Good writing.  Made sense I guess. Alternate worlds can be handy.

So wonderful to see our Dean again. 💕

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4 minutes ago, Casseiopeia said:

Then the series should have just cut to the chase and made it a reboot of Dean's story.  I would have been much more satisfied with an entire series of the adventures of Dean Winchester bouncing through the multiverse as opposed to trying to push the Scooby gang and the convoluted Epic Love Story that really wasn't relevant in the end.

As for a reboot of the og series to continue this story it wouldn't have nearly the impact since Dean has already been there done that. And why add Sam? There's Bobby, Dean's real parents, Castiel etc. No real need for Sam to be a part of the story at all.

I did like that Bobby was in the episode. Jim Beaver has been in every season of Supernatural it was nice to see him included even if the elephant wasn't.

This series was about John and Mary and the Scooby gang and their "epic love story."  The fact that it turned out to be an AU gives it more options for future shows (if it gets picked up somewhere), since it doesn't have to stick with the original SPN storyline of dead Mary and traumatized kids.   Not that I'm saying a kinder, gentler SPN would be more interesting to watch.   

Dean's part in The Winchesters was originally just as a link to the Mothership; it ended as a possible lead in to yet another, different show. It could be a continuation of Dean multiverse hopping or a reboot of the OG show; but it seems he's done with this particular show unless he pops back in now and then to see how his AU family is getting on.  But any reboot of the OG series would have to include Sam, just to keep the characters in, well, in character (much as I'd love to see Dean finally get a life of his own, in the SPN world they're not really Sam and Dean without the Sam'n'Dean dynamic).   Besides, could you imagine the hate aimed at any reboot that *didn't* include both of them?


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Still processing it all but in a good way which is such a pleasant change from the last few years of the old. Several random thoughts, I still hate AU's. If I had connected with any of the characters, I would be pretty angry about it. Could never stand fake Bobby and it robbed the old show of probably the best Dean fight of the series (which was never scripted, Jensen added it because he thought it would be fun and they never gave a scene like that to real Dean). I do appreciate that it solves any continuity issues, actor casting and canon conflicts. Robbie was true to his word and the ending did explain everything.

Loved that they fixed the colt! Just another great way to stick it a little to Dabb. Also, I enjoy Dean's wardrobe and hair style change. It shows a significant passage of time, and that Dean is evolving from the strict uniform he usually adhered to most of his life. He could have spent decades for all we know, scouring the multiverse for the one successful Mary/John ending. Very surprised and happy that Bobby got in on the action, had his own story, mission and has been hanging out with Dean.

I am conflicted about the Dean story. As much as I would have loved Dean in every episode, I kind of like the bare bones framework they gave us. It lets everyone's imagination fill in the blanks with their own story which, let's face it, is probably better than anything they would have given us. There weren't a lot of answers to the questions they raised but there is a huge amount of potential. We know Dean wasn't just driving around alone in Heaven. He was exploring the universe, he was communicating and interacting with people in Heaven and the multiverse. He survived being hunted in a Chuckless world for a good number of episodes and had some form of confrontation with the Akrida. He spent months in the 70's and maybe decades in different time periods throughout the multiverse. He is still breaking the rules and saving the world and the most important thing of all, the end of his story is not a 4-minute car ride to a bridge.

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I can't help but notice the commentary is all Dean this and Dean that and Dean Dean Dean. It really seems like the only reason anyone kept watching this was waiting for Dean to show up. That doesn't speak well of the series overall. 

This did feel like a series finale, especially with the John and Mary montage at the end. I mean it's only been 13 episodes it feels a little soon to do a montage. Maybe if it does get renewed they might retool it with just John and Mary on the road and drop the other characters. That might be an improvement.

The season overall was a drag. The Akrida plot never made much sense nor was it ever very compelling. The Queen turned out to be a disappointment, the fight scene seemed obligatory - the Queen can snap her fingers and vanish or materialize swords out of the air, why would she bother sword fighting? And then to be knocked out by a car? OK. 

Bringing in Dean and Bobby felt very fan-servicey and gimmicky, and the whole multiverse thing feels like a lazy way of hand-waving any possible inconsistencies with canon. 

I guess I'm just not a big enough Jensen Ackles fan to put a gold star on this turd.

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I rewatched, and I guess I can say aside from the Dean stuff, it was just…there, I guess.  I wasn’t thrilled about the ending of the OG series, either.  I guess I’m not sure what the point of this prequel was, and I was not clamoring for a story about a slightly younger John and Mary since we had younger versions in the fifth season.  And since they’re part of an AU, my investment is even lower.  Sure, the actors are cute, but the storylines and writing were just not there.  Dean is still dead, so was this really a fix-it to Dean’s storyline?  Seeing Bobby was kinda cool, although he got annoying as the OG show wore on.  Sorry,  Dean, Jack is not family, and will never be for me.  There was a lot of standing and talking and more talking, and the demise of the villain seemed anticlimactic.  At least Jensen and the car looked good, and the song choices were great.  But I really don’t know what could happen with a second season if the show gets one.  More of the Core Four with Dean adventures sprinkled in and more rotating guests from the OG show?

9 hours ago, ahrtee said:

This series was about John and Mary and the Scooby gang and their "epic love story."  The fact that it turned out to be an AU gives it more options for future shows (if it gets picked up somewhere), since it doesn't have to stick with the original SPN storyline of dead Mary and traumatized kids.   Not that I'm saying a kinder, gentler SPN would be more interesting to watch.   

Dean's part in The Winchesters was originally just as a link to the Mothership; it ended as a possible lead in to yet another, different show. It could be a continuation of Dean multiverse hopping or a reboot of the OG show; but it seems he's done with this particular show unless he pops back in now and then to see how his AU family is getting on.  But any reboot of the OG series would have to include Sam, just to keep the characters in, well, in character (much as I'd love to see Dean finally get a life of his own, in the SPN world they're not really Sam and Dean without the Sam'n'Dean dynamic).   Besides, could you imagine the hate aimed at any reboot that *didn't* include both of them?


I wouldn't mind a series of just Dean multiverse hopping to hunt monsters.

 The first episode includes Sam and at the end Sam decides he really wants out of hunting but makes Dean promise to call if he really needs help. That way Jared continues with his projects but can dip his toe occasionally and Jensen gets to continue Dean's story as long as he wants.

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30 minutes ago, Shadow42 said:

I wouldn't mind a series of just Dean multiverse hopping to hunt monsters.

 The first episode includes Sam and at the end Sam decides he really wants out of hunting but makes Dean promise to call if he really needs help. That way Jared continues with his projects but can dip his toe occasionally and Jensen gets to continue Dean's story as long as he wants.

If all this multiverse hopping takes place while Dean is waiting for Sam to die, then I guess in theory Dean (who apparently can manifest in AUs, and not just observe) could pop in and visit Sam at any time, just to say hello, reassure him that he's fine and they'll be together again eventually, and maybe help with any hunts Sam (or Dean II) are working.  At the very least, maybe it'd let Sam relax and enjoy blurry wife instead of sitting in the car and mourning Dean for 50+ years.  Dean would certainly have his choice of partners to work with while Sam is otherwise occupied.

OTOH, I remember how furious Samfans (and Jared) were at even the thought of having any form of SPN or Dean without Sam, so I wouldn't bet on it.  

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1 hour ago, ahrtee said:

If all this multiverse hopping takes place while Dean is waiting for Sam to die, then I guess in theory Dean (who apparently can manifest in AUs, and not just observe) could pop in and visit Sam at any time, just to say hello, reassure him that he's fine and they'll be together again eventually, and maybe help with any hunts Sam (or Dean II) are working.  At the very least, maybe it'd let Sam relax and enjoy blurry wife instead of sitting in the car and mourning Dean for 50+ years.  Dean would certainly have his choice of partners to work with while Sam is otherwise occupied.

OTOH, I remember how furious Samfans (and Jared) were at even the thought of having any form of SPN or Dean without Sam, so I wouldn't bet on it.  

I guess Jared would want to be involved but as he said in Atlanta only for a very limited series. That would give Jensen the opportunity to launch a true reboot (if that's what he wants). I think that would have a better chance of success than another spinoff attempt.



I think that this one had some moments that worked.  Carlos and John stood out more than the other characters.  Millie was a great supportive character that I enjoyed seeing. 

I didn't care to see Jack again.  Could easily cut him and just have Bobby deliver a few lines so that Dean doesn't spill too much to this John and Mary.

I get why they did an AU multiverse storyline.  Otherwise, the Jared/Sam fans would have had a fit.  Personally, I'm tired of Sam...so I liked this about Dean.  Plus it fits his character.  He is someone that would break/bend the rules.  Since he's driven to see if anyone got a happy ending, for me it works.

Loved the Driver picks the music line. 

Was this a masterpiece?  Nope.  But then again, Season 1 of Supernatural wasn't either.  Both have flaws.  But there are things that could create a stronger story.

The big bad is mixed as parts is unexpected but also not really strong enough.  But I can also like that they didn't make it a big cliffhanger.  If this was something that would have lasted longer, they could have expanded, but I liked that they had gotten back into hunting to save people.

If it continued, which I'm thinking it won't...you could divide the hunts up into Carlos and the gang one week, the next John and Mary. 

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it more than some; I didn't compare it to the original.  Kudos to Jensen and Robbie.  For a first time out in the driver's seat, I think they had some good moments.  Experience is the key for stronger storylines.  They certainly did better than the last two years of SPN.  Plus I'll take the add on to Dean's character.  It does improve the poor storytelling of the final.  I'd give the show a good solid 5 and a few got up to a 6.  This one had a nice resolve for the season's ending. 

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8 hours ago, 7kstar said:

I think one of the reasons I enjoyed it more than some; I didn't compare it to the original.  Kudos to Jensen and Robbie.  For a first time out in the driver's seat, I think they had some good moments.  Experience is the key for stronger storylines.  They certainly did better than the last two years of SPN.  Plus I'll take the add on to Dean's character.  It does improve the poor storytelling of the final. 

All of this! 

There are so many people complaining that it is a fanfic by Jensen to boost his ego. But everything in SPN after S6 is fan fiction since Kripke, the actual creator/writer was not writing or supervising after S6. So what's to complain about here?

Also, a lot of the inconsistencies in the storytelling probably had to do with all the CW/Nexstar stuff and the shortened season. The huge gaps between episodes didn't help either.


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22 hours ago, Aeryn13 said:

Jack is still a naive tool. "I wanted no meddling so mankind would be free to make its own choices." What choices could they make once they were all destroyed by Chuck`s final booby trap, you yokel?

That is the exact kind of situation an actual benevolent God should step in. Well, since the guy can`t be counted on, the multiverse has a Dean instead. 

I`m happy to get something meaningful for him one last time. And that he may have given this world`s version of his family a shot of freedom and happiness. He clearly enjoyed that. Even though he clearly also didn`t enjoy his going back to heaven. Read the room, Jack, there is no "peace when you are done" because Dean doesn`t feel done and doesn`t want that kind of peace at the moment. 

Now I still think the ending of SPN was super-badly done as in how the story was done and executed but it does recontextualize Dean`s part somewhat in terms of personal and professional legacy. Beats the hell out of the uselessly driving around. And hey, if he did it once, it opens the possibility of doing it again. 


Not much time, but this post reflects my feelings too and for the most part.

I was very, very happy watching this finale which I also agree fixed the biggest problem for me with the mothership's finale and last couple of seasons by restoring Dean's innate hunting skills and skillset to the level that lets the viewers know that Dean Winchester was not who he was because of a God who was just really a hack writer with supernatural powers.

It restored the importance of hunters to not just our world, but to the multiverse(which is even better!) AND, most importantly, gave Dean the legacy that he so deserved and that was so lacking in the mothership's finale.

And this series also gave us some incredibly likable/lovable characters of it's own-no small feat that, especially considering that two of those characters(Mary and John)were two of my least favorites from the mothership.

So huge kudos to Jensen and Robbie and co.(and especially the new cast!) for this season and it's finale, which was everything this viewer hoped it would be and then some.

I truly hope it's not the last season and that it will be renewed for a S2-or better yet, find it's way to another/better platform than the CW.

I can't end this without mentioning the music in this finale.

Another huge kudos to the team for that(and especially to whomever it was who was able to procure Led Zeppelin's Ramble On!)-So. Awesome.





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12 minutes ago, Myrelle said:

Not much time, but this post reflects my feelings too and for the most part.

I was very, very happy watching this finale which I also agree fixed the biggest problem for me with the mothership's finale and last couple of seasons by restoring Dean's innate hunting skills and skillset to the level that lets the viewers know that Dean Winchester was not who he was because of a God who was just really a hack writer with supernatural powers.

It restored the importance of hunters to not just our world, but to the multiverse(which is even better!) AND, most importantly, gave Dean the legacy that he so deserved and that was so lacking in the mothership's finale.

And this series also gave us some incredibly likable/lovable characters of it's own-no small feat that, especially considering that two of those characters(Mary and John)were two of my least favorites from the mothership.

So huge kudos to Jensen and Robbie and co.(and especially the new cast!) for this season and it's finale, which was everything this viewer hoped it would be and then some.

I truly hope it's not the last season and that it will be renewed for a S2-or better yet, find it's way to another/better platform than the CW.

I can't end this without mentioning the music in this finale.

Another huge kudos to the team for that(and especially to whomever it was who was able to procure Led Zeppelin's Ramble On!)-So. Awesome.


I don`t know they pulled those musical rights off, they are quite expensive. 

Overall I would grad the show positively. No, I didn`t think it was a slash-bam hit and the first Season of SPN was IMO better by a good margin. Then again, I think the first Season of SPN is one of three really good Seasons of this show. And honestly, the writing of TV shows in the 2000s/2010s, especially on the CW, was just more a dozen times more appealing to me than the writing of the 2020s. Watch first Season Flash and now Flash, it used to be charmingly campy, now it`s stupidly goofy.  Something changed for TV shows IMO and it`s why I largely moved on to a different entertainment industry.

And I won`t lie and say fixing Dean`s terribly lacking legacy via a little side mystery and a few scenes in the Finale here wasn`t a big appeal for me. There was almost no chance it wouldn`t have been.

So the plotting of the Winchesters did have its iffy point. The Akrida was a good concept but lacking in execution - kinda like the Leviathans. Too much daytime shots when I would have wanted more atmospheric night time shots (makes it creepier), even though I liked some creative new MOTW. But I guess that was a directing/budget issue. 

But I will say the characters on the Winchesters did win me over. Carlos would have totally been a "shtick" in many other shows today and I never felt he was that here. He had his eccentricities but that he wasn`t defined by "shtick", he was a competent hunter and a person and that is what he should be. Lata was a rather loveable noob. John was a different kind of hunting noob in that he naturally already came with combat experience. And Mary, I feel, had the most difficult role of them. She was so Dean-coded in the show and the writing comes with its own pitfalls. I don`t feel the actress is bad but she isn`t Jensen`s calibre and Jensen smoothed out a lot of Dean edges in the mothership. Dean on paper and Dean in the show are worlds apart. 

I would be totally open to watch more adventures with this cast. Sure, they are "just" an AU which may lessen the investment but in this particular case it also helps with the resentments. I don`t have that much of a big problem with John even and how he turned out, even though the final episode in SPN was a big meh but SPN!Mary and how she ultimately came back? Boils blood. So I can like any version better than that one.       

And if that was the final word on it (which realistically it well could be), then I`m still glad I got it and have a fond look at it. 

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17 hours ago, ahrtee said:

If all this multiverse hopping takes place while Dean is waiting for Sam to die, then I guess in theory Dean (who apparently can manifest in AUs, and not just observe) could pop in and visit Sam at any time, just to say hello, reassure him that he's fine and they'll be together again eventually, and maybe help with any hunts Sam (or Dean II) are working.  At the very least, maybe it'd let Sam relax and enjoy blurry wife instead of sitting in the car and mourning Dean for 50+ years.  Dean would certainly have his choice of partners to work with while Sam is otherwise occupied.

OTOH, I remember how furious Samfans (and Jared) were at even the thought of having any form of SPN or Dean without Sam, so I wouldn't bet on it.  

With the success of Walker I don't think fans of Jared or Sam are sweating a potential reboot. If it happens it happens if it doesn't moving on.

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I was satisfied with this ending.

I do think the explanation of how to get Dean & Baby to their world via the Ostium was a tad too convenient.

And surpringly Jack didn't annoy me here.   I liked his stern talking to Dean abt not interfering, and getting to his "peace when you are done".  But Bobby was pure fan service and not needed.

I thought Cas was supposed to make an appearance in this show?

And why couldn't/wouldn't Dean tell them who he was?

Why no Deanna in the entire series?  (I did love Bobby's mention of Samuel's hair - that was my #1 ,pet peeve of this show.  That Tom looks nothing like Mitch.)

Good to see the Colt again,  but if I was Jensen I'd smack the shit out of Meg for driving Baby like that!

Not a bad series.  It had some good monsters and CGI.  The weak part was the Akrida and the middle of the series.  Nice twist on the Queen's story, tho.  It left the series open in the event they get picked up somewhere else, but it also finished it, in case it doesn't. 

Also, why was Dean so dangerous to the Queen?  Was that ever explained?

I liked Drake as John. Carlos & Lata & Millie were nicely fleshed out characters, and enjoyable.  Jojo especially.  But Meg and whoever played Ada was a waste.  I didn't believe Ada was that wise or had known Henry in the MoL.  And Meg just wasn't believable or good at acting (I guess that means she really is like her on screen dad Tom Welling).

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Various thoughts on the comments

I don't see why anyone would be upset that Dean died. He travels the universe, he has a physical form, he can communicate with people and hang out with his friends. He is still hunting and can do all the things he was doing while alive on his Earth. All Dean's death did was make him unkillable per the last episode. 

As for the AU reveal, the only thing I was really enjoying about the actual show was the lore, now that's ruined. This isn't an altered timeline, Samuel's hair shows there are differences, so all monster lore we got from this season is suspect. I'm glad now that they didn't do young Bobby and Rufus, it would seem pointless now. I know people like the show but if by some miracle it is picked up, I'll keep an ear out for more actual main world OG characters and tune in for those.

The show had a lot of faults due to all the bad luck and restrictions placed on them this year. I'm very grateful for what Jensen and Robbie pulled off with all the disadvantages they had. I honestly hope there isn't a reboot or Season 16 now. I wasn't happy with Jared's Jib con comment about Sam knew it was better that Dean died first as he wouldn't have lived long without him. Jared was a big Dabb supporter and still defends those seasons and maintains the finale was the best SPN episode of the series. We have seen the lengths Jensen went through to get a Dean ending he didn't have to compromise on. Those two will have to have a major discussion and make some compromises for a continuation to become a reality. I could see a nightmare scenario with Dabb and Robbie as co-showrunners. The ending we got was kinda perfect considering the limitations. I wouldn't like going back to Supernatural ending horribly.

8 hours ago, Lastcall said:

I could see a nightmare scenario with Dabb and Robbie as co-showrunners. The ending we got was kinda perfect considering the limitations. I wouldn't like going back to Supernatural ending horribly.

I don't think there's anyway in hell that Jensen and Robbie would have anything to do with that hack. And honestly I'm tired of reading all the complaints about The Winchesters. I understand that people are entitled to their opinions and certainly can post them, but this was Jensen's first attempt at production and Robbie's as showrunner. Was the show perfect? No, but it was IMO a good one. The characters were fleshed out and interesting. The MOTW stories were more interesting than the Akrida, but having a weak Big Bad was nothing new in Supernatural either. I loved the Title card and was very, very impressed with getting the rights to "Ramble On" - Zeppelin is known for being very selective in giving rights to their songs. It is something Supernatural either couldn't do or didn't want to pay for. I was happy to see Dean in the finale and find out where/when/why he was visiting John and Mary. I also suspect that Misha was unavailable to appear and that Jack or probably Bobby was substituted for Cas. All in all, the show works well as a stand alone if, as I assume, it won't be getting another season at The CW.

I made the mistake of reading the comments on TVLine regarding the show and cannot believe all the negativity and actual hatred for Dean/Jensen. I just don't get it. In every appearance, con, interview Jensen doesn't speak against anyone and is a gentleman. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Jared, so again, I don't get all the vitriol regarding Jensen. And this viewer was glad that Dean got one more hunt after his untimely death and a more fitting end to his story.

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17 hours ago, FlickChick said:

I don't think there's anyway in hell that Jensen and Robbie would have anything to do with that hack. And honestly I'm tired of reading all the complaints about The Winchesters. I understand that people are entitled to their opinions and certainly can post them, but this was Jensen's first attempt at production and Robbie's as showrunner. Was the show perfect? No, but it was IMO a good one. The characters were fleshed out and interesting. The MOTW stories were more interesting than the Akrida, but having a weak Big Bad was nothing new in Supernatural either. I loved the Title card and was very, very impressed with getting the rights to "Ramble On" - Zeppelin is known for being very selective in giving rights to their songs. It is something Supernatural either couldn't do or didn't want to pay for. I was happy to see Dean in the finale and find out where/when/why he was visiting John and Mary. I also suspect that Misha was unavailable to appear and that Jack or probably Bobby was substituted for Cas. All in all, the show works well as a stand alone if, as I assume, it won't be getting another season at The CW.

I made the mistake of reading the comments on TVLine regarding the show and cannot believe all the negativity and actual hatred for Dean/Jensen. I just don't get it. In every appearance, con, interview Jensen doesn't speak against anyone and is a gentleman. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Jared, so again, I don't get all the vitriol regarding Jensen. And this viewer was glad that Dean got one more hunt after his untimely death and a more fitting end to his story.

The SPN fandom is/was like any big fandom ever. It was kinda cute and positive (before it went too big) when it was a fledgling fandom in Season 1, maybe early Season 2. And then it grew and turned into an absolute dumpster fire and stayed that way. I have never seen a fandom not take that trajectory once it grew beyond a certain point. The "it`s a big family" is always a pipe dream. So at this point I just ignore it.       

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On 3/9/2023 at 1:07 PM, Brown44 said:

I just finished the last episode, so this Mary and John is not from the original Supernatural world but a different/alternate world?


If there is a season two, I’m already cringing at the thought of Destiel shippers trying to take over the show because Misha couldn’t make an appearance in the first season due to filming his other show.  I’ve already seen stuff online about how the confession scene has to be addressed, and if not in a revival or continuation, how about season 2?

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On 3/10/2023 at 9:53 AM, Lastcall said:

The show had a lot of faults due to all the bad luck and restrictions placed on them this year. I'm very grateful for what Jensen and Robbie pulled off with all the disadvantages they had. I honestly hope there isn't a reboot or Season 16 now. I wasn't happy with Jared's Jib con comment about Sam knew it was better that Dean died first as he wouldn't have lived long without him.

I like Dean better than Sam, but Jared isn't completely wrong. (I don't follow the conventions/fandom so don't throw things at me) The bones of the relationship, imo, is "Of Mice and Men"--Dean focuses because he has someone to take care of, Sam. So I believe it is consistent to imagine that Dean might spiral without him, whether or not he survived and prospered at some point. In some ways that is built into this show, too, he looked for someones to take care of, he has trouble letting go of that part of himself and accepting the peace part of the song.

This was a good ending and it was great seeing Dean again. I wonder if they name their first son James?


  • Like 1
1 hour ago, Affogato said:

I like Dean better than Sam, but Jared isn't completely wrong. (I don't follow the conventions/fandom so don't throw things at me) The bones of the relationship, imo, is "Of Mice and Men"--Dean focuses because he has someone to take care of, Sam. So I believe it is consistent to imagine that Dean might spiral without him, whether or not he survived and prospered at some point. In some ways that is built into this show, too, he looked for someones to take care of, he has trouble letting go of that part of himself and accepting the peace part of the song.

This was a good ending and it was great seeing Dean again. I wonder if they name their first son James?


No worries, your opinion is perfectly reasonable. I did check the TVline comments after the heads up and was very surprised at how many Sam Stans were tearing down the show. I finally watched the mothership Series Finale and it reinforced everything I hated about the last 4 season. Once again Dean tears himself down and gushes about how perfect Sam is while Sam nods and agrees with everything Dean says. Every character from the old show got a fantastic ending or at least the ending their actors wanted, including ones that were off screen. The only one that had a horrible ending was Dean (and Ketch but he really didn't deserve a good end). Jensen deserved to have a say in Dean's final appearance, and I am so grateful he finally got that. 

Unfortunately, it is very apparent that The Winchesters needed those back 9 episodes. Robbie started planning the story when Pedowitz was running things and they were virtually guaranteed 22 episodes. I think the reason everything seemed rushed and there was so much tell over show is that they had to condense everything. Story was substituted with exposition. The Queens story would have been spread out much longer and we have learned that story over multiple episodes and she would have seemed much more of a threat. I imagine that the episode Jensen wanted to direct would have shown the Scoobies surrounded by Akrida and the Queen followed by Dean showing up and slaughtering them left and right. Then, just when he is about to kill the Queen, she throws him in the portal to be torn apart for centuries. The Scoobies would feel defeated, Dean would seem dead, and the Queen would be a threat. The final episode would play the same, but they probably would have ended the Queen with something better than "run over by a car" (even if its Baby). In the end, all stuff probably better living in my head. What Jensen and Robbie gave us under the conditions they were under is awesome, so I hope they get everything they want for the show in the future.

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On 3/9/2023 at 9:50 AM, Myrelle said:

I can't end this without mentioning the music in this finale.

Another huge kudos to the team for that(and especially to whomever it was who was able to procure Led Zeppelin's Ramble On!)-So. Awesome.

Yes! I loved the music! Especially, as you say, "Ramble On", which was the perfect choice. (One of Dean's two most favorite songs, along with "Traveling Riverside Blues"!) I am so glad that it is now part of the show. I can't find now where I read it, but I saw something from the most recent con which said that Jensen went without his salary for appearing in the episode to help pay part of the fee for that song. It's not just the money, though; it's knowing how careful and picky Led Zeppelin are about who they will let use their music, and what an honor it was for them to allow it. As Dean taught Lucas in Dead in the Water, "Zeppelin rules!!"  😄


On 3/12/2023 at 12:32 AM, Casseiopeia said:

So was Dean a ghost in the AU? If he was a live human being how did that happen? If he was a ghost how could he carry around letters and journals and help defeat the Akrida? Wouldn't Jack have to help Dean not be a ghost?

I don't know, I guess it would depend on how you define a ghost. In Supernatural, ghosts are the spirits of dead people who are trapped in this world for some reason and unable to move on. Dean died and moved on and had already made it to Heaven. He wasn't supposed to be visiting this world, but he wasn't trapped, either in the mortal realm or in the Veil, after he died.

I don't really think of Dean as being a ghost in the Supernatural sense. He was able to visit alternate worlds from Heaven, and when the Akrida queen went after him and threw him through the portal, he was able to survive and make it back through. He is on a first-name basis with God and managed to get Jack to give in and help him with his mission. He is not just a ghost, he is Something Else. I think it is pretty cool!



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On 3/12/2023 at 12:32 AM, Casseiopeia said:

So was Dean a ghost in the AU? If he was a live human being how did that happen? If he was a ghost how could he carry around letters and journals and help defeat the Akrida? Wouldn't Jack have to help Dean not be a ghost?

Was this explained and I missed it?

I think that is something that would have been explained if they got a back nine. As it was, much had to be cut to give 13 a proper ending. There are many clues though. We know at some point Dean took a shortcut to look for a universe where John and Mary had a happily ever after. We don't know when he found out about the Akrida or the mechanism he used to travel the multiverse. I believe Henry was the one who knew about Chuck's fail safes, gave him the letter and sent Dean on his way after giving him the rule that he couldn't interfere. It's clunky why Henry would give him the rule and send him but it's what we have. If we had the back 9, I'm sure it would have been Cas but the way 13 ends it looks like Dean had no contact with him or Jack. I'm assuming he went through a portal and that's how Bobby went on his calvary quest. We know Dean is corporeal. You can take the letter delivery two ways but to me it looked like a Batman move and not a teleport. We also know from the old series finale that Dean can eat, drink and taste just like if he were alive so the Dean we see in The Winchesters is exactly as he was when he was alive with the benefit of being unkillable. 

On 3/11/2023 at 10:32 PM, Casseiopeia said:

So was Dean a ghost in the AU? If he was a live human being how did that happen? If he was a ghost how could he carry around letters and journals and help defeat the Akrida? Wouldn't Jack have to help Dean not be a ghost?

Was this explained and I missed it?


2 hours ago, Bergamot said:

I don't know, I guess it would depend on how you define a ghost. In Supernatural, ghosts are the spirits of dead people who are trapped in this world for some reason and unable to move on. Dean died and moved on and had already made it to Heaven. He wasn't supposed to be visiting this world, but he wasn't trapped, either in the mortal realm or in the Veil, after he died.

I don't really think of Dean as being a ghost in the Supernatural sense. He was able to visit alternate worlds from Heaven, and when the Akrida queen went after him and threw him through the portal, he was able to survive and make it back through. He is on a first-name basis with God and managed to get Jack to give in and help him with his mission. He is not just a ghost, he is Something Else. I think it is pretty cool!


A bit of metaphysical rambling here:  

IIRC, Heaven/Hell/Purgatory were the places where the spirits (souls) went after death.  They apparently kept a sense of "self" identical to who they were on earth, which is why they can eat, drink, go to rock concerts, and kill or be tortured.  But the central part of who they were is maintained, no matter what happens there, which is why souls can continually be made whole after torture, or stay the same age they choose.  (Remember Alistair complaining about torture on earth, that it's "too concrete" because those killed don't regenerate.)  

I think part of Jack's changes to heaven was to open the doors between the various parts of heaven (so they're not individual cells like Bobby's room or the autistic man's endless Tuesday) which allows souls to go visit/stay with others and, apparently, at least observe other universes.  That doesn't mean that Dean was back to a living human, just that he could visit other AUs.  He's unkillable because he has no physical body any more.

Even in the old SPN 'verse, ghosts could appear and move/carry objects (whether through anger, like Bobby or the angry spirits or by concentrating, like the ghost boy who taught Sam and Dean how to move objects).  So there shouldn't be any problem with Dean appearing/disappearing and carrying objects.  I don't know if he could actually *affect* other living beings (that may be the reason why Baby was the weapon to destroy the Queen, rather than Dean himself.)  And I think Dean never actually touched any of the AU characters without an intermediary of a non-living object (like the journal).  So he could interact, give objects/information to help, but couldn't/*shouldn't* directly interfere either physically or by giving too much information.  (I assume that's why he didn't tell John and Mary his real name.)  

Anyway, my possibly silly explanation.  I do wonder, however, if Jack managed to save "deserving" souls from either Hell or Purgatory (it would be nice to think that Benny made it to heaven and Garth and his family have a chance).  After all, most of the "created" monsters had no choice in what they became, only in what they did with it.  But that's another whole story.






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On 3/13/2023 at 2:08 PM, ahrtee said:

Anyway, my possibly silly explanation.  I do wonder, however, if Jack managed to save "deserving" souls from either Hell or Purgatory (it would be nice to think that Benny made it to heaven and Garth and his family have a chance).  After all, most of the "created" monsters had no choice in what they became, only in what they did with it.  But that's another whole story.


Funnily enough, in the story I'm writing of the OG Finale, Jack saves more than Cas from the Empty, and he also saves our beloved former King of Hell.

The bigger question is....did he save Eileen and all the other AU Hunters that Chuck disinegrated?

If this show gets picked up elsewhere, there's so much world expanding they could do, and now they're not restricted to OG canon (except lore, I would think).  Plus we might be able to see some of our favorite characters again, like Chuck (yes I will always love him and hate the writers for what they did to him), Balthazar, Crowley, Cas....

Edited by roamyn
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On 3/13/2023 at 11:38 PM, ahrtee said:

I do wonder, however, if Jack managed to save "deserving" souls from either Hell or Purgatory (it would be nice to think that Benny made it to heaven and Garth and his family have a chance).  After all, most of the "created" monsters had no choice in what they became, only in what they did with it.  But that's another whole story.

Nothing was mentioned about Heaven/Hell/Purgatory being evaporated in 15.18 with all of "life." What I took away from the 15.19 was that Jack restored everything (including AUs). Then in 15.20, we're told that Heaven was re-made differently from what it had been before. 

It's probably safe to assume that Jack re-structured Hell and Purgatory also. It's possible he made one heaven for all of the multiverse and got rid of the angel hierarchy "running heaven." The idea that the angels powered Heaven didn't make sense to me because angels got powered up by human souls. IMO, it made more sense that human souls powered Heaven, thus making angels just caretakers.

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10 hours ago, MAK said:

Nothing was mentioned about Heaven/Hell/Purgatory being evaporated in 15.18 with all of "life." What I took away from the 15.19 was that Jack restored everything (including AUs). Then in 15.20, we're told that Heaven was re-made differently from what it had been before. 

It's probably safe to assume that Jack re-structured Hell and Purgatory also. It's possible he made one heaven for all of the multiverse and got rid of the angel hierarchy "running heaven." The idea that the angels powered Heaven didn't make sense to me because angels got powered up by human souls. IMO, it made more sense that human souls powered Heaven, thus making angels just caretakers.

Since Dean was able to see other worlds in the multiverse, then I guess they were all restored.  And no, nothing was said about Chuck destroying Heaven/Hell/Purgatory (Chuck evaporated all "life" and not the world itself, so his original creations still existed.)   

For me, the important questions are: were all the AUs restored to their last form (ie, Apocalypse World was still horrible) or recreated better; and either way, were the Apocalypse world people brought to the SPN world and evaporated here brought back to our world or their own?   😕

I assume heaven originally included all AUs, because otherwise, there wouldn't have been the scene of the long corridor with all the different versions of Bobby ("The Bobbys are surly!")  In the original heaven, only soulmates could share their heaven, so the new, improved version let everyone visit whoever they wanted.  But (IIRC) the angels "ran" heaven, (and yes, they were supposed to be caretakers of the souls in their charge).  Remember the outrage that they were using or bartering human souls to power their uprising? 

In that scenario, Crowley ran hell however he wanted, and "Mother" was in charge (nominally, at least) of the creatures in Purgatory.  Mother is no longer around, so I'd guess Jack can rearrange it however he wants, but do you think he's taken over Rowena's rule or is just letting her run things her way, like Chuck did with all three rulers?  


Edited by ahrtee
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24 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

But (IIRC) the angels "ran" heaven, (and yes, they were supposed to be caretakers of the souls in their charge).

Didn't Naomi tell Castiel that there are only a handful of angels left, and Heaven was on the verge of collapse because they could barely "keep the lights on?" That's why they wanted Jack or Lucifer to "create" more angels? That seemed to imply that they "powered" Heaven, and that never made any sense to me. Because Heaven didn't collapse when all the angels fell. 

IMO, Jack restored Rowena as ruler in Hell, and made Purgatory as it was. I don't think Eve was "running" anything in Purgatory like Hell was being run by Lucifer/Crowley/Rowena. Heaven he kind of re-organized into different planes of existence to accommodate the multiverse, and accessed by him only.

But of course Dean found a trap-(garage) door or something, so he had access also.

34 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

For me, the important questions are: were all the AUs restored to their last form (ie, Apocalypse World was still horrible) or recreated better; and either way, were the Apocalypse world people brought to the SPN world and evaporated here brought back to our world or their own? 

If Jack was going to follow a "hands-off" policy, he would have brought back all the AUs to the point at which they were destroyed. The Apocolypse World would have been horrible, but it's main bad guy, AU!Michael had left, so maybe on the path to a new future? I don't think Jack would have brought back people that were already dead at the time of "evaporation." 


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11 minutes ago, MAK said:

Didn't Naomi tell Castiel that there are only a handful of angels left, and Heaven was on the verge of collapse because they could barely "keep the lights on?" That's why they wanted Jack or Lucifer to "create" more angels? That seemed to imply that they "powered" Heaven, and that never made any sense to me. Because Heaven didn't collapse when all the angels fell. 

According to SPN Wiki (under Angel Lore): "Naomi would reveal to Castiel that the existence of angels is what powers Heaven, and due to the significant loss of angels through the Fall and various civil wars and battles only nine angels, led by Naomi remained in existence to watch over the souls in the Heaven, and that once they were gone, Heaven would fall releasing billions of souls on to the earth."

That seems to indicate that before this, no one knew how heaven was powered.  (That's not to say this doesn't change previous canon that I just don't remember.) 

I do remember Naomi saying something to the effect that the angels' purpose was to protect the souls in their care, and that somewhere along the line they forgot that (shades of John Winchester?)  

15 minutes ago, MAK said:

IMO, Jack restored Rowena as ruler in Hell, and made Purgatory as it was. I don't think Eve was "running" anything in Purgatory like Hell was being run by Lucifer/Crowley/Rowena. Heaven he kind of re-organized into different planes of existence to accommodate the multiverse, and accessed by him only.

IA that Rowena is still ruler in hell, and Purgatory has no one in charge.  But someone (something?) decides who gets sent where (the guy with the abacus was only about hell, IIRC).  That's why I'd like *someone* to take charge of decisions, to let the "deserving" (like Evan, who sold his soul to save his wife, or the vegetarian werewolves/vampires, or even Ellie (whatever she was that sent her to Purgatory) had a chance to escape/be elevated.  And get rid of the canon change that said anyone who'd been in hell could never get to heaven (even Kevin!) Huh.

I don't know about other planes of existence for AUs (though it sounds logical); but wouldn't  you like to see all the Dean Winchesters of all the AUs get together? Imagine what they could do to heaven....on second thought, maybe not. 😀


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2 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

(the guy with the abacus was only about hell, IIRC)

He was about Heaven or Hell for humans. Remember Lily Sunder went to Heaven after she sacrificed herself with nothing in return for herself. Seems like that god just monitored/registered the incoming souls. The "abacus" seemed to be automatic.

5 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

Naomi remained in existence to watch over the souls in the Heaven, and that once they were gone, Heaven would fall releasing billions of souls on to the earth.

Still would like to know how Heaven survived when all the angels fell in S8.

8 minutes ago, ahrtee said:

I don't know about other planes of existence for AUs (though it sounds logical); but wouldn't  you like to see all the Dean Winchesters of all the AUs get together? Imagine what they could do to heaven....on second thought, maybe not. 

This would be hilarious (or incredibly tragic)! Either way, I would watch that show!

(We're probably going to have to take this to an SPN thread. Which one though?)

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30 minutes ago, MAK said:

He was about Heaven or Hell for humans. Remember Lily Sunder went to Heaven after she sacrificed herself with nothing in return for herself. Seems like that god just monitored/registered the incoming souls. The "abacus" seemed to be automatic.

Still would like to know how Heaven survived when all the angels fell in S8.

This would be hilarious (or incredibly tragic)! Either way, I would watch that show!

(We're probably going to have to take this to an SPN thread. Which one though?)

Yeah, I meant that. 😀

Maybe move to SPN: All Seasons?  If anyone is interested in continuing this discussion.  Or maybe we can discuss the "Dean Winchester: A Man of All AUs" show.  😉

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Loved, loved, loved seeing Dean and baby again ❤️

I just couldn't get into the actress playing Mary. Also it bugged me that an episode didn't go by without her whining about wanting to leave hunting. We get it you don't want to be a hunter anymore so shut up. But what really bugged me, she's weighs like 80 pounds she's not kicking a mans ass or taking down 5 vampires by herself. To be far it's not just this show that have women beating up men. I don't care if she was a hunter since she was a child that doesn't make her strong.

It was really convenient that they had books with the MOTW they were hunting.

I couldn't get into the Akrida storyline. And what happened to the bugs, did they all get sucked into the box?

Loved the cameos, Bobby was always one of my favorites and Rowena is always fun to watch.

Great choice of music for the series and had to giggle at the driver picks the music line.



Edited by foxfreakinmulder
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I believe that the Winchester spinoff is good in theory but it could be so much better. First off it's trying to be too PC correct. Part of the reason why we loved Supernatural was because Dean just didn't care who he offended & Sam had a heart. This show is set back in a time when let's face it, nobody really cared about "feelings". This show is tripping all over itself trying to be all inclusive.  Also John wasn't a HUNTER, Mary was. Instead of trying to make John a Hunter, why not focus on his Dad being A Man of Letters & how he disappeared. Show Mary hunting and hiding it from John. Lastly, sorry but I don't believe the actress they chose to be Mary. She's just not hot enough & she looks week. Mary was a blonde bombshell that knew how to throw a whatever and this chic is lukewarm at best. 

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