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Chris Rock: Selective Outrage - General Discussion

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I only noticed it was being broadcast live a half hour in, so until I rewatch I won't comment on the early part.

It dragged a bit until he TOTALLY tore the Smiths new @ssholes.  Whoa.  He did NOT hold back.  The Internet will likely explode over this.

I also gasped a bit when he confessed to getting his daughter expelled from her school (and that until this broadcast he'd never told her, or his ex-wife).


Okay, there's a weird aftershow, with David Spade, Dana Carvey and others literally commenting on what we saw ten seconds ago.

Edited by SnarkShark
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Arsenio (on the aftershow) is annoying, if I'm being honest.  I did like one of the others pointing out the timing of this one week before the next Oscars was TOTALLY part of the F.U.

The two white guys on the Aftershow panel DID look kinda uncomfortable when Arsenio mentioned black people not being "allowed" to slap white guys.   One point for Arsenio. 

Actually, other than Arsenio, I'm enjoying this aftershow.  Apparently it won't be available after the live broadcast. 

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It was a good show. Like you said it dragged a little on some of his bits. It was as if he had a little bit of filler tier and then top tier. The filler was good, needed a little work but man, top tier? He went all in on those parts. 

If you check out my profile pic you have a clue what is happening now in Monticeto, CA. He dragged both of them.

And oh my gosh did he roast all of the Kardashians. And went straight after OJ while doing it.

Loved his little “I don’t need no rapper mad at me” at the end of  several of his bits. 

He did good. He went in hard on Jada and Will in the final segment and you could tell it was very very VERY emotional for him but when he got to that last sentence? Wow the mike drop to end mike drops.

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Watching the beginning now.  The Woke-baiting does bother me a bit, although I do get his thesis about "Selective Outrage".  To his credit, he DID give good examples.  And he got out of that segment into funnier stuff fairly quickly (the "Show Ya Ass" stuff, for example, and "When did Snoop Dog become Morgan Freeman").

Add to the list of who he savaged?  Meghan Markle, AND the Royals, Kanye, OJ, Michael Jackson, the Kardashians...

The dead baby stuff?  Yeah.  That went dark. 

Edited by SnarkShark
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Watched this today.  It’s very funny and emotional at the end. Interesting that Chris said he rooted for Will smith his whole life  Me too Chris   

Was a little afraid at first at the woke stuff,  it’s kind of played out and old.  The abortion stuff was originally funny went dark and jmho it went on to long. 
 I have always liked Chris Rock. Before he was famous we saw him in a small club.  At that time you could also pay $20 to have dinner with him. My cheap date said no. 
    Wondering if I am missing anything not seeing the after show?

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Apart from few exceptions, I don't normally watch stand-up "comedy" because I find most of it to be in bad taste. But I was interested in watching the part where he talks about the slap, so I skipped through the rest, not knowing it was at the end.

Ugh. I won't comment on the commentary on racism, as it's not my place, but the stuff about abortion was absolutely disgusting. I guess since he says he's pro-choice, I am supposed to ignore the BS about calling abortion "killing of babies"? There's no baby, you dumb motherfucker. (I am choosing that word only because I heard it about a hundred times, even when I skipped most of the special.)

Regarding the slap, I never had much of an opinion about it, because I think it was blown way out of proportion at a time when the World has much more serious problems, but I'm against any violence, so I'm no fan of Will. (Why did some people think it's more of a scandal than Roman Polanski receiving an Oscar that he could not accept in person because he raped a 13-year old girl, I'll never understand.) So, while Chris' comment about Jada was horrible, I don't think he deserved to be slapped over it. But I think he's talking some BS here. Whatever the stuff between the Smiths is, it's their business, and it doesn't justify his comment about her hair. Or calling her a bitch here. 

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I think the pussy part of the set went on to long and wasn’t that funny to me but otherwise it was pretty good and he landed the ending. I almost got tears in my eyes watching him has his moment and doing it so well. 

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I thought it was a good Chris Rock set. He's always joked about the things he joked about in this special. I got a big kick out of his bit about raising kids. From the start where he noted that the only people who would say that kids are born pure are people who don't have kids, through the fact that his daughter bit people, to the part about humans have the worst offspring and need to raise them for 18 years: "Every other animal is like 2 or 3 days. Birds are like, Hope you can fly!" [makes a punting the bird out of the nest motion]. Heh. 

I think it's interesting how many comedians lately work something about the divisiveness in the country into their acts the last year or so. They kind of have to address the selective outrage and the way people are just waiting around for somebody something stupid.  I think his joke was "In the old days, if somebody wanted your job, they just worked harder than you. Now, if somebody want your job, they just wait for you to say some dumb shit."

It's pretty hard to be a comedian if you work in a world where you're not allowed to make jokes. That's pretty much what Will Smith acted out physically when he hit Rock last year. People ganging up to "cancel" a comedian for poking fun at things that they don't think is funny is exactly the same thing. One is a punch in the face, the other is punch in the wallet.

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19 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

People ganging up to "cancel" a comedian for poking fun at things that they don't think is funny is exactly the same thing. One is a punch in the face, the other is punch in the wallet.

I can't see it. People exercising their freedom of choice not to find someone funny and not pay money to that comedian is a right. People pointing out a trend in a comedian's repertoire is also a right.  Not illegal--like a punch.  Plus, some of the biggest comedian complainers about comic "cancellation" are still getting booked and make a bucketload of money. 

Even Louis CK who exposed himself to unwilling participants and Cosby are getting gigs.  So the comics complaining about people not liking what they say?  Are most certainly getting booked and selling out venues.

The big ones haven't really suffered, and the little comedians are too low-key to garner much attention. 

Comedians just seem to not like people pointing out misogynist/homophobic/racist trends in their comedy, even when they have an audience there for it.


Edited by Irlandesa
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Rock's points about selective outrage make his point for him. As he put it, when the emergency room is full of people with papercuts, the people who really need help aren't getting it.

He wasn't complaining about it, and I guess I shouldn't have characterized it as such. He was more using his voice to open up a discussion about the whole thing, and that it's okay to point out when somebody takes something well beyond the point of reasonableness. 

It was just my guess that people who make a living saying "dumb shit" in an effort to make people laugh, have been getting a lot of negative feedback from the people who have self appointed themselves as the moral compass for society.

But what do I know? I'm just spit-balling reasons for something I've noticed.

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20 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Rock's points about selective outrage make his point for him. As he put it, when the emergency room is full of people with papercuts, the people who really need help aren't getting it.

He wasn't complaining about it, and I guess I shouldn't have characterized it as such. He was more using his voice to open up a discussion about the whole thing, and that it's okay to point out when somebody takes something well beyond the point of reasonableness. 

It was just my guess that people who make a living saying "dumb shit" in an effort to make people laugh, have been getting a lot of negative feedback from the people who have self appointed themselves as the moral compass for society.

But what do I know? I'm just spit-balling reasons for something I've noticed.

I agree with you. Judy Gold, the comedian, wrote a very good book about this subject "Yes I Can Say That: When They Come For The Comedians We Are All In Trouble". And make no mistake of it, comedians are being targeted at a government level in some towns/states/districts thanks to "papercut" people. (Please don't ask me to cite examples, there are plenty in Judy's book and I simply can't remember them in detail enough to do justice.)

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22 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

(Why did some people think it's more of a scandal than Roman Polanski receiving an Oscar that he could not accept in person because he raped a 13-year old girl, I'll never understand.) So, while Chris' comment about Jada was horrible, I don't think he deserved to be slapped over it.

Rock's dumb joke about Jada (like 99% of jokes told at award shows) would have been long forgotten by show's end if her husband hadn't smacked Rock over it. Now that joke will be remembered for decades. Heckuva job there, Fresh Prince.

As for Polanski: I will NEVER understand how people give him a pass for the anal rape of a 13-year-old. Even though he's a talented filmmaker who's made some great films, I have resolved that I will never buy or stream anything of his while he's still alive (I realize that depriving a multi-millionaire of a few dollars of Blu-ray revenue is pointless, but it's one of the few legal ways I have of punishing him for what he did). On the day he dies, I'll probably buy Chinatown, Macbeth, and Rosemary's Baby: his kids will get the money then, and it's not their fault he's a pervert predator.


3 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

Rock's points about selective outrage make his point for him. As he put it, when the emergency room is full of people with papercuts, the people who really need help aren't getting it.

If everyone's a victim, nobody is. Denis Leary* had a routine years ago about people being outraged about the dolphins caught in tuna nets whilst not caring about the tuna caught in tuna nets.

*I don't know if this bit was actually Leary's or if he stole it from Bill Hicks.

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On 3/5/2023 at 3:06 PM, JustHereForFood said:

(Why did some people think it's more of a scandal than Roman Polanski receiving an Oscar that he could not accept in person because he raped a 13-year old girl, I'll never understand.) So, while Chris' comment about Jada was horrible, I don't think he deserved to be slapped over it. But I think he's talking some BS here. Whatever the stuff between the Smiths is, it's their business, and it doesn't justify his comment about her hair.

I've yet to meet anyone who thinks what Will did is more objectionable than what Polanski did. If people really think that what Will did is worse than Polanski being a child rapist then they need to seek help. 

I'm glad Chris was able to give his take about what happened and feel for him given his past experience with being bullied. Will was out of line and there haven't been any real consequences for him. A ten year ban is a slap on the wrist compared to what would have happened to a non celebrity if they'd done the same. It shouldn't be okay to attack people at an awards show (or any other venue) and a year later there's still excuse after excuse for why Will was justified and/or why he shouldn't be punished. (Basically, because there's a long list of shitbags who've been honored by the Academy, Will should get a pass for his behavior.)

I definitely understood Chris's point about Will's "selective outrage". I also have zero sympathy for Jada as she didn't think Will did anything wrong while it was happening. 

I was surprised that Chris included his thoughts about where he feels Jada's feud with him originally started. He basically thinks that Jada was still holding a grudge because Chris didn't want to turn down a hosting job over Will not being nominated for an award that year. The audacity to even think Chris would is pretty breathtaking IMO.

I loved the bit about Chris talking about how his mom grew up in a time where black people weren't allowed to be treated by white dentists and now she's in a position where she is able to travel regularly to Paris to visit her granddaughter.

Also liked Chris confessing that he was the one who made sure his daughter was kicked out of school. I do wonder though if he should have given his ex and daughter a heads up that he'd be including this in his show. 

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1 hour ago, Avaleigh said:

I definitely understood Chris's point about Will's "selective outrage". I also have zero sympathy for Jada as she didn't think Will did anything wrong while it was happening. 


I don't understand why Jada is being blamed for Will's actions.  He made that choice to go up there and act a fool. Not her.. Chris talked about her sex life and called her names. Had Chris focused on dragging Will solely, I would not have cared but I do have a problem with a Black man going after a Black woman in such a disgusting manner.  He showed more disdain for Jada than Will who actually slapped him.. 

Chris Rock has always been problematic when it comes to Black women but nobody cares but I am supposed to feel bad for him because he got slapped for making fun of a Black woman's hair.  He is just trash in my opinion...

Edited by Pearson80
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8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:


I don't understand why Jada is being blamed for Will's actions.  He made that choice to go up there and act a fool. Not her.. Chris talked about her sex life and called her names. Had Chris focused on dragging Will solely, I would not have cared but I do have a problem with a Black man going after a Black woman in such a disgusting manner.  He showed more disdain for Jada than Will who actually slapped him.. 

Chris Rock has always been problematic when it comes to Black women but nobody cares but I am supposed to feel bad for him because he got slapped for making fun of a Black woman's hair.  He is just trash in my opinion...

IMO, words do not justify the violence exhibited by Will upon Chris, however, I found the tirade in Chris’s act interesting……now, I am curious.  He apparently harbors some kind of beef with Jada.  I had read that a while ago, but didn’t believe it.  Now…yes.  There is something long-standing that he has against her, no matter what he says.  And, I do NOT believe it’s as he says, and that she started it when Jada objected to him hosting the Oscars due to Will not getting nominated.  I don’t believe that was it.  And, who cares about the entanglement…..If people feel sorry for Will in that situation, so what?  That’s no reason to hate him.  You could see the rage in Chris when describing Jada.   There is some other source of resentment there and I have no idea what it is, nor do I care.  

Aside from the slap topic, while I used to really like Chris, some of this act was so distasteful to me that that I have lost all respect for him and feel sympathy for him. I don’t care for the degradation of children.  Just uncalled for and disgusting.  I feel his words sucker punched me.  

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8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I don't understand why Jada is being blamed for Will's actions. 

Just to clarify, I am not and have not ever blamed Jada for Will's actions. I was just saying that I don't have sympathy for her over the Oscars situation because she seemed 100% on board with what Will did and that very much indicated to me what kind of person she is. It wasn't until later that their tunes began to change. 

As for the hair issue, we all know that Chris very much understands the challenges of having Black hair. (Nor is this a subject that is exclusive to Black women in terms of navigating the difficulty of it.) If Chris thinks that Jada isn't a nice person, I don't think there's anything wrong with him saying whatever it is he has to say for the most part. (Obviously I would object if he were to wish violence upon Jada or  something like that.) 

20 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

If people feel sorry for Will in that situation, so what?  That’s no reason to hate him.

I don't hate Will. I just don't feel sorry for him. He got violent on camera (no debate about whether or not he did it) and didn't have to deal with any real consequences. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to feel sorry for him like he's the real victim in this situation. 

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6 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

Just to clarify, I am not and have not ever blamed Jada for Will's actions. I was just saying that I don't have sympathy for her over the Oscars situation because she seemed 100% on board with what Will did and that very much indicated to me what kind of person she is. It wasn't until later that their tunes began to change. 

As for the hair issue, we all know that Chris very much understands the challenges of having Black hair. (Nor is this a subject that is exclusive to Black women in terms of navigating the difficulty of it.) If Chris thinks that Jada isn't a nice person, I don't think there's anything wrong with him saying whatever it is he has to say for the most part. (Obviously I would object if he were to wish violence upon Jada or  something like that.) 

I don't hate Will. I just don't feel sorry for him. He got violent on camera (no debate about whether or not he did it) and didn't have to deal with any real consequences. I'm not sure why I'm supposed to feel sorry for him like he's the real victim in this situation. 

Good points.  In my post I was mainly addressing general info that came out and were mentioned by Chris.  I get it.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

You could see the rage in Chris when describing Jada.   There is some other source of resentment there and I have no idea what it is, nor do I care.  

He needs some therapy if he's this angry towards someone who he seems to have no actual history with.  I figured I'd missed some Hollywood gossip somewhere along the way that would explain the way he seems to have gone after her in his act pre-dating the famous slap situation.

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4 hours ago, Avaleigh said:

As for the hair issue, we all know that Chris very much understands the challenges of having Black hair. (Nor is this a subject that is exclusive to Black women in terms of navigating the difficulty of it.) If Chris thinks that Jada isn't a nice person, I don't think there's anything wrong with him saying whatever it is he has to say for the most part. (Obviously I would object if he were to wish violence upon Jada or  something like that.) 

5 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I doubt very much that Chris understands the challenges of what Black women go through when it comes to Black hair.   He perpetuates the stigma that has been ingrained into Black people via centuries of colonization by mocking a Black woman's hair. Like I said in my previous post, Chris likes to mock Black women and everything associated with Black women.  That has always been my issue with him. He is a Black man who despises Black women and his disdain for Jada is proof of that. 

Not to mention, Chris is a Black man who had no problems with white men calling him the N word in a comedy set until  Jerry Seinfeld told him that he was uncomfortable with that. It takes a White man to tell you that other White men cannot call you the N word.  Are you kidding me! 


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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

I doubt very much that Chris understands the challenges of what Black women go through when it comes to Black hair. 

I think Chris has done a great job of giving exposure to the difficulties Black people have when it comes to hair and hair perception. The film Good Hair doesn't address *everything*, but it does do a good job of at least exploring the topic and getting a wider audience to understand how difficult it is to go through life where hair standards are completely different for us. I'm Black and biracial and don't feel that Chris's comments about Jada are an indication that he despises all Black women. I guess the main area where we disagree is that I don't think Chris was out of line by making the joke in the first place. 

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4 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I guess the main area where we disagree is that I don't think Chris was out of line by making the joke in the first place. 

How do you feel about the way he seems to have made it a regular part of his act to go after Jada?  Is there something I'm missing here?  Because it's really not at all about that one joke at the Oscars anymore.  He seemed angrier - ragey really - at Jada then he did with Will.  Which is what makes me wonder why her?

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He was very complimentary of Beyoncé and she’s black. She has a lot of fans, so that’s not unusual. He seemed to go overboard in praising her.  I don’t get it, but it’s his opinion.   I can’t say I’m familiar with other women he has dissed, regardless of their race.  

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3 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

How do you feel about the way he seems to have made it a regular part of his act to go after Jada?  Is there something I'm missing here?  Because it's really not at all about that one joke at the Oscars anymore.  He seemed angrier - ragey really - at Jada then he did with Will.  Which is what makes me wonder why her?

I feel like it's hard for me to judge because I'm not a comedian. In terms of just being an average person who doesn't make a living doing stand up comedy, yeah, I personally wouldn't go down the road of engaging in a beef with anyone, certainly not a long term one. Life is too short and it's better to engage in positivity. For a comedian though, when a lot of the act is bringing up current and past life experience--I don't think it's unreasonable of Chris to have comments about topics related to the slap. 

If it's a question of 'do I think Chris is punching down by being critical of Jada?' then my answer is 'not really'. It's possible I might feel different if I had a better impression of Jada or if I thought he was being unfair to her, but I don't really see it that way. I'm also trying to put myself in his position as far as how I would feel if someone was happy to watch me get slapped and bullied on a national stage and I'm not sure that I would necessarily feel sympathetic to a person who thought I'd earned a violent response like that because I'd made a joke.

The other area where I probably disagree with the people who think that Chris is being too hard on Jada is that I don't think he seems more angry with Jada than with Will. I think he's (rightfully) annoyed with both of them and is using his platform to express that because his interaction with them is part of his lived experience. I don't think Chris's comments about Jada are an indication that there's some sort of misogynoir at play. JMO.

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And now ET is reporting that Will Smith feels "embarrassed and hurt" by Rock's routine.

Maybe Smith should have thought of that before literally starting a fight with a standup comedian.

Or as William Shakespeare once said of people like Chris Rock: "...they are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time. After your death you were better have a bad epitaph than their ill report while you live."

Edited by Sir RaiderDuck OMS
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I finished watching this today, about the last 20 minutes or so. Right when Chris Rock starts talking about the incident at the Oscars something was clearly edited out. Does anyone was know what he said that Netflix removed?

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Overall I did enjoy the special. I didn't watch it live but i did watch it 2 days later.

I did feel that Chris repeats himself a bit too much.  

I agree with the poster above that if Chris wasn't slapped at the Oscars, everyone would have forgotten the joke about Jada the next day. 

I also enjoyed the bit about Lola his daughter. But for some reason I kept thinking that I had heard that joke before. LOL.

I had no issues with the jokes and I like Meghan and Harry. 

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On 3/7/2023 at 5:32 AM, Avaleigh said:

I've yet to meet anyone who thinks what Will did is more objectionable than what Polanski did. If people really think that what Will did is worse than Polanski being a child rapist then they need to seek help. 

It's not about saying that it's worse. I was talking about the way the outrage towards Smith was so incomparable to other people who did much worse, including several people who are proven rapists and are still revered by the Oscar audience. The ban he received is way out of proportion, IMO, I could see maybe banning him from this year, but no more than that.

It's like some people are applying.... wait for it... selective outrage towards Will Smith.

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2 hours ago, JustHereForFood said:

The ban he received is way out of proportion, IMO, I could see maybe banning him from this year, but no more than that.

I guess we have different ideas for what an appropriate response to violence is in this situation. A ten year ban from an awards ceremony seems like a very mild punishment from my perspective. (A non celebrity who just ran on stage and did what Will did would have faced charges at a minimum.) I'm not arguing that Will should lose his Oscar or anything like that. It isn't an award for best human being. I do though think that the message from the Academy should have been firm. You don't hit a host or a presenter or anybody else who says something you don't like during the ceremony. (Or backstage or otherwise.) Violence isn't an appropriate response. The participants in the ceremony should be protected.

Chris including his take on it and even ranting about it in this special, makes more sense to me than physically striking back in the moment. Which brings me to another point he mentioned in the special--there were lots of people who wondered why Chris didn't fight back after Will hit him. Chris didn't descend to Will's level and acknowledges here that he was raised better than that. 

4 hours ago, greekmom said:

I also enjoyed the bit about Lola his daughter. 

I did too. I kind of went back and forth though on whether or not he was right to not include his ex wife in the decision. Thankfully it seems like he did the right thing since it was a great attitude adjuster for Lola.

One line I liked was Chris talking about the reality of being rich, but in terms of mindset identifying as poor. It kind of made me think of Julius on Everybody Hates Chris. 

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27 minutes ago, Avaleigh said:

I guess we have different ideas for what an appropriate response to violence is in this situation. A ten year ban from an awards ceremony seems like a very mild punishment from my perspective. (A non celebrity who just ran on stage and did what Will did would have faced charges at a minimum.) I'm not arguing that Will should lose his Oscar or anything like that. It isn't an award for best human being. I do though think that the message from the Academy should have been firm. You don't hit a host or a presenter or anybody else who says something you don't like during the ceremony. (Or backstage or otherwise.) Violence isn't an appropriate response. The participants in the ceremony should be protected.


Exactly.  I bet a few celebs wanted to hit Ricky Gervais when he hosted the Golden Globes. But you have to keep your cool.

I'm not sure why people think that Rock hates women.  My take away didn't feel like he hates women or black women. He really came down on OJ Simpson, Rob Kardashian and the merry husbands of the Kardashian daughters to name a few. 

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On 3/7/2023 at 5:50 PM, Salacious Kitty said:

He went after Meghan Markle in this special. 

True, but mostly as a setup to say EVEN WORSE things about the British Monarchy. 

On 3/7/2023 at 2:57 PM, Elizabeth Anne said:

How do you feel about the way he seems to have made it a regular part of his act to go after Jada?  Is there something I'm missing here?  Because it's really not at all about that one joke at the Oscars anymore.  He seemed angrier - ragey really - at Jada then he did with Will.  Which is what makes me wonder why her?

He went years between mentions of her before The Slap.

Also, you can't talk about Will and the slap without mentioning why it happened.  Yes, he used the B word for her.  Yes, he talked about why she supposedly had been angry with him for years.   But otherwise?  I don't feel he fixated on her.

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11 hours ago, Joimiaroxeu said:

I finished watching this today, about the last 20 minutes or so. Right when Chris Rock starts talking about the incident at the Oscars something was clearly edited out. Does anyone was know what he said that Netflix removed?

Not gonna rewatch, but an educated guess?

He messed up a joke about Will Smith getting a concussion, initialy incorrectly saying "Emancipation" for the movie name instead of "Concussion", and basically repeated the joke correctly two minutes later (Emancipation being part of a DIFFERENT joke about him watching just to see Smith get hit).  They probably edited out the messed up joke and him saying he messed the joke up. 

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8 hours ago, SnarkShark said:

Not gonna rewatch, but an educated guess?

He messed up a joke about Will Smith getting a concussion, initialy incorrectly saying "Emancipation" for the movie name instead of "Concussion", and basically repeated the joke correctly two minutes later (Emancipation being part of a DIFFERENT joke about him watching just to see Smith get hit).  They probably edited out the messed up joke and him saying he messed the joke up. 

No they kept that part in as i recall (not going to rewatch either).

But there was a slight edit.

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Just finished watching it.

I've only seen a handful of his standup shows aired on TV.

I don't recall him being as overtly political as he was on here.  With age and security, it seems he may be more willing to stake a position rather than not try to offend anyone.

Maybe in his other shows he's been political before.

I enjoyed it a lot and I'm absolutely puzzled that it's getting panned (41% RT Top Critics).  Some of the criticisms were that he wasn't insightful or he's just telling jokes, not offering meaning.  Other said it was predictable and like canned.

Well he did craft some jokes around "selective outrage" and "don't need another rapper mad at me."  I'm sure he wrote it with a structure and rehearsed it to flow from jokes to jokes.  What do they expect, he just improvises and riffs the whole hour and then come up with "insights" on the fly?

Thing is his previous Netflix special Tambourine got RAVE reviews (100% RT Top Critics).  It was 5 years ago.

I recall enjoying that but I don't recall any jokes or lines from that special.  I probably will remember this one because of the whole thing with the Smiths, where he doesn't mince words, which I respect and then the mike slam end as well as him not afraid of being political.

Maybe Tambourine was funnier and I've forgotten it or maybe this had some meaning because it was suppose to be his first response to The Slap.  Maybe that raised expectations for many, including the critics.


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On 3/7/2023 at 1:51 PM, Avaleigh said:

I guess the main area where we disagree is that I don't think Chris was out of line by making the joke in the first place. 

Same.  He made a GI Jane joke.  GI Jane is a strong hot bad ass.  It’s not like he compared her bald head to Uncle Fester or something.

On 3/6/2023 at 11:31 PM, Pearson80 said:

Chris talked about her sex life and called her names.

She put her own sex life out there for the world, it’s not like Chris outed some deep dark secret.  She’s spoken of it multiple times.

I think Chris is still pretty shaken up by what happened.  He was emotional.  He said he always rooted for Will and I felt him on that because I also always liked Will and respected the way Will conducted himself.  Something snapped in Will that night, and I get it that happens, but he should have been removed immediately. He assaulted someone on live television and everyone was just like “meh.”  I thought that was totally wrong.

I didn’t like the murdering babies bit.  Other than that, I found it very funny.  I enjoyed it.  He nailed the spoiled kids nowadays, emergency rooms filled with paper cuts, 20 something’s want new shoes but 40 something’s want a new roof (lmao)….it was (mostly) all good.

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9 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

Same.  He made a GI Jane joke.  GI Jane is a strong hot bad ass.  It’s not like he compared her bald head to Uncle Fester or something.

She put her own sex life out there for the world, it’s not like Chris outed some deep dark secret.  She’s spoken of it multiple times.


Yes, I think it's a literal exhibition of "Selective Outrage" to be upset about him talking about what's already out there by their own mouths, while giving Jada some kind of pass on publicly shaming her own spouse. 

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