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S05.E12: Apology Not Accepted

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Not even 5 minutes into the episode and Alexia girl…you are dumb as F**k you couldn’t even muster up an apology for not scrolling down far enough before you accused someone of being married and cheating.. shut up with Nicole disrespected you and your guest for asking questions that he was there to be asked

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Both Alexia and her shifty husband deserve each other. To be offended that they would send flowers or chocolates to apologize? Then to go in on Anthony for NOT bring a “real” lawyer because he isn’t in a “Big” firm? What the fuck does that even imply? First it was Nicole being “dumb” even tho she put herself through medical school now it’s Anthony not being a “real” lawyer….Your wife was married to a gay man for money I wish someone would get just as petty back. Dude sit down 

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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Not to mention that Alexia has consistently done truly awful things like accusing Nicole of sleeping with every doctor or Adriana’s date as being married or Julia kissing a man. 

I doubt the lawyer was offended as he seemed to think all of the women were unbelievable and he just looked bemused with more of a what the hell expression and hoping that his reputation wasn’t ruined by appearing in that shit show. 

Edited by amarante
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As a one-time ER nurse, I was picking my jaw up off the floor (not literally, don't worry!  😀) that anyone would be stupid enough to get an IM injection without knowing exactly what was in that injection.  I mean, my mind just boggled.

Also, since we now know about Martina's unfortunate cancer diagnosis, I suspect Julia's "adoption journey" ends in bupkis, so I don't wanna watch it.

Gringo Dinner?  I'm not particularly politically correct.  But even  found that borderline offensive.  

Anyway, Alexia is just so mega-creepy.  And stupid.  The asshole she's married to deserves her.  And while Frankie seems like a sweet kid, "fear of Uber" does not strike me as a phenomenon that a lot of developmentally delayed young adults need hand-holding to get over.  Hence, I am not gonna be donating to the DeHoya Foundation any time soon.

Who is Lisa's divorce attorney?  Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about divorce law (at least where stratospherically expensive assets are involved), but I don't think any divorce judge in the world orders a wife and her (and his) two kids out of a house where she's lived for 15 years.

I found it rather amusing that Larsa was essentially ordering McDonald's at the trying-desperately-but-not-succeeding-at-all club.  (Did anyone notice that one of the very other few people in the club, sitting at the table next to them & shooting videos of Kiki on the pole, appeared to be some crew member's grandma?) And what value does Kiki add on any level to this show?  I'm so uninterested in the amount of dick Kiki needs.  And I personally believe it was Lisa who misconstrued the parties and the hot girls and the models 'cause I think Lenny would love to swing like Tarzan in the jungle.

Gotta love those squeaky wheelchair noises at the end of the ep, though.  Genius!!!!  😀

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Alexia is pure jelly of the younger, hotter, smarter, more successful Nicole. Her wide ol stretched mouth can suck an egg (or 10).

Lenny is acting like a petulant child. Lisa is acting like a woman controlled by a petulant child....just waiting for him to make all the moves so she can react (or not). Get on the offensive now, or get the shaft!!

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1 hour ago, Maximona said:


Who is Lisa's divorce attorney?  Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about divorce law (at least where stratospherically expensive assets are involved), but I don't think any divorce judge in the world orders a wife and her (and his) two kids out of a house where she's lived for 15 years.


Not an expert in Florida family law but Lisa has not been living in that house for 15 years. They bought a property on Star Island but then fought for years to be permitted to tear down the existing house and then built the new house. I am thinking maybe she has lived in the house for five years if that long.

It is not at all uncommon for divorced couples to sell the home they have been living in.

There are separate issues of spousal support/right to assets accumulated during marriage versus a prenup AND the completely separate issue of child support because you cannot make prenup agreements for children because a court will always determine the appropriate level of child support. In general a wealthy parent will be required to pay a very high amount of child support because that is the lifestyle the child would have had without the divorce. Although child support typically ends at 18, it is quite common for wealthy individuals to be required to pay for college - graduate school and even agree to set up trust funds and make wills that guarantee the children a certain minimum percentage. 

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Trying to explain anything to Alexia is impossible because she never thinks she is wrong. Even when Nicole was trying to explain why she asked the question, how she's worked for what she has and the stereotypes that she has to overcome, Alexia just kept harping on how she needs an apology. She just cannot understand how hurt Nicole was by Larsa's accusation. I'm struggling with what was so offensive with Nicole throwing her card down. It was funny. Oh and according to Alexia, apparently people only throw down their Amex when they pay for strippers?? I guess I won't use my Amex the next time I pay for groceries, I'll use it for my next stripclub visit 🙄

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Gringo dinner?   In any other HW show, that kind of slur would not be acceptable.   It makes it even more insulting in that they all relocated to the land of the gringos.   

Alexia is off her rocker.   I think she’s just vying desperately for screen time.   The series started off well but it now has degenerated into fights, why should I apologize, and apologies.   The food and scenery keeps me watching.  They should have ended around the 10th episode.  

Sure Julia, Martina at 67 wants to adopt.   They would not even be able to foster as their lives are not stable which fostered kids need.  Julia cannot even manage her goat.  Martina (before cancer) is traveling all the time.  

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Alexia and Nicole go to lunch and Alexia showed up with a chip on her shoulder needing an apology from Nicole for offering to pay for the time that lawyer would take to ask her question...how dare her! LOL.  Fine, Nicole apologized but in the middle of it Alexia asks her if she (Nicole) always sees things in her own way, WTF? Don't we all see things our own way? 

Fine, they move on and Nicole talks about Lisa and the heartbreak of divorce to which Alexia says something like "No, her only heartbreak was when her son got in his accident, THAT is heartache, she can get over a divorce,"  At that point we all realize that Alexia is only about Alexia and Nicole could be squawking like a chicken (one of the chickens randomly walking around Miami, I swear so many chickens walking randomly around Miami), and flapping her arms like wings and Alexia would not notice.  

Julia is still talking about adoption, Martina is 65, Julia must think 65 is the new 40, why would you saddle your Medicare eligible partner with an infant or small child? Just get another goat.

Alexia takes her son Frankie to the DeMoya Foundation so she can feign letting him get the tools he needs to be independent because one day she will not be there to cut up his meat or buy him an ugly Burberry shirt only to take him home and hand him a gaming control and forget about teaching him life skills a toddler has.  

Guerdy's talking head look is from the LaToya Jackson collection.

Kiki gets credit for trying to stop Lisa from droning on and on about Lenny so she gets on the pole, it's not good, it's cringe but at least she shut Lisa up, I am sure production appreciated the effort. Lisa says her trainer has dumped her for Lenny's new model, I gotta figure Lenny might not be paying the trainer for Lisa anymore?  If Lisa does go on a trip with her castmates can Lenny change the locks? Would that be a legal maneuver in the land of divorce law? Could he claim she abandoned the family home?  

Marysol tells us repeatedly that she does not need the weight loss shot that she gives her cast member who also does not need that shot of snake oil. Class joint, a smoothie served in a red solo cup, I absolutely hate when people use those red cups indoors (I just have such a viseral reaction to them, it is my issue), especially in a snake oil spa that you know is charging top dollar for whatever they do and also, they have vodka there? So much for the health aspect, lol.

Larsa's furniture in her "Prostitution Whore Condo," could not look more like standard issue furniture that is in a fully furnished rental, I am certain she will not be living in that PWC when filming wraps this season.

I really want to try Ball & Chain and Amara on my next trip to Miami.  

Also, I have held two black American Express cards in my hot little hands and one of which was a guy buying his paid escort an auction item from a charity I was volunteering for, it was a magnum of expensive champagne, and this girl was a rental, it was obvious, lol.

Edited by Baltimore Betty
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18 hours ago, MaggieG said:

Trying to explain anything to Alexia is impossible because she never thinks she is wrong. Even when Nicole was trying to explain why she asked the question, how she's worked for what she has and the stereotypes that she has to overcome, Alexia just kept harping on how she needs an apology. She just cannot understand how hurt Nicole was by Larsa's accusation. I'm struggling with what was so offensive with Nicole throwing her card down. It was funny. Oh and according to Alexia, apparently people only throw down their Amex when they pay for strippers?? I guess I won't use my Amex the next time I pay for groceries, I'll use it for my next stripclub visit 🙄

Alexia’s argument was 20 kinds of stupid. Who the hell throws credit cards at strippers? Then again, WTF do I know about strippers these days, maybe they’ve got swipe machines tucked under their boobs. Do they give double points for clubs? I’ve not seen that outlined in my yearly Terms. 

I am getting a bit tired of hearing how Nicole is apparently the only Latina woman who is a professional in Miami, and how Julia is apparently the only gay woman. Please ladies, get a new story. 

Alexia deserves her creepy husband but yet again, Anthony steals the show with howives bitchiness. Dude is ridiculous at this point. 

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2 hours ago, weaver said:

Gringo dinner?   In any other HW show, that kind of slur would not be acceptable.   It makes it even more insulting in that they all relocated to the land of the gringos.   

Alexia is off her rocker.   I think she’s just vying desperately for screen time.   The series started off well but it now has degenerated into fights, why should I apologize, and apologies.   The food and scenery keeps me watching.  They should have ended around the 10th episode.  

Sure Julia, Martina at 67 wants to adopt.   They would not even be able to foster as their lives are not stable which fostered kids need.  Julia cannot even manage her goat.  Martina (before cancer) is traveling all the time.  

Thank you! I was shocked the way they went on and on about the “gringos”. Lucky for all you busted-ass ladies you found these well-to-do gringos, in their gringo country or else you’d all be working the pole lugging your credit card machines tucked in your purse in your home country. Well except for Nicole, because ya know, she’s a Latina professional.

The adoption story is so ridiculously fake to keep Julia on this show so that Andy has access to Martina. I literally FF thru her scenes now, unless Marina is on, because I think she’s tv gold. 

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11 minutes ago, hottesthw said:

 Well except for Nicole, because ya know, she’s a Latina professional.


I think her sticking point is ALL they think when they think Latina women is x y z and she is right to a point that out.... in the real world a professional is NOT the first thing or really the 5th thing they would portray a Latina women to be ... So to dismiss her like oh she didn't have to work hard for what she has is a below the belt blow ... Women in general if they are pretty are told to rely on those looks marry rich let a man take care of you ... these are stereotypes that she just doesn't get with .....




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How rich is it that Alexia won't apologize for lying about a divorce and continuing that story for a while.  When she was found to be wrong she doubled down on not apoligizing.  Cue now to Nicole.  Alexia and her idiot husband go after Nicole for an apology.  For what?  Alexia was just as much of a mess at her home with her lawyer 'friend'.  He should be mad at her.  Her husband is a fool.  Stop talking already.  I'm glad that the flowers and candy was offered.  Please he'd be lucky to get that.

Nicole you waving the towel and giving up?  I'm a bit disappointed in you for that.  No way in hell would I apolgize to Alexia.  I would have said when you apologize for your lying about the divorce then I will apologize.  She was nothing more that a hypocrite, self centered, ego maniac.  Alexia is the worst along with that husband too.  He clearly wanted screen time at dinner.  Good thing it shown him to be a fool too.

Really Lisa you would still take Lenny back or sleep with him?  I have no words after that whole slide show of her talking about him.  Makes me wonder is it money ?

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On 2/2/2023 at 11:35 AM, Maximona said:

As a one-time ER nurse, I was picking my jaw up off the floor (not literally, don't worry!  😀) that anyone would be stupid enough to get an IM injection without knowing exactly what was in that injection.  I mean, my mind just boggled.

Also, since we now know about Martina's unfortunate cancer diagnosis, I suspect Julia's "adoption journey" ends in bupkis, so I don't wanna watch it.

Gringo Dinner?  I'm not particularly politically correct.  But even  found that borderline offensive.  

Anyway, Alexia is just so mega-creepy.  And stupid.  The asshole she's married to deserves her.  And while Frankie seems like a sweet kid, "fear of Uber" does not strike me as a phenomenon that a lot of developmentally delayed young adults need hand-holding to get over.  Hence, I am not gonna be donating to the DeHoya Foundation any time soon.

Who is Lisa's divorce attorney?  Admittedly, I don't know a whole lot about divorce law (at least where stratospherically expensive assets are involved), but I don't think any divorce judge in the world orders a wife and her (and his) two kids out of a house where she's lived for 15 years.

I found it rather amusing that Larsa was essentially ordering McDonald's at the trying-desperately-but-not-succeeding-at-all club.  (Did anyone notice that one of the very other few people in the club, sitting at the table next to them & shooting videos of Kiki on the pole, appeared to be some crew member's grandma?) And what value does Kiki add on any level to this show?  I'm so uninterested in the amount of dick Kiki needs.  And I personally believe it was Lisa who misconstrued the parties and the hot girls and the models 'cause I think Lenny would love to swing like Tarzan in the jungle.

Gotta love those squeaky wheelchair noises at the end of the ep, though.  Genius!!!!  😀

Alexia makes it hard for me to watch this franchise, which is really disappointing since it’s the only one I don’t despise yet.  I renewed my Peacock subscription for something else and got excited when I remembered that I had several episodes to catch up on, but MAN….she makes it rough.   I can’t stand this ignorant hypocrite.  She needs a freakin clue.  She’s advertising to the world just how simple and childish she is.   How mortifying that would be if she had enough sense to realize it.  

Edited by CallmeCray
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Larsa's the one who's been throwing jabs all season. Last season, she toured big waterfront mansions and instead she ends up in a tiny apartment. She thought she would make out so much better in the divorce, so she's spreading lies about her cast mates. It was Larsa who Nicole is accusing of defamation, not Alexia. Alexia is stupidly fighting Larsa's battles for her. I don't think Nicole and Alexia would have a problem with each other naturally - they are both Cuban so they have that in common. Larsa is a "sniper from the side", who's nowhere to be found when held accountable. Why wasn't Larsa at the lawyer Q&A session?

Edited by wallies
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On 2/3/2023 at 7:37 AM, weaver said:

Gringo dinner?   In any other HW show, that kind of slur would not be acceptable.   It makes it even more insulting in that they all relocated to the land of the gringos.   

I'm a bit confused...what do you mean they all relocated to the land of the gringos? South Florida hasn't been the "land of the gringos" since the 1960s. It was a swamp in the 50s...the Cubans built Miami.

On 2/3/2023 at 7:52 AM, Baltimore Betty said:

I really want to try Ball & Chain and Amara on my next trip to Miami.  

Ball & Chain is AMAZING! It has been around since 1935...sooooooo much fun! You can always expect an older Cuban man to ask you to dance, even if you can't dance...they don't care! 

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On 2/3/2023 at 10:36 AM, hottesthw said:

Thank you! I was shocked the way they went on and on about the “gringos”. Lucky for all you busted-ass ladies you found these well-to-do gringos, in their gringo country or else you’d all be working the pole lugging your credit card machines tucked in your purse in your home country. Well except for Nicole, because ya know, she’s a Latina professional.

Marysol and Nicole were born in Miami...this is their home country. 

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Agreed Gringo dinner is offensive especially since when its used "most" of the time it is meant in a derogatory way... ..I mean would they be cool with one of their "gringo" husbands throwing a dinner and calling it a name slur against their whole race of people? like haha look at my nonwhite wife isn't it a kick?


grin·go /ˈɡriNGɡō/


noun: gringo; plural noun: gringos

(in Spanish-speaking countries and contexts, chiefly in the Americas) a person, especially an American, who is not Hispanic or Latino.

Spanish, literally ‘foreign, foreigner,

Edited by Keywestclubkid
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On 2/5/2023 at 9:12 PM, Iamthatmom said:

I'm a bit confused...what do you mean they all relocated to the land of the gringos? South Florida hasn't been the "land of the gringos" since the 1960s. It was a swamp in the 50s...the Cubans built Miami.

Ball & Chain is AMAZING! It has been around since 1935...sooooooo much fun! You can always expect an older Cuban man to ask you to dance, even if you can't dance...they don't care! 

No, it wasn’t a swamp in the 50’s.   It was the home of many happy retired couples.  Not saying Cubans didn’t contribute to the culture, just as all immigrants have contributed to their communities.  But the land of the gringos took in all Cuban immigrants without restriction.  I consider gringo a slur that shouldn’t be used against a nation that extended Cuba preferential immigration treatment for  many, many years.  

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17 hours ago, weaver said:

No, it wasn’t a swamp in the 50’s.   It was the home of many happy retired couples.  Not saying Cubans didn’t contribute to the culture, just as all immigrants have contributed to their communities.  But the land of the gringos took in all Cuban immigrants without restriction.  I consider gringo a slur that shouldn’t be used against a nation that extended Cuba preferential immigration treatment for  many, many years.  

My grandparents, aunts and uncles use to go to Miami Beach back in the 50's, they would get out of the cold of Baltimore for a few weeks,  my parents honeymooned at the Sans Succi (the building is no longer there), in Miami in 1954, Miami was all about glamour and maybe some swamp land.  For a really good idea of the history of Miami you should watch a documtentary called The Last Resort. 


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9 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Not Latina myself, but I’ve heard Latinas I know call their American husbands gringos. I never thought they meant anything other than foreign, so all of this is enlightening to me. 

I think for some it is a racial slur. I think it depends on your experience. I’m white and have no problem with it and I grew up in New Mexico and then went to college in San Antonio. It was a term of teasing and affecting in college.

I do understand how others could find it offensive as some have used it in a derogatory manner.

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18 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Not Latina myself, but I’ve heard Latinas I know call their American husbands gringos. I never thought they meant anything other than foreign, so all of this is enlightening to me. 

I mean flip it tho and IF any of these white husband called their wife’s “foreigners” the uproar and backlash tho… IF we are gonna be respectful then rules have to apply equally to everyone .. 


just my two cents 

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On 2/15/2023 at 6:58 AM, Keywestclubkid said:

I mean flip it tho and IF any of these white husband called their wife’s “foreigners” the uproar and backlash tho… IF we are gonna be respectful then rules have to apply equally to everyone .. 


just my two cents 

I agree with this. I think people have a reaction to it being viewed as a racial slur because  anyone Latino who has said it around me meant it as a term of endearment. There is also the thing of America and how being white here isn’t a setback in any way or form. But if it offends you or anyone then it shouldn’t be said. Any word that is viewed as derogatory and is something one can’t change (example born into, born that way, gender, etc)  it’s worth it to listen and work to change the language. I find Alexia a total Asshole who is classist, elitist and a misogynist. I am sure she suffers from other isms afflictions as well but I haven’t seen them yet. She’s also quick to be offended if anyone says anything about Cubans that is less than flattering. I enjoy Marisol because she is ridiculous and in on the joke but I will enjoy her more if she stopped enabling Alexia. 
I have never cared for the self proclaimed Cuban Barbie. 
Adriana will always suck the energy out the room / it’s her thing. 
Larsa? She’s filled with some hot, pompous air that came from the fake butt but seems to have spread to her face and brain cells, killing them off slowly.

But I won’t lie, Miami is the only franchise that I enjoy anymore. 

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Alexia and Todd are way too full of themselves. I really like Nicole,  but she had to say sorry  to Alexia.Marysol and Alexia  getting  injections,  I suspect  they know exactly  what's in them, if not, they are even dumber  than I thought. 

Julia looks pretty in her TH.

The flashback  of Larsa, she looks like a different  person,  from head to toe.

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What kind of spa (?) let’s a non-medical person (Marysol) give a patient (Alexia) an injection of an unknown medication or whatever that was? As a medical person myself I was astounded. 
Marysol definitely has an eating disorder. She doesn’t eat Cuban food because it’s fattening, but let’s drink alcohol constantly and kill your liver. 
Alexia and her husband deserve each other, they are both asshats. 
Stop apologizing to Alexia Nicole. 
Julia and Martina don’t need a child, just get another goat. And I can understand Julia’s daughter not being supportive of the adoption, if something happens to Julia or Martina she might get stuck with the kid.


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I really hate shouting and fighting, so I finally muted the shouty argument at the restaurant.  Alexia’s husband came across as a fast-talking guy who I would not trust.  I don’t know how that whole thing ended and why Nicole met with Alexia later to hash it out again.   

Giving a side-eye to that shady doctor and the butt injection of whatever they were getting.  🙄

In that flashback to Adriana’s (?) wedding, Alexia looked so pretty.  We all age, but her makeup looks so harsh now.

Also side-eyeing the adoption storyline.  

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Yep, Alexia and those lips in her talking heads make her look funny.  Her personality is getting on my LAST nerve!  She was so nice and normal at one time but NO MORE.

I think Marysol DOES have some kind of stomach problem.  She needs to get herself to a gastro guy STAT!  Seems like she can't eat ANYTHING and just drinks her calories.  Weird!

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6 hours ago, goofygirl said:

Yep, Alexia and those lips in her talking heads make her look funny.  Her personality is getting on my LAST nerve!  She was so nice and normal at one time but NO MORE.

I think Marysol DOES have some kind of stomach problem.  She needs to get herself to a gastro guy STAT!  Seems like she can't eat ANYTHING and just drinks her calories.  Weird!

She would have stomach problems after drinking heavily on an empty stomach from early on in the morning (as we saw on Ultimate Girls Trip Thailand). She didn't eat anything on the luncheon, and mentioning the word "fat" a million times while describing food (Cuban in this case) shows that she might have another problem. She didn't say "unhealthy" because a lot of butter is used, or the food can be fried, she said fat. It's also obvious from those two shows that she is an alcoholic. She said she likes her drinks/cocktails stiff, and by this she means that they have almost nothing else but alcohol (again, as seen on UGT). 

16 hours ago, sugarbaker design said:

Biggest, whiniest bitch in Miami:  Alexia's husband Todd, or Herman 2.0.

It's not just the makeup making her look so harsh.

It's the bad plastic surgery/fillers (lips, cheeks). She used to be so pretty.


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Alexia, and her (famewhore) husband love being on the show too much. Anthony likes it too. Poor Steve and Russell were embarrassed by the display (although they didn't do anything to contribute to it), and were speechless. 

Marisol doesn't eat, but drinks heavily.

Julia shouldn't be thinking about adopting unless it was an older kid/teenager. Martina is in her mid 60s. 

Lenny wants Lisa and HIS KIDS out of the house pronto in order to bring the new gf in. He is in such a hurry he doesn't care if Lisa finds a proper house first, he wants her to move to an apartment temporarily! 

I like the scenes with Frankie who is sweet.

The outfits the women wear in the confessionals are ugly. 

Edited by ZettaK
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4 hours ago, ZettaK said:

The outfits the women wear in the confessionals are ugly. 

Although there are few HW's that looked good but for the most part the looks are bad across the board.

Somewhere in a secret HW stylists break room they are all laughing at what they did to their customers. 

4 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Julia shouldn't be thinking about adopting unless it was an older kid/teenager. Martina is in her mid 60s. 

What is that stupidity, especially with Martina's health issues.  Seems like maybe Julia should just get another goat. 

11 hours ago, Salacious Kitty said:

Too much Alexia in last night's episode. Not pleasant at all. She's horrible. 

Accurate, concise statement, it could be a wonderful Haiku. 

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Alexia was on Nicole’s case for no reason. The husbands shouldn’t have been involved in that dumb conversation. Todd really seems like an asshole.

Marysol said they won’t give her shots, then I swear the doctor said that he does give her shots. Is that how she is able to not eat when she drinks?

Agree Julia should let the adoption thing go.

Why does Lenny’s side turd need to train with Lisa’s trainer? Shouldn’t the turd have her own exercise routine or does Lenny need to rebuild her too?

Larsa looked so different in that old picture with Scottie.

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22 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Alexia was on Nicole’s case for no reason. The husbands shouldn’t have been involved in that dumb conversation. Todd really seems like an asshole.

Marysol said they won’t give her shots, then I swear the doctor said that he does give her shots. Is that how she is able to not eat when she drinks?

Agree Julia should let the adoption thing go.

Why does Lenny’s side turd need to train with Lisa’s trainer? Shouldn’t the turd have her own exercise routine or does Lenny need to rebuild her too?

Larsa looked so different in that old picture with Scottie.

Marisol said she doesn't have any shots, but the doctor said she does.

I'm sure Lenny finds imperfections in the girlfriend.

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