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S24.E13: Intersection

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This case was probably the best SVU case of the season - very interesting premise and good investigation into the perp by a full squad of detectives. Fin had some really good lines, and I like Bruno and hope he sticks around for good. Carisi barely had any role but was good in what he had. I do kind of wish there had been more exploration of the perp and his psyche, but it was a good case. 

What I really don’t like is this Velasco plot - I can’t see them turning him into a villain like they did with Chester Lake, so I’m sure he just made it up, but it’s a dumb plot. I like Velasco so if they make him look bad I’ll be really pissed. And god I hate Muncy, she’s whiny and just hard to buy as a detective, I don’t think the actress is very good and I just find myself cringing at her scenes that don’t involve the case. 

It is nice to see a full squad of detectives even if I dislike Muncy.

Benson was better than usual in this episode, not saying much but she didn’t make me want to punch a hole in my tv the way she does a lot of the time.

And next week looks like a Fin centric episode! Let’s just hope they deliver and don’t just give us another fake out where it appears to be Fin centric but is actually a St Olivia saves the world hour.

So overall this was an episode I actually liked, I’m relieved the Bronx plot is done, each character had a nice role, the case was intriguing and solid. If it wasn’t for the stupid Velasco subplot I would say it was a very strong episode, but this was better than most modern day SVUs. 

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I had real problems with this episode. There were so many things thrown in that didn't make sense.

What was that weird smile Muncy gave Velasco supposed to mean? She says "so you can hold me", puts on a crazy smile and bends forward like she's on the toilet.

When Benson and Bruno show up at Mercy, why did the doctor rudely ask "who's this?". Obviously it was only done so Bruno could say he was Benson's candy striper, but the doctor had no reason to interrogate an officer with Benson.

Bruno asked the fiancé for a description of the perp and he responds that the guy looked right at him. That ended the scene.

The traffic cams caught the accident, but I guess SVU just couldn't bother watching the rest of the footage of the EMT approaching both vehicles and dragging he woman out.

The fiance really wasn't going to tell the police who the rapist was, because he was in his feelings. But wait? Why did he identify the wrong guy? He didn't even look like the perp.

The bike guy just got hit by a car. Why would Fin insult him with the metro joke?


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The Good:
The COTW. A solid sexually based offense solved by team work with everyone having a hand in it. It was also nice that they had a good idea and didn't completely waste it while they spent time on nonsense. Partially yes, but not completely.
Carisi. His time on sceen was limited, but it is nice they are letting him make the legal decisions as ADA without waiting for Benson. And he wasn't involved in any of the melodrama following off the time with Bronx SVU so that was another plus for him this week.
Bruno. It's nice to have another detective around, especially one whose personal issues are in the background, instead of the police work being a distraction from the soapy plots.
The promo for next week. Let's hope it's an actual spotlight episode for FIn and not 5 minutes in a sea of the usual nonsense or all about Benson saving the day.
They handled a hostage situation competently!

The Bad:
Muncy. They continue to be unable to write younger women. Also they are unable to do any sort of subtle interpersonal dynamics. It's a good idea having Velasco being concerned for her. Maybe if they had done it with any sort of subtlety and nuance it would have been an interesting way of developing the new characters instead of a sledgehammer over the head?
Velasco. Not just the OTT writing, but they do seem to be doing the subplot about him having skeletons in the closet. Yuck. I can't see this going well. Either it continues the trend of eating their young or it's a tease that almost certainly ends with Benson being the ultimate moral arbiter of the NYPD and his character being tarnished with the viewers. Either way it seems like a mistake.
Benson. Not only did Provenza from Major Crimes pull off her hat better, but the whole nonsense with Bruno having to prove himself worthy of sitting in Rollins' chair. He should have gone off and slept with someone inappropriate, gambled away his settlement and then come back and made a judgemental comment about the victims and asked her if he was worthy now. She was better than usual, but still not a net positive.

Overall this was a solid episode dragged down by the hangover from the Bronx arc and by a continuing lack of polish in the writing. Much better than what came before and hopefully a sign that they are going to try to give us some new variations on sexually based offenses investigated by elite detectives. Take away the Velasco/Muncy clumsiness and it would be a solid B. Possibly a B+/A- if they used the extra time to smooth over some of the rough edges.

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I wish they had one less accident, and spent that screen time instead on catching the perp and interrogating him. Why did they even try to make him look sympathetic in the end? Like the second victim said, what kind of sicko does that to car accident victims? Because his wife was having an affair and was leaving him? C'mon, at least write the perp better than that. And no mention at all to other injuries caused by dragging the victims out of the cars? I'm surprised no one among the first victims became paralyzed or something, seeing as he's obviously not carrying them properly after what might have been severe back and/or neck injuries.

I thought it would go an interesting path seeing as the first two victims had similar looks, but it all went downhill from there. 

  • Like 7
5 hours ago, slowpoked said:

I wish they had one less accident, and spent that screen time instead on catching the perp and interrogating him. Why did they even try to make him look sympathetic in the end? Like the second victim said, what kind of sicko does that to car accident victims? Because his wife was having an affair and was leaving him? C'mon, at least write the perp better than that. And no mention at all to other injuries caused by dragging the victims out of the cars? I'm surprised no one among the first victims became paralyzed or something, seeing as he's obviously not carrying them properly after what might have been severe back and/or neck injuries.

I thought it would go an interesting path seeing as the first two victims had similar looks, but it all went downhill from there. 

Yeah I could not believe that the ending was so rushed after all that buildup.   Being Asian , it kind of annoyed me when Olivia and Muncy declared "They look the same".  No, they don't look the same.  They could have said something a little more sensitive, like they have similar features with the long dark hair.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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19 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Yes to almost everything mentioned in the above two posts, and also, Olivia's bucket hat!

Yes, the hat! It took me a bit out of the scene every time they showed her in it. Glad I wasn't the only one. Agreed with @wknt3 that Provenza wore it better!

I agree that this was a good episode. The couple in the opener really drew me in--I was hoping they both survived. Then the guy not talking to her because he felt he didn't protect her, that rang true. I do feel like too much was crammed in toward the end, with the third accident and hostage scene. Though I was relieved that it wasn't Benson alone who talked him down. Did they ever explain how he got the traffic light controller thing?

The Velasco thing--I'm confused. I thought the recording the other cop made was about his giving the prisoner drugs? I guess I missed something in that ep. I like him OK though--I'm not really sure I want to see him taken down. I'd certainly rather him survive over Muncey.

And I really liked Bruno and hope he stays.


  • Like 8
14 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

Being Asian , it kind of annoyed me when Olivia and Muncy declared "They look the same".  No, they don't look the same.  They could have said something a little more sensitive, like they have similar features with the long dark hair.

It's not like that. Muncy doesn't see color! And Benson only see's what's deep in our hearts and minds.

In all seriousness this is just a reflection of the overall sloppiness and lack of attention to detail and they either never bothered to explain to casting how important it was for them to strikingly resemble each other or it is just one more example of dialogue that never got polished from the early draft to filming. We've seen a lot of that, especially lately, where they never make the effort to go beyond the idea they want to get across and think about putting it into a character's "voice" or what else they might be conveying.

Edited by wknt3
fix typos
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2 hours ago, MarylandGirl said:


The Velasco thing--I'm confused. I thought the recording the other cop made was about his giving the prisoner drugs? I guess I missed something in that ep. I like him OK though--I'm not really sure I want to see him taken down. I'd certainly rather him survive over Muncey.

And I really liked Bruno and hope he stays.


I think everyone thought that. Maybe bad editing or it was supposed to be a twist. Did anyone else think it was weird that she gave the tape to Muncy? What was the point in involving her? 

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I did not see the twist coming at the end that the wife of the rapist was having an affair with the car salesman that wouldn’t give up his alibi. I am glad that Olivia wasn’t the one who was able to talk down the rapist. 

I guess I’m in the minority because I kind of like Muncy and don’t really like Velasco. Bruno is growing on me a little. But his “the world is going to hell and all humans suck” is going to get old really fast. In fact, I’m already tired of it because he moaned about it twice in just this episode. 

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Decent episode, for the SVU standards.
I like Bruno, I think he will be a good addition.
I do not like Velasco so I do not mind if he leaves and maybe bring in his place that nice black lady detective from Bronx (cant remember her name).

Now, is it me or they have really gone way to violent and more into crimes graphic details this season?
I mean, yeah sexual offences are considered especially hainous, but I preffer it when they leave some stuff unseen or the crimes are not that deadly (like the multiple fatalities in the last car crash).
Last week showing Duarde being hacked with machettes almost like if we were watching a splatter movie, was way too much.

Oh and I liked Benson's hat!

Edited by Zaffy
  • Like 4
On 2/4/2023 at 5:40 PM, Zaffy said:

Now, is it me or they have really gone way to violent and more into crimes graphic details this season?
I mean, yeah sexual offences are considered especially hainous, but I preffer it when they leave some stuff unseen or the crimes are not that deadly (like the multiple fatalities in the last car crash).
Last week showing Duarde being hacked with machettes almost like if we were watching a splatter movie, was way too much.

Very much agree.  I know it's a show about rape, but god, I did not want to actually see the rape scene.

  • Like 5
On 2/3/2023 at 12:42 AM, Iguessnot said:
On 2/3/2023 at 6:01 AM, wknt3 said:

Benson. Not only did Provenza from Major Crimes pull off her hat better, but the whole nonsense with Bruno having to prove himself worthy of sitting in Rollins' chair. He should have gone off and slept with someone inappropriate, gambled away his settlement and then come back and made a judgemental comment about the victims and asked her if he was worthy now.

Ha! I think I just did a spit-take.

On 2/3/2023 at 12:42 AM, Iguessnot said:

The fiance really wasn't going to tell the police who the rapist was, because he was in his feelings. But wait? Why did he identify the wrong guy? He didn't even look like the perp.

The bike guy just got hit by a car. Why would Fin insult him with the metro joke?


Right? The whole "philosophy" angle on this episode was really annoying from every angle. He was just never going to identify him? And why did he think it was the Greek guy? How convenient for the plot, despite looking nothing like the actual perp.

I think sometimes the writers try to play up local color like the endless cyclists-vs-pedestrians-vs-cars battles of NYC, but you're right, this one was misplaced. Fin's usually either more compassionate or just business. Weird moment.


On 2/3/2023 at 10:28 AM, slowpoked said:

I wish they had one less accident, and spent that screen time instead on catching the perp and interrogating him. Why did they even try to make him look sympathetic in the end? Like the second victim said, what kind of sicko does that to car accident victims? Because his wife was having an affair and was leaving him? C'mon, at least write the perp better than that.

And they all seemed fine with that as the only explanation -- in fact, Muncy even made a snide remark at the wife that it wasall happening because of her affair. Cheating's not great, but jesus. It's not her fault her husband's a psycho serial rapist/killer. (Also somehow she was too stupid to understand that she should lie and tell him the affair's over and she's so sorry, but once SVU explains it to her for one second, she's a masterly, nuanced negotiator?)

On 2/4/2023 at 1:40 AM, DaynaPhile said:

Bruno is growing on me a little. But his “the world is going to hell and all humans suck” is going to get old really fast. In fact, I’m already tired of it because he moaned about it twice in just this episode. 

Yep, that's apparently his primary character trait now. He's convinced humanity peaked in 1999? Good grief. And we know when SVU decides on a character trait, they amplify it ad nauseum. So we should brace ourselves!

I'm ready for the Manhattan-vs-Bronx commentary to cease any day now.

I was so excited for that big multi-episode story to end so we could get back to self-contained episodes. Guess not. Guess they think they need a cliffhanger every week now. They do not! It's the literal opposite!

I did like the COTW, though. Didn't they do another "messing with traffic signals" story before? Or maybe that was OG L&O?

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I thought that the case of the week was really good, one of their more interesting ones lately. The idea of a rapist disguising himself as an EMT to rape accident victims is seriously messed up, no wonder everyone seemed extra horrified. I am relieved that we didn't take that interesting premise and get distracted by some other random plot point or personal drama, it was a solid mystery with some twists but not too many to get ridiculous. I also thought that the guest stars were all well acted, especially the engaged couple from the start. I really got invested in them, their reactions to this horrible thing that happened to them felt very real and sad, and I am glad that they followed up with them healing at the end. 

I liked the episode, but it also had some real logistical issues. Why did the fiancé say that he recognized the used car salesman when he and the perp didn't even look alike? Was he that desperate just to ID someone and he just happened to pick the "right" guy? How did this guy escalate from being mad at his wife to being a serial rapist? How did he apparently know some stuff about being an EMT? Did they explain that? How did those two women look alike? Does this show have some kind of weird face blindness? 

I like Bruno so far, although I thought his rant about society peaking in 1999 was a weird thing to say, especially in this situation. I don't think the guy who's spiraling after being in a car wreck and his fiancé being raped right after needs to listen to your angsty Live Journal Nialism right now. In general everyone seemed to be in a rather pissy mood for no reason. This case is rough of course, and everyone is still dealing with what happened in the last episode, but they could at least try not to be so snarky with random civilians. 

I hope that Bruno isn't being introduced to replace Velasco, we can just have both. I hope that they don't end up randomly assassinating his character, but Olivia seems pretty sure that he's a bad guy, so we all know what that means...

Glad I wasn't the only one laughing at that stupid bucket hat that Olivia was wearing. I also laughed when Bruno asked if Olivia was going to wait for the hostage crisis team to arrive, he really is new around here if he thinks that anyone but Olivia is allowed to save the day. 

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I liked the COTW but admittedly fast forwarded through a couple of the more graphic scenes. Just didn't want to see them. 

I agree with @CrystalBlue - One of the highlights for me was the absence of Noah! He can stay upstate with his half brother for all I care. 

Unpopular opinion - I liked the bucket hat! Have I worn one since maybe 2000? Nope, but they keep the head warm and I can appreciate it. 

All this fuss about Velasco. I am surprised anyone batted a lash. Based on my criminal justice degree from L&O, Criminal Minds, Chicago PD, ID, etc., cops lie and stretch the truth all the time to make a connection with a suspect and/or scare the. Not sure why Benson et al are taking it at all seriously. Guess we'll find out. 

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God, I can’t even enjoy Rollins being gone because Muncy is stinkin’ up the joint 😒 With that said, the storyline with the ambulance was interesting and I really like Bruno and Velasco.  I’m not sure where Velasco’s plot is going, but why did Benson have Muncy listen to the recorded conversation then basically tell her to mind her business.  Fin was good as usual. I’m tired of Benson pouting  about Amanda, she got a new job it’s not like she’s dead.  Complaining about Bruno sitting at the desk was so unprofessional.  I wish they send Muncy back to the other department.  I’m not sure if it’s how they write for her or she’s just not a good actress, but I think she’s awful.

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57 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

God, I can’t even enjoy Rollins being gone because Muncy is stinkin’ up the joint 😒 With that said, the storyline with the ambulance was interesting and I really like Bruno and Velasco.  I’m not sure where Velasco’s plot is going, but why did Benson have Muncy listen to the recorded conversation then basically tell her to mind her business.  Fin was good as usual. I’m tired of Benson pouting  about Amanda, she got a new job it’s not like she’s dead.  Complaining about Bruno sitting at the desk was so unprofessional.  I wish they send Muncy back to the other department.  I’m not sure if it’s how they write for her or she’s just not a good actress, but I think she’s awful.

Agreed, I loathe Muncy. I think both the writing and the actress are terrible. And I don’t like that they are apparently throwing Velasco under the bus.

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