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Fandom and Viewer Issues: "Fan" Is Short for "Fanatic"


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I don't think they need to go to Adam's Twitter and say, "Oops, we goofed!" or something, but they bullied CS fans and a few specifically by name, including one who went off of tumblr because of the bullying. 


This is my point. The Bad Apples used this Ethan fiasco to whip up anti-CS frenzy on twitter and elsewhere. They were deluding themselves into hoping they could induce TPTB to "see" CSers and CS in its True Light. 


I don't really think that those SQers should tweet their mea culpa to Adam. I doubt Adam remembers one fandom wank over another. All I'm saying is, it's hypocritical. None of the apologies some poor CSers gave was enough back then. So, technically, they should be apologizing the way they were clamoring for CSers to grovel.

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YaddaYadda, from what I can tell the address didn't originate with YVRShoots, but a Twitter feed called @CoyneTowers, and YVRShoots reposted it. Since they found out about the harassment, YVRShoots deleted the address from its website and apologized. The address is still up on the @CoyneTowers feed, and others have picked it up since then. Sort of hard to put that genie back int he bottle.

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Ugh, nobody should ever tweet out a private address. Bad form, OP!

People who go to see the house shouldnt be tresspassing or bothering the residents, but the home-owner is renting out their house as a filming location so I don't think it's unreasonable for someone to say where it is or for people to be interested.

I don't see any spoilers in what you're discussing so I removed the spoiler tags.  If you think/know a link leads to spoilers, just say that, you don't need to hide the link (unless the URL itself spells out a spoiler, which this one does not).


You guys are smart enough to know not to post the actual address, so no worries about that either.

It was never gonna be Ginny because she doesn't like social media, and most "random" fans would rather see pics from Lana than Adam and Eddie. It's not gonna be as fun as when Josh did it, but it's also gonna be really easy to ignore. Hopefully they're bringing something fun to D23 for people who don't care to see selfies of Lana doing the duckface or their ugly Snow and Regina dolls.

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Hmmm, I shall collect their tears and use them to salt my driveway come winter.


Those sorts of fans though... Their constant flip flopping of ideas and values to serve their own agenda is just gross and irritating. A lot of their complaints remind me of a video by the game critic Jim Sterling, where he disagreed with the way the term ludo narrative dissonance was being used by some games journalists and applied, in his opinion, unfairly to games like Bioshock Infinite and The Last of Us. His argument basically was that if you don't like something, just say you don't like it. Don't misapply otherwise valid and important terms and ideas to elevate your personal tastes to the status of a social or moral cause. It's unnecessary and it dillutes the principles those causes were founded on.


Similarly, those kinds of OUAT fans won't just come out with it and say, for example, that they just don't like Captain Swan or Hook because the relationship or character is not their thing. Like Regina with Operation Mongoose, their self importance and entitlement demands that there must be a larger scale injustice at play because they're not getting exactly what they want and they are therefore the victims and are morally justified in employing whatever tactics and rhetoric they can get their hands on. They decry homophobia while claiming a character is gay because she wears plaid. They call Hook a sex offender, while ignoring or even worshiping the show's actual rapists. They see spoiler photos

of Emma in a dress with Hook treating her with love and affection

and they act as if it's to Emma's massive detriment, while romanticising scenes where Regina verbally flays her for no just reason.

Edited by october
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Yes fandom show me how sexist and misogynistic you are about

Emma wearing a dress. Keep showing how you really feel about women who has their own brain and doesn't fit into your agenda.


Huh?  Is the fandom bitching about that?  That's the sort of thing I would expect from certain SQ-ers, but not CS fans.

Emma can wear whatever the heck she feels like. If they don't like how it suddenly doesn't fit their vision of what her character is supposed to be, then it's their loss. october, I shall join you in collecting their tears for salting my family's driveway. I live in Michigan, so the salt won't go to waste.

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I hope you have a bunker where you can hide, because Lana declared her love for Captain Swan in one of the DVD commentaries.


So, taking bets: are SQers going to absolutely lose their everloving mind? Or are they going to ignore it because Lana said it (of course, if it were Jen it'd be different, but Lana?!).

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It's pretty ironic that Jane discusses the great qualities of Captain Swan (how the writers made them a slow burn, built the relationship up over the years, didn't automatically boom put them together, etc.) in front of Lana, where her character's relationship on the show is the exact opposite of that.

Edited by Curio
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There are some SQers going apeshit in Adam's mentions about the positive things said about CS in the various commentaries. One of the nuttiest of the nutters accused Adam of giving in to "terrorists" -- I assume he means CS fans. I haven't checked Lana's mentions to see if she's getting the same sort of feedback. But if you want to see some concentrated crazy, head to Adam's mentions.

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 But if you want to see some concentrated crazy, head to Adam's mentions.

Holy moly that is some serious crazy.


It seems like they're raging over the one scene where, IIRC, Emma kisses Killian and tells him to be patient (someone correct me if I'm wrong). THAT IS NOT A WOMAN SAYING NO. THAT IS NOT RAPE CULTURE. STOP IT.

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Wow. One of them even said, "no means no, not wait and give it time and she'll fall for you eventually" but that's exactly what Emma said! Be patient, which means give me some time. And then Emma was the one who asked Hook out! How is that a bad example for young girls? The only solace I take from this is that it looks like only about three or four people are going off their rockers with SQ nonsense on Adam's Twitter mentions. That's when I would bring my block button in. I understand that Adam wants to see what everyone has to say even if it's negative, but there's a difference between constructive criticism and downright nastiness.

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Seriously those rabid SQers just crack me up with their hilariously deluded crap. I have a theory that they 'doth protest too much' and the worst of them has a secret shrine to Hook that will get them kicked out of the club if the other boofheads find out.

I'll save my compassion for true rape victims.

Edited by PixiePaws1

Wow. One of them even said, "no means no, not wait and give it time and she'll fall for you eventually" but that's exactly what Emma said! Be patient, which means give me some time. And then Emma was the one who asked Hook out! How is that a bad example for young girls? The only solace I take from this is that it looks like only about three or four people are going off their rockers with SQ nonsense on Adam's Twitter mentions. That's when I would bring my block button in. I understand that Adam wants to see what everyone has to say even if it's negative, but there's a difference between constructive criticism and downright nastiness.

So that's the hill they've decided to die on, isn't it? THAT scene? That was also the complain that made YNB go "STFU, you people are crazy."

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That's because her victim was a man, and most of these people are misandrists.


Perhaps, but do you think these particular SQers give a damn about female victims who aren't Regina? If Regina raped a woman do you think they'd care? Regina has heaped huge amounts of emotional, verbal and physical abuse onto Emma and other women like Belle. Can you imagine their reaction if Hook, instead of Regina, had been the one who removed Belle's heart in 4B to blackmail Rumple? *shudder* But Regina does it and we don't hear a peep from them.


This is where misogyny (not misandry) rears its ugly head. People who think men can't be raped are also very selective about the kinds of female victims they take seriously. Victims who are trans women, women of colour, disabled women, poor women, female sex workers and women who are raped by other women might as well be invisible. They don't give a single damn about them. Do those SQers care about Snow, Marian, Belle, Maleficent, Johanna, Lily or the other women Regina has locked up, abused or killed?


I totally sympathise with and share some SQ fans need for better queer female representation. But it disturbs me how some of them think that Emma and Regina would make this wonderful gay power-couple, with the inclusion of Henry making them this instant aspirational modern family. I don't see that at all. Regina is terrible to Emma. She is quick to insult her, tears down her self esteem, and blows every one of Emma's 'mistakes' out of proportion while downplaying her own negative impact on Emma's life and family. The dynamic is abusive and lopsided. If Hook treated Emma this way I'd immediately jump over the side of the CS ship. I wouldn't even wait for a lifeboat. That's why so many gay and bi women who watch OUAT are actually anti-SQ, because the romanticisation of Regina/Emma blatantly ignores that intimate violance can occur within same gender relationships as well as m/f ones.


This ignorance of female abusers in relationships is a manifestation of rape culture. It's also sexist because it plays on the idea that women are naturally more nurturing and gentle than men (a stereotype that hurts all genders to varying degrees) and it puts same gender relationships on a pedestal, which is fetishising and alienating for people who have been abused by someone of the same gender.


Finally, and this is a genuine question because I wasn't engaged in the fandom during S2 and S3, but how did these sorts of SQers react to Neal and Emma's age difference when Henry was conceived and Neal committing statutory rape? Maybe this was discussed by SQers before Neal died, but you'd think one half of their OTP actually being sexually exploited by a man and that man never being punished or called out for it in the show would be something they'd still want to bring up even though the character is long gone. I understand focusing on Hook now as he is, to them, an obsticle to SwanQueen and also very much alive. But it gives the impression to me that their preoccupation with Emma's safety is less about wanting to protect Emma and more about demonising Hook and anyone who likes him. I could very well be wrong, but that's the vibe I get in certain SQ spaces.


[sorry for 'soap boxing', but this element of the SQ fandom really disturbs, fascinates and enrages me all at once, so I have a lot of feelings.]

Edited by october
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October, your post is exactly how I feel. SQers are so superficial and they were against Neal but just like they do with Hook it was just about screaming the loudest using talking points they didn't really care about to try and get their way. So the age difference, and Neal abandoning Emma was brought up but I never felt they truly cared about the issue as much as they just wanted to see SQ together. Which is probably why they ignore all of Regina's crimes. They also love to point out that Lana is Latina so they can cry racism which always bugged me as an African American woman. They pull that out so they can get attention not because they truly care about OUATs depiction of minorities.

Personally, I hate when a shipping fandom has to tear down a "competing" ship in order to build up their own. I liked Belle/Ruby but I don't want or need to read a bunch of reasons why Beast is some horrible abusive monster in order to enjoy that pairing.

Edited by funkopop
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Personally, I hate when a shipping fandom has to tear down a "competing" ship in order to build up their own. I liked Belle/Ruby but I don't want or need to read a bunch of reasons why Beast is some horrible abusive monster in order to enjoy that pairing.

You'd think stating, "I don't like this," or "I don't agree with this," would be enough where they could move on and stop being so bitter, but they continue to obsess over it.

I roll my eyes when ever they pull the Latina card but you'll hear crickets when it comes to Mulan. I don't see them yelling at Adam for how Marian was treated where both Mills sisters ended up being the reason why Roland lost his mom? Where you at guys? Where's the petition to bring back Mulan? Where's the petition to keep Lancelot alive or actually give Rapunzel something to do? At least we know Regina will always be here and not treated like an after thought. The others not so much.

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You'd think stating, "I don't like this," or "I don't agree with this," would be enough where they could move on and stop being so bitter, but they continue to obsess over it.


How much of that is just human nature, though? Relative to what I've seen on other forums, we're as nice a group as they come, but even we don't say "I don't like this" or "I don't agree with this" and move on. We catalog every single Very Important Reason we don't like or don't agree with something, and we obsessively, and sometimes as bitterly, repeat ourselves over and over and over again. It's just we have a different set of obsessions than SQers.

Edited by Amerilla
  • Love 5

How much of that is just human nature, though? Relative to what I've seen on other forums, we're as nice a group as they come, but even we don't say "I don't like this" or "I don't agree with this" and move on. We catalog every single Very Important Reason we don't like or don't agree with something, and we obsessively, and sometimes as bitterly, repeat ourselves over and over and over again. It's just we have a different set of obsessions than SQers.

^ I meant at least on Twitter, lol. Instead they spam Adam, Jen, etc with a million tweets detailing why so-and-so,etc. is the most horrible person/ship in the history of all horribleness. Twitter wasn't really made for the that kind of stuff. That's why there's a 140 character limit (although it doesn't stop them from sending dozens of tweets).

I tweeted Adam and said that Regina's "sass" in the sneak peak was just plain rude, but I left it at that. I stated my opinion and dropped it. I didn't spend time listing every single thing she's ever done wrong (that'd take me years) and then question Adam about "how he could support this?" And continue to rag on him about it.

Discussion boards are meant for discussion so it's a much better place for all those bitter feelings to come out, and it's more heavily moderated so as long as people keep their bitterness at a decently respectable level, it's fine.

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Somehow Hook is "rape culture" to them but actual canon rapist Regina is not.


I read this too quickly and saw "actual cannibal Regina." And now I can't get that Shia LaBeouf song out of my head.


I feel like there's a growing sense of entitlement from the younger generation (well, there are plenty of older and more educated people who act this way too, but they should know better) where they think if they shout the loudest and longest, their argument is the most valid—even if that argument is misinformed. Those protesters who interrupted Bernie Sanders in Seattle a few weeks ago remind me of what online fandom culture has become. The BLM movement is a legitimate and serious topic that should be addressed, but those protesters made their cause seem disingenuous because of their immature behavior and the way they yelled at the Sanders campaign on stage, even though the Sanders team was trying to be rational and reasonable with them. You can kind of look at the bad parts of the SQ fandom in the same way. You have a group of young, loud people online who claim to be fighting for a bigger cause, but there's so much immaturity in the way they voice their opinions that it's hard to take them seriously.

  • Love 3

Perhaps, but do you think these particular SQers give a damn about female victims who aren't Regina? If Regina raped a woman do you think they'd care? Regina has heaped huge amounts of emotional, verbal and physical abuse onto Emma and other women like Belle. Can you imagine their reaction if Hook, instead of Regina, had been the one who removed Belle's heart in 4B to blackmail Rumple? *shudder* But Regina does it and we don't hear a peep from them.


This is where misogyny (not misandry) rears its ugly head. People who think men can't be raped are also very selective about the kinds of female victims they take seriously. Victims who are trans women, women of colour, disabled women, poor women, female sex workers and women who are raped by other women might as well be invisible. They don't give a single damn about them. Do those SQers care about Snow, Marian, Belle, Maleficent, Johanna, Lily or the other women Regina has locked up, abused or killed?


Finally, and this is a genuine question because I wasn't engaged in the fandom during S2 and S3, but how did these sorts of SQers react to Neal and Emma's age difference when Henry was conceived and Neal committing statutory rape? Maybe this was discussed by SQers before Neal died, but you'd think one half of their OTP actually being sexually exploited by a man and that man never being punished or called out for it in the show would be something they'd still want to bring up even though the character is long gone. I understand focusing on Hook now as he is, to them, an obsticle to SwanQueen and also very much alive. But it gives the impression to me that their preoccupation with Emma's safety is less about wanting to protect Emma and more about demonising Hook and anyone who likes him. I could very well be wrong, but that's the vibe I get in certain SQ spaces.

That's true that they don't care about anyone but Regina. Regina actually abuses Emma, and that's "romantic". Then CSers are the ones that are messed up for shipping CS, but they ship a ship whose most "romantic" episode is one where Regina verbally abuses Emma all the way through.  


I brought up misandry because I've seen Hook & Robin being referred to as beards or just "penises" multiple times. That Emma is just trying to prove her "straightness" to her parents by wearing a dress on her date with Hook (and then they use those pics to make a manip about Emma going on the date with Regina). Hook "abused" Emma when he stopped her from trying to walk away in 4.03 but the scene where Emma and Regina fight each other on 1.22 is used on manips as "hot". That Emma & Regina are not strong women because they are happy with men, and then they make fanfic/fanart about each other being their happy ending. It's wrong for a "strong" woman to be happy with a man, but it's ok if it's with another woman. Why they just can't see a person and not genders it's beyond me, specially since they think the reason SQ can't happen is because of their genders. The writers are gender-hating by "writing SQ as an obvious romance" but can't go through with it because of their gender. But God forbid Emma & Regina are happy with men (just because of their gender, because it's totally ok if it's a woman that's their happy ending). It comes off as misandry but really I think they find any excuse to make SQ a justice war.


With Neal, some people bash on him to support their "misandrist" agenda, and some don't care anymore because he's no longer alive so he's not a "threat" to SQ.



How much of that is just human nature, though? Relative to what I've seen on other forums, we're as nice a group as they come, but even we don't say "I don't like this" or "I don't agree with this" and move on. We catalog every single Very Important Reason we don't like or don't agree with something, and we obsessively, and sometimes as bitterly, repeat ourselves over and over and over again. It's just we have a different set of obsessions than SQers.

That is painfully true, but we don't harass and insult people over it. I've never seen anyone here call each other homophofic, racist, stupid or refer to JMo as "GayMo". That's the difference. We do obsess though, because how many times can we bring up Regina's faults? :P


Edited by MaiLuna
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They also love to point out that Lana is Latina so they can cry racism which always bugged me as an African American woman. They pull that out so they can get attention not because they truly care about OUATs depiction of minorities.

Ditto with the way they cloak themselves in righteousness about queer representation. But that's a lot of why most fandom slashing has always made me a little uncomfortable. They may proclaim diversity, gay acceptance, blah, blah, blah, but it reads to me more like what I think of as schoolyard homophobia -- the old "Oooh, you two touched! You're gay and in love!" routine, and I'm not sure that going "squee!" instead of "ha ha!" makes it any better. Maybe I'm just overly sensitive because my male best friend in fifth grade got stuck with the "gay" label in part because he hung out with me and in part because we were playing war on the playground, and when one of the other guys was "wounded," my friend helped carry him off the battlefield. Obviously, if he hung out with a girl and put his arm around a boy, that made him gay (when actually, it turns out he was madly in love with me). So that's what I think of with the overanalysis of slash subtext. "Ooh, they only stood three feet apart, so obviously they're so hot for each other they can't stand it!"

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