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"Serial Drama@SerialDrama

Stevano: Kristen. I'm your father.
Non-soap-viewing person on my couch: "I'm your father?" Huh? He's not old enough to be her father!
Me: (Sigh.) Well, see, the BODY isn't old enough but the... oh, forget it. #Days"



I so agree with this tweet . Hahahahahahaha.

I am bitter that COrday apProved of this nonsense. 

Edited by Rafael
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On 12/25/2019 at 7:29 PM, KBrownie said:

And this will always make Gabi look eternally stupid.  She still hates Abigail even after supposedly getting her revenge, but Stefan?  Bygones.  Crying over his death like they had the greatest love of a lifetime? Stupid.

I think Gabi hates Abigail so much because she's jealous.  She wants to be a Horton.  She wants that unconditional love and support that Abby has from her parents, sibling, etc.  She can't stand that Abigail has all that.  It's not Abigail's fault that Gabi doesn't have the family/support system that she wants.  

Gabi will cry "Unfair!" when she gets her deserved comeuppance from the Hortons over what's she done regarding Eli and Julie and not think she did anything wrong in assaulting Julie and threatening Lani because it was all done in the name of Stefan.  Her greatest love.  But she can't get over Abigail.  Who was being manipulated by Stefan.  It makes no sense on her part.  And she's supposed to be so cunning and shrewd.  Whatevs.

Who wouldn't want to be a Horton.  Hortons always get their way and do the crime and do not pay.  Writers pets.

Writers had Gabi falls for Stefan as it would be seen that if she forgave her framer Stefan she would forgive the demon seed, Abigail, and since she doesn't there is an excuse to again trash Gabi.

Edited by bobcat1946
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Could Ron please knock it off with having people say that Mickey is the daughter Eric always wanted? Never, prior to this storyline, did Eric ever utter a single word about wanting a daughter in all of years he's been on the show. Plus, it's insulting to Holly and his relationship with her as her pseudo stepfather, to suggest that Eric is happier having a biological daughter then he is having an adopted one. That runs counter to his character.

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2 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Could Ron please knock it off with having people say that Mickey is the daughter Eric always wanted? Never, prior to this storyline, did Eric ever utter a single word about wanting a daughter in all of years he's been on the show. Plus, it's insulting to Holly and his relationship with her as her pseudo stepfather, to suggest that Eric is happier having a biological daughter then he is having an adopted one. That runs counter to his character.

This times 1,000!  Especially since when he came back to Salem he was a priest!  If you become a priest, you OBVIOUSLY have decided that you are ready to give up having children.  To NOW suddenly make it seem like this has been Eric's overriding focus his entire life is just stupid.  And you are right, what an insult to Holly - clearly SHE is the second class child.

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Take a good look at this superhot promo .

There is sufficient chemistry between Bjorlin and Martsolf . There is absolutely no excuse for breaking up Brady and Chloe and then going on to subject them to terrible pairings ,character assasinations and reducing the two of them into bedhoppers . Yes ,Chloe and Jay's Philip had scorching chemistry so I have no problem with them and so did Eileen 's Kristen and Brady . Brady and Nicole were tolerable  but I just could not buy that Brady would fall in love with a vindictive woman who tried to murder his grandfather twice by hiring Jan Spears and Larry Welch plus she deliberately sabotaged Chloe's facial reconstruction surgery and she ended up contracting a flesh eating bacterial infection which messed up her damaged face even more. On top of that Brady and Chloe went through so much together at such a young age . they were both loners angry at the world ,Brady helped Chloe to search for her biological father , they dealt with her lueukemia ,they dealt with her gruesome facial wounds sustained in a car accident , Chloe was the first person who got Brady and got him to open up when he was still quasi paralysed , Brady was the first person to uhm penetrate Chloe's soul and got her to be free to be herself, they both loved opera music and sang together  and They both lost their virginity to each other . so TIIC expect a viewer who saw them go through all this ,to believe that this relationship wasnt anything special to either of them ? that this relationship was just some fling which neccesitated that both Chloe and Barady stay out of each other's lives and go on to bedhop ? 

honestly , when Chloe returned to Salem in 2007 , the logical thing to do was for her to move in with her in laws John and Marlena since she fled from Austria after Victor kidnapped Brady and forced him into rehab. and the real Chloe would have actually  regrouped and perhaps recruited Shawn ,Belle and Philip to search for Brady and after failing to find him she and the gang return to salem to formulate another plan . meanwhile Philip would have been a quasi predator trying to get closer to chloe and hovering around her and her constantly kinda brushing him off .  the real Brady would not have even filed for divorce because clearly she wasnt the one who hooked him up with drugs anyway.  

anyway , I acknowledge that no relationship is immune to infidelity so I think it is alright for Chloe to slip up and have a one night stand with Philip while Brady  slips up and gets it on with Philip. all issues triggered by Brady's difficult recovery process . or with Kristen , Brady would have been simply raped by Kristen ,who wants to  get back at John and Marlena instead of embarking on a nasty full blown affair . Come on guys , that affair was nasty with the capital N. Kristen was Brady's defacto stepmum when he was about 7 years old for pete's sake. she even used to take him to baseball games and accompany him to his baseball games at his primary school . Brady is like 20 years younger than Kristen. 


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if TIIC truly wanted Daniel to be connected to Maggie , why not bring him on board as Maggie's cousin named Daniel Simmons ? instead we got some  egg baby BS . Instead of being Victor's contrieved Godson , he should have rather been Victor's personal doctor and mob doctor. there ,so simple. but nah , we had to have Daniel being Victor's godson, maggie's egg baby , melanie's long lost dad , Parker's dad, the love of chloe's life (major BS ) ,Salem's own version Of G0d etc.

Edited by Rafael
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I don't see why this show never revisited Brady/Chloe it would make more sense than the variety of other pairings we were subjected to with these two. Plus Victor hates her, she's female and breathes already right there is Brady's type.

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"On 4/20/2020 at 8:24 PM, Dr Neil Curtis said:

Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Orpheus beef with Roman Brady, and not John?"

Roman was the one who actually killed Orpheus's wife accidentally . Not John !! 

why focus all your energy on a guy who was brainwashed to believe he was your actual enemy when the man who actually killed your wife does not get your attention ? 

It makes one question why they even bothered to cast Josh Taylor as Roman Brady seeing that they never ever intended to do anything with the charac ter. they could have just let Roman die during his ISA mission and then brought him back when Wayne Northrop returned in 2005 -2006 . Then they could have had Roman sacrificing himself perhaps to save Belle and Shawn or something like that and boom , the character and his legacy would rest in peace and remain in tact . Josh could have easily returned as Chris Kositchek with Kristen's goons mistaking him for Roman . Chris could have been returning to Salem to take up the new post as Salem's new DA and then Chris could have beeen Sami and Eric's father figure and uncle of the Bradys seeing that he was very close to Roman and Marlena . 

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13 hours ago, Rafael said:

"On 4/20/2020 at 8:24 PM, Dr Neil Curtis said:

Correct me if I am wrong but isn’t Orpheus beef with Roman Brady, and not John?"

Roman was the one who actually killed Orpheus's wife accidentally . Not John !! 

why focus all your energy on a guy who was brainwashed to believe he was your actual enemy when the man who actually killed your wife does not get your attention ? 

It makes one question why they even bothered to cast Josh Taylor as Roman Brady seeing that they never ever intended to do anything with the charac ter. they could have just let Roman die during his ISA mission and then brought him back when Wayne Northrop returned in 2005 -2006 . Then they could have had Roman sacrificing himself perhaps to save Belle and Shawn or something like that and boom , the character and his legacy would rest in peace and remain in tact . Josh could have easily returned as Chris Kositchek with Kristen's goons mistaking him for Roman . Chris could have been returning to Salem to take up the new post as Salem's new DA and then Chris could have beeen Sami and Eric's father figure and uncle of the Bradys seeing that he was very close to Roman and Marlena . 

 It was stupid that Orpheus and Roman never had a confrontation when he came back.  I never understood why the show even brought back Orpheus when the real story should have been his children coming back years ago to go after Roman for killing their mother and John for killing their father.  They could have ingratiated themselves in Marlena's life while targeting Belle, Sami, Eric, Brady and Carrie. It would have given Sami and Carrie a common enemy while bonding again as sisters.

I disagree about Chris being the father figure for Sami and Eric. John should have played that role since he was their father for years. The show has never cared to mine that history to give Sami Carrie and Eric character-driven stories.

Edited by Pearson80
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14 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

 It was stupid that Orpheus and Roman never had a confrontation when he came back.  I never understood why the show even brought back Orpheus when the real story should have been his children coming back years ago to go after Roman for killing their mother and John for killing their father.  They could have ingratiated themselves in Marlena's life while targeting Belle, Sami, Eric, Brady and Carrie. It would have given Sami and Carrie a common enemy while bonding again as sisters.

I disagree about Chris being the father figure for Sami and Eric. John should have played that role since he was their father for years. The show has never cared to mine that history to give Sami Carrie and Eric character-driven stories.

Blame TIIC and the terrible casting decisions they always make . Bren Foster should have been cast as Orpheus's son and not as Vivian's BS contrieved son , Quinn Hudson . Bren even looks like he could be George del Hoyo's son . and the they could have cast Sarah Brown as Orpheus's daughter instead of wasting her as Madison ,the generic love interest of Brady's. 

Orpheus's son could have been the new baddie of Salem . he would have solidified himself as Salem's new baddie if he was the one who killed EJ DiMera and not old man Clyde. 

it would have been awesome watching the sons of Orpheus and Stefano DiMera going head to head .

all of Clyde's storylines would have been allocated to Orpheus's son . and then Orpheus's daughter would have been a legit talented business woman feuding with the likes of nICOLE AND Kate . her son would have showed up like a year later played by Robert Scott Wilson.

Booom, you then have a new villainous family for the foreseeable future. 

The Westons should have never existed IMHO. Chrishelle Hartley could have been cast as Noelle Curtis while James Read could have been cast as Bill Horton . 

plus lets not forget that they could have caused John and Roman to also  tag team with each other for the greater good and united two rivals . what is also maddening is the fact that Bren and Sarah Brown were on the canvas right around the time Christie Clarke returned to the show in 2011.

hell, TIIC fired Bren in late 2011 and rehired him again briefly in 2012 when Quinn hudson went from being Chloe's pimp to a yoga instructor. 


boy TIIC's incompetence is just downright shocking !!!


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Another reason why I regard the Evan /Orpheus /Zoey plottwist as an epic fail is not because Evan is not Eugene and Calliope's son as he should have been ,hell nah , it is  because we have already seen a similar family and their dysfunctionality and villainy play out on our screens on and off since 2014 . Im talking about the Westons. The Orpheus family are on the backfoot already because they have been introduced right after the Westons and thus will be subjected to comparisons to the Westons and the Westons have made the Orpheu's family's impact pretty tame and lame. The Westons will actually cause  the Orpheus family to be seen as an inferior version or lame version or insane-er version of the Westons . 

think about it ... the westons have a single patriach and the patriach has a son and daughter . the patriach is a villain and a scumbag and the son has gone gaga . same thing applies to the Orpheus family . a scumbag single patriach and a son who has gone gaga . obviously the daughter will be a villain as well just like how Jordan ended up being a villain.




Edited by Rafael
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what is also laughable regarding the Orpheus family is the fact that when the kids were on the canvas as kids ( when Orpheus kidnapped Marlena) the boy was clearly older than his sister . he was taller than his sister and it definitely looked like he was roughly 2-3 years older than his sister. what does Carlivati and the Casting people do ? they cast an actor who visibly looks way younger than the actress playing his sister. Kelly Thibaud is like 3 years older than Brock kelly and she actually looks older than Brock . 


Alot of posters on this site have stated repeatedly that the Orpheus siblings should have been reintroduced atleast 10 years ago while the memory of Orpheus was still relatively fresh . some have said that Eric Winter and Alexis Thorpe (who played Rex and Cassie Brady ) should have been Orpheus's kids while I have stated that Bren Foster and Sarah Brown should have been cast as the Orpheus siblings.

basically ,we all agreee that these characters should have been reintroduced already . instead of actually bringing them on board , TIIC decided to unleash the Westons on us . they did not even want to let go of this failed family judging from the fact that they have been on and off the canvas in the last 6 years . and now they decide to bring the orpheus family right after the Weston's reign of terror . ugh !!!


the Westons have weakened and cheapened the Orpheus family in my eyes and  Carlivati has already failed to differentiate the Orpheus and Weston family . The Orpheus family ,despite having atleast a history on the show , is now the cheap ripoff of the Westons . 

and for Ron , its all about short -term ratings and gimmicks plus being more comfortable writing for killers, sinners, murderers and people who just go gaga.

WHat a tragedy 


Edited by Rafael
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Mark my words , Ron will re-introduce Marlena and Roman's dead baby . The now adult baby will no doubt also be gaga and have a criminal streak /record .


hell , he will go further and introduce Alex North and Marlena's thought-to-be dead baby as an evil adult as well.


brace yourselves folks 

Edited by Rafael
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4 hours ago, Rafael said:

what is also laughable regarding the Orpheus family is the fact that when the kids were on the canvas as kids ( when Orpheus kidnapped Marlena) the boy was clearly older than his sister . he was taller than his sister and it definitely looked like he was roughly 2-3 years older than his sister. what does Carlivati and the Casting people do ? they cast an actor who visibly looks way younger than the actress playing his sister. Kelly Thibaud is like 3 years older than Brock kelly and she actually looks older than Brock . 

They actually have already literally said that she's the older sister.


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44 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

They actually have already literally said that she's the older sister.




I have just attached a youtube video featuring that clip of Marlena and Orpheus's children on that island . 


the boy is CLEARLY older than the girl. 

epic fail by carlivati and Corday!!

Edited by Rafael
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9 hours ago, Rafael said:

what is also laughable regarding the Orpheus family is the fact that when the kids were on the canvas as kids ( when Orpheus kidnapped Marlena) the boy was clearly older than his sister . he was taller than his sister and it definitely looked like he was roughly 2-3 years older than his sister. what does Carlivati and the Casting people do ? they cast an actor who visibly looks way younger than the actress playing his sister. Kelly Thibaud is like 3 years older than Brock kelly and she actually looks older than Brock . 


Alot of posters on this site have stated repeatedly that the Orpheus siblings should have been reintroduced atleast 10 years ago while the memory of Orpheus was still relatively fresh . some have said that Eric Winter and Alexis Thorpe (who played Rex and Cassie Brady ) should have been Orpheus's kids while I have stated that Bren Foster and Sarah Brown should have been cast as the Orpheus siblings.

basically ,we all agreee that these characters should have been reintroduced already . instead of actually bringing them on board , TIIC decided to unleash the Westons on us . they did not even want to let go of this failed family judging from the fact that they have been on and off the canvas in the last 6 years . and now they decide to bring the orpheus family right after the Weston's reign of terror . ugh !!!


the Westons have weakened and cheapened the Orpheus family in my eyes and  Carlivati has already failed to differentiate the Orpheus and Weston family . The Orpheus family ,despite having atleast a history on the show , is now the cheap ripoff of the Westons . 

and for Ron , its all about short -term ratings and gimmicks plus being more comfortable writing for killers, sinners, murderers and people who just go gaga.

WHat a tragedy 


I don't know if you ever watched GL but Rick had two kids where the son was older than the daughter but they ended up SORASing the daughter to a teenager and the son was growing up in RT. That's a lot worse than this tbh.

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35 minutes ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I don't know if you ever watched GL but Rick had two kids where the son was older than the daughter but they ended up SORASing the daughter to a teenager and the son was growing up in RT. That's a lot worse than this tbh.

Will and EJ comes to mind.. Will was born before him and EJ ended up being his stepfather. Sami actually met baby EJ..lol.. 

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On 4/28/2020 at 3:28 AM, Pearson80 said:

Will and EJ comes to mind.. Will was born before him and EJ ended up being his stepfather. Sami actually met baby EJ..lol.. 

the EJ debacle was simply TIIC proving why the show has gone downhill. James Scott should have been Tony and Anna's son . Chad should have been EJ . THAT was simply stupidity at its finest .

I mean seriously , are you telling me that it didnt register in Corday and Hogan Sheffer's minds that time that James Scott should be Anna and Tony's son who got snatched by Andre (posing as Tony since the late 1980s) and raised by Stefano and his "dad" "Tony" .

 It would have made sense if "Tony" told Anna in no uncertain terms to take a hike and leave her heartbroken and then she finds out she pregnant and so does "Tony " and then she gives birth and has already made peace with being a single mum and then "Tony" then orchestrates the fake death of the boy and takes him  . the fake death would involve Anna taking anti-deppressants  during post-birth and "Tony's " goon drug her and she passes out and "Tony" then orchestrates the fake death of the baby boy which would involve making it seem like Anna's carelessness was responsible for the death of the boy . Anna would be so ashamed and devastated that she wouldnt show her face in salem for over 20 years and not even mention the baby to Carrie and Roman and her brother Brett .

We find out that Andre stole Anna and Tony's baby and presented the boy to Stefano as a future heir. Andre did it to secure his position in Stefano's eyes . 

Anna and Tony's reunion should have culminated in James Scott's character finding out the truth about his actual parents and that Andre was a fraud posing as his biological dad and he can perhaps lament how his life turned out being raised by Andre .. 


On 4/28/2020 at 2:50 AM, CanaryFan98 said:

I don't know if you ever watched GL but Rick had two kids where the son was older than the daughter but they ended up SORASing the daughter to a teenager and the son was growing up in RT. That's a lot worse than this tbh.

Doesnt mean we should be approving of this BS . I dont like having my intelligence insulted . Its no wonder Soapies have lost so many viewers in the last 2 decades .

Edited by Rafael
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I still can't believe Melissa Archer wasn't cast as Sarah Horton. I mean, put her next to Maggie! And she's actually the right age for the character!

The actress they did cast is good, but she could have played someone else. Stephanie, maybe. 

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22 hours ago, ajs1615 said:

I still can't believe Melissa Archer wasn't cast as Sarah Horton. I mean, put her next to Maggie! And she's actually the right age for the character!

The actress they did cast is good, but she could have played someone else. Stephanie, maybe. 

exactly ! alot of viewers have asked why Melissa was not cast as Sarah. she looks like Suzanne Rogers daughter and on top of that she was the perfect age range when it came to casting Sarah Horton. Sarah was born onscreen in 1981 I think. Melissa was born in 1979. there you have it - the stars were aligned perfectly .

If they had to de-soras Sarah , they could have just de-SORASED her year of birth to 1978 ,and make her a year younger than Sami and Eric. she would still remain Carrie's peer somewhat since Carrie's year of birth is 1974 . it would be believeable that sARAH and Carrie grew up together . you dont get that with Lynsey Godfrey because her year of birth is 1989 and she looks it . you expect us to believe that Lynsey's Sarah is the same one who exposed Neil and Maggie to Micky and they same Sarah who grew up with Carrie being her BFF and de-facto sister ? utter BS if you ask me .

as for Lynsey , she should have been cast as Stephanie Johnson . During that time period , Joey had already gone to jail and Steve left salem cos he got mad at kayla or something like it - it would have made total sense for Stephanie to return to salem to be with Kayla and be her pillar of strength especially with Steve and Joey's departures having left House Johnson virtually hollow and empty.


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 I still think that Stefano himself should have been deceived by andre posing as Tony during the late 1980s -2007. it would have solidified Andre as his own man with his own cunning behaviour if he outfoxed the master himself by making him believe that he was Tony during that whole time period . 


Edited by Rafael
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I miss the Johnson house set. It was pretty and had an interesting layout. So of course, they had to say Kayla sold it to move into Doc and Jo...I mean JUSTIN'S apartment condo set. 🙄

Also, how long are they going to have the real Steve in town without him doing anything to visit Joey or help him get out of jail earlier?

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7 hours ago, Rafael said:

exactly ! alot of viewers have asked why Melissa was not cast as Sarah. she looks like Suzanne Rogers daughter and on top of that she was the perfect age range when it came to casting Sarah Horton. Sarah was born onscreen in 1981 I think. Melissa was born in 1979. there you have it - the stars were aligned perfectly .

If they had to de-soras Sarah , they could have just de-SORASED her year of birth to 1978 ,and make her a year younger than Sami and Eric. she would still remain Carrie's peer somewhat since Carrie's year of birth is 1974 . it would be believeable that sARAH and Carrie grew up together . you dont get that with Lynsey Godfrey because her year of birth is 1989 and she looks it . you expect us to believe that Lynsey's Sarah is the same one who exposed Neil and Maggie to Micky and they same Sarah who grew up with Carrie being her BFF and de-facto sister ? utter BS if you ask me .

as for Lynsey , she should have been cast as Stephanie Johnson . During that time period , Joey had already gone to jail and Steve left salem cos he got mad at kayla or something like it - it would have made total sense for Stephanie to return to salem to be with Kayla and be her pillar of strength especially with Steve and Joey's departures having left House Johnson virtually hollow and empty.


Exactly! Lindsey as a blonde would have been a perfect Stefanie. I have always wanted to see the Stefanie/Kayla relationship explored to the fullest. For years, their family unit consisted of the two of them alongside Kim and her two kids..I always felt that Joey was not necessary, he did not need to exist. So I am okay with him being off the show especially after they turned him into a murderer.  

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13 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Exactly! Lindsey as a blonde would have been a perfect Stefanie. I have always wanted to see the Stefanie/Kayla relationship explored to the fullest. For years, their family unit consisted of the two of them alongside Kim and her two kids..I always felt that Joey was not necessary, he did not need to exist. So I am okay with him being off the show especially after they turned him into a murderer.  

I also despise Joey's existence . on top of that ,the character was lame and unoriginal. a moody teen hating on his dad ? wow ,so groundbreaking. 

They should have just let Steve and Kayla officially adopt Tyler "Pocket " , Philip and Mimi's bio son . think of all the long-term drama we could have gotten out of this. Victor and Kate constantly butting into Steve and Kayla's life because they wanna be close to their bio grandson . this would have caused quite an interesting conflict between the Johnsons and Kiriakis clans. 

and they could have rounded up the new Steve,Kayla,Stephanie and  Tyler family unit /dynamic by also introducing Steven Hawk , son of Benjy Hawk and Stefano's grandson .

They should have cast Lucas Adams as Steven Hawk . I loathe Tripp's existence as I see it as Dena Higley's sneaky plan to solidify Ava Vitale's legacy and place in the show's history . Lucas even looks like he could be the son of Jim Lunsford (who played adult Bemjy Hawk ) . and how would Steven Hawk arrive in Salem ? oh ,thats easy . He would find out that the man (Andre DiMera), who murdered his father is still alive and is now a citizen of Salem .

instead of Steve and Kayla going on their mini adventure to look for Tripp....ugh ..... they would have gone out to look for Steven Hawk after they receive a frantic call from Benjy's widow, Sonya Hawk ,that Steven has vanished after vowing to  murder Andre in order to avenge his fathers death . During that time period , when lucas adams joined the show, Andre was busy battling Flop Deimos and the Hernandezes over Drew Donovan's invention.  

anyways , steve and jayla search for Steven in order to prevent Steve's namesake from joining the darkside and destroying his own life in the process . Instead of that whole "Joey killing Ava " garbage , we could have gotten Steven on the verge of murdering Andre with Steve trying to stop him . 

anyway , Steven Hawk could have then decided to stay in Salem and take down Andre the legal route by actually joining the ISA and staying with Steve ,Kayla and Tyler . Steven would be like Tyler's big brother . how weird would it have been to see a bio Kiriakis and a Bio DiMera being defacto siblings .


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Linsey Godfrey/Sarah acts just like SR/Maggie when they’re upset. They both get that pitchy brittle high tone. If you close your eyes, they are voice doppelgängers when distressed or offended. Also in soft nurturing or lovey moments they get this fussy gushing voice and mannerisms. They are somewhat believable as mother & child. 

I ain’t mad or bitter she was cast as the daughter or de-sorased. 

I also don’t give a damn the age order of Orphei was transposed since I FF his last run and don’t like Marlena and am meh on John. I have no emotional investment in anyone in that fam or tertiary orbit. I do find him somewhat interesting and entertaining since he’s very hard to read and extremely creepy. 


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Kayla really should have known better than to believe Steve would abandon her. Considering Bo was her brother & Jack is her brother in law, there’s the obvious pattern here she should recognize….

Guy disappears for no good reason…. years later, divorce papers show up in the mail with no warning…. yada yada yada.

That’s what happened to both Bo & Jack, and when they eventually made it home, guess what? They never asked for a divorce, nor did they sign any papers. Nor did Steve…. or if he did, it was under the influence of a brain chip, so it doesn’t count.

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still bitter that we never got a Arianna /EJ pairing. I thought Lindsay Korman and James Scott had great chemistry . certainly would have been better than the disastrous Taylor/EJ pairing.still dont get why TIIC fired Lindsay.

Edited by Rafael
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2 hours ago, Rafael said:

still bitter that we never got a Arianna /EJ pairing. I thought Lindsay Korman and James Scott had great chemistry . certainly would have been better than the disastrous Taylor/EJ pairing.still dont get why TIIC fired Lindsay.

I would rather EJ involved with Arianna than the nonsense of him remarrying Nicole who was always his backup plan not that I blame him or her sister Taylor after he fell for her when he picked up her scarf.

That would have added some real meat between EJ, Sami, Rafe and Arianna as they would be forced to interact and of course then really blow up when EJ and Sami slept together the night of Johnny disappeared. Imagine if it was Arianna instead of Nicole in that scenario especially if she had turned up pregnant.

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Here is how I ensvisioned every offspring to be as adults:


-Claire Brady

She is biologically and legally related to the Hortons ,Bradys ,Kiriakis  families . As such ,she should have been groomed to be the next Marlena . She should have been everybody's best friend .

-JT Reiber 

Always envisioned him and Claire being a supercouple .

-Sydney DiMera

A vixen and Kristen jr 

-Alice Caroline Horton 

The good girl and Ciara's frenemy /rival

-Ciara Brady 

Grey character who wouldnt be afraid to raise hell .

-Johnny DiMera 

A heartthrob with a heart of Gold 

-Daniel Rafael DiMera

Nicole and EJ's son . Shouldve been the new Stefano and a megalanomaniac and having an obsession with Allie .they could have essilh revealed that the boy survived and Stefano hired a super surgeon to remove the kid from Nicole 's womb and Stefano gave the kid to Peter Blake -DiMera to raise in order to give Peter a sense of purpose in life plus it will be Stefano's only grandchild who grows up under his total influence via Peter and thus he becomes Stefano 2.0. 


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"So when Bo left, I don't think any of TPTB had a firm grasp of who she was on her own. It really sucks though because with her history and being played by a fan favorite vet, it could've been a great opportunity to write a fresh story and pairing for a beloved character. I've never been a big Daniel Cosgrove fan so even before the Aiden story went off the rails I wasn't a fan of it. I thought she had great chemistry with Brody Hutzler though. Instead of murdering Stefano, which damaged her character irrepairably, I would've loved to see her in a realistic storyline where she tried to find herself again and rebuild her life after losing her husband and love of her life."

Just copied this from one of the comments posted on Daytime Confidential. 


You know ,this poster is right. Same thing happened with Kayla after she returned to the show in 2010 after a 2 year absence without Steve and she was just ......there . TIIC had no clue what to do with her as well because she was joined at the hip with Steve. 

If they failed miserably with solo stories with Kayla ,what makes yal think they would have succeeded with Hope ? Its a real damn shame . 

Edited by Rafael
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Kate and Victor have always been my  endgame.

They were truly in love for most of the 90s, have chemistry, have a son together and are most alike in terms of personality than any of their other pairs. Instead of subjecting us to that ludicrous Maggie and Victor pairing , they should have reunited Victor and Kate circa 2011.


Vivians beef should have been with Kate back then . Atleast Kate also had claws and could fight back . Instead we got Vivian terrorising Maggie over Victor ,the mobster . It just felt out of place.

I wouldnt have minded Maggie and Victor dating for a while and ending that amicably and remaining confidants .

Maggie is far more suited being the matriach of the Hortons than the Kiriakis mob family. I still say Maggie should have divorced Victor after the Deimos revenge tour debacle . Its not like she needs Victors cash since she succesfully owned the Tuscany restaurant and her husband Mickey was an attorney for over 2 decades . Its not like she was super broke. 

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On 4/27/2020 at 11:19 AM, Rafael said:

Mark my words , Ron will re-introduce Marlena and Roman's dead baby . The now adult baby will no doubt also be gaga and have a criminal streak /record .


hell , he will go further and introduce Alex North and Marlena's thought-to-be dead baby as an evil adult as well.


brace yourselves folks 

I keep waiting for them to bring back Baby Zach as an angry 25-year old. And are you referring to Marlena's ridiculous pregnancy circa '04?

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3 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

I keep waiting for them to bring back Baby Zach as an angry 25-year old. And are you referring to Marlena's ridiculous pregnancy circa '04?

Rumor has it that the show wanted to resurrect Zack but Kristian who plays Hope said hell no!  

On 7/10/2020 at 3:52 AM, Rafael said:

Kate and Victor have always been my  endgame.

They were truly in love for most of the 90s, have chemistry, have a son together and are most alike in terms of personality than any of their other pairs. Instead of subjecting us to that ludicrous Maggie and Victor pairing , they should have reunited Victor and Kate circa 2011.


Too much has happened to make Kate and Victor an endgame couple.  I think their original love story was just so awesome, I love the family that Kate Lucas and Victor created.. 

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On 7/13/2020 at 2:03 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I keep waiting for them to bring back Baby Zach as an angry 25-year old. And are you referring to Marlena's ridiculous pregnancy circa '04?

Yep,thats the one. And the following year ,we lesrned that she was pregnant with Dr Alex North's baby just prior to arriving in Salem. 

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On 7/13/2020 at 2:03 AM, methodwriter85 said:

I keep waiting for them to bring back Baby Zach as an angry 25-year old. And are you referring to Marlena's ridiculous pregnancy circa '04?


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Whose bright idea was it to turn the granddaughter of Bo/Hope and John /Marlena into Jan Spears lite ? 


Such a waste !!! Should have been groomed to be the next Marlena . She should have been everybody's best friend considering the fact that she is connected both legally and biologically to the Hortons  Bradys Kiriakises and DiMeras etc. 

Its such a no brainer to groom the granddaughter of these two supercouples as the new heroine due to her unique ties to all the major families. 

Edited by Rafael
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Take a good look at these actors. 

We got Jim Lunsford ,who played adult Benjy Hawk .


Then ofcourse we got Lucas Adams ,who was cast as Ava and Steve's contrieved son . 


I am still shocked this very day that TIIC never considered casting Lucas as Steven Hawk ,Benjy's son.  Didnt they notice the striking similar appearance they both shared ?

Lucas sure does look like he could be Jim's son.


On top of that ,Steven Hawk had every reason to show up in salem when Lucas debuted on the show as Tripp . Why? 

Thats easy ,Andre DiMera was in salem and he is the man who murdered Steven's father ,Benjy Hawk. There you have it . It was relatively easy and straightforward explantion as to why Steven would come to salem  -to avenge his father. 

Steve and Kayla's roadtrip should have involved them searching for Benjy's son after they received a frantic phonecall from Benjy's widow ,Sonja Hawk ,that her son has just found out that Andre DiMera is still alive and he grabbed his granddad 's guns and is going to use them to kill Andre . Benjy's Granddad was Orion Hawk ,the master assasin soldier who trained John Black during his pawn days. 

But hell nah ,we got them going on a road trip searching for freaking Ava and Steve's spawn, who should have stayed dead. 

Instead when they went out sesrching for Ava's spawn ,we all cringed at the thought of Ava being tied to Steve and Kay forever and ever


The audience would have been far more invested in Kayla and Steve's roadtrip if they went out looking for Benjy's son before he does something to Andre and destroys his life in the process.  We all remember that scene when Steve found Benjy's dead body . It was so gut wrenching . Not to mention that Steve and Kayla grew attached to Benjy while he was a boy and they tried to adopt him but lost him to his granddad Orion Hawk . 

Steve and Kayla would have had a second chance to be a true family  with Benjy in weird sort of  way if Steven had become part of their lives and stayed with them . 

. Shocking incompetence by TIIC and Dena Higley. 



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Lets do the math .

Kate is Marlena's buddy .

Shane Donovan is one of Marlena's male BFFs .

What do these 3 have in common aside from being entangled with Stefano DiMera?

Ben murdered their grand kids . Ben murdered Paige ,Shane's granddaughter. 

And he "murdered" Marlena and Kate's grandson.


My question here is , why didnt these 3 tag team to punish Ben after he was arrested for his crimes ? 

Remember when Marlena punished Stefano for stealing John's corpse and reviving him to kill Colleen Brady ? She injected him with some fancy serum which rendered stefano to be comatose as punishment for his crimes .stefano was in a coma but he could still hear everything goin on in his surroundings . 

Why didnt Marlena back then try to punish ben the same way ? 

Kate also tried to have Sami killed ( after turning the lives of Austin and Lucas upside down) via framing her for Franco's death . She tried to kill Chloe for cheating on Lucas with Dr Tan. 

As you can see ,Kate has a nasty streak. Why didnt she channel this streak and plot to punish Ben for murdering Will ?  

Shane would have gladly joined their tag team and infiltrate the prison Ben was held at together with Marlena , who was a certified psychologist anyway . 

Hell, they could have also used this revenge plot to establish the fact that Kate Roberts and Kate Winograd are one and the same . Kate Winograd was an anaesthesialogist until she lost her licence after selling hospital equipments to mob doctors on the side and then  reinvented herself as Kate Roberts later on . 

Youl have Shane creating fake identity for Kate to enter the prison together with Marlena and Shane and administering the fancy coma drug Marlena used on Stefano back in 2008 while Shane  and Marlena restrain Ben . 

Why didnt these two women try to avenge Will ? Despite previously establishing how far they can go to protect/avenge the people they love ? Were they that mesmerised by Ben's dimples and abs ? 

Shame on TIIC for failing to use characters respective history in an effective manner. 


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I hate how many characters have been thrown under the bus to make Gabi’s vindictive, destructive self viable. She does the same stupid crap again and again and somehow comes out being praised while her victims and their loved ones are vilified. 

Gabi needs a loooong break, especially if she’s going to keep winning no matter what she does.

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7 hours ago, katie9918 said:

I hate how many characters have been thrown under the bus to make Gabi’s vindictive, destructive self viable. She does the same stupid crap again and again and somehow comes out being praised while her victims and their loved ones are vilified. 

Gabi needs a loooong break, especially if she’s going to keep winning no matter what she does.

No one praises Gabi.  She's pretty much the town pariah except with Rafe, Sonny and Will (and even those three are pretty quick with the accusations.)  I can't think of any of her victims who have been vilified.

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Yea, I don't see Gabi being praised or her victims being vilified at all. The only victims of Gabi on the show currently are: Abigail, still shown as the heroine; Lani, should be a villain based on her own actions really but seen as one of the good guys; and Julie, who is still the same Julie she always was and everyone treats her as they always did.

IMO the biggest reason why I still like Gabi is precisely because they aren't writing her like she's a hero. They let the people who should hate her hate her without looking bad for it. The problem is actually that the people who hate her are also complete assholes but we're supposed to root for them lol.

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29 minutes ago, DaphneCat said:

No one praises Gabi.  She's pretty much the town pariah except with Rafe, Sonny and Will (and even those three are pretty quick with the accusations.)  I can't think of any of her victims who have been vilified.

Yep, I missed the episode where Gabi got praised.  DAMMIT, that always happens.  I bet I'm also going to miss the episode where Ciara apologized to Claire, where Allie admits she's been an unreasonable ass to her mother and a bully to everyone else and the episode where Marlena has to explain that her real degree is in colonics and she's not an actual psychiatrist.  

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2 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

No one praises Gabi.  She's pretty much the town pariah except with Rafe, Sonny and Will (and even those three are pretty quick with the accusations.)  I can't think of any of her victims who have been vilified.

I think she meant the fans somehow think Gabi should be praised for it or considered a wronged party as if she didn't play a role in all these terrible things happening to her. 

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2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

I think she meant the fans somehow think Gabi should be praised for it or considered a wronged party as if she didn't play a role in all these terrible things happening to her. 

That’s exactly what I meant, thanks.

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13 hours ago, katie9918 said:

Gabi needs a loooong break, especially if she’s going to keep winning no matter what she does.

What winning has she had? went to jail for a murder she didn't commit, beaten so badly she can't have children, had her husband kllled.

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Blake Berris was the show's best millenial actor and easily the best part of Hogan Sheffer's tenure  . What was the point in killing him off anyway since Gabi is out of jail and galavanting all over salem and constantly plotting to hurt people ? Why couldnt Nick just get shot and end up being paralysed and leaving salem to recuperate at the Springfield hospital where Mike Horton works or at Baltimore where Nathan Horton is at . Honestly ,I just dont get how you would treat a character played by the best actor in the millenial age group  like he was nothing .


Common sense dictates that if the character is played a pretty great actor ,you leave his fate open ended so he could return . Heck, perhaps they could have also cast Brock Kelly as Nick Fallon if Blake Berris didnt want to return. 

There was still plenty of storry to be told with regards to Nick. 

Edited by Rafael
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11 hours ago, Rafael said:

Blake Berris was the show's best millenial actor and easily the best part of Hogan Sheffer's tenure  . What was the point in killing him off anyway since Gabi is out of jail and galavanting all over salem and constantly plotting to hurt people ? Why couldnt Nick just get shot and end up being paralysed and leaving salem to recuperate at the Springfield hospital where Mike Horton works or at Baltimore where Nathan Horton is at . Honestly ,I just dont get how you would treat a character played by the best actor in the millenial age group  like he was nothing .


Common sense dictates that if the character is played a pretty great actor ,you leave his fate open ended so he could return . Heck, perhaps they could have also cast Brock Kelly as Nick Fallon if Blake Berris didnt want to return. 

There was still plenty of storry to be told with regards to Nick. 

Blake chose to leave the show and I heard he wanted to be killed off. 

Regardless while I liked Nick and thought BB was great I am ok with him being killed off I shudder to think how he would've fared had he lived.

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On 8/4/2020 at 2:26 AM, Rafael said:

Blake Berris was the show's best millenial actor and easily the best part of Hogan Sheffer's tenure  . What was the point in killing him off anyway since Gabi is out of jail and galavanting all over salem and constantly plotting to hurt people ? Why couldnt Nick just get shot and end up being paralysed and leaving salem to recuperate at the Springfield hospital where Mike Horton works or at Baltimore where Nathan Horton is at . Honestly ,I just dont get how you would treat a character played by the best actor in the millenial age group  like he was nothing .


Common sense dictates that if the character is played a pretty great actor ,you leave his fate open ended so he could return . Heck, perhaps they could have also cast Brock Kelly as Nick Fallon if Blake Berris didnt want to return. 

There was still plenty of storry to be told with regards to Nick. 

I still believe that Melanie was the start of Nick's destruction and I adored his relationship with Chelsea.. He made her tolerable and he was a key to her redemption for me as a bonafide Chelsea hater.. Throughout his craziness with Wilson and Gabi, I was hoping that Chelsea would come and talk some sense into him.  She should have been to him what he was to her once upon a time..

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