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12 hours ago, Quilty said:

I thought Brianna bought the place the coven is currently living in. Why is she renting an apartment?

She has said she brought that house for her Mother. Her Mother has lupus. So I imagine she wanted to make sure she was cared for, since she has health issues and may not always be able to work.

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6 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

She has said she brought that house for her Mother. Her Mother has lupus. So I imagine she wanted to make sure she was cared for, since she has health issues and may not always be able to work.

She has said that recently.  But not back when she bought the townhouse, when Briana AND Roxanne AND Brittany AND Nova AND Stella moved in.  Why wouldn't she let the kids stay in that presumably larger place they're already living in, and get a smaller place for Roxanne to live in alone? 

How does a house that has Roxanne and Briana on the deed, with Roxanne living there and Briana and her brood living in an apartment, protect Roxanne in a way that having Roxanne and Briana on the deed, with Briana and her brood living there and Roxanne living in an apartment, does not? 

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I call BS on the house inspection.  I am certain the producers hate Andrew because he refused to let them film James or him and they were stuck with Amber on a couch for three years. I think the whole thing was a set up to make Andrew look terrible and to garner viewer sympathy for Amber, as has the whole last couple of weeks. Poor sad panda Amber. It's all so unfair. The terrible mean judge is interfering with her carefully curated redemption arc. I just don't buy this episode last night at all. And although I am sure it is hard for Amber, this whole 'it's an injustice!' song is getting very old very fast. James has two parents. Andrew has lived in a state he has no hope of finding his work in for over four years now. Amber has proven herself to be a shitty mother over the years and now is diagnosed with bipolar and who knows what else. She has two domestic violence convictions and just now got off probation for the last one.  Stop talking about her like she is mother of the year.

Why did Briana move before getting ANY furniture? She didn't need to. She had a place with furniture in it. In fact, why didn't she take her bedroom furniture with her if she had none? It was hers. She's not a sixteen year old leaving her parents house, she's a grown woman with income enough to buy some damned furniture. She is so weird.

I liked how Jade and Sean quashed their fight. In the past it would have gone from zero to sixty in a flash. This time you could see them working to calm themselves down even though they were both irritated. I hope those two do make it.

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On 11/9/2022 at 12:27 PM, Mr. Miner said:

Amber that house don't look any different than if you were living there. Go back to your rental and sit on the couch while Gary gets it all cleaned up for your useless POS ass.

I am not watching this show BUT I happened to tune in at the end, just out of curiosity.  Uuughhh Amber is disgusting and her home was 10x worse!  They are doing Andrew dirty here, and we all know it.  And when Gary said to Leah, "you never lived like this," yes she DID!  She was tossed by a drug-addled Amber into a bed with no sheets when she was a baby.  It was on camera dumbass.  I am not liking Gary pretending that things with Amber are fine.

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On 11/9/2022 at 5:58 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I call BS on the house inspection.  I am certain the producers hate Andrew because he refused to let them film James or him and they were stuck with Amber on a couch for three years. I think the whole thing was a set up to make Andrew look terrible and to garner viewer sympathy for Amber, as has the whole last couple of weeks. Poor sad panda Amber. It's all so unfair. The terrible mean judge is interfering with her carefully curated redemption arc. I just don't buy this episode last night at all. And although I am sure it is hard for Amber, this whole 'it's an injustice!' song is getting very old very fast. James has two parents. Andrew has lived in a state he has no hope of finding his work in for over four years now. Amber has proven herself to be a shitty mother over the years and now is diagnosed with bipolar and who knows what else. She has two domestic violence convictions and just now got off probation for the last one.  Stop talking about her like she is mother of the year.

Why did Briana move before getting ANY furniture? She didn't need to. She had a place with furniture in it. In fact, why didn't she take her bedroom furniture with her if she had none? It was hers. She's not a sixteen year old leaving her parents house, she's a grown woman with income enough to buy some damned furniture. She is so weird.

I liked how Jade and Sean quashed their fight. In the past it would have gone from zero to sixty in a flash. This time you could see them working to calm themselves down even though they were both irritated. I hope those two do make it.

Yes! The whole “Amber going to see the state of her house” storyline looked like it was written by an MTV intern to make the audience feel sorry for her. 

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20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

He was part of production ( I believe a camera person)when Amber appeared on Marriage Boot Camp with Matt.

True.  He bills himself as a cinematographer, but my impression is that there's not much cinematography-ing going on on these reality TV shows, so he holds the camera.

20 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Remember Matt? 🤣😂

I do!  Or, I was reminded of him when I had the TV on in the background and they were showing the episode where Gary confronts Amber with some papers showing greasy Matt has a bunch of kids he didn't tell her about.  That was fun.

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2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

He bills himself as a cinematographer, but my impression is that there's not much cinematography-ing going on on these reality TV shows, so he holds the camera.

When he wasn't holding a camera, he and Amber said he was also a trader in the Foreign Exchange Market, and much smarter than most of the global banking institutions and professional investment managers who do it all day, every day.  He's probably made several billion dollars by now.     

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On tonight’s very special episode (gag):

Brianna:  She invites her new boyfriend Bobby down to stay with her for the express purpose of having him put together her cheap ass boxed furniture for her. And also to film them in bed playing an intimate card game that asks such questions as ‘what sexual position would you choose for life?’  Oh my gawd. And she brings marriage into the game but she doesn’t like his answers. I don’t know this man but he seems too good for her. She also announces to him, cheerfully and apropos of nothing, that she is now diagnosed with ‘bipolar’.  She seemed so happy about it. She was positively giggly.

Maci: Last time it was a PSA for gun safety. This week it is a PSA against racism.  This woman is insufferable. I keep waiting for the PSA against alcoholism but that might be a little too close to home for Ms. Maci.

Leah:  A PSA about abortion, complete with abortion rights talk with the twinsses. The way she talks about this makes me uncomfortable since she keeps mentioning about how being pregnant as a teen changed her life and she wants her daughters to be able to have abortions etc. I mean, I get it. But she is basically telling the girls that her life would be better if she had aborted them. IDK. It bugs me that she frames it this way for them.  My mom once told me that if she had had more info at the time she would have aborted me. That was decades ago and it still upsets me.  It’s a visceral reaction, impervious to rationality.  So, Leah’s convos disturb me. YMMV.

Cheyenne: Zach’s six year old DUI/court date/prospective jail time has popped up to maybe interfere with Cheyenne’s dream wedding day. She is not amused.

Ashley:  Bar and Ashley visit Ohio to help Bar’s little sister with her first dance. Ashley is horrified to learn that little sis says it’s no big deal. Ashley drops some knowledge on little sis: This first dance is not about dancing or boys, it’s about bitches impressing other bitches. She needs to show up and look great.  I laughed. Everyone should have a big sister like Ashley to help them out. Seriously, it was cute. Ashley did great, little sis looked fantastic and Bar (her escort) looked great too. Shen and Ashley had a really nice bonding moment and Shen cried she was so grateful to Ashley. They’ve come a long way from throwing chairs at Bar’s birthday party.

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6 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

On tonight’s very special episode (gag):

Brianna:  She invites her new boyfriend Bobby down to stay with her for the express purpose of having him put together her cheap ass boxed furniture for her. And also to film them in bed playing an intimate card game that asks such questions as ‘what sexual position would you choose for life?’  Oh my gawd. And she brings marriage into the game but she doesn’t like his answers. I don’t know this man but he seems too good for her. She also announces to him, cheerfully and apropos of nothing, that she is now diagnosed with ‘bipolar’.  She seemed so happy about it. She was positively giggly.

Maci: Last time it was a PSA for gun safety. This week it is a PSA against racism.  This woman is insufferable. I keep waiting for the PSA against alcoholism but that might be a little too close to home for Ms. Maci.

Leah:  A PSA about abortion, complete with abortion rights talk with the twinsses. The way she talks about this makes me uncomfortable since she keeps mentioning about how being pregnant as a teen changed her life and she wants her daughters to be able to have abortions etc. I mean, I get it. But she is basically telling the girls that her life would be better if she had aborted them. IDK. It bugs me that she frames it this way for them.  My mom once told me that if she had had more info at the time she would have aborted me. That was decades ago and it still upsets me.  It’s a visceral reaction, impervious to rationality.  So, Leah’s convos disturb me. YMMV.

Cheyenne: Zach’s six year old DUI/court date/prospective jail time has popped up to maybe interfere with Cheyenne’s dream wedding day. She is not amused.

Ashley:  Bar and Ashley visit Ohio to help Bar’s little sister with her first dance. Ashley is horrified to learn that little sis says it’s no big deal. Ashley drops some knowledge on little sis: This first dance is not about dancing or boys, it’s about bitches impressing other bitches. She needs to show up and look great.  I laughed. Everyone should have a big sister like Ashley to help them out. Seriously, it was cute. Ashley did great, little sis looked fantastic and Bar (her escort) looked great too. Shen and Ashley had a really nice bonding moment and Shen cried she was so grateful to Ashley. They’ve come a long way from throwing chairs at Bar’s birthday party.

I skip Brianna and most of whiny Cheyenne. Makes the show shorter.  

I usually skip a bit through Leah, but I stuck around for the forced PSA.  Like she follows current events at all! That discussion was ridiculous and you know her kids asked why she did have an abortion.  These poor kids are scarred for life!  And it’s pretty dumb to watch when we know she and Jaylen aren’t together anymore in real time. (Same with Cheyenne.  We know she got married and her hubby only spent 24 hours in jail AFTER the wedding.)

Then we get to Maci’s “PSA o’the Week” ( tm).  Why?  Who were those other kids?  Who is her male friend we’ve never seen before?  Were those his kids?  Bentley looked over it, too.  Maybe maci and Taylor can show their kids someplace other than Tennessee, Florida, or Texas to help them learn about respecting other cultures and races.  It was sooooooo forced. She really has nothing going on for this show.  That’s a mercy paycheck right there!

I still love Ashley and Bar and the whole dance prep was fun!  Shen speaking in a normal tone surprised me.  The little sister looked beautiful!

But the best part of showing the tension with Shen will always, ALWAYS be the possibility of seeing Ashley’s sister in the middle of the chair fight. She caught the thrown chair and tossed it back like a boss!  In fact, if they aired that footage over and over on a loop it would get better ratings  than what they have now!!!

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8 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Leah:  A PSA about abortion, complete with abortion rights talk with the twinsses. The way she talks about this makes me uncomfortable since she keeps mentioning about how being pregnant as a teen changed her life and she wants her daughters to be able to have abortions etc. I mean, I get it. But she is basically telling the girls that her life would be better if she had aborted them. IDK. It bugs me that she frames it this way for them.  My mom once told me that if she had had more info at the time she would have aborted me. That was decades ago and it still upsets me.  It’s a visceral reaction, impervious to rationality.  So, Leah’s convos disturb me. YMMV.

Not one word about birth control. I loathe Leah!

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Brianna isn’t fooling anybody. She rented that house so she could play house with Mr Big 

The kids off to grandmas and here we are. 

When this all falls apart I’m sure Brianna will return home. 

She never does well in relationships.  None of them seem healthy.

 If the new guy is smart he’ll exit left but show money is $$ and they’re all in it for the cash

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8 hours ago, Marisagf said:

But the best part of showing the tension with Shen will always, ALWAYS be the possibility of seeing Ashley’s sister in the middle of the chair fight. She caught the thrown chair and tossed it back like a boss!  In fact, if they aired that footage over and over on a loop it would get better ratings  than what they have now!!!

I know!  They keep replaying the fight but they always skip the best part! I'd give a lot to see that chair toss again.  She was amazing!

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It's weird.  Tonight's episode stuff happened, but when it was over I felt like I hadn't seen anything happen. Just a big zero.

Cate and Tyler: sixteenth anniversary dinner; who wants to babysit?

Cheyenne: bridal shower (btw, part of her dress was missing, right?  Are slits supposed to start at the waist?);  Zach won't miss his wedding after all.

Jade: picked a lovely wedding venue and Sean tries to get a job to help pay for it.

Amber: wanders for eternity around her empty luxury Airbnb rental home in Santa Barbara, waiting for James to come over.

Leah: lovey dovey with Jaylan. Off to Costa Rica for the eight millionth time on Teen Mom.  Is there no other place that will take these people? 

For some reason I felt like I watched stuff go on but nothing changed. These people's lives are moving forward and yet somehow completely stationary.

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When Catelynn and Tyler said they'd ask Amber to babysit, I thought it was that Amber. And I thought, wow those two have even worse judgement than I thought. You'd better hope she gets off the couch and feeds the baby. Good to see there is another Amber in their real life.

I assume Amber isn't allowed to film James. Thus we get lots of shots of her Air BnB and convos with castmates.

4 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

The potential employers were disrespecting Sean's time so he was like fuck it! These people are trash!

Who wouldn't want to hire Sean. He's barely worked in years and will consider being asked to reschedule wasting his time. The dude's not a world class surgeon he needs to take his expectations way down.

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None of these husbands/boyfriends (with the exception of Jaylen and Briana's guy) work...so why should Sean? He's just doing what the other lardasses are doing. Cheyenne had a list of things she wanted...baby, ring, house and husband. Unfortunately she picked a real loser. No job, long rap sheet, sketchy friends and acquaintences...then there's manicky, over animated Tyler...no job, no career path at all. And Sean...why isn't he applying for a job at Costco? They at least have health benefits for their employees. Such a lack of ambition from these people...MTV has supplied these guys with an attitude of entitlement. When this ends they will be in for a real shock.

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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20 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

It's weird.  Tonight's episode stuff happened, but when it was over I felt like I hadn't seen anything happen. Just a big zero.

Cate and Tyler: sixteenth anniversary dinner; who wants to babysit?

Cheyenne: bridal shower (btw, part of her dress was missing, right?  Are slits supposed to start at the waist?);  Zach won't miss his wedding after all.

Jade: picked a lovely wedding venue and Sean tries to get a job to help pay for it.

Amber: wanders for eternity around her empty luxury Airbnb rental home in Santa Barbara, waiting for James to come over.

Leah: lovey dovey with Jaylan. Off to Costa Rica for the eight millionth time on Teen Mom.  Is there no other place that will take these people? 

For some reason I felt like I watched stuff go on but nothing changed. These people's lives are moving forward and yet somehow completely stationary.

Well, we know how most of these storylines play out.  I think that's part of the problem.  We know Cheyenne got married and Zach spent about a day in jail.  We knew what happened in Amber's custody case.  We know Leah and Jaylan break up.  Cate and Tyler continue to be boring and weird. Brianna's love life is all over the reality TV press.  And Maci is a bore with PSAs in place of storylines.  The only people I am interested are Jade and Ashley.

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Briana is always so laser-focused on herself that it never occurs to her to find out what someone else is thinking or needs. Once again a boyfriend is not a mind reader and is tossed aside at the first sign of anything at all really.  She told Bobby she needed 'space' and he texted her that he loved her and would be there for her so she doesn't contact him other than to say she is depressed and she cannot understand why he didn't swoop in to coddle her immediately. He was so confused. He was honoring her request for space at the moment and she - as smugly and assholery as possible - cut him off at the knees as not good enough and broke up with him. And then she goes into victim status once again. These men! They just cannot be what she obviously needs and wants!  It's their fault, never hers.

Jade and Sean are doing well. Khloie was so incredibly adorable when she got her toy for eating her lunch at school  all week. I mean, it was the best face ever.  They bribed her but not with candy thank goodness. Sometimes you do what you have to do with very little kids and then phase it out as they get the habit or whatever kinks worked out. If they are still bribing her in middle school then we will know they did it wrong.

Amber 'will never forgive' the custody arrangement with James. She is so delusional. Woman is a shitty mom and if she is making improvements then she needs to show her work over time. You don't get to wash away years and years of jail and probation and domestic violence and child neglect because suddenly you say you're all shiny new and improved. I loathe her sad panda storyline and how everyone kisses her ass now.

I feel bad for Tyler and Catelynn. Both sexually, physically, and verbally abused as kids. They are doing great under that weight. Tyler has been very open about it on TV which is very brave and I admire his willingness to be vulnerable because it could help someone else, especially men and boys, to admit to the past and work it through for a better future.

Cheyenne and the wedding. Sigh.  I will say that dinner she and Zach were eating was making me very hungry. It was weird though how Zach just got up when he was finished and left the room like that, leaving Cheyenne to finish alone. It was just so sudden and unexplained. Odd.

Previews show there is trouble in paradise for Leah and Jaylen. We all knew he wouldn't last long.

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18 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Briana is always so laser-focused on herself that it never occurs to her to find out what someone else is thinking or needs. Once again a boyfriend is not a mind reader and is tossed aside at the first sign of anything at all really.  She told Bobby she needed 'space' and he texted her that he loved her and would be there for her so she doesn't contact him other than to say she is depressed and she cannot understand why he didn't swoop in to coddle her immediately. He was so confused. He was honoring her request for space at the moment and she - as smugly and assholery as possible - cut him off at the knees as not good enough and broke up with him. And then she goes into victim status once again. These men! They just cannot be what she obviously needs and wants!  It's their fault, never hers.

Jade and Sean are doing well. Khloie was so incredibly adorable when she got her toy for eating her lunch at school  all week. I mean, it was the best face ever.  They bribed her but not with candy thank goodness. Sometimes you do what you have to do with very little kids and then phase it out as they get the habit or whatever kinks worked out. If they are still bribing her in middle school then we will know they did it wrong.

Amber 'will never forgive' the custody arrangement with James. She is so delusional. Woman is a shitty mom and if she is making improvements then she needs to show her work over time. You don't get to wash away years and years of jail and probation and domestic violence and child neglect because suddenly you say you're all shiny new and improved. I loathe her sad panda storyline and how everyone kisses her ass now.

I feel bad for Tyler and Catelynn. Both sexually, physically, and verbally abused as kids. They are doing great under that weight. Tyler has been very open about it on TV which is very brave and I admire his willingness to be vulnerable because it could help someone else, especially men and boys, to admit to the past and work it through for a better future.

Cheyenne and the wedding. Sigh.  I will say that dinner she and Zach were eating was making me very hungry. It was weird though how Zach just got up when he was finished and left the room like that, leaving Cheyenne to finish alone. It was just so sudden and unexplained. Odd.

Previews show there is trouble in paradise for Leah and Jaylen. We all knew he wouldn't last long.

Spot on about Brianna...She is incapable of being in a relationship. Her expectations are ridiculous...every relationship we've seen her in has been terminated by her. I thought this last guy was a pretty decent guy...he seemed mature and thoughtful. I think part of her problem is that she's immature emotionally. She makes poor decisions when it comes to men...like hooking up at a club and getting pregnant or dating her tattoo artist. She should just not date for awhile, about a year or more and just concentrate on her kids. She needs to be in therapy and get some resolution to her "daddy issues" and bipolarity.

Amber always plays the victim card and Gary and Christina fall for it hook, line and sinker. 

Zach is lazy, unemployed and has no means of supporting Cheyenne and his son. I guess it's on Cheyenne to support his lazy ass and their son.

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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58 minutes ago, Mr. Miner said:

I wonder how long before she quits flying to CA? 

Probably when she has another baby. How old is Amber now, 32? (I looked it up I was right). She got another good decade of fertility left, and I think when she gets bored, she will have an 'attention' baby. Thank goodness Leah has Gary-

On 11/30/2022 at 3:42 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Amber always plays the victim card and Gary and Christina fall for it hook, line and sinker. 

Amber does always play the victim, I think Gary and Christina have her number, but are both naturally kind and empathetic people, and want her to be better for Leah. But I think they disengaged emotionally from "hoping for that" a long ass time ago. Amber fucking up as badly as she did was the best thing for happen to Gary, made it easy for him to get custody and keep Amber at arms length so he could actually raise Leah.

On 11/30/2022 at 12:21 AM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I feel bad for Tyler and Catelynn. Both sexually, physically, and verbally abused as kids. They are doing great under that weight. Tyler has been very open about it on TV which is very brave and I admire his willingness to be vulnerable because it could help someone else, especially men and boys, to admit to the past and work it through for a better future.

I agree. I never thought Tyler was a "bad guy", he's been through a lot and made bad choices, but has tried to be the GOOD examples he saw (like his Mom) and not the bad ones,(like Butch).

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3 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Probably when she has another baby. How old is Amber now, 32? (I looked it up I was right). She got another good decade of fertility left, and I think when she gets bored, she will have an 'attention' baby. Thank goodness Leah has Gary-

Amber does always play the victim, I think Gary and Christina have her number, but are both naturally kind and empathetic people, and want her to be better for Leah. But I think they disengaged emotionally from "hoping for that" a long ass time ago. Amber fucking up as badly as she did was the best thing for happen to Gary, made it easy for him to get custody and keep Amber at arms length so he could actually raise Leah.

I agree. I never thought Tyler was a "bad guy", he's been through a lot and made bad choices, but has tried to be the GOOD examples he saw (like his Mom) and not the bad ones,(like Butch).

My beef is that MTV has kept all these Teen Mom people from moving on from being teen parents to being grown adults who need to plan for their futures and either continue on to college or community college and get a diploma/or a ceftificate in a field that they can earn money and provide for their families. Cate and Tyler had plans at one time to continue their education and have careers in something but that faded quickly. Might I add that Cate and Tyler neglected to pay their taxes and were in arrears for quite a bit of back taxes...again, not behaving as responsible adults...I can't blame MTV for this but C&T just seem to be perpetual teenagers that don't seem to want to adult.

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I’m curious why the judge allowed Andrew to move with James to California. I’m guessing it’s because Amber didn’t show up for visitation. I don’t think a judge would do this to a really good mother.   Andrew were settled in and could have visited CA now and then .  That guy doesn’t work.  Amber finances him too  

She just loves the attention she got traveling to CA then being driven to a luxurious home for her short stay.  Miss celebrity!

We see you Amber and it’s not pretty. Flip that hair and sport those nails…we see you.

Gary and Kristina are only playing nice for the check$$$. Without that I’m pretty sure they would shove Amber to the curb. 

I like to watch and concentrate on Leah during her scenes with Amber.  Uggg she can’t wait for her to leave.

Cheyenne laid down with dogs and now she’s got fleas and a baby with Mr Nothing .  I think she could have done better but that Teen Mom money really draws in the do nothing guys. 

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23 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

I’m curious why the judge allowed Andrew to move with James to California. I’m guessing it’s because Amber didn’t show up for visitation. I don’t think a judge would do this to a really good mother.   Andrew were settled in and could have visited CA now and then .  That guy doesn’t work.  Amber finances him too  

This is likely. Amber never took any of her visitation or parenting time, so why should James be prevented from living near his family or where he wants to live if Amber won’t be spending any time with James either way?

On 12/2/2022 at 3:06 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

My beef is that MTV has kept all these Teen Mom people from moving on from being teen parents to being grown adults who need to plan for their futures and either continue on to college or community college and get a diploma/or a ceftificate in a field that they can earn money and provide for their families. Cate and Tyler had plans at one time to continue their education and have careers in something but that faded quickly. Might I add that Cate and Tyler neglected to pay their taxes and were in arrears for quite a bit of back taxes...again, not behaving as responsible adults...I can't blame MTV for this but C&T just seem to be perpetual teenagers that don't seem to want to adult.

I can agree with this. I know some people like C&T, they are usually supported financially by their family. MTV made sure life was never “hard”, and someone like Gary took that opportunity and used it well (rental properties, the farm etc), but most aren’t Gary. 

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Way too much Brianna tonight.

So, Jade and Sean seem to be doing really well, especially for them. Christy teeters on the edge of acceptable presence in Jade’s life. Her family is Loud. Christy shows up loud and opinionated, seeking alcohol at the afternoon birthday party for a five-year-old. Since she is an addict, I think that does not bode well. Jade, for her, kept her cool pretty well. Last year this would have deteriorated into a brawl. Now, it’s just a moment’s unpleasantness and passes on.  Baby steps. Kloie, as always, was absolutely charming and adorable.

Oh Leah, sweetheart.  Watch this scene on the beach and learn from it.  Her sobbing happiness sounded like she was trying to pass a kidney stone. Not romantic or attractive.  And pouncing on Jaylan’s moment at dinner and trying to make a federal case out of his asking her stepdad for his blessing?  Timing, dear. Perhaps that is an important conversation for you to have, but not in the middle of your big romantic proposal dinner. And she wouldn’t stop. She puts on this persona of the perpetual happy girl but I think her stank face at dinner was closer to the real Leah. We see you!

Brianna is such a little shit. She invites Devoin to Nova’s birthday two days away from the party.  Nobody in her life gets any decent notice, she just orders them to appear post haste and gets pissed if it doesn’t work her way.  That next day appointment to talk got nixed last minute because Devoin had to work. Yet she kept telling everyone that he just didn’t show up, like he was completely MIA, no word at all. He forgot to text her about his working conflict and she was waiting for him, so that’s bad, but he texted her while she was waiting. Che characterized it to everyone much worse than that. She just cannot live in a world where she is not the victim, the struggling young mom doing it all alone. I really cannot stand this woman. Devoin’s family isn’t exactly stellar but Brianna is just looking for reasons to dump on them. That ‘talk’: I think Brianna just wanted to dump on them and once again be victim.  Charita wouldn’t play along so it completely derailed. And Brianna facetimes Maci of all people for advice on coparenting. Good grief. That’ the last person I would seek help from.  Ugh. Brianna.

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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Jaylan gave Leah a house! (That she paid for.)  And he took her on this romantic trip! (That MTV paid for.)  Do they think we're stupid?  (Don't answer that.)

I completely forgot about Cheyenne, she made that big an impression on me.  She 'forgot' to get Zach his ring a week prior to the wedding. Sure, okay. Somehow I believe that this shopping trip for the show is going to go on Chey and Zach's 2020 taxes as a business expense. That is unless MTV also paid for the blingy ring.

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I just find Leah kind of difficult to watch ( though I do watch!). Kind of something very off there, I dont know if she's trying to act too hard or waht but it's so stiff and even facially she just is not natural. And that dress she wore last night- where do they get these from? And could Jaylen being any more fake? I don't think so.

Jade (and Sean) have been impressing me. They also (well I don't know squat about Sean's family- do we ever see them or hear about them?) given a raw deal in the family and upbringing department similar to Caitlyn and Tyler. I am forever amazed at how stunning Jade can look in one scene and slovenly sloppy and messy in another. We all have good days and bad days but hers are extreme.

My only real problem with Jade is her constant cursing in earshot of her daughter. I know a word is going to slip out, but even when its not a heated discussion and just matter of fact she is all F bomb. It's not doing her daughter any favors.

Chey is just a whiney and contrived entitled woman in my book. She has a good supportive family and she is just the spoiled golden child.

That's all I got for now.

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1 hour ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

I just find Leah kind of difficult to watch ( though I do watch!). Kind of something very off there, I dont know if she's trying to act too hard or waht but it's so stiff and even facially she just is not natural. And that dress she wore last night- where do they get these from? And could Jaylen being any more fake? I don't think so.

Jade (and Sean) have been impressing me. They also (well I don't know squat about Sean's family- do we ever see them or hear about them?) given a raw deal in the family and upbringing department similar to Caitlyn and Tyler. I am forever amazed at how stunning Jade can look in one scene and slovenly sloppy and messy in another. We all have good days and bad days but hers are extreme.

My only real problem with Jade is her constant cursing in earshot of her daughter. I know a word is going to slip out, but even when its not a heated discussion and just matter of fact she is all F bomb. It's not doing her daughter any favors.

Chey is just a whiney and contrived entitled woman in my book. She has a good supportive family and she is just the spoiled golden child.

That's all I got for now.

I completely agree with you on all points!  I fast forwarded through most of the show last night since I cannot stand Leah, Brianna, and Cheyenne.  Most of these girls dress very trashy, so Leah's outfits didn't surprise me.  Cheyenne's storyline is so contrived, too!

I really like Jade and Sean and I'm rooting for them.  She needs to cut her mother out of her life completely, That woman is toxic on so many levels, not to mention supremely immature.  I also agree that Jade and Sean need to clean up their potty mouths.

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12 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Brianna is such a little shit. She invites Devoin to Nova’s birthday two days away from the party.  Nobody in her life gets any decent notice, she just orders them to appear post haste and gets pissed if it doesn’t work her way.  That next day appointment to talk got nixed last minute because Devoin had to work. Yet she kept telling everyone that he just didn’t show up, like he was completely MIA, no word at all. He forgot to text her about his working conflict and she was waiting for him, so that’s bad, but he texted her while she was waiting. Che characterized it to everyone much worse than that. She just cannot live in a world where she is not the victim, the struggling young mom doing it all alone. I really cannot stand this woman. Devoin’s family isn’t exactly stellar but Brianna is just looking for reasons to dump on them. That ‘talk’: I think Brianna just wanted to dump on them and once again be victim.  Charita wouldn’t play along so it completely derailed. And Brianna facetimes Maci of all people for advice on coparenting. Good grief. That’ the last person I would seek help from.  Ugh. Brianna.

I can't stand Brianna. I agree that her habit of ordering baby daddies to appear with little notice and playing victim when they don't appear is childish. However, at this point Devoin is an adult. If he isn't coming around on a regular basis for Nova anymore. It's entirely on him and a shitty thing to do.

I would have liked to see Khloie doing something a little more age specific and involving more kids for her b-day. Five seems old enough to throw her party with some kids from her neighborhood or preschool or something. If Jade can afford plastic surgery, she should be able to throw a kid's party.

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13 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

Oh Leah, sweetheart.  Watch this scene on the beach and learn from it.  Her sobbing happiness sounded like she was trying to pass a kidney stone. Not romantic or attractive. 

Of all the trash bags on this show I loathe Leah the most. She's a liar and is fake/dumb AF! Well, probably a tie with Amber.

Chey has the same affect on me as a tranquilizer dart.

Edited by Mr. Miner
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7 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

I just find Leah kind of difficult to watch ( though I do watch!). Kind of something very off there, I dont know if she's trying to act too hard or waht but it's so stiff and even facially she just is not natural. And that dress she wore last night- where do they get these from? And could Jaylen being any more fake? I don't think so.

Jade (and Sean) have been impressing me. They also (well I don't know squat about Sean's family- do we ever see them or hear about them?) given a raw deal in the family and upbringing department similar to Caitlyn and Tyler. I am forever amazed at how stunning Jade can look in one scene and slovenly sloppy and messy in another. We all have good days and bad days but hers are extreme.

My only real problem with Jade is her constant cursing in earshot of her daughter. I know a word is going to slip out, but even when its not a heated discussion and just matter of fact she is all F bomb. It's not doing her daughter any favors.

Chey is just a whiney and contrived entitled woman in my book. She has a good supportive family and she is just the spoiled golden child.

That's all I got for now.

I want to root for Jade/Sean but Jade just gets on my nerves...her potty mouth in front of her child and other children, is inexcusable. She has zero self awareness or discipline when it comes to what her sweet little girl should hear and see. And she should limit Kloie's interactions with her mother and father. Her mother appeared to be all wound up at that family party...maybe she had a drink or two before coming or a tweak of something else? She was obnoxious and rude. What a sad party for Kloie. And I agree Kloie should have had a kids party...I feel sorry for her.

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Where does Devoin  get $100,000 to gamble away?  Givinchy clothing and all of them driving their huge expensive SUV's.

They have made all of these almost homeless non working people think they are movie stars!

The only thing good about this episode is Amber didn't appear dressed to the nines, hair flowing sliding out of a SUV driven by someone else!

Jade really needs to distance herself from her mother!  The other one getting a big show check for appearing!  She's a horrible person.

Cheyenne and Leah think money makes you special.  Nope just makes you look dumb as hell!

This show has to really be pulling in the advertisement money to pay these teen moms and entourage the big money!

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6 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Where does Devoin  get $100,000 to gamble away?  Givinchy clothing and all of them driving their huge expensive SUV's.

They have made all of these almost homeless non working people think they are movie stars!

The only thing good about this episode is Amber didn't appear dressed to the nines, hair flowing sliding out of a SUV driven by someone else!

Jade really needs to distance herself from her mother!  The other one getting a big show check for appearing!  She's a horrible person.

Cheyenne and Leah think money makes you special.  Nope just makes you look dumb as hell!

This show has to really be pulling in the advertisement money to pay these teen moms and entourage the big money!

So glad you brought up Devoin. What the hell was going on with him??? He looked like he was high on something...he was a mess. Witnessing the behavior of his mother at the "sit down" with the coven, I see where he gets his attitude from...wow...his mother was some piece of work. The foul language and general spew was truly awful. Briana needs to move on from Devoin and his trashy family. She will never be able to co-parent with him or Luis. These guys don't care about their kids. If they did they would be there for them without constant prodding from Brianna. Devoin should be cut from this show as Luis should be also. They should not get paychecks from MTV that they probably will spend on gambling, drugs and designer clothing...not on their kids. It is sad for the girls not to have strong, healthy male role models in their lives...but clearly, these two selfish losers are not capable of doing the right thing and make their daughters a priority in their lives.

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16 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I’m going to take a wild guess that the ratings currently suck. So I don’t think that will last long.

This episode barely made the Cable Top 50 (#49) with just 240,000 viewers.  MTV must be relying on streaming and other sources of viewers at this point.


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On 12/9/2022 at 9:41 AM, Snarky McSnarky said:

This episode barely made the Cable Top 50 (#49) with just 240,000 viewers.  MTV must be relying on streaming and other sources of viewers at this point.


I can't believe they are still hanging on. I would have thought once it dropped below 500,000 they would have decided to hang it up. Even the E! shows would have scoffed at 240,000 viewers. When you consider this show once pulled in 3.5 million viewers, it's even sadder. I suppose though with the emerging streaming choices all regular networks must be feeling the pinch.

I don't know what the producers are thinking. They've got to be hovering just above break even at this point.

Edited by Tatum
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I don't know what to do with this last episode. I am left with indelible images that either disturb or puzzle or annoy me.

Cheyenne inviting every teen mom plus significant other from all seasons of Teen Mom but specifically telling Ashley she isn't welcome was so Cheyenne. It is her wedding so sure, but it smacks of the treatment she gave Mackenzie when she got all the other cast members to shun her and refuse filming with her. It just rankles. All of these women have serious issues and feud with each other from time to time but Cheyenne seems to think she is HBIC. 

Cheyenne is the family princess (for now) and the amount of fawning over her done during this whole wedding was kind of silly. Not as silly as the bride and groom's table at the reception. Four gazillion candles and flowers on around and below a raised dais.  But watch out, little Ryder is getting her princess on because she marched right up to her aunt's giving a reception toast and demanded the mic right now!  These are her parents and she will be giving any toasts, thank you very much!  Diva starts early in that family.

Still can't stand Brianna. Hurricane apparently didn't hurt her but she missed the wedding. Good. Moving on.

Ashley starts her accelerated nursing program and gets hit by a drunk driver with Bar and Holly in the car (no fault of theirs as far as we know/drunk driver's responsibility).  When Bar tries to pick up their things from the totaled car at the impound he is arrested as a fugitive from justice for leaving California with a failure to appear charge on him. As of the end of the episode Ashley is quietly pissed and Bar is locked up waiting to see if California decides to extradite him or not. If they don't, he'll be released in 14 days. I do not know what actually happened next.  MTV does let us know that the original charge stemmed from that grad party Ashley had where Bar got more and more drunk and wound up shooting a gun and got arrested for it. Ashley has a life plan and Bar is not going to ruin it although as a mom with a husband in jail (again) her road is harder than it needs to be. I feel bad for her. Youth picked a boy that adulthood is not living easy with. It happens and it sucks.

Speaking of locked up, after the wedding Zach is sentenced to 120 days in jail (most of which he has already done long ago so he just has to do a little more time but we know he only was there a day before they released him). MTV does not explain any of this, just leaves us with him showing up to jail and noting that he was sentenced to 120 days, leaving the audience with the impression that he would be locked up for months. Not cool, MTV.

Leah and Jaylan have a post vacation talk and their complete lack of chemistry could not be more on display. Whatever is going on here, it's not true love. Leah is dating a black man and suddenly she is dying her hair black. Does anyone else think that's weird? She's blonde has always been blonde but suddenly now she's a very dark brunette.  When they break up do you think she'll dye it back to blonde?  This weirds me out for some reason. YMMV

Did anything else actually happen? I zoned out during the interminable wedding crap.

ETA:  Oh, and Gary said that Kristina couldn't attend the wedding because the kids have school and they don't have anyone they trust to babysit for them. Also, Amber was home but didn't come. Make of that statement what you will.

After the ceremony itself, while Cheyenne and Zach were on the altar, they were treated to the bridesmaids suddenly reappearing and doing some kind of African drum dance for them. It was interesting. I am not sure what I think about it because my view is slanted because it's Cheyenne and her OTT it's all about me and my fabulous selfness puts me off.  If it had been done for anyone else I think I might have appreciated it more. Again, YMMV

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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6 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

She was exhausted from visiting her son for a few days. Just think if she had him 24/7?

Amber is so full of s...!  I can hardly stand to look at her!

That short visit to James was all about Amber!  Big house, chauffeur driven car, hair and nails!

Talk about turning a do nothing addict into a cinderella!

There's a better saying I was trying to remember.  Turning a .... Into a ......?

I still believe James moved to California because Amber never visited him in Indiana.  Why would she?  No cameras and that's Ambers storyline on TBE show.  She wouldn't be showing up for Leah except for big checks for Amber and Gary welcomes her because of the $$$.  I notice the visits are shorter and shorter.  Leah, bless her heart, knows this!

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