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Thank you for this.

Soooo....My major takeaway from this last episode was that Cheyenne was giving another party (natch). But this time it was for a new nail polish 'line' that four year old Ryder was launching!!! Let that sink in a moment. The four year old now has her own nail polish line and mommy is providing the launch party for it. It's not Ryder's fault at all but I now hate Ryder. I hate that entire family/cast. They have no business on the show at all, they do pretty much nothing but have parties, and no amount of friends trying to shoot them can make me feel anything but contempt for them. Honestly after finding out about this nail polish launch for Ryder I kinda wanted to shoot at them myself. 

So now they are going to move into some upper Valley no man's land of desert tract mini mansions.  You could not PAY me to live where they were picking out a lot. Unless I'm wrong and it's in one of the Malibu canyon areas (did not look like it to me) then it's just nowheresville. And really hot. Miles of tract homes to be built. No. Just no.

Leah got with Jaylan and now she has friends to boat with?  What is going on? Yet somehow she is still very boring.  Conversation: raising a biracial child. Okay then, I guess that's on the table. More kids. The girleses looked so teenager to me. She'd better watch out or she'll be grandma before she knows it. Gracie looks and seems to act sixteen (she's twelve or maybe turned thirteen?). Anyway, she's really pretty and dresses and makes-up a lot older. Ali looks much better with straight hair, I hardly recognized her. (Not that she looks bad with curly hair, it's just I hardly recognized her with it straight.)

I don't even remember who else was on this week or what I thought. I am completely distracted by Ryder's nail polish line. It's knocked my brain offline.

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That little Ryder is really a pretty little girl!  Is Cheyenne in a different home?

What does Ace baby daddy do?  He used to do something but now he seems to do nothing!

I thought Amber was on the wagon?  She's no longer filming from a bed!  Go Amber.  Leah is becoming a teenager.  I imagine Kristine puts up with Amber in her house for the paycheck!

Briana is Bipolar?  I never realized mom and sister were too.  That's a tough one.

Caitlyn seems to have really gotten herself together and seems to be making good choices for her family.

Tyler is an idiot.  Without teen mom???????

I wonder if Maci will let Bentley get his ears done like hers?  She is setting an example!

Edited by Jeanne222
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10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Leah is becoming a teenager. 

I think Amber's anger management classes may be working.  When she was leaving and already at the front door, Leah hollered from the kitchen something like "Make good choices," and the Amber I know came charging down the hall with that look on her face, but then gave Leah a noogie instead of a beatdown.  Progress!

10 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Caitlyn seems to have really gotten herself together and seems to be making good choices for her family.

Tyler is an idiot. 

Agree on all points.  But at least Tyler seems to be an engaged father, which is of course the least he could do if he's hanging around the house all day anyway, but it's still good to see.

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After more vulgar vocabulary referring to body parts by Cate and Tyler I can truly say that these two are trashy. It's bad enough that they have to use this language on camera but even worse they use it in front of their young daughters. Yeah, Tyler is an engaged father, but that's all he does since he doesn't have a job and never has had one except when he worked at a pizzeria years ago. When this show ends, they have no career plan or even an education plan...both only have a high school diploma and zero work experience. Cate does have a sometime job painting eyebrows onto women's foreheads but other than that there's no there there. Did I mention that they haven't paid their taxes and still owe alot of money to the IRS?

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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Jade has been MIA for two episodes in a row? (not necessarily a bad thing, just an observation). Typically it seems the format on shows with larger casts like this may omit one member one week, but not consecutively. Unless I just don't remember her segments from the prior week.

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So...this is what MTV thinks we want to watch:  a group of late twenties/early thirties 'teen moms' drunk and whooing and making up drama with each other over shit no one cares about?  I absolutely dislike every single one of these people. I mean seriously dislike. As in, if I had to hang out with any of them there'd be problems.

And both Brianna and Cheyenne are mean girl shit stirrers. They can't wait to find fault and then make a huge deal about it and turn on someone else. 

And it's good to know that our bipolar foursome is really loving life and their diagnoses.  I don't know about bipolar but they definitely are infantile and mean.  Brianna actually smiled when she announced it to her mom and sister. So proud of it all. Lovely.

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Amber trying to be nice.  Cate mothering the group. Leah being 16 again.  Cheyenne being the party Debbie Downer.  Brianna hoping to do battle.  Maci looking pretty haggard and offering nothing.

Yep a great celebration!

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Who's idea was it to do this "glamping" thing anyway? Especially in Florida in the heat...A beach trip would have been better on the Eastern side of Florida (like Miami) where there aren't so many Confederate flags being flown and displayed on T Shirts. I get Cheyenne's uncomfortability with the atomsphere there but honestly, she should have done some research before committing to the trip...she just had a baby and was recuperating from that. Brianna is a bully...she looks for fights and relishes it. Maci is looking a little out of shape. She's put on some weight...must be all that beer she consumes. Well..at least Amber had fun.

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What bothered me was Cheyenne's attempt to hijack the whole birthday celebration and make it about how she felt about confederate flags and her angry 'why don't you see it!!!?' accusation to the other women. Well, they see it but don't see it because they are white and mostly from areas where it's just always there. Like living next to Niagara Falls, you block out the sound. Cheyenne is black, so it's a visceral gut punch to her, but it's not like that for them. Intellectually they probably see it is as a bad thing but it is never going to have that same gut punch personal attack feel for them because it can't. And honestly if one of them had made a big gut punchy reaction to it I believe Cheyenne's response would have been to angrily retort that they can't feel that way because they aren't black. I think these things are a lose-lose with her.

I'm from Southern California, west side beach area, all my life. I can honestly say I have never seen a confederate flag anywhere. Cheyenne probably hasn't either. So it would really stick out for me to be somewhere they are commonly displayed, like Tennessee (Maci) or West Virginia (Leah) or to a degree even rural Michigan and Ohio (Amber and Cate). And as we've seen now, parts of Florida (Brianna). But I'm not black so it still registers more in my head and heart than in my gut so I can see that it would be much more jarring and upsetting emotionally for Cheyenne. But I also think Cheyenne looks for things to be upset about because she is a special pretty pretty princess and wants things her way and to get all the attention. So I blame at least fifty percent of her display in this episode on that.

Brianna loves to fight with people about anything and never quashes anything, just stirs the pot. I was frustrated that I could not just ff her segment since they were all together this episode.

These people are not friends, not even close. They should not be thrown together like this. No good comes of it. Leah is right. She's thirty now. She doesn't need to be involved in all this stupid girl drama. 

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On 10/11/2022 at 9:53 PM, Andyourlittledog2 said:

So...this is what MTV thinks we want to watch:  a group of late twenties/early thirties 'teen moms' drunk and whooing and making up drama with each other over shit no one cares about?  I absolutely dislike every single one of these people. I mean seriously dislike. As in, if I had to hang out with any of them there'd be problems.

A whopping 261,000 tuned in.  Down from 275,000 last week.  This show is circling the drain.  


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No, it's not at all scripted.

Just now watching them sitting around with the "you guys! Roe vs Wade was overturned!". And each one cited some facts " oh it's been 50 years". "the govt that won't protect our kids in schools" etc etc. Why do I not think these are actual statement of actual knowledge these women would have?

yeah, I may be a cynic but I may be on to something.

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So there's a part two?????  Dear gawd.  I don't know if I can take another week of this group and their whiny wooing dramatic stupidity. Alone they are barely tolerable; in a group it's just so so...intolerable.

Who wears leather boots on a boat? An air boat through swampy water? Amber.

Who thinks moving her barely sober party animal husband to Las Vegas is a good idea?  Ashley. (side note: Holly looks just like Ashley.)

Who ever so coincidentally finds out Roe v Wade was overturned in time to film reactions?  The rest of the brain trust.


Apparently the new thing for this show is these guys facetiming each other all the time. I don't want to watch them talk to each other and other people over the phone.  It's incredibly boring.  I don't like it when people do it in person and I especially don't like it on tv. 

I cannot believe that Maci had that conversation in front of her kids, especially Bentley.  Whether or not to have a vasectomy is a personal conversation between her and Taylor. They are so weird.

I want to hate on Cheyenne's scenes but I can't. The surgery is important (it would be to me) and it's sudden cancellation would upset me too. I know she's a dramatic self absorbed princess but I felt that her reactions were understandable given her circumstances. Sucks. I still don't know why she was in an ambulance in the previews though.

Brianna finally shows us her new boyfriend. He seems nice but I don't trust these guys who suddenly find love with women on tv. Hope he's not just in it for the tv time or a cheater (looking at Leah's new ex).

Edited by Andyourlittledog2
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@Andyourlittledog2 good post! 

I agree with all you wrote, and to add to that----

Cheyenne . Is it her nasal tone (or what is it: that her voice just whines on and on  and on. )?? She seems to be yes a pretty indulged woman, but it does appear she had a reasonable family growing up, and she seems to be pretty solid, but her voice and manner of speaking is so irritating. Like she's on the verge of crying or laughing hysterically but doesn't quite.

Yes, Maci discussing snips with Bentley there. You know that's because she is a very transparent and open parent who does not hide anything from her kids. She's open and loving and sets a stellar example. Yup that's what the sctipt called for I guess. (agree, poor judgement).

Briana- she  can look very attractive and she can look really awful. The one thing that seems to persist with her, is that each time she gets a new man in her life, she is totally smitten and elated and life is great and so private and it's just totally different and better than any previous guy she's known.  Side note- has Roxanne ever been happy about ANYTHING? or ever seen the bright side of ANYTHING???

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3 hours ago, Polliwollidoodle said:

The one thing that seems to persist with her, is that each time she gets a new man in her life, she is totally smitten and elated and life is great and so private and it's just totally different and better than any previous guy she's known. 

You left out that when she reveals she has a new soulmate but won't give any details, she twirls her hair and puts her pinkie finger in her mouth.

In fact, I think that may have broken this show's stranglehold on me.  I've been watching only intermittently, and with plenty of fast-forwarding, and yesterday had the two episodes on in the background thinking I could watch them when I finished what I was doing.  But I glanced up and Briana was doing the hair twirling and sing-songing "I think you know him, I met him on Family Reunion" and it just snapped. 

It's not enough that these people are boring, but talk about scripted--her mother didn't know she's been dating this guy until right now?  As I've said with respect to other shows, I can take a lot, but I'm out when you start insulting me.

Then I saw someone being loaded into an ambulance and realized I just don't care.  So between not caring about these people and bristling at being insulted, I think I may be free.  I'll miss watching Briana's and Leah's love lives crumble around them, but I'll survive.

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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Then I saw someone being loaded into an ambulance and realized I just don't care.  So between not caring about these people and bristling at being insulted, I think I may be free.  I'll miss watching Briana's and Leah's love lives crumble around them, but I'll survive.

Fly! Fly and be free!  Never look back.  🙂

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Cheyenne needs to buck up and face her problems without drama and neediness. It's terrible that she has to have surgery from the awful shooting that nearly wiped out her entire family including herself but it's quite obvious to me she's suffering from PTSD and needs professional help...something she has yet to do. Her loser fiance/now husband is the one responsible for what happened since it was clearly some beef the shooter had with him that caused him to to try and assassinate Zach, Cheyenne and their two children. This was not a random drive by. Zach has a lengthy rap sheet...google it. And as far as I see, he does not have a job. Cheyenne needs to get control of this mess and get help. And Zach needs to come clean with what his relationship was with this guy and explain why he felt the need to wipe out them all out. For the sake of her kids Cheyenne needs to get help and be a grown woman instead of a whiny princess. She is setting a bad role model as a mother and a woman for her daughter by not getting control of this problem and working on it with a professional instead crying to mommy and daddy...and her Dad needs to have a serious convo with Zach about what the hell is going on! Good grief these people seem awfully mellow and chill about what happened...my parents would have been all up in Zach's face if an "associate" of his tried to kill their daughter and grandchildren! 

Side note: Ryder is adorable, sweet and smart...so clearly Cheyenne is doing something right.

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I will say this: Cheyenne and Zach were fine in the backyard until Cory came by. Then Cheyenne has her poor princess meltdown and Cory immediately came over and held her (downwards side hug, nothing inappropriate) and comforted her while Zach stayed seated six or so feet away, staring into space. And that folks, in a nutshell, is the Cheyenne/Cory/Zach relationship.

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On 10/19/2022 at 4:19 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Cheyenne needs to buck up and face her problems without drama and neediness. It's terrible that she has to have surgery from the awful shooting that nearly wiped out her entire family including herself but it's quite obvious to me she's suffering from PTSD and needs professional help...something she has yet to do. Her loser fiance/now husband is the one responsible for what happened since it was clearly some beef the shooter had with him that caused him to to try and assassinate Zach, Cheyenne and their two children. This was not a random drive by. Zach has a lengthy rap sheet...google it. And as far as I see, he does not have a job. Cheyenne needs to get control of this mess and get help. And Zach needs to come clean with what his relationship was with this guy and explain why he felt the need to wipe out them all out. For the sake of her kids Cheyenne needs to get help and be a grown woman instead of a whiny princess. She is setting a bad role model as a mother and a woman for her daughter by not getting control of this problem and working on it with a professional instead crying to mommy and daddy...and her Dad needs to have a serious convo with Zach about what the hell is going on! Good grief these people seem awfully mellow and chill about what happened...my parents would have been all up in Zach's face if an "associate" of his tried to kill their daughter and grandchildren! 

Side note: Ryder is adorable, sweet and smart...so clearly Cheyenne is doing something right.

They have shown more shock and horror over a flag on a tshirt than they have at a friend attempting to kill their children. GTFOH with that crap. She’s a horrible roll model for her children and any stupid young girl out there that “looks up” to her. 

And the idiot moving her fresh out of rehab boyfriend to Vegas because her town apparently doesn’t have nursing schools and is too boring. Good plan. Is there an online betting site where we can place wagers to how long it is till MTV is filming outside of Vegas rehabs?

And I’m convinced Briana is mentally challenged in some way. And her family knows. And they continue to exploit her. That whole group of women is scary. And sad. And why would you have plastic surgery to make you look fatter? Don’t women usually do the opposite? I say this as a fat woman. She has such a strange shape now. Maybe it’s “in” now, what do I know. 

On 10/19/2022 at 4:19 PM, Hedgehog2022 said:

Side note: Ryder is adorable, sweet and smart...so clearly Cheyenne is doing something right.

Lots of kids do well despite their parents. Look at [insert any Teen Mom older child here]. I attribute it to the MTV crew being around and keeping them safe. 

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On 10/22/2022 at 1:44 PM, hottesthw said:

And why would you have plastic surgery to make you look fatter? Don’t women usually do the opposite? I say this as a fat woman. She has such a strange shape now. Maybe it’s “in” now, what do I know. 

Have you forgotten that Jade also got the big-butt surgery?  Needless to say, all fingers point to the Kardashians for its popularity.

But how could you forget?  Jade's doctor kicking her out of the recovery area shortly after the surgery, all wrapped up in compression bandages, including for some reason bandages around her head, which made her look like Mr. Weatherbee with a toothache, waddling to the car in extreme pain.  She couldn't sit down on her new ass so they had to load her into the back of the SUV to lie down for the drive to the rent house, and then she sent her drug addict mother to pick up the Percocet. 

Aah, fun times.  I miss them.

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I don't want to be an glassbowl but Amber and the whole lot of them can sit down with the whole 'poor Amber, it's not fair that James' father (who has had primary custody of the child for years) gets to move him to live with and near Andrew's family because mother/woman should get precedence where kids are concerned. And I'm a woman. And I get how awful this must feel, but the whining about it being so unfair just irritates me no end. It's completely fair, that's the whole point of the decision. You don't get to keep James just because you're the mom. It doesn't work like that anymore. And Amber has a dismal past with her kids, she's just minutes off probation for her second round of domestic violence.... she screwed up. She has been an absent mom, a terrible mom for many years now. So she's finally cleaning up and trying. Fine. Wonderful.  But that doesn't give her a free pass to a default 'because you're the mommy' decision in family court. It just doesn't. And I hate how MTV and all it's 'stars' on this show are using their singular bullhorn to complain on Amber's behalf. Andrew doesn't have that kind of megaphone. Talk about one-sided.

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On 10/23/2022 at 7:00 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

Have you forgotten that Jade also got the big-butt surgery?  Needless to say, all fingers point to the Kardashians for its popularity.

But how could you forget?  Jade's doctor kicking her out of the recovery area shortly after the surgery, all wrapped up in compression bandages, including for some reason bandages around her head, which made her look like Mr. Weatherbee with a toothache, waddling to the car in extreme pain.  She couldn't sit down on her new ass so they had to load her into the back of the SUV to lie down for the drive to the rent house, and then she sent her drug addict mother to pick up the Percocet. 

Aah, fun times.  I miss them.

Kardashians started the bloated ass and fake boobs and tummy tuck.
But unlike these teen moms they did the work to tone the rest of their bodies. 

There isn’t a toned arm among them and that’s the easiest body part to  work on   
 Even Macy is soft and smushy 

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I thought Sean's proposal to Jade was sweet.  Too bad she drops the the F-bomb every other second.  Her reaction to the proposal was underwhelming, but I will chalk that up to nerves.  Then, again, she's pretty flat emotionally.  

I really hope we will be spared Cheyenne's bachelorette party.  A couple of clips at the end are all I need to see.   Her whining about missing the party was so off-putting.  Worry about your health and not the party for once!

I am not surprised at all that Caitlyn and Tyler have a speech delayed kid.  

Edited by Marisagf
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2 hours ago, Bluesky said:

Kardashians started the bloated ass and fake boobs and tummy tuck.
But unlike these teen moms they did the work to tone the rest of their bodies. 

There isn’t a toned arm among them and that’s the easiest body part to  work on   
 Even Macy is soft and smushy 

That “work” involved more plastic surgery as well as exercise, imo. And the Kartrashians started the gross trend here after emulating the wives and girlfriends of Mexican drug cartel kingpins. Yay, role models!

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I'm honestly not sure what I think about the judge's decision regarding James. I don't think it's unfair to Amber. She's a POS mom. I do think it's unfair to James and Leah. 

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4 hours ago, Marisagf said:

I am not surprised at all that Caitlyn and Tyler have a speech delayed kid.  

It seemed like April was kind of blowing it off, saying something about she doesn't need speech therapy. I hope C+T take it seriously. If the doctor recommended speech therapy then maybe she needs it.

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15 minutes ago, Evie said:

I'm honestly not sure what I think about the judge's decision regarding James. I don't think it's unfair to Amber. She's a POS mom. I do think it's unfair to James and Leah. 

From what I read when this happened she does get overnight visitation both in California and Indiana. So I imagine if she is as dedicated as she says she is she will still take all her visitation time (including flying to CA, which I think it was said she doesn't like to do a few episodes ago) and try to include Leah as often as she can. If she doesn't do that and chooses to play victim, then she has proven she is not the Mother she wants people to think she is. Personally, I thought it was overkill to show the girls all being sooo upset. She just got off probation for domestic abuse a few episodes ago. Who do these girls think they are talking about?

Color me surprised the coven is breaking up. I never thought those women would be able to pry themselves apart. But I suspect Briana will end up living a boyfriend soon. My guess is she'll do a few months "alone" and declare she's conquered that and is moving in with her man.

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5 hours ago, Marisagf said:

I thought Sean's proposal to Jade was sweet.  Too bad she drops the the F-bomb every other second.  Her reaction to the proposal was underwhelming, but I will chalk that up to nerved.  Then, again, she's pretty flat emotionally.  

I really hope we will be spared Cheyenne's bachelorette party.  A couple of clips at the end are all I need to see.   Her whining about missing the party was so off-putting.  Worry about your health and not the party for once!

I am not surprised at all that Caitlyn and Tyler have a speech delayed kid.  

Agree with everything you said! I wonder though if Vaeda isn't on the autism spectrum. Speech delay and behavior that is not congruent with her age group is a marker for autism. They should get her tested for it while she's still young and can be helped by specialists. And what is with Tyler always yelling and doing wild gesticulations when he talks...calm down bro.

55 minutes ago, applewood said:

It seemed like April was kind of blowing it off, saying something about she doesn't need speech therapy. I hope C+T take it seriously. If the doctor recommended speech therapy then maybe she needs it.

April is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser...I wouldn't listen to anything she has to say. 

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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4 hours ago, Evie said:

I'm honestly not sure what I think about the judge's decision regarding James. I don't think it's unfair to Amber. She's a POS mom. I do think it's unfair to James and Leah. 

Obviously the judge took under consideration that Andrew has been the primary care giver and has not been able to work in his given field while living in Indiana and needs to have a job so he can support his son...thus he gave him primary custody allowing him to move back to California so he can be gainfully employed in his profession. What really got me pissed off was Christina bawling about this after Amber posted Instagram videos last year calling a Christina a whore and a family wrecker amongst other various nasty things. Really Christina? You're crying over this POS who bad mouthed you publicly and apologized in the most half assed way possible? What is wrong with these people???!!!! And Gary is such a sloth.

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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I felt bad for Sean. He obviously went to a lot of effort for the proposal and Jade barely made eye contact with him. She has the flat affect to everything. A smile directly at Sean would have helped. 

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4 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Agree with everything you said! I wonder though if Vaeda isn't on the autism spectrum. Speech delay and behavior that is not congruent with her age group is a marker for autism. They should get her tested for it while she's still young and can be helped by specialists. And what is with Tyler always yelling and doing wild gesticulations when he talks...calm down bro.

April is a recovering alcoholic and drug abuser...I wouldn't listen to anything she has to say. 

Addiction is an illness, not an intellectual or moral failing. But April’s judgment probably isn’t great regardless. 

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9 hours ago, Marisagf said:

I thought Sean's proposal to Jade was sweet.  Too bad she drops the the F-bomb every other second.  Her reaction to the proposal was underwhelming, but I will chalk that up to nerved.  Then, again, she's pretty flat emotionally.  

I really hope we will be spared Cheyenne's bachelorette party.  A couple of clips at the end are all I need to see.   Her whining about missing the party was so off-putting.  Worry about your health and not the party for once!

I am not surprised at all that Caitlyn and Tyler have a speech delayed kid.  

Cheyenne is a perpetual whiner…it doesn’t help that her entire family acquiesces to her tantrums and whine-a-thons. They all walk on eggshells around her…if they one thing that she doesn’t like or agree with she pitches a fit. This is what happens when a child isn’t disciplined and given boundaries.

6 minutes ago, Cinnabon said:

Addiction is an illness, not an intellectual or moral failing. But April’s judgment probably isn’t great regardless. 

Agreed… but some of us have had real consequences in our lives because of our loved ones addictions.

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On 10/22/2022 at 2:44 PM, hottesthw said:

And I’m convinced Briana is mentally challenged in some way. And her family knows. And they continue to exploit her. That whole group of women is scary. And sad. And why would you have plastic surgery to make you look fatter? Don’t women usually do the opposite? I say this as a fat woman. She has such a strange shape now. Maybe it’s “in” now, what do I know.

I'm thoroughly confused about Brianna's family's living arrangement - I always thought that condo/townshouse/whatever was owned by Brianna.  I remember reading that she paid cash for it with her Teen Mom earnings.  Now she's moving out and renting???

And yes, Brianna's figure is ridiculously deformed.  Her butt looks completely botched.  Too bad she got it all comped, otherwise she could sue for damages. 

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8 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

I'm thoroughly confused about Brianna's family's living arrangement - I always thought that condo/townshouse/whatever was owned by Brianna.  I remember reading that she paid cash for it with her Teen Mom earnings.  Now she's moving out and renting???

I thought the same thing. I swear I remember reading that Brianna bought the townhouse that they are living in.

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I think Brianna bought it for her mother so it is 'mom's house'.  Roxanne has lupus so her health is precarious. I think Brianna paid for the townhome to provide a home for her mom and she also happened to live their with her and Brittany. I know several Latino families where the daughters (and some sons) continue to live at home until they get married or otherwise fly the nest at a later age. Brianna said as much in this episode. I don't find it weird at all although in my 'culture', whatever that is for me, it sounds like a nightmare.  lol

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19 hours ago, Andyourlittledog2 said:

I think Brianna bought it for her mother so it is 'mom's house'.  Roxanne has lupus so her health is precarious. I think Brianna paid for the townhome to provide a home for her mom and she also happened to live their with her and Brittany. I know several Latino families where the daughters (and some sons) continue to live at home until they get married or otherwise fly the nest at a later age. Brianna said as much in this episode. I don't find it weird at all although in my 'culture', whatever that is for me, it sounds like a nightmare.  lol

That makes sense. I think Teresa Guidice said something similar about Italians and how she lived at home until she got married at 26 or 27 I think.

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I know I know that Cate and Tyler didn't have the best examples growing up but... Why is Nova wearing headphones while they're having dinner? Why aren't they talking to her during dinner instead? I really hope it's just cause they're filming. Why is the baby's chair sitting on the table and the counter like that? I KNOW that is not recommended and those seats are supposed to stay on the ground. Why are they surprised Nova is asking about Carly? Of course she is! They talk about Carly allllll the time! I really feel bad for her adoptive parents. UG

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Maci’s storyline is always a PSA or Afterschool Special!  Not to diminish the tragedy of school shootings and gun violence, but did she really need to have an in-person meeting with the rep for Moms Demand Action to learn how to talk to her kids about guns?  Of course she and Taylor are proud gun owners. 

The whole was soooooo scripted it was painful.  

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13 hours ago, sandwoman said:

Why is Nova wearing headphones while they're having dinner? Why aren't they talking to her during dinner instead?

I'm glad they use subtitles for Nova, I can't understand her, although her parents do not seem concerned. They also had to trot out the dead horse Carly storyline...nobody cares!

I'm happy Jaden wised up and got away from inbred dullard Leah.

Edited by Mr. Miner
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I'm glad they use subtitles for Nova, I can't understand her, although her parents do not seem concerned. 

Yes! I interact with children younger than her all the time (I have a kid in preschool) and I can understand them all better than Nova. They should make dealing with speech therapy their storyline! Focus on the kids you live with and have custody of! 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Miner said:

I'm glad they use subtitles for Nova, I can't understand her, although her parents do not seem concerned. They also had to trot out the dead horse Carly storyline...nobody cares!

I'm happy Jaden wised up and got away from inbred dullard Leah.

Uh...Leah kicked him to the curb when she found out he was cheating on her. And you're being a bit harsh referring to her as "inbred"... come on now.

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17 hours ago, Quilty said:

Why is Kate and Ty’s second daughter such a demon?

I believe she is on the autism spectrum...speech delay and severe behavior issues are indicators of autism. It is not unusual for parents to suspect hearing loss or a hearing problem for being the culprit of the speech delay when in fact the child is on the Spectrum. They would be wise to take her to a neurologist for testing instead of wasting time whining and yelling about the child they gave up for adoption 14 years ago who seems to be doing just fine with her adoptive family.

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16 hours ago, Hedgehog2022 said:

Uh...Leah kicked him to the curb when she found out he was cheating on her. And you're being a bit harsh referring to her as "inbred"... come on now.

Yeah, I guess whatever it took to get away from her inbred ass. FWIW, I'm going easy on Leah.

Edited by Mr. Miner
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Once again the focus of Cate and  Tyler is  the child that is NOT there while they basically ignore the three beautiful girls they do have. Their adoption counselor is a complete fraud. She shouldn’t be encouraging them to recontact the adoptive parents again and again. They have made it clear that they are thinking of the best interest of Carly and wish to have little or no contact. Cate and Tyler should be so busy with the three girls that they would have little time to think about Carly.

Nova needs speech therapy. 
The middle girl ( don’t know her name!) is out of control. I feel bad for her. The only attention she gets is for misbehaving. 

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