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S24.E21: Eviction #7

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13 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

As much as we don’t like the DF4, Michael has to go now because there’s no chance after this one, we’re down to 8 and after that he’ll steamroll comp win his way to the 750k. That being said there’s only a 1/4 chance he won’t be selected to play veto this week but that’s better than no chance after that. 

For me, I’m willing to take that chance when the alternative is a DyreFest winner. 

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2 hours ago, Maggie Mae said:

She had no trace of a limp.

Keyser Soze!

I am completely with Joseph.  I'm totally brokenhearted.  Except TURNER broke my heart!

2 hours ago, HighQueenEB said:

No, it really doesn't.  Kyle was already showing his disloyalty to the LOs last week.  Ten seconds in paradise was all it took for him to turn on the alliance he created, lol.

Yeah but Turner ditched it too.  It wasn't just Kyle.

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It's possible that my dislike of Kyle matches my dislike of Paul.

I absolutely hated that Turner didn't just remain neutral in the discussions, he outright challenged everything Joseph said. It broke my heart...probably more than it affected Joseph because I didn't notice him react to turner's betrayal. I was steaming!

2 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

They tell Kyle he had a good speech.

When they said this I literally thought back and couldn't remember a single thing he said. Wtf was so good about it, alyssa!

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Probably an UO, but I’m not really getting all the Turner hate on here.  What would you have him do - VTE Kyle?  Joseph would still walk - the only difference being Joseph would leave on a 1-1 vote with Terrance breaking the tie.  And afterwards Turner would be left with the other three (Kyle, Alyssa, and Terrance) all gunning for him before they’d even re-entered the House.

Turner’s playing to win, same as everybody else, and it doesn’t make good game sense to directly antagonize three HGs for the sake of one.  What will be truly telling will be what Turner - and the rest of the Outsiders, for that matter - do once they rejoin the rest of the HGs in the House.

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21 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

I absolutely hated that Turner didn't just remain neutral in the discussions, he outright challenged everything Joseph said. It broke my heart...probably more than it affected Joseph because I didn't notice him react to turner's betrayal. I was steaming!

I suspect both Turner AND Joseph saw the writing on the wall - that try as hard as Joseph might, his fate was sealed the moment Terrance won PoV.  Joseph was Terrance’s target from the moment Terrance won HoH - and short of Joseph winning PoV, there was absolutely no way he was coming off the Block. 

21 minutes ago, Blissfool said:

When they said this I literally thought back and couldn't remember a single thing he said. Wtf was so good about it, alyssa!

Everything I remember of Kyle’s speech: “Hi Mom!

What I imagine Kyle’s mom’s response to be: “AAAaaarrrgggghhhh!!!”  
(albeit muffled by the pillow into which she’s screaming)

I like that DF had a POW wow to air all of Joe’s disputes but he really blew it, they were probably all set in their minds anyway so he likely had no chance to win it, but it was a good idea from Terrance to air it all out in the open. 

I guess it probably doesn’t matter that Joe didn’t get goodbye messages because they’d probably already said it in the POW wow and there’s nothing they could have said to garner his vote. He will not be voting for any of them unless they’re the only ones in F2.

4 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I like that DF had a POW wow to air all of Joe’s disputes but he really blew it, they were probably all set in their minds anyway so he likely had no chance to win it, but it was a good idea from Terrance to air it all out in the open. 


4 minutes ago, dizzyd said:

I guess it probably doesn’t matter that Joe didn’t get goodbye messages because they’d probably already said it in the POW wow and there’s nothing they could have said to garner his vote. He will not be voting for any of them unless they’re the only ones in F2.

Joseph got GBMs, we just didn’t see them; right before the commercial break following Joseph’s departure from the House, Julie said the GBMs would be available on the CBS BB Instagram tomorrow.

  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, Maverick said:

God the Dyrefest crew is really insufferable.  Turner is a weasel, Kyle is getting uglier (inside and out...seriously I think he's getting physically uglier), Alyssa's an idiot and Terrance is acting like he's on Pirate Master and won the Pirate Hat of Inflated Ego.   Like seriously dude, you lucked into HOH after weeks of a being a non-entity nobody targeted because you're an easy boot.  He'll be just as insignificant once he's out of power.   I stop watching earlier every year because some boring ass, unlikable alliance steamrolls through the season.   This season was actually somewhat interesting for a change but if the backyard group really sticks together and picks off the other 4 it'll be another season of bailing.  

Upvoted just for the Pirate Master reference. If only he'd adopted Azmyth's ridiculous fake accent...

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4 hours ago, Maverick said:

 God the Dyrefest crew is really insufferable.  Turner is a weasel, Kyle is getting uglier (inside and out...seriously I think he's getting physically uglier), Alyssa's an idiot and Terrance is acting like he's on Pirate Master and won the Pirate Hat of Inflated Ego.   

This post wins just because of the Pirate Master shout out.

Gee, I "can't wait" to see Turner and Kyle snickering about how the "fools" in the Brochella part of the Leftovers have no idea how they're being played, as the snitches relay all the important information to the Afterparty.  And all the "yay, scrappy underdogs!  Take out the power alliance!" editing we'll get, complete with lots of smug DRs from Turner and possibly Terrance.

(Wouldn't want to sully the "Kyssa" showmance with mean-spirited DRs, right?)

I grant you that Joseph made a couple of mistakes.  He never should have, essentially, called a house meeting, rather than first nailing down Turner's vote. ("Dude! Terrance just said that Kyle totally ratted out The Leftovers! Like, not only who is in it and when we formed, but even the name! Who does that??") I guess Joseph thought that Turner was as automatically loyal to him as he was to Turner, but that's silly.  Not all contracts contain a reciprocality clause.  Didn't they teach you that in law school, Joe?

And not that Joseph needed Alyssa's vote, necessarily, or stood a shot in hell of ever getting it (even if Kyle had been banging Indy behind Alyssa's back and Joseph had the pictures to prove it), but he left a few bullets in his gun there, too.  If y'all will allow me to roleplay for a sec:

"You're right, Alyssa…I did lie to you.  But for every lie I told you, Kyle told you five.  And I'm not the one who's supposed to have feelings for you.

"Now, I don't know what's in Kyle's mind:  whether his feelings for you are legitimate and he's lied to you the entire game anyways…or whether he's just been playing you all along.  Either way kind of sucks, I agree.  And you're right…I did betray the Five Swatters.  But Kyle has betrayed every alliance he's been in:  Mamba, the Pound, the Leftovers AND the Five Swatters.  I'm loyal to the alliance I've chosen.  Kyle isn't loyal to a single person in this house, and the only one he hasn't betrayed is Terrance, because he never wanted to be in an alliance with him.

"Fool me once, Shame on you.  Fool me twice, Shame on me.  Kyle's betrayed the two alliances he's made with you, and he was in two others behind your back, and he's betrayed them, too.  He's fooled you once, twice, three times, four times.  Do you really want to make it five?"

(Note: Joseph may not know about Mamba/Po's Pack, since he wasn't in it.  It depends on what Monte told him.  But if Monte's been keeping him in the dark, that kind of torpedoes the whole "you and Monte are a total bromance!" argument.  Not that Joseph would know that, though.)

Oh, well.  We've miles to go before we get an Afterparty Final Four.  I just can't wait to see what clever scheme the DR, I mean Afterparty, comes up with to get the Brochellas to turn on Monte!  Underdogs unite!

(Well, Turner kind of does look like the underside of a dog, so I guess that fits.)

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9 hours ago, Lamb18 said:

Good-bye, Jasmine! She's leaving well with two bags. I wonder if she took anyone's clothing with her. 

I’m guessing the HGs are told to pack only their necessities, and for Jasmine that means one bag of clothing and one bag of press-on caterpillar makeup.

Interesting how Female Empowerment Jasmine has no positive words or reactions for any of the remaining women in the house, only Michael.

8 hours ago, North of Eden said:

For a moment it didn't look like Taylor or Monte were phased by the loss of their hommie but in the final seconds before the credits it looked like it was sinking in.

Oh, they were shook. I could see them craning their necks looking for him, but they kept their game faces on. The masks just slipped a little at the end.

6 hours ago, Blissfool said:

It's possible that my dislike of Kyle matches my dislike of Paul.

And if he makes it to the end, I expect Kyle will have a similar fate. His former alliance mates are going to have a majority in the jury however this ends up, and they will be greeted by Joseph who will tell them everything. 

If it didn’t mean he would get second-place prize money, I might root for Kyle to make it to F2 just to see the BB24 version of this:E8691CA6-BF23-43F6-98DC-7B906138FE5D.jpeg.e94ecea9e5e0d442355c787624b12857.jpeg

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Thanks again to Lamb18 for the play by play. Thanks for the Pirate Master memories - I do wish they had aired that whole show, and I may try to find it streaming. I would love for John Lakness, scientist/stripper to turn up on one of these shows. 

If Turner has turned weasel, it might get interesting again, and I may have to start watching once more. If Kyle doesn't go next though, maybe not.

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3 hours ago, AryasMum said:

I probably listen more than watch and one or two of these guys have the most nails on a chalkboard vocal fry. It’s either Joseph, Turner, or both. 

Once I wasn't looking at the screen and I think Turner and Michael have the same voice.  I was shocked to look at the screen expecting to see Michael's face but Turner's was there instead.

I think Joseph is your vocal fry man, but it never bothered me.

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I'm just glad Jasmine is gone and I don't have to listen to any of her DR speeches anymore. I FF'd thru her goodbye speech. Notice how different she sounded talking to Julie. She was definitely turning the folksy up to 11 in the DR.

Ugh on all the remaining backyard players, although I still like Turner. I just hope he doesn't stick with Terrance, Kyle and Alyssa. There was probably nothing Joseph could have said to save himself but he really did a horrible job. Trying to get Alyssa to turn on Kyle, right in front of Kyle, only made him look worse. He should have simply pointed out that Kyle will never be loyal to anyone except Kyle, and he should have gotten in their ears individually instead of in a group where they could pile up on him.


Joseph's big talk about integrity was so ironic as Julie skillfully had him outline his outright lies to the Swatters.  It's all just ducky, Joseph explained, because he was loyal to his team.  LMAO.

Yeah it's a classic cop-out - I lost because I'm too moral. 

13 hours ago, Lonesome Rhodes said:

Joseph's big talk about integrity was so ironic as Julie skillfully had him outline his outright lies to the Swatters.  It's all just ducky, Joseph explained, because he was loyal to his team.  LMAO.

Nah, I can't co-sign this.  Unless you're in an alliance that never lies to anyone, ever, being part of the alliance means that you have to go along with the deceptions they perpetrate on your mutual enemies.  Being a loyal member and lying to people whom you need to defeat hardly disqualifies Joseph on "integrity" grounds, IMO.

Also, it's not as if Joseph organized the Five Squatters (with the only HoH in the group coming because production fed Jasmine a pie-eating contest at the right time, it's not as though they had justified their tenancy, I'd say).   Or even asked Kyle to get him into the group when he was informed of the idea.  He was in the wrong room and got Shanghai'd, pure and simple.  It's not his fault that Indy/Alyssa/Jasmine were too stupid to realize he wasn't into it.

13 hours ago, Lucas Rowan said:

Joseph doesn't regret evicting Indy even though it meant saving the guy who ended up putting him up and out this week?  He really doesn't seem to see where he went wrong, does he?

It's not as if flipping his vote would have kept Indy.  Yes, he could have made it 6-2 instead of 7-1, but so what? All that would have done is piss off his alliance for no benefit.  Indeed, under other circumstances "I vote to evict Terrance" could have been very bad for his game this week.  It's just his poor luck that the person who did cast that vote (Michael) was doubly out of Terrance's (hypothetical) revenge, being both separated from DyreFest and a HoH in his own right.

On the "where Joseph went wrong" scale, that's not even close to "sucking at comps", "being too close to Monte", or "trusting Kyle", I'd say.  JMO.

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20 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I’m guessing the HGs are told to pack only their necessities

IIRC the OTB HGs may pack several bags but only one bag each goes out by the LR (to be carried out the FD if evicted); the other(s) go back in the SR.  From there Production will pull out the luggage of the evicted HG and carry it out the ‘back door’ to be transported to the JH.  More than once the Sunday (first post-eviction) episode has shown the remaining nom unpacking suitcases totally different from the traditional black duffels waiting by the FD.

20 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

and for Jasmine that means one bag of clothing and one bag of press-on caterpillar makeup.

I’d guess the duffel Jasmine toted was the caterpillar bag; size looked about right.

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