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Season 24 Live Feeds Discussion

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Kyle goes to visit Alyssa, who is in bed. She hastily applies some lip balm and starts to giggle and twist her hair. Good god, and she’s not even drunk yet.

They keep getting interrupted, by Indy then Michael, so Kyle invites her to the boys’ room to help him fold his laundry. (And no, it wasn’t a euphemism.) 

He asks what she thought of Pooch. She didn’t like his banana pranks. She likes Kyle’s Abercrombie and Fitch wardrobe, though. Kyle sees a bug and wants to show it to Alyssa, because he’s 6. But she’s too busy running away and screeching.

He chases her into the kitchen with the bug, and somehow Michael ends up in the middle of a screech sandwich. Happy birthday, Michael. Into the backyard with more screaming and chasing, and come on, JUST DO IT ALREADY.

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Kyle goes back inside, leaving Alyssa cowering behind Jasmine. As soon as Kyle is out of sight, Alyssa immediately gets over her fear and takes Jasmine to look at the bug, where Kyle left it next to the wall. Jasmine is worried about the bug, because it’s so small. She’s afraid the ants will get it. Alyssa thinks it’s fine. But Jasmine insists that ants are strong. “They can lift a whole chicken leg and take it to their queen!” She gently pushes the bug under the wall, so it will be safe.

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2 hours ago, Charas Bangs said:

edit to add:  Britney says her favorite player is Nicole Anthony.

It totally tracks for me that Brittany would be a big Precious Cinnamon Roll Nicole fan. It's probably why I can't vibe with her, she's just not dope like that.

I'm not even touching the crimes against pickles that were committed tonight. Not after I just scooped a 2 for $8 deal grocery shopping today.

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Kyle tell Alyssa he doesn’t feel like going to Michael’s party. 

”I’m feeling onnry.”
”Onnry?” What’s that?”
”Onnry! You don’t know what that means?”
”No. Onnry?”
”Onnry! It means- “

Alyssa cuts him off. She doesn’t care. I wonder if he told her it meant “ornery”, if she would have understood.

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Alyssa goes to change for the party. She wants to wear something kissable. She’s not sure if she should wear a bra. (Final verdict: no)

Best I can tell, there are a lot of people not drinking tonight: Kyle, Jasmine, Turner, Joseph, maybe one or two more. The rest of them (Alyssa) are going to get hammered.

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It's nice to see everyone together. Michael wants to recreate Keesha's birthday "celebration" from Season 10 (since they have the same birthday, August 1). Goodness gracious these folks can't sing. 

Edited by Mediocre Gatsby
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Brittany's taking pictures. Michael made a little speech about having a small circle of friends at home and not usually opening up to a big group like he has now, and how being on BB and not going home first has been the fulfillment of a dream. 

Taylor started pouring wine and the HGs are taking pictures with Michael. He says he hopes the feeds were on, Taylor says he might have been blocking a camera, and we're on to "we'll be right back" screens. 

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I see Michael, Nicole, Taylor, Indy, Alyssa, and Brittany drinking wine, Terrance has a beer, I think Monte has a beer. I can't see Daniel. 

eta: Daniel exchanged something in a can for a glass of wine. 

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I was surprised at Alyssa; she's been sitting quietly talking to Turner, nowhere near Kyle, and not drinking lots -- I saw her with a glass of wine, I think, and then someone gave her a White Claw or something and she and Taylor shared it. 

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Girl is wearing a boobie shirt with no bra - she's just biding her time and formulating her come fuck me plan.

I can't with Daniel talking about his "body count" and his "resume" - he was definitely the "crank one out" commentator. Which probably means that he cranks one out a hell of a lot more often than he adds to his resume - his body count is probably 2 and they both probably have him listed under their biggest boom-boom regrets.

Edited by Callaphera
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Jasmine thinks that Kyle has a secret but she says she won't say what it is. Then she guesses that he makes money from social media or has a business. He says he's starting to figure out how to do a business and she can teach him. 

Terrance says "I'll tell you guys something," and says that he thought Ameerah was the most beautiful woman in the season. 

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Alyssa changed out of the boobie shirt into a sweatshirt. Which probably makes Operation Kiss more likely to be a success because Kyle probably faints at the sight of a girl's knee, never mind her dirty pillows.

Edited by Callaphera
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Alyssa also cut the difference between them in half. 

Jasmine is telling her secret of having a business and being a successful influencer. And that she walked in New York Fashion Week for Sally Beauty. And that she heard that there's a rumor that her business makes a million dollars and she denies that but says that Beyonce and her stylist noticed her business. Now she's talking about other people she's helped and I just can't stand listening to her. 

And in time to save me, Terrance says "My other cousin plays for the --" and they cut the feeds again. 

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Jasmine’s secrets are her nail business and her influencer status? How are these secrets when YOU WON’t STOP TALKING ABOUT THEM. Oh, and Beyoncé mentioned her once. ALSO NOT A SECRET.

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Looks like we’ve entered the “you’re the best!” “no, you’re the best!” stage of the party. Everybody is so pretty, everybody loves each other, and it’s just a matter of time before either people start making out or fists are thrown. Not speaking from experience at all.

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Nicole is here because she learned from last year’s BB that you can play without being an asshole or ganging up on other players. (But then she thought, “well, it’s still allowed, so..”)

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I have a cousin whose five stages of drinking start with "I'm the best dancer here!" and end with "I probably have cancer!" and any one of those stages would be more interesting than what the HGs gave us tonight. Poor Michael, what a birthday. 

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I think Indy’s winning the Sloppy Drunk prize. 

Monte hopes he’s being portrayed accurately, not edited to fit a predetermined role. And “we’ll be right back” until he stops giving information that might conflict.

Speaking of which, I hate this year’s BRB screen. In past years, you could say “fish” or “bubbles” and it was self explanatory. What am I supposed to say this year, “undefined oblong orange shapes”?

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The party is winding down, but Kyle and Turner have already escaped. In the bathroom, they both admit to feeling uncomfortable with all the soul-baring disclosures that were happening upstairs. It’s fine with a few homies, but not in a big group. They seem to be missing Ameerah, who felt the same way.

Alyssa comes in and apologizes for not sharing, either. Kyle understands, because she’s shy. He strips to his shorts and takes a shower while she watches from the bench, giggling (shyly, of course). 

Turner joins her and the three of them laugh about all the secret sharing. Kyle snarks on Jasmine claiming she has no secrets then sharing them 2 minutes later. He says he has no life experience and thus nothing to share.

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In the kitchen, Alyssa, Kyle and Turner are still together. I get the feeling Turner is chaperoning to save Kyle from himself. They have talked about going to the yard and Alyssa mentioned the hot tub. But whatever happens next, I won’t see it because, unlike these people, I need some sleep.

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2 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

Speaking of which, I hate this year’s BRB screen. In past years, you could say “fish” or “bubbles” and it was self explanatory. What am I supposed to say this year, “undefined oblong orange shapes”?

I thought that they were psychedelic beach balls? That was the best I could come up with.

So I guess the Leftovers are considering a last minute strategy flip and leaving Alyssa/Indy on the block? And keeping Nicole/Daniel in for another week? Which will probably end up being their downfall and I'm repping Team Fun Feeds (and Team Ants) this year (like every year) so I'm okay with this. Sure, vote Alyssa out. What's the worst that could happen?

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So it sounds like Production got in Brittany's ear about this, she's the one who raised the idea to the Leftovers, and now the group of them that were discussing it are all "Yeah! Let's vote out Alyssa, convince Indy to join Michael and Brittany as her new festie besties, and it's totes cool to keep Nicole and Daniel around for another week."

Watch the next HoH comp be something involving pelvis thrusting or who can best profile random people on the street or something.

How dare they sully Keesha's Birthday like this. I no longer want cake. (That's a lie, I always want cake but I have lemon squares to finish up instead.)

Edited by Callaphera
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25 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

So I guess the Leftovers are considering a last minute strategy flip and leaving Alyssa/Indy on the block? And keeping Nicole/Daniel in for another week? Which will probably end up being their downfall and I'm repping Team Fun Feeds (and Team Ants) this year (like every year) so I'm okay with this. Sure, vote Alyssa out. What's the worst that could happen?

Honestly? As much as I loathe Nicole and Daniel and want Nicole going this week (which I think she will; I think Kyle will be using the veto, regardless), Alyssa or Indy going isn't the worst option. It's the lesser of two evils, for sure, but we get rid of Love Island Alyssa who doesn't know boundaries, which eliminates any possibility of a showmance (and eliminates the Pound kicking it into high gear come jury since Kyle won't have Alyssa as a number, so yay for stopping the all guys alliance from solidifying), and it keeps Nicole/Daniel in as two bigger targets. Even if they flipped the vote and Indy went, it gets rid of a mean girl and someone who isn't even playing the game. All Indy does is complain and eat other people's food, it seems. 

But if this were to happen, if Alyssa were to stay, I would desperately need Nicole or Daniel to go pre-jury because both in jury would be insufferable. 

So, still rooting for a Nicole eviction (it NEEDS to happen), but if this flip were to happen, Alyssa or Indy going would be satisfying enough for me.

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Joseph is trying hard to pitch this to Kyle. "I know Michael and Brittany would risk their lives to save you. You can't say the same about Alyssa." Turner also doesn't seem to be as sold on the plan but the Joseph/Monte/Brittany/Michael train is basically rolling riiiight over them.

This is one of those Pictures Moments Before Disaster memes. Heh.

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6 hours ago, Callaphera said:

'm not even touching the crimes against pickles that were committed tonight. Not after I just scooped a 2 for $8 deal grocery shopping today.

Jasmine has been assaulting pickles along these lines since she got on slop.  I mentioned it the first time I saw it.   I get all gaggy when I see it so I have to keep skipping comments. Yuck!!!  I am glad I missed the 'poop' talk as  well.

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I think the whole slop/have nots idea has run it’s course.  It used to work way back in the day when they would play for food for the week and have Have Not competitions.  I think there was even some strategizing to try to get certain people on slop.  But the volunteering is so meh.  

I really miss the playing for food. They are so spoiled now. 

Edited by Pixiebomb
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1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

I think the whole slop/have nots idea has run it’s course.

I say this every season. It adds nothing to the show or feeds. Hell they didn't even show Jasmine getting picked for the week last night. It's a gimmick that has run it's course.

I for one hope this flip does not happen. I do not want Nicole and her vile little lap dog Daniel on jury. 

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With few exceptions this is a terrible cast. I think they are so obsessed with having people from different races and backgrounds that they don't even care if these people know the game. Indy was such a horrible choice, she doesn't even know what she is doing there. At least Paloma and Nicole were willing to play the actual Big Brother game. Jasmine just wanted to sit there and do nothing all day. Turner same, he had no idea what this game is, he just got lucky by winning the HoH and having an alliance fall on his lap. Pooch? Nothing. What are you doing Big Brother? If you don't care for the game anymore just cancel it and let someone else take over.

This is Michael's game to lose at this point with all these useless Idiots.

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1 hour ago, Pixiebomb said:

I think the whole slop/have nots idea has run it’s course.  It used to work way back in the day when they would play for food for the week and have Have Not competitions.  I think there was even some strategizing to try to get certain people on slop.  But the volunteering is so meh.  

I really miss the playing for food. They are so spoiled now. 

I never had a good handle on the rules for have-nots. They are supposed to eat slop, but it seems jasmine can just eat pickles all day.

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12 minutes ago, tinkerbell said:

I never had a good handle on the rules for have-nots. They are supposed to eat slop, but it seems jasmine can just eat pickles all day.

They don’t have to eat the slop. They’re allowed slop (which seems to just be steal cut oats now actually), coffee and tea, milk, protein powder, pickles, and most condiments including salsa.

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I miss when we could vote for them to get two additional foods for the Have Nots every week. You knew the feedsters liked the current HNs when they got, like, popcorn and popsicles and you knew when the HNs were on the feedsters shit lists because they would get tripe and taro root.

Edited by Callaphera
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6 minutes ago, Yogisbooboo64 said:

Figures the one who up until now went unwashed would like the one who, according to Jack, had a smelly lady part.

A moment of silence for the sex stool being evicted from the shower by HOLA JULIE Jessica.

Edited by Callaphera
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2 hours ago, SummerDreams said:

With few exceptions this is a terrible cast. I think they are so obsessed with having people from different races and backgrounds that they don't even care if these people know the game. Indy was such a horrible choice, she doesn't even know what she is doing there. At least Paloma and Nicole were willing to play the actual Big Brother game. Jasmine just wanted to sit there and do nothing all day. Turner same, he had no idea what this game is, he just got lucky by winning the HoH and having an alliance fall on his lap. Pooch? Nothing. What are you doing Big Brother? If you don't care for the game anymore just cancel it and let someone else take over.

This is Michael's game to lose at this point with all these useless Idiots.

Huh?  The Leftovers are considered to be one of the best BB alliances of all time.  How are they useless idiots who are unwillingly to play the game and do not know the game?

And it was Paloma who quit.

Edited by thestorm
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Good morning, late start because I had to do some work earlier. Camera 1 shows Nicole talking to Michael or Kyle. Guy's got his hoodie up and I can only see his back. They are in the women's atomic bedroom. They are talking about how the veto will be used. It was Kyle. I came into the middle of the conversation and I couldn't tell if Nicole thought she or Taylor would be the target if the veto was used to save Alyssa and Indy.

Now Daniel  staggers out to the kitchen and talks to Kyle (who's out there now). Jasmine is strolling around with her scooter.

Camera 4 shows a stunning view of the HOH bathtub. I wonder if anyone uses it, especially since there's no privacy unless the HOH room is locked. Camera 3 shows the HOH bathroom sink!! The HOH robe is hanging on a hook next to the shower cubicle. But no one's taking a shower. There must be another room that's more interesting than this. Cam 4 now shows a bit of Monte in the lower left at the sink. 

Back in the kitchen Jasmine is preparing something. I bet there's pickles in it!! Nicole strolls by up the stairs with towel and toothpaste, obviously to take over the HOH bathroom. Monte should have locked the door before he came downstairs.

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Nicole and Michael talking in the women's atomic bedroom. Michael says if Nicole and Taylor go up, he will vote for Nicole to stay. Nicole says she will never vote for him.

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5 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Nicole and Michael talking in the women's atomic bedroom. Michael says if Nicole and Taylor go up, he will vote for Nicole to stay. Nicole says she will never vote for him.

He had best be lying!

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Daniel steps into the room. Nicole commands him: "If you see Kyle tell him I want to talk to both of you."

Then - Puppies!! Must be the Veto meeting.

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Well, it looks like the backdoor Nicole plan is back on, because Daniel got in his head that he knows all this information, so he told Kyle Daniel HAS to use veto now.  I'm not sure what he thinks he knows, but Kyle/Monte just now in the HOH laughing about how they tried to help him out, but he shot himself in the foot.  And they just went to puppies, so veto ceremony shortly, I guess.

Edited by Katesus7
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14 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

ETA: I just watched the video of Jasmine fellating a pickle. There is no amount of water, soap, or industrial strength scrapers that will ever make me feel clean again. <shudder>

I can't thank you enough for saving me from clicking on that video!  My retinas thank you, my stomach thanks you, my heart and brain are sending you flowers.

On the twitter feed, there was a video posted with captions that were clearly voice transcribed because at one point they referred to live feeders as "life eaters".  I thought that was fairly accurate.  Thanks also to all who give so much to bring us these updates!

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