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S04.E19: Truth Be Told

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Serwa flashback/"dream sequence" - will this provide a 2nd chance opportunity with Helen to finally discuss and resolve Helen's childhood trauma?

Fairly obvious the brother was an alcoholic but seriously, an ectopic liver😲🙄

Iggy is of no help to anyone (cancer patient) and his "breakup" with Trevor was clumsily and badly done, BUT THANK GOODNESS, IT'S OVER.

Why does Max continually show his hand to /Veronica?  Once again, I'm disappointed that Max has not one-upped her.  I am so tired and just completely done with this Veronica arc.  FINISH IT ALREADY!!!


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Okay, who is the real villain in the Max/Veronica storyline?  Am I wrong or did Max essentially try to have her sent to prison(!) based on a scheme he helped cook up, all for what really boils down to a difference in opinion about how to run the hospital?  And that doesn't even get into Max abandoning two patients in distress so he could go run off and start a crusade over school nurses. 

I just rolled my eyes at Iggy.  I hope Trevor sues the hospital.  And why is Floyd doing a liver transplant?  Isn't he a cardiac surgeon?

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47 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

Okay, who is the real villain in the Max/Veronica storyline?  Am I wrong or did Max essentially try to have her sent to prison(!) based on a scheme he helped cook up, all for what really boils down to a difference in opinion about how to run the hospital?  And that doesn't even get into Max abandoning two patients in distress so he could go run off and start a crusade over school nurses. 

I just rolled my eyes at Iggy.  I hope Trevor sues the hospital.  And why is Floyd doing a liver transplant?  Isn't he a cardiac surgeon?

Me too! And I wish Trevor had hit Iggy in the face with that badge he threw. Iggy threw Trevor under the bus for his own lack of self-control. 
So is UMI like the Illuminati? 🙄 Stupid Max could have been done with Veronica when she said she would resign, but, no, he had to insist she never ever be in charge of a public hospital again! BTW, how was UMI money laundering? 
WTF was that with Sharpe and her mother? Who was imagining the terminal cancer thing? I wasn’t paying attention because I don’t give a phück about their relationship.

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I was at a hockey game last night and had the episode set to record but did get home in time for the second half. (Overtime, LOL, but at least my team won.) From what I saw, catching up on the first half doesn’t seem worth it.

I thought Iggy was turning a corner until he basically admitted he hired Trevor because of his looks. Indeed that is an HR mess waiting to happen. 

I don’t care about any of the other plots I saw. Having Helen in London was a mistake in the first place from the jump of the season. I wish Lauren would stop acting entitled to Casey’s forgiveness. The Veronica stuff is just silly at this point.

I’ll just wait for tonight’s episode I guess. 

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Do we know how much time is supposed to have passed between last week's episode and this one? While I'm happy Helen's stroke issues won't continue into next season, it seems like a jump to just have her back to normal and back in London alone. I don't know any young people who have had strokes, but I know many older ones, and regaining speech was slow and recovery wasn't perfect. Also, I was kind of hoping after the stroke she'd just stay in NY for the rest of the season because I hate the whole London thing and the stroke seemed like the perfect way to keep her in NY with Max.

I'm no lawyer, or HR specialist, but wouldn't Iggy confessing his hiring practices to HR open him up to be the fired? I mean he admits why he hired Trevor and that he can't just work with him, you know be professional. It seems like he'd be the one fired because they wouldn't want to risk a lawsuit from Trevor.

I need the Fuentes arc to be over. Really, I wish this show should have skipped the Fuentes arc, and the Max going to London thing. The show worked best when Max was the idealistic head of a large public hospital (that is clearly supposed to be Bellevue). They had plenty of material to mine with Max when he began dating Helen without having them leave NY.

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I know this is a small and Petty thing to say but it drives me absolutely crazy. Once again Max is involved with somebody mysteriously knowing somebody else's name. 2 weeks ago he knew the name of the guy that was climbing up the building he called him Gustavo without Gustavo ever once mentioning his name and now last night Max goes to meet the superintendent and all he says is that I'm a doctor from new Amsterdam we had to your students and the guy turns around and is talking to him and says well dr. Goodwin. When did Max give him his name never I watch the scenes three times he just went up and said I'm a doctor here he never once said his name

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3 hours ago, TooMuchRealityTV said:

I need the Fuentes arc to be over. Really, I wish this show should have skipped the Fuentes arc, and the Max going to London thing. The show worked best when Max was the idealistic head of a large public hospital (that is clearly supposed to be Bellevue). They had plenty of material to mine with Max when he began dating Helen without having them leave NY.

Every time I write a Sharpwin fic I take the London and Veronica plots out of it because it just ruined the ship for me. And I still don’t think it made sense for Helen to basically finally get with Max in 4x1 and then be like oh BTW I want to go to London for good. It felt so random.

I agree with you too. It always bothered me how fast they were to drop the grandparent custody battle with Luna. You mean to tell me Georgia’s overbearing parents, one of who is Dr. Lindstrom from SVU (LOL; had to), have nothing to say at all about Helen and wondering what kind of mother figure she is for Luna? I do not buy that for a minute. I mean come on at least give some throwaway line about Helen meeting Georgia’s parents if they can’t get the actors onscreen. Have Helen and Max talk about starting a family without the stupid drugged karaoke plot. Max could have explored his grief and worried about having another relationship and if he was moving too fast.

This show wasn’t making sense in S3 but it got worse with this London plot. 

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23 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

And that doesn't even get into Max abandoning two patients in distress so he could go run off and start a crusade over school nurses. 

I had to laugh when the Superintendent asked if the kids were ok and Max said, all full of righteous anger, “No, they’re not, I’m treating them at the hospital.”  No, Max, YOU’RE not treating them, you’re off tilting at windmills again.

I keep forgetting about Luna.  I hope she’s ok in that airport baggage locker.

Edited by Lovecat
  • LOL 7
23 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

Okay, who is the real villain in the Max/Veronica storyline?  Am I wrong or did Max essentially try to have her sent to prison(!) based on a scheme he helped cook up, all for what really boils down to a difference in opinion about how to run the hospital?  And that doesn't even get into Max abandoning two patients in distress so he could go run off and start a crusade over school nurses. 

I just rolled my eyes at Iggy.  I hope Trevor sues the hospital.  And why is Floyd doing a liver transplant?  Isn't he a cardiac surgeon?

Yes, Max tried to get her sent to prison for something she didn't do. Veronica may not care about patients, but she didn't commit fraud. She arranged for the hospital to buy a clinic, without knowing they were a crime front. She may not have done due diligence, but that by itself is not a crime. Max setting her up may be. He should have let her quit when she offered.

The whole thing is stupid, because if he intends to go back to London, once Veronica is gone they'll just hire another medical director. And presumably they will hire someone good who also cares about the hospital making money and will therefore be "evil."

Edited by KaveDweller
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Whoever wrote the summary for NBC is wrong, first of all. Bloom didn't uncover any dangerous situation, Max did. 

Where is Dr. Wilder? We haven't seen her since the morning after the karaoke druggings. Also, Reynolds' sister completely glossed over the idea that her brother impregnated a married woman and went straight to 'mama finding out you had a baby out of wedlock will kill her, the shame!'

Edited by LexieLily

IT'S TIME FOR WORST DOCTOR OF THE...first episode of the week? what?

ok, so Fuentes wants to fire Max and the others... but doesn't have legal check over the contracts first? That must be the world's quickest acquisition for a large organization

HOW ARE THEY TURNING THIS CLINIC INTO "er overflow" so quickly? it doesn't seem like it is near the ER at all! Isn't it on floor 6 or soemthing like that??? ER is on the first floor, so that uhhh isn't a safe place for the overflow to be unless they want to split their manpower


wait, uhhhh, did Max just give him incriminating evidence that the urgent care place has? why would this lead to Fuentes being.. deposed or whatever the hell term they are trying to get us to use? It was done under the old owners! Unless it is something like Fuentes buying a bunch of stock in it before purchasing it through NA... but this is a quick private clinic, not something publicly traded

Sharpe sure recovered from that stroke quickly

but sharpe how will you be with your mom the entire time? you are a hem-onc, not an ass lady

in before something bad happens to momma sharpe so they reconcile and she stops hating her

jesus floyd do you need to advertise your thruple everywhere, shouldn't you tell your sister (?) in private and not in a coffee shop

iggy why are you seeking aussie

wait why is he in your office READING YOUR PATIENT FILES

"the other night" - so sharpe had her decent stroke AND recovered in the span of what is, at most, 2-4 weeks?

oh hey it's frankie muniz - i bet he is going to end up being a patient by the end of this episode

hey look I was right - if he ends up donating his liver, he *will* technically be a patient

hey look, two kids, one who can't see and the other who is acting weird, i bet HGH kid got the insulin shot and diabetes kid got the HGH shot, whoopsie daisy oh wait they are saying that right now and I am surprised it didnt take half the episode for them to figure that out

hey max you just did a HIPAA violation, good going

max you do not need to personally go to the school

iggy, you are dealing with a cancer patient, if you say "I am so sorry" i am going to smack you through the computer school

oh hey you didn't say it

but i bet this patient ruined her life because she thought she was dying

oh, her family wanted her dead? well that is something

ok with bloom and the kid, I am pretty sure in the first shot she was running the IV line *through* the arm hold in the bed, but in the next shot it wasn't

oh ok so that is why Frankie Muniz patient doesn't want to give his liver, I bet Floyd is going to instantly cure him of his alcoholism

oh I forgot sharpe had a storyline in this episode

um, doctor, how are you saying she has a metastatic cancer and that it is terminal just by looking at her colon lumps? you haven't been able to do pathology in, what, two hours at most? You haven't done a PET or a CT or an MRI yet, you don't even know what she has

also do british people really say colon as cole-on? that distracted me


also now the super is going to get slightly ahead of the PR nightmare that will be "two kids end up hospitalized because of no nurses in the schools"

iggy are you just going to spend your entire day with cancer woman's family

it sounds like this woman's family has a case of caregiver burnout

floyd you should not operate on frankie muniz, you will be leaving him with pretty much a dead liver

and he won't qualify for a liver transplant

bloom you are totally a bully, you have been a bully since episode 1

sharpe you should get your mom to america, you probably know someone at this universe's memorial sloan kettering, especailly since your mom got told she had cancer by a doctor who looked at the colonoscopy and went "IT'S TERMINAL CANCER" in two hours

wait how are there this many people here now, I think I noticed at least 5 or 6 adults? 

um max are you going to train these parents to administer shots - wait you are gonna train just these parents? volunteering for after school stuff is after school, it's a different situation

uhh momma sharpe you should not just accept death without getting an opinion, your cancer could have a chance of being cured, or at least managed

at this rate is she gonna die in a montage at the end of the episode or something?

wait what the hell that was a dream? show, as a brit would say, you need to stick something up your bum for doing such a lazy plot device

wait, removing all of the healthy part of his liver WASN'T a good idea? I AM SHOCKED, I TELL YOU, SHOCKED!

oh ok so max was working for money launderers?

fuentes, max can't call off the feds, that bell cannot be unrung - but you saying that definitely means she did more illegal things outside of not doing due diligence

max it is pretty easy for her to not run another public hospital again, there aren't too many in the US

wait uhhh floyd how didn't you SEE THE SECOND LIVER WHEN YOU WERE INSIDE OF HIM

iggy are you gonna fire aussie guy for tempting you into cheating on your husband

um iggy i am pretty sure this is not a legal reason to fire him

you literally just admitted you hired him because you were attracted to him

jesus iggy shouldn't you have talked to HR first before dropping this lawsuit on them

every character in this show needs therapy

but from an actual therapist, not iggy.

so max, I don't think this is "over" - you are literally having the oldest hospital in the country being investigated for financial crimes

oh ok so this isn't a rinky-dink urgent care clinic, it's a franchise? why would the other franchisees care

oh noooo, the teflon medical director wins again

also i miss awesome deaf doctor

Okay, so who is the...

WORST DOCTOR OF THE WEEK (well, I guess worst doctor of the first episode of the week?)?

It is your favorite poly man, DR. REYNOLDS! The man committed malpractice by operating on a patient who had a barely functioning liver (How didn't he have jaundice?????). If he had died like Reynolds was predicting, the sister would've had a slam dunk case against his malpractice insurance & New Amsterdam

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Oh boy (and not in a good way). 

I don't buy staunch capitalist Tod not liking Victoria 'cause she doesn't care about people and only cares about profits when profits are the cornerstone of capitalism. Why would Veronica go to prison for money laundering? She wasn't the one doing it and, surely, New Amsterdam's accountants would have picked up that there was something fishing about UMI's financial statements. Even though I don't like Veronica, it's gotten to the point that whenever one of Max's schemes fail, I cheer- dear showrunners, I'm not supposed to be cheering against the good guy.

Why is Floyd operating on Frankie Muniz? 85% of the guy's liver is shot, cutting a piece off would, effectively, be killing him. Just as well he had a second liver which Floyd didn't see when he operated on him 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

I don't like Trevor but, as Iggy was speaking, all I could think was "law suit."

I'm so glad that the little kid called Bloom a bully 🤭🤭

And, finally, Miss DiPesto - yay 😀😀

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Who knew you could launder money through an urgent care center, which probably generates approximately zero percent of its revenue in cash. Someone alert Marty Byrde!

I still don’t know why a hospital would give space in its facility to a competitor. And why were those two kids taken there and not to the ER?

Training volunteer parents to become hour a week nurses seems like a typical Max idea. What could possibly go wrong? BTW if the training is so easy, why not train the poor secretary?

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I had posted this in this week's thread. That's how much I care about this show and missing an episode is no big deal, really

I am late to this party and I didn't read the whole thread but I am sure I am not alone when I say that this story with Bad Fuentes and Saint Max is past boring and it is only adding to the many reasons why watching this show is getting harder and harder. Such a waste of Michele Forbes talent)

These people are so full of themselves. After Max called the FBI, he cannot "call them off". Once law enforcement gets involved, only the top guns can do that - and because this is the United Corp of America, big corp can easily do that. But Fuentes was trying to bribe Max as if he has any power.

Floyd should lose his license. No medical board would accept a transplant where the life of the donor is at risk, no matter what he says. Besides, there must be a risk to transplant a bad part of a liver, which would kill the sister. The whole thing was so ridiculous, there is nothing salvageable 

Not sure why Helen's mom story was there and never heard of dreaming while under anesthesia, or at least remembering the dream so well. Besides, Helen had a stroke, a short time later flies all by herself across the ocean? 

Not sure how I managed to get through the episode. Maybe one of the worst so far, or maybe all the bad episodes are taking a toll and my patience is dwindling. 

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So, when a show is cancelled, do they try to figure out why?  Do they figure out the writing sucks and the viewers were disappointed and incredulous about the disregard for medical protocol, common sense and reasoning?  I bet not.  The writers will just move on to another project and continue with their old habits.  I haven’t looked up the culprits on this show lately.  It’s probably a waste of time.  

On 5/10/2022 at 1:24 PM, cathmed said:

Fairly obvious the brother was an alcoholic but seriously, an ectopic liver

It's actually a legit diagnosis: Ectopic liver tissue is a rare developmental anomaly in which the liver tissue is situated outside the liver. It is usually asymptomatic and is discovered incidentally during surgery or autopsy, but there are potential complications.

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