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S05.E18: Ride or Die

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When Conrad confronts a pharmacy owner about fraudulent prescriptions being filled under his name, the situation takes a dangerous turn. Then, the ER is sent into chaos when a street racing accident results in multiple severe injuries. Meanwhile, Raptor faces a devastating reality when his mother’s condition worsens.

Airdate: 04/12/2022

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I am ready for Cade to leave. I am almost ready for Conrad to go. I will leave if AJ, Billie, Voss, or possibly new anesthesiologist leaves. 

The entire episode was predictable and I felt bad for clumsy med student who was trying to apologize and was grandstanded around!


Conrad should have known better. 

Poor AJ and Mom. This is a rough watch as I lost my father just at a year ago now, and some of the same occurred. 

Glad no sperm donation discussion at least. 

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The intern tripping and pulling out the tube reminded me of S1 of this show.  When it started out, they showed A LOT of medical errors occurring.  Then, it morphed into every doctor being the most super duper competent professionals imaginable.  

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1 hour ago, yourdreamer said:


The entire episode was predictable and I felt bad for clumsy med student who was trying to apologize and was grandstanded around!



The med student obviously missed the class about the new Hippocratic oath - First, do not admit to medical mistakes lest you be sued for millions.

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Why in the world did you go to the pharmacy by yourself instead of telling the feds first, Conrad? What an idiot. 

I am losing patience with this show, and it used to be my favorite. I really do miss Nic and Mina.

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9 hours ago, twoods said:

Why in the world did you go to the pharmacy by yourself instead of telling the feds first, Conrad? What an idiot. 

I mean, it did go nicely with the theme of making mistakes that can get people killed... But yes, Conrad, you're not a cop, you're not even much of a tough guy and if you die, there's only two elderly grandparents, one of whom is a drunk and one of whom you used to think murdered your mother, maybe you should make better choices.

11 hours ago, yourdreamer said:

The entire episode was predictable and I felt bad for clumsy med student who was trying to apologize and was grandstanded around!

I appreciated AJ's anger and irritation when he told the guy to go apologize... but I am sure the hospital lawyers will be frowning in displeasure over the confession of medical error to the family.

6 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I hope the new anesthesiologist sticks around!

Same. I especially appreciated that she apparently exists to do more than simper after Conrad. 

I liked AJ's storyline but having dealt with hospice before, I hate the tendency they have to convert the living room into the dying person's bedroom. I know the practical why's but my dad refused it, noting that he didn't sleep in the living room before and he wasn't going to start now. 

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I couldn't stand the new anesthesiologist.   She might be excellent at her job, but I thought she was totally unprofessional.   If I had been a patient waiting to be anesthetized, I would've been scared shitless.

Still don't like Dr. Eyebrows.

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20 minutes ago, SnazzyDaisy said:

AJ’s adoptive parents, they killed his dad offscreen (am I right?) but why they drag his mom storyline for so long? Losing parents is painful and watching it on screen is not enjoyable. 😖

Yes, AJ’s adoptive father died during the time jump around Halloween time. 

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Not much chatter, we seem to be the only ones watching and are barely hanging on at that.

Both Conrad going to see the pharmacist AND AJ going to see that cardiologist were both bad decisions. They are not law enforcement, they could be putting themselves into dangerous situations unnecesarily. Especially Conrad. Shading pharmaceuticals is not a situation you just stroll into. Dangerous people all around.

Yes, they should have had security -- and um, how about calling the police? Even if she hadn't been poisoned, she looked like a victim of foul play but no authorities were called?

I was thankful that Gigi wasn't around this episode and that there was no egg chat nor "double board certified" chat.

The med student is the "Glasses" of Chastain (for all you Grey's fans)

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18 hours ago, hookedontv said:

Not much chatter, we seem to be the only ones watching and are barely hanging on at that.

Its not been bad per se but there's not really a lot of drama and there's a lot of plotlines I just don't care about or buy.

I mean, I watched the first season where Dr. Bell was an utter monster of a doctor who was merrily the EVIL Possibly Murderous Bastard of the show, certainly Career Killing. Conrad was a resident ER doc, and Devon was an intern.

Now Dr. Bell is the kindly beloved sort of head of the hospital who is known for being super awesome at medicine. Conrad is some sort of practitioner at large - seriously he has no dept and no dept head - and Devon went from the ER to cancer research (I mean, maybe, my doctor friend says this is unlikely but not impossible). I'm totally willing to handwave at Nik and Mina being gone - in both cases the actresses had reasons for leaving - but the fill in plot of Trevor and Trevor's rapist daddy, and AJ's mom gamely lingering on from severe cancer, and the Mafia dealing oxycontin and Conrad and NewFemaleDoc playing CSI Atlanta just isn't doing it for me.

Seriously, what IS Conrad's job? As in where is he supposed to be daily? Who are his patients and how does he get them?

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For some reason my DVR didn’t record the previous 2 episodes but did this one. I debated watching the missed ones and then thought why bother. The show is not as good as it once was but is increasingly filled with characters doing stupid things - Conrad going to the pharmacy alone/Austin demanding the student tell everything to a grieving family.

If it gets recorded I will probably watch for awhile longer anyway. 

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What more can I add? Conrad going to the pharmacy alone after he had been warned by the FBI that the mafia was involved is stunning stupid.

Cade remains robotic. This is the perfect opportunity for her to leave.

AJ was right in that the intern should apologize but wrong in making him tell the details. It's a punishment for the intern but it hurts the family more.

I liked the new anesthesiologist. A bit too manic for a large role but she's a nice supporting player.

On 4/14/2022 at 4:13 PM, hookedontv said:

The med student is the "Glasses" of Chastain (for all you Grey's fans)

He fills the same role but he's more competent than Glasses. And much more likable.

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New anesthesiologist is good, but wayyy too peppy for this show. It's like if Miss Lopez from Lucifer were an anesthesiologist.

I am wondering why they didn't call security from the lab... or when they saw she had glow in the dark urine

Or for that matter, why didn't the guy have to be buzzed in? I have to imagine the ICU would have its own staff - including orderlies.


14 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Its not been bad per se but there's not really a lot of drama and there's a lot of plotlines I just don't care about or buy.

I mean, I watched the first season where Dr. Bell was an utter monster of a doctor who was merrily the EVIL Possibly Murderous Bastard of the show, certainly Career Killing. Conrad was a resident ER doc, and Devon was an intern.

Now Dr. Bell is the kindly beloved sort of head of the hospital who is known for being super awesome at medicine. Conrad is some sort of practitioner at large - seriously he has no dept and no dept head - and Devon went from the ER to cancer research (I mean, maybe, my doctor friend says this is unlikely but not impossible). I'm totally willing to handwave at Nik and Mina being gone - in both cases the actresses had reasons for leaving - but the fill in plot of Trevor and Trevor's rapist daddy, and AJ's mom gamely lingering on from severe cancer, and the Mafia dealing oxycontin and Conrad and NewFemaleDoc playing CSI Atlanta just isn't doing it for me.

Seriously, what IS Conrad's job? As in where is he supposed to be daily? Who are his patients and how does he get them?

With Devon, it seems more that he is doing research of some kind. Since he is doing clinical trials, Chastain has had clinical trials in the past - maybe Devon is running that department, or is a part of it and is just being the PI on a bunch of trials.

Conrad's job is outside of the system - remember when they lured him back? He got to pretty much set his own hours and everything. I guess he is sort of like House? He chooses who he treats

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7 hours ago, bros402 said:

Conrad's job is outside of the system - remember when they lured him back? He got to pretty much set his own hours and everything. I guess he is sort of like House? He chooses who he treats

Yes but that's simply ridiculous in a non-private hospital which they insist Chastain is. You'll forgive me if I simply note - Conrad just isn't that good at his job and isn't that well known as an excellent performer to merit that treatment... and yes, Daddy is/was part of management making his flounce in flounce out schedule happen means there should be some resentment towards him. And he was an ER resident - now he's what? Even House had an actual, if made up, medical specialty and a department, and had to take patients he didn't choose. 

I allowed the silliness with House because they did it a lot better and made it really clear that House was in a specialized nook and that other doctors resented it when he wandered into their areas and did stuff. At Chastain, everyone just seems to smile and nod as Conrad wanders in to take over for the day and he's loved so much everyone makes sure he gets his 9-5 because four years after her death everyone still knows and remembers Nik and loves her so much that Conrad needs and deserves the constant coddling because he's a father to Nik's baby.

Meanwhile Devon - not exactly ten years behind Conrad in education and learning - is telling his girlfriend they have to wait on children because they're both so busy career wise. Conrad is so privileged it hurts to watch sometimes.

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It seems getting into criminal investigations has become a trend for medical shows lately.  I find it incredibly annoying.  I had hoped this show wouldn’t join in. And, I don’t find Conrad all that impressive.  

I thought A.J.’s mother went on Hospice weeks ago.  She didn’t want any more treatments.  So, after that Medicare doesn’t cover further tests, right?  On Hospice you are treated for pain and kept comfortable. (Morphine drip) So, knowing what they knew, why show up asking what’s causing this and seeking answers?  And son is handling medical case if his mom?  Not good.  Let another doctor do that.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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10 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It seems getting into criminal investigations has become a trend for medical shows lately.  I find it incredibly annoying.  I had hoped this show wouldn’t join in. And, I don’t find Conrad all that impressive.  

I thought A.J.’s mother went on Hospice weeks ago.  She didn’t want any more treatments.  So, after that Medicare doesn’t cover further tests, right?  On Hospice you are treated for pain and kept comfortable. (Morphine drip) So, knowing what they knew, why show up asking what’s causing this and seeking answers?  And son is handling medical case if his mom?  Not good.  Let another doctor do that.  

AJ's mom agreed to stop treatment - not go on hospice.

I actually like that with this show they try to... teach - this episode it was "Hospice does not mean you are dead in a week" - which is a very important thing to get across to people

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The idea that AJ would tell the intern to go and tell the family that it was his fault that the mother had deteriorated was one of the stupidest things I’ve seen on any medical show.

The two families confessing how they all felt responsible for the mothers accident while the piano played in the background was like something out of a really bad lifetime movie.

…. and don’t even get me started on Conrad and Cade - they are unbearable.

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