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Kanye West: The Most Intelligent Celebrity

Message added by Aethera

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I didn't know grocery stores still sell the stove top popcorn.  I used to love watching those things blow up.  You're right, I don't think I've ever made a bag of microwave popcorn that didn't end up with 10% of the kernels getting burned and stinking up half the house.

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6 hours ago, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

I didn't know grocery stores still sell the stove top popcorn.  I used to love watching those things blow up.  You're right, I don't think I've ever made a bag of microwave popcorn that didn't end up with 10% of the kernels getting burned and stinking up half the house.

FYI:  Walmart sells the Orville Redenbacher brand of popcorn kernels for the stovetop.  It's good! ?

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18 hours ago, farmgal4 said:

FYI:  Walmart sells the Orville Redenbacher brand of popcorn kernels for the stovetop.  It's good! ?

Thanks!  I'll try that.  After all of the school supplies I bought last month, turns out we need more.  Would you recommend plain and add your own seasonings/butter or the kind that come with?

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On August 8, 2017 at 10:52 AM, TheVoicesToldMeTo said:

Thanks!  I'll try that.  After all of the school supplies I bought last month, turns out we need more.  Would you recommend plain and add your own seasonings/butter or the kind that come with?

At the Walmart I go to they sell nothing but plain.  I add my own butter and salt immediately after it's finished popping.

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They're ramping up the stories, drumming up intetest for next season perhaps? A third kid, Kanye's having another/continued breakdown, Kim is trying to cut her possible financial losses. Gotta get those ratings!!!!

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2 hours ago, GaT said:

JAY Z says Kanye "crossed the line"

I don't really blame Jay Z. Children are NOT fair game to be dragged into public rants, even famous celebrity kids like Blue Ivy. Now as for Beyonce, even though Jay thinks it was against the [unwritten] rules for Kayne to rant about his wife, Beyonce is a major public figure.

This doesn't sound good: "Jay says Kanye knows how seriously pissed off he is ... and the two aren't close to resolving it."

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1 hour ago, Coffeecup said:

Children are NOT fair game to be dragged into public rants,

That's what Kanye does, he always drags kids into it. He made disparaging tweets about Amber Rose & Wiz Khalifa's baby, (& swore “God’s dream… Never speak on kids again… all love … all blessings…,”) & then when he was in a Twitter war with Deadmau5 he tweeted "Do you do birthday parties? My daughter loves Minnie Mouse" & brought his own kids into the argument.

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Kanye was wrong.  I'm sure the spin from his side on this fued will be that he was depressed and can't be held responsible. 


I'm curious as to when Kanye will emerge from his recuperation and how much his demeanor will have  changed, if it does at all.

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As far as the children go, all Kanye said in his onstage rant against Jay Z and Beyonce, was that he was hurt that there had not been a play date with Blue Ivy and his children. I don’t see how this was disrespectful to Jay’s child. If I had children in the same age range as close friends, I would want them to get together. On the other hand, Kanye’s comments about Jay’s “killers” and all of that about Beyonce at the VMA’S (true or not) was another matter; that was way over the line. But shortly after that incident, Kanye basically had a 5150 hospitalization, so in Jay’s place, I might have given Kanye some latitude and understanding as to why he was off the hook -- that is, if there was a genuine friendship in the first place. I believe that Kim’s robbery unbalanced whatever balance Kanye had left, and he was totally hurt that Jay had not even tried to contact him to see how he was dealing with all of this. I am not a Kanye apologist, but neither do I worship at the altar of Jay and Bey.

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3 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

As far as the children go, all Kanye said in his onstage rant against Jay Z and Beyonce, was that he was hurt that there had not been a play date with Blue Ivy and his children. I don’t see how this was disrespectful to Jay’s child.

I think the problem was that Kanye brought Blue Ivy up at all, not that he was disrespectful. Her name should never have come out of his mouth during one of his rants.

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39 minutes ago, Veronique Bette said:

When did Kanye ever mention Blue Ivy? 

During his Seattle rant he complained that Jay & Beyonce kid & his kids had never even had a play date together. 

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10 hours ago, iwasish said:

I'm curious as to when Kanye will emerge from his recuperation and how much his demeanor will have  changed, if it does at all.

Kanye has been out and about for a while and he seems to be in a much better place and calm.  To name a few hes been spotted in tons of places like being out with Kim for dinner, at recording studios, playing basketball with the UCLA mens team and just last week he was in Japan and some fans that met him said he was very nice to them, chatted with them, took pics with them etc. It's amazing what the right medication can do for someone. 

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8 hours ago, Veronique Bette said:

As far as the children go, all Kanye said in his onstage rant against Jay Z and Beyonce, was that he was hurt that there had not been a play date with Blue Ivy and his children. I don’t see how this was disrespectful to Jay’s child. If I had children in the same age range as close friends, I would want them to get together. On the other hand, Kanye’s comments about Jay’s “killers” and all of that about Beyonce at the VMA’S (true or not) was another matter; that was way over the line. But shortly after that incident, Kanye basically had a 5150 hospitalization, so in Jay’s place, I might have given Kanye some latitude and understanding as to why he was off the hook -- that is, if there was a genuine friendship in the first place. I believe that Kim’s robbery unbalanced whatever balance Kanye had left, and he was totally hurt that Jay had not even tried to contact him to see how he was dealing with all of this. I am not a Kanye apologist, but neither do I worship at the altar of Jay and Bey.

I see both sides. I agree with you that in light of his 5150 hold soon after the rant, you do wonder why Jay Z maybe didn't allow for some understanding that he was clearly unstable at the time. That being said, we don't know how much stuff has been said and done in private. We only know about the public rant but who is to say there weren't harsher things said by Kanye to Jay that involved Beyonce and Blue Ivy that Jay Z can't or refuses to get past. I read all of Jay Z's comments and he pretty much states that he and Kanye have always had disagreements, periods of being mad at each other throughout their friendship. I can believe that because even before the full breakdown, it's pretty much been a fact that Kanye was always mad about something.  But according to Jay Z, this is the longest they have stayed with not resolving the issue and squashing it.

So I think at first Jay Z just figured, "okay, Yeezy's pissed again, he'll be mad for awhile and get over it" but then things just took a full left with the rant and who knows what else and now they're in this place. And for the comments regarding Beyonce being a public figure so in a sense talking about her is fair game, that may be if this was just some rapper Jay Z had no relationship with, throwing shade at him. But again, he and Kanye were friends and at that point it wasn't about Beyonce the public figure in Jay Z's eyes, it's a once long time friend attacking his wife. Basically it's like bro code - you don't do that. Because unless I've missed it (and I doubt I have because I'm sure the tabloids would plaster it all over the place), please note that Jay Z has not said a single thing about Kim or her entire famewhoring family. And let's face it, he would have plenty of material to work with if he wanted to go there. But he didn't. Because his issue is not with Kim. 

I do understand where Jay Z is coming from. It's essentially putting aside that they are celebrities and famous and just see it as two guys who were friends for years, had some beef and one chose to talk about the other's wife and child. Again, it's breaking bro code. But that said, yes, I do think that because of all these years of friendship, one would think that the fact that Kanye was hospitalized with a complete mental breakdown should thaw some of the ice. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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It's been an open secret that Beyoncé is not  a fan of Kim. I suspect she disapproves of the neverending quest for publicity that is Kim's life. 

Famewhores  they may both be, but they go about it in totally different ways. Beyoncé  carefully parcels out glimpses of her life and kids, Kim saturates the media. And I think Beyoncé isn't above withholding her friendship as a way of demonstrating her dominance.  I think she and JayZ love the idea that they are King and Queen of rap/hip hop or whatever it is they call it. They probably get off on knowing Kim and Kanye so want to be basking in their circle . 

I can only imagine if their kids had a play date, somehow pictures would be leaked or Kim would find some way to casually drop that tidbit to the press. 

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14 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Kanye has been out and about for a while and he seems to be in a much better place and calm.  To name a few hes been spotted in tons of places like being out with Kim for dinner, at recording studios, playing basketball with the UCLA mens team and just last week he was in Japan and some fans that met him said he was very nice to them, chatted with them, took pics with them etc. It's amazing what the right medication can do for someone. 

True, but he hasn't hit the red carpet or performed  or given interviews etc. I'm curious as to just how much medication he is on and if it's going to be a lifetime requirement. 

Will he be the creative genius he's put himself out there as or was much of that a byproduct of his delusions? 

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Normally you do have to be on medication permanently. Most doctors would never risk taking someone off a medication that actually works (believe me, hitting on just the right anti depression/anti anxiety meds) is pretty difficult). I'm not a Kanye fan but I am someone who has seen my family go through hell due to mental illness so I'm rooting for him to stay on a good path.

3 hours ago, iwasish said:


Will he be the creative genius he's put himself out there as or was much of that a byproduct of his delusions? 

Maybe a little of both? I always thought his OTT statements were a result of a mental problem but on the other hand this is someone who has won 21 Grammys, sold like 25 million albums and has turned ugly ass sneakers into one of the biggest selling brands so I could see how he would begin to believe he's some creative genius.

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Kanye's believing himself to be a creative genius was the result of ego. The same one that many creative people "suffer" from. While Kanye's rants and comments are more known than others, owing in part to his increasing madness and the general incoherency of them, let's not pretend that many other artists haven't boasted and talked up themselves.

Hell calling oneself the G.O.A.T. - Greatest of All Time, is pretty much a staple for most rappers. As is boasting, since most rappers start from underground battling where the goal is essentially to out trash talk and out boast your competitor. Also, as bad as it is, Kanye's being mentally troubled is actually not contradictory to his being a creative genius since most creative geniuses throughout history have been a little mad. 

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3 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

I doubt Jay-Z likes KImmy either. What's to like?

I'm sure that's true. 

Situations like this are always game changers in friendships.  Many a lifelong friendship has ended because someone's choice of spouse didn't gel with or meet the approval of their friends. Clearly Kanye placed a high value on having Kim and the kids being a big part of his relationship with JayZ and his family. For whatever reason JayZ and Beyoncé don't share that dream. 

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1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I'm sure that's true. 

Situations like this are always game changers in friendships.  Many a lifelong friendship has ended because someone's choice of spouse didn't gel with or meet the approval of their friends. Clearly Kanye placed a high value on having Kim and the kids being a big part of his relationship with JayZ and his family. For whatever reason JayZ and Beyoncé don't share that dream. 

I can imagine the Carters trying to be cordial to Kim early on for Kanye's sake. but they also are well aware of what Kim and her family bring with her and its almost never pleasent. I wouldnt want that kind of energy around my family.

6 hours ago, iwasish said:

It's been an open secret that Beyoncé is not  a fan of Kim. I suspect she disapproves of the neverending quest for publicity that is Kim's life. 

Famewhores  they may both be, but they go about it in totally different ways. Beyoncé  carefully parcels out glimpses of her life and kids, Kim saturates the media. And I think Beyoncé isn't above withholding her friendship as a way of demonstrating her dominance.  I think she and JayZ love the idea that they are King and Queen of rap/hip hop or whatever it is they call it. They probably get off on knowing Kim and Kanye so want to be basking in their circle . 

I can only imagine if their kids had a play date, somehow pictures would be leaked or Kim would find some way to casually drop that tidbit to the press. 

^^^^^This. All of this

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Now Lloyd’s has filed its counterclaims, in which it is alleged West has not, in fact, been forthcoming with relevant information or explained “irregularities” in his medical history.

The company argues that the performer’s insurance policy has exclusions tied to pre-existing medical conditions, excessive alcohol use, possession of illegal drugs, and prescription drug abuse, all clauses he supposedly violated. But “in order to protect the privacy of Mr. West from public disclosure,” there is no mention of specific drugs or specific evidence provided to support the alleged violations.

Still, Lloyd’s wants a judge to rule that they are not legally bound to fulfill the contract because West didn’t actually trigger any of the pay-out clauses and instead only met the excluded conditions.

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On 8/20/2017 at 10:33 AM, iwasish said:

True, but he hasn't hit the red carpet or performed  or given interviews etc. I'm curious as to just how much medication he is on and if it's going to be a lifetime requirement. 

Will he be the creative genius he's put himself out there as or was much of that a byproduct of his delusions? 

Bob Dylan once said when speaking about creativity that he walks a fne line between sanity and insanity. The best art is outside the box - is the box what society calls sanity?

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On 4/10/2017 at 2:40 PM, chocolatine said:

Maybe it's like Whole Foods - if you bring your own bag you get 10 cents back or donated to charity?

I'm pretty sure the 10 cents goes to the Whole Foods "charity". Just like all the other grocery stores. 

P.S. Kanye West is a fucking egotistical moron. Look who he married and unfortunately had children with; another moron. 

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They may do that with some places but im kind of doubting they always just walk in restaurants just be photographed outside. I mean, even famewhores have to actually eat. Even if they did that this time why not do it with restaurant Kanye picked up Italian food from?  When Kim first went out to eat after avoiding the public after the robbery she went in to Nobu and ordered food and left, I know this for a fact because at the time I knew someone who was in there waiting to be seated and saw the owner greet her and heard the exchange. So even though she didn't eat there, she got food.

15 hours ago, carolinagirl81 said:

I have a friend that does that for thier kid's if we all go eat at a restaurant with food the children don't like. They'll stop at a burger place and get nuggets and fries.

That makes sense and when you think about it the restaurant may not care as long as *someone* orders their food and pays for it.

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24 minutes ago, GaT said:

Kanye West Tells Landscaping Team, Get it Done!!! First, this friggin' house still isn't finished? How is having Kanye make the decisions going to get it done? He changes his mind 20 times about everything, why did they sell the other house if this one still wasn't ready? Kris better air out the guest room, because I bet they'll be moving back with her in the very near future.

That would make her happy. She’s old and lonely in that giant house.

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On 09/11/2017 at 0:31 PM, GaT said:

Kanye West Tells Landscaping Team, Get it Done!!! First, this friggin' house still isn't finished? How is having Kanye make the decisions going to get it done? He changes his mind 20 times about everything, why did they sell the other house if this one still wasn't ready? Kris better air out the guest room, because I bet they'll be moving back with her in the very near future.

They basically don’t live together, and they don't want to. This house will be “finished” when they “separate”, and Kim will move in.

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If he's in charge of the landscaping it will never be finished. He kept having things in the house itself torn out and changed because it wasn't "exactly" what he wanted.

I read somewhere that he had the bathrooms redone several times along with other things he changed his mind about.

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1 hour ago, howmanywords said:

Kanye bought Kim for Christmas stock In Disney , Apple , Adidas  Netflix And Amazon :o

No big ass diamonds?  I’m sure she’s thrilled now that she’s no longer materialistic and shallow.  I’m sure she’ll get a wall of white flowers or an orchestra too. 

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5 hours ago, howmanywords said:

Kanye bought Kim for Christmas stock In Disney , Apple , Adidas  Netflix And Amazon :o

And what does the stupid bitch do? She runs to IG to let everyone know. Does she not remember being tied up in a bathroom because she posted all the stuff she had on IG? 

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