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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Everyone: which episode really hooked you?

I actually started watching because I was born & raised in Houston, but have been living in another state for the last 15 years.  I was looking for hometown stuff & places.  It was Bill that hooked me into watching for more than just seeing Houston/Galveston.  I'm sure he has his quirks that are very annoying, but he hits all the right "great husband" notes IMO.  I would have kept watching even without adding Will & Zoey in.   I come from a family of strong women who can be quite outspoken & a force to be reckoned with, so Jen has never bugged me.  I just see her as a strong woman with one helluva husband who balance each other out nicely. 

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I have watched from the beginning as well. I find it interesting how they both grew up to be educated and successful in spite of obvious barriers. I really enjoy the kids and will be interested to see what progress they are making.

Jen doesn't bug me that much. The laughing habit gets to be too much, but I know people who do that.

Bill reminds me of my beloved late father-in-law, who was deeply in love with his wife and tended to cater to her because of it. She was a strong woman who often got her way too, but it worked for them.

I do hate the color of their house - LOL.

Edited to fix spelling.

Edited by LazyToaster
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My story is going to seem weird but I'm an open book sort of person.. I didn't pay a single bit of attention to the show until the thread blew up at TWOP. I was curious as to why this benign show was getting so much attention? It was busier than instigating or trolling would create. I read that thread and watched a couple shows on repeat. I don't dvr it, I'm not hungry for suburban family life, but I do find the couple very appealing. I like that Bill dotes on Jen and sometimes get jealous.


I'm not fond of kids, I do think they are cute.

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I watched the first couple of episodes when it was new, but found Jen unlikeable, so I stopped. I watched again after Jen's cancer diagnosis was revealed in real time. I started watching again and it was when they went to India for Zoey. Jen has grown on me. I'm a nurse so I can appreciate her OCD ways. I've always liked Bill. They remind me of the married couple from Roseanne. Dan knew the family was happy as long as mom was happy. It didn't make him a whimp or hen-pecked. He was easygoing and knew how to keep his higher maintenance wife happy. I have no doubt Bill puts his foot down when he feels strongly about something. Every relationship is about compromise and if Bill does a little more than his share, it's balanced out by Jen's higher salary.

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Leaving her husband and children behind in India had to have been one of the most devastating experiences of Jen’s life. As a doctor, she would have had a clear idea of what her symptoms meant and what she was facing. In addition to being shocked and frightened, she would have been aware of how overwhelming it would be for Bill to be concerned for her while dealing with the legal paperwork over Zoey’s adoption and also being responsible for two young children, one of whom was confused and traumatized.  It would make sense that she considered the option of bringing Will back with her to make things easier for Bill. She was not alone on the plane and was met at the airport by her parents. In the end, they decided to leave Will with Bill and the nanny and that was probably the wiser course.  Jen’s health crisis was unexpected and serious and they did not have the luxury of time to plan things out at their leisure. It seems to me that they were brainstorming options as a couple, mindful of what was best for each of them and the children.  I just don’t think this would have been a time when ego or public image would have factored into their decisions.

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No they likely didn't have a lot of time to plan when Jen had to leave India and leaving Will was best.  Will would have been traumatized too having to leave his Baba.  Zoey had Kate and Bill had Will so all was cool and the production crew would have cared for Will on the plane but it might have been presumptuous to assume Jen's parents could care for Will full-time when they got home especially when they apparently were not told why Jen was returning.    

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I've been thinking about what attracted me to this show. First I was quite interested in someone Jan's size in her profession -- and so successful. Second, I found Bill charming. I began to enjoy the interplay between this highly professional type A personality woman with a charming attractive husband. I liked that they were financially secure before they came to TLC (unlike several others) -- there isn't that kind of drama. Then, as an adopted child who is also an adoptive mother, I enjoyed their adventures in adoption. 

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Ok, I'm dating myself but, sometimes Jen makes me think of the old song "Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better". Irritating at times, but possibly a byproduct of getting where she is with her challenges.

I have a son (he's over 40 now) who is developmentally disabled. He often pretends he can do things. I try not to interfere unless it would be a bad outcome. Example, he doesn't want people to know that reading is hard for him so he will act like he has read something when he hasn't. So, if we're talking about a menu, no big deal; however, if he pretends to read safety instructions - not so good. Anyway - what I'm trying to say is I have seen him develop this coping mechanism and I think - even though her situation is different - Jen does that too. She doesn't want to admit that some things are difficult - or in some cases - impossible for her.

  • Love 6

Everyone: which episode really hooked you?


Well, I have to admit, I don't watch this show.  But that isn't saying much, because the whole reality genre is not my thing.  I don't watch anything reality based at all.  I can't even watch food competition shows.  But that is a story for another day.


Having had very close family members fight cancer and win, I was intrigued with Jen's story once I became aware of TLC and I find that part of the Klein family life quite interesting.  I think it's very brave to have to live through what is an agonizing time frame in a persons life, right in front of cameras for the world to see.  I am sure it helped more than hurt for cancer awareness.


As far as the kids?  OMG, I think they are cute, and I love reading about them and seeing pictures. 


I do know more about this family than any other reality based show family.  And if I were to have to choose to watch one reality show, I think this would be it.

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I started watching when they adopted Will. The reason was two-fold.  One reason was at one point my husband and I were going to adopt a 4th child.  Our country of choice closed and for many reasons we decided three kids was perfect for us ... and then we had a "whoops" baby.  So our family is full but my heart still wrestles with wanting to adopt.  Secondly, a neighbor of ours volunteered at Will's foster home and spent two months around him when he first came in.  I heard the stories, the background, and seen pics.  Definitely peek my interest!  What has kept me watching is that I find the family relatable.  The closeness Bill and Jen share reminds me of what my husband and I have.  Also my first two kids are 10 months apart and how they show life with Will and Zoey reminds me of those days long past. It's a tag-team marathon until the kids (our kids anyway) hit 7.  I miss those days and really don't miss those days. 


My "negative" observations are I think Jen will hit her "parenting prime" when the kids get a little older.  My father-in-law was the same way.  Until they hit school-age he loved them but he didn't "get" them.  Now he's almost inseparable with all my kids to the point of taking semi-retirement so he can spend more time with all of them as my oldest two will be in college in 2-3 years.  My father-in-law is an ER doc and I see a lot of traits that he and Jen share.  They don't bother me as I'm used to them.  The first few years of my marriage, it was a different story - but over time you talk about things and hear the backstory, gain understanding.


As an aside, my neighbor still watches this show and thinks Will ended up in the perfect family.

Edited by mtnrunner
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The first show I saw was Jen's first mothers day.  I admire her hustle and am inspired by her.  How hard would it be for anyone to accomplish what she has?  When you add in her unique challenges it is amazing.  IMO she is someone to be admired.  She also found someone with the perfect temperament to be her life partner.  I think the kids will do well with the balance of personalities.

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I only started watching because of the adoption stuff. I'm considering it and was curious about their experience. I keep watching due to the cute kiddos, but, based on other reality TV children's outcome (the older Gosslin children, the Roloff children, for example), I wouldn't be sad if the show ended after what I presume is the coming season. 



I do think a lot of pretending about Jen went on last season though.

Do you mean before Zoey and the cancer or after? I know from my sister that once cancer diagnosis and treatment starts there can be a lot of pretending, depending on the person. My sister was the queen of pretending because it helped her feel better about her situation. 

Mtnrunner, has your neighbor said anything about concerns that Will was a little behind when he was in foster care? Did she work with him in China?

My neighbor was with him for the first two months after he entered the foster home at less than a year old.  She said he affected her the most because he was left to die (and nearly did) in the orphanage.  The first day she met him she says she spent 3 hrs next to him (he did not want to be touched and vitals would go south if you did) praying that he'd live and have a happy life.  One of the New Day (??) nurses saw him at the orphanage and was able to convince the director to let her take him.  Seriously he was left to die, severely malnourished, and covered in dirt.  While my neighbor didn't say anything specific about whether he was behind severe neglect like he experienced his first months of life could do that.  While he has a lot of medical things going on nothing other than his beginning (and adapting to a new life) would put him behind.  My youngest is 5 days older than Will and while she's a girl (not sure if that makes a difference) I see a difference.  Honestly I think it's to be expected and I know there are kids in my daughters pre-school class at the same level as Will so I think it's on the "bell-curve".  

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So read any good books lately?  The Kleins haven't written one yet?  


Personally I find it really refreshing that Jen and Bill haven't written a book. Or don't have their own talk show. Or a fragrance or clothing line. They're getting publicity for being on TV of course, and especially because of some major life events they've dealt with in the past year - but they don't seem in any way driven to cash in big time on their 15 minutes. "May hay while the sun shines..." as it were. Unlike the Duggars who claim to be so humble and modest - yet still accept "love offerings," freebies, donations, etc. And when daughter Jill was married last June, posted public [!!!] bridal gift registries so their "fans" - many who probably can hardly afford to do so - can send gifts.  If their goal is truly to be Godly, you'd think they would have asked fans to make donations in the name of the bride and groom to a given list of charities instead...

Edited by NausetGirl
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Well all this talk about New Day has inspired me to post this link of Will known as Josiah while at New Day.  It sounds like he was rescued by New Day from another orphanage that did not think so kindly of human life especially boys with a disability.  Will was a little over 3 months old and weighed 6lbs.  There is a photo in the link of him as a baby at that weight.  The photos and some videos in the link show him thriving under their care and it is cute to see the behaviors he learned there that Bill and Jen kept as part of his routines.  Things like "are you ready?" which was used to show the child was prepared for a meal as well as being ready to move onward. Clapping after being successful or high fives.  I guess those things are universal.  It also refers to the children learning to communicate using sign language.  They said he signed "cookie" about his birthday cake.   ENJOY!



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It's somewhat curious to me how the TLC shows tend to gravitate to a singular narritive.  The trips and fluff shows.  It makes me wonder if the lack of substance in the show comes from TLC and not the Kleins.  I'd love an insider tell all that reveals how the shows are produced and what the goal is for the show.


Agree! I'd love to have someone "on the inside" enlighten us.  IMO, it has to be a TLC thing. There are so many similarities from show to show. Maybe their producers and other management are in large part inexperienced, or untrained. Maybe they just aren't very creative. Maybe they're just lazy and think they can apply the same formula to everything. Let's face it - the world runs on the Bell Curve. Not everything can be good and there's mediocrity in every field. As George Carlin said [paraphasing] - "Even Harvard Medical School has someone who graduates at the bottom of the class each year.  And one of us has an appointment with that guy at 9 am tomorrow..."

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I am eager for the new season, and new updates. Maybe soon the show will return.

Some of us have to "pretend" or we'd never get out of bed. I don't think I would call it pretending as much as dealing with reality. I lost my daughter five years ago and most days I have to put on a mask. Nothing wrong with that. I imagine Jen does too, dealing with her cancer and the stress of adopting two wonderful kids.

  • Love 8

Everyone: which episode really hooked you?


I watched from the beginning.  I continued watching because I found myself liking both Bill and Jen and wanted to see how things were going to go for them.  Very much enjoyed the building of their house and many of the trips they made together.  Not so much the surrogacy episodes.

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As I recall, Jenn was all about getting that thumb out of Will's mouth on Day One, and it seemed for a while that he was making amazing progress and thriving!  Then along came the "adoooooorable" Zoey.  Adoption experts, and especially those in the field of international adoption, caution against adopting one too soon after another, and it's as clear as day that Will has regressed since that event.  It's been great for ratings, though!  Not sure what would have happened had Zoey not turned out to be quite so very beautiful and photogenic?  Horrors!


FYI - it's fairly common for young children to regress a little when a new sibling comes home, adopted or not.  Example - a three-year old who has kicked the thumbsucking habit may return to it for a while when he/she becomes a big brother/sister.

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If I remember correctly, my daughter is the reason why I started watching "The Little Couple".  She'd seen a couple re-runs and had fallen in love with Will and asked me if I wanted to watch with her.  We both wound up becoming fans of the show and the family.  After watching several episodes, we went back to the earliest seasons we could find on Netflix and watched it all the way through.  It's just a feel-good show for me.  I tend to like reality TV but as a fan of it, I'm quite aware that a large portion of it can skew toward the negative.  Seeing a couple deal with marriage and careers and then persevering through infertility to expanding their family and then being slapped by life with Jen's cancer has moved me.  I love knowing there's something I can watch with my 11-year-old that won't worry me about sending awful messages.  The messages of this show have been love and laughter, perseverance, strength, triumph, family.  These are good things that we can share and they have led to discussions about bullying and infertility and what it means to become a family, what careers are possible for people who are "different", etc. 


I don't think Jen and Bill are perfect but that makes it even better for me.  None of us are.  It's nice to see that people are people - no matter our differences, we experience the same heartbreaks and joys and we're all just muddling through life trying to figure this thing out.

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So, as you guys were watching the show and getting to know them, what surprised you about them?


I don't think I've been surprised by anything, but like jodo, I thought it was unusual that as a physician, Jen ever thought it would be possible for her to carry a baby. IIRC, she has trouble eating an adult-sized meal most of the time. Seemed like a waste of time, effort and resources to undergo the testing she went through for that. I guess I was surprised to learn that her cancer was linked to/triggered by a failed pregnancy.  I would have thought they had taken permanent steps to ensure Jen never had to worry about becoming pregnant once it was established for certain that it would be very dangerous for her.

Edited by NausetGirl
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Like Jodo, I am surprised that Bill and Jen haven't said more about New Day on their show. New Day does such good work and literally saved Will's life. They could really help the other children at New Day by making America aware of this great organization.

I don't know but I'm guessing they have not mentioned New Day because a) it affords Will a little more privacy (not much but still) and b) New Day already had to scrub a lot of their Will posts due to traffic that was generated when it was found out that Will lived there.  Honestly the trade-of probably isn't there and it's not just Bill and Jen's decision to make.  New Day gets more headaches and maybe a small increase in donations.  They are much better promoting themselves within the adoption community which raises adoption awareness and donations.  Also New Day is not an adoption agency so it really might take resources away from more important things (i.e. taking care of the kids). As my neighbor said (when I became smitten with a little girl on the site) the chance of finding her on the shared list is 5% or less IF she's listed. 

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I think they started pretending after Zoey and the cancer. If it was a coping mechanism, I can't fault them. Whatever got them through is good. I can't even imagine how difficult the cancer battle must have been.

I'm not exactly clear about the pretending especially as relates to the cancer. Have there been some scenes in the show where Jen was pretending? I'm just not understanding. 

I'm not exactly clear about the pretending especially as relates to the cancer. Have there been some scenes in the show where Jen was pretending? I'm just not understanding.


Jen does that too. She doesn't want to admit that some things are difficult - or in some cases - impossible for her.


This is what the pretending is referring to - that Jen, like a cited example of a 40 year male with developmental delays, "pretends" she can do things that she really can't. In attempting to soften this statement - that Jen lies about her abilities and isn't as capable, some people began alluding to pretending things were better than they were during the cancer episodes.


Basically if Jen isn't "I am physically incapable of lifting Will and must acknowledge I could never manage a child without constant assistance and will never really be a parent as I can not physically tend the child as an average height person can" then she's considered to be lying and or "pretending" she is a capable parent when due to her size, she should be acknowledging again and again and again that she will never really be a real mom.


I have relatives with disabilities who have dared to have children despite how they can say, never attend a Mommy and Me gym class without grandma's assistance and its a little offensive to see people with disabilities held to this "I must admit, to my shame, that I can never really be a parent and am just pretending" if they need help. It makes me aware of why friends with disabilities are so hesitant to ask for help. But to keep it on point - when Jen doesn't acknowledge she's getting help or bluntly admit she is getting help, she is considered to be "pretending to be capable" and lying.



  • Love 15

This is what the pretending is referring to - that Jen, like a cited example of a 40 year male with developmental delays, "pretends" she can do things that she really can't. In attempting to soften this statement - that Jen lies about her abilities and isn't as capable, some people began alluding to pretending things were better than they were during the cancer episodes.


Basically if Jen isn't "I am physically incapable of lifting Will and must acknowledge I could never manage a child without constant assistance and will never really be a parent as I can not physically tend the child as an average height person can" then she's considered to be lying and or "pretending" she is a capable parent when due to her size, she should be acknowledging again and again and again that she will never really be a real mom.


I have relatives with disabilities who have dared to have children despite how they can say, never attend a Mommy and Me gym class without grandma's assistance and its a little offensive to see people with disabilities held to this "I must admit, to my shame, that I can never really be a parent and am just pretending" if they need help. It makes me aware of why friends with disabilities are so hesitant to ask for help. But to keep it on point - when Jen doesn't acknowledge she's getting help or bluntly admit she is getting help, she is considered to be "pretending to be capable" and lying.



can I hug you for this post?   

  • Love 3

I saw a post suggesting that Bill and Jen weren't even really the actual adoptive parents, because of their disabilities.




You'll need to scroll down. to may 23rd.


And what is being implied if Jen is "pretending" to be capable of being a mom but just is lying to herself? If she's is considered a real mom even though she's not capable of functioning as one physically then why say she's pretending if she is really a mom capable of all that title involves?

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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I think I take my niece horseback riding because my sister can't participate fully due to all the steel rods in her spine (more adamantine than Wolverine). Sis often tells people "she" is taking the niece to horseback riding lessons and under the rules of engagement for Jen, my sis would need to acknowledge she isn't physically capable of participating and is merely pretending to be capable when she really isn't  and is lying about her ability to participate. If she doesn't, she's lying. When the niece was younger, Sis couldn't lift her into the car. She also couldn't do much chasing if the kid decided to run. Under the rules that some people want Jen to live under, my sister needs to make a point of admitting she's physically incapable of being a mother and admit she's merely "pretending".


If you think I'm putting words in your mouth, then what do you and others mean when you say Jen is "pretending"? Because I am willing to be honest - this is how I have been interpreting the pretending discussion, especially when Jen was compared to a 40 year old developmentally disabled fellow who would "pretend" he could read.

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I haven't read the idea of pretending quite so sharply. I've considered the idea more of putting on a brave face and being forcefully cheerful. It had to have been extremely difficult to become pregnant knowing it was unlikely to be a good outcome, travel with your young child to a culturally different place, meet your child, learn the pregnancy has become cancerous, have that cancer proceed rapidly, have to make arrangements for yourself, your family, and the crew. Jen often seems so poised and balanced you wonder if she rips the heads off teddy bears.


I don't think the undercurrent of "suffer for your difference" is completely absent. Its a tricky subject to talk about and pretty easy to screw up because their lives are so different than most of ours.

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What I've found interesting is that a lot of the toddler gear they have isn't special order.  I figured it probably would be.  Since I have a slight addiction to baby/toddler gear I looked up their double stroller and the handle really does accomodate individuals from their height to like 6 ft.  That stroller while pricey is absolutely awesome.  I would of LOVED to have had it when my two oldest were young.  The frame collapses to hold just one kid (like a regular stroller) and expands to hold two kids. Awesome.  Also their high chairs are off the shelf as well.  A tad high end (nowhere near the stroller) but the high chairs legs have extensions and when your kid no longer needs a high chair you take off the extensions and get a regular toddler chair.  They never put the extensions on them so they work perfectly for them at the toddler chair height but they function as high chairs.  I kind-of wonder if LPA has like a list of baby/toddler gear that works well if you're a little person parent.  Through my cousin I know there are lists of what baby gear you should not buy if your child is a little person so I guess the reverse would be true - maybe?

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I find it interesting that while Bill and Jen are not stereotypical regarding gender, they identify their children in very gender specific roles. Jen is the breadwinner while Bill is more the homemaker, caregiver. Yet they identify Will as all boy, loves cars and trains and never cleans up. They identify Zoey as "pretty girl", loving bows, shoes, and quite a cleaner. It   could be TLC doing this, but I'm surprised that Bill and Jen allow it.


Personally I think the gender-stereotyping and boy/girl toys etc are due only to the fact that both kids are still really little. But in the future I can totally see Jen nudging them, Zoey especially I think, toward medical school.   

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I don't think that Jen and Bill are "pretending" anything, but I somewhat understand what the people who think they are might mean. It was my understanding that Jen and Bill initially decided to do the show to educate others on little people and how they manage in a world designed for normal-sized people....the differences, daily challenges, and how they work and have worked to overcome them and adapt. The older episodes showed a lot more of the challenges and obstacles they had to go through on a daily basis. It seems the show has evolved into more of how their lives are the same as non-little people, not how they are different.  Now we are to the point where it appears there are hardly any challenges because we see little of how they truly do manage certain things such as one parent handling both children in public, or how Jen manages Will in certain situations if she is unable to lift him, or how they are able to manage the upkeep of their house, and so on. Maybe they can't do any of those things, but if the way they adapt is to hire people, or only go out in pairs, or whatever, I think that is what some people are curious about. There is no shame if that is what they are doing, and it would be interesting/educational to know how they are truly meeting those challenges.  By not showing the true reality of many aspects of the challenges and how they manage them, some perceive that they are "pretending" they can do those things as it seems they used to be more open about the challenges they face and how they make it all work.

  • Love 6
ZoloftBlob, on 14 Oct 2014 - 3:35 PM, said:ZoloftBlob, on 14 Oct 2014 - 3:35 PM, said:ZoloftBlob, on 14 Oct 2014 - 3:35 PM, said:ZoloftBlob, on 14 Oct 2014 - 3:35 PM, said:

This is what the pretending is referring to - that Jen, like a cited example of a 40 year male with developmental delays, "pretends" she can do things that she really can't. In attempting to soften this statement - that Jen lies about her abilities and isn't as capable, some people began alluding to pretending things were better than they were during the cancer episodes.


Basically if Jen isn't "I am physically incapable of lifting Will and must acknowledge I could never manage a child without constant assistance and will never really be a parent as I can not physically tend the child as an average height person can" then she's considered to be lying and or "pretending" she is a capable parent when due to her size, she should be acknowledging again and again and again that she will never really be a real mom.


I have relatives with disabilities who have dared to have children despite how they can say, never attend a Mommy and Me gym class without grandma's assistance and its a little offensive to see people with disabilities held to this "I must admit, to my shame, that I can never really be a parent and am just pretending" if they need help. It makes me aware of why friends with disabilities are so hesitant to ask for help. But to keep it on point - when Jen doesn't acknowledge she's getting help or bluntly admit she is getting help, she is considered to be "pretending to be capable" and lying.


I didn't notice anyone inferring that Bill and Jen, or anyone with a disability, is not a "real parent" if they need help. I think there are folks whose understanding of the show is to educate people on how little people overcome difficulties, adapt, and manage to accomplish tasks that aren't a challenge for regular-sized people. When challenges aren't addressed, they might feel the show is changing course or maybe even that the Kleins are "pretending" that these challenges don't even exist. Other folks don't care about that and are fine with the show focusing on how little people are pretty much the same as non-little people, just smaller. To me, watching things like vow renewals, tea parties, and other scripted fluff is pretty much what you see on all reality shows. Kids playing and being cute or bratty is common as well. Some folks find that rather boring after a while, others would probably pay to sit and watch Zoey and Will be cute. I do not feel like people are wrong for wanting to know how they manage their disabilities and day-to-day life as that may have been what drew them to the show in the first place. I mean this is the nicest way possible, but there is really no comparison between your friends issues with others as far as needing help with their disabilities and Jen and Bill, because J&B put themselves onto a TLC reality show to "educate" people about little people, so there should be no surprise or offense that some people want to know how they are managing everything with their disabilities/abilities -- careers, a huge house, traveling, and 2 special needs children.

Edited by starfire
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Well, there is a social stigma to using dating websites but I guess my question would be - who is Jen harming if she is lying about it? I mean, let me be honest, its a really weird thing in my opinion, to lie about, because it still attaches the stigma of needing a website to find friends and if she was going to lie, it's just as easy to just tell "We were introduced by mutual, unnamed friends".


As for Zoey - similar thing really except that now we're talking about Jen's perceptions of Zoey's affection between her and Bill. I can believe its true... but if it is Jen mispercieving - who exactly is being harmed?


I know that this will turn into an OMG Jen is a liar! sort of topic and honestly I think we need to accept that a) parents are never perfectly honest and b)reality shows rarely depict a family honestly. I personally have a problem with the kids being exploited without representation beyond their parents and thats my gripe with Jen and Bill - because the kids aren't getting a choice in being exposed. But a parent saying he thinks one child prefers him over the other parent or vise versa?  Just seems like normal parents.

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Sure Jen "pretended" she was seeking female friends by using an internet site but there are filters applied to searches and profiles and one of the first things is to separate by gender so accidentally finding Bill on there...um er ok!  


I think Jen believes using an internet dating site is below her "class" and is something for everyday folks.  She certainly doesn't see herself that way.  


TLC created the lie of Zoey preferring Jen to Bill in the first place for ratings/drama yet both Jen and Bill "pretended" that was the case.    


I guess pretending or lying only hurts the viewers!       

Edited by jodo
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I think it would be interesting to learn more about Jen and her platonic friends. I am not sure if the web site she met Bill on has a "platonic friends" section, or if she really did make that up, but if Jen was truly looking online for platonic female friends to hang out with, I find that interesting. Nothing to be ashamed of.  I have wondered if Bill and Jen have any local friends who are little people as I haven't noticed any. I think a plotline about the desire for having some friends who are little people, and how finding them is not that easy, would be much more interesting than just watching them do stuff that is not little-people specific, like a vow renewal or eating dinner.

Edited by starfire
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On these shows, there's a sort of perception that little people are a common commodity when in actuality, I'm probably a rarity in having several in my workplace. I mean, really, how many little people can there be in Houston?


Right. And then once you find other little people to be friends with, you don't know you'll have the same interests or personalities that mesh well.  But I can see how it would be nice to have little people friends just so you can talk about your shared struggles and whatnot. 

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I guess pretending or lying only hurts the viewers!       


It's true! I used to have a good job and lots of dates but since I've been modding TLC: no job, no callers. If only Jen would be honest about everything, and finally reveal that she's a 5'6" truck driver from Iceland, everything might be ok...


If the hint didn't land, please move off this topic unless you have new info to share. This is an opinion post not an official post. I'm just so exasperated.


edited 10/21 8:11 EST

Edited by wrestlesflamingos
clarify intent
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