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The Human Beings Known as the Arnold-Klein Family

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Xldb, you make an excellent point. Bill and Jen have overcome tons of stuff. They really are a story of inspiration. Maybe I am just jealous of how successful they are.


A very human emotion. And you're not the only one. I will admit right now that I am personally very envious of That House. From what we've seen, I have the feeling it sticks out like a sore thumb on their street, and I don't like the color at all, and I really dislike two-story rooms because the giant waste of space, heating/cooling they require etc. But otherwise - that's one beautiful damn house and looks a whole lot like something I could see myself building. All I still need is a winning lottery ticket. :>)

Edited by Wellfleet
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A very human emotion. And you're not the only one. I will admit right now that I am personally very envious of That House. From what we've seen, I have the feeling it sticks out like a sore thumb on their street, and I don't like the color at all, and I really dislike two-story rooms because the giant waste of space, heating/cooling they require etc. But otherwise - that's one beautiful damn house and looks a whole lot like something I could see myself building. All I still need is a winning lottery ticket. :>)

Count me in with the house envy. No way would I want a house that big and I hate the outside color. But blue is my favorite color and I love everything about the inside. I wouldn't want to pay the utilities either.

  • Love 2

Count me in with the house envy. No way would I want a house that big and I hate the outside color. But blue is my favorite color and I love everything about the inside. I wouldn't want to pay the utilities either.

I think their interior is gorgeous and nicely done, however that cool, pastel greenish-blue is better suited for a house in the Caribbean rather than one in Houston. The exterior color is the only thing that throws me off with that house.

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I have some reservations about posting this (because I have the feeling it'll just start another "extravagance/spoiled kids" controversy) but, for those who are actually interested, Jen posted a pic of Will & his Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles themed birthday cake, from the "Williepalooza" they apparently had this weekend (you can't tell in the pic where, or how much they might've spent on it either) in honor of Will's 6th birthday.


I think his birthday already passed & they just had the party for/with his friends this weekend. That's how Jen mentioned they did things during his 5th birthday at the Science Museum--like if the birthday's during the week, they have a family thing on the day of & wait for a/the weekend to do a party for/with friends.

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I can't tell where they are. It doesn't look like a kiddie venue, but it's definitely not the Klein house either. Will looks adorable though and that's a cute cake. I wonder if they filmed it for the show.

Somewhere in all of the comments under the pic at least 1 person asked if they did, but Jen didn't respond (yet). And in comments posted since I originally linked the pic, someone else said this week's apparently the season finale...already. So, if they did film any/all of the party we won't see it until the next batch of eps airs... whenever that's gonna be.

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Thanks Walnut ( I hope I can call you Walnut).  There is a nasty rumor that I will turn 60.  Trying my best to nip it in the bud


You can call me anything - I'm old and thick skinned!  :-)



The same rumor is going around about me. How do these things get started? Happy birthday.


Vicious gossip mongerers say the same thing about me, but I pretend to be too old to hear them!

  • Love 5

I watched the one with Bill's mom at the train station. I so admire both Bill and Jen's parents. I can't imagine what they went through when their children were young. Judy has said what Jen has is more than she ever hoped for and Bill's mom pretty much said the same thing. I think they had to be tiger parents on behalf of their children before the term was invented. Did everything go perfectly in their lives? Of course not.

Bill and Jen had great role models growing up and have said so many times. That's two cents for today.

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In watching this season I am just amazed at how accomplished Jen is and how much she contributes to society outside of the show. It's amazing she was able to finish her education with her heath issues, heck most folks could not do what she has done.  I love her positive attitude and that she never makes excuses.  If she can relay that attitude to Will and Zoey, they will be all the better for it.  Plus love her glasses.

  • Love 10

In watching this season I am just amazed at how accomplished Jen is and how much she contributes to society outside of the show. It's amazing she was able to finish her education with her heath issues, heck most folks could not do what she has done.  I love her positive attitude and that she never makes excuses.  If she can relay that attitude to Will and Zoey, they will be all the better for it.  Plus love her glasses.


Not only are her personal accomplishments amazing, but the fact that she contributes so much to critical care and saving infant lives, as well as providing essential life-saving skills to emergency responders and hospital personnel alike is something that greatly impresses me.

  • Love 10

A guess, based on how none of the families on the shows (Roloffs, Hamills, Kliens, oddlargemusicalfamilyinnashville, etc) said anything is that they were expressly quired by their contracts to not comment.


No TLC family bucked the contracts in that respect.


eta - The one person who did buck a TLC contract, Jon Gosselin.... well look what happened to him

Edited by ZoloftBlob
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Even without any contract prohibitions, I think Bill and Jen would be too intelligent and gracious to make statements about any controversies involving individuals or shows that happen to share the TLC network with them. And after all, they have no right or responsibility to do so. Anyway, their own flea-free show has never been anything but positive and wholesome and for that reason can stand on its own merits.

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I watched only one episode of the Roloffs, Hamills, etc... if it is a show about a family it better be a good family for ME to watch because my family sucks. I enjoy seeing happy, laughing kids and happy successful parents who dote on their children.

I would be surprised if they made a comment on other TLC families. It is not part of their lives.

  • Love 8

Yuck.. Just - yuck. I tuned in to TLC at 8 pm tonight, expecting to see The Little Couple - completely forgetting that their season finale was last week - and what to my wondering eyes should appear but the Duggars! Yuck. What a monumental letdown. PS - quickly changed channel.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 11

With all of the activities in the Arnold-Klein household, I doubt any TLC show is on their "must see TV" list.  I have a feeling that they don't allow much TV in their house although I have nothing to prove that.  I can't seem them rubbing elbows with members of the cast of any other TLC show.


The Little Couple is the one and only TLC show I watch and I bet that's the case with many people on this forum.  We (speaking collectively) don't fit the demographic of those who enjoy child molesters, grifting polygamists, or slovenly rednecks.  Personally I am delighted that there is at least one decent, feel good offering on TLC.  After Little Couple is gone, so am I.

  • Love 14

With all of the activities in the Arnold-Klein household, I doubt any TLC show is on their "must see TV" list.  I have a feeling that they don't allow much TV in their house although I have nothing to prove that.  I can't seem them rubbing elbows with members of the cast of any other TLC show.


The Little Couple is the one and only TLC show I watch and I bet that's the case with many people on this forum.  We (speaking collectively) don't fit the demographic of those who enjoy child molesters, grifting polygamists, or slovenly rednecks.  Personally I am delighted that there is at least one decent, feel good offering on TLC.  After Little Couple is gone, so am I.


I totally agree!

  • Love 6

Me too!  (Although I do watch the 600 pound people--yes, I'm hanging my head in shame...)


I admit I watched that Man With The 132 lb Scrotum, but just because the TWoP snark was so hilarious, and the Mods there didn't like people commenting on shows they'd never watched.  :-)


I think Bill & Jen add a touch of class to the channel.

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Just couldn't bring myself to watch that--being the only female in my core family, I always "feel" the male's pain!  


And yes, I agree that Bill and Jen add a little class to TLC--and no, that doesn't mean I think they are perfect, "saints" or should be able to rob banks and pillage without fear of reprisal.  

  • Love 9

I agree something is rotten in Denmark or between the Kleins and the Arnold parents!

Is there any factual basis for this remark? Something said on the show or in an interview?

I mean, it's as likely that Bill wanted his parents to spend time with his family. Or that they're joining Isis on this trip.

  • Love 6

I think it's definitely interesting that Judy & Dave left Houston. But then I thought it was odd that they up and left Florida for Texas when it became fairly obvious that there were probably going to be grandchildren soon. Now I should be clear about one thing. I don't have kids, and never moved away from home either [except for college]. My 5 sibs and I all live within about 10 miles of each other now, and my brother actually bought my parents' home when our Mom died. We are a pretty tight nuclear family. So - ??? Maybe it's common for grandparents to pull up stakes and move to where their grandkids are, I don't know. Maybe I just don't have that point of reference. I don't personally know any families that have done it. I can say that if I did have grandkids, I would WANT to live nearby them, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to disrupt my entire life and move to an unfamiliar city 100s or 1000s of miles away. Unless I was really eager to put something from the past behind me - or something like that. I just think there was more to Judy and Dave's move to Texas than we know. 

  • Love 2
13 hours ago, Wellfleet said:

I think it's definitely interesting that Judy & Dave left Houston. But then I thought it was odd that they up and left Florida for Texas when it became fairly obvious that there were probably going to be grandchildren soon. Now I should be clear about one thing. I don't have kids, and never moved away from home either [except for college]. My 5 sibs and I all live within about 10 miles of each other now, and my brother actually bought my parents' home when our Mom died. We are a pretty tight nuclear family. So - ??? Maybe it's common for grandparents to pull up stakes and move to where their grandkids are, I don't know. Maybe I just don't have that point of reference. I don't personally know any families that have done it. I can say that if I did have grandkids, I would WANT to live nearby them, but I don't know if I'd go so far as to disrupt my entire life and move to an unfamiliar city 100s or 1000s of miles away. Unless I was really eager to put something from the past behind me - or something like that. I just think there was more to Judy and Dave's move to Texas than we know. 

I live in Iowa (where I was born and raised).  My brother moved around after college due to his job and has finally landed in Ohio and probably not leaving any time soon, if at all.  My parents moved to Pennsylvania when I was graduating college for a job for my dad.  My brother has 2 kids and 1 on the way.  My parents visit them quite frequently, they are about a 5-6 hour drive away.  

I thought FOR SURE my parents would move to Ohio when they retired.  My dad even thought so.  My mom told me they were moving back to Iowa (and live near me) when they retired. I told my dad that and he didn't even believe me!

I have no kids, am not married and don't intend on having kids so maybe my mom feels like I need them more lol  But color me shocked when I heard she was dead set on moving back near me when they retire. She said she can drive and see the grandkids whenever she wants (which is about an 11 hour drive from here to my brother's) because she will have all the time she wants to do it. 

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My grandfather always said "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after three days."  Benjamin Franklin said that I believe.

Some families do better with distance.  I moved out of state with my daughter right after she was born. I think people do what is best for their families and that does NOT mean there is love lost.  

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Jen's brother and his wife are expecting a child any day now if the child isn't here already.  They live in North Carolina.  I would think Dave and Judy rather be there for their other grandchild than in Europe.  Also, Florida seems a good mid point between North Carolina and Houston.  I'm sure Dave and Judy want to have access to both sets of grandchildren.  Everything that happens does not have to be sinister.  

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, xldb2004 said:

Jen's brother and his wife are expecting a child any day now if the child isn't here already.  They live in North Carolina.  I would think Dave and Judy rather be there for their other grandchild than in Europe.  Also, Florida seems a good mid point between North Carolina and Houston.  I'm sure Dave and Judy want to have access to both sets of grandchildren.  Everything that happens does not have to be sinister.  

Also, they said it was Dave and Judy's dream to have a house on the beach.  Maybe the time was right.  

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, xldb2004 said:

Jen's brother and his wife are expecting a child any day now if the child isn't here already.  They live in North Carolina.  I would think Dave and Judy rather be there for their other grandchild than in Europe.  Also, Florida seems a good mid point between North Carolina and Houston.  I'm sure Dave and Judy want to have access to both sets of grandchildren.  Everything that happens does not have to be sinister.  

The baby's here. Jen posted a pic a couple of hours ago, or so, to her social media. It's a boy, named Nathan.

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, xldb2004 said:

Jen's brother and his wife are expecting a child any day now if the child isn't here already.  They live in North Carolina.  I would think Dave and Judy rather be there for their other grandchild than in Europe.  Also, Florida seems a good mid point between North Carolina and Houston.  I'm sure Dave and Judy want to have access to both sets of grandchildren.  Everything that happens does not have to be sinister.  

All this does make sense. I'm sure that Jen's brother's baby was a major factor in the Arnolds' decision to return to Florida. I'm beginning to think the decision to move to Houston in the first place wasn't terribly well-thought out. It did seem somewhat extreme to me that Dave & Judy would disrupt their own established lives to move to Houston - unless maybe the original plan was to NOT hire a nanny and just have them sharing full-time child care duties. That's about the only way to make a move worthwhile - the idea that they'd see the grandkids more than a few times a year. My, but we - myself included - are becoming suspicious these days. Of every little thing, and I think even more so since the advent of "reality" TV.  However it's really difficult NOT to question everything, especially when you consider the rate at which some of these so-called "stars" HAVE been lying to us. Showing only the sweetness and light, and little of the real truth - the Gosselins, the Duggars, Sister Wives, etc being chief among them. It should be called "cheap production TV" or "non-professional TV" or something else, since that's definitely what it is. Scripts are still very much a part of every reality program. What's missing now are SAG card-carrying stars [who are big-time expensive], knowledgeable & well-qualified creative & technical professionals [also expensive] and high production values. Definitely a few steps down on the quality ladder, for sure...

Edited by Wellfleet
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On May 18, 2016 at 11:09 AM, Foghorn Leghorn said:

Will has now lost all of his front upper and lower teeth so it will be interesting to see if he is allowed to continue to suck his thumb!

Yes, I've been surprised about this too. From when we first met him, Will has often been shown on camera with thumb solidly corked in mouth. Even now at the age of 6. I've haven't been teaching for 20 years, so I don't know what the current thinking is on thumb-sucking. But "in my time" it was generally accepted that the earlier a child could be trained, coached or coaxed out of a thumb-sucking habit, the better. For a lot of reasons - medical/dental, psychological/emotional, social. I guess there could be an entirely new school of thought on it now. However I don't believe any theory would say it's advisable for any child over the age of 3 to suck his thumb. 

  • Love 1
16 hours ago, Wellfleet said:

Yes, I've been surprised about this too. From when we first met him, Will has often been shown on camera with thumb solidly corked in mouth. Even now at the age of 6. I've haven't been teaching for 20 years, so I don't know what the current thinking is on thumb-sucking. But "in my time" it was generally accepted that the earlier a child could be trained, coached or coaxed out of a thumb-sucking habit, the better. For a lot of reasons - medical/dental, psychological/emotional, social. I guess there could be an entirely new school of thought on it now. However I don't believe any theory would say it's advisable for any child over the age of 3 to suck his thumb. 

Well I am pretty sure the dental reasons haven't gone away.  A friend told me about this book and the use of a fireman puppet to stop thumb sucking.  Sounds perfect for Will if still needed.  Here is the link!http://www.amazon.com/Thumbuddy-Love-Andrea-Wulfing-Ness/dp/0615273793

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Rhett Butler's little ole biddies swore by quinine on the thumb.  These days, who cares, because we have Invisalign and every kid gets orthodontics.   ;-)

These things have a way of working themselves out in time, whether we intervene or not.  I'd place it pretty low on the scale of disturbing childhood behavior; but then, I've seen some stuff ...

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