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S06.E15: Hope For Tomorrow


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All credit to the guy who was gonna fight Nxly with a stapler.  The man was gonna fight a magical imp with only a stapler.  Make him an honorary Superfriend.

Made sense that Esme would be somewhat closed off with the Superfriends.  She's been in the group home, so used to people telling her to suppress her powers, and treating her terribly when they find out she has powers, that she wouldn't be used to the unconditional love from the Superfriends.  And that she would be afraid of them taking her back, or hurting them.

Good to see Brainy back, but he didn't say his catchphrase.  How are we supposed to know to eat vegetables if he doesn't tell us?

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I need to get to bed, but I have to ask: is Esme a little too cute? "Hello? Oh, hi, Mysterious Villain Whose Name I Can't Say Out Loud! What? Yeah, I have totally gained their trust. It's really not hard if you're as cute as me. I think that I could sell lemondade in front of my new home and flip the E's on the sign, and Danvers and Olsen would die from pure bliss. Hey, say the word, I'll do it. Okay, okay, I'll stand by. I don't know how much more ‘Oh, I'm hurting because you were trying to make me feel better' bits are left in me."

Edited by Lantern7
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6 hours ago, vibeology said:

Are they trying at all to keep their secret identities from William? Because Brainy referred to Nia right in front of William in that first scene. 

Fortunately people are too oblivious to notice such things.  Say, isn't it weird that Kara vanished when Nyxly showed up?  No?  Didn't think so. Although I hope someone tells Lena that Esme figured out Kara's identity in about 5 seconds. 

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2 hours ago, DanaK said:

I liked this overall but I felt too much time was spent with Esme learning about her power. You just know that kid will be useful in defeating Nyxly 

f'm not sure which will be worse: if they let her mimic Nyxly's power (don't know if being a 5th Dimensional Imp counts as being an alien) or if she simultaneously manifests and masters the powers of Supergirl, J'onn, Dreamer and Brainy (nothing says she can't) to save the day. 

It would, though justify this random kid getting nearly as much airtime as Supergirl in the past couple episodes. 

Other quick thoughts:

I don't know why Supergirl would attempt to destroy the Hope totem while thinking that it might have the consequence of everyone on Earth losing hope. That's...kind of messed up.

I hate that we are going to have Lex stink up the joint now. And how is it that Lex would have been able to know that a) Supergirl had attempted to destroy the totem and b) devise a way to protect/rescue  it and c) deliver it to Nyxly? I am sure we are just going to have to eat "Because he's goddamn Lex Luthor" but this is a stretch, to put it mildly.

I would have laughed if in the scene with Truthseeker Esme instead of patting themselves on the back about how great superheroes they were, Kelly and Alex were like, "I guess we're ok as superheroes. I mean, we somehow haven't gotten killed despite having no powers and in the case of Kelly like a month of training, if that." 

Supergirl and J'onn and Brainy's taking like a dozen nukes shouldn't inspire hope. It should inspire fear. The thought that three people could just up and do that with pretty much no effort whatsoever and with no checks and balances should scare other nations shitless. What if they decide to take nukes from one of the big boys next? Or if instead of destroying them they decide to stockpile them?

They should give Katie more to do than spell-casting 101 and raising ethical concerns about the Super Friends' actions. 

I wish that at some point when a hero was presented with the bad guy's extortion threat was like, "That's nice, but obviously I'm not going to trade the life of one dude for something that might put you in control of the entire universe. Particularly when there's no reason to expect you will keep up your end of the bargain even if I did want to make it" But alas, that day is not today.


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I hope the final stretch of episodes gives us more than "Kara has a crisis of confidence about passing a totem gauntlet, Lena struggles with magic, William is a super-journalist, and Alex and Kelly grow as parents, with maybe a dozen lines to split between J'onn, Brainy, and/or Nia." Three totems in, and it's feeling discouragingly repetitive.

I do find it interesting that Kara struggles so much with the totems (although, rescuing cats from trees, really? A good deed, sure, but not exactly "hope that burns brighter/longer than the sun" or whatever.) She didn't have to do a humanity gauntlet, but courage and hope are both qualities she has in no short supply, and yet when asked to prove them, she flounders. It's a little like when you stop and THINK about a process that you normally do automatically and it suddenly seems foreign to you. When she just focuses on helping/protecting people, she displays the qualities she needs without a problem - it's producing them on command that's tricky for her.

I quickly clocked that Esme's fears about her powers had more to do with being rejected than her ability to control them. Bringing out the Truth Seeker was a creative way to reassure her, and I like that Alex and Kelly acknowledged that that one conversation didn't magically fix all her worries. The first scene was super cute too. It's sweet that Kara brought Esme all the stuffed animals Eliza gave her when she first came to Earth, and Grandpa J'onn was just adorable. And in the next scene at the Tower, I smiled at Brainy's clumsy attempts to relate to children, wondering about Esme's "building block preference" and then asking her if she's combat trained.

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Okay this was much better than last week's episode, although there are still some problems.

Esme is super cute! Awww - Space Dad is now Space Grandad. Alex being a mom now is kind of sudden; but I suppose it's following up on that arc from a few seasons ago.

To me, destroying the Hope totem didn't make sense. I feel like the totems are mostly symbolic, and the rules of magic are flexible, so I think even if you destroy the totem, it's possible for something else that symbolizes hope would become the new totem, because it's not really about the physical object. That's not what the show is going to do, but I think it makes more sense. However, if this stops the totem race, then, sure.

The second problem I have is that Mxy said every world has a set, so couldn't Nyxly go to another planet, dimension, or whatever, to get her AllStone?

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I have nothing to say about this episode, except for this bull that caught my attention: so, destroying one totem on Earth (yeah, can't wait to see how this bites them in the ass during the remainder of the episodes) will somehow make the AllStone non-assembling? Yeah, let's just forget what Mxy said about each planet having them.

Oh, wait, wait, I have another. So, the kid can copy others abilities like she's Kakashi Sensei from Naruto, huh? Neet. So, let's get her to work on them the first day of being in a new family for, as I assume, hours on end.

Edited by Rushmoras
6 hours ago, Rushmoras said:

Oh, wait, wait, I have another. So, the kid can copy others abilities like she's Kakashi Sensei from Naruto, huh? Neet. So, let's get her to work on them the first day of being in a new family for, as I assume, hours on end.

In fairness, though, Alex admitted that she was wrong to keep pushing Esme and sincerely apologized to her for it.

Edited by legaleagle53
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I just can't enjoy the show  while  this ridiculous adoption story is taking place.
"we are superheroes (with no special powers) and we will always be with you, blah blah blah" said the two mommies who apparently don't have enough functioning brain cells to understand that being both superheroes and have a family is not compatible.
And not only that, but although she is an alien absorbing other aliens' powers,  nobody thought J'onn or Kara should not be near her, at least until she manages to deal with it.
Instead they overwhelmed her by giving her a ton of info and trying to train her, when at the same time she was constantly surrounded by people with powers. And all this for a girl who is how old? 4? 5? 
Alex and Kelly are not fit to adopt a kid, actually I am not sure they should be even given a pet to take care of. Imagine a poor dog waiting for hours and hours for its walk...while its owners are busy saving the world. I mean really.. WTH?


You know, in theory, I wouldn't necessarily be against a storyline where Alex and Kelly adopt an alien child and learn to deal with motherhood and all the obstacles that come with it (with an added bonus of superpower hijinks!)  But being used for the final season?  Right before it all ends for good?  Yeah, I ain't exactly invested in that.  In general, I just wished there were way more stakes going on here besides that, Lena trying to figure out magic, more "Go Journalism!" from William, and another round of Kara and her self-doubts.

So, after a shake-up where Kara actually manages to take all of the totems back, she decides that why don't they just destroy one of them so that Nxy can't put them all together in her gauntlet... sorry, wrong superhero franchise, I mean AllStone and complete her grand plan.  And in case there is a blowback of some kind, they choose the hope one over humanity and courage because they assume that they can just bring hope back by themselves?  Yeah, I got nothing.  Doesn't seem to be any real effort being put into this.

At this point, I'm almost curious to see just how one-note they can make Andrea.

I guess it was Dreamer/Nicole Maines turn to have an episode off.

Staplerman was awesome.  More Staplerman!

Peta Sergeant really has been carrying these last few episodes.  And the thing is that the rest of the cast is truly talented as well.  But they're just giving nothing to work with here, in my opinion.

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If every planet (or even every inhabited planet) has all seven totems, why doesn't Nxyly just go to Rando Backwater Planet and obtain all seven there without the Super Friends or anyone else to interfere. She has a spaceship, after all, and can presumably go wherever she wants. Also, the notion that there's essentially an infinity of totems makes Supergirl's plan to stop Nyxly from assembling the AllStone that much more questionable since she could either get the Hope totem equivalent from some other planet as a fill-in, or just start the quest for all seven on one planet.

Also, it makes the original plan to divvy up the power of the AllStone seem questionable, since basically anyone who wants to put the Allstone together can do so on any one planet, rather than having to scour the universe for the components. Seems like some one dimensional thinking for 5D imps.

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2 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

If every planet (or even every inhabited planet) has all seven totems, why doesn't Nxyly just go to Rando Backwater Planet and obtain all seven there without the Super Friends or anyone else to interfere. She has a spaceship, after all, and can presumably go wherever she wants. Also, the notion that there's essentially an infinity of totems makes Supergirl's plan to stop Nyxly from assembling the AllStone that much more questionable since she could either get the Hope totem equivalent from some other planet as a fill-in, or just start the quest for all seven on one planet.

Also, it makes the original plan to divvy up the power of the AllStone seem questionable, since basically anyone who wants to put the Allstone together can do so on any one planet, rather than having to scour the universe for the components. Seems like some one dimensional thinking for 5D imps.

It could very well be that the screenwriters simply forgot what they wrote in dialogues for Mxy character. I would not be surprised.

22 hours ago, Zaffy said:

 the two mommies who apparently don't have enough functioning brain cells to understand that being both superheroes and have a family is not compatible.

Maybe at some point Alex and Kelly (and present-day Barry & Iris) can ask Clark  and Lois about that in a crossover. And meanwhile, I'm enjoying seeing Peta/Mxy more than I thought I would be. So please for the love of God don't bring back Lex.  As far as I'm concerned, he overstayed his welcome ages ago.  In his case, less is more.

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29 minutes ago, AD35 said:

Maybe at some point Alex and Kelly (and present-day Barry & Iris) can ask Clark  and Lois about that in a crossover. And meanwhile, I'm enjoying seeing Peta/Mxy more than I thought I would be. So please for the love of God don't bring back Lex.  As far as I'm concerned, he overstayed his welcome ages ago.  In his case, less is more.

The suit that Nyxly found herself in is clearly a Lexosuit, unfortunately. 

I find it hilarious that a tiny child was able to tell that Kara is Supergirl in about five seconds. And that the show decided to do a Superman The Quest for Peace homage episode, sadly without Nuclear Man though. A giant 80s nuclear powered supervillain with giant flashy magic fingernails sounds awesome. 

Our true hero finally arrives...Staplerman! Give that guy a totem or powers, he's clearly got the right attitude for being a hero.

I would normally be more interested in Alex and Kelly becoming parents to adorable Esme, but I wish that this had been introduced a lot earlier, its kind of clogging up what should be our exciting conclusion. I do love Grandpa Martian and cool Aunt Kara/Wacky Uncle Brainy. I hope that Brainy reminds her to eat her veggies. 

I feel like Andrea was a lot more interesting pre crisis when at least she seemed like an actual character and not a villain who cackles more than Nxyly does. At least we have Nxyly, who's still awesome, so awesome that she makes me not even roll my eyes about Lex possibly coming back.

Not a bad episode, but I swear I haven't heard that many speeches about hope since Once Upon a Time. If anyone sees purple mist coming, run for it!

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5 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

I feel like Andrea was a lot more interesting pre crisis when at least she seemed like an actual character and not a villain who cackles more than Nxyly does. At least we have Nxyly, who's still awesome, so awesome that she makes me not even roll my eyes about Lex possibly coming back.

I'm not ashamed to admit that I cheered when Nyxly magically knocked Andrea on her ass. It's about time somebody did!

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