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90DF Live Chat 3: I Gave Up Everything To Be Here

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Nikki still carries very masculine ideas about how a "beautiful woman" behaves. She expects men to be running after her, panting, and blows up when it doesn't happen.

I'd prefer a man who wanted to find a beautiful space to share time together getting to know each other. He even brought games that require little language and lots of connection.

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Nikki and Jasmine cant' get sex from their  men, porn has really killed  sex  between humans hasn't it.


1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Nikki still carries very masculine ideas about how a "beautiful woman" behaves. She expects men to be running after her, panting, and blows up when it doesn't happen.

I'd prefer a man who wanted to find a beautiful space to share time together getting to know each other. He even brought games that require little language and lots of connection.

Both Jasmine and Nikki work so hard to be blow up dolls to be sexy to men,  both are controlling psychos too though.   No matter what they  look like, any man will be turned off,  even Gino the cuck can't get it up for her.

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1 minute ago, Suzywriter said:

Nikki still carries very masculine ideas about how a "beautiful woman" behaves. 

I find it so demeaning and disrespectful to women. We do not prance around, kicking up our heels, giggling and fluttering our eyelashes. 

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Rob is looking for an excuse not to get married. He's having serious buyer's remorse. So he's relying on the time honored "be an asshole to her until she dumps you" method. 

Rob needs to level up and strive for indoor plumbing before he worries about being in a relationship.

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1 hour ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Manuel is sulking like a teenager. And that sideways ball cap! I mean, you can see why Ashley fell for him. 

Doesn't he always look stoned? 

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His sister said it might be a medical thing and he has no empathy…zero…God forbid you get sick one day. Run 

She’s right…marriage doesn’t equal the obligation to have kids. It isn’t the 1800s. I’m married, no kids, we love our lives. We travel and go to dinner and hang with friends etc. 

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He is the king of passive aggressive. Just stomps in and repairs to the corner to sulk eloquently. There will be firm and meaningful door closing, fraught silences, and sighs heaved. And of course now he's going out "walking". Meaning he'll go sit in his car for a couple of hours listening to music. I hope Sophie is sleeping blissfully when he decides to come back to his hovel. 

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1 hour ago, Suzywriter said:

Thank you for asking. I'm an hour and a half out, which in Maine is close. I often work in that area, but was nowhere near when the incident happened. 2 coworkers' family members are among the wounded.

Prayers for their recovery. 

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Well, Rob, evidently whatever you and Sophie talked about over the years, I'm guessing having kids never came up. You  probably talked about the practice of making them, a lot, I bet.

Hmm... from the preview, it looks like it's only going to get worse for some of the couples. Sophie's crying and Nikki's telling Igor to get out. 😲

Alright, see y'all either tomorrow or next week. Have a good one! 🎃✌🏿️❤️

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1 hour ago, Doublemint said:

She had a cyst.  That doesn't cause infertility.  I call bull shit.

Tetraomas though-aren't those the cysts that can grow hair and teeth and stuff? Not a regular cyst. 

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1 hour ago, AR Traveler said:

I just thought of something.  How does Rob do his laundry?  Actually having a laundry room in your home is bougie beyond belief.

I don't have a laundry room in my apt. In the building yes. I'm not bougie! I bet Rob's is the same-has machines elsewhere, maybe near the bathroom? 

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6 minutes ago, tvrox said:

Tetraomas though-aren't those the cysts that can grow hair and teeth and stuff? Not a regular cyst. 

Sounds like it. I just Googled Tetraomas and the images are terrifying and fascinating! The human body is so freaking weird!

Do you guys know the YouTuber Mama Doctor Jones? She's an OB/GYN. The thing with the cysts and also Jasmine's hymen surgery really make me wish she would do a video on these episodes. It would be really interesting to hear her take on things.

Lastly, hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker coming out of the shadows to make this comment. I really enjoy following the conversation. Hope everyone has a great night!

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3 minutes ago, Booey said:

Sounds like it. I just Googled Tetraomas and the images are terrifying and fascinating! The human body is so freaking weird!

Do you guys know the YouTuber Mama Doctor Jones? She's an OB/GYN. The thing with the cysts and also Jasmine's hymen surgery really make me wish she would do a video on these episodes. It would be really interesting to hear her take on things.

Lastly, hello everyone! I'm a long time lurker coming out of the shadows to make this comment. I really enjoy following the conversation. Hope everyone has a great night!

Welcome! Come sit by me and have a maple whiskey. 

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