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Season 23 Live Feeds Discussion

Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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2 minutes ago, TimWil said:

I don’t think they know. The CBS show would have had a segment on it, wouldn’t they?

I dunno - it doesn't have any impact on his or the game and quite frankly, the Venn diagram of Big Brother Fans and Boxing Fans Who Know The Old Greats probably doesn't have that much of an overlap. It's not like being the emerging American pop princess's brother. He's the son of an old boxer. Maybe if they need a filler segment later or if someone (coughTiffanycough) suddenly gets a wild hair about taking out Deref because he doesn't need the money but otherwise I don't think they would bother.

  • Love 4

Alyssa does know that she's not a Have Not anymore and she doesn't need to hide in the Loveless Nest, right? Or is this her way of mourning her giggle boy-thing hair flip?

P.S. Alyssa promised Christian that she would go to a certain bedroom (I think it's the hall one) every night at 7 PM BBT to talk to him on the feeds and she would shout him out at every live vote and she'll wear his class ring scarf once a week. I can't wait to see if she actually follows through on any of it.

  • LOL 6

Ugh. Kyland HoH again. I like Kyland so much more when I don’t have to listen to him ramble on and on and, like, on.

3 hours ago, ByaNose said:

I’m sure she liked him and all but it (he) was limiting her game. Now, she gets to mingle with the girls and the guys. 

He wasn’t exactly holding her prisoner. She chose to giggle-hair flip-isolate herself away with one person. And how much mingling can she do with the girls, anyway? They all hate her because she’s so pretty!

3 hours ago, TimWil said:

Sorry if this has been previously addressed but have the other HGs asked Derek F about his prominent Frazier tattoo and how is he explaining it?

I’m pretty sure the other HGs are aware of his father. I really feel like I’ve heard it mentioned. But having a famous boxing father doesn’t mean he’s rich. Boxers notoriously get to keep very little of their prize money, and are often much less wealthy than people assume. Joe Frazier also had 11 kids with 5 different women, so who knows if Deref ever saw any of whatever money Joe had. Deref has talked about growing up poor in a single parent household (his mom), and while that could be a cover, I tend to believe it. I don’t think he is very good at lying.

2 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Representation fucking matters. I got emotional listening to it the first time and then going through and transcribing it.

Thank you for doing this. It’s fascinating to see them lay it out like this, basically discussing the two viewpoints that have been debated here, especially in the episode threads. I wish I had seen this. I wonder if they’ll show this conversation in an episode?

  • Love 10
35 minutes ago, 30 Helens said:

Thank you for doing this. It’s fascinating to see them lay it out like this, basically discussing the two viewpoints that have been debated here, especially in the episode threads. I wish I had seen this. I wonder if they’ll show this conversation in an episode?

I think it'll make the show in some form at some point this season. I also think that a particular part of the audience will complain that they don't want to watch a Very Special Episode moment and I can see a lot of parts that they will latch onto in order to try and tear apart the greater message - things like "Well, the BB21 cast didn't do it maliciously, either" along with dictionary definitions of the word malicious or "lol Lawon was years ago, play your own game" because history only matters if your ancestors were blue eyed blonde haired Europeans.

I think those people will still see racism because white people aren't centered and that's a weirdly difficult concept for a lot of people (though I guess it goes back to the Claire/audience stand in thing I brought up earlier - do I get bonus points for connecting two different thoughts by accident?). I think the people who don't see the Cookout as racist (because it's not and I will die on this motherfucking hill, it's a nice hill with a tree for some shade) will find their own bits to trumpet back - where Xavier called it an "almost inherent duty" which is both sad and beautiful and the "In Memoriam" list of black former HGs. I don't think it'll change anything - if anything, I think the average viewer at home may see it and jump on the "that's racist" bandwagon because they're the same ones who says that race has no place in Big Brother and the racial makeup of America should be reflected in the casting if they really want to be fair and it's a social experiment blah blah blah. Because then it'll be shoved down their throats like James shoved the piece of pizza down Audrey's maw when she had her breakdown. And then they can complain - not about black people, they love black people, they have a black friend named Al so they can't be racist but the alliance is racist. Totally different. They posted a black square on their IG back in 2020, isn't that enough?

I don't know if you can tell but I don't think very highly of the larger portion of the audience. Honestly that's probably true of most things I'm a fan of. I think I just love to talk shit about the things I love. You should hear what I say about my favourite hockey team! (Their golf games are great - their hockey games... meh.)

  • Love 22

Ky and Azah are having some kind of argument, or a conversation about a misunderstanding about a miscommunication, and I’ve been listening for like 30 minutes and still have no idea what they’re talking about. Best I can figure is, Azah is upset because she asked him to throw a comp to her and he threw it to Tiffany instead and she felt disrespected? But I can’t tell because Ky is talking in word circles and Azah is getting frustrated and keeps asking him to get to the point and that just sends him in more circles because Ky, and 

then Azah is crying and telling Deref that talking to Ky is like talking to Tony Robbins, and he’s more concerned with rationalizing his actions than listening to her. And she’s trying to hold on to the 6 but she doesn’t like being talked down to,

And what this is all coming down to is there are 6 people who have joined together for a common cause but the problem is, aside from that cause they have little in common and they don’t appear to like each other that much. So can they put their differences aside and focus on the big picture, or will their self interests win out as they get closer to the end? It’s really getting fascinating to witness, and also a little troubling because if this falls apart it will be more than a shame.

I feel like X, Hannah, Azah and Deref are really committed to the CO. Tiff and Ky say they are, but in the end I feel like they would put their individual games ahead of the group if it would get them farther. If any of them break off to do their own thing, I think it would be those two.

7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

I will die on this motherfucking hill, it's a nice hill with a tree for some shade)

I’m right there beside you on that hill. I’ll bring a basket, we can have a lovely picnic.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Because Claire is the Normal Everyday Fan that is playing Big Brother. She represents the average viewer, she's friendly, she's funny. Sure, she's Tiffany's minion. She's also fun to watch on the feeds and isn't scandalous.

I feel like there's a whole interesting side to Claire that we haven't had a chance to see, because she's deliberately lying low and because she's overshadowed by bigger personalities. Lying low can be a great strategy, only she doesn't know about the CO. 

Watching her stand around with everyone last night after Christian left, I wondered if she was looking around, and thinking "Hmmmm." Not that she would say anything, even in the DR, because how could she put it? People here have discussed this before. 

I'll be very disappointed if she goes next week, before we get to know her better, but I do look forward to her exit interview with Rob and Taran. Christian not so much. 

  • Love 6

So Ky went to Tiff to vent about Azah, and she was like, welcome to my world. They agree that Azah doesn’t want to be understood, she just needs to be right. All the time.

And now Ky is complaining to Hannah about how he used all his conflict resolution tools that he learned from Pepperdine University (hello, Tony Robbins!), and they didn’t work, and it’s so very frustrating. And also maybe Azah is too close to Britini.

Hannah does her best to smooth things over, but the strain of being the calm, rational mom is taking its toll. She looks tired.


Deref on Ky: “He talks in three different codes! He just needs to stand there and look pretty.” Heh.

Edited by 30 Helens
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Why are all the Tony Robbins references making me cackle?

They cut away from Hannah and Kyland talking about noms and predictions about Britini being America's $100 favourite... to give us Claire, Azah, and Sarah Beth talking about how they had to choose numbers for the HoH knockout comp to determine the first two players and Britini, Claire, and Sarah Beth at the front of the line chose 1, 2, and 3. Whoever was the last in line chose the last number. It was the "identify the comp through a cheesy jingle" knockout comp but the two podiums had their buttons running in opposite directions - so one had HoH at the top, the other had HoH at the bottom which Claire says messed with her head in different rounds.

The button intern gambled on which feed would be better and lost. Heh.

  • Useful 1
5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

But it's like - I dunno - I still think that through, what our mission is. When they watch it back, I think they will understand that it wasn't, like, it wasn't malicious."

Awesome post, Callaphera.

This quote is why I'm loving this season. It isn't about a group of people pretending to like people they hate while trashing them behind their backs, all the while thinking about themselves. It's about people struggling to stay together to do something that feels more important than just getting money for themselves. 

Excuse me while I go turn on my favourite song from Les Mis. 😁


  • Love 11

HA! The last round was between Kyland and Tiffany. And it was basically the Amanda/McCrae situation, where Kyland waited and waited and waited for Tiffany to answer and finally had to end the pain himself and take the win. Please, someone tell me that Tiffany stomped her foot and complained about how she never wins anythiiiiiing while Kyland chewed on his warts and looked like he wanted to die.

ETA: Kyland's retelling of the story is completely different this time around. So now I don't know. But I hope it turns out the fun way.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Useful 1

I wonder why Julie does not mention the Cookout alliance to any of the people being voted out, last week Whitney was told about the Royal Flush (which was dead 3 days later) as the dominating alliance and this week Christian was told nothing about the alliance that really runs things. Is it maybe because Julie does not want to remind to people that the Cookout is basically an alliance of only black people? Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the Cookout and I like all people in it but I find it awkward and somewhat wrong that we already know the next 5 houseguests who are being voted out, only we don't know the order that they will be voted out. I'm not a racist, please don't take this wrong. It just makes the game less interesting. For example now Tiffany would be the normal target for Kyland and Tiffany would be voted out if it wasn't for the Cookout. Claire had no chance no matter how much people like her or how good of a game she played.

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It's 4:15 AM BBT and Kyland just started his one-on-one with Derex. His last one was with Hannah and clocked in at an impressive 57 minutes according to the unofficial timekeeper.

Hannah and Deref are still up in the upstairs lounge and not that long ago, Tiffany and Azah were in the storage room, reprising their Sarah Beth as Moaning Myrtle impressions. I realize how this sounds because I'm in the same time zone as the house but DO THESE PEOPLE EVER SLEEP?

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Deref passed out waiting for his one-on-one.

Derex/Kyland one-on-one currently sitting at 23 minutes, including Derex's pee break.

I hope Derex notices that Kyland is pushing back harder about putting Xavier up as the target versus cutting Sarah Beth this week. Kyland has talked about Sarah Beth as a target this week to both Derex and Hannah. I think it's some sort of test but like, damn dude. I kinda want to see that happen?

Kyland to Derex (currently 30 minutes): "This is what I wanted to talk to you about - I'm on a limited amount of time here-"

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 3
7 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Deref passed out waiting for his one-on-one.

I know there's been talk of Deref being strong, fit, etc. (Who said it anyway? Him? I forget.) But this is not a healthy young person. 

That said, I know that sometimes in the past we've seen people, usually young men, who sleep more and more in the house because they're bored. I can relate, because I've been known to do the same. But is Deref just bored, or is he unhealthy? 

I'm not looking for answers here, just commenting on thoughts I've had watching Deref sleep all the time. 

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Kyland wants to ask the house to vote anonymously? Like an Ipsos-Reid poll? With a disclaimer for Derex that he's going to change the result to whatever he wants it to be? Just like the High Roller poll! Kyland definitely reads every word of every user agreement he has ever clicked agree to. And then when everyone has done choosing options to his 19 questions, he wants to take his faked results to the house, tell them that that's who the noms are, and then it's their fault! But it's really his targets!

It's the revenge of the Skittles from BB16. Poor Donny probably hates Skittles.

He's going full Frenchie playing Godfather with the chess board in the backyard. Hilariously, it was Kyland that talked to Frenchie so long, I don't think Frenchie got around to the rest of the interviews.

I have no idea who Kyland trusts in this game now. He's telling Derex he might do Alyssa/Xavier but Derex says he's willing to take the shot at Xavier next week if they don't have the shot this week. Hannah was trying to talk Kyland into Alyssa/Britini. The target may have shifted from Claire to Alyssa but again, Kyland talks a lot and tells everyone everything plus something different to "test" them so who the fuck actually knows? Obviously he's pro-Cookout but?

Derex: "One of the powers was called Flip the... Powerful..." From Julie's description, one definitely sounded like taking control of the HoH noms - at least one if not both which could be fun. Ish.

Deref: still sleeping.
Kyland: still talking.
Derex: still with Kyland.

Edited by Callaphera
  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Deref: still sleeping.
Kyland: still talking.
Derex: still with Kyland.

Ky is very adorable but people who never stop talking exhaust me. I can feel the life force draining out of my body, like I'm talking to Colin Robinson on WWDITS. Unfortunately my family abounds with people like this. I try not to be one of them. 

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Derex/Kyland: 47 minutes.

Kyland to Deref: "I'll come right out."

Deref has entered the HoH room. Restarted the timer.

It sounds like noms are at 10:30 BBT this morning? LOL

Deref told Kyland no about putting up SB. What the fuck is happening? Does he want a Moment on his game resume or something?

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 1
45 minutes ago, himela said:

I wonder why Julie does not mention the Cookout alliance to any of the people being voted out, last week Whitney was told about the Royal Flush (which was dead 3 days later) as the dominating alliance and this week Christian was told nothing about the alliance that really runs things.


I don’t know why Julie didn’t mention the CO to Whitney, or if she would have to Christian if she had the time, but I noticed Christian’s exit was cut really short. We didn’t even see his goodbye messages. I assumed it was just for lack of time.

30 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kyland has talked about Sarah Beth as a target this week to both Derex and Hannah. I think it's some sort of test but like, damn dude. I kinda want to see that happen?

Me too, but I think it would look suspicious if Ky put up SB, or if Hannah put up Derex, as she argued. They’re supposed to be allies, so Ky nominating SB would just make people look for the reason, which might lead to the CO. And yeah, they  could probably just reveal themselves now if they had to, but I don’t think they’re ready yet.

22 minutes ago, Callaphera said:

Kyland definitely reads every word of every user agreement he has ever clicked agree to.

Ha! And prints them out for safekeeping.

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Kyland: talks
Deref: mmhmm
Kyland: talks
Deref: yawns

Aw, Jesus. 18:30 into the discussion and Kyland just brought up his idea to have the house do the What Kind of Housecat Are You? Buzzfeed quiz with Skittles. Deref is... remembering that California is the Land of 5150 Holds and Kyland might need one.

He's also saying that he might offer Azah to choose between herself and Britini for the block (WHAT DO YOU THINK SHE'LL DO, MORON). And Deref might offer himself as the pawn?

Nope, he just did. He said he can't have Britini up there, he can't have Azah up there. He'll do it, it's fine, it's better that way. He literally offered himself up for the slaughter because he doesn't want to do the Skittle poll. Because it's chaos. Now playing the role of fun-killer Xavier: Deref. But no! Kyland still wants to ask because he thinks that everyone will answer "Who do you think you can win against in F2?" and they both think that Deref will be the overwhelming yes. And they're right - Deref is the Victoria only no one will penalize whoever drags Deref to the finish line.

Deref is having reservations (omg just go to bed) and thinks that the girls might team up against us if he's on the block because girls stink. Ew, girls. "Get some sleep," Deref says but then stays to call Tiffany a bitch three times. I'm not with it enough to keep a bitch counter and a talk timer. But when the six is the only six, Deref is cutting all the girls. He only made promises to the boys because boys rule. Deref offers to be a pawn again and then yawns long enough to break the world record. By the way, Alyssa's business partner has 2 million dollars followers so that's a mark against her. And she's a girl. Ew.

Kyland offers to put up SB again. Deref talks him down again. Is this a fever dream? I know we're having extreme weather here again but I have three fans on me, I'm not that warm. I need a refill of my drink but I don't want to miss the potential end of this meeting because of the timer. Before long this is going to become some stream of consciousness wackiness and holy shit, Kyland asked another question.

They're going to do the polling right after the morning music because Kyland is worried that he'll get called into the DR early. Deref is skeptical about getting the whole house corralled that early. Also Deref yawned again. "You just had to be smart," Deref tells him.

Deref tells him to sleep for the 54th time. Kyland starts putting away his food. Deref wants the HoH bed one night. Deref stays to talk about a drag show he went to. GO THE FUCK TO SLEEP. Jesus, no, they're talking about how to do this voting thing again. Deref moved one foot closer to the exit door. It's like my mom trying not to leave at the end of the night because she has one more story to tell me. Deref tells Kyland that this isn't easy.

So Deref is going on the block as a pawn? Or maybe Azah? And Claire might be replacement nom if Azah comes down? But Deref is invoking the magical The Six and somewhere in New York, BB21's Tommy felt a little thrill. The Six! Deref tells Kyland to sleep. And then stops at the door to ask if Kyland wants Deref there when he talks to Azah. I don't even fucking know anymore. Deref tells Kyland to get some sleep. Rejoice, for he has finally left the room!

Deref/Kyland clocks in at 45 minutes (them) and a 6th of a bag of Flamin' Hot Cheetos (me).


Edited by Callaphera
In case you ever wanted to know what a kyland conversation is like on the feeds.
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Deref: "Oh. It's fucking six o'clock in the fucking morning."

Kyland is begging the camera to contact his friends to get people voting for him to get the Bucks because he's really terrified of the powers fucking up his HoH this week.

Kyland was told that this has been the only season that two African American males have won HoH and the first time that an African American male won HoH twice. He doesn't know if that's right but he likes that. I should have started the timer for Kyland's HoH Camera Talk but I forgot. Woe. Now he's talking about his friend Tara Kelly (?) and how they've never kissed, they're friends. Just like Sarah Beth!

Kyland passed out pretty much mid-sentence. I am begging for Big Brother to call him for the sandwich punishment. For the whole house.

Also I think he settled on Alyssa/Big D or Azah noms with Claire as the replacement nom. Because Deref is afraid that Britini might break completely if she's pawned again (please do it please do it please do it)

Edited by Callaphera
  • LOL 4
1 hour ago, himela said:

I wonder why Julie does not mention the Cookout alliance to any of the people being voted out, last week Whitney was told about the Royal Flush (which was dead 3 days later) as the dominating alliance and this week Christian was told nothing about the alliance that really runs things. 

I think she didn’t mention it to Christian because the HOH this week was a non-CO member. Plus, both nominees were non-CO members and competing on an even playing field. Mentioning the CO would have felt kind of shoehorned in since they weren’t in control this week.

I was thinking about how the news that the public will vote to help give one houseguest a power this week is playing with the houseguests’ minds and making them wonder how they’re perceived. Maybe that’s why Tiffany and X had that beautiful talk - partly to reaffirm each other, but partly to let the public know that they don’t mean any harm to non-CO members.

Also, I think the biggest chink in the CO’s armor is that they didn’t give Derek F a person. Now both he and Azah believe Britini is their person and they’re wildly protective of her because they think she’s all they have. It knocked off the balance of the 6 and pits Azah and Big D against the rest of them because it seems like everyone else in the CO has a person that doesn’t get nominated every week.

Edited by lids
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Good morning all!  It sounds like a long night in the BB house. It’s all quiet now but the HOH light is still on. Camera 1 shows the back of someone's head. I'm pretty sure it's Azah because she wears bonnets to bed. (I still think of bonnets as the head covering you see in Little House on the Prairie.) When the face is shown, it looks like Tiffani but she usually doesn't wear anything on her head at night.

Camera 2 shows the full blue sofa room. Derek F is sleeping soundly in his coffin bed which looks more coffin than usual this morning. Azah's in the far bed and Britini must be in the bed of which you can only see a corner at the bottom of the screen. The Frenchie Memorial Bed is unoccupied in the middle.

Camera 3 shows a close up of Kyland's sleeping face on a white pillow that looks purple because of the lighting. Yes, lights are on in HOH and he can sleep through it.

Camera 4 zooms out to show.the full HOH bed and Kyland sleeping in it. His jackass of clubs apron is hanging from the orchid on the shelf by his bed. He is a tidy person. Unlike Derek X, there is nothing scattered on the floor and the pillows are in place on the unoccupied side of the bed.

Question: can you vote 10 times a day or is it capped at 10 votes. Someone on BB chat said her whole family voted for Claire and that was around 250 votes. She has 6 children and 21 grandchildren. Also 5 great-grand children but they can't vote.

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10 minutes ago, Lamb18 said:

Camera 3 shows a close up of Kyland's sleeping face on a white pillow that looks purple because of the lighting. Yes, lights are on in HOH and he can sleep through it.

Maybe because he just fell asleep...maybe half an hour ago? He fell asleep mid-sentence, I believe, after talking to Deref.

There were Bubbles for a while and now there is some action in the House. Kyland is up in his jackass costume starting to make sandwiches. Derek X is up in the kitchen with him. Claire walked by in her Duke of the Deck costume. I don't think I've seen so many up so early in the morning so far. Britini and Azah are up. Azah says she wishes she is wearing the donkey costume because it looks warm.

On cams 1 and 2 Claire and Tiffani are talking. Everybody sounds so tired, especially Kyland. Derek X is eating a banana. 

I think it's Claire and Alyssa are talking, not Tiffani. Sarah Beth is up now, asking Kyland if there is anything she can do.

11 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

I see that about Claire. I just wish she had better game sense. She's a nice, cool chick but her game seems to consist of "What does Tiffany want?" There's no partnership there. 

I think that's deliberate on Claire's part. Claire saw the makeup of the house and the dynamics early and realized that the best way to move forward was to play utr. She saw Tiff is someone that wants control and so she gives her that. IMO she has pretty clearly sussed out CO but there's really nothing she can do about it right now and I think she realizes she may likely not ever be able to do anything. Also, she is a huge BB fan and I suspect probably the type of BB fan who has noticed that Black players get fucked, so she probably even feels partially like she should let them have this. She's in a really tough spot.

1 hour ago, 30 Helens said:

Why didn’t Deref get a side piece? Were there only girls left after everyone else picked and he was like, ewww, no way? Or was Frenchie his person?

Tiffany's side piece thing was about getting CO and the ideal people for CO into jury so they only needed 11 players which meant someone wasn't gonna get an extra. Since Deref wasn't particularly close to anyone else besides Frenchie and Frenchie went before Tiff's plan, he didn't get a +1.

I will probably watch less feeds this week because I can not stand to listen to Ky. I suspect the feeds will be down for quite awhile today anyway for High Rollers. Oh well, I'll be able to catch up on Outer Banks!

  • Love 7

Kyland tells Hannah that he has no intention of sending Claire home. He wants to send Alyssa home.  He's thinking Claire and SB with Alyssa as backdoor. Kyland is so incoherent it's hard to determine his intent.

Hannah says she's heard people say Kyland and Xavier are working together. He asks who he should put up. She says put up Claire now and with power and veto . . . I'm feeling like how Kyland sounds so I'm having trouble following all this. Plus I should be working.

House meeting with Kylanf about to start! And my meeting starts soon so I need to mute.

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My meeting is over and looks like whatever meeting Kyland had is over. He sounds more awake now. Or maybe he didn't have it yet.

16 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

You're at work? 😂😂

Yep, usually nothing much is happening on feeds in the morning so I put the sound on mute and check to see if anyone is up. So I actually get work done. This morning is different. 

I work from home and will for at least another six months.

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Oh I see how they're doing this. They use the chess board grid to represent the memory wall. No wonder I didn't.catch any answers. Claire was just in and now it's Sarah Beth's turn. I see that big donkey head waving around at the edge of the screen. Switch to wave room and a big pile of laundry on someone's bed. Or it might be Sarah's suitcase opened up with the clothes spilling out.

Now it's Xavier and Claire in the kitchen. There are guessing where the High Roller room is. She thinks downstairs.

13 hours ago, Katesus7 said:

Everyone else? I mostly like, although in different degrees.  They all irritate me at times (but hell, so does everyone, including my family).  But I think they're all basically likable, decent people.  Hell, I would even apply that to Alyssa/Derek F.

I agree.  This is the oddest BB brother season ever.  In a good way, I guess. 

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Representation fucking matters. I got emotional listening to it the first time and then going through and transcribing it.

I KNOW. This is why I want banners back. You could literally send one: "y'all GOOD." and they would know the audience is mostly right there with them while also feeling  the same way they feel, that IDEALLY it would be great they didn't feel like the shot has to be taken, that they could play their individual games based on who they vibe with most, but 22 years or y'know 400 means they feel the understandable duty/obligation. But man I wish that didn't help Ky/Xavier more than Tiffany/Hannah/Azah. Fuck Derek F tho i swear that man slanders Detroit and my home girl ONE MORE TIME I am gonna Big Brother Buck Tiffany into the stratosphere.


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Message added by statsgirl,

We understand that some hot button topics are coming up this season, such as with the Cookout. Reminder that it's ok to disagree but do NOT break our Be Civil rule. Keep your comments about the show, NOT about the people on this forum. If you can't disagree civilly and without talking about the posters, utilize the Ignore User function or scroll past their posts. And reminder that there is more to this season than the Cookout so if you feel like a conversation is going in circles, feel free to move on to something else. Going forward, unwillingness to adhere to these rules will result in warnings.

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