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BB Anticipation: New Season, New Houseguests

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1 hour ago, Scout Finch said:

And the POC will all be voted out first. Or, like the season where they were all sent, one by one, into the Camp thing which quickly became quite racially disproportionate to the non-camp houseguests.

Ah, Camp Not Like Us (and Cliff). I feel like we all really missed an opportunity by not setting the Happy Segregated Little Campers scenes to that song Cartman sings in South Park about all the minorities in his water park bumming him out. Hell, switch "BB house" for "water park" - you might need to work on the rhyming a bit - and you have the theme song for BB21.

I remember people trying to argue "But Analyse wasn't sent there so it's not true!" Yes, and she was hot enough to Jack that even though he said her coochie smelled like a dumpster and they both got some freaky rash while bumping uglies in the HoH shower, he still fucked her almost every day so that argument is null and void on account of having boobs and a pretty face. (Dear people on the fence about getting the feeds: if that didn't tip you over to the YES, PLEASE side, what's wrong with you?) (A moment of silence for the HoH Shower Sex Stool that Jessica evicted.)

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23 hours ago, LoveLeigh said:

I do not get the feeds because for the most part i find them totally boring and their conversations are never interesting. It is like watching paint dry unless there is heavy drama. However having said that, I do like BBAD because I am a night owl and that defined 3 hour format gives me just the right dose and measure of the "inside look and peek" I need to sustain my interest in the broadcast segments. 

Last summer, I sporadically watched the show because there was no BBAD and I knew the episodes were heavily edited. 

This sums up pretty succinctly my feelings about BBAD and the series in general.  

  • Do I have either the time or inclination to watch the feeds 24/7 to know what’s going on in the House?  Hell no - I have both a life AND a day job.
  • I am quite aware, however, the super-duper-heavily-edited broadcast episodes represent little or no true image of what’s really going on in the House - so the broadcast episodes on their own offer little-to-no entertainment value to me.  If they are all there is, I’ll go find something more productive to do with my time.

That’s why/where BBAD hit a sweet spot for me; short sweet daily dips in my off hours into the House activities proper, which were enough to keep me engaged with the broadcast episodes to see how close their representation was to House reality.

Edited by Nashville
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1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Cast reveal tomorrow! I hate how excited I am lol.

This week keeps getting better and better.  

Yesterday Grand Prix assignments for the fall figure skating season came out.  Today Oregon opened back up and lifted almost all pandemic restrictions.  Tomorrow, BB cast reveal...  What will Friday hold (other than the start of a 3-day holiday weekend)?!


US Weekly's website is fucking shit (yo, staaahp with the pop-up videos of Enzo, yo) and the first guy whose last name may be fake - he looks like that and he says his name is Birkenberger? He looks like what I figure a human representation of a Birkenstock would - said that his favourite BB duo was Zankie and WHY ARE WE ASKING ABOUT DUOS WHEN IT'S TEAMS DON'T DO THAT, BB. I'm so excited to read the rest and learn absolutely nothing but hate them all anyway.

ETA: Did they send all the HGs a link to a Best of Big Brother Youtube compilation video? I refuse to believe the Hitmen had that many fans who also remember Britney's goodbye message to Boogie. Or that many fans period.

Edited by Callaphera
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Ok, so part 1 of my initial thoughts based just off the bios (once the videos come out, my opinions might change):

  1. Alyssa: I gotta admit, her giving her strategy response did make me more intrigued by her than I thought. Not that I think I'll like her that much when the live feeds turn on, but at least it shows that she kind of knows the show enough where she realizes that first HOH can be somewhat important in terms of forming bonds. That being said, her claim that she won't speak too much the first couple of weeks? You know that's likely a total lie. She's going to get in some trouble in the middle weeks, for sure. Plus points to mentioning season 11. Negative points to mentioning Jeff/Jordan, as well as Jessica/Cody. I'm putting her in the No pile.
  2. Azah: I actually really like Azah from her bio. She mentions things that only a big fan of the show would know, indicating that she's at least not a recruit. Hoping that she also sticks to her strategy for the season. If she can do that, then I'm highly rooting for her. So, she's a Yes for me.
  3. Brent: LOL, nope. He's a total dudebro, you can just tell, and a recruit to boot. Already rooting against this guy, but he'll probably get to jury with ease. My only hope in him is that he's lying in his pre-interviews and will turn out to be a lot different in the house. I'm putting him firmly in the Nope pile.
  4. Britini: You can kind of tell that she's a newer fan to the show and likely binged some of the more recent seasons before coming on. She mentioned season 14, which is good...but then she keeps talking about Frankie, which is a major turn-off. She's one who I will have to see her video to get a better idea but, for now, she's a No from me.
  5. Christie: Again, a clear recruit/very new fan. She seems ok for now. I don't have too much of a strong opinion on her. I'll wait to see her video. She's a Maybe.
  6. Derek X: I mean, yikes to him mentioning Mike Boogie but....he seems ok. Not a whole lot to go off of in his bio, but I'll put him in the Maybe pile. 
  7. Frenchie: I mean, he seems to be a huge fan...I hear he's from BB Twitter, which...meh. I did laugh at his favourite duo, but other than that, I'm not so sure I'm feeling him. He's in the Maybe pile for me.
  8. Kyland: I get both good and bad vibes from him. Good vibes from his interests. Bad vibes from him mentioning season 16, along with his claim that he's not going for fame. If you have to mention that, it's already on your mind so you know, after the show, he'll likely be going for brand deals, no matter what placement he gets. He's a Maybe for me.
  9. Sarah: Ah, AKA, the "quirky manic dream pixie girl" houseguest that they tend to cast. I mean, I guess it's good that she's stating up front that she plans to float...I dunno, I'm wary because of the other houseguests they've cast in the past that are like Sarah. She's a Maybe for me, depending on her video. 
  10. Tiffany: Finally, they cast a woman who is not in her 20s or 30s! It's been a while! Again, don't love all the season 16 mentions but despite that, I do get good vibes from Tiffany. They must also be showing these people in sequester the Dan's Funeral moment because this is at least a fifth mention of it! However, the mention of an alter ego? A bit of a red flag but we'll see.

I'll read over the rest of the bios and post my thoughts in another post.

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The last batch of houseguests:

  1. Travis: He claims that he's a jokester. That's either a good or bad thing, but more likely a bad thing. But he's a Maybe for me.
  2. Whitney: Ehhhhhh. I give her a No for now.
  3. Hannah: I get good vibes from Hannah. I like that she's more into the friendships formed than the showmances. And she really does seem to be a fan of the show. And I like her description of her strategy. Overall, a Yes from me.
  4. Derek F: He doesn't give me a lot to go off of. I hear he has a famous dad, so we'll see how that goes. A Maybe for me.
  5. Xavier: So, I think I do get good vibes from him. There isn't anything too alarming I see in his bio (besides the Hitmen mention....) and he's a cat person so plus points from me. Overall, a tentative Yes.
  6. Christian: Flirting as an activity? That's the thing that stood out to me. Overall, he doesn't give me a whole lot to work from so a Maybe from me. 

Overall, a solid group of individuals. A lot of who I need to see actually speak in order to accurately judge if I'll hate them right off the bat. And, as usual, live feeds are better indicators since that's when all the houseguests show their true colours and aren't playing it up for the fans.

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Why does Travis have such a small head? Why does Whitney abuse !!!!s and lols? Why does Sarah look like me at 12 because I'm pretty sure I wore that exact outfit for, like, Easter dinner at Grandma's or something? Also, with her crippling fear of butterflies, we really need to introduce her to Paulie Cauliflower. Brandon wins for best duo answer, hands down, no question, give this man confetti on his shoulders already.

I love how many people are picking Favourite Moments that are... not typical of a bunch of IG models and yet, they almost all list that they would bring a notepad or a journal into the house. I mean.

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1 hour ago, Callaphera said:

He looks like what I figure a human representation of a Birkenstock would

I just startled all of my co-workers by laughing too loud at this! But, agreed, haha.

I'm actually encouraged by this cast! Looks like a pretty good group, and MOST of them seem to have some good knowledge of BB past, so maybe they got mostly fans this year and fewer recruits? Though I'm disappointed that nobody listed Janelle and Kaysar as their favorite duo.

Rooting for Azah right now solely because she stated that she couldn't stand showmances. Me either, girl!

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5 hours ago, Callaphera said:

Brandon wins for best duo answer, hands down, no question, give this man confetti on his shoulders already.

There's no one named Brandon lol. 

Xavier is fucking hot. Finally, some male eye candy! It's been awhile.

I already love Azah and Derek F. so I need them to not let me down immediately.

Travis looks exactly like John B. from Outer Banks.

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Thanks for the rundown Lady Calypso. I also checked the link. It sounds like a promising bunch in many ways, but my pet peeve is people who describe themselves with words like charming, charismatic, quirky and sweet. These are words for others to use to describe someone. In my experience people who describe themselves with these words are always wrong. 

It reminds me of a quote I read years ago. Something like "People who are charming aren't aware of it. If you think you're charming... you're not." 

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Okay, so I read through the bios and have my impressions to share:

1.  Christian - Nope.  He enjoys flirting and one of the three items he would bring into the house is his cologne because it makes him "irresistible."  No, you're a douche and we can tell already.
2.  Xavier - He's pretty.  Oh so pretty.  Beyond the superficiality - Yes.  He's a cat lover.  And he seems very articulate and thoughtful.  Okay, he should be since he's a lawyer, but my initial take on him is he's a keeper.
3.  Derek F. - Probably not.  I laughed and rolled my eyes at his declaration of "I'm a leader."  Nah, bro.  If you have to say that, you're probably not, but you wish you were.  Totally overcompensating for being Joe Frazier's son.
4.  Hannah - My notes say "LOL - Nope."  Anyone who thinks Day & Bay were the most awesome duo/friendship on BB ever clearly didn't follow them post-season, otherwise she'd know they've moved to straight up hatin' each other.  Hannah's going to join the first power alliance, as the side-ho to whichever alpha male is leading it.
5.  Whitney - Nope.  For multiple reasons and I'm not sure which is more important - that she totally plans to float if she can or that she thought up the White Chocolate Raspberry Tillamook ice cream.  Because white chocolate ain't chocolate, is an offense to humanity, and I'd totally buy a Dark Chocolate Raspberry Tillamook ice cream if they made it.  Damn her.
6.  Travis - Undecided.  He's 100% been cast as Tyler 2.0 and I suspect he may be a buffoon, but he gets all the love for naming Brett/Winston as one of his fave BB duos.
7.  Tiffany - Maybe but probably No.  She win points for being a cat person, however I sense that she is going to be a backstabbing, scheming bitch.  Which I might love when I see her on the feeds.  Or I might hate her if she's inept in her backstabbing and scheming.
8.  Sarah - Nope.  1) She's totally floating.  2)  Anyone who declares herself "quirky" is too twee for words or attention.
9.  Kyland - Initially I was thinking "meh" and calling BS on him "not caring" about the $$.  Dude, we all know every single last one of you cares about the $$!!!!  Then, I went straight to Nope when I read that he liked Battle of the Block and that he read the Twilight series.  Just stop already and get off my screen.
10.  Brandon/Frenchie - Maybe.  He gets some love for calling out Rockstar's "on my daughter's birthday!!!" as one of the legendary BB moments.  Yeah, it was.
11.  Derek X.  - I have ZERO read on him at all.  If he's at all like his bio he will be a very early evictee.  Nothing remarkable or interesting about him in any way.
12.  Christie - Same as Derek X.  She'll be an early evictee.  Bland as she is bald.
13.  Britini - Nope.  She's totes throwing comps!  And if she was truly an extrovert then her biggest concern about life in the BB house wouldn't be how to fill the downtime between comps.  Inauthentic.
14.  Brent - Nope!  100% gunning for a showmance and I'm betting he's an exhibitionist.   Let's pray he never wins HOH otherwise we're going to have another HOH Shower Stool of Sex situation.
15.  Azah - Maybe.  Reading her bio I suspect she might be the super-fan of the cast.  Old-school and hardcore fan.  And no showmances!  If she pans out like she's promising then I'll move her to the Yes column.
16.  Alyssa - Yes?  She's a baseball fan, I think (or she has someone in her life who is a huge Derek Jeter fan).  She had some pretty sound reasoning for liking Jessica when she was opposing Paul.  She's a girl after my own heart in knowing that she needs to talk less because it gets her into trouble.  But, she's totes going to blab, piss off other cast members, and will get voted out before jury.

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I have been trying to figure out if there are any duos and trying to find out more on some houseguests. 

Alyssa has met Jess (19) in person and I think she will play a similiar game to hers. I do not think that will work, Maybe teams will help keep her safe but she will be targeted if she comes out guns a blazing wanting to win early on. 

Frenchie is a crazy super fan. He named his daughter Robyn Kass (not joking) , he has been tweeting about the show for years and watches BB Canada too. I was hoping for someone more like cowboy farmer Jason but that is not Frenchie. He could go down like  Ronnie, knowing too much. It seems like we only have a few real fans this season. I think he will overwhelm the cast that just watched 16.19. 14. 11 and do not know all the details of every alliance and twist. 

I am curious to see Brittani , will she be a Nicole A or Kaycee? I'm torn just by what I see online. 

Hannah is super smart(she went to a T20 STEM major at 15 not a community college) , I love to see very smart people play the game. I just do not want to see another Ovi sitiation. I think she might be different then just a book worm because with her hip hop dance pictures she seems to have a cool side to her. 

I am slight;y concerned about the very few "older" cast.  Who will Tiffany bond with?  I could not tell if she has any kids, so not sure if she will be the mom of the house at 40. I can see Whitney, next oldest being into makeup and social media bonding with some younger cast , Then Azah who I like and I think has a shot to go far could get trapped if Tiffany gets to close to her. It is kind of sad to see only 4 people over 30 and 2 are 30 so only 2 people over 31. 

Right now I my first day guess is Xavier wins. If you look at his social media , he seems to be the full package. He is fit and ready to win comps, He is a lawyer so he has to talk to many different people on a daily basis and most liekly have to deal with conflicts or resolve problems , and he seems like a nice person who loves his family. I think people will be drawn to him. 

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I did not read the Us Weekly cast introductions, because I did not want to give them my email address so they could send me exciting newsletters. Instead, I looked at the intros on EW https://ew.com/tv/big-brother-season-23-cast-photos-bios/. Based on that, I now have a reason to pre-dislike nearly every houseguest:

  • Alyssa: Gives top billing to her Hooters billboard.
  • Britini: Uses way too many exclamation points! Haha!
  • Christie: Great, another self-congratulatory vegan/pescatarian (Angela would be proud).
  • Derek X: His company ships “meal kits by food influencers”. Please don’t influence my food, and please don’t send me any kits.
  • Frenchie: Calls himself “Frenchie”
  • Christian: Pfft. Trying way too hard to sound quirky.
  • Kyland: Thinks he’s a Jedi. There’s more, but it doesn’t matter because.. Thinks he’s a Jedi.
  • Sarah: Hasn’t seen Breaking Bad.
  • Tiffany: “Utilize”s her “alter ego”. I don’t even know what that means, but it sounds potentially psychotic.
  • Travis: If calling himself a Prank Master weren’t enough, the douchey pose certainly would be. Also: You were “sued by massive titans of industry”? What happened? Did you try to prank them, you scamp?
  • Whitney: Can “wiggle [her] nose like a bunny”. That’s just precious.

Giving a pass (for now) to Azah, Brent (although that fishing website better be about trout, not my passwords), Derek F, Hannah, and especially Xavier, because he’s just too damn pretty.

I really don’t think it was necessary to cast two Dereks. I’m already getting flashbacks to double Nicoles.

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6 hours ago, silverspoons said:

Frenchie is a crazy super fan. He named his daughter Robyn Kass (not joking) , he has been tweeting about the show for years and watches BB Canada too. I was hoping for someone more like cowboy farmer Jason but that is not Frenchie. He could go down like  Ronnie, knowing too much. It seems like we only have a few real fans this season. I think he will overwhelm the cast that just watched 16.19. 14. 11 and do not know all the details of every alliance and twist.

He seems to be pretty hated by a lot of fans. Apparently he was suggestively DMing a fan while he was married.


Right now I my first day guess is Xavier wins. If you look at his social media , he seems to be the full package. He is fit and ready to win comps, He is a lawyer so he has to talk to many different people on a daily basis and most liekly have to deal with conflicts or resolve problems , and he seems like a nice person who loves his family. I think people will be drawn to him. 

I hope Xavier lives up to my expectations and does well but I do fear that the white guys will be intimidated by him since he's way hotter than any of them lol.

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Chiming on on the Xavier hotness. Though I think Kyland, Christian, and even Travis (I know) have the looks going as well.

Random notes:

  • Travis being sued by "Titans of Industry" - tell me more
  • Need details on the Devil Rooster
  • I love seeing interesting careers on the show - Lawyer, Phlebotomist, Forensic Scientist
  • Hannah is calculated?

Overall, it actually seems like a semi-interesting cast. We'll see. We've been hurt before.

Edited by CrazyDog
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Another Xavier fan. One of his favorite moments is "Britney Haynes’ goodbye message to Boogie after his eviction ." Hello... me too. 

Sarah - and Britini are Long Island Nicole (without the Long Island) split in two and I am not here for it. 

Every year, I look at the cast list and I think to myself, "who would I walk up to first at a dinner party if I didn't know anyone?" 

Xavier. Second would probably be Azah because she has the greatest hair ev-er. 


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I'm a little late to the party, but I'm looking through the hamsters now and shall give any snap judgment thoughts as I go.


Christian: "Zach and Frankie aka Zankie" - dead to me

Xavier: Britney's goodbye message to Boogie is his favorite moment? ❤️

Derek: Loves Dick and Jen's fight where she threw out his cigarettes, and for now I'm choosing to believe it makes him Team Jen, which: +1. Also, his dad is Smokin' Joe Frazier? That's awesome.

Hannah: Not feeling the shout-out to Paul and Victor. Meh.

Whitney: I think I just went blind looking at her teeth.

Travis: He looks like someone and I can't pin point who and it's driving me crazy. I haven't seen Outer Banks, so it's not him I'm thinking of. This will annoy me until I figure it out.

Tiffany: I like that she's "older" at nearly 41. Which isn't old, unless you're on this show.

Sarah: I dig the profession of Forensic Scientist.

Kyland: So... he talks a lot.

Frenchie: Seems like a try hard. The naming a kid Robin Kass thing is horrendous.

Derek: I want to see him hip-hop dance. He better not bust that factoid out, only to not do it in the house. I assume he'll get drunk/want to make friends and try something awkward to make people like him and wind up doing it a little.

Christie:As proof at how badly BB21 may have scarred me, I had flashbacks to Christie crying over brussel sprouts upon reading her name. It amuses me that her dog is named Harold.

Britini: I can't with the spelling of the name. She likes writing words in ALL CAPS at random.

Brent: The money counter bit... blecch.

Azah: She loves Jun and Keesha's birthday, and I think I may love her.

Alyssa: Has a dog named Jeter, so clearly a Yankee fan. It makes me want to like her, so she better not be misleading me.


So, they definitely gave them BB14 and BB16 in sequester, huh? If I have to hear about "The Hitmen" or Dan's funeral one more time, I swear.

Edited by Alice Mudgarden
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4 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Chiming on on the Xavier hotness. Though I think Kyland, Christian, and even Travis (I know) have the looks going as well.

Travis looks exactly like John B. from Outer Banks but like slightly busted lol. But like, I get it, because John B. is kinda hot.

Outer Banks Hair Flip GIF by NETFLIX

Kyland is cute and I am loving what I've seen of him on social media so that makes him hotter. Christian and Brent both look way hotter in the pics of them I've seen floating around than they do in the janky iphone pics.

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26 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

OK I watched them all. There are so many annoying voices this season lol.

Oh no. That's the worst news so far. I have an extremely low tolerance for annoying voices. 

I can't wait to reread this thread in a month or two to see who we were completely right about, and who we were wildly wrong about. It should be hilarious. I think I'll put it on my calendar. 

I hope I haven't posted this before but I love the very beginning of things. Like I love the beginning of movies. I've probably watched the beginning of Jurassic Park 20 times, although I've only finished it maybe 4. Anyway, almost my favourite part of a reality show like BB or BBCan or Survivor is when you first see the faces of the new cast, and you know that some of them who you think you'll hate will become your favourites, maybe for years, while others who look great are either horrible, or will leave before you even get to know them. 

My point is, at the beginning, I can never imagine who they're going to be, or how I'll feel about them. It's so weird to look back and remember that feeling. (I do this in real life too, but it's so much easier on TV. IRL I don't usually get presented with 20 strangers who may or may not play a big part in my life for the next 2 months.) 

My finger hurts from typing. I just needed to express this to people who would get it. 


Edited by Melina22
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12 hours ago, CrazyDog said:

Is, there, like, a lot of, like vocal fry? And are we talking Nicole bad, or, like, normal bad?

It's all normal bad lol. My sister didn't even notice any of them being annoying so it might just be a me thing. But a lot of them, including almost all the men, were just annoying me. I'll probably get used to them though since none of them were Nicole levels. 

Also, I have a really annoying voice myself so maybe I'm just projecting lol.

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I try to give people some lenience on things they genuinely can't control, so annoying voices are annoying, but minimal for me. I'm not gonna judge someone that harshly based on things they can't control. Then again, I am quite aware that my voice could be deemed annoying because of some medical issues from birth, so I talk weird (listening to myself through a recording is almost torturous for me).


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So, there's a few options as to why there is a sudden casting swap this late into them being in sequester:

  • One of them tested positive for COVID, or another medical issue and, thus, they have to be removed
  • A background check was not done thoroughly and they discovered something about the player that caused their removal
  • The player decided to drop out themselves

I'd say the first option is the most likely. I wonder who dropped out. I am hoping that it's one of the people I REALLY didn't like through the initial interviews and not someone I was actually getting excited for.

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