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Love After Lockup Season 4: LIVE CHAT

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

If you’ve been to jail and had a hard life, shouldn’t you have figured out that people aren’t always what they say they are?

Brittany needed a new way to be a victim.

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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

Brittany is in idiot. Let’s just get that out of the way up front.

Which one? Texas or Las Vegas?

Texas - I think it's smart of her to clarify if she goes on the hook for Ray's restitution if she marries him. That is a shitload of money and I wouldn't want to be paying it back for someone else either.

Las Vegas - I feel bad for her. I think she is genuinely trying to live a sober, good life and I think she actually would be a great addictions counselor. Rather than real estate, I'd love to see her get trained in that field. I think she would work really, really well with other addicts and I think she would find the work tremendously rewarding. This former cop they are talking to has terrible people skills too. I get that these two have been swindled and they should have been more careful but geez - does he really need to go out of his way to make them feel even worse? He does everything but straight up say "you two were stupid."


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Just now, Auntie Anxiety said:

If you’ve been to jail and had a hard life, shouldn’t you have figured out that people aren’t always what they say they are?

She's supposed to be so savvy and streetwise, but she hooked her handbag over the back of a chair! Who does that in a restaurant? 

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1 minute ago, Elizzikra said:

Which one? Texas or Las Vegas?

Texas - I think it's smart of her to clarify if she goes on the hook for Ray's restitution if she marries him. That is a shitload of money and I wouldn't want to be paying it back for someone else either.

Las Vegas - I feel bad for her. I think she is genuinely trying to live a sober, good life and I think she actually would be a great addictions counselor. Rather than real estate, I'd love to see her get trained in that field. I think she would work really, really well with other addicts and I think she would find the work tremendously rewarding. This former cop they are talking to has terrible people skills too. I get that these two have been swindled and they should have been more careful but geez - does he really need to go out of his way to make them feel even worse? He does everything but straight up say "you two were stupid."


Which one? Yes.

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3 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

He's not very helpful, is he? "Why didn't you do this? Why didn't you do that?" 

I must say, Brittany looks really good. She has gorgeous skin.

And we know that's her real hair because we've been watching it grow FOR YEARS.

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1 minute ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Brittany is all smiles. $15 an hour, six days a week? She'll have that huge diamond in no time! 

She can wear his restitution receipts on her ring finger.

Did everyone hear her say this for about the 100th time - Brittany works TWO jobs y'all.


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Who is the mouthy chick at this gathering?

Just now, Elizzikra said:

She can wear his restitution receipts on her ring finger.

Did everyone hear her say this for about the 100th time - Brittany works TWO jobs y'all.


Do we know what those jobs are?

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I find myself agreeing with Brittany again this week - it's a lot to sign up for to take on shared responsibility for someone's $143k debt. Even if you do love each other that's a big conversation to have. 

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1 minute ago, Floatingbison said:

143,000,,,, my first house cost $116,000.


The house I'm sitting in now we bought in 1992 for 140K.

Oh dear lord Ray's momma is really something. "Sure, he's an ex-con and owes tens of thousands but she could meet someone worse!". Isn't she a delight? 

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Just now, PrincessPurrsALot said:

Britney was asking, "Will I be legally responsible?"  Ray's family turned it into you should want to pay off his $143K if you love him.  They are the worst,  Usually it's the con, not their family, that is trying to scam someone. 

Wonder how much they are contributing? /rhetorical question

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