BetterButter June 11, 2021 Share June 11, 2021 Nikki Glaser To Host ‘FBoy Island’ Reality Series For HBO Max From ‘The Bachelor’ & ‘Love Is Blind’ EPs Link to comment
BetterButter July 13, 2021 Author Share July 13, 2021 Â Link to comment
Phishbulb July 13, 2021 Share July 13, 2021 (edited) How is this not a fake show Jack Donaghy created on "30 Rock"? Edited July 13, 2021 by Phishbulb 1 11 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy July 30, 2021 Share July 30, 2021 (edited) It's been a while since I've watched a show like this. I love that their jobs are all influencer, content creator, tiktoker, bit coin trader, brand ambassador, image consultant and the blonde has a  goal of "having a brand".  CJ is kind of dim isn't she? The blonde kind of seems dumb too. What was kind of hilarious to me watching that first mixer is they were all gravitating to the fuckboys because they had game and the non-fuckboys were kind of awkward and off-putting. Edited July 30, 2021 by yourmomiseasy 6 Link to comment
LBS July 30, 2021 Share July 30, 2021 I’ve only watched the first two episodes but I’m sold.  When Limbro Island was shown, I howled.  The women are growing on me as they get to know each other more.  And I’m glad I’m married because my picker is off.  I thought for sure the first Fboy was ‘nice’ guy.  The only one I don’t like for sure is Bitcoin Garrett.  I hope he gets voted off soon.   5 Link to comment
LakeGal July 30, 2021 Share July 30, 2021 Sara reminds me of a blonde Selena Gomez. 5 Link to comment
MBJ July 30, 2021 Share July 30, 2021 I love this stupid show. It's the perfect show to watch while I'm working. 3 Link to comment
JLaw July 31, 2021 Share July 31, 2021 On 7/30/2021 at 3:57 AM, yourmomiseasy said: It's been a while since I've watched a show like this. I love that their jobs are all influencer, content creator, tiktoker, bit coin trader, brand ambassador, image consultant and the blonde has a  goal of "having a brand".  CJ is kind of dim isn't she? The blonde kind of seems dumb too. What was kind of hilarious to me watching that first mixer is they were all gravitating to the fuckboys because they had game and the non-fuckboys were kind of awkward and off-putting. I'm 20 mins into the first episode. ALL of these people are dumb. I feel like all the contestants (including our female protagonists) were too dumb to get into the Bachelor franchise. Will this keep me from watching? Of course not 4 4 Link to comment
PokerNerd July 31, 2021 Share July 31, 2021 I am loving Nikki Glaser. She seems to be striking the perfect balance of taking her job seriously while not taking the show or the stakes too seriously. Of course the show is trash, but it's well-produced trash. All the contestants look amazing in and some seem genuinely sweet. It's a bit disappointing that Spoiler The villain Garrett got outed at the end of episode 3, because as villains go, he was pretty enjoyable. He knew he was playing a part and relishing it without being a giant self-entitled asshole It's also refreshing to see guys like Casey deal with the jealousy of seeing their crush date other dudes by understanding that he signed up for a reality show and that's the fucking premise unlike the holiday dating show on HBO Max where some of the contestants got irrationally jealous whenever the main cast was sent on another date. 3 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate July 31, 2021 Share July 31, 2021 I gave the first ep a try, then blazed through the next two and already felt withdrawal when I saw there's no more available! I LOVE IT! My heart breaks a little bit for the "nice" guys in general because of course they're not gonna have traditional "game" and will tend to hesitate a bit rather than coming on too strong. Well, except for firefighter poetry guy. Oh my gravy, that was a whole 'nother level of awkward. I especially felt bad for (from episode 3) Spoiler the snazzily-dressed Wall Street guy who went on the seaside date with CJ. You could tell how nervous he was with the non-stop jokes. I wasn't in love with the way the 3rd elimination went down. When Sara chose to eliminate Spoiler that slimy little Iago guy who's feeding info to CJ, I cheered. I don't like the way the ambiguous save went. Though I did enjoy the smarmy (and physically unattractive imo) bitcoin douchebag being outed. Almost as bizarre an ending as the French guy denying he's an fboy. Assuming the goal is for the ladies to winnow the guys down to just nice guys (the monetary goal is rather vaguely worded), a possible flaw is that CJ seems to actually gravitate towards the fboys. I think the other two women might actually like to meet a nice guy, but she seems to enjoy the attention and flash. Still a hell of an entertaining show. I love the hint of audience involvement in that we can play along and guess who are the fboys. (And their post--elimination refugee camp is cracking me up.) Reminds me of a show from years ago, think it was called Playing it Straight, in which a bunch of men were wooing a bachelor, but only half were gay and the other half straight. Basically, gay for pay on network tv. Can't imagine why that one was canceled. 🙀 6 Link to comment
MBJ August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 The women surprised me the most. I genuinely am STANNING Nakia, I thought that Sarah was boring but she actually seems really smart, and even CJ is winning me over - she's hilarious and I love the analogies she makes. 4 Link to comment
yourmomiseasy August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 (edited) 17 hours ago, JLaw said: I'm 20 mins into the first episode. ALL of these people are dumb. I feel like all the contestants (including our female protagonists) were too dumb to get into the Bachelor franchise. Will this keep me from watching? Of course not I feel like Nakia(?) isn't as dumb as the other two women, but that's not a high bar. IDK, I just have a special dislike for CJ. She's on a show where ostensibly the premise is to not date fuckboys and she's like "you look like you'll ruin my life, I want to date you."  She also gets outraged at the dumbest things. I think she's kind of a fuckgirl. Edited August 1, 2021 by yourmomiseasy 10 Link to comment
tableau vivant August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 On 7/30/2021 at 6:57 AM, yourmomiseasy said: It's been a while since I've watched a show like this. I love that their jobs are all influencer, content creator, tiktoker, bit coin trader, brand ambassador, image consultant and the blonde has a  goal of "having a brand".  Soon enough there will be a shortage of teachers, doctors, chemists, firemen, policemen, nurses, chefs, etc. as these longtime professions fade away. Thank heavens we will have a healthy supply of influencers, brand ambassadors, tik tokkers, content creators and bit coin traders !!! If another pandemic hits us in the future, I won't miss doctors and nurses knowing there are influencers and brand ambassadors standing by.  BTW - could they have chosen three more vapid women as the contestants ? 2 3 Link to comment
MBJ August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 Is it really that generation's fault that they can get paid way more on Instagram? Kim Kardashian is Generation X so I don't exactly blame the youth for trying to capitalize.  1 Link to comment
tableau vivant August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 19 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Is it really that generation's fault that they can get paid way more on Instagram? Kim Kardashian is Generation X so I don't exactly blame the youth for trying to capitalize.  Not at all, but I think what they're missing in the equation is becoming a 'productive person in society' . Earning money is one goal in a career, becoming productive in society is the other - it's nice for them to have a balance of both, don't you think ? That's why in the past decades 'trust fund babies' were encouraged to go out and work a job, even if they didn't need to earn money. For their psychological well-being they felt productive in society and felt 'needed' to be contributing. I'm not sure how 'productive' they are by being a 'brand ambassador', 'social influencer', 'branding themselves' or being a 'tik tok star' ? 1 Link to comment
MBJ August 1, 2021 Share August 1, 2021 (edited) I mean, this is FBoy Island. Maybe Undercover Boss would show you more jobs like that?  I guess I'm really not a capitalist because I find being productive extremely overrated. I had jobs when I was still a child and I don't think it did me any good. Humans were not put on this Earth to work for money. Pretending that all doctors go into the business to NOT make money is also a bit disingenuous. There are also fireWOMEN and policeWOMEN so this is kind of a fantasy world I can't really relate to. Edited August 6, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 2, 2021 Share August 2, 2021 I finally got around to watching this last night. Putting the discarded FBoys in spartan "Limbro" cracks me up! The girls don't seem to actually want nice guys though; they've gotten rid of so many of them in the first 3 days. They should stop and think "Do I think he's hot? Do I think he's charming? He's gotta be an FBoy! Do I think he's weird and awkward and trying too hard? He's gotta be a nice guy." But I guess if they spotted all the FBoys too soon the show would be over too fast. 4 Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 5, 2021 Share August 5, 2021 Just watched the next 3 episodes. Oh, Sarah...Garrett is playing you so hard, and you see it but don't want to admit it.  The guys in Limbro are still hilarious. 6 Link to comment
Dewey Decimate August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 Garrett Scumbag (as opposed to Weird Poetry Garrett in nice guy villa) is just utterly nasty, and Sarah is being aggressively ignorant. If she ends up with him, she deserves what she gets. (Heartbroken, gonorrhea, you name it.) The guy Nakia is into - OG Jared? - I just can't get past those mock turtlenecks and thick necklaces. I keep expecting him to break out into Girl, You Know It's True! Oh yeah, and he's a playa. I don't even like Casey, but wow, what world is CJ living in to report that he put her in her place and said he's the manly boss? He literally kept repeating about it being a two-way street - seems pretty equal to me. And during that (potentially) overnight date when she was on her back, I thought I saw a small scar under her arm, and then realized how naive I am. I assume that's a boob job kind of thing? Josh is definitely the best guy on the island, even from episodes ago, and his getting heated at that rat Chris calling him a bitch just makes him hotter. See, OG Jared, that's how you get properly angry, not just pop off at the drop of a porkpie hat. 3 Link to comment
tableau vivant August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 Are there four episodes all together ? I watched the first mind-numbing one, and haven't bothered with the others. If only three more, maybe I'll finish. Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) There have been 6 episodes so far, 3 each Thursday. The first one was kind of generic, but they get progressively better and weirder. I don't know if they have enough material for another 3 to drop next Thursday, but if they want to start bringing the discarded guys back they could get there. Edited August 6, 2021 by NeenerNeener 3 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 11 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said: I don't even like Casey, but wow, what world is CJ living in to report that he put her in her place and said he's the manly boss? He literally kept repeating about it being a two-way street - seems pretty equal to me. I think she correctly read the subtext there: you don't get to tell me not to be friends with a lying cheating scumbag if that's what I want because you're not the boss of me. And while he has a point, particularly in a real-world relationship setting, in the game setting, she is the boss of him and can choose to send him or anyone else home when she wants to. 6 Link to comment
LakeGal August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 I wondered why they were keeping the guys around at Limbro and the Grotto. I guess it was so Casey could make his great escape and go back to claim CJ. I never did trust Casey. He was almost too good to be true. Plus his close connection to Garrett made him suspicious.  Garrett is so obvious. Sara is an idiot. She really does seem quite dim. The other women have Garrett pegged. But Sara doesn't seem to care. OG Jared has bothered me from the beginning. I didn't care if he was a nice guy or an FBoy. I just did not like him.  All 3 of the women seem to have bad taste. Even when they are told who the FBoys are they don't seem to use that info. They have that idea that maybe they will change and it is a challenge. The Grotto guys might be nice guys. But they sure are messy. Watching them make smoothies was disgusting.  I love NIkki as the host. She always makes me laugh. 4 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 17 minutes ago, LakeGal said: All 3 of the women seem to have bad taste. Even when they are told who the FBoys are they don't seem to use that info. They have that idea that maybe they will change and it is a challenge. I think CJ is the smartest of the three (which. low bar), and she was the only one to basically be like, well, now that I know who the self-proclaimed nice guys are, I am going to focus on nice guys. I would not want to waste my time trying to reform someone who was willing to come on a dating show specifically as a Fboy. 1 Link to comment
MBJ August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) I think it's not that easy for some men to communicate, so I was really unimpressed with the water game. Nakia taking so much pleasure in drowning the men, I don't know how I feel about all of this. It's also really annoying when the women hate the guys becoming friends and getting along. What are they supposed to do on their downtime? Just pine after the women? Ugh. I've never before seen somebody with the ability to look naked every time they're technically wearing "clothes" like C.J. Holy shit, Garrett's girlfriend is LAUREN FROM LAST SEASON OF LOVE ISLAND U.S.A. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edited August 6, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay 2 2 Link to comment
MBJ August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) On 8/5/2021 at 9:47 AM, NeenerNeener said: Just watched the next 3 episodes. Oh, Sarah...Garrett is playing you so hard, and you see it but don't want to admit it.  Seriously what is wrong with her! I also don't get why the women are deliberately choosing to keep any of the FBOYs around. They think that they can change them? Edited August 6, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay 1 Link to comment
MBJ August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) 5 hours ago, NeenerNeener said: There have been 6 episodes so far, 3 each Thursday. The first one was kind of generic, but they get progressively better and weirder. I don't know if they have enough material for another 3 to drop next Thursday, but if they want to start bringing the discarded guys back they could get there. There's two (or three - it's a little confusing because I can't tell which ones are reruns) new episodes listed on my PVR for next Thursday. Edited August 6, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay Link to comment
LakeGal August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 I kept expecting CJ to have a nip slip when she was wearing that white crisscross top. I would have been afraid to move. 2 Link to comment
MBJ August 6, 2021 Share August 6, 2021 (edited) 16 hours ago, Dewey Decimate said:  I assume that's a boob job kind of thing? The boobs are not real and I have my doubts about teeth/lips/nose but I do like her and think she's pretty.... just so much work that is not needed! Edited August 6, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay Link to comment
Dewey Decimate August 7, 2021 Share August 7, 2021 6 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Holy shit, Garrett's girlfriend is LAUREN FROM LAST SEASON OF LOVE ISLAND U.S.A. HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holy crap, I think you're right!! I didn't even recognize her but that was totally her style of talking. (She also appears to have even bigger lips now.) That's a shame, I kind of liked her on LI, but if she's dating Garrett - which is clearly still an ongoing relationship - gross, gross, gross. I wish we saw more of the nice guy with the dapper clothes. I laughed at his line: "Women like men who can bake - it shows you know how to follow directions." 4 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt August 7, 2021 Share August 7, 2021 10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Seriously what is wrong with her! I also don't get why the women are deliberately choosing to keep any of the FBOYs around. They think that they can change them? A few possibilities: 1. Like you said, the women might think they can reform the Fboys into nice guys. 2. There really isn't a choice since there were like only 4 nice guys if I'm counting right: Chaun, New Jared, Fernando and Josh. There were like 11 guys so even if they ditched like half of the herd, there would still be some Fboys in the mix. 3. The girls are realistic and not looking for love despite the premise of the show and are just looking to hook up, so might as well have fun hookups. 4. The producers made them keep the worst Fboys (Garrett, Collin and OG Jared) for teh drama! 3 Link to comment
zenithwit August 7, 2021 Share August 7, 2021 Not going to lie, I love this show! In general, I like it when a show doesn't take itself too seriously and the editors are in on the joke. Also, Nikki Glaser is the perfect host and I hope she gets more hosting opportunities out of this. I always smile when she says "Fboy, FBye!" Did I miss what is happening with the money at the end of this? It's been pretty ambiguous, right? I'm guessing it will be something along the lines of the girls pick their final guy and then the show will ask the guys if they want to split the money with the girls or take the money and run. Kinda surprised that we haven't heard much from the contestants about the money aspect so far. 11 hours ago, LakeGal said: I kept expecting CJ to have a nip slip when she was wearing that white crisscross top. I would have been afraid to move. Nakia was also sporting some underboob in one episode. I didn't realize that underboob is now in fashion. I clearly need to get with the times. 5 Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 7, 2021 Share August 7, 2021 10 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said: 21 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Seriously what is wrong with her! I also don't get why the women are deliberately choosing to keep any of the FBOYs around. They think that they can change them? A few possibilities: 1. Like you said, the women might think they can reform the Fboys into nice guys. 2. There really isn't a choice since there were like only 4 nice guys if I'm counting right: Chaun, New Jared, Fernando and Josh. There were like 11 guys so even if they ditched like half of the herd, there would still be some Fboys in the mix. 3. The girls are realistic and not looking for love despite the premise of the show and are just looking to hook up, so might as well have fun hookups. 4. The producers made them keep the worst Fboys (Garrett, Collin and OG Jared) for teh drama! Option 5. All of the above. It's all about manufactured drama and getting more camera time for the girls and the FBoys. And with more camera time comes the hope of more sponsors and followers after the show. Link to comment
SHD August 9, 2021 Share August 9, 2021 On 7/13/2021 at 6:08 PM, Phishbulb said: How is this not a fake show Jack Donaghy created on "30 Rock"? This is brilliant. And correct. This show understands and embraces its stupidity, which I admire. It makes me wish Nikki Glaser had taken over the Bachelor/Bachelorette franchise after Chris Harrison left. Her or Amy Schumer (who would've also made a good host for this show). 3 Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 9, 2021 Share August 9, 2021 I just thought to check The Futon Critic web site for this coming says we get episodes 107 - 110 at 3:01 am on August 12th. Woo hoo! 1 Link to comment
MBJ August 10, 2021 Share August 10, 2021 3 hours ago, NeenerNeener said: I just thought to check The Futon Critic web site for this coming says we get episodes 107 - 110 at 3:01 am on August 12th. Woo hoo! Awesome thank you. Link to comment
yourmomiseasy August 11, 2021 Share August 11, 2021 I don't like Nikki Glaser. She's no Iain Stirling (narrator for Love Island UK).   1 Link to comment
NeenerNeener August 12, 2021 Share August 12, 2021 (edited) So I watched episode 10 first. Spoiler Garrett and Sarah are exactly who I thought they are. ETA: now that I think about it, the ending was just too perfect and I suspect it was all arranged with the contestants. One girl picked a nice guy and split the money, one girl picked an FBoy and he split the money with her, and the last girl picked an FBoy and he opted to dump her and keep the money.  Edited August 13, 2021 by NeenerNeener 1 2 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt August 13, 2021 Share August 13, 2021 So I felt like the series was probably stretched out a little more than I would have liked. I don't know if I love the notion of the game being changed up at the end. If they told the f-boys that they would keep the money and then they were like psyche, it goes to charity not you! I do admit to being curious if any of the couples stayed together or if any other romances popped off. If/when they do a second season of this, it will change the dynamic that fboys know that is a probable outcome. Better to feign wanting the relationship and get your $50k then break up immediately after, than to go for $100k that you may or may not get. I don't think one can be so naive to think that each girl ended up with a nice guy and a fboy in their final two by organic chance. I hope Garrett and Casey have a long bro-filled life together. 2 Link to comment
ZeeEnnui August 13, 2021 Share August 13, 2021 Was it just me or did it bother anyone else that Casey was able to pull a Prison Break from Limbro, and there wasn't ever any drama about whether the show's producers -- who were totally scripting this -- would take Casey back to douchebag prison to lift prop island weights? If nothing else, I would have thought Nikki would have showed up at the girls villa to make some jokes at Casey's expense (and not waited till elimination). "Boyfriend dick!" I love this show so much.... 8 Link to comment
MBJ August 14, 2021 Share August 14, 2021 (edited) This show, mostly Sarah, made me soooooooooooooooooooo mad. It was so hard for me to watch ALL 3 HOURS OF THE END without coming here to angrily post here and thereby being spoiled. Omg Sarah. Omg. Garrett is a total forever fuck boy. Garrett is a huge red flag in a person. Does anyone know the term "negging"? It's when a man consistently puts you down or makes you feel like you constantly have to impress HIM and win him over. All of Garrett's language was like this. It was textbook pick up artist, it was textbook negging. He was so manipulative, he was such an asshole. He wasn't even hiding it! It also makes me not like or trust Casey/Male CJ because he liked Garett so much. Sarah just upset me so much. If I was friends with her, I don't know if I'd be able to handle it, because I'd just be internally screaming.  Going towards the end and not knowing who Sarah was going to pick I finally had to force myself to think, okay the only way I can understand this is if all 3 women were paid/forced to keep 1 FBoy around. But then Sarah chose him in the end. Oh . My. good. Lord. My heart rate was going crazy throughout all 3 episodes without even knowing the outcome. Sarah was still giggling like a dumb schoolgirl all throughout Garrett's final speech before the big reveal as if his FBoy tendencies are just so charming and adorable.  God do I hate Garrett and god do I hate his face. I don't even find him remotely good looking and I feel so bad for the women who are somehow snowed by this, what the fuck?  Casey/Male CJ looks like Shia LaBeouf. And he kind of reminds me of Ozzy Lusth. It was also so hard for me when Colin said that Nakia made the right decision and that he was still leaving an FBoy. He snowed me. I thought that he really liked her . Unless he was just trying to save face. Even though CJ veered into almost as bad as Sarah territory, I come away from the show really overall enjoying CJ and Nakia. They were enjoyable TV. Happy for CJ. I hope Sarah gets therapy. OG Jared is hilarious because he doesn't act like a Fuckboy at all. He just acts like a grumpy annoyed introvert. I found that really funny. Nakia and OG Jared kind of came out of nowhere for me. I don't know. I didn't even realize throughout the show that they liked each other so much. Nikki Glaser did a great job and exceeded my expectations.  I started out loving the show but I was so angry throughout all those last 3 hours because I felt like all the women were just there to choose FBOYs. I'm not judging, because I get it, but - IT'S THE WHOLE CONCEPT OF THE SHOW. Sarah even says "I'm done with the players" in the opening of the show. Then what the fuck! How funny and completely depressing that the show had to dangle $100,000 in front of the women in order to get them to NOT pick an FBOY. And 2 of them still did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love when the women showed love and respect to each other and I love when Fernando was rattling off his accomplishments and one of the guys (Josh?) said "TELL 'EM NANDO!!!!!!!" Fernando teaching me vocabulary. Lugubrious.  HBO Canada REALLY fucked up the listings. I'm sorry for anyone who followed it because you would have missed episodes. I decided to tape everything whether it was marked rerun or new and I got everything, except the last part where Nikki was saying goodbye to everyone. HBO Canada is a fucking mess. Edited August 14, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay 8 Link to comment
MBJ August 14, 2021 Share August 14, 2021 Clearly only a handful of us know/care about this show but I still have more to say - LOL. I don't know how old the three women were but it would be hilarious (to me) if they had women 30+ on the show and then when Nikki announces who all the FBoys are they'd be immediately dismissed. LOL that's my fantasy of how it would go, anyway. 1 2 Link to comment
leocadia August 14, 2021 Share August 14, 2021 16 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said: Omg Sarah. Omg. Garrett is a total forever fuck boy. Garrett is a huge red flag in a person. At the end when everyone was "shocked" I just laughed. Shocked by what? He's been the same person the whole way through, he never seemed believable when he talked about his "walls" or how much he liked Sara. What made it even more laughable is that he A) isn't super attractive enough to have that attitude and B) He was terrible at faking a connection. Despite Casey making the "right" choice at the end, his love and endless support of Garrett should have gotten him booted a lot earlier.  7 Link to comment
legxleg August 14, 2021 Share August 14, 2021 (edited) Oh, Sarah. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. People told you what he was *so many times*. And I completely agree with the person upthread who talked about negging - all that stuff where Garret was like, I'm not sure if you're adventurous enough for me, do you really think you could keep up with me in bed - barf. It's just a power play to turn Sarah being chased to the one who is chasing him and his approval. But Sarah fell for it and was like, no, hey, I'm adventurous! I'm so adventurous! It's sad, but she's young. Everyone misjudges people. Hopefully she'll grow and learn. And hopefully people give Garret a wide berth. The thing that most surprised me was the little card at the end saying that Garret and Casey haven't spoken since the show ended. And Garret was going to spend the money on Casey moving out to LA? I'm thinking that part isn't true, but it's fun to imagine it is, because then it would truly make Casey the king fuckboy - the one who fucked over the fuckboy, all bromance when he thinks he's getting a place to stay/money to help with his move, and ghosting when the moving money falls through. Seriously though, I am surprised they didn't stay friends - curious why that happened. You'd think they'd at least text.  Edited August 15, 2021 by legxleg 1 6 Link to comment
MBJ August 14, 2021 Share August 14, 2021 (edited) 14 minutes ago, legxleg said: The thing that most surprised me was the little card at the end saying that Garret and Casey haven't spoken since the show ended. And Garret was going to spend the money on Casey moving out to LA? I'm thinking that part isn't true, but it's fun to imagine it is, because then it would truly make Casey the king fuckboy - the one who fucked over the fuckboy, all bromance when he thinks he's getting a place to stay/money to help with his move, and ghosting when the moving money falls through. Seriously though, I am surprised they didn't stay friends - curious why that happened. You'd think they'd at least text. LOL, thanks. My episode was cut off so I missed this, but I'm PVRing the rerun (and adding extra time) tonight. Edited August 14, 2021 by Ms Blue Jay 1 Link to comment
coconutcookie August 15, 2021 Share August 15, 2021 CJ's face looks so much like bachelorette Kaitlyn that it's distracting. 1 Link to comment
MMLEsq August 16, 2021 Share August 16, 2021 On 8/14/2021 at 5:43 PM, legxleg said: Oh, Sarah. Sarah, Sarah, Sarah. People told you what he was *so many times*.   "When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time." -- Maya Angelou.  "When someone tells you who they are (f-boy) AND he shows you who he is (f-boy) AND everyone else tells you who he is (f-boy), go running as fast as you can in the other direction." -- MMLEsq 4 2 Link to comment
Chicago Redshirt August 16, 2021 Share August 16, 2021 I didn't watch the entirety of the last episode or two, so I wasn't sure:Â Was it implied that Sarah slept with Garrett? I did catch that CJ was shown in bed the morning after with New Jarrett and I think Casey, Sarah was shown in bed the next morning with her Nice Guy, but I didn't remember or process who else got bed privileges. Link to comment
BetterButter August 18, 2021 Author Share August 18, 2021 HBO Max gives FBOY Island a second season, believes he's really a nice guy once you get to know him 3 Link to comment
PokerNerd August 22, 2021 Share August 22, 2021 On 8/13/2021 at 9:03 AM, Chicago Redshirt said: I don't know if I love the notion of the game being changed up at the end. If they told the f-boys that they would keep the money and then they were like psyche, it goes to charity not you! Justice for Garrett! He's an asshole, but he played the game according to the rules he was given and he picked the girl stupid enough to fall for it. I get that Josh wasn't that exciting, but you can guarantee yourself $50K rather than picking red flag in frat bro form Garrett. I do like the way the producers manipulated the megadates to give the fboys the best shot possible. I'm curious about the alternate reality were Josh gets to jet pack and Garrett gets peed on by bats in a cave. 1 1 Link to comment
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